Dearest Husky: Chapter 4: REVISED

Story by Spike Sethen on SoFurry

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#4 of Dearest Husky

We find our little husky friend, Spike wandering down a path in the forest from the house he use to live in. He left early that morning around one am. And now we find him miles away, close to town. His fur along his cheeks and his paws were frozen, water? Was he drinking from a stream? In this weather, Doubtful. It was more likely he was crying or something of the sort.

Spike huddled up deep in his thick jacket and baggy snow pants walking in the nearly two feet of snow reaching up almost to his groin as he treading in it. Panting and breathing heatedly he would frown as he mumbled, "They... lied to me...." shutting his eyes as he continued to walk down the path treading more snow.

Soft snow flakes fell lightly from the sky around him as he walked. It seemed like a peaceful day. It had been about nine hours since he left the house, so he made a good distance since then. He didn't stop once either. But from the expression on his face something said that he was upset that his best friend, Kiam, had never told him anything about this sort of thing. That sad, thoughtful look in his eyes as he stared ahead of himself looking at the trees before him as he walked ahead slowly making his way closer and closer to the humble town nearest to his little home.

Kiam looked up at Fred before turning away and sitting up in his place turning to the unlit fireplace. With a light sigh he seemed apathetic about this at first. Before he would slowly lower his head and buck his shoulders alittle and lift a hand to wipe his eye. "This is all my fault..."

Fred frowned, "No it's not...." moving around the couch he stopped himself remember what happened last night... atleast when he got close to Kiam. Sighing he murmured, "I let it happen... I encouraged you actually... and beyond that... I started the matter by saying that it was okay to kiss me... it wasn't... we had no relation together... it wasn't right..."

"Your just like fucking him!" Kiam screamed as he stood up quickly staring at Fred with wide teary eyes, his hands shaking alittle balled into fists. "What's so bad about being gay? HUH!?"

Fred frowned and looked down before saying, "There's nothing bad about it..." he murmured softly staying calm in front of the other. "I thought I was gay for a moment in life... but... it was just a phase..." Fred looked up at Kiam and frowned before saying, "Dude... I have to say... I like you... as a friend... and that kiss... really... if we were to look at it... was only meant for one thing... to show you what a kiss was like... there was nothing more behind it.... don't go thinking your gay just because of some random kiss with a person that wasn't even really sharing feelings with you..."

Kiam sniffled and lowered his head bringing his hands to his eyes as he said in a raised voice, "So.... you... were just showing me what it was like? That's it?" He looked up after wiping his eyes before shaking his head and saying, "I wish you never did than... cause now I don't know what the hell to think.... and not only that... Spike is gone because of this! He could die out there! It's atleast a three and a half day walk from here to town... and in this snow... with no food or water... he could die... DIE! You know that?"

Fred nods, "I know very well that he could die..." looking away the dragon lifted a scaled hand to his face and ran it over his snout before turning his head away and looking away from Kiam he would say, "He's a good friend.. he won't die... I know he won't...." now... one thing people should know about Fred.... he was a strong person. One of those macho men, brought up by people who say that it's not right for boys to cry. Well... being brought up that way has trained him not to cry.... at all... until... well.. now.... and Kiam was the first to see this one stray tear fall down this black and red scales of his. Fred's eyes shut slowly as he turned away completely his back to the raccoon as he rubbed his hands over his face saying, "Look I don't want to see him get hurt as much as you do..."

Kiam blinked his anger and sadness left him at the sight of the small tear. With a frown the coon would say, "Fred... are... are you okay?"

Fred nods his head frantically before turning around his eyes alittle wet and his cheeks about damp but smiling stupidly he said with a chuckle, "Yeah I'm fine why you ask?"

Kiam sighed and murmured, "You're crying?"

Fred frowned before lowering his head letting another tear drip down his cheek slowly, "Yeah.... it's been awhile... but ya see... this was all my fault... I kissed you... and started this whole mess... if I didn't bother with this whole stupid matter.... Spike would still be here and not be out there... ya know? Sorry I sound so stupid right now..." he chuckled and looked to Kiam before saying, "Kid... I was always jealous of you... you and Spike... you had such a great friendship... I felt left out... it just... I wanted to be closer to you two... I mean I feel close to you guys.. I just don't know if I actually am... ya know?" he snorts and shakes his head looking away, "Wow... I really am out of it... not making much sense am I?"

Kiam walked up to Fred and nods alittle before saying with a giggle wiping away his own tears, "Yeah... your kinda rambling... but... question is... why are you crying? You feel bad?"

Fred nods and looked to Kiam, "That's what I said isn't it..." he sighed and looked down before standing up to his full height and saying, "What are we gonna do about this situation?"

Kiam blinked, "Your asking me?!"

Fred nods, "Yeah I think you should be the one to answer this because... well... he's your friend... should we go after him... or.... wait and hope he come's back on his own?" tilting his head alittle as he spoke.

Kiam thought for a few long moments before sighing and moving back to the couch sitting down and leaning back saying, "Well... if we leave... we are risking our lives just the same.... but..." he looked back at last night and remembered what Spike was saying about what he and Fred did was wrong... than turning away with a scowl he said, "Let him come back on his own.... we shouldn't force him anyway... if he want's to die... it was his stupid choice...." though it hurt to say.. it was Spike's choice.

Spike walked over to a random tree and sat up against it wrapping his arms around himself buring his snout into his coat as he shivered, with a frown he would look around him before turning to face his left away from the house he came from and started walking again.

"Hey!" A voice shouted from a far off distance... or it seemed that way... maybe it was from the crunching in the snow.

Spike turned around and looked for the voice to see a male behind him stuck in the snow, He was fairly short, maybe about four foot eleven. But the detail that stood out was the orange tail and the white tip that matched the snow, "A fox?" Sighing he stopped in his place and called back, "Need something?"

"Well.... no... only help!?" Waving a arm loosely in the air he looked to be bundled up in so much clothing that he could barely walk.

Chuckling Spike grumbled and turned back to walk over to the male as he made his way up to him, With a frown he looked over to him once he was about two feet away and offered a hand saying, "Fine..."

The fox grabbed the husky's hand and with a jerk was lifted into the air and set on his feet, staring wide eyed at the husky he would say with a smile, "Tank ya kindly sir? Um... where are you going this deep in nature?" the fox blinked and chuckled, "Oh yeah..." he took off his hood to reveal his young face, small round patches of white fur around his brown tinted eyes as he looked back at the other with a soft smile, he looked to be just about sixteen, "My names Niklas!" offering a gloved paw to the other and smiling broadly.

Spike blinked and tilted his head, he wasn't expecting to make friends out here... just make his way to town, grabbing the other's hand lightly he would say in a soft mumbled, "I'm Spike.... and... I was heading OUT of nature actually...."

Niklas chuckled and murmured, "Ah... dat way!" pointing past the husky after a friendly shake pulling his hood back on he murmured, "How bout this... by the looks of things you have no food... wanna stop by my place and have some grub?"

Spike sighed and went to shake his head but.. felt a ache in his stomach and frowned before dropping his shoulders letting his stomach speak instead, "I guess...." he replied with a chuckle.

Niklas chuckled before saying, "Aye... than off to my place we go... say... do you like cranberries?" he pulled off his satchel around his waste and offered it to the other, "I love them... Get them from the teller in town every week..."

Spike grabbed the satch and looked at it for a moment before opening it and grabbing a berry as Niklas started walking alittle north through some trees. He followed slowly as he popped a berry in his mouth and winced at the bitter taste. "Yeah it's alright......"

Niklas chuckled, "Just wait till you have some of my cooking... it will top that ten fold...." chuckling after he said this.

"Oh really?" Spike replied forming a small smile on his lips as he closed the satchel and shoved it in his pocket.

They walked a short distance, it didn't take longer than ten minutes before the two arrived at a tiny cabin one that is easily five time smaller than the one Spike use to be living in. "Built for one person?" Spike murmured.

"Nah.. Me, Ma, and Pa live here to..." Nik replied with a chuckle before looking back at Spike and saying, "Shall we go in?"

"Lead the way my friend..." Spike replied with a chuckle.

Niklas ran up the to the house, most of the snow around it was flattened from foot prints. So Spike made his way up there pretty easily. Niklas opened the door and yelled, "Mum I'm home!" chuckling he continued, "And we got a guest!"

Kiam looked down at his feet before sighing and saying, "Fredric? What did you feel when you kissed me... atleast tell me that?"

Fred blinked and lowered his head alittle standing by the couch, though with tired legs he slowly moved over to sit beside Kiam as he would say softly, "Kiki... I would have to say... it's probably because I am jealous... and... well... I thought that seeing is you never had your first kiss with someone... I could give you your first kiss... and... I was kinda hoping in a way that would make us better friends.... sorta like a favor for a favor...." he lowered his head shaking it alittle before saying, "I never thought you would take it the way you did though.

Kiam looked up at Fred before sighing and saying, "Freddy... I like you... your one of my closest friends... you make it sound like we have no relationship at all as friends... what's wrong?" he lifted a arm and slowly put it around the other's waist resting his cheek on the dragon's broad shoulder.

Fred frowned, "Well... First thing... whenever I return from outside... you greet me with a welcome back... but for Spike.... you run up to him and practically smother him... that's only one reason... Who wouldn't feel jealous in that situation?"

"Not many people I guess..." Kiam sighed after saying this before murmuring, "Fred... we're close friends... you don't need to do me any favors so we can be closer.... I mean... if I'm not showing it just tell me... I'll figure some crazy thing out to surprise ya..." he chuckled lightly before looking up at the dragon with a murr.

"Yeah... Okay than... I'll do that...." Fred stared at Kiam with a smile before turning to the unlit fireplace with a smile on his face, he felt content to know this, more... well complete rather than alone in this cabin in the middle of nowhere... atleast something good came of this.

Not much... but to me it makes a satisfying difference.... that short part... anyway... hope you like it...

Dearest Husky: Chapter 3

We find the small husky, Spike, staring at the two who had just finished their little ritual with each other. He could find nothing to say, nothing other than. "What... the hell do you think you are doing?" He blinked lightly and tilted his head. He...

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Dearest Husky: Chapter 2

Three days after the little affair in the cabin in the woods about a storm coming towards them. Everything seemed to be going along well. No storm... no danger... yet at least. Sitting holed up in his room like he had been the whole day, It was...

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Dearest Husky: Chapter 1: REVISED

A cold winter breeze blew through the air as a small figure walked through the woods heading toward his cabin. Bundled up in a baggy coat and a pair of snow pants treading through the two and a half feet of snow. This husky was one of the kindest...

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