Saturday Morning With A Friend

Story by tfbaxxter on SoFurry

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I've had this laying around for a while, finally decided to edit and post it this morning.

It's the fourth installment in the random "adventures" of the lion and the fox! As always, this series isn't very plot-heavy, focusing instead on cutesie scenes and scenarios (of the ABDL variety, which may not be cute to everyone), and playful banter. Hopefully some will enjoy it. As always, constructive feedback is appreciated.

Saturday Morning With A Friend

The lion slowly pulled back the covers, and gently started scooting himself to the edge of the bed, not wanting to make any loud sounds as his vulpine friend was still asleep in bed next to him. His diapers and plastic pants crinkled, but nothing loud enough to cause a reaction from the fox. Soon the lion was free and off the bed, standing on the floor of the bedroom. He moved towards the door, but paused for a second infront of the bedroom's full length mirror to get a look at himself.

He was wearing a footed baby blue sleeper with a dog bone and fire hydrant pattern. There was some bulging at his waist, making it obvious to a keen eye that he was indeed padded. His pacifier bobbed lightly back and forth as he sucked. The lion turned around, looking over his shoulder to get a look at his backside and bulging butt, before turning back. It was hard not to smile. A couple of years back, he wouldn't have believed he could ever find himself in this situation. But here he was, having been dressed like a baby by a loving friend slash babysitter, and getting up early to watch Saturday morning cartoons.

But not before getting some refreshments.

So before plopping down infront on the TV, he toddled to the kitchen. He opened the fridge and was greeted by a handfull of pre-prepared bottles of formula. He took one out, screwed off the nipple cap, and started heating it in the microwave. Meanwhile he opened up one of the cupboards and was greeted by two dozen or so jars of baby food. Browsing the selection, he picked out two fruit ones. He found a spoon, and walked off to the living room, putting the jars on the table before returning for the bottle of formula. He screwed the nipple cap back on, gave it a shake, then dripped a few drops from the teat onto his wrist to test the temperature, as you're supposed to do before giving it to a baby. Satisfied, he returned to the living room with the bottle.

Turning on the TV and taking a seat in the sofa, he started zapping through the channels to see what was on. The selection mostly consisted of cartoon shows he was less than familiar with, newer shows made for the children of today. He considered putting on a DVD of some slightly older show instead, which he would already have some familiarity with and fodness for, but figured he should be somewhat "authentic" in the role as a young kid on a Saturday morning and go with something that was actually on the TV. Plus, then he'd get to see ads for children's items like toys and candy, which he didn't get to see much. He eventually settled down on a channel sending some episodes of The Powerpuff Girls.

He set his pacifier down on the living room table, ready to start on the baby food first while letting the bottle cool off a bit. The baby food was tasty, and didn't really require any chewing to get down. He did his best to eat without messing, not wearing a bib and not wanting to get his sleeper dirty. Even so, a bit of babyfood did manage to find its way onto his chest and tummy, as he was trying to pay attention to the cartoon at the same time as he was eating. He couldn't help but grin when he noticed. While a dirty sleeper is no fun, it did help him feel more babyish as he ate the baby food, and it was easily cleaned up by a wipe of the lion's paw.

Making his way through the two jars, he switched to the bottle of formula. The lion slipped the nipple into his muzzle and leaned back in the sofa, starting to nurse. Streams of milk rolled over his tongue every time he sucked, and he made soft suckling noises. Prior to being able to indulge himself on a regular basis, using a baby bottle had felt odd and inconvenient to him, finding it difficult to comfortably get a steady stream of liquid going. But now he had gotten used to it, and had learnt how to properly operate the strange babyish contraption, even if he did so somewhat noisily and swallowing a fair amount of air. But then, that was common for all babies.

While nursing on the bottle, he felt a rumbling from his insides. Seemed his morning snack had woken up his digestive system. Not long after, he felt a slowly growing pressure, his body telling him it was time to go potty. And seeing as how he was in a diaper, who was he say no?

The lion stood up from his seat. He concentrated, trying to relax his muscles, to neither hold back nor deliberately push, trying to let it happen gently and naturally.

He put the nipple of the bottle in his muzzle, lifting it slightly as he slowly nursed while standing erect, closing his eyes. He tried imagining himself a baby, far too young to have developed a mane, happily nursing on his bottle, without a care in the world. The baby lion was wearing a thick, soft diaper, and a soft, comfy sleeper. The baby was watching cartoons, and while still too young to properly follow the story the baby could still enjoy the colours, the sounds, and perhaps some of the visual gags. He was standing in a playpen, with rails too high for him to climb. But he didn't mind, as there was plenty of space to move around in, and plenty of age appropriate toys scattered about to keep him entertained if the cartoons no longer held interest.

As the lion focused on the mental image of himself as a baby, he felt his tail raising and his spinchter slowly opening as he started to mess his diaper. He imagined the baby lion doing the same. The baby hardly registered what was happening, far too absorbed in his ba-ba and the cartoons, only feeling a pleasant tingle and a sense of relief through his body, and a soft, warm, squishy feeling spreading though his diaper. Though covered up by a sleeper, a perceptive observer could see the maneless baby lion's diaper grow slightly in volume in the back under his tail, and start to droop. But the state of his diaper was of no concern to the little lion; his mommy and daddy took care of that, and occasionally his older brother. They might pinch their snouts and complain about the smell, but would still smile down at him and blow raspberries on his tummy, then lovingly change him.

The lion focused on the image as he voided, letting his mind briefly wander to create an alternate reality for himself. He couldn't help but give a soft grunt from behind the nipple of the bottle as he gave a push, helping his body finishing to push it all out. His bladder seemed to empty almost automatically thereafter, and he peed freely into his diaper. After a minute he opened up his eyes again. He sniffed; the smell of babypowder, formula and baby food was quickly being overtaken by the smell of the mess he had made.

He shifted in his place. The mess in his diaper pressed against him. Then, he sat back down in the sofa. The bulge flattened and the mess spread, both towards his front and up his back. He couldn't help but giggle at the sensation. He knew that he was ultimately making the clean-up process harder, but a real lion cub wouldn't care, so why should he? Plus, he'd probably have to stay messy for a little while, and having to stand up until then wouldn't be much fun.

He leaned back in the sofa, shifting to get comfortable, his diaper squishing as he moved his rump, before resuming the bottle nursing while watching the TV. A few minutes later, his bottle was empty.

Setting the bottle aside, he leaned forward and patted his own back. After a few seconds or so of patting he could feel something shift, and he lot loose a loud burp. The lion couldn't help but giggle. A few more pats, and he let loose another, smaller burp. A few more pats, and he seemed to be empty. He smiled and let out a sigh of relief. He reached for his pacifier, slipping it back into his muzzle, then he leaned back in his seat, shifting to get comfortable again.

The lion beamed as he saw Bear In The Big Blue House was about to come on, which was one of his favourite shows! He mumbled along to the opening song from behind his pacifier. Then the camera focused on the door to the big blue house. The door opened, and out stepped Bear, greeting the lion warmly. "Oh, hi there! Why don't you come on in?" Bear walked back into the house and the camera followed after, before Bear turned around to address the lion again. "Don't you just love this time of year?" Bear went on. "It's so... hm?" Bear looked distracted, brow furrowed. "What's that smell?" He started sniffing, trying to find the source, before assaulting the camera with his snout, then pulling back and, with a gasp of surprise, pointing at the camera and announcing, "It's you!" Bear sniffed again, before elaborating on the aroma. "Mmm, you smell sweet, like honey. And strawberries. Did you just eat something sweet, or do you smell this good all the time?"

The lion couldn't help but giggle, feeling fairly sure that the main smell he was giving off right now was far from sweet. Guess his scent didn't carry across the airwaves. He shifted in his seat again, stretching out his legs as he laid down in the sofa. His diapers crinkled and squished, and his pacifier bobbed lightly back and forth, the soft sleeper hugging his fur, and the show progressed. The lion felt... happy. Everything was as it should be. Yet, it felt like something was missing. Then he realized: his plushie! It was still in the bedroom.

Once the commercials came on, he got up from the sofa and made a dash for the bed room. Or more of a quick toddle, with the added bulk to his diaper gave him a slight waddle. Once he reached the bed room he slowed down, not wanting to wake the possibly still sleeping fox, toddling over to his side of the bed to search for and retrieve his plushie.

"Fee fi... fo fum..." The lion ceased his search, looking towards his friend, who was slowly sitting up, smirking. Seemed like he wasn't asleep after all. "Fee fi fo fum," the fox repeated. "I smell... a dirty bum..."

The fox pounced, pulling the lion down, and with some maneuvering managing to get him sitting in his lap. With one paw around his tummy area, the fox held the big baby lion down in his lap, his free paw tickling his sides, under his arms, and under his chin.

The lion squealed, giggled, and kicked his hindpaws. "Noooo!" the lion objected in between squeals and giggles, kicking his hindpaws in a futile attempt, his pacifier falling out.

"You should know you can't sneak past a sleeping giant in a big, poopy diaper. Now you shall feel my wrath!" And the wrath consisted of wrestling down a struggling, wiggling lion to get him out of his sleeper and even plastic pants, to get better access to the essential tickling hot spots, including the raspberry-prone tummy area.

After a few minutes of wrestling and tickling, they both lay splayed out on the bed, both panting, the lion still giggling lightly. The fox in a pair of boxer shorts, and the lion in a very obviously wet and messy diaper.

Then the lion suddenly remembered. "Bear!" He grabbed the arctic fox plush and clumsily scurried out of bed and back to the living room, where Bear and Luna were singing the good bye song. He'd missed it. A bit annoyed, he plopped back down on to the sofa again. If only that stupid fox hadn't intercepted him... Hopefully there would still be some good shows coming up, though they probably wouldn't be as good as Bear.

The commercials came on, and he felt the need to wet again, and didn't see any need to hold back. He started feeling the wetness spread toward his thighs. He blinked and looked down. Seemed he had reached his diaper's capacity, with neither plastic pants nor sleeper to help hold it back. Well, it was his friend's fault for undressing him anyway, he rationalized. And for making him miss Bear. The lion couldn't help but smirk at his petty semi-revenge, wiggling in his seat. The commercials finished, and a show he wasn't familiar with started playing. Who knows, it might be good. He hugged his arctic fox plush and leaned back in his seat.

Shortly thereafter the lion was joined by his vulpine friend, now fully dressed. The fox smiled, and walked over to his friend. "Here, I found this on the floor." He slipped a pacifier into the lion's empty muzzle.

The lion tensed, eyed wide, not yet sucking, staring at his friend.

"I washed it off first, of course," the fox reassured him.

Relieved, the lion relaxed and started sucking. Using your diapers was one thing, but putting something unclean into your muzzle was something else entirely.

"So, how's your diaper holding up?" the fox asked.

"I dunno, you're the babysitter," the lion mumbled from behind his pacifier, still a bit annoyed.

The fox chuckled. "Okay, I think you've been messy long enough. So how about we get you changed, huh?"

"But I'm watching cartoons!" the lion protested with a deliberate pout, taking out the newly-inserted (and newly washed) pacifier to plead his case.

The fox smiled and shook his head, folding his arms over his chest. "You kids and your cartoons. I swear, it rots your mind. I can smell the decay from here. Oh, wait, that's just your diaper." The lion blushed, and the fox gave a determined nod. "Yup, we're definitely changing you. But, I guess I can change you on the floor here... Then you can watch... Emh, whatever it is you're watching. What the heck even is that show?"

The lion tilted his head. "I'm... not really sure. But... I think he's the good guy!" The lion pointed towards a character on the screen. "And, umh, he's probably the bad guy..." And he pointed again. "They're probably in love, but they won't ever admit that to themselves. At the end of the season, it will probably turn out it was all a dream."

"Right. Well, regardless, the outcome is going to be a diaper change for you, mister."

The fox helped the lion up from the sofa, pulling him up to a standing position and revealing the wet spot underneath him. The fox blinked, and looked to the now blushing lion who was suddenly feeling rather guilty and self-conscious. "Why didn't you tell me you'd leaked?" the fox asked sternly.

"You're the babysitter," the lion explained, looking down. "Besides... you took off my plastic pants an' stuff... an' you made me miss Bear," the lion concluded meekly. His diaper was drooping, and dripping slightly. "So it's kinda your fault, you know."

The fox inspected the damage done to the sofa. "This might stain!"

"Umh... it's a memory stain!" the lion suggested with hopeful cheerfulness. "Something to, umh, remember me by?"

"To remember you by?" The fox frowned at the lion. "I think the smell is more than enough. It takes days to properly air out after you've visited. My place is starting to smell more and more like a nursery." Hearing that, the lion looked both sad and guilty, he quickly added "Not that I mind, of course. I mean, about the smell. But the sofa..." Sighing, the fox swiftly got out a portable changing pad to sit the droopy-diapered lion down on in front of the TV so he wouldn't leak onto the floor or on any other furniture, before trying to salvage the sofa with some water and towels. Once that was done, it was time to get the lion changed, who was able to watch cartoons at the same time, sucking his pacifier and hugging his arctic fox. He was quite the multitasker.

Once he'd gotten the big lion cub into a fresh pair of diapers and helped him back into a sitting position, the fox reassured him with a smile. "I'm not mad, sweetie. But try to tell me next time, okay?"

"Okay." The lion smiled from behind his pacifier.

"Good." The fox kissed his cheek before they both embraced. The fox was grinning as he thought of a few small ways in which he could get his counter-revenge. Forced nap times, early bed times, spiking the formula with a laxative, public outings, inviting friends over, feeding him nothing but broccoli and prunes, threatening to upload certain photographs or videos online, forcing him to have a phone conversation with his mother while he was getting change... The babysitter's arsenal is plentiful. It was going to be a fun, interesting weekend for them both.

Sandy & Jacob: When Nature Calls

**The Adventures of Sandy & Jacob** **"When Nature Calls"** _Written by Miles T.F. Baxxter_ _[]( _Based on characters and plot by Sandy Pants_...

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Birthday With A Friend

"This feels strange," the lion said, shifting some in his seat by the table. He was wearing overalls and a shirt, with a party hat pressing down on his mane, strapped under his chin. An adult-sized bib was tied around his neck, and the bulging...

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Halloween With A Friend

"I'm gonna get you!" the fox threatened with a grin as he continued his chase on the lion. The fox held back some on his speed, as going at full speed didn't seem fair when the lion's diaper gave his charge a bit of a disadvantage, forcing him to walk...

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