Colder than Snow, Warmer than Fur

Story by Jacob King on SoFurry

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This is just me venting out in poetry. This was not written for anyone.

Probably shouldn't have spent my morning reading through the love stories on the Love Gives Me Hope website.

Oh well.

There is not a day that passes Where I don't remember your name. It's like a chill that keeps me cold And continues to make me lame.

The touch of your body gave me Armor to make it through each day. Your words were like a thick fur coat That always warmed my heart. Today

Feels like every other day, where I only look forward to sleep, Because, when I'm awake, there is Nothing I'd rather do but weep.

They say that love conquers any Wall or obstacle life can throw, Yet perhaps the soul who said this Must have been immortal, you know?

You're gone. You're dead. You've passed the line That's been destined for every soul. How I would mangle my own health To hear your voice again, you know?

You always said that life was funny Because its jokes are always cruel. It gives you lemons when you're smart, Then sugar because you're a fool.

As I sit upon the snow that Surrounds your old, withered tombstone, Our memories chill my sad heart More than nature's worst cold. Alone

We are. Just you and me. You are My light in times of dark, you know? Perhaps, if I wait here long enough, You'll wake up and hold me in the snow.

Rest in peace, my love.

M3llo the Vixen - Free Art Raffle Prize

_There was once a vixen_ _By the name of M3llo._ _She's quite reserved, though kind_ _Was this charming, young soul._ _Soft and delicate was_ _Her crimson-coated fur._ _Every male who saw_ _Her would begin to stir._ _Her personality_ _Was one...

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Lyle le Loosely Lucid Lion - rough draft form

Once upon a time, there was a lion who could not really make sense of the world. Why? Because her was the only normal one around. Every one was fucking crazy. No shit. Now, I order to tell you the story, I have to think straight. No gay. I'm drunk...


Lyle le Loosely Lucid Lion - Part 3/3 (in honor of AW451)

_Everyone, including the football players, were waiting in the conference room, sitting in the seats with the other slutty cheerleaders, whom each had a mutation of HIV. You know what I'm sayin'? The cough...the conference room was filled with furs:...

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