Mind Games - Epilogue

Story by Radical Gopher on SoFurry

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#7 of Mind Games

This story is a work of fiction. It contains adult themes and situations and is intended only for adult readers over the age of 18.


MIND GAMES - Epilogue

Dawn filtered gently into the room, brushing against Saul's eyelids. They fluttered in response, opened briefly then slammed shut in protest. The detective groaned, covering them with both massive hands. Shutting out the light did little to silence the grav-train roaring through his head. The bed beneath him creaked in protest to his movements. He paused for a moment, trying to reason out why he felt the way he did. Then he remembered. It had been his 38th birthday, and the whole station had conspired to make sure he remembered it. Naturally, there had been booze and Saul had been served more than his share. He quietly wondered whether the aftermath was worth it. At least no one had thought to have a girl jump out of the cake.

"Morning sleepy head!"

A voice, happy, soft and lilting, crashed through Blackthorne's defenses like an armored tank, grinding coherent thought into painful fragments. "Morning," he muttered, wincing at the cruel echo bouncing between his ears.

A soft hand gently pulled one of his own away from his face and forcefully pressed a hot mug of something into his palm. Saul's fingers closed reflexively on it He brought it gingerly up to his face then hesitated as the aroma hit him. Tomatoes, carrot juice, cinnamon, red pepper, cloves, chili powder, garlic and half-a-hundred other aromas assaulted his nose.

"No!" came the voice again, "don't smell it... just drink it!"

The human couldn't quite place the voice. It sounded familiar... trustworthy in fact. So much so that he held his nose and swallowed the noxious liquid in three gulps. The burning sensation that followed traveled down his throat and into his stomach, exploding outward from there to every pore in his body.


Saul waved his hands frantically in front of his tongue, trying to cool the few outraged taste buds that remained alive. The same pair of soft hands pressed an ice-cold glass of milk into his hands, which he immediately swallowed in a singular act of self-preservation. The burning sensation faded quickly, and with it went his hangover. The human looked up to see Detective Sergeant Pepper Fields standing before him, dressed only in an oversized football jersey. It covered her like a tent, leaving everything to the imagination.

The vixen smiled at her partner. "Feeling better?"

He nodded. "What the hell was that stuff?"

"Grandma Field's original, cure or kill, post-celebratory hangover remover."

"She ever use this stuff on your grandfather?"

"Only once," she replied.

"I can understand why," Saul muttered. Looking down, it was obvious he had slept in his clothes. "Couldn't you at least have removed my jacked before tucking me in for the night?"

"It took half a dozen cops just to carry you upstairs," Pepper admonished him. "By the time they got you through the front door it was all I could do to get them to at least roll you into bed."

"Remind me to send them all Christmas cards." He glanced sideways at his partner, raising one eyebrow. "So... why exactly are you wearing one of my shirts?"

"Silly human," she said, leaning over and tapping him gently on the nose. "I slept on your couch." Saul's eyebrows arched upward. "Just because you were too drunk to get undressed doesn't mean I have to get my clothes all wrinkled."

"Why would you need to sleep over?"

"Two reasons... first I wanted to make sure you were okay."

"And the second?"

Pepper coyly wrapped her fingers around Saul's tie and pulled him toward her, delicately fluttering her tongue against his lips in a vulpine style kiss. They pulled apart and she smiled, her eyes shining like diamonds. "I wanted to give you your birthday present in private." She leaned forward once more licking her way under his chin and again across his lips. He responded, opening his mouth slightly so their tongues intertwined and danced together. She felt him lean into her briefly, then hesitate and draw back.

"What's wrong?" she asked softly.

"Pepper... I... I don't... I'm not sure we should be doing this," he replied, his voice quivering nervously.

"Why not?"

"We... We're partners. If we go forward... become lovers, it will change things."

She looked silently at Saul for a few seconds. "Is that bad?" I thought you wanted to make love to me. You've hinted at it often enough, in a roundabout, joking sort of way. Was it only a joke?"

"No... no it wasn't. I mean it was, but not deep down; Not really... I guess I was using humor to... hide, I think."

"Hide?" The vixen looked at him. Her expression was unreadable. "Now I'm confused. You know how I feel about you, and I thought I understood how you felt. Was I wrong?"

Saul shook his head. "NO! Not at all... What... What I mean is that... that..." he stopped suddenly, unable to go on. Pepper reached across and took his hand. She could almost feel the emotions as they twisted within her partner. Love and desire clashed head on with something else, something he was hesitant to talk about.

"Your scared, aren't you." Saul didn't reply. "Are you afraid of me? Of committing to me?"

"It's neither," he answered. "I'm afraid that once we go forward the nature of our relationship... our friendship... will change." He gently closed his hand around hers and looked into her eyes. "I'm afraid of where that change will lead. What if we don't work out as lovers? I might loose you, not just as a mate but a friend. I don't ever want to ever loose you as a friend. You're the only person I can talk to, the only one I can completely trust and confide in. If I lost that... I'd... I... I'd be lost."

"It sounds," Pepper said softly, "like you're talking about lovers, not partners."


She smiled and looked into his eyes. "The most important thing that can exist between a couple is trust. It's something that a lot of married people struggle to learn over the course of an entire lifetime. It's a lack of trust, of belief in each other that breaks up relationships. We already have it, and we can't loose it unless we make a conscious effort to destroy the trust and confidence we now share."

Her hands slowly moved up his arms until she was touching him just below the elbows. She leaned forward. "As I see it, you have a choice to make. Either risk change and grow by taking the next step, or risk that at some point you will regret you never tried." Saul gazed across at the vixen; his expression a mixture of hope and uncertainty.

"If it helps any then know this..." she whispered, her voice like velvet, "I love you, Saul Blackthorne, and I always will."

A rush of emotions flooded the detective washing away the lingering doubts he had. He reached out and carefully pulled Pepper into a warm, firm embrace, stroking the back of her head, his fingers sliding gently through the hair weave that augmented the vixen's natural, raven-black tresses.

Going with the flow, the vixen pulled him as close as she could, wrapping both her arms and tail around the giant human. They could both feel her nipples as they hardened beneath the lightweight shirt she wore. They kissed again, Saul leaning back so the smaller femme could comfortably lie atop him.

They held each other like this for what seemed to be an eternity. Pepper leisurely removed her partner's tie and opened the buttons on his shirt. Sliding downward, she gently licked and nipped at his neck, then began working his nipples with a series of long, wet vulpine kisses.

Saul returned the favor, sliding his hands down to her tail. Gliding them under the shirt, he discovered that the vixen was not wearing any underwear. His fingers slithered through the fur of her exposed rump, sending shivers racing up and down her spine. Her tail flicked involuntarily, once, twice then thrice, brushing against the back of the human's hands each time. Her kisses became more frantic and she gasped as one of his hands brushed the inside of her thigh.

Pepper slid further down his body, unbuckling his belt and pulling both his trousers and underwear down in one swift movement. She wrapped both hands around the detective's shaft and began slowly rubbing up and down its length. Smiling, the vixen carefully slipped the now stiffened rod between her breasts, pushing them together so they could caress it. He moaned in pleasure as Pepper began licking the tip of his penis, delicately spreading his pre-cum across its surface.

Saul fingers kneaded and massaged their way up the vixen's back until they were once more brushing through her hair. His hands reached the back of her ears and he began gently stroking them and using his thumbs to scratch at the top of her head. He could feel the heat radiating from her mound as it slid up and down along his leg, leaving a thin trail of moistness as it moved up and back.

Reaching down once more, Saul hooked the vixen under both arms and lifted her up until both breasts were within reach. He gently began suckling on them, first one, then the other, back and forth. Pepper shuddered and began panting. She could feel a tenseness building rapidly within her, one that demanded release. She wrapped both arms around his head and pulled him into her, little yips of pleasure escaping her throat.

Sensing her excitement, Saul brought both hands back down to her tail and once began massaging the base of her tail. Instinctively, Pepper raised her rear up, pushing against the bed sheets with her footpads. Her body shook with anticipation. The human brushed his hand along her sex, then suddenly plunged his pinky about half an inch into her tail hole. The vixen's eyes squeezed shut and her body began convulsing in orgasmic bliss. Her juices explode from her cunt, dousing both the bed and Saul's hand. She gave voice to her pleasure with a series of loud cries.

Pepper went wild. Even as her first orgasm subsided, she was softly, but frantically nipping and licking her way down the human's face, eager for more. Shifting atop Saul, she positioned herself above his penis and firmly pushed down. The human could not believe how hot and incredibly tight she felt. Even as she gently thrust downward her body was wracked by another orgasm. The walls of her sex clamped down and fluttered against the human.

Reaching up, the detective wrapped both hands around the vixen's firm breasts, striking his thumbs across the nipples and pinching them. Pepper continued sliding down Saul's massive rod, alternately stretching, then tightening up as orgasm after orgasm seized control of her very being.

To the human's surprise, Pepper actually managed to hilt herself against Saul. Her juices flowed freely along his shaft. She paused, savoring the perfect fullness, the union of his body with her own. She could feel his heartbeat as it traveled along his penis and fluttered against her. Slowly, she rocked back and forth, bouncing slightly on her knees as she felt yet another, even stronger orgasm building.

For Saul, the sensations were nothing short of incredible he could feel something deep within the vixen brush against the tip of his rod. Between her deep, throaty cries of ecstasy and the sensation of being enveloped by her sex, it was all the human could do to hold off, waiting for the perfect moment. He did not have long to wait.

Pepper's cries became a long, undulating howl of pure joy as she was struck by an orgasm more powerful than any other she'd yet experienced. She tightened up, squeezing Saul as if he were caught in a velvet vise. Unable and unwilling to hold back further, he exploded within the vixen. Pulses of hot, thick, ropey seed splashed off her cervix, filling her beyond expectation, beyond belief. Tightened as she was around Saul's cock, the hot semen had nowhere to go except to flow upward. It seeped into her womb and warmed her from the inside.

Tears of joy, vulpine and human formed in their eyes and intermingled. Neither had realized how truly alone they had been until this moment. That loneliness, that indescribable emptiness was now and forever banished.

They made love three more times before finally drifting off together into a blissful, exhausted sleep. They were more than partners now, more than lovers, more than mates. They were, now and forever, one; and neither would ever be afraid again.

Path of Destiny pt. 2

This is the second part to a sequel of Threads on a Tapestry. I recommend you read the first story before reading this so you will have a better understanding of the overall premise and the charactes. This is a work of fiction. It contains...

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Path of Destiny pt. 1

This is a sequel to Threads on a Tapestry. I recommend you read the first story before reading this so you will have a better understanding of the overall premise and the charactes. This is a work of fiction. It contains explicit adult themes and...

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Chapter 2 - Enter the Chihuahua

I originally started this as a story jam, but no one submitted other chapters. So, here's my own chapter two submission. Anyone who wants to can jump in with a chapter of their own. Just forward it to me and I will edit and proofread as necessary......

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