Powered Affection chapter 1

Story by Leroy Camren on SoFurry

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#5 of Powered Affection

First chapter ^_^ welcome to dans life

Chapter one My wonderful life

"HELP ME!" came a desperate scream from a female, large wolf. Her paws waving out the window of a burning building that used to be a very popular hotel. People where screaming, gasping and shaking as the fifty story building had burning hot flames exploding from each window. Except one. Where the female wolf was screaming; thirteen stories up.

The crowed below were all looking up at her, hoping, praying that she would be okay. I was doing the same. What was I doing there? I had been stuffed in a locker for that past four hours. Why? Who knows. Maybe for a laugh I guess.

When I got out of the locker, It was quite late, so I began my walk home. When I was around halfway home, I heard sirens going off, so being the curious fox I am, I followed to see what was wrong.

When I saw the flames I ran up and began to watch the event unfold. I ran up and looked to my right, watching the firemen getting hoses and began spraying water all over the building.

"What happened?" I asked the horse to my left.

"I don't know, apparently the kitchen exploded." He responded, giving me a quick glance.

"SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!" the Wolf screamed out her window. A Dalmatian fire fighter at the blazing red fire engine, looked up getting to his radio, that was attached to his shoulder.

"Jackson," he yelled into his walkie talkie, "What's going on?"

"This fire is so thick peter!" Came a yelled reply "I don't know if we are going to get through it!"

I looked up at the woman who was waving her arm screaming her lungs out. She wasn't going to make it...

"Is there any way to get through?" Peter asked getting silence in reply. "Fuck!" he growled punching the side of the fire truck. He was stressed and scared. He had a person to save but there was to much fire. He needed to save this person, it would be on his conscious for a long, long time.

There came another loud scream. The firemen and I looked back up to see the woman back away from the window just as the window went up in flames. Everybody gasped, some yelled out, but everybody kept looking, trying to see her, trying to see if she was alright. But the flames prevented anybody seeing past the window.

I looked over at the fire-fighter whose head fur was covering his blue eyes. Sweat dripping down his cheek from the heat and stress of the situation.

"Is she going to make it?" I asked him and he gave a long sigh.

"I-I don't kn..."

"Look!" came a shout from the Horse that was next to me "Look over there!" he yelled pointing into the air, away from the building.

Everybody looked up to see what he was pointing at. I looked up into the air, squinting my eyes to see a large blur of black flying through the air. I began to smile. I knew exactly who that was. The Dragon I was totally obsessed with, was on his way to do what he does best.

Save the day.

The crowed began to cheer, as soon as he swooped over us and around the building. They knew that everything would be ok.

Black Scales figure began to fly around the building, his arms out in front of him, his gaze on the building trying to look for a way into the building. Not because he couldn't smash through the wall, he just didn't want to bring the building down with him.

"HELP!" Came another scream from the woman inside the building. Black Scale didn't waist anymore time. He went straight through the window the woman was behind and then there was silence.

We all looked up towards the window, everybody holding their breath wondering what was happening inside that room.

"Wh-What's happenin...." Began a vixen behind me before she was interrupted with a large explosion on the eleventh floor sending large fireballs out every window. The crowd let out a loud yell.all of us ducking and trying to get away from anything that may hurt us. Another loud crash forced another scream from the crowd and that's was followed by loud thuds of clusters of bricks hitting the sidewalk.

When we all realized that the loud noises were over, we looked up towards the window again, Black Scale was slowly descending with the scared woman in his arms. He was smiling at the wolf who was still trembling, her eyes wide open.

I smiled and looked back up, the building now had a massive hole where the window used to be.

"YEAH!" Came a shout from the crowed followed by clapping and even more cheering. I smiled and clapped along with the crowd giving the Hero what he deserved.

He had just saved a woman from certain death so of course he was going to cheered. When Black Scale hit the ground he put the crying Wolf down, only to have her fling her arms around him. God did I envy her. He was so hot! He was practically made of muscle! I want to be in his arms!

The fireman at the fire truck was giving long exhales of relief. Only a few minutes ago. This woman was pretty much dead, but now she was safe and out of the building.

"Jackson, evacuate the building, Black Scale is here." He said into his radio,

"Oh thank fuck!" came the sigh of relief through the radio, then a few minutes later, five yellow covered furs came out of the entrance of the burning hotel. Black Scale walked towards the building and held his paw out to the first fur out. The fireman looked up and smiled shaking his paw.

"Thank you fellas, great job!" he said, his voice deep but his tone cheerful, "But I shall take it from here!" he said, not with a sarcastic tone, he actually meant it when he complimented them. This hero wasn't a snobby prick. He was kind. That's what made him so amazing. His ability not to shove his abilities in other peoples faces.

Dark scale soon had shaken all the paws of those who had walked out of the building, then he turned and looked up at the building. He still had a job to do, and he was going to do it badass style!

Black scale jumped into the air then flew up till he was at the top of the building. Black scale was looking at the burning flames for a few seconds, before his chest began to grow to what looked like he was breathing in.

Everybody was confused. Was he about to blow the building out like a candle? No. Not even he could do that... Could he?

After a few minutes of intense inhaling. Black scale let out a long, forceful exhale of cold air leaving the top of the hotel frozen in a big block of Ice.

"What's that going to do?" Asked a Zebra in the back. I shook my head and began to chuckle. I found it quite amusing that he would even think of doubting Black Scale.

As I looked back up towards my hero, Black scale was raising his right arm up at a hundred and thirty-five degree Angle across his body with his right arm.

Everybody was watching to see what our Hero was going to do next. Black scale made one movement, one single movement of his arm diagonally downward, and all the ice that was the top of the building melted into water in a matter of nano seconds.

The water froze for a moment before gravity took it's toll and the water began to fall. The water began to fall to the ground and while it did, Dark scale began to bend and control the water, pushing it through each floor so quickly, it looked like it wasn't moving side to side, it looked like it was just falling.

I watched in awe as the last water droplet hit the ground, because when I looked back up at the building, the fires in the building were out.

I began to clap and cheer looking up at my Hero who looked down. Nobody else was doing anything, they were awestruck. So it was pretty obvious for him to find who it was who was cheering him. I gave him a friendly smile and clapped louder. I couldn't see his face so I didn't know if he smiled or not, all I did know was that he flew away then the crowed began to clap and cheer along with me. I smiled and stood there just watching the distance as my hero flew away. Both in lust and envy.

I always wanted super powers when I was a kid. I thought it would always be cool to be able to smash through walls, run at unimaginable speeds or shoot lasers out of my eyes. But now. Not as much. Black scale was the Hero, not me. I didn't want to be in his way all the time. It wouldn't only make him hate me, it would also put a lot of peoples lives in danger. I didn't want that.

After all the excitement which was the clean up, the check up on the lady and the check up on the other fur's who were staying in the Hotel, I began my journey home. As I did, I stayed in the light of the light posts as I dare not walk into a dark alley, not knowing what would await me.

I heard that there were thugs in every one of them. Waiting for smaller furs for them to kill, rape, sell drugs and or do stuff to. I didn't like taking chances. I just walked through the well lit streets, my arms crossed trying to keep my body heat up, as the limited amount of clothing I had on wasn't doing much.

As I am poor, all I had was a short sleeved shirt and jeans. Not very warm as you can imagine, especially in winter where it's minus three with a minus eight wind chill.

How long away was home from that building? It was half way between school and home which was only five kilometers. So I was walking two and a half K's.

But it feels so much longer. It was like whenever I turned one corner, another awaited me. It was agony!

Ok where am I?

I thought looking around, trying to find some indication where I was. I kept walking and as I got to the end of the street, on a long pole was a street sign.

Oh cook street! That means only two more corners till I get home!

I got to the end of the street, then I turned right into cook street. I took two steps into cook, then jumped back against the wall. In the middle of the street, was a group of thugs sitting on a side walk. I counted six.

One tall muscular chocolate brown Horse, One tall toned black Wolf. Two Tigers, one of them White and black, the other orange and black, and two cheaters both golden yellow with black spots. They looked so alike, first glance, I thought they were identical twins.

I know I had to avoid them, but how? They could see me if I continued down the opposite side of the street, and they would defiantly hear me if I went behind them. Fuck! I took a deep breath and continued along the street that was opposite to them, hoping to god they would just ignore me.

As I was walked past the front of them, I held my breath.

'Please don't see me, please don't see me, please don't see me.'

I thought to myself as I walked further and further forward, my eyes worried but my face blank. But as soon as I felt my hind paw hit the dirt, I gave a happy sigh of relief. They didn't notice me! I smiled as I continued walking, soon finding my house. Well...Shack.

It maybe a shit house, but it was home none the less.

It was made from wood and had been standing for at least fifty years. But through out those fifty years, the house had been eaten away at by termites. Probably still is. It was even leaning to the left side. But, even though it was unstable, it still gave me a sense of security.

Our neighborhood was what the kids at my school called 'poor-ville'. All the houses were cheap and small. There were five house collapses a year and at each one, the whole community went to the house and helped the family rebuild. Our community was a very friendly one and you know what? I would rather being around poor kind furs then rich snobs any day of the year!

I walked up the dead grass that was our lawn and smiled as I heard a feminine giggle coming from my house. I opened the door and shook getting anything in my fur out and turned to have my mum run up and hug me tightly.

Our home was a basic set up really. When you walked though the door, you came into the kitchen and lounge room. The lounge room was just a rug and two recliner chairs facing towards the kitchen. We didn't have a TV. Yes because we couldn't afford it, but mostly because we didn't need it. We had something normal families didn't have. Communication.

Our kitchen had a bench along the right side wall and had a few swinging doors and draws underneath it. Holding the few plates, bowls and cutlery we owned.

Above the bench was a double door cabinet, holding Inside a small amount of cereal, biscuits and possibly some tinned food.

Along the bench was nothing. We didn't have a microwave oven, we didn't have a juicer not even a blender. Just a sink, dish rack, a stove at the very end with an oven under it, then a crappy fridge with probably just a bit of milk, some vegetables and some meat in the freezer. Next to the fridge, was a large gap where a door into our small bathroom was, and a ladder for me to get up to my room. The attic.

A few years ago, the roof gave way and left half of it missing. I was usually always climbing up there and when we found it was safe, I moved up so my old room could be used as storage. I didn't mind. My clothes were still available for me, so i was happy. My house may not be much, but it's home. And dad, mum and I were happy.

"Where have you been?" Mum asked leaning back, "me and your dad were about to get a search party going." She laughed smiling.

"Sorry, the hotel, umm what's it called?" I asked myself, "The...get away" I said as the name clicked in my head, "Burnt down, Dark Scale saved it of course." I giggled.

"Oh so you saw your crush tonight did you?" Dad chuckled from his recliner chair, I looked over seeing him with a cigarette in between his lips, and the paper in his paws. I sighed.

"Why are you smoking dad?" I asked, "You know it's bad for you."

"I had a stressful day okay," Dad said, "I found out that they are sacking people."

"But I thought that you were getting a promotion soon?" I asked

"Yes I am, but it won't matter if I get sacked." Dad sighed. I walked over to him, going to the back of his chair and hugging him around his neck.

"You're not going to get sacked daddy," I said giving him a loving nuzzle, "you're to important for them to fire." And it was true as well! Dad was a phone salesmen and he sold five times more than anybody else in his work.

"Thanks buddy," He said nuzzling me back,

"Need some stress relief?" I asked standing up and putting my paws into his shirt and began to rub my thumbs into his back.

"If you don't mind." Dad sighed happily undoing a few buttons on his shirt then let his shoulders slide out. I smiled as I began to rub my thumbs forcefully into my dads shoulder blades to give him a deep tissue shoulder massage. "How did you get good with using your paws?" Dad asked, and to be honest, I don't even know. It was one of those useless talents a lot of people have.

"I dunno," I said, "I just know where to push and rub I guess." I said rubbing out a tight knot I felt in his right shoulder.

"Dinner is going to be ready in five you two. Think you can manage that Kyle?" Mum asked which I responded with a smile and nod.

"Course I can." I giggled then began to push my thumbs a little harder into my fathers shoulder and moved them clockwise to get all the knots and stress out of his shoulders.

"There," I said running my paw through my dads head fur from the back to the front making the back of his head fur stand up. "Feel better?"

"Defiantly, thank you my boy!" He said smiling.

"Anytime," I giggled, "Now buy me a Ferrari." I giggled, making my mum and dad laugh.

"Just go get ready for dinner you twit." Dad laughed shaking his head. I smiled and went over to our bathroom to wash my paws. I went to the space in between the fridge and wall and padded up to the door. I opened it up to our only bathroom then proceeded to the sink.

Our bathroom was a very basic, crappy design. It had a shower exactly opposite from the door. To the right of the shower was our toilet, then opposite that was our sink. If you bypass the door to the bathroom, you go down a hallway where you have two door options. The first was my old room which still has my clothes in a boxes labelled 'shirts', 'pant's and 'underwear' at the back of the room along with other various crap we had no where to put. Then, if you continued down the hall, you came to the second door which was my Mums and Dads room.

There room had a hole in the roof after dad tripped and broke it. He wasn't hurt or anything, just very upset.

I ran the shampoo into my fur and began rubbing around before washing it out of my paws. When I had dried them down, I went back out to the main room then sat on the floor, letting mum have the other recliner. I had a red cushion that I sat on and to be honest, I like sitting on a cushion better than sitting on a couch or recliner. I don't know why, but I found it more comfortable and besides, mum and dad work harder. They deserve the more luxurious seat.

Mum soon walked over with three plates, two in either paw and one laying on her left forearm. She handed me one and I took it happily, sitting it on my lap. I looked down at my two sausages, mashed sweet potato, peas and corn cob and smiled.

"Sweet! looks awesome mum!" I said looking up, being greeted with mum holding out a knife and fork which I took. I began to eat while Mum, Dad and I began talking about our days.

I told them all about my school day which consisted of maths, (where I got an A for an exam), English (where I just wrote down notes), Art (painting) and then double History (where we learnt more about World War one).

Dad then began to test me on it, but don't worry. I won't bore you with Q and A about WWI. I only got a question wrong which was pretty good.

Mum had a nice day relaxing after cleaning the house and I smiled. She deserved a good rest. She spends all her days trying to make this house look good because, and I quote.

"I don't want Kyle to feel like he is poor, He deserves so much more. He is just so sweet and I hate that he has to sleep and stay in this shit hole!"

When I heard her say this, I began to act more happier around home. I was usually upset about school because I got teased and beaten all because I was poor...and gay. But when I started acting happier, life began to look less dismal and I actually began to be happy. I didn't need a big TV in my room, I didn't need an X-Box nor a laptop; because I have the next best thing. My family.and that's everything I need.

At around ten, I gave a long yawn and my mum giggled before walking over to me and hugging me.

"Go to sleep puppy," She said nuzzling me and I nodded hugging and nuzzling her back.

"Okay." I said giving Dad a hug after Mum, then I went over to the gap, going pass the ladder that helped me climb into my attic room that consisted of a sleeping bag, a pillow and a pair of ear buds. Why? Well...With walls as thin as these, you can here a whisper from the other side of the house.

So when you have two parents in the house, one has a stressful job, the other has all day with thoughts to herself. You just figure that if you put them in, you don't have to listen to moans from my own parents. Which isn't pleasant.

Anyway, I went passed the ladder and into the bathroom. I went over to the sink and grabbed my tooth brush and began to brush my teeth, letting the bristles get in between every tooth and fang I had.

After three or so minutes, I spat the foamy, minty paste into the sink, washed it down then went out to the lounge room where I found mum and dad snuggling in Dad's recliner. I smiled and walked over to hug them both.

"Good night guys." I said receiving a hug from both of them at the same time.

"Good night honey," mum whispered into my ear.

"Good night buddy." Dad said squeezing both mum and I making us groan. I laughed, said goodnight, one more time then padded over to the ladder then climbed up and then sat on the ledge before sliding over to my 'bed'.

I slid into it giving a soft murr as the warmth felt so good against my cold fur. I reached over to my ear plugs, (obviously needing them), put them in then leaned back into my pillow and closed my eyes. I gave a long exhale to calm myself down and soon enough, I was being woken up by my name being called.

"Kyyyyllleeee" My Mum sung, "it's time to get up honey." She called from down on the first level.

"I'm up." I said as loud as I could with my throat as horse as it was. I rolled over and got out of my sleeping bag.

The awesome thing about my ear buds is that they fall out half way through the night. So I was never deaf of a morning.

I went over to the ladder and cautiously climbed down. Being tired never does any good with coordination, as I found out a couple years ago after falling down with the ladder. I got a large bruise and that was about it, but it hurt like a bitch!

I walked over to mum who turned and opened her arms. I leaned in, resting against her and she hugged me tightly before kissing my forehead softly.

"Sleep well puppy?" she asked, which I just nodded in reply still a bit tired before I turned around and sat on a recliner waiting for mum to make me breakfast.

I don't know why but mum always insisted in cooking me my meals. I think it had to do with the fact of her saying I deserved a lot more. I don't know. I'm not saying I don't appreciate it, I really do but sometimes I want to make her breakfast.

"Morning all." Dad said walking in in just his boxers, his overly skinny body showing. I smiled over at Dad and smiled as he padded over hugging me.

"Good Morning Daddy!" I said hugging him back as he threw his arms around me. He then of course moved over to his wife gave her an extra long kiss and even a butt tap. "Ok I'm in the same dam room Dad, I need my eyes for school thank you." I said covering them, "please don't make me gouge them out!"

"Oh shut up and eat your cereal." Dad laughed putting the bowl down in front of me giving my forehead a kiss. I smiled and began eating my corn flakes. After which, I went into my old room and got changed into another pair of jeans and a button up shirt that had checkered blue squares all over it, all different contrast. I went out to the lounge said my good byes then headed out into the wall to start my long walk to school.

I didn't mind my long walks. It gave me time to think and revise on my work I did the day before. It usually took me around forty five minutes to make the long trip, on a good day. If it's a slow day it took around an hour and a half.

When I got to my school, I walked into the Fur infested hallways and shuffled my way to my locker. It was easy to point out. My 'friends' decided to do a little work on it and by the end of it. It had naked male furs all over it and then in big letters.


To be honest, I kinda liked it. All the furs they put on it all had nice muscles and bulging erections. The principal couldn't give a shit, he was one of those sports loving kind. And because allot my 'friends' were jocks, well... Nothing got done.

I knelt down and began to undo my locker. Twisting the lock in the correct direction to get the combination right. When I got it open, I got my pencil case, English and chemistry book with the text book before I shut it and locked it. I turned around and walked into something familiar and solid. I looked up to see my doberman 'friend' Chris, and when I say 'friend', I mean a person who takes joy in beating me up and making my life a living hell.

"How you doing today Chris?" I asked, a fake pathetic smile on my maw while he had a smirk on his maw I just did not like.

"Great Kyle, what about you?" He asked walking towards me. I took steps back until I felt the lockers up against my back.

"Doing pretty well actually." I said trying my best not to freak out and whimper, "Awesome!" he said sarcastically, "nailed another chick last night," He chuckled, "Something you wouldn't know about, wouldn't cha faggot?" He asked.

"No," I said shaking my head my lips pressed against each other, my gaze now to my front. "Nothing what so ever."

"It's so easy with you, you know?" he chuckled,

"No I don't," I said leaning into the lockers, "please explain, how I am 'so easy'" I asked.

"You just take insults and it's kind of pathetic," He explained and I nodded.

"Well actually, If I took the insult that would inquire that I let it get to me and so I would be a total mess right now." I said now having Chris giving me a confused look. "I don't 'take' insults Chris, I just let them glide over me, unless they are about my sexuality then I just get the fact that you are making a statement and if it's a statement, yes they can be insulting but I can actually agree and or disagree with it." I said shrugging, "Nice try though hun, but learn how to insult somebody before you do it." I said smiling before I then walked off leaving Chris to think about it.

I made my way to room three one nine and sat down in the English room which was all so my home room class. I walked over to my assigned desk and sat down on the right side of it. The desks were two seater's and so I was sitting next to a big Lion named Joel. He was a quite person. He didn't speak and seemed angry half the time. He had fluorescent blue eyes and a look that could would make other lions turn into frightened kittens, calling out to their mummy's.

I walked in, sat down reading over my notes from the previous day just waiting for the class to begin. It wasn't until five minutes before the bell did Joel actually walk in. When I saw his paw pull his chair back I looked up and smiled.

"Good morning." I said kindly, he just nodded and sat down. It was the regular routine with him. Say nothing, just nod. I giggled and went back to reading.

When the bell rung, Kids came spilling into the class room sitting at their seats. The last Fur in the door was our teacher. He was the Gayest person I have ever met in my life. The lion had a set of ear rings up his ear all a different color of the rainbow, his shirts always were to short so they left his stomach open for all to see. His wrist always had rainbow bracelets that were just plastic. His shorts were always short shorts and dam did he look good. I would do anything to have his confidence. He was my all time favorite male teacher.

"Good morning class." Mr. Rain sung leaning against his desk. The groans came from every where. I just huffed a laugh and just kept reading until he was marking the roll. I zoned in just for that just until I heard.

"Good morning Kyle."

"Good morning Mr. Rain." I replied then continued to read. When Home Room was over I just stayed sitting down until Mr. Rain was kneeling down at my desk, the room now empty.

"How is my favorite student doing?" he asked giving a little giggle as he winked at me. I always thought that he was hitting on me for the first few months of getting to know him, but when I asked him, he made it very clear that all he was doing is being friendly. I always giggle when he winks at me now.

"You're favorite student is doing very well today, how is my favorite teacher doing?" I asked offering the chair next to me which he took quite happily."I am doing Great! Did you get your homework done last night?" He asked getting a pen from his short shorts. I smiled sliding my book over to him which he took and began marking it. I never did homework at home unless I had so much I couldn't finish it at class or in the library. "very good honey!" Mr. Rain said sliding my book over with ticks now all over the page.

"Thank you sir." I said taking my book back and shutting it.

"Hows Dave and Samantha?" He asked, "Mum and Dad are great, nearly had to gouge my eyes out this morning when dad decided he was going to make out with mum and pinch her butt right in front of me." I said faked gagging afterwards making Mr. Rain laugh.

"Well, I was once in a relationship where the guy had a fourteen year old kid. He once rushed in, pushed me against the bench and began to grind against me all with the kid watching." Mr. Rain giggled and I laughed quite happily.

"Oh god, if Dad ever did that with Mum, I would be hurling."

"That's what the kid did." Mr. Rain giggled. I smiled and shook my head after laughing for a while.

"Oh wow, what was the reaction when you realized that their was a straight minor in the room?" I asked.

"I believe the reaction was," Mr. Rain said clearing his throat then he looked at me with shocked eyes, staying silent before he blinked, "...Fuck."

That is what had me on the floor. I rolled around slamming my paw into the floor next to me laughing my orange, black and white tail off.

Mr. Rain could be a comedian if he tried. I don't know why on earth, he is stuck in a damn school teaching, and what makes it worse is that he is teaching English! Why not Drama? He would do, so well at that subject!

When the first student walked into the class Mr. Rain stood up. "Ok honey, sit up and start listening." He giggled winking one last time before going to his desk.

I nodded and then sat back up still laughing a little as I grabbed my pen. I just sat it on my paper ready to listen to my teacher. And how the lesson went quickly and happily. No shit. No Drama. It was nice.

When we did leave, I said goodbye to Mr. Rain, then went to my chemistry lesson where I was partnered up with Chris of all people. I sat at my desk and just sighed as he sat down next to me.

"Sup Fag?" he asked,

"Nothing much meat head." I said opening my text book.

"Careful there poofter, you might get your faggy little head beaten in." he growled. I gasped and looked up with happy little eyes.

"Oh I'm shaking Chris! Trembling with the utmost fear." I replied dully. I wasn't scared of him, neither was I intimidated by him. He maybe taller and stronger. But I was smaller and more agile then the meat head he was.

"Watch you're back tool." he growled.

"Oh wow Tool," I chuckled "a vocabulary of four letters, we have an achievement." I said clapping with a slow, sarcastic rhythm. Chris's eyes began to go red and steam was exploding from his ears.

"Shut the fuck up you little faggot!" He yelled making everybody look over."Ooh ouch, little faggot, I am hurt. I'm cut so deep" I said sarcastically before he pulled his arm back and shot it towards my head. I only had to leaned forward to dodge the fist, sending him to the floor behind me. Chris yelled before standing up and leaving the class room.

"Are you done Mister Writh?" The griffon teacher, known as Mr. Timons asked. A teacher that gives less then a shit.

"Yes, Yes I am." I said then continued to take notes. I know he would try and make me regret it someway or another, but what do I care? So I'm going to get beat up, what else is new?

When chemistry was done, I put my books and pencil case away then set off to the library which was on the other side of the campus.

The thing about our school is, is that it's just one big building. It had something a long the lines of nine hundred and thirty-four rooms which all served a purpose of being completely and utterly useless half the time. It had stairs every hundred meters and the rest of the time it was either a room, hallway or lockers.

I made my way through the hallway till I found the large arch like entrance. I walked in smiling at the Husky librarian who smiled and nodded back before going back to her book.

I padded around the large area looking around, trying to find a book that will last me more than a few minutes. I went around trying to find something worth reading, until a found a very interesting murder mystery. I took it from the shelf then took it to the Husky librarian, who scanned it then gave it back to me. I thanked her then looked around for a free seat.

I was wondering for a while seeing a lot filled seats. I was so close to giving up until I saw a very large familiar Lion sitting at a table, all by himself. I smiled a little and walked over to him seeing he was reading himself. When I got over to the table Joel looked up and you know; I never realized how beautiful his eyes really were until now. At first I thought they were contacts. No eyes can be that fluorescent, but thinking into it, who would go to that much trouble to look good when they aren't even going to talk to anyone?

"Is this seat taken?" I asked, He was silent for a minute. "I'm not going to bother you, I just need a place to sit." I explained. Joel nodded kicking the chair out for me. I smiled and nodded thanking him silently before I sat down and began reading.

Through out recess, as I read, out the corner of my eye, I kept seeing Joel look over at me. It wasn't quick glances, neither were they looks behind me. They were full glances as if he was checking me out. I wouldn't have said anything if he didn't give a huff of laughter.

"What?" I asked looking up, he looked up and gave me a confused look which I just giggled at. "I know you have been looking at me all this time." I said smiling. His face went to chocked and a light red blush softly covered his cheeks which I giggled again. I smiled and then continued to read giggling softly.

"I-I'm sorry," I heard and I looked up. Man, his voice was low, and rough. He was cute too. He was now uncomfortable and I kinda felt bad for him. I didn't want him to feel as if I was going around to tell everybody.

"For what?" I asked and he looked a bit confused, "You don't need to apologize because you been looking at me. If you were checking me out, go for your life." I giggled, then leaned in, "I won't tell anybody." I then just winked, sat back, put my right leg over my left then continued reading the book that was now in my lap. The rest of recess I had a big smile on my maw. Joel had just made my day by acting so cute and innocent. God he was nearly as bad as I am. Sometimes.

When recess was over I marked my page, then got up and began to walk away."Are you coming back at lunch?" I heard from behind me. I turned around and Joel was looking at me with a tilted head. I smiled and nodded.

"Only if you want me." I giggled. Joel nodded,

"It's so hard to find somebody who won't talk while I am trying to read." He said making me smile.

"Sure big guy. I shall protect your peace." I said then continued out. I giggled and as I went to my locker and got my pencil case as I had an Art class now. A double Art class! I practically skipped my way to the large room and made my way over to get a stand.

I set up my stand, got my canvas and put it down then took a couple of paw steps back. I looked over my abstract work thinking about which color I was going to use now.

My piece is just like fireworks, except there will be no spaces between them. They are all squeezed together on a black back ground. I went over to the paints and looked over them hearing the door to the room open.

"Good morning Kyle." I heard and turned before smiling at my mouse teacher Mrs. Tuck. Her whiskers swishing around as she walked.

"Good morning Mrs" I said and then my eyes dragged down to her dress. The straps covered only her shoulders and it's skirt fell down to her lower calf, but the length isn't what caught my attention. Her dress had Paint splattered all over it. All different colors going in all different directions. "Whoa Mrs, Your dress is fantastic!" I said smiling.

"Oh just something, I did this last night." She squeaked swishing it around.

"You did that?" I asked very impressed as she nodded. "Jesus!" I said smiling. She giggled then looked over at the paints.

"Looking for any particular color?" She asked and I shook my head.

"No, just something different." I said, "For the color in the middle I want it to most likely be fluorescent." I explained. Mrs. Tuck thought for a moment before she went back into her office, only to return with three big jugs of fluorescent paint. One green, one pink the last blue. I giggled as I saw the blue. it had an uncanny resemblance to Joel's eyes.

"Well you have these to choose from." She said smiling. I nodded as she then took them back to her office and I took the purple and white paint back to my canvas stand while by that point, the room was filled with students.

I got a small dollop of white and purple on top of each other, put the back of my paint brush and began moving it around in circles so that the two colors began to mix to create a radiant purple. Sort of a grape color, just a lot more lighter. When it mixed properly, I grabbed a rag from the rag box (which was coincidently right next to me), and wiped the back of the paint brush down until it was the brown wood color it used to be. When the back of the paint brush was clean, I put the bristles into the purple and began to make small curved, strokes giving it the exploding effect.

Soon I had purple, light blue, dark blue, more red and white and a some green. It was looking quite nice at the moment.

I smiled as I put my paint brush down and just looked at it. It was looking just like I had planned it to be which pleased me very much!

"Oh wow." I heard from behind me, I turned around and saw Mrs. Tuck. She was looking around the canvas and by what I could tell, she was liking what she saw. "Kyle this is beautiful." She said patting my back and looking at it once again.

"You think?" I asked, "Well I do agree with you, I just think it's missing something." I said scratching the back of my head.

"Yeah, it needs fag written across the...." Steven (One of the Dingo jocks) said getting a few laughs from the rest of the class, but he was interrupted by the teacher.

"Kyle has more artistic talent in his claw then you have in your steroid built up body!" She yelled, " Now get out of my class room!" Steven was shocked at what she had said as was the rest of the class. He just sat there looking at her shocked but Mrs. Tuck wouldn't have a homophobic ass hole in her class. "What are you just sitting there for, get out!" she screamed making him get up and leave. She then looked around, "Dose anybody else have a problem with Kyle's sexuality?" She asked and a lot of Furs were looking down at the ground, others were just giving her a poker face. "No?" she asked, "Then get back to work!" She said stomping into her office and slamming the door.

The room was silent for a while before others began to get back to talking and working. I sighed and put my paint brush down and walked over to Mrs. Tucks office and went in.

Mrs. Tuck was sitting at her desk, her nails digging into the desk. I walked over and put my paw on her shoulder and gave it a friendly squeeze.

"You know, I get that on a regular basis, I don't really care about what they say Mrs." I said but she shook her head.

"But you shouldn't!" she said, "Kyle more than seventy percent of my friends are gay, lesbian or Bi so I hate it when people make fun of it. I am considering going to the principal and having him expelled!"

"Mrs, I appreciate you looking out for me and things but, being expelled over calling somebody a name isn't worth the time and Steven is a good guy, he just got into the wrong crowd." I said not really meaning it but if he got expelled all because of me, then my life would go to hell. Mrs. Tuck nodded then gave a long exhale before she stood up and went back out to her class. I went back to my canvas and just continued to fill the banks until the bell rang.

When it did go, I packed up my canvas and as left the room and turned left, Steven, the seven foot dingo stood there fuming.

"So what happened after I left faggot?" He growled sending his fist in my direction which I luckily moved away from.

"I went into her office, explained that I didn't care, then told her not to expel your ass!" I growled. "Get your fucking facts straight before you try to pummel me." I said and walked off but I stopped, "Oh and maybe to prevent these situations" I said walking over to him and then at the top of my lungs yelled. "LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!", Everybody in the hallway went silent and Steven's face only showed shock.

I turned around then made my way to my locker. I put my stuff away, grabbed my book then made my way to the library, all the while growling under my breath. When I got to the Library I just took a few deep breathes before I entered.

I just can't believe the football teams hated me so much that they would go out of there way to blame me because they got into trouble. I was just sick and tired of being the loser in this situation.

I just closed my eyes and began to think. What would Dark Scale do in this situation? He would do the right thing which would be to talk it out, but considering I couldn't. I did the second best thing. I ignored it, put a smile on my maw and walked into the Library then turned and began to walk up to the Golden furred Lion. I sat down and crossed my legs then began reading. I saw at the corner of my eye, Joel had a small smile on his lips that I couldn't help but giggle at.

Lunch ended up being really nice. Just reading in the company of a very hot, and silent Lion. I had nearly finished my book when Joel cleared his throat making me look up. He was still reading but his eyes flipped over to me, to his book then quickly back at me.

"Oh sorry," he said, "My throat just felt weird."

I giggled and nodded then continued to read. "S-So your name is Kyle right?" He asked and I looked up smiling and I nodded.

"And you are Joel." I said smiling, "Nice to meet you after sitting next to you for so long." Joel nodded,

"I'm not very social and find friends pointless, unless of course they are worth it." He said and I nodded. "So dose that make me worth it?" I asked and Joel shrugged.

"I don't know yet." He said and I giggled.

"Don't keep me waiting too long cub." I said going back to my book giggling. When the bell rang I had already finished the book and put it back. When I was putting the book back I began to walk out but I was stopped with a paw on my shoulder. I looked around and The big lion stood there, an uncertain look on his maw.

"So what class do you have now?" he asked. I smiled.

"I have a double study with you in room, three two nine." I said smiling.

"Do you want to get another book and sit next to me?" He asked and I giggled.

"Umm, sure" I said happily, before walking back into the library and looking around really quick before finding an even thicker book which was about a poor boy getting rich.

I shrugged and walked to the Husky again and getting the book scanned. I carried the book with me as Joel and I walked silently through the corridors till we got to our study room. We then walked over to the back of the room and sat down having each other as company. I leaned back into my chair reading word after word, page after page with a smile on my face.

After I had finished the book in the two hours of study I had, I sat back into the chair and gave a happy sigh. I was happy to have finished another book, and it was a good one too!

"You done already?" He asked looking over as I stretched my arms and back with a triumphant smile on my maw. Joel smiled a little before going back to his book. I rose my arm and waited till the teacher (Mr. Fruiten, a Border Collie) called on me.

"Yeah, May I quickly go to the library to get another book?" I asked, he nodded then I stood up and began to walk away to the library. I gave the Husky my book which she took with a shocked look on her face.

I smiled then went back over to the books and looked around. I dragged my paws along the metal shelves that held the books up while looking at the titles to see if any took my fancy.

The Golden fruit Death in seconds How to get away with murder Stealth force The deep blue effect

When I read that last title, I took it from the shelves, turned it around and began reading the blurb. I was hooked from the first sentence of it. It was all about how a biological weapon got out making everybody depressed, ending up with mass amount of suicide.

I padded up to the husky smiling happily and handed her the book."You go through book like you go through food." She giggled smiling as she passed me the book.

"Well I am a fast reader and if I like a book I will zoom through it." I giggled smiling as I took the book back and then walked out waving behind me. When I got back to the class room I sat back down next to my new friend who was still on the same book he had been on all day.

"What did you get?" Joel asked me and I smiled looking over towards him.

"The Deep Blue effect," I said showing him the front cover which was a black figure in a contrasts of blues. He nodded and then we both went back to reading our books. I got a third into the one thousand and fifty two page book before school ended.

"So same time tomorrow?" I asked smiling. Joel looked at me, nodded then walked off while I went to my locker. I put my books away, closed my locker then walked away smiling. Today wasn't as cold as it was last night. It was actually quite nice. As I was leaving out I heard my name being called and as I turned around I saw Mrs. Tuck rushing towards me.

"Oh thank god I got you in time." Mrs. Tuck said smiling.

"Oh?" I asked smiling, "Everything okay?" I asked and she nodded.

"Yes, yes, I just want you to come work some more on your artwork." Mrs. Tuck said and I tilted my head.

"Sure but why?" I asked following her towards the Art room.

"Oh I just have to clean up a little and I don't like being alone in the school at four thirty." She said widening her eyes for a split second as she spoke, "I think the janitor likes me and he is very flirty." I giggled and nodded

"Fair enough." I said walking in and finding everything set up for me, "you weren't going to take no for an answer were you?" I asked tilting my head a little.

"Nope." She squeaked giggling. I smiled and went over and began working. Adding more and more color to my canvas all the while talking with Mrs. Tuck. We spoke about personal life, our favorite art work, movies and music. It was nice talking with her making the day one of the best I have had in many years. But usually when I have a good day... something always seems to bring it down.

TO BE CONTINUED ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Powered Affection chapter 2

Chapter two : I hate the universe.... "Are you sure you don't need a life home Kyle?" Mrs. Tuck asked her front seat of her little mini car. I smiled shaking my head. "No thanks, mrs. But can you at least just let my parents know why I'm home...

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Powered Affection prologue

  Powered affection Written by Leroy Camren Prologue Have you ever read a comic book? Like SuperDog, or Batwolf? Or even SuperSpider? You know how everything is usually so happy when the hero isn't saving people? Well. It's a load of bullshit....

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