The Chasy and the Muzyka

Story by isthisagoodname on SoFurry

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#2 of Chastity Puzzles

"Night, Alex."

"Good night, dad."

As the fox's dad closed the door, Alex immediately lifted up his nightshirt and went to work on his chastity lock.

Like his friend Mikhail, Alex was also victim to having over-protective parents. Unlike Mikhail's sympathetic father, Alex's father was the one to force the belts on him into adulthood. Also, in contrast to the purchased Vice Vys, Alex's belts were custom-made by his father himself.

As Alex worked his way into the belt, he got as far as he was able to every night. He was successful once in the past, but since then, he would always get stuck in the belt's puzzle, for some very odd reason the chubby fox couldn't put his finger on.

He sat there, on his bed, looking down in defeat. His attempts were always in vain.

The fox left his house the next morning, and started walking down the foggy streets, on his way to school. Like every day during his trip, Mikhail would meet up with him. The two went to the same school, but took mostly different classes. Mikhail went for math and logic, while Alex went for music. The young oboist would rehearse with the other students in the orchestra, while Mikhail, conveniently being free during the rehearsals, would sit and watch in the otherwise empty auditorium.

As the two walked, they would strike up a conversation.

" parents told me to tell you something, Alex."


"Your parents and mine will be taking a trip to the continent for a couple of days. Since your house is bigger, I'm going to be spending a few nights with you."

"I was wondering why my parents were packing. Guess they forgot to tell me!"

"Yeah, they kind of sprung it up on me too. They're doing it on short notice."

"I guess that means the butler's going to..." Alex mumbled to himself.

" what?" Mikhail asked.

"Oh? Nothing, just thought out loud."

The two parted ways once they got to the school.

"I'm home, mum, dad!"

Alex's father was on the couch, with his bags packed, waiting for the fox's mother.

"Ah, you're home. I know this is very short notice, but-"

"I know, Mikhail told me, you, mom and his parents will be going to the continent."

"Ahh, so he told you. We'll be heading out a little later tonight, after dinner."

"Mikhail's coming, can he have dinner with us before you leave?"

"Of course!"

The old fox called the butler.

"Mr. Powell! MR. POWELL!"

The Dalmatian entered the room.

"Yes, sir?"

"Alex's friend will be joining us for dinner before we leave. Make sure he has a spot at the table prepared."


The old dog entered as quickly as he left.

Not long after, Mikhail arrived, with his own bags of clothing and toiletries. The raccoon was always in awe over how much bigger Alex's house was compared to his. Sure, Mikhail's dad was doing well and could afford a nice place for him, but Alex's dad...his clocks were very popular on the continent, so they'd take trips there every so often. Mikhail's own dad had some business matters there he needed to take care of, so this time they were all going together.

After dinner, the two friends conversed in Alex's bedroom.

"You broke it apart and threw it out the window?" Alex asked.


"Then what happened? Wasn't your mum furious?"

"She was, she even threatened to take me out of school and putting me in some hellish Christian school. My father finally stepped in and told her to stop taking such control of me."

"And, you haven't had to wear a chastity lock since?"

"Nope. They're rubbish. Mum even tried to level with dad in just getting a new one, but both dad and I told her I'd just figure it out again."

"Well...considering MY might be wearing one tonight."


"Yeah. As I was mumbling earlier today, Mr. Powell's probably going to be holding the keys to them while they're gone. He's loyal to my dad, so I don't think he will let us sleep without them."

Just then, Alex's parents entered his room.

"Alex, we'll be taking our leave now. We'll be back in a few days' time."

"Alright, dad." The chubby fox hugged his equally chubby father.



"I'm sure it's no surprise to you, but I have my Alex wear a chastity lock at night. Your father told me about your little magic act with the one you wore. Quite the smart lad, aren't you?"

"Yes, I stopped wearing one after that."

"Well, you're in luck. I MAKE the chastity lock my Alex wears, and I've got a special one for you to wear while we're gone, one that DOESN'T have a combination lock."

"Oh?" Mikhail asked, not so enthusiastically.

"Yes, and it's different from Alex's. Mr. Powell will be placing them on you after we leave. If you'd like, your parents are outside, you may say goodbye to them."


The carriage holding the 4 parents slowly left the manor, heading for the dock, where their ship was to take them to the continent.

"So, you put the belts on them?" Mikhail's father asked.

"Mr. Powell will be."

"I see...I give them three hours."


"Three hours, and those belts will be off those kids."

Mikhail's mother silently nodded her head in chagrin.

"Victor, the Vice Vys was a child's toy. I MAKE those belts the two will be wearing."

"You don't get it, Luka. Mikhail is a student of LOGIC. We have your clocks, he's taken one apart, he knows EXACTLY how they work. It doesn't matter if your belts have combination locks or not. He's not a music student like Alex."

"Exactly." Alex's father smirked. "Mikhail's belt has musical elements to it, not logical."

Victor shook his head.

"Three hours."

"I'm terribly sorry, sirs." Mr. Powell said.

"You can't just unlock these?" Alex asked.

"No, sir. Your father will fire me if I do. But I promise you I hate those bloody things as much as you do. I can only unlock your belts in emergencies and in the morning."

"It's okay, Mr. Powell. We understand." Mikhail said.

"Have a good night, sirs." Mr. Powell said, closing the door.

The two friends sat in Alex's big bed, in their nightshirts, across from each other.

"So....we going to try and take these off?" Mikhail asked.

"We could try taking yours off...but mine's no use."

"Why not?"

"No clue...I was once able to take the belt off. ONCE. My dad caught me with my belt off the next morning. I didn't hear the end of it from him. The next night I tried taking it off the same way but it hasn't worked that way since."

Alex lifted up his nightshirt to show the chubby raccoon.

"You see the clock on it? It doesn't move. It did when I was younger, though. The lock was timed. It automatically unlocked in the morning, at a specific time."

"I, at one point, you were able to change the time on it?"

"Yes! I got into it, moved the gears forward, to the time it'd automatically unlock."

Alex frowned.

"After that night though, I was never able to change the time. The clock had apparently broken. Every morning dad or Mr. Powell would come in and unlock it from then on."

Mikhail took a good look at the belt. It looked fairly similar to his old Vice Vys, a jock of sorts, but without the combination lock. It was held together by a chain which wrapped tightly around Alex's waist. The clock in front looked like it had been pried off several times. Underneath the clock, covering where Alex's perineum was located, was a normal keyhole, like on the Vice Vys.

"The clock opens?" Mikhail asked.

"Yeah, it took some time, but at one point I was able to open the clock, there's a hinge on one side, and a latch on the other. When the latch is removed the clock opens, and you can see all of its inner workings inside."

"Can you open it right now? I might be able to see what's wrong."


The fox pried open the latch, opening up the clock off the belt. Alex then started touching the inner workings of the clock, and gave the raccoon a better view of the inside.

Mikhail took a look, and analyzed the inside of it. He noticed that all the gears inside were gold, and of various sizes, just like in any clock or watch his father made.

Alex pressed a button on the side of the clock. As a result, some of the gears inside started to turn. The raccoon watched as some of the gears started to turn, yet others remained still, frozen in place.

"I think I know what's wrong...a gear or two may be missing."

"I was afraid of you think if the missing gear was put back in, the clock would work properly again?"

"Most likely."

Alex pressed the button again, stopping the working gears. He closed the clock back up.

"My teacher once gave us all one of your dad's pocket watches, completely disassembled. He also gave us very minimal instructions of how to reassemble the clock. We had one week to put the clock back together based on the minimal instructions. All he told us were a few general hints about what should go where, but never gave specifics. If we were able to get the clock to work, and tell the correct time, we automatically received an A."

"What if it didn't work?"

"The teacher would check the inner workings to see how close we were to getting it right. We were able to show it to him multiple times if needed until the week was up, and he'd grade our performance from there."

"How did you do?"

"I was the first one to get an automatic A. Got it working within a day. 4 others also got it working before the week was up. We were encouraged to help others who had trouble, but were forbidden from giving the exact solution."

"'d help me get this stupid thing off if it wasn't missing a gear?"

"Yeah, compared to other models, your dad's clocks have fairly simple inner workings. I think that's why everyone loves them so much, besides the way they look."

"Alright...what about your lock?"

Mikhail lifted his own nightshirt, revealing a metal plate with a crank, with its own gears, in place of the clock like on Alex's. Besides that, it looked fairly similar to the fox's, a keyhole on the bottom, a small, tight chain wrapping around his large waist and rear end. The raccoon turned the crank on the front, which didn't seem to do anything.

"Ahh, so my dad gave you THAT one...he shouldn't have given you that one." Alex smirked.


"It's a music box."

"A music box, you say?"

"Yes, you know, you take a small punch card, feed it through the slits on the sides of it, turn the crank, and it plays music."

"...Why would that be on a chastity belt?"

"I'd think because you wouldn't be able to figure it out."

Alex opened up his drawer. He took out a small card, with many small holes on it.

"Here, put it in the slit furthest from the gears, as much as you can."

The raccoon took the card and fed it through the music box.

"Now, turn the crank."

The raccoon started to turn the crank, which fed the card out through the other side. As the holes emerged from the other side, the box emitted musical tones. Once the raccoon recognized the tune, he turned the crank faster to reveal it was a work by Mozart.

"Ah, it's the Marriage of Figaro."

Once the music was finished, the punch card fell out of the music box. The music box then played three musical tones on its own.

"C E? G?!"


"Odd...I've never seen a music box do that before."

"What was it?"

"It sounded like a diminished arpeggio."

"And that is...?" The raccoon asked.

"Three tones each a minor third away from each other. It's used a lot in music, especially when changing keys. On its own? It sounds kinda scary."

The fox got off the bed and picked his oboe up off its stand. He then repeated the diminished arpeggio the music box played.

"When all three tones are played at the same time, they need some resolution."

"Well...that's fine and is that going to unlock the belt?"

"...No clue."

Just then, something had been slipped underneath the door to the room. The fox went over to take a look.

"Huh...more punch cards."

A look of realization came across his face.

"Thanks, Mr. Powell!"

"Your father said not to give you the keys to the belts. He neglected to say anything about the punch cards." The dalmatian said behind the door. He walked off, away from the door.

"What are those?"

"The way to unlock your belt is what they are."

"Why so many?"

"No clue! We're going to play all of them to see."

Alex went back to the bed with the 8 cards, some of which were quite long, and were numerous cards held together.

Alex picked a random card and gave it to Mikhail.

"Try that one. Shortest one."


Mikhail took the card and fed it through the slit as he did with the first one. He then started turning the crank at a moderate speed.

The crank started to play a waltz of sorts, sounding unknown to Mikhail. Alex felt it sounded familiar, but wasn't quite sure of what it was. It didn't sound like anything he had performed before.

" least it sounds pretty." Mikhail said.

Once the card was completely through, it fell to the bed. Again, the music box made three chimes, but sounded slightly different.

"C E? G!"

"A minor arpeggio?" Alex wondered.

He went back to his oboe and repeated the tones for Mikhail.

"A minor triad is one note, with a minor third on top of it, but a MAJOR third on top of that. It doesn't sound as scary. If it were to be labeled with the mood, it'd be sad."

Alex thought about it.

"I'm guessing if my card made it play a diminished arpeggio...and that one played a minor arpeggio...maybe one of them will play a major arpeggio! That one sounds happy."


"You played the right one to unlock it!"

Mikhail's face lit up.

"I guess we gotta start playing the rest of these to find the right one then."

The fox and raccoon went through some of the other cards, a few of which took a few minutes to play completely. After each one, a minor arpeggio played, indicating the wrong one had been fed.

Eventually, they got to the last one. He fed it through the machine and cranked it, to the end. As Alex had thought, the machine indeed started to chime out a major arpeggio.

"C E G!"

"YES!" Alex shouted.

Mikhail started to tug on the belt. It was as tight as it was before.

"...What's wrong?"

"Still tight, still can't take it off."

"Hmm...." The fox thought about it.

He picked up a few of the punch cards, and turned them around. He noticed that they were labeled with both letters and numbers. The one that had just been fed through the music box was labelled "1A".

"I'm thinking...these all need to be the correct order."

Mikhail picked another card up. He turned it around to see it was labeled "3B".

Alex looked through the other cards to see if one was labeled "1B". Once he found it, he gave it to the raccoon.

"Try this one now."

Mikhail said nothing, but put it back in the slit and started turning the crank.

A minor arpeggio played once it was finished.

"C E? G!"

"Damnit!" Alex and Mikhail said together.

"If we don't play don't play it in order, what the hell do we do?"

"I don't know..." Alex responded. He took a closer look at each punch card. "3A" was the first one they tried. He noticed it was in a triple meter, along with "3B".

"Wait a minute..."

Alex then looked at the punch cards labeled "2A" and "2B". He noticed that they both started and ended on a different tone than all the rest.

"This is a symphony!"


"All these cards together form a symphony. We don't necessarily play these in order from 1A to 4B, we must play them the way an orchestra performs them...that means we have to play some of them more than once."

"...Shit. Do you know which ones need to be repeated?"

"Well, some composers vary, but the USUAL form is that the first movement repeats once, the second movement usually repeats once, the third movement has multiple repeats, and the fourth may or may not repeat, depending on the form the composer chooses."

"So...what order do we play these in?"

"My guess? 1A, 1A, 1B, 2A, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3A, 3B, 3B, 3A, 4A, 4B."

"And...if we mess up?"

"We might have to start over from 1A."

"That sounds terrible...I hope we can get the right order quickly."

"Well...put in 1A again. We'll play it twice."

The raccoon grabbed card 1A and put it back into the music box. The two mostly stayed silent as the music played and finished.

"C E G!"

Mikhail fed the same card back into the box.

"C E G!"

"Now 1B." Alex said.

The fox handed card 1B to Mikhail to feed into the box. Again, the two friends stayed silent.

"C E G!"

The two smiled.

"We're on the right track." Alex said.

Mikhail found 2A in the pile and fed it through the slit. The two swayed about as the raccoon cranked the card through, enjoying the pretty, albeit simple, music the box was playing.

"C E G!"

Mikhail didn't mention it, but he felt the belt starting to loosen ever so slightly with each correct card.

"So you say 2A should go in again, huh..."

He put it back in the box, and turned the crank.

"C E G!"

"Heh, you were right."

Alex smiled.

The fox found 2B and gave it to the raccoon. He fed it through the box.

"C E G!"

"Okay...the third movement is tricky, common practice is that the A section and B section are both played twice each, then the A section again, but...sometimes the A section is played twice again, rather than just one more time. It was more common to do in the 1700s."

"Well, I guess we'll have to just see what happens." Mikhail responded.

3A was put in first.

"C E G!"

It was put in again.

"C E G!"

Mikhail picked up 3B out of the pile, and fed it into the box, as he did all the others.

"C E G!"

He put it in again. The two crossed their fingers hoping it'd work.

"C E G!"

The raccoon picked 3A back up and fed it as he did before.

"C E G!"

"I guess we're not repeating 3A again?"

"No...try 4A now."

The fox gave Mikhail the correct card. The two looked on in suspense as the music box played a very quick piece of music.

"Moment of truth..." Mikhail said, as the card fell out of the box.


The two sighed in relief.

"So...we're not repeating this one?"

"No...some symphonies have repeats in their final movements, some don't. Later symphonies usually don't. We didn't have to repeat the A section of the third movement again, so..."

The raccoon took card 4B, and fed it through the slit, this one hopefully being the last one. It was also one of the longest, so the two were in for a wait as Mikhail cranked the card through.

He also didn't say it, but the raccoon's arm was getting tired of cranking. He couldn't crank as fast as he previously did for the other movements.

"Ehhh...I'm getting tired, Alex...if this doesn't work, I'm thinking of calling it a night and just going to sleep."

"I understand."

Eventually, the music finished. The two were wondering what would happen.

"C...E...G...C...E..G.......C!" *CHING!*

The music box went up the major scale of arpeggios. The final note it played caused the lock to open.

"It opened...It opened!" Mikhail said, relieved.

Not only did it open, but the music box attached to the lock broke off. The crank, and all of the gears attached to it, fell onto the bed.

With glee, Mikhail lowered his nightshirt, while pulling off the chastity lock from underneath. He was a little shy about letting his friend see his private area.

"Nothing like some freedom between your legs as you sleep." Mikhail said.

"Congratulations. It's great to see yours off. Shame about mine, though..." Alex responded.

"Hmm..." Mikhail responded.

The raccoon took a look at what broke off from the belt. Most of the gears were silver...except one. The two noticed this while figuring out Mikhail's lock, but paid no attention to it. He picked up the gold one and took a closer look.


It hit Mikhail like a bullet.

"Alex, open the clock on your belt again."

The chubby fox lifted up his nightshirt again, allowing the raccoon access to the clock's inner workings.

Mikhail saw that the inner workings were nearly identical to the pocket watch he had to put together.

"Yes...I can fix this. I'll fix it right now."

The raccoon started removing a few of the gears in the watch.

"What are you doing?" The fox asked.

"You saw the gold gear on my lock, right? It's from yours."


"Yes, he took it out of your belt and put it on mine!"

As Mikhail said this, he finished removing the gears in the way of the place for the missing one. Once he fitted it in and got the cogs to mesh, he started to put the ones he removed back in.

"Press the button."

Alex pressed the button on the clock, as he did before. This time, ALL the gears started to move.

Mikhail closed the clock. The second hand on it was moving like normal.

"What time did your belt always unlock?" The raccoon asked.


The clock on Alex's belt read 1:05.

Mikhail pressed the button on the clock, and opened it yet again. He grabbed the broken crank from his belt and attached it to the outermost gear. He then cranked the gears quite quickly. On the other side, the minute and hour hands rapidly circled the face of the clock, until Mikhail had them at 6:59.

He removed the crank, closed the clock, and pressed the button again.

"Thanks, Mikhail."

"Of course." The raccoon smiled at his friend.

The two waited for the second hand to circle the face.

"I'm going to guess the clock can't distinguish between AM and PM?"

"Probably not. Dad always reset it every night before I got into it."

It was only seconds before the hand got to the top.

*tick, tick, tick, tick, tick......CHING!*

As with Mikhail's, Alex's chastity belt unlocked.

The fox looked up at his friend with joy. It was the first time the chastity belt had been unlocked that way in years.

Like Mikhail, Alex lowered his nightshirt before removing the belt. The volume of conversation died down to whispering, especially during such a late hour.

"So...erm...Now what?" Alex asked.

"Hmmm...I don't know. Would you feel okay with us looking at each others', equipment?"

"That seems kind of weird." The fox responded.

"Well...have you ever done onanism before?"

"No...I'm not quite sure what that is, actually."

"I can teach you...if you don't mind us looking at each others'...penises."

"Well...I guess we can." Alex said, quietly.

"If you're shy...I'll let you see mine first."

Mikhail slowly raised up his nightshirt, revealing his penis to his friend.

"...Heh." Alex silently chuckled.

"Your turn."

The fox was fairly hesitant, but started to raise his own nightshirt, exposing himself to Mikhail.

Like the raccoon's, Alex's penis was short and thick, the pink, furless head sitting on top of his creamy white-furred scrotum. It gently started to twitch as Alex took a closer look at Mikhail's.

"They look very similar." Alex said.

Mikhail just smiled.

"So...what's onanism?"

"Basically...when your penis is hard, you rub it for awhile until semen shoots out."


"Yes. It feels great, and it's a lot of fun. Still not quite sure why our parents don't want us to do it...I've been doing it every night since I solved the Vice Vys, and nothing bad has happened to me."

Mikhail started rubbing his flaccid penis to demonstrate.

"First you have to make it hard, which isn't difficult to wanna feel mine? I think I'll get harder quicker."

Alex looked at his friend, and said nothing. He then looked down at his friend's member again. He slowly reached for it, and started to rub it, as well as play with the scrotum.

Mikhail silently moaned.

" that. I'm gonna get hard really quick...can I touch yours?"


Mikhail reached for his friend's member, and started gently playing with it was well, cupping the white scrotum, and gently tickling the pink head.

"Ooooh!" The fox gently moaned.

Alex's member started to grow and thicken, just as Mikhail's was.

"Now we're hard."

"...I'm not shooting any semen yet." Alex said.

"We're not up to that yet. We have to stroke ourselves for awhile. We can stroke our own penes or each others', your choice."

"I think I'll stroke mine for awhile."


The two sat on the bed for awhile, gently rubbing themselves. The two occasionally watched each other masturbate, looking up, awkwardly smiling if they caught each other.

Every time Alex caught a glimpse of Mikhail's penis, his own twitched.

"Is it weird for my penis yours?"


"Mine twitches whenever I see yours."

"Oh...I don't think so." Mikhail smiled. "My penis twitches when I see yours too."

"Can we...rub them together, you think?" Alex asked.

"We can try."

The two got a little closer, and started to rub their two members together. The two stubby penises twitched as their heads, shafts, and scrota made contact.

Mikhail and Alex both rubbed them every so often, stroking them both at the same time. The two also hugged each other as they did this.

"You're a good friend, Mikhail." Alex said.

"You too. I'm happy we can do this sort of thing together." Mikhail responded.

"...I think our nightshirts might be getting in the way of doing this, would you like to take them off?"

"Sure, okay."

Mikhail removed his nightcap, and then took off his nightshirt. Alex then followed suit. The two naked friends looked at each others' upper bodies.

Mikhail had quite a big, soft chest, with big, pink nipples. Alex's chest and belly were also fairly big, but not quite as big as Mikhail's.

The fox went back to hugging his friend.

"I love the feeling of our penes together."

"Yeah, this is better than doing it alone."

The two sat back on the bed, legs spread, continuing to stroke each other.

"Oh...I think I'm getting close to shooting..." Alex said.

" too...Ohhhhhh"

The raccoon's member started shooting, the semen landing in various places, his belly, Alex's belly, his penis, mostly. At the same time, Alex was also shooting, in the same places.

As the two regained themselves, Mikhail started wiping the sticky substance off his belly.

"Taste it, it's kinda salty." The raccoon said.


The fox wiped some off his member, and put his finger in his mouth.

"...No, mine tastes sweet."

Mikhail then put his finger on some semen he was sure was Alex's, and tasted it.

"...You're right, yours tastes sweet! Mine's salty."

After cleaning up, the two admired each others' naked bodies for awhile. The two were also quite tired.

"We should probably put our nightshirts back on...we don't want Mr. Powell to catch us naked in the morning."

"Ah, right! ...You don't think Mr. Powell will get fired, do you?"

"...I'd certainly hope not."

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