The Hunt

Story by LeiLani on SoFurry

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#6 of The H'otta Files (Extreme, Wild, Ultra-Sexy)

I'd forgotten I had this one in my archives. ^^ The story is about life on the Serengeti, the awesome spectacle and power of nature, and most assuredly the very essence of survival of the fittest.

Oh, right, and then there's a lot of sex too. ^^

This was a story commission I wrote about two years ago for someone who wanted to see three pregnant lionesses and a "poor", "helpless" zebra involved in some fun. I didn't want to see the zebra killed at the end, so I went with a happy ending instead. Pardon the pun.

Lankia paused for a moment behind the tangle of golden shortgrass, shushing her sisters with a raised paw as she narrowed her eyes, a slow growl emitting from her throat. "Be still, both of you," the lioness warned them, then raised her head slowly up, taking in the sudden waft of various scents riding the hot breeze. Among them, more powerful than the others, was the distinct smell of prey - and close by.

"What do you sense, sister?" Shemakki crawled a bit closer towards her, her swollen belly raking across the burning ground. She knew of Lankia's exceptional hunting talents, and never questioned them. Now, nearly at the point of dropping her first group of cubs, she depended upon her skills even more for the coming nourishment.

"If you'll hold your tongue, she'll tell us!" the youngest of the three lionesses abruptly moved forward on all-fours to join them, nearly pressed against Lankia's side. She too felt the heavy weight of new life within her. All three of the great cats lacked the powerful agility and quick speed associated with their kind, and had to rely mostly on Lankia's highly-developed olfactory sense to find prey close enough for them to catch without running. Surround and conquer was her usual adage, and she followed it with a fury.

"Zebra." Lankia growled and sniffed again, more deeply. "Close. The scent is strongest towards the springs."

"Our springs? They grow bolder each day." Kehanna hissed through her teeth, licking her lips.

Lankia turned to the youngest. "We don't lay claim to the water. Shemakki," her green eyes focused on her other sister. "You follow with me. We can surround the beast from the front. It'll be frightened to see our numbers and run towards Kehanna." she smiled, "and she can take him. "

The three crept up from their watching grounds, scanning the horizon for the tell-tale sign of the acacias looming in the distance, and following Lankia's lead, bounded quickly but cautiously on all-fours, heading towards the springs. As they got closer, they ducked behind shortgrass and crouched low, staying hidden.

The zebra stallion turned his head towards a far-off sound, looking suddenly alert, his ears straight, and paused as he stepped into the water. "Just nerves, calm yourself, Draku," he muttered. He had not known the pack to hunt this early in the morning, and had wanted to come for a swim after a hot, dusty journey to the north.

The stallion waded further into the springs, up to his neck, and then dunked his large muzzle down, soaking his entire body and shaking water free from his long black mane as he lifted up again. "Fantastic..." he sighed, and promptly floated on his back. He did not see nor hear the three lionesses surrounding the springs, until it was far too late.

He jerked up as Lankia let out a warning growl and stepped forward close to the edge. "You are far from your home, stallion..." Her steel-green eyes bore into Draku's as she walked closer.

Draku frowned and looked around him. The three women had each taken up positions around the springs, surrounding him. "I...just wanted a rest," he tried, backing away just a bit, now unable to touch the bottom. His eyes glanced to each of the lionesses, looking at them panting hard from their run, their bloated bellies rising and falling quickly. Their breasts were huge, swollen with the extract that would soon be given to their litters, and Draku thought about what it would be like, putting his mouth around one of those delightful, hard nipples and pulling firmly, suckling from the engorged teat until warm, nourishing milk flowed.

He braced a hand against his belly, and felt an uncomfortable erection bobbing below the water, pressed up against his trim belly-fur. "I..." he tried again, staring back at Lankia.

"Come out of there right now!" Shemakki growled from her side of the springs, and started to wade in to the springs menacingly.

"Alright, please...d-don't hurt me," the zebra started to walk towards Lankia, holding her gaze as he got up to waist-deep water.

Lankia's eyes widened at the sight of the zebra in full erection, an enormous, pumping organ nearly three times as large as her lover's, engorged and throbbing, dripping remnants of the spring's caress, and a little thread of pre-cum hanging from the broad bulb. A stirring began in her belly and she unconsciously stroked across her folds, feeling the buds of her sex opening up, becoming full with arousal.

"Th-that's far enough..." she said quietly, staring at the zebra's sex, and Draku stopped in his tracks, just short of the edge of the springs.

"'re trespassing here," Kehanna had come forward, close to her sister, her yellow eyes wide as she took in the full view of their prey.

Draku was no stranger to wanton eyes upon him in his herd. Though he was still young, only a few equine-years old, endless days of running and jumping in the Serengeti had built up his chest and belly muscles, sculpting pectorals and shoulders, firming his arms and legs into sources of great power.

"I...meant no harm here..." the zebra's deep brown eyes gazed calmly back to his captors. "I just wanted...a swim..." Water dripped all over his form still, and Shemakki felt herself tingle as she followed a few of the rivulets with her eyes, then padded carefully over to join her sisters.

"What...should we do with him?" she asked, licking her lips, still staring at the stallion.

Lankia's eyes lost focus entirely, and she started to wade closer to the great beast, her growling becoming softer. Soon she was waist-deep in the water, facing Draku, who towered over her own height of six-feet. The stallion's throbbing heat pressed against her swollen belly, and the lioness wordlessly pushed forward, spreading Draku's pre-cum about the engorged knob and looping her arms around his neck. The kiss that followed was long and deep, their tongues caught in an intimate dance as she gripped him tighter, the stallion's strong arms coming about her back, responding eagerly.

"Sister..." Kehanna gasped, "What...what are you doing..." But she was already wading into the water, followed by Shemakki behind her, surrounding the couple on either side and beginning to nuzzle at the zebra's neck, biting him softly. Their loud purrs rose up against the breeze whipping up from the water's surface, and they took turns kissing him, getting a good taste of him, swallowing his saliva.

Lankia's paw moved down to stroke over the stallion's sex, closing her fingers around some of him, squeezing with a sudden, aching need. Draku heard himself moan, and soon other paws were around him, pulling, jerking slowly, until another welling of pre dripped and sprayed out.

"Gods..." Kehanna whimpered, "He's so big...he's...mmmm..." She was kneeling in the water then, opening her mouth wide around the underside of Draku's excited shaft, grabbing a bit of flesh between her teeth and tugging, her large tongue flicking over it in hungry laps. "Mm..."

Shemakki lowered herself to her knees, pawing at Draku's hips and helping herself to some of the stallion's heavy arousal, nuzzling and then licking at the dribbling pre forming and then dropping from the tip. Draku moaned against Lankia's mouth as the older lioness continued to kiss him hard, her tongue pushing down his throat as her own scent began to permeate his nostrils. Her paw came down and grabbed an available bit of his length, tugging on it mercilessly.

Draku felt himself wanting to burst, a swelling, raging need suddenly washing over his body, and he grabbed Lankia roughly, pushing the startled lioness down in the muck onto her back, as the other lionesses quickly leapt away. They watched, transfixed, as the zebra pushed forwards, Lankia's face screwing into a grimace of pain as the stallion's long, hot and thick spire slid into her aching folds. She growled hard, wrapping her legs around the strong beast, whimpering, and her slick walls clenched tightly onto him, drenched in her honey.

A few more thrusts and the zebra felt his gorge rising, felt the warmth of his lover clinging around him tightly, and moved his huge muzzle down to one of Lankia's breasts, licking and biting gently at a nipple. The lioness moaned and started to tremble all over as the stallion succeeded in oozing warm milk from her teat. Draku snorted excitedly and started to drink from the lioness' breast, swallowing tongue-fulls of her nourishment, then pounded his hips forward, thrusting his sex suddenly deeper into the lioness, causing her to cry now in some pain.

Shemakki and Kehanna panted as they watched, stroking themselves slowly, staying on their knees, and bent down low, starting to lick over the zebra's shaft as it pulled and then pushed into their sister's folds over and over, wetting his sex in their saliva and easing Lankia's discomfort with the added lubrication. Draku had never felt such an urge to release, but the lioness' sex clamped down suddenly hard upon him, and she cried out in pleasure as she climaxed, jerking against his body. Her juices welled and then gushed forward, surrounding the zebra's member, bathing it in a sudden pour of heat and scent.

The other sisters watched the zebra wiggle free from Lankia's folds, his spire throbbing, welling more pre-cum, and they gathered around his legs at once, licking and nuzzling over his aching rod and pushing it upwards with their noses, purrrring and caressing his heavy, ripe balls with constant wet tongue-licks. Lankia growled and immediately got to her knees, taking the zebra's sex again between her paws, and starting to stroke him off quickly, as the other two women grabbed around either of his legs, holding him steady.

It was over before the zebra knew what had hit him. With a tremendous jerk that rocked him from head to toe, his sex suddenly jumped, pumping a frothy, creamy jet of his seed into the air, where it spattered against Lankia's face, against her open mouth. She growled out a loud moan and quickly trapped the spurting slit with her mouth, pressing against it hard and letting his cum seep and spill from around her lips in a gush. Shemakki continued moaning as well, using her paws to stroke and pull at the massive organ, feeling it pulse and throb under her digits. Kehanna stopped pawing at their prey's sex, licking quickly as the stallion's seed started to trickle then spill over the sides of his shaft. She purred warmly, licking hungrily at Draku's release over and over, bathing his shaft in a trail of tongue-wiggles and wet kisses.

Draku continued to cum hard, as the added tongue-play was still affecting him greatly, and more jets and ropes of his seed squirted into Lankia's mouth, filling her cheeks. Pulling her head away, she gasped and coughed out the zebra's release in strings, spattering it again over his member. She pushed her head back down and started licking him clean as well.

Kehanna heard her older sister choking and quickly joined her at the zebra's heavy and swollen knob, purring loudly and licking over the spent ooze. Soon Shemakki lifted up and began licking as well, tenderly cleaning the zebra's shaft from the knob and down the length a few inches, swirling her tongue and dipping it into the warm cum still oozing a bit.

Presently Draku stopped jerking and his spent body sank slowly, kneeling in the muck. The lionesses purred and growled softly, trading deep tongue-kisses with him, smearing their paws over his shaft at once.

"I..." the zebra gasped, breathing heavily, his head in a daze.

"Shh..." Lankia panted, pausing from the kiss. "Make no must be...taken back to the feed us...."

"But first," Shemakki giggled, kissing Draku too. "We wish to be sated in other ways...perhaps we will let you go when we are done...and perhaps not..."

Draku tensed a bit, and then glanced back at Lankia, his eyes narrowing. "My herd will be here within the next few hours or so. They will come to these springs in numbers you cannot possibly imagine...several are older...and slower..."

Lankia's eyes widened. "How dare you lead your herd -"

"They are not my herd. Not anymore. They banished me. For trying to question our leader's decision to move the herd from the ranges in the south, closer to the springs..." He looked at them all. "I have no allegiance with them. It is, ultimately, survival..." The zebra continued breathing hard, looking at each set of eyes, still apprehensive.

Presently Lankia's gaze softened and she smiled, nuzzling Draku and purring. "We shall see..." She began to push the zebra back towards the bathing waters, clinging about his neck. "For now though..."

"Yes," the zebra swallowed hard, and the lionesses pressed up against him from all sides. Together they started to drift into the water, tangling into a flurry of kisses and stroking, enjoying one another once more in the hot morning sun.


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