Invasion ch 8: Birthday Slaveprize

Story by FluffyPony on SoFurry

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#3 of Invasion

Another work for VideoGame30 typed with the help of summerheart, nocturnal_lupus, and chibisuke.

Ch. 8 Birthday Slaveprize!

Jay didn't awaken until sometime later, covered by an overpowering musk of dirty horse from the goo now dried on his skin like a like a lizard or snakes' husk of dead molting flakes. As gross as it felt, it was probably just fine where it was. He found himself turning around in the bed and fouling it with stale dried chips, suddenly at a loss.

The place was as memorable as always: his master's bedroom with its bed, false panorama window and simple chest at the foot of the bed where the stallions' spare uniforms and uniform-loincloths were kept. There was just one glaring issue with such an idyllic paradise: Pahygzes wasn't here, as Jay had awoken alone and quivered for the overpowering males' touch like a sputtering candle flame.

It was that point when he truly understood how much the macho horse meant to him. A room without Pahgyzes in it worried the human with a flood of sinking panic and anxiety he couldn't understand or put reason to. It was like he had become undeniably addicted to the alien. And worse than that, felt horny just thinking about his ivory benefactor and couldn't masturbate thanks to that ill thought promise in which he had made the night before in what he'd colorfully call a moment of duress and disadvantage. Every so often, his hand would creep down to his crotch in a moment of weakness and threaten to violate his oath to the one he gave up his freedom and privacy to willingly.

He found himself yawning, staring at the plain ceiling in boredom with his genitals covered by a thin sash of sheet to keep the temptation of self pleasure out of his mind. Some time soon, his attention was captured by the door opening. Pahygzes came inside naked and casual as a leader can get with with a goofy buck-toothed horsey smile on his lips and an erratic joyful sway of his silvery tail. "I went though your goverments' records last night after my discussion with...Hav-the emperor, and made an interesting discovery." His master offers happily, only confusing the human.

Jay did his best to remember, but this week was a blurry mess that he had trouble making sense of. "I don't understand." Was all he could say. Nothing conveniently coming to remind him. There was Thanksgiving and Christmas, but he doubted either were very close unless he had slept far longer than he had intended. It didn't really matter though, as his stallion was back and his bad feelings were going away like a bogeyman banished by a bright light. Whatever the master had to say it would just be a new delight on top of being within his loving warm presence like a sexy demigod.

Pahgyzes was smiling down on him, laying on the bed all nice and expectantly but full of patience. "Lovely,- if the official record is correct, this is your birthday. My kind don't care much about such anniversaries, choosing to celebrate lifecycle milestones instead. But... since I know how special it is to you humans, I arranged a present you'll be very pleased with. We leave in a moment after I give you the gift I forgot about last time." As Jay's heart raced with excitement and surprise, the white horse dug around In his chest until he found something small and pink. The human recognized it almost immediately as a pink thong with a frilly miniskirt sewn to it; very cute and by now, he'd gotten used to wearing such things to please his owner. "It will be fun to watch my pretty pet turn jealous male's heads!" Pahygzes snickered, handing the lingerie to the blushing Jay.

With something fun to look forward to, he tossed the sheet to the side and stood up. Giving his owner a good view of his scrawny ass and balls as he bent forward to put this new clothing on. The first impression he got was was how loose and breezy they were while covering the right parts. "Where did you get these?"Jay whispers shyly, trying his best to admire the panties without a handy mirror in the room. Given that he was a guy, he was young and slender enough to look good as a woman if his hair was a big longer and he could avoid the telltale traces of manly hair in other places. The horses didn't seem bothered by fuzz on the chest or face since they were covered in tangling forests of it, but Jay wanted to look the part and undoubtedly needed a shave.

It took a moment to be settled in with the new look and they were headed out into the hallway like so many times before, nothing wierd to distract as the cargo area and its many small transport ships came into sight like countless grey slugs the size of three jeeps crushed together into one mass. He let his master go inside first and promptly sat in the horses' giant lap ever content and lazy like a cat as he got idle rubs in his short unevenly cut hair. "Feel free to sleep, pretty. It'll be an hour befre we get there."Jay only nods tiredly, his upper body and head in the horses lap with his lower torso on two nearby seats to the left.

He awoke in confusion as Pahygzes awoke him from a shallow nap that left a heaviness in his body and a sour alkaline taste in his mouth. It was just an hour past, why was it night out? By all indications it should have still been in morning hours yet here was a moon and stars in an ebony shroud. "Where are we?" He asks lightly, not afraid but very disorientated. There was only one reason why it was dark out, and that was because they had gone to the other side of the planet where it would still be night.

The horse continued to stroke around on Jay's head like he was some placid mute animal, soft eyes lost in casual thoughts. At first he thought he hadn't been heard, but the horse spoke up. "This is Spain. We decided to put it here, because of the pretty landscape and showy culture."That was one question solved and another unknown put on the table; put WHAT here? And when he was going to ask, he got his answer: 'Slaveland'.

It was the strangest thing he'd ever seen, considering all the other fucked up sexual sights Jay had witnessed. A humongous theme park with countless rides all focused on kinky sexy things. If such a thing were proposed and built in a strictly human society, some conservative or modest nutjob would do their best to burn it down in the name of god or some other nonsense in the same way that abortion clinics are bombed. "This pretty one, is your present. A whole night doing and riding whatever you want." The words of his master exploded into a kind of giddy place in his heart as he looked out the front pilot windshield at the animated spinning light show of rainbows below. Memories flooded through him of times well spent on carousels, ferris wheels, and other timeless triumps of the bold who dared feel fear surge through the body like cold lightning. Pahygzes wasn't giving him a tangible gift, he was offering the chance to relive all the wild hopes in his youth like it was yesterday.

For a while, he was lost in his emotions of tenderness to react. How long had it been since he went to a theme park? At least a decade surely, and the occasional country fair didn't count. When they touched down in an empty parking lot nearby and the ramp had been lowered, he saw the Silhouettes of hundreds of shadows moving through the well-lit grounds of the park and was mildly surprised. Not that Jay was selfish to think he might get the place all to himself, but he didn't put it past Pahygzes in pursuit of a romantic gesture. Besides, having the park filled up by other persons gave it an authentic, if claustrophobic appearance.

As much as he disliked being crowded and crammed, it couldn't be worse than the slave Spring break they had attended a few days before; the light-hearted sexuality of the poignant past event already making him horny again. Suddenly without thinking about it, a kind of snuggly mood overcame him and he attacked Pahygzes with a hug, warm face buried in a warm white tail and buttocks like a lumpy packed pillow as his hands were unable to clasp all the way around such wide hips and only just managed to touch the front portion of the stallion's impressive pelvis on either side. The horse stiffened, more reflexively than anything else since the act came unexpectedly, especially since before, Jay had no habit of randomly grabbing his master. He could tell that if Pahygzes were a bit more wild, he would have been kicked for his trouble, but the stallion was irreversibly kind and gentle no matter what inexplicable annoyances came his way, and the human couldn't tell how much of that was military training or the way the horse creatures had evolved.

Listening to a faint whisper of music coming from the faraway park grounds allowed him to realize that the horse's weren't just fervently into Latin genre, but had a wide appetite for all kinds of musical styles such as "hot ride" by The Prodigy, the song getting louder with every step towards the front gates and their neon signs that could be seen for miles. Just as normal as could be, every ride also had its own bright epileptic light show of multi-colored lights and electric displays, but he knew that given the owners of such a place, there would be nothing else normal about these attractions.

Nearing the park, he could see everyone was naked, and he felt comparatively overdressed--and still quite cold--in just a girlish thonged skirt. Overhead clouds threatened either rain or snow, and though Winter should have been more Severe in Europe at this time of year, the worst thing he might have to contend with was a damp chilly wind coming through the area every five minutes or so; nothing serious enough to really warrant moderation, but Jay had less of a tolerance for cold than most people on average. Still, it takes more than bad weather to ruin his curiosity, and he badly wanted to see what hypersexual enterprising horses would come up with in the premise of thrill rides for horny customers with holes to fill.

Since this was mostly a place for female horses of a young age to gather and get stuffed, it brought a new and ironic meaning to 'filly'. As techno from dozens of concealed speakers got louder with each step, it soon gained enough vigor to incite him into a kind of dance; passionate beats of tonal energy flowing through his body like light with an intensity that destroyed all self-consciousness in the process.

The closest three rides he could see had already started: a ferris wheel five stories high, a spinning swing set, and a giant spinning tank tread with flipping triangular compartments with alien number designations. So far everything looked the same as he remembered from before or had seen in photographs. By now, the song had ended and another took its place like strangers waiting in line for a bank teller, but it stuck in his head the whole time with a nagging knack of catchiness. The song probably sounded so great because it was an animated exhilerating song meant for thrill rides, so in a way, it shouldn't have been much of a surprise that he kept playing it in his head well after its leaving the airwaves into a memory. Memories; wasn't that all anything he had known in the past ultimately was?

This was his master's second public appearance that Jay was aware of, but there was no indication any guards would come by to escort them through the crowds, which actually confused him a bit. It took him a moment to realize that they were anonymous in this place and unrecognizeable except for his rank-specific collar, but impressions proved that stallions rarely checked such things unless looking for a mount they were allowed to plow.

He quickly learned later on that all mares did not feel the same way; gossipy things who loved sex as much as drama, but it couldn't really be helped since that was how they were. As the stallion at the gate let them through without much more inspection than an uninterested passover, a few lone mares HAD caught sight of his special collar and started whispering in a manner that made him fill with apprehension. Because he was still anatomically and mentally male, he was at a loss how to behave in social circumstances where he was apparently having shit talked about him like the new unpopular girl at school. If those were other guys, he'd tell them to go fuck off, but since this was a situation that called for more ladylike tact, he was at a loss how to deal with it.

Thankfully it turned out that he didn't have to do anything if a good man-er-horse was watching over him like a noble angel without wings. Jay was awed as Pahygzes stood up in front of him and favored those busty females with a glare. "If you are all so bored with the rides here that you need to spread rumors like old nags, then I'll be more than happy to give a ride not one of you will forget." The big stallion warns meaningfully with a casual pat of a full bulging crotch, scaring them off into the crowds like a flock of crows.

Dropping to his knees, he couldn't sigh in relief fast enough. A nauseating feeling started deep in his bowels and would have gotten worse if the awkward event hadn't been diffused like the proverbial bomb. The horse twisted at his waist, managing to stay standing where he was while looking outwards and reaching a hand behind without a glance like a steadfast soldier. "Sweety, are you okay?" He rumbles out deeply, voice taking on a strange gruff undertone. Jay hesitated, looking up nervously.

Then he grabbed the giant hand with its five tiny hoof fingernails with a thin smile. "Yeah. I didn't have anyone to look out for me. All my battles were on my shoulders alone." When he didn't get a response, he got confused and looked up. The truth of it came in the green eyes of his master: he wouldn't be alone in his struggles anymore now that he had someone to watch over him like a comrade; like a giant fuzzy friend. Until this point, he thought that all Pahygzes' dedication ended at the threshold of the ship's bedroom. Jay hadn't realized that this relationship went much deeper than simple love and respect. "What do you want to go on first?" The human asks, trying to recover from his dumbstruck silliness.

His master took an intense sweeping glance of the rides, hunting for something in particular it seemed. Finally his concentrationful studious face brightened considerably when his eyes locked on something in the far left and led the way. "Every time we set up one of these theme parks, it is always like a maze since we don't have everything set up the same way. In any case, I have found it. Let us begin with one of my favorites and a rare ride a stallion can ride without--ahm. . .backseat passengers." Jay didn't quite know what that last comment meant until they got to something called 'the tunnel of lust'; a ride just as grey, dull, and boring-looking as the others. He looked into one of the double-seated pink arrow boats and saw that one half was an empty seat, but the other--the one he assumed he would be sitting on--had an eight inch dildo coming coming out of the painted wood where his ass would be. Did Pahygzes infer that nearly every attraction here incorporated some kind of penetration?

A strange nation, but he didn't put it past these lustful horny creatures from a distant world. The greater irony was that they were replacing the values of violence that humans felt such great respect for, and in substitution putting in Ehlosian sex, lust, and ending problems through the art of sexual compromise. To say horses were like a kind of Politboro diminished their value and influence, but the similarities couldn't be discounted.

Once they had gotten to the enterance on the other side, Jay was greeted by a humorous, if literal sign somewhat like the normal ones he was used to seeing: an anthro mare bent over showing off a gaping pussy and anus with the words 'you must be this slutty to ride' written at the top. A bit odd of a representation, but he didn't think it would be too difficult to get on this ride, and he was sure Pahygzes would be nice enough to help him 'get off.' He giggled to himself, amused at that double-entondre silliness as his master smiled and pats him on the head like a good dog at its master's side.

It was a wonderful place for an adult. If not because of the hundreds of female bodies and their leaky folded pussies in constant heat, then for the cavalcade of erotic horsey smells of anus, vagina, and cum so uniquely equine by the sway of their sweetened scents of musk as though bathing and perfume had been forbidden. Inhaling deeply all those things into his being, he couldn't help missing the conversation his master had with the ride operator as Jay flushed with lust and grew very tempted to play with his cock; which pressed against his panties begging for a rub. "Do you have a prep saddle?" His master asks, in return getting a nod from this strange horse as the Pinto ducks behind for a bit and drapes the leather saddle thing over the fence like a drying brown towel. Four stirrups with cuffs were attached to the very narrow well-worn and scuffed seat. As much as it looked like tanned leather, it didn't have the right smell, which meant it was artificial. Before Jay knew what was happening, Pahygzes had Jay's small body lifted and carefully dumped doubled over on this strange faux riding contraption with his barely covered skirted butt raised in the air for easy molestation even as the white-maned horse now kneels at his rear with silky hot hands and breath fondling all over it with impatient lust. "Do you need a squirt tube?" The other horse asks, getting a marbled erection and putting it before the human's face to lick on and taste. He found himself blushing and obeying, his mouth quickly filling up with pre as though being sprayed in the face with a salty garden hose of warm water. He jumps forward suddenly, feeling a hot tongue scrape against his nether star. "That's alright-- I prefer to use my own." His master chuckles, strong grips on both buttocks to separate them away from the hidden jewel between and digging at it with his wet organ like a slithery shovel the width of a leaf. Big heads, bodies, and everything else: all horses made him feel helplessly small like a baby. "Though, now you have made me curious. What is today's lube, mare or stallion one or two?" The ivory giant remarks thoughtfully, his great noble head still bowed in Jay's crack and tasting him out. None of that made any sense to him, but it didn't have to. Each time something was said or done and he couldn't understand, he just assumed that he wasn't supposed to, leaving the horses to their jaunty conversations. Despite talking in English instead of their own language of grunting syllables, it was still difficult to comprehend mainly because of their strange code-words. mare or stallion what? As always, he was left intensely curious to the meaning. Jay continued to squirm in eager surprised lust as his master took the most intimate privacy from his very being like it were of the most natural thing. In this new world order, licking the wanton bared anus probably was; The devilish horse teasing Jay to new levels of pleasure through his ass alone. "It's Vaginal. We managed to find some volunteers willing to donate." The operator snickers; his cock still teasing the human's mouth like a giant slimy pacifier. Then it was over as he got put back on his feet with a friendly grope to the butt, pre dribbling on his chin. Give me a vial for the ride, then. I know how to use a mare's smell." Pahygzes snickers, leading Jay by his arm like a prom date. The big white horse accepted the vial right as they came to the first boat, inviting his pet to taking a seat first. He could see by the way that the dildo bobbed up and down to the flow of the water that this would be quite the rough ride. No matter what delicate careful way he went about doing it, it would be a hard time going up is butt-- which was a good reason for his master to suddenly toss him in such a way as to be abruptly impaled with a sudden gasp. "There, now. Are you ready to go?" Pahygzes hops in the boat, making it pitch side to side in such a way that the cold metal dong idly fucks and wags in his ass like a tail. Once it was firmly in him, a new attitude without nervousness found him. Though incredibly horny, the heat of that horse and all that welcoming naked fur made him far more cuddly than libdo could interrupt; leaning on his master in a blissful relaxed manner even as he got indistinguishable horse noises as the looming widow's peak entrance loomed three or so feet ahead with a dim darkness that slowly revealed a subdued and faint pink light within as if it were a purplish sunset on a day in Spring. With the growing chill of a Winter night coming on their heels, it was good his master was so snug and toasty to offset some of that looming chill with the threat of snow in the gray dusty clouds above. His head was nestled against firm ribs that tucked under an armpit while the low lullaby of a romantic song serenaded them. Eyes soon cleared in the rosy lights to realize that the moving shapes weren't robotic: they were partnered horses in various positions of sex, and moving so slow and teasingly as to prolong the act for eternity assuming that they never got tired. "Just ignore them and pretend you're watching various pornos at an adult arcade. This ride is all about us, they're just here to get us in the mood." Pahygzes whispers, taking the vial of mare juice and opens it to spill some across his nose and responding immediately with a haste of horniness. His big cock was out and hard as his lips and nose crinkled back to better enjoy the smell of heat. Then the same was done for jay, leaving him in a perpetual sea of powerful hormones. Uncontrollable lust took over him, which only made things more intense. He had been conditioned to love having things up his butt, though now he found himself badly in need of shooting a blast or two as a sudden fire raced through his veins and made and made him no better than any other stallion who had urges to stake in any random mare that could be found. Ultimately, the only real difference was a major one: he was still a pet under the ownership of such a horse. He was horny but very reserved and respectful in the essence of his master. No matter how much cuddling and affection was shared, Jay couldn't shake off the creeping hemlock of numbing cold as it tingled through his bare skin and started the human on an involuntary series of shivers. The ship had been warm, but it seemed only the horses could handle nudity during winter months, and how horrid an ache such weather put into the flesh as if icicle daggers to the bone. Picking up on that problem with a startling sensitivity, Jay found himself lifted off the dildo onto Pahygzes' lap with a dick right between his legs like a jet plane joystick; a hot intensity of skin on fur contact translating itself through his butt and back as two wide white muscular arms were now clasped about his chest like a kind of fuzzy seat belt. The equine warmth flowing through his body was tender and joyous: a special moment he never wanted to see an end to. Such glowing candor and wordless praise often reminded him of the dumber horses he'd taken care of, but to be fair, no humbler show of love can be found than that of an animal's. For the duration of the ride, they were seated locked together sucking down the hanging the fumes of sticky mare which still lingered on both noses like fresh hay mingled with sea salt. Just locked in embrace for the duration of the ride, it ended much too fast. Perhaps the strangest detail was in how they remained satisfied and calm despite not having an orgasm. It was more likely due to that all-controlling fancy known as love, for it had a way of melting all shapes of savagery--including those very elements most partial to rape or taking a partner by force. Making a choice for the next ride actually prove very difficult, considering most of the rest of the rides were far more intense than the one they had just gotten off of. Aside from a sharp increase of speeds, there was also the positioning and size parameters of the dildoes to take into account. Perhaps irony, the next ride Jay had set his thoughts to was the carousel, even though it actually proved vastly different than the more traditional setup he'd been used to seeing. Since no one knew what a horse was, most carousels had been designed with other non extinct animals instead to fill the gap. He'd seen giant dogs or cats, or even a zoo worth of exotic animals (minus zebras). On this carousel, with its gray plant materials, were 10 or so tiny replica alien warships with fake dildoes that popped in and out of a slim contoured seat. It took a moment to notice the pattern of the thrusts: there was none; it was slow but completely random. Actually, that was perfect as sex itself wasn't scripted or programmed, but went with the whims of the male. Every one of the ships had a toy popping out, so it would be a ride that Pahygzes avoided if for no other reason than most stallions hated getting anal. They get stuck in line for half an hour--apparently this was a popular ride with all mares--but at least the wait gave them plenty of time to talk and cuddle some more. Nearly every direction he looked, there was a round female ass or delicious pair of fuzz-covered breasts. A bright purple butt and a glittery tail had actually caught most of his attention; the owner impatiently dancing in place to the music with an unhaltered excitement matched only by the sudden puddle of fluids made by her fluent sex. She lifted her tail to reveal a violet volcano. Maybe to cool off or attract some attention from any gawking stud, he wasn't sure. It was just something sexy to occupy his attention and offer a reminder of where they were. "I could get you a purple one if you wanted." His master breathes calmly into his ear, well aware of what the human had been staring at for at least ten minutes. "All these sexy creature surrounding us would drive all self-control out of a lesser beast than either of us." Jay knew the stallion was right on both counts, and this deep purple beauty had likely than flashing at the white sex machine to get his attention. Though the cold had done something fierce to his body, that didn't stop him from continuing to lust after her, or indeed, anyone else that caught his eye like some Amsterdam window displays of prostitutes. "Do you think she would mind us sharing her, daddy?" Jay whispers, totally shy to speak up too loudly in this place. Even if the horses were boisterous and lacked any meaning of subtlety, some social graces were difficult to remove out of the human. He could tell by the hungry expression of his master that the idea had impressed on the sexy creature a wide array of kinky delights to look into. It was as Jay expected, a reaction far from damning or discouraging. They had all of the same passions and wanted to fill them in the same manner. He get a casual pat on his head and could just feel that horse smiling. "Sharing is no bad thing. It really more depends on how much of her humanity is left to see how this all works out." An odd choice of words, considering there was little human leftover in the transformation. Not even the tiny telltale human cock, or the narrower hips of a human-turned-horse remained as an indication of this mare's past, though Jay certainly knew no mare on earth was genuine as all the aliens that had immigrated were male. By now, enough folks had progressed up the line that there were now places for him and others nearby to get on. Pahygzes, true to his word, did not get on the carousel. It wasn't hard to imagine why, as an attendant wiped down gleaming gold poles poking out of the seats with mild alcohol, sanitizing them for the next bunch of riders. Each of the holes poked out at various Heights, giving some hint as to their length and how much they might jump out once the riding commenced. He hesitates a moment in deciding to take the best seat in the house: the shaft right behind that squishy chubby purple horse butt. The mare impales her pussy onto a rod eight inches high and two wide, her tail askew to the side to show off the bottom of her anus like a wrinkled plum seen from above and missing its stem. By now, Jay had become quite an admirer of equine anus it wasn't difficult at all to imagine sliding up right into her butt and giving it quite the lusty thrashing. Because his butt wasn't used the constant pounding of abuse from multiple suitors, he really had to take his own dildo with patience so as to not be hurt. There was enough lube still on him to make the steady up and down motion easily bearable, but the real issue lay in the thickness, as he was still doing his best to get used to things thicker than a normal man's cock--the same girth of his master's fingers as it happened. He gasps as the wide round bedpost head slips into the human's pass easily like hard water, cold metal pushing against his prostate with every little movement of his body. Finished, he took his time admiring that round butt and the decent-sized golden shaft now buried in her pussy and causing it to drip in a steady drizzle of her sexual fluids. Her anus twinkles like a violet star under the dull hanging light from the carnival as her breasts are smothered neatly around another pole that supports both the ride and rider like a skewer. Jay had a hard time not imagining her lovely tits around his small but eager shaft. In fact, her candle eyes and beauty was so tantalizing, he forgot what he was going to ask her for in the first place. "Hey! My stallion noticed your interest in him. He wants to know if you want to come back with us for sex." She twists around, the proposition unexpected as she stares at his face in confusion, and then, a simmering look of defiant hatred. Jay assumed he'd been rude or said something wrong. " So. . . you're the admiral's mare. The one I heard doesn't have to eat those evil pills." Initially he had been stunned by the smoldering anger behind those words, nervously looking to the side to avoid her hard eyes. "It's not fair. Who arbitrarily decides who can be human or a mare?!" He had nothing to offer, little more than a pretty trophy for his master to show off. The brief conversation ended like that, since he had nothing to say; the music and ride starting up and making everyone--including himself--gasp as the metal things in their holes moved in either direction with the sudden jerk that quickly smoothed itself out into casual gentle fucking. With the flood of pleasure in his ass and a lovely purple rump to stare at for the ride as he strokes himself through the panties, Jay forgets the anxiety and miserable feelings he got from that uncomfortable question while getting lost in the sexual delirium of getting fucked by a gentle and tireless machine. The fact the steel dildo wasn't shaped like a horse's organ didn't bother him, as the sensation of it thrusted inside him and made his anus bounce up and down on it as it moved. The cold air passes through his short hair and caused a shiver to come through his body like ice. He goes up and down on the pole as his eyes catch Pahygzes' comical grin and friendly waves on every rotation as though he were some welcoming parent, and only the absence of a holocam kept such absurdity from losing all seriousness. For awhile, Jay numbly wags back as the tremendous amount of pleasure becomes increasingly debilitating the closer he gets to orgasm. Initially, he wondered if cumming in this circumstance would be breaking the oath which master had thrown down, but he supposed that as long as he didn't touch his cock, an orgasm wouldn't be due to his own doing. Grasping the pole in deathly white hands, he lets the mechanism do its work until the sudden finale rushed upon him by surprise, causing the human to get the front of his panties and skirt drenched in a warm collection of his own flavor. Jay reached a hand down and shudders, his cock tip still amazingly sensitive right after the act. With half an hour alongside other writhing bodies, it was all over so everyone could leave. He'd had three good releases once the ride was all over, shamefully waddling over to his master with a crotch covered in his own male fluids in such a way that it looked like he'd pissed himself. The shameful signs were too obvious for even his daddyhoss to notice. "I see someone had a fun time. Give any thought to what you want to ride next?" That question actually gave him pause, making him look around until his eyes registered on a game booth with huge plush's of white unicorns on blunt hooks at the sidewalls and ceiling like plump clouds with legs and tails. Jay wasn't so big on stuffed animals as much as children and cuddlier mares, but something about the large ivory toys appealed to him--even to the point of forgetting about that purple mare who had blown him off. "Think you could win me one of those?" It was probably a strange thing to ask since he didn't know the rules of the game, but even stranger that he was asking someone ELSE to win him a prize; like a woman on a date. That should have been insulting to him, but he was getting used to the expected role and having fun with it. They went right over with an amused chuckle from his owner as it could be seen this game had something to do with the strength testing machine, an attribute all horses were pretty well known for. Pahygzes grabbed two handles, squeezed a pair of triggers in his fists and started to grunt loudly, sweating profusely as he brought the handles together with one steady struggling shake of his near-naked body. The stallion's muscles are blatant and shaking with strain as he tries to bring his hands together. A mechanism screeches loudly as the two handles are forcefully and nearly joined together. "I must. . .be out out of shape. . .if this is so hard to complete." The horse remarks while he breaths heavily and gets them an inch closer at a time. Since Jay hadn't actually messed with the grips himself, it was difficult imagining the kind of power it took to force them close together. "Are you okay?" The human asks, deeply concerned his owner might get a stroke by the way his veins were made visible and throbbed wildly on the horse's face and body like squirming worms right under the skin. Phaygzes closed his eyes with a tense expression of torture etched across his face as sweat poured from his forehead and armpits. "Better think of a new name, now. We shall be going home with a new friend tonight." Master assured as his arms continued to shake and close like a rusty old robot in a sci-fi serial. Now Jay found all of this a little silly--and scary! All of this for a cheap child's toy? But the worse discovery was this kind horse was hurting himself for the human; that there was enough love in that big heart for the horse to kill himself over making Jay happy! He had never exerted this kind of power over anyone in his life, so it was a true terror to bear witness to. When it was all over and Pahygzes won the game, it wasn't just the pretty mammoth equine that was sighing in relief as Jay was glad to see it over with. "Hand it to my pet, please." Pahygzes declared, shaking the sweat out of his now unkempt dirty mane like a warm Summer rain. Jay was shy and embarassed to the point his head was a cherry as a teal stallion (either dyed or nanite pigmented) handed off the large unicorn with its polyester silver horn. "Where to, now?" His master asks, still out of breath and reeling from exhaustion, tail flicking around at invisible annoyances. He'd lost all dignity for a moment just to hug it, acting as though it would be a convenient substitute for his master if the human were left alone, but it would probably be wierd and akward to carry it around with him everywhere. Besides, they just met and it took time to form an intimate relationship with an inanimate object. "I want to try the spinning swings." He finally said, looking up at muscular sweaty abs and a meaty hotdog of sheathe, blushing and hiding behind the plush again as the horse giggled at him and pats his head.

Having a clear direction in mind, the two started walking and navigating the distracted crowd as a strange idea came to him: the horses must have some kind of altruistic culture somewhat like communism, as there was no indication of money or barter: whatever was wanted was given freely. The whole idea of currency or property ownership must be a rather funny idea to the horses, as Jay had trouble believing the aliens had ever hosted an economy in their history. Not that it was something worth complaining about; as it simplified things a great deal: such a system would never work for humans, whom didn't know how to stay satisfied when their needs had been squarely met.

It loomed ahead with yellow bronze lights and dozens of chained swings spinning around in inertial circles like a helicopter. They made it just in time to be amongst the next in line to get on before the loud annoying bunch of roving mares behind. The ride was still running its course with a giant, slowly spinning Ferris wheel as a glittering light show backdrop.

Since there was nothing better to do, this gave them another perfect chance to talk, but still keep some topics and secrets out of the anticipating ears around. "What are we doing tomorrow?" Jay asked, bored and looking at the random trash thrown on the ground and being careful to avoid the shiny bits of glass with his bare feet as always.

"Well, I have a call with my family, but you have another lesson. I heard your teacher found some volunteers for the lesson who were free that day. You'll love it, I'm sure," his master snickered, choosing not to elaborate on the nature of these 'volunteers' just to tease his pet further. Actually, all of that sounded interesting, especially the part about Pahygzes seeing his family again. Jay would have loved to see and talk to them for himself, but the sex classes weren't something he could be a truant out of when considering the white stallion would soon depend on the man for pleasure and stress relief - in fact, should've been doing that now, if the horsey man wasn't so damned nice and kind to begin with.

Tomorrow was a day both looked forward to for different reasons, but here was the present to consider and the swings had stopped to discharge passengers for another load. Jay gave his master a passionate hug and kiss right by the horse's pink navel before he handed over that silly plush for safe-keeping and sank his butt into the seat - and another dildo, waiting for it to start up - as others sat in their places.

Once the affairs were sorted out, it was time to start. Jay stared at the Ferris wheel, thinking about riding next. A sudden blur caught his attention as something big fell down, jerked in the air, and dangled in front of the lighted spokes in a slight sway of motion. If not for the close distance, he'd assume it was a plush attached to a leash and held boredly over the side of the top car.

Just as he was trying to make sense of it, several people screamed in a rolling wave of shock and hysteria; thousands of pairs of eyes fastened on it. An immeasurable sinking feeling in his body dragged him down as Jay knew what it was. Like all the rest of the mares present, he was stuck staring at the limp thing hanging in the air. It took him a bit longer to figure out WHO it was as bright light finally betrayed glimpses of purple fur and an unnaturally tilted head and neck. In the cold windy park, a senseless death had suddenly turned into an incomprehensible spectacle as the questions mounted without answers prepared to spare the whole idea of sanity.