Halloween With A Friend
"I'm gonna get you!" the fox threatened with a grin as he continued his chase on the lion. The fox held back some on his speed, as going at full speed didn't seem fair when the lion's diaper gave his charge a bit of a disadvantage, forcing him to walk...
Storytime With A Friend
"This feels strange," the lion said, giving a wiggle in his seat. His diapers crinkled. The fox chuckled, smirking. "Well, you're the one who suggested it. Besides, it's no stranger than an adult, fully potty trained non-incontinent lion wearing...
Saturday Morning With A Friend
**Saturday Morning With A Friend** The lion slowly pulled back the covers, and gently started scooting himself to the edge of the bed, not wanting to make any loud sounds as his vulpine friend was still asleep in bed next to him. His diapers and...
Sandy & Jacob: When Nature Calls
**The Adventures of Sandy & Jacob** **"When Nature Calls"** _Written by Miles T.F. Baxxter_ _[http://www.furaffinity.net/user/tfbaxxter/](http://www.furaffinity.net/user/tfbaxxter/)_ _Based on characters and plot by Sandy Pants_...
Birthday With A Friend
"This feels strange," the lion said, shifting some in his seat by the table. He was wearing overalls and a shirt, with a party hat pressing down on his mane, strapped under his chin. An adult-sized bib was tied around his neck, and the bulging...