Digimon Defenders Chapter 3

Story by supersonic250 on SoFurry

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#6 of Digimon Defenders

It's DONE. It's FINALLY DONE... After SO much hard work, it's FINISHED, and along with it, the Succubimon Story Arc. NOW I can begin the REAL story of Digimon Defenders, and get to the REALLY fun stuff. I'm pretty proud of how this chapter turned out despite the lack of sex. Be warned, while there IS porn to be found here, this is an action-heavy chapter... You'd be better off reading the Side Chapter 1 for a quick, consequence-free fap. HOWEVER, the NEXT chapter will be filled to the brim with fun sexy stuffs.

...And yes, I KNOW the fight scene has some problems (like the Generals being built up as big threats, but never really paying off... but later chapters will build them up better.

I REALLY hope you enjoy, because I worked my fuzzy butt off!!!

DIGIMON DEFENDERS Chapter 3: Defenders Fight Back

It had been a long journey for Gazi and Flora since their escape from Succubimon. The Data Transfer (a much safer, but more limited version of the Emergency Data Transfer or EDT) had dropped them in the middle of the wilderness on the Folder Continent. Fortunately, Flora had the unique ability to communicate with the plant-life of the area, and had discovered an abandoned Defenders base less than a three days journey away.

It had been slow going. Unfortunately, the Black Collars around Gato and Rena's necks were still fully functional. To their dismay, as soon as they had arrived in the Folder forests, the cat and fox had tried to wander off, being led by the Collars back to Succubimon's palace. Flora had managed to tinker with the Collars and disabled their tracking and recall mechanisms, but she could not disable them completely. This had the effect of leaving Gato and Rena completely mindless. When not being led by their paws, they'd simply stand and stare off into the distance, swaying on their feet. It also had the added distraction of leaving them both with raging, dripping erections that constantly drew Gazi and Flora's attentions. At least four times they had to stop to relieve themselves or the two hypnotized Defenders, leaving massive puddles of cum in their wake.

But finally they had made it to the base. Breaking in, they found their way to the Data Transfer room. It turned out Flora had a fair amount of technical and mechanical expertise, as she was able to get the broken-down machine working once more, and tapped in to the Defenders' Transfer Network.

After another rest to paint the walls of the base white, Gazi and Flora had led the vixen and kitten onto the pads and vanished in a flash of light. They found themselves only a few miles from the File Island Defenders base, and set out as fast as they could.


Meanwhile, inside the Defenders base, things were hectic. Since the immediate threat of the Black Collars had subsided, Gabu had ordered that the sublevels of the Defenders' base be opened up. The sublevels were a massive, sprawling complex miles under File Island. Unlike the emergency shelter, which was meant for immediate threats, the sublevels were designed to protect the Defenders for more protracted periods of time. To that extent, they had barracks, an arsenal, workshops and technical bays, a medical wing, and even an entertainment center to help keep the Defenders' sanity intact while they were secluded.

The surviving Defenders now raced about on their duties, working to secure the defenses of the base. Gabu led the effort, as the highest ranked Defender left, with Goma helping as his second-in-command. Armadillo, despite his almost nymphomaniac personality, turned out to not just be competent, but downright skilled at his job of managing security. He found openings and gaps in their grid that no one else had noticed since the base was built, and closed them with ease. Pata acted as kind of a morale officer, going from place to place and encouraging anyone he could find, something he was very skilled at. The Twins helped in their own way by relaying messages back and forth between the different parts of the sublevels, since the communication systems were down.

Meanwhile, Tento had immediately shut himself in a tech lab to begin work on reverse engineering the broken Black Collar they had found in Server. What Gabu had thought was stoicism in the face of despair actually turned out to be Tento's real personality. He was blunt, quiet, and analytical, rarely showing any emotion of any kind. Unlike Rena, who was actually very sweet and friendly under her rough exterior, Gabu had a hard time telling if Tento had anything other than a rough INTERIOR too.

It had been several days since the sublevels were opened, and there had still been no word from any other Defenders' base on the planet. Gabu could not tell if the communications network was down, if the other bases were still in total lockdown, or if they were the only ones left. Fortunately, the world seemed to be safe without them, if the images from nearby File City were any indication. Business in the city streets seemed to be going on as normal as Digimon bustled from place to place with no signs of any Black Collars. This told Gabu that the Collars had attacked the Defenders exclusively...

"Mr. Gabu, sir!" a squeaky voice called, jolting Gabu out of his thoughts. He looked up to see Lop standing there, panting for breath. Gabu frowned.

"I told you to call me Gabu. We're not that formal," Gabu said.

"Sorry, sir. It's just... Gaomon was on monitor duty and he saw something you should see. He told me to tell you to tap into security camera 12 by the front gate," Lop wheezed, clearly having sprinted the whole way. Gabu frowned even deeper and turned to a nearby console, tapping in several commands. A screen nearby changed from a data display to an image just outside the front gate. What Gabu saw made his jaw drop in utter shock.

"Is that... GATO?! And RENA?!" he yelped, standing up and running over to the screen to get a better look.

Outside the gate were standing two Digimon with a remarkable resemblance to Gato and Rena. Gabu thought "resemblance," because the last time he saw the cat and the fox, they didn't have such glassy and mindless stares, their eyes glowing red. And they most CERTAINLY did not have large, dripping cocks jutting straight out from their hips like spears.

"Wh-What the...?" Gabu murmured. It was then that he noticed two other figures in the frame, a Gazimon and a Floramon. The Gazimon seemed to be shouting something at the gate, hopping up and down and waving at the cameras. Gabu typed in a command into the console to tap into the audio system.

"HEY!!! YO!!! I know someone's in there! WAKE UP!" a high, raspy voice echoed through the speaker. Gabu flipped a switch to open a communication channel.

"...State your intentions..." the wolf said quietly.

"My intention is to help you guys! We've got two o' your friends here!" the Gazimon shouted at the camera. Gabu frowned deeply. This had to be some sort of trick to get them to open the gates.

"Go to Armadillo, NOW. Tell him to send the best guys he can find to the front gate as a security force," Gabu ordered Lop, who squeaked an affirmative and sprinted off. He turned his attention back to the screen and frowned, saying, "...You must think we're some sort of complete freaking morons if we're gonna believe that."

"Listen, I just risked getting my fuzzy butt deleted a thousand times over to get these two here! It's not like I was expectin' gratitude or anything, but at least the benefit of the doubt!" Gazi growled, clearly annoyed. Gabu frowned.

"How do we know those are even our friends?" Gabu asked, glaring at the monitor. The wolf had raised Gato since she was five cycles old, and he knew he was looking at her now on the monitor. However, he knew he had to remain on guard.

"Because of this," the Floramon said, speaking up for the first time. She stepped forward and took Gato's hand, gently lifting it up to display the back of her paw. A bright circular pattern glowed there, clearly a Defender's Identification Brand. The computer automatically scanned it, and Gato's credentials appeared on a pop-up window, confirming her identity. Gabu Gabu frowned even deeper, only more suspicious than before. He knew it was literally impossible to copy, fake, or even remove a Defenders' Brand. It HAD to be the real Gato.

"This has to be some sort of trick. They're still wearing those Collars," Gabu growled. Gazi returned the growl, but Flora stepped forward.

"Sir, I don't blame you for being suspicious, but we escaped WITH them to bring them here. We want to help you defeat our Mistress... We have vital information that can help you do that and save all of your other friends and allies..." she said, staring up at the camera. Years of being a Defender and dealing with the worst low-life scum known to Digimon-kind had left Gabu a pretty good judge of character. He could hear the earnestness in her voice, and his instincts told him that she was being sincere. However, he had learned not to trust his instinct completely either.

"...You will get down on the ground, faces in the dirt. Hands behind your back. Make even a SMALL move, and you'll be deleted on the spot. If you're REALLY sincere, you'll submit to power-suppressors and handcuffs," Gabu instructed.

"Wait, what?" Gazi said, beginning to sound outraged, but Flora cut him off.

"That's acceptable," she replied. She grabbed Gazi and yanked him down into a prostrate position. Gabu was surprised, but turned on a different communications channel to contact the security team.

"...Outside the gate are four Digimon, two Defenders and two unknowns. Take the unknowns into custody in handcuffs and power suppressors. Bring the Defenders inside, handcuffed and power-suppressed, but bring them to Tento's lab," Gabu ordered.

"Sir, you want us to suppress and cuff the Defenders?!" a voice came back incredulously.

"...They're wearing Black Collars. Until we can remove them, they're a danger to us. Restrain them, but be gentle," Gabu replied, sighing. An affirmative came back and as he watched, the main gate opened and a swarm of Defenders wearing blue armbands swarmed out and huddled around the four Digimon. When Gabu next caught a glimpse of them, all four were in handcuffs, and had metal headbands strapped around their foreheads. The headbands were power-suppressors, designed to negate all of a Digimon's innate attacks and abilities.

"...This is an interesting twist..." Gabu grumbled, turning away from the monitor to go greet his new guests.


"You expect me to believe THAT BS story?!!!" Gabu laughed hysterically after hearing Gazi explain himself, "...You... fell in love with Gato, and just DECIDED... out of the blue... to RESCUE her?!"

"...Yeah..." Gazi replied, his cheeks turned bright red with embarrassment. He had explained everything that he had been through, although pointedly leaving out the part about hypnotizing and "convincing" Flora to help him escape. He sat in a cell, behind a forcefield as Gabu paced before him. Flora sat beside him, frowning.

"You're gonna have to come up with something MUCH better than that, bud," Gabu growled, the mirth fading from his voice, "because only a complete moron would buy that."

"...Actually, Gabu... I think he's tellin' the truth," a voice spoke up. Gabu turned to see Goma standing there, scratching his head.

"Pardon me?" Gabu asked.

"He's telling the truth. Remember, outside of being a tactical support officer, I'm also our resident interrogator. I know when someone's lying, and... well... he's telling the complete truth," Goma said, bluntly.

"...So, you gonna let us out?" Gazi asked hopefully.

"Are they a danger to us?" Gabu asked Goma, frowning.

"I don't think so. But let's make sure they're escorted by a security team at all times. Oh, and Tento wants us. That's the reason I came here in the first place," Goma said almost cheerfully.

"...Fine. Let them out..." Gabu grumbled at a nearby security officer. The Digimon nodded and shut down the force-field, letting Gazi and Flora leave the cell.

"Come with us. If you REALLY want to help us, then we need all the information you can give us on this Succubimon character," Gabu growled angrily, turning away.


Tento had made himself at home in the technology labs almost as soon as he arrived at the File Island Base. The place was a chaotic pigsty, machines placed haphazardly around the room, tools strewn about where Tento had left them after he had finished using them. The beetle Digimon himself flitted from place to place with a faint buzz as his wings carried him around the room. He used several tools on the broken Black Collar that they had found in Server.

Gabu frowned in annoyance at the state of the room and blinked as he noticed Gato and Rena sitting in chairs nearby. Their expressions were still vacant and empty and their eyes glowed red. The Collars were still latched tight around their necks.

"What are they doing here? I sent them to the medical bay," Gabu asked Tento.

"Yes, and I had them brought here instead. I can assure you that physically, there's nothing wrong with them. I've already done some bioscans myself," Tento replied, not bothering to look up from his work.

"...You could at LEAST have covered their waists with something..." Goma muttered, blushing as he averted his eyes from watching Gato's shaft bob up and down, a sticky dribble of pre running down the flesh.

"Hmm? Oh, yes, I suppose I could have..." Tento buzzed distractedly. The beetle picked up another tool and used it to tinker with the circuitry of the broken collar, still seeming to ignore his visitors.

"...Tento... If you called us for a reason, now's the time to tell it. Otherwise, I'm leaving. I have work to do," Gabu growled in annoyance. Tento sighed and put down the tool and finally looked up from the workbench.

"...My apologies, Gabu... When I have a big project to work on, it absorbs all of my attention, and I find it next to impossible to extricate myself from it," Tento said apologetically, gesturing at the table.

"So, what's going on?" Goma asked, frowning.

"I've been studying the broken Collar, and more importantly, the functional collars around Gatomon and Renamon's necks. I've made some interesting discoveries that will aid our cause," Tento said excitedly. Gabu raised an eyebrow.

"...And you found...?" He gestured for Tento to continue.

"They are each essentially self-contained limited AIs. They function by latching around a Digimon's neck, transmitting a virus directly into the Digimon's code, and override the higher functions of their programming," Tento explained, "From there, it replaces those functions with its own commands, controlling the Digimon body and mind."

"...So it basically shuts down their minds and then that limited AI takes over for them," Gabu said, trying to understand.

"Precisely. Unfortunately, because of this, the collars cannot be forcibly removed without disrupting the Digimon's nervous system. At worst, it would be instantly fatal... at best, it would result in the Digimon being rendered comatose," Tento continued. Gabu's eyes narrowed in concern, and Gazi growled.

"Wait, you can't take 'em off?! She's gonna be a mindless lump forever?!" Gazi rasped in disbelief, his paws bunching up into angry fists.

"I never said THAT, whoever-you-are... What I said is that they can't be FORCIBLY removed. If we were simply to destroy the Collars, then yes, it would likely result in their incapacitation or deletion. However, I think there is a way to disrupt the collar WITHOUT killing them," Tento said, his green multifaceted eyes turning on Gazi.

"...Then how?" Flora asked curiously, "I was able to disable their self-guidance functions and GPS trackers, but I couldn't manage to get past the fourth adjunct circuit to disable the trance routine without triggering a feedback capacitor."

"...Marry me," Tento said, blinking at Flora in admiration.

"What?" Flora asked in confusion, not sure she heard right.

"...Nothing. I said nothing... Uhhh..." Tento said quickly and then paused to try to regain his train of thought and any shreds of dignity he had left, "Um, it's complicated, and I'd be happy to explain it in more technical details later on, but for now, I would rather keep it simple for the laymen here." Tento glanced pointedly at Gabu, Goma, and Gazi who seemed to have no idea what they were talking about. He walked over to a workbench and picked up several tools.

"Essentially, when cut off from the main source that transmits their control signal, like they are now, they run on a basic program that keeps the Digimon entranced and mindless. It's a failsafe so that if something goes wrong with the Collar, the victim is left docile to be retrieved at the 'controller's' leisure... However, because they are open to RECEIVE transmissions and signals, that means that they can be accessed. My theory (and it's a GOOD one), is that I can send a signal that will replicate the controller, and cause the Collars to enter a feedback loop, and overload... and shut down," Tento explained.

"THAT was simple?!" Gazi growled in confusion, not having comprehended a word.

"...He's gonna fake a signal from whoever created the Collars that'll cause them to get confused and shut down," Flora explained, sighing. She turned back to Tento and asked, "But how are you going to cause the feedback loop?"

"Easy. I'll tell it to divide by zero," Tento said with a hint of amusement in his voice. With that, he picked up a device and held it up to Gato's Collar. After a few minutes of tinkering and adjusting, he pressed a button on the tool. There was a high-pitched hum, a scratch of static electricity, and suddenly the collar clicked open and fell from Gato's neck. The feline shuddered, the red glow fading from her eyes. The irises faded back to the most brilliant blue that Gazi had ever seen, and his heartbeat sped up. Gato let out a weak sigh and her eyes rolled up. The little kitten fainted, slumping to the side and fell out of her seat. Gazi rushed forward and caught her.

"Whoa!!!" Gazi yelped. Gabu growled in anger, looking as if he was about to say something or strike Gazi for touching Gato, but Goma laid a restraining paw on his shoulder. The feline lay still in the cabbit's arms, her chest rising and falling slowly with her breath. She suddenly shuddered and moaned, her eyelids fluttering.

Gato's eyes slowly opened and she looked around dazedly. Gazi held her gently, holding his breath as her gaze met his. Their eyes locked onto each other, her piercing blue eyes staring deep into his soul. The cabbit wanted the moment to last forever as he stared at her beautiful face. She opened her mouth as she looked back and...

She punched him. Her fist lashed out with blinding speed and force that Gazi had only the merest fraction of a second to think: "Oh, god... This is gonna hurt." The cabbit didn't feel the impact until he was already sailing through the air, flung by the force of the blow clear across the room. He slammed into a machine, causing it to crumple in around him in a heap of broken metal. As he watched the celestial display dance before his eyes, he was vaguely aware of Gato yelling at the top of her lungs.

"LEMME GO!!! WHO ARE YOU?!! WHERE AM I?!!! WHO AM I?!!!" She shouted, clearly extremely disoriented. She bared her claws at the other Defenders, slashing wildly. Gabu bobbed and weaved around the wild attacks, moving in close to deliver a precise blow to the feline's neck, instantly knocking her out. He panted from the exertion, looking to Tento.

"...Did I forget to mention there might be some temporary amnesia?" Tento asked sheepishly.

"YEAH, YOU DID! Let's make sure we dose up Rena with some tranquilizers before even ATTEMPTING that again..." Gabu growled, adjusting his fur pelt before it fell off. Flora walked over to Gazi, who stirred feebly in the wreckage.

"So was actually meeting her all you imagined, Gazi?" Flora asked dryly, a smirk on her face.

"...What a WOMAN!" Gazi replied, before passing out cold.


Gato slowly regained consciousness a second time. It took her a minute, but she opened her eyes and when her vision cleared, she was in a bed in a room that looked vaguely familiar. She slowly sat up, groaning as her head pounded and ached. She blinked as she saw a young boy sitting in a chair across from the bed. He was a mouse-like creature, with golden fur and ears shaped like bat-wings. The boy glanced up and his face lit up in delight.

"GATO! You're awake!!!" he exclaimed, rushing over to the bedside. The name sent a rush through the feline's mind and she groaned, leaning forward.

"...Gato... That's... my name... I remember now..." she murmured, all of her memories slowly filtering their way back into their rightful place.

"Pata... What happened? What's going on?" she asked, weakly. Pata frowned.

"Don't you remember?" he asked.

"Not a thing... Last thing I remember was... fighting those weird black rings that were attacking... then I woke up here in bed..." Gato murmured, slowly feeling strength return to her limbs. Pata sighed and began to explain the events of the past week to Gato, including a second-hand retelling of her rescue by Gazi. Gato remained silent through the tale, until Pata was finished, before she threw the covers off.

"...You weren't joking..." she gasped in disbelief, looking down at the barely-visible sheath nestled between her legs, just above her cleft, "...Can't Goma like... hack me and get rid of it?"

"I already tried," a voice came from the doorway. Gato looked up to see Goma standing there with a tray of food and medicine. The seal smiled as he carried it over to her and set it in her lap. He reached up and gently scratched behind her ears affectionately.

"How ya feelin', kiddo?" he asked, smiling. Gato purred at the ear-scratches and nodded slowly.

"I've been better, but I'll live," Gato replied, picking up a fork, "Ooh! Sashimi!"

"Your fave. Figured it might help ya feel better. As for... THAT..." Goma said, gesturing to her sheath, "...I took a look at what Succubimon did to you. She didn't just alter your basic surface code to change you; she went right down to the core data. I can't reverse it easily."

"Define 'easily,' Goma," Gato said in between bites, looking up at him. She felt like she hadn't eaten for days.

"In order to get rid of it, I'd have to perform a complete program restoration," Goma explained seriously, "It'd restore you back to your 'default settings,' but would also erase your memories, personality... Pretty much everything."

Gato choked on a piece of fish for a moment and swallowed. "...I think I can live with it..." she mumbled.

"...Yeah, that's what I thought," Goma said with a smirk, patting her back gently, "When we rescue Hawk, I'll keep working on it with him, but I can't make any promises."

"R-Right..." Gato murmured, nibbling on a piece of fish. Pata gently climbed into the bed beside her, resting his head on her shoulder. The kitten smiled gently and leaned in, kissing him affectionately.

"I'll leave you be, Gato. I have to go help plan," Goma said with a smile.

"Plan for what?" Gato asked, frowning.

"To save the others, duh! Get some rest, Gato. We'll talk later," Goma said, leaving the room. Gato nodded slowly and looked to Pata.

"I'm afraid I gotta go help Goma, Gato..." Pata said with a little whimper, clearly not wanting to leave his girlfriend, "I'm one of the highest ranked Defenders left, so I gotta be in the planning meetings and all..."

"It's okay... I need some sleep anyway..." Gato said with a yawn, leaning back against her pillow. Pata smiled and gently lifted the tray, setting it aside, tucking the girl in. He leaned in and kissed her deep.

"Good... I'll see ya later..." Pata said, leaving the room. Gato smiled after him, then sighed.

She lay back in her bed, curling up under the covers. She wanted so bad to think about what had happened, to try to get up and help out, but she could barely keep her eyes open. Before she knew it, she was fast asleep...


Elsewhere, a figure stormed through the halls of Succubimon's palace, looking rather angry. He shoved aside various slaves as he stomped towards the throne room, trash and garbage falling from his form. He kicked open the throne room and steamed inside the room, growling loudly.

"Impmon. I was WONDERING where you went. You look terrible!" Succubimon said lightly from her throne, where Vee was currently plunging both of his cocks inside her, gripping her hips as he moaned in pleasure. Agu sat on her chest, pumping his hot flesh into her cleavage, and she suckled on Pal's constantly gushing shaft. Green semen dribbled down her chin onto the short black fuzz that covered her entire body.

"I suppose you didn't bother to look in the trash compactor," Impmon growled, yanking a banana peel off one of his horns, tossing it angrily at a Gizamon nearby. The Gizamon slipped on it and tumbled down a flight of stairs with a resounding crash.

"...I didn't mean for that to happen, but I enjoyed it nonetheless..." Impmon said aloud, blinking, before returning his attention to Succubimon.

"What happened to you, Impmon? I thought I gave you the weekend off to get acquainted with your new slaves... I mean... your new 'alternate Defenders allies.'" Succubimon asked with a mocking tone, cooing in pleasure as Pal shuddered. The plantgirl's length pulsed and pumped a particularly large and sticky rope of sap over the villainess's face, dripping from her blue visor.

"...That was the plan, until two of your slaves knocked me out with one of your busty busts that's sitting around the palace, and shoved me down the garbage chute!" Impmon growled angrily.

"That's nice dear. Go enjoy yourselves with the Defenders..." Succubimon hummed, not paying attention.

"...I SAID TWO OF YOUR SLAVES STOLE THEM AND ESCAPED!!!" Impmon shouted. That caught the vampire's attention.

"....WHAT?!!" she screeched, leaping to her feet, sending the entranced Defenders tumbling to the floor.

"You heard me. I was walkin' down the hall, and I ran into this Gazimon and Floramon. They were draggin' that Gatomon and Renamon I chose... and the next thing I know, I get clubbed upside the head and dumped down a garbage chute. I was lucky that I regained consciousness before I hit the incinerator," Impmon growled angrily.

"Who cares about YOU?! They took two of my most prized SLAVES!!!" Succubimon screeched again, her voice so shrill that Impmon was worried that she might shatter the glass in the room. Succubimon's slaves dropped all their chores and began to scamper from the room as fast as they could, fearing their mistress' wrath. Impmon stood his ground, glaring.

"IF we could focus for a minute here, before you go off on a killing spree... There's only one logical thing they could have done with that Gatomon and Renamon. They must have tried to take them back to what remains of the Defenders," Impmon said in annoyance.

"So?" demanded Succcubimon.

"So, that means that we should be expecting an attack force from the Defenders at any minute. They'll have captured two WORKING Black Collars, and probably will find a way to deactivate them. That means they'll be coming HERE to free their captured allies. They're stupid that way. So, before you go and take your anger out on some Candlemon, Gizamon, and whatever, I SUGGEST you shore up our security and put the Generals on alert!" Impmon stated, spitting each word with as much force as he could to get his point through to the crazed vampiress. Succubimon paused for a moment and seemed to mull it over.

"You are right. I will not lose any more of my precious collection!" Succubimon said, climbing out of her throne, sending Agu, Vee, and Pal tumbling to the floor, "Tell Ogremon to increase our security five-fold... Use our slaves if you have to. I don't want anyone getting in or out of this castle!"

"Right," Impmon grumbled, annoyed that it took that much to get through to the woman... and even MORE annoyed that her main concern was her collection of slaves and not getting killed. He turned around to leave, but before he could, the three Defenders gave a moan. Apparently, they had been on the brink of climax as Impmon had come in, and now passed over that edge. Impmon had chosen JUST the wrong spot to stand in as four high-pressure bursts of thick semen (one for Pal and Agu, two for Vee) drenched his fur, soaking him down in streaks of blue, green, and orange.

"...Wonderful... Now I gotta take a bath on top of everything..." Impmon groaned, wondering how his day could get worse.


Gato woke up slowly, groaning as she slowly returned to consciousness from a deep, restful slumber. The trance the Black Collar had put her in was peaceful, but it was no substitute for real sleep. She slowly sat up and stretched, a loud yawn working its way from her lips. Gato wiped the sleep from her eyes and looked around.

The room was empty. That was not surprising, as Gato figured that everyone was still too busy trying to find a way to rescue the other Defenders to come visit her. Taking a moment of luxury to enjoy the warmth of her bed, Gato lay back against her pillow and sighed. It was then that she noticed the large tent in the sheets between her legs.

"...What the...?" she murmured, reaching down to pull the sheets down. She blinked in surprise as she revealed her ten inches of hot, pulsing flesh. It was the first time she had seen it since she regained consciousness, and the shock almost caused her to pass out again. After chugging a glass of milk left beside her bed to calm herself, she looked again. This time curiosity overcame the shock she felt at seeing a piece of male anatomy attached to her hips.

"...This must be what Vee called morning wood..." Gato murmured softly, curling up slightly to get a better look. Her shaft was ten inches long by her best estimate, and fairly thick. The head was humanoid in shape, standard for most Digimon. Under the head were fleshy barbs, like little thorns designed to tickle the insides of her partner. Gato's fingertip gently brushed one of the barbs, and she gasped in pleasure as she found it was incredibly sensitive. She shivered a little, fascinated by the way the rod of flesh pulsed and twitched.

"...Oh, please don't tell me I'm actually considering doing this..." Gato mumbled aloud, shaking her head in disbelief.

Sure enough, not a fraction of a second later, Gato had her gloved paw wrapped around her new appendage and was giving it a slow, experimental stroke. The feline gasped in pleasure, arching her back at the wave of pleasure that rushed through her body. Her cock twitched again and a sticky droplet of fluid formed on the tip.

"...I even make pre?" Gato murmured, picking up the droplet onto the tip of her finger. She licked it off, mostly on instinct rather than conscious thought. It was as sweet as sugar, and clearly REAL, despite her disbelief. She shivered and wrapped her paw around her flesh, slowly beginning to stroke up and down, gasping in delight. Her tail flicked back and forth as pleasure unlike anything she had ever felt radiated from her loins. It was a strange stiffness, and the pleasure was much more focused than the pleasure that came from her vagina. It was different and similar and simply indescribable.

Gato could not help but begin to thrust her hips into her paws, moaning in joy. Her blue eyes closed as she reveled in the sensations. Her shaft jerked and twitched as if it had a mind of its own. It pulsed and Gato felt sticky fluid drench her stomach. She could feel her pre rushing up her flesh and dribbling back down over her hands. The girl mewled, her ears folding back as she shivered, using her pre-ejaculate as lubricant, making her shaft glisten.

It did not take long; the sensations were so strong that she could not even think to try to resist them. She felt the familiar signs of an impending orgasm: the tightening of her thigh muscles, the way her tail began to thrash about out of control, the rhythmic spasms of her inner walls... but at the same times she felt a different type of pleasure, a new one. Her member twitched violently, threatening to pull free of her hand with how slick it was. A strange pressure built deep inside, as if a volcano were threatening to erupt inside her. Gato panted, moaning in delight.

The Defenders, in general, all had extremely powerful libidos, more so than normal Digimon. Whether it was a side-effect of the Brand, or just the way Defenders were built up in personality or physically, no one really knew or cared. Gato had an even stronger libido than most, so much so that if she did not come at bare minimum four times a day, she would grow tense and irritable. One of the reasons she had more than one boyfriend was because neither one of them could keep up with her alone.

Despite all of this, the orgasm that broke over her now was by far the most powerful and extreme climax she ever had. For a species renowned for having powerful orgasms, this was even something more than that. Gato YOWLED in joy as she arched her hips hard. Her inner walls clamped down tight as her nectar spills out. Her cock began to jerk violently, bouncing and pulsing. In the next moment, a thick, hot rope of white, gooey fluid erupted from the fat head of her cock. It seemed to fly in slow motion, spraying long and hard until it splattered against the ceiling. Gato howled and cried in unbelievable pleasure, as the gush continued... and continued... And continued... on for almost twenty seconds.

The second gush was even longer and harder. A thirty second long fountain of sticky, gooey semen that went on and on, pleasure rushing through the little kitten's body. Gato cried in joy, rocking her hips back and forth with each convulsion, feeling her entire body seize up. She could not move. Her muscles were locked up with the ecstasy. She was a statue fountain, shooting streams of sticky, rich catspunk over herself.

As she entered the sixth ejaculation, Gato could only lay and tremble, her limbs stiff, her tail thrashing in time with each burst. She realized that she could not stop her orgasm, even if she had wanted to. All she could do was ride the pleasure, letting it rush through her mind and body. She could not speak, could not do anything but moan and cry incoherently. She watched in fascination and a slight rising panic as cups, pints, GALLONS of thick, hot semen fired from the bulbous tip of her penis, splashing everything around her. She lost count of her sprays after the thirty-first, and knew she was well past fifty....

And then, just as she thought her orgasm would never end, and the crippling, aching pleasure would go on for eternity... Something changed. The pleasure lessened. Not a lot, but enough that her tensed muscles were able to relax slightly. Her hips began to buck out of her control, but the ability to move was such a relief that it did not matter. Gato yowled in ecstasy, knowing that it was likely no one could hear her. She gripped her pulsing, throbbing length with both paws, trying to wrestle it into submission. The rock-hard length was coated in a thick glaze of semen, making it sticky and slippery at the same time, and it continued to writhe about like an angry serpent.

It took Gato a moment to notice, but the gushes of spunk had lessened in strength. They no longer struck the ceiling or walls. Each gush seemed less powerful and less voluminous than the previous one... A 7-foot gush that lasted 15 seconds... A 6-foot, 10 second.... Finally, Gato felt the pleasure lessen and cease, turning from burning waves that crashed over her into a mere dull glow that left her feeling sleepy and stupid. The ejaculations went from sprays, to gushes, to spurts, and finally to a steady constant dribble that oozed from her tip and ran down into a puddle on her stomach.

Gato shivered and moaned weakly, feeling the afterglow set in. Her shaft continued to twitch, jerk, and throb, but it no longer spurted, much to her relief. She looked around dazedly, amazed at the sheer devastation her climax had wrought. She had painted the ceiling, causing a steady rain of her spunk to drip from it. Puddles of the goo were everywhere, and sticky ropes draped over almost everything.

The feline took almost twenty minutes before she caught her breath and felt the strength return to her limbs. She pivoted in bed, letting her legs drape over the side, and climbed back onto her feet. Her knees were shaky in the aftermath of her climax, but she stood steady. Shaking her head, Gato sighed and took a step....

....and promptly tripped and fell over into a puddle of her own cum. The cub spluttered and looked down. She was not used to the weight of the sheath and shaft between her legs, and it had thrown her off, causing her to trip. Gato carefully climbed back to her feet and tried again. After several attempts, she found a way to walk, keeping her legs spread a little wider than she normally did to compensate.

She walked into the shower and turned on the water, intentionally keeping it cold to dissuade herself from any further attempts at masturbation. By the time she was clean, her teeth were chattering. Gato left the room and walked down the hall, looking for the others.

As she walked, she passed a second hospital room, and almost literally ran into Renamon as the vixen emerged. Gato wheeled her arms to keep from falling over, still too unsteady to walk properly. She failed and fell onto her rear.

"Ow!" she yelped, kinking her tail. Rena blinked and frowned, wordlessly offering a hand to help Gato back to her feet.

"S-Sorry, Rena. I kinda... um..." Gato said, trying to phrase it delicately.

"...Had trouble walking with your new appendage," Rena finished Gato's sentence.

"Uh, yeah, how'd you know?" Gato asked, looking up. Rena was much taller than Gato, by several feet. It was then that Gato noticed the two pieces of toilet paper stuffed in Rena's nostrils, tinged with crimson.

"...I had trouble too," Rena stated simply. Gato lowered her eyes and noticed the incredibly large, swollen sheath between Rena's legs.

"...Yeah. Uh... I'm gonna go look for the others..." Gato said, trying to avoid discussing the situation.

"Do that. I will need time to... adjust," Rena said, crossing her arms over her chest. Gato nodded in sympathy and scampered off. As she left, she heard Rena turn back into the room... and several moments later, moans echoed.

She rushed towards the sub-basement control room, where she guessed the others were planning their rescue mission. As she approached, she heard several voices speaking to each other. Despite her keen sense of hearing, she could not make out what was being said, but the tone was less than pleasant.

Gato peeked into the control room. Gabu, Pata, Goma, and three Digimon she did not recognize were standing around a table, muttering back and forth. One was a red beetle, which Gato assumed was Tento from the Server base. The other two, by process of elimination had to be Gazi and Flora. Gato quietly entered the room and tried not to disturb them as she tiptoed closer to eavesdrop.

"I'm TELLIN' ya, you can't get into the palace that way! Every INCH of the northwest entrance is wired with alarms. Even set foot on the unwelcome mat, and they'll go off!" the cabbit said in a gravelly, raspy growl.

"Yes, but it's the closest entry point to our target!" Goma argued. Clearly, from his tone, the argument had been going on for some time.

"And when ya go in, you're gonna end up with a Black Collar around your neck and you'll be stuck pleasuring Mistr-... Succubimon... for the rest of your life," Gazi said, pausing for a moment to stop his instinctive urge to show respect for his former owner. Gabu narrowed his eyes suspiciously at Gazi, but it was Flora who chimed in next.

"...Actually, our best insertion point might be here..." she said timidly. She pointed at something that Gato assumed was a map of some sort. There were several moments of complete silence.

"...Flora, I have to assume that when we brought you into custody, one of my officers must have clubbed you upside the head around twenty times and I apologize for the brain damage. That's a ten-foot thick, forty foot high solid stone wall. Other than Tento, none of us can fly, and we don't have grappling hooks," Gabu said, staring at Flora. The plantgirl's cheeks flushed with embarrassment and annoyance, but she pointed at the map again.

"Insults aside, look closer. There's a drainage grate there. There are no cameras, sensors, or monitors nearby, and no guard patrols go by there. It's completely exposed... and it connects to a maintenance tunnel that leads to... here," Flora said, tracing a finger along the map. Gato walked closer with stealth only a cat could muster, not wishing to disturb the planning session.

"...Well, I'll be a Sukamon's grandson," Goma murmured, "That room is directly below the Collar Controller."

"It'd be a simple matter to blast through the floor with one of our attacks, use Tento's solution, and then..." Flora began.

"Get killed when Rosemon and Ranamon burst into the room to find out what all the noise is. That room is right next to Rosemon's lab," Gazi interrupted with a growl.

"...I think it's worth the risk," Gato finally said, drawing everyone's attention, "Worse comes to worse, we fight our way out. Fighting's what we're good at."

"Gato! You're awake!" exclaimed Gabu happily.

"Gabu! You're stating the obvious!" teased Gato back. She gave her mentor a gentle hug.

"How are you feelin', kiddo?" Goma asked, smiling warmly.

"Still adjusting to my new piece of anatomy... Had to teach myself how to walk again. Otherwise, I'm fine. Don't seem to have any ill effects from the collar," Gato said honestly. She turned and nodded to Tento.

"I hear you've been doing a good job as our acting tech officer. I'll be sure to report that to your superiors once all this is over," said Gato.

"Thank you. I would appreciate that," Tento replied. Gazi stared at the feline unabashedly, while Flora looked at her more appraisingly. It occurred to the flower-girl that this was really the first time that Gato and Gazi had ever met...

"...Thank you for rescuing me," Gato said curtly, frowning. The cabbit blinked, looking slightly hurt at the lukewarm response. He was not sure what he expected her reaction to be, but he had not expected this.

"...Uh... You're welcome..." he replied quietly. Gato gave another curt nod to acknowledge Flora, and turned to look at the map.

"Floramon's plan seems to be fine. We'll insert through the grate, eliminate all opposition discreetly, bust through the floor and deliver whatever Tento's solution is..." here Gato glanced at the beetle, who simply shrugged, "...and then we fight our way out."

"My solution is pretty much the same thing that I did to disable your and Rena's Collars. I'll force the Collar Controller to send a signal to each and every active Collar, basically forcing them to try to perform impossible math functions... Calculate the square root of two, divide by zero, other stuff like that. It'll have much the same effect, destroying the Collars and freeing the slaves..." Tento explained.

"Which brings us to our other problem. The Digimon will be severely disoriented and suffering from temporary memory loss, like you were when we freed you. We found that Rena regained her senses after about a half-hour," Gabu explained, "How do we get several thousand amnesiac Digimon to follow us out of the palace?"

"...We don't. We'll have to cause enough of a distraction to buy them enough time to regain their senses," Gato said, frowning. Gabu groaned.

"That's gonna be a heck of a fight, Gato. You think we're gonna be able to hold 'em off that long?" he asked. Gato shook her head.

"Not as we are... But if we authorize Digivolution, we should be fine," Gato said, giving a determined smirk.

"All right. I think we should break and prepare for the attack. We'll meet by the Data Transfer in one hour," Gabu said. The group broke up, everyone going their separate ways. As Gato turned to leave, Gazi hung back. The girl sighed heavily, having dreaded this moment. Pata and Goma had explained exactly why Gazi saved her. She turned to face him, her paws on her hips.

"...Uh... Gato? Can we... talk?" Gazi asked, his voice a low rasp. The feline gave a curt nod, her tail swishing.

"I expected you wanted to. Listen, I appreciate you saving me. I really do," Gato said, sighing, "But I'm not sure what you expect of me. I mean... You don't know me at all, and I don't remember ANYTHING from while the collar was on..."

"Whoa, whoa! I, uh... I didn't wanna pressure you or anything here... I'll be the first to admit that my saving you was more selfish than anything else..." Gazi said defensively, "I was entertaining some kinda fantasy that you'd be eternally grateful and fall in love with me and all..."

"...The eternally grateful part is right. The second part of that IS a fantasy..." Gato replied, trying to keep her tone neutral.

"Hey, listen, I realize that I don't know a thing about you and vice versa. All I ask is that you gimme a chance to prove myself," Gazi said, frowning, "I'd say after all the stuff I did for ya, you owe me a little."

"...You're welcome among the Defenders. Don't betray us, and you have a home... Betray us or get in our way... and you won't live long enough to regret it," Gato said, bluntly, turning to walk out of the room.


Several hours later, the Defenders had infiltrated Succubimon's castle through the small grate. They made their way through the passage quietly. Gato led the way, with Gazi behind her. She was quite aware that the cabbit was admiring her rear the whole way, and was incredibly annoyed by it.

Even more so, she was annoyed by the fact that despite her declaration that she would stay aloof from the boy, the simple fact was that he was EXACTLY her type. He was incredibly attractive to her, and she found herself admiring his face, his rear, or his crotch, depending on what her mood was at the moment. He also happened to have a personality that appealed to her. He was funny, with a twisted sense of humor that she had to work very hard not to laugh about. She could see from his interactions with Flora that he was kind and gentle, despite being rough-edged and more than a little sarcastic. The worst part was the simple animal attraction she felt towards the former slave. It drove her insane, but for some reason she found herself daydreaming about how it would feel to have him kiss her... or hold her... or...

Gato shook her head violently, trying to dislodge those thoughts. She had to focus on the task at hand, not on her libido or her love life. Besides, if she got another erection, she was not sure she'd be able to walk. She had only just gotten used to walking with her sheath alone.

The Defenders had teleported in near the base using the Data Transfer device, and made their entry. Trusting Flora's information, they followed their way towards the room. Gabu carried a pack of explosive charges on his back. Tento had a tech-pack, a portable device designed for engineering or hacking on the fly. Flora had one of her own, just in case. The others, Pata, Terrier, and Lop, were empty-handed. Goma and Arma had remained at the base to coordinate the mission. The rest of the surviving Defenders were on stand-by for support.

Gato blinked as the Defender Brand on the back of her hand beeped quietly. She looked down and nodded curtly to herself.

"...This is the spot. Flora, help Gabu put the charges on the ceiling here," Gato said, pointing at several spots on the roof of the passage.

"Right," Gabu said, shrugging the pack off and opening it, pulling out little round discs. With Flora's Stamen Rope attack, she was able to reach the ceiling and affix the discs to the stone. Gato took a deep breath to calm her nerves.

"...Alright... Here's how this will go, ideally. We blow the ceiling and enter the room. Tento, you go to work, we'll bar the door and hold it as long as we can. Once you're done, we move to the main hall and Digivolve. From there, we hold the line. We wreak as much havoc as we can while Goma works with the others to 'port the Defenders out group by group. We'll be the last ones out... provided we live that long," Gato recapped, sighing.

"Mission acknowledged," Rena stated, her eyes narrowed in determination. The vixen had been quite quiet ever since being freed from her Collar. It seemed she took being controlled as a personal insult, and was quite eager to get revenge... Unusual for the normally professional fox.

"And what's to keep us from getting captured by the Collars?" Pata asked. Tento cleared his throat.

"When I disrupt the main computer, I won't just cause the ones already latched around the slaves' necks to go haywire... I'll cause ALL of them to go screwy. Our only worries need to be with the REAL slaves, our confused and disoriented allies, and Succubimon's minions," Tento explained, "After which, I'll activate a signal enhancer which will allow Goma to lock onto the Defender Brands of all the slaves and get them out of here."

"Just remember, we're not here to WIN the fight... We're here to distract 'em. Destroy anything you can get your hands on, and just cause as much chaos as you can," Gabu reminded everyone, "Now... Is everyone ready?"

The group nodded mutely, all stares of determination. Gabu nodded and pulled out a detonator. The Defenders backed away from the charges a good distance, and with a silent countdown, Gabu triggered them. There was a loud explosion and the sound of falling rubble as the ceiling caved in under the force of the precision charges.

Without hesitation, the group ran forward as fast as they could, climbing up into the room. It was a large chamber, bare of all decoration. A bank of computers lined one of the walls, and Tento and Flora flitted over to it as fast as they could. They knelt beside it, opening their tech-packs and attaching them to the system. Meanwhile, Gato and the others worked fast. Gabu used a Blue Blaster to fuse the door shut, the cold blue flames creating a barrier of ice around the door. Gato and Pata worked to pile equipment against the door to create a barricade after.

"...This won't hold more than a minute at most... Less if they decide to risk attacking the door and damaging the crap inside the room," Gabu said, frowning.

"We'll just have to be ready..." Gato said anxiously. Pata nodded and held her hand as she, Gazi, Gabu, Lop, and Terrier watched the door. Sure enough, within less than a minute, there came a loud pounding on the steel door and the murmur of voices outside.

"How long, Tento?" Gato asked, frowning. Tento did not even bother to look up.

"...Three minutes minimum. I'm no hacker, and the firewalls on this contraption are quite superior," he replied, voice devoid of any emotion.

"Three minutes? You've got ten seconds!" Gazi growled, baring his claws. The cabbit was clearly trying to pump himself up for the fight to come.

The ice coating the door cracked with a loud thump from outside. The metal of the door bent in slightly from an intense impact. A second, stronger impact shattered what was left of Gabu's ice and sent much of the piled equipment scattered across the room. The third, strongest blow knocked the door clean off its hinges, sending the sheet of steel flying into the room, causing Gato to have to leap aside to avoid getting hit.

In the doorway stood a Digimon Gato did not recognize. He was tall, green, with a long mane of white hair. He wore clothes of black leather, and his face was almost all fangs and tongue. The creature carried a massive spiked bone club.

"What's all this then?!" it growled in an accent approximating a Scottish brogue. Gazi narrowed his eyes.

"Ogremon!" he growled, "One of Succubimon's four Generals."

"BLUE BLASTER!!!" shouted Gabu, not hesitating for a moment. A stream of cold blue flames streaked out and struck the troll Digimon. Ogremon growled and waved his club, trying to clear away the flames, even as ice crackled and snapped.

"BOOM BUBBLE!" Pata yelped, inhaling. He spat out a ball of compressed air which exploded against Ogremon's chest with the force of a small grenade. The shockwave of the expanding air sent the creature flying back out of the room.

"Well, it's on now!" Gato yelled, "Pata, Lop, Terrier, stay here and HOLD THIS ROOM! When Tento's done, get to the main hall! Rena, Gabu, Gazi, with me!!!"

The feline dashed out into the hallway. Ogremon was picking himself off the ground, groaning in annoyance. Gato did not give him a chance to recover. Leaping forward as hard as she could, she slammed her shoulder into his stomach, driving him back against the wall. The troll grunted in pain, even as Gato fell away and Rena took her place, pummeling the General with fists and feet. She growled angrily, clearly taking out some frustrations as she slammed her fists into his face and jammed her knees into his stomach over and over in a brutal combo. She pummeled him for close to a full minute straight and delivered close to a hundred blows before Ogremon slumped to the floor, groaning weakly.

"I think he's down, Rena. C'mon! Let's move!" Gabu said, giving the angry vixen a nervous look.

"I can make sure..." Rena growled, clenching a fist threateningly.

"It's FINE, Rena... We're here to cause a distraction, remember?!" Gato grumbled, dragging Rena by the hand away from Ogremon's unconscious form.

What followed next was one of the most intense battles Gato would ever remember fighting in. She, Gabu, Gazi, and Rena ran down the halls as fast as they could, shooting blue flames, shards of crystal, and slashing with razor-sharp or electrically-charged claws. They shouted as loud as they could, destroying everything in their path as they tried to draw attention to themselves.

And that they did. By the time the four Digimon reached the main hall, they had a rather literal army of slaves, minions, and entranced Defenders chasing them. Gato bobbed and weaved as every manner of projectile imaginable streaked by her, many missing by mere millimeters thanks to her supremely fast reflexes.

"This is getting hairy!!!" Gazi growled, lashing out with a firm kick, knocking back a Candlemon.

"I think it's time, Gato!!!" Gabu shouted over the din of battle, slashing a Gotsumon in the face with his claws, sending it reeling back in pain.

"Yeah!" Gato called back. The girl fired off a Lightning Claw, driving back her attacker to give her a moment of breathing room. She clenched her fist and held up the Defenders Brand on the back of her right hand.

"Digivolution Authorized!" she shouted, tapping a series of glowing sparks on the circle of light. The design glowed brighter, as did the Brands on the other Defenders' hands. Gabu growled and opened his muzzle, sending a blazing stream of blue flames at a group of attackers.

"Digivolution Authorized!" he echoed, tapping the same series of sparks. The white design suddenly turned blue. Gato grinned.

"Let's do it! GATOMON, DIGIVOLVE TO..." the girl called, her voice echoing through the chamber.

"GABUMON! DIGIVOLVE TO..." Gabu shouted, a feral grin on his muzzle.

"Renamon. Digivolve to..." Renamon murmured quietly. It was typical of her, as Gato had never heard the vixen raise her voice above a quiet speaking volume, even when angry.

The three Digimon were engulfed in a bright pillar of light as their transformations began. Gato's form grew taller, reaching six feet. Her form became less feline and more humanoid, her tail vanishing and replaced with wings. A steel helm formed over the top half of her head, as a long mane of blonde hair flowed down to her shoulders. Gabu shifted form, becoming quadruped, even as he grew massive in size. Renamon also took on a quadruped form, growing to ten feet tall, her singular tail splitting into nine.

"ANGEWOMON!" the former Gato announced, a smirk on her face.

"GARURUMON!" Gabu growled, dropping low into a battle-crouch.

"KYUUBIMON," Rena stated, glaring at the approaching crowd.

"HEY! What am I supposed to do?! I can't Digivolve!!!" Gazi yelped, kicking a Pumpkinmon between the legs, sending him writhing on the floor.

"Um... Stay out of our way and try not to get killed," Angewomon replied, sweatdropping.

"...Good advice," Gazi replied nervously.

The transformed Defenders were considerably stronger than before. Instead of running away and desperately evading attacks, they now waded into the crowd, beating down all who stood in their way. Yet despite their vastly increased strength, they did not use any of their special attacks or use lethal force. The problem was that the Defenders, their friends, loved ones, and allies, were mixed in with the crowd of slaves and enemies. Unable to differentiate between them in the middle of combat, the Defenders were forced to fight with kid gloves on, holding back. Angewomon found herself unable to use any of her big attacks, having to settle for hand-to-hand, despite the fact that her opponents clearly had no compunctions about firing off their own special abilities.

"GET BACK! THEY'RE OURS!!!" an imperious voice called out. Angewomon growled as she punched a Collar-wearing Monzaemon. She looked up and frowned.

Four new Digimon stood at the entrance to the hall. One was a tall humanoid woman wearing leather, with the bloom of a rose for the top of her head. Another was a short wooden creature like a marionette. A third was a blue-skinned armored humanoid with a strangely blank stare. The final one was barely three and a half feet tall, with purple fur, two horn/ears, and a white face.

"The other generals... Rosemon, Puppetmon, Ranamon, and Impmon," Gazimon informed the others, "...We're doomed."

"So... Who's taking who?" Angewomon asked.

"I don't know. Outside of you, all of us are Champions, and they look like they're all Mega," Garurumon growled, dropping down low onto his forepaws and baring his teeth in a snarl.

"We do not have enough energy to Digivolve to Ultimate, much less Mega right now. Not with the Defenders' base non-functional," Kyuubimon said calmly.

"We're not here to win. Just to distract 'em, then escape," Angewomon reminded the others, "We don't NEED to go any higher."

With that, the four Defenders roared a battlecry as they charged the Generals!


"C'mon, c'mon! How long, Tento?! We can't hold this forever! You said three minutes, and it's been fifteen!!!" Pata shouted, "BOOM BUBBLE!!!"

A sphere of compressed air slammed into a Kakatorimon, sending it flying away with the force of the explosion. The other group of Defenders struggled to hold the room, as they too were swarmed by enslaved Digimon, both friends, innocents, and foes mixed together.

"Twenty seconds!" Tento replied lightly, as if he were tinkering around in a workshop, rather than fighting for life and death.

"Oh, for pete's sake!!!" Flora growled, using her Stamen Whip to toss a Gotsumon into a group of Digimon, sending them sprawling. She turned away from the fray and back to Tento.

"You're mixing up the 19th adjunct circuit and the 42nd relay! Just clip the capacitor and you'll have a clear shot to the motherboard!" she growled angrily, slapping Tento in the back of the head.

"...Why are you so sexy?" Tento mumbled, staring at the flower-girl in awe.

"Huh?" Flora asked, not having heard him clearly.

"Nothing! I got it! NNNNNOW!" Tento buzzed. As he tweaked a piece of circuitry, the Collar Controller gave a piercing buzzing noise. All at once, every Black Collar gave a loud CLICK and fell off the neck of its victim. The sea of red, glowing eyes faded into a sea of confused and dazed multicolored eyes as the mind-controlled Digimon were freed. Silence reigned for a moment... before complete chaos erupted as the amnesiac Digimon panicked, unable to know who they were or where they were or anything that was going on.

"Goma! Now!!! Activate the EDT, and get these guys out of here! Lock on to anyone with a Defenders' Brand!" Pata called out, tapping a spark on the back of his paw.

"Already on it! I've got a lock on all of them!" Goma called back, "Just hold out a little longer!!!"

"Not like we can do anything else!" Pata shouted, before rejoining the fray.


Angewomon gasped as Rosemon's thorny whip slashed across her back, making jolts of pain rush through her. She dropped into a roll, spinning to face her opponent, already firing arrows of energy at her foe. She leapt out of the way of another whiplash, skidding as she landed lightly.

The battle had become much harder with the introduction of the Generals. Thankfully, the enslaved Digimon had stopped attacking and merely formed a tight ring around the fighters. However, the Generals had earned their names as they were stronger than anything the Defenders had fought to date. All four of the heroes struggled to keep up with their opponents, trying to hold them off long enough for Tento to finish freeing the slaves.

And then with a loud click, every Black Collar in the room fell off its victim, freeing them. Angewomon finally allowed herself a smile, knowing they had won. Even as she watched, groups of Defenders vanished in flashes of light as the Emergency Data Transfer converted them to binary code and sent them to safety. The Generals fought all the harder, seeing that they were losing the battle.

Angewomon swept Rosemon's legs out from under her. Her wings flapped, carrying her back to her feet as she pressed the attack, lifting her leg high, and slamming her heel down at Rosemon's skull. The plant-woman rolled out of the way and back onto her feet, before charging in. Angewomon and Rosemon traded chops, slashes, punches, and kicks faster than the eye could see. For Angewomon, it took all of her considerable skill to hold off Rosemon, who was stronger and faster than she was.

Elsewhere, Garurumon was engaged with Puppetmon. He leapt aside to dodge Puppetmon's wooden cross, then lashed out with a massive paw. The impact sent Puppetmon flying, but the marionette flipped in midair, cackling loudly. He was unhurt by the blow, which would have broken solid stone. Garurumon opened his mouth and exhaled a stream of icy-blue flames at the General, knowing that even his Howling Blaster attack would not harm the other Digimon. As a Champion, he could only hope to stall Puppetmon and hold off his attacks.

Kyuubimon flew across the room and landed with a solid thud, rolling several times before crawling back to her feet. She panted, shaking her head dazedly. Ranamon had punted her clear across the room like a football. Kyuubimon, despite her prodigious skill, could not land a single blow upon the aquatic Digimon. Despite her languid, hypnotized appearance, Ranamon was a fighter on a level which Kyuubimon had not encountered, with beast-like strength and speed. She growled threateningly, trying to regain her bearing as she circled Ranamon cautiously.

Gazimon fared better against Impmon, but only barely. They traded punches and kicks, each bruising each other badly. Gazi staggered backward after a particularly vicious blow to the chest. He sidestepped slightly, before leaping forward and slashing with his claws, charging them with lighting as he attempted to cut right through Impmon. For Impmon's lackadaisical attitude, he fought like a pro, easily parrying the slash with the back of his gloved hand.

It was a stalemate that was slowly beginning to break in favor of the Generals, as the Defenders' stamina waned. The fights devolved further into chaos as the confused Defenders and other former Black Collar slaves wreaked havoc. It was only pure luck that no one got injured, as streaks of energy, bolts of fire, ice, stone, wind, and a dozen other elements filled the air.

And then silence filled the room. Angewomon gasped as she felt warmth rush through her body, a tingling power that caused her to feel wet and hot. From the growing arousal of quite literally everyone around her, she was not the only one to experience this sensation.

She looked up. A female Digimon stood in the doorway. Her eyes and the bridge of her nose were covered by a deep-blue mask. A thin fuzzy coat of black fur covered her entire body, which was nude save for a series of leather straps that resembled a dominatrix harness. Her lip was curled in a snarl of anger, baring her fangs. Bountiful breasts that would look large even on a porn star bounced and jiggled, defying gravity as she stormed into the room.

"WHAT IS GOING ON IN HERE?!!" the Digimon screeched, her voice like nails on a chalkboard. Angewomon resisted the urge to cover her ears to try to drown her out. The angel glanced at Gazimon nearby.

"Yeah... That's the former boss... Succubimon. She's a Mega, Gato..." Gazi murmured.

"I'm an Ultimate... If I can't win, then I can hold her off as long as it takes..." Angewomon replied, "Just stay out of the way."

"Not like I can do anything ELSE without a way to Digivolve like you guys..." Gazi shook his head, stepping aside. Angewomon glanced at the other Defenders, knowing that they would hold their ground and do their best to hold off the remaining confused Defenders and victims, Succubimon's slaves, or the Generals.

"Succubimon... We're taking our friends back," Angewomon declared. Succubimon sneered.

"I recognize you, even in that... rather busty new form," Succubimon replied, taking a moment to let her eyes roam up and down Angewomon's curves lasciviously. Angewomon had to fight the urge to run and find the nearest shower and scrub herself raw. Succubimon continued, "You were one of my prize slaves. Why don't you come back and kneel before me, dear... "

Succubimon's words echoed strangely in Angewomon's ears. It wasn't until she heard Gazi, Garurumon, and Kyuubimon yelling at her that she realized that she was walking forward to obey. She shook her head, trying to shake the cobwebs loose, and leapt backward before dropping into a defensive stance. Succubimon laughed.

"You see, my dear? You're still my slave..." she purred, running a hand down between her legs.

"Be careful! She can still control minds even without the Collars!" Gazi called. Angewomon groaned and shook her head.

"That would have been nice to know BEFORE I almost wound up licking her boots!!!" Angewomon growled in irritation.

"You can still do that, my dear girl... Wouldn't it feel nice to think nothing ever again... to just obey my will...?" Succubimon continued to murmur, her words still echoing in Angewomon's mind far longer than they should have. Now that the angel's guard was up, she was prepared for the hypnotic assault and shrugged it off.

"Not this time. I think it would feel better to shove my boot right through your skull!!!" Angewomon shouted, leaping forward. She lashed out, whipping her foot out. The sole of her boot slammed into Succubimon's face with immense force, sending the vampiress reeling. Angewomon, being the professional fighter she was, did not waste the opportunity. She rushed forward and delivered a series of jabs to Succubimon's face and chest, following it with a right cross and a left hook, before ending the combo by grabbing the back of Succubimon's head and forcing it down even as she leapt upward, driving her knee into Succubimon's forehead with a devastating crack.

Succubimon went reeling backward as Angewomon panted. Despite the force of her attack, Angewomon's power was waning. Remaining in a Digivolved form drained her energy rapidly and with every blow she delivered, she could feel her limit growing closer and closer. She knew she only had enough power for one good finishing blow.

Succubimon screeched loudly and pointed at Angewomon. Her finger suddenly shot out like a spear, lengthening rapidly. Angewomon leaned out of the way, gasping as she felt the razor sharp projectile cut through her armor as if it was not there. Succubimon growled and lashed with her finger like a whip. Angewomon again dodged by millimeters as she tried to move into position. The vampiress attacked relentlessly, showing that she had a fair amount of skill in combat, even if she was not Angewomon's equal in terms of technique. However, she made up for her lack of talent with sheer berserker ferocity and raw brutal strength. Each whip crack dug deep divots into the walls and floor, sending shards of rock flying.

As Angewomon continued to evade the attacks, dodging each blow as with as little room to spare as she could to both enrage Succubimon and to conserve energy, she suddenly heard Garurumon call out.

"Angewomon! Twenty seconds and the last group is gone!!!" the wolf called. Angewomon spared a split second to glance aside. Sure enough, the hall was considerably more empty than it had been minutes ago. Only a quarter of the Digimon in the room remained, and only a handful of them were Defenders. Angewomon took a deep breath and steeled herself for the final barrage.

She leapt forward as Succubimon attempted to skewer her again. However, Angewomon did not dodge. She gasped as icy pain ripped through her body as the spear penetrated her shoulder, piercing straight through her. Succubimon laughed malevolently...

...Until Angewomon smirked and gripped Succubimon's finger-spear with her injured hand, preventing Succubimon from retracting it.

"Wh-What?!" Succubimon yelped.

"HEAVEN'S CHARM!!!" Angewomon yelled, her voice echoing with power as she unleashed her remaining energy in one last attack. An immense cross of holy light radiated from her form, streaking forward. Succubimon's screech of protest was cut off as it slammed into her, carrying her across the room. The impact caused the finger-spear to wrench free of Angewomon's shoulder with a spray of blood, but the angel remained standing, pouring all of her power into the attack. The cross impacted the wall, crushing the stone into powder and embedding Succubimon several feet deep.

Angewomon dropped to her knees. Light engulfed her and her silhouette began to shrink and change shape as she devolved back to her true form. Gato appeared in her place, panting and huffing. Out of the corner of her eye, a bright flash of light appeared, and a last group of Digimon vanished into thin air. The kitten smiled, even as darkness began to encroach upon the corners of her vision. She looked down at her shoulder, wincing weakly as it bled profusely. She moaned and slumped forward, unable to fight the darkness any longer. The last thing she felt was a pair of warm arms wrap around her and a raspy voice call her name as she passed into unconsciousness.


"GATO!!!" Gazi yelped as he caught Gato gently, cradling her in his arms.

"Goma, EDT, NOW. If Hawk has regained his senses, we need him and his medical team!" Gabu shouted into his communicator as he ran forward, joined by Rena, both of them having devolved. Gazi shook Gato gently.

"Gato, ya gotta wake up!!! C'mon, girl, stay with me!" Gazi rasped, worried. Gato moaned weakly.

"Gazi, she's gonna be okay. Pay attention..." Rena murmured. Gazi looked up. Sure enough, Succubimon's servants and the Generals were approaching on them. Gazi shook his head and placed Gato gently on the ground as he stood up, baring his claws.

"All right... Let's do this..." Gazi growled.

However, just then, his fur began to stand on end as a field of static electricity surrounded him, Gato, Gabu, and Rena. He blinked and looked to Gabu.

"Nope, maybe next time. We're outta here!" Gabu said with a grin, "Initiate Emergency Data Transfer NOW!"

A bright column of light surrounded the Defenders. Suddenly, from the rubble, a black lance erupted, piercing towards Gato's unconscious form. Gazi did not even have time to blink. He reacted on pure instinct and dived, covering the kitten. He felt an intense, searing pain... then nothing as blackness dragged him down into its never-ending depths...


"GATO!" Gazi yelped, bolting upright and sending his bedsheets flying to the floor. His skull collided with that of a brown-feathered bird he recognized as being one of the enslaved Digimon that he had helped process. He groaned, slumping back, clutching his forehead in pain.

"I say, good fellow! Calm down! You don't need a concussion on top of your other injuries... nor do I!" the bird squawked, shaking his head to clear the cobwebs.

"Nnnf... Wh-Where am I?" Gazi asked, wincing as aches and pains flooded his body from every limb and particularly along his back. The bird smiled gently.

"You're in the Defender's medical clinic. I am Hawkmon, Chief Medical Officer for the File Island Defenders Branch. And YOU are lucky to be alive, sir," Hawk said, adjusting the headband he wore. Gazi looked down. His torso was wrapped in bandages, along with all his other cuts and bruises that he had accrued during the battle.

"Gato... How's Gato?" he asked nervously.

"I've been better, but I heal fast," came a soft voice from the bed next to his. The cat-rabbit blinked and looked to his right. Gato lay there, looking quite comfortable under her sheets and blankets, a book by her side. The kitten had a smirk on her muzzle, along with a bandage around her forehead. Gazi sighed in relief, slumping back against his pillow.

"Oh, thank Gennai," he said, shaking his head, "I thought..."

"Nah. It's gonna take a lot more than that to delete me. Admittedly, I'm not enjoying being stuck here in the clinic for the next several days... but then again, I got relieved of all my duties, so I don't have to worry about stupid rookies blowing up crap either," Gato grinned. Gazi blinked, suddenly noticing Flora sitting nearby, looking quite happy to see him awake.

"You've been out for about a day and a half, Gazi," Flora said, coming over to kiss him on the cheek affectionately. Gato raised an eyebrow at her, and Flora smirked.

"We're just friends. Besides, he's interested in you, not me," she clarified. Gazi's cheeks turned red and he gave Flora a glare.

"What happened to the other Defenders... Are they all right?" he asked.

"Out of 1092 kidnapped Defenders, 1092 have been accounted for and are uninjured. Counting friends, family, and innocent bystanders, everyone came through with nothing worse than bruises, bumps, or... um... altered physiology," Hawk replied, "We saved them all, and we are currently in the process of upgrading every base's defense grid to ensure that the Black Collars cannot be used against us again."

Gazi sighed in relief as Flora held his hand. He then blinked and looked down, noting a glowing circle of light glittering on the back of the flower-girl's hand.

"...I've volunteered to undergo training as a Defender. I don't have anywhere else to go, and after saving them, the others wanted me to stay, particularly with my technical expertise," Flora replied and grinned, "So they gave me an ID Brand."

"And you are welcome to stay too, Gazi..." Hawk said, holding a device in his hand, "...If you wish to."

Gazi blinked and looked over at Gato. The girl brushed a paw through her white fur and flicked an ear curiously, her long tail swishing back and forth. Gazi looked to Hawk and extended his hand. The bird walked forward and gently took Gazi's wrist, pressing the device to the back of his hand. There was a hum, then a hiss, then a click. A sharp heat followed by a dull cool... and then Hawk drew the device away to reveal a glowing insignia branded into the fur.

"Figure you should be able to Digivolve next time something like this happens..." Gato said, smiling wide, "...And as the de-facto leader of the File Island Defenders, let me be the first to welcome you to our ranks!"

As she said this, Gato's tail swished out and wrapped around his. Gazi blinked, feeling strangely at home.


"RRRGH!!! You're not making me cum enough! Harder, faster!!! Gyrate your hips!!!" Succubimon's voice rang through her newly emptied fortress. She glared down at the Labramon who was frantically pumping into her.

"It's useless! YOU'RE USELESS!!!" she screeched, enraged. Before the dog-Digimon could react, her claws slashed clean through him. There was an instant of unknowable pain, before everything ceased as he was deleted. Succubimon huffed in anger and leaned back in her throne, holding an ice pack to her forehead where a large bruise in the shape of Angewomon's boot remained.

"NEXT!!!" she shouted, "And if you don't make me cum, I'm gonna kill ALL of you!!!

"Gee, Succuboss... Looks like SOMEONE'S in a bad mood..." a high-pitched voice squeaked above her. Succubimon looked up to see DemiDevimon flapping above her, a wide grin on his face. She did not bother dignifying that comment with a response, merely lashing at him with her Claw Whip. DemiDevi dodged it easily, flipping in midair.

"WHOA! Haven'tcha ever heard not to kill the messenger? That's what I am right now, a messenger!!!" DemiDevimon laughed. Succubimon frowned.

"What? From who?" she asked, glaring at the bat-creature.

"From my REAL boss... You didn't think I'd actually work for someone so self-absorbed and stupid as you, didja? I'm workin' for a guy with REAL vision... the guy who made YOUR big 'scheme' possible... Oh, and he's here right now!" DemiDevimon taunted. Succubimon gripped the arms of her throne and stood up, ready to execute DemiDevimon, but as she did, the doors to the hall burst open.

It was a gigantic creature, a black-scaled dragon with four red eyes that glared down at her. It had unnaturally long forearms that were wrapped in white bandages, leading to long blood-red claws. Gigantic black raggedy wings sprouted from its back, full of holes. When it spoke, its voice was a bass rumble that shook dust from the ceiling.

"You failed me, Succubimon," the dragon growled.

"What?! What are you doing here? Who are you?! GET OUT!" screeched Succubimon.

"You didn't honestly think that Rosemon came up with the Black Collar devices out of thin air? She was... 'inspired' to create them... by me. I used YOU and your silly plans to test the Defenders, and see what they were capable of. Frankly, I'm unimpressed by them, but less impressed by you..." the Dragon said, his cultured accent and tone belying the ferocity of his visage.

"What?!" Succubimon growled, confused.

"I am Devidramon. I am the future ruler of the Digital World... and you, my dear, are nothing but an unwitting puppet for my will," the massive creature replied calmly.

"I'm NO ONE'S slave!!! Other people are MY slaves!!! DIE!!!" shrieked the vampiress. She lashed out at the massive dragon, despite it being almost twenty times her size. She never even came close to striking it. With a movement so swift that it could not be seen, Devidramon swatted her with a backhand, sending her careening a hundred feet across the hall. She tried to get up, but the massive black dragon pounced on her, pressing it's full body-weight to pin her to the floor and make her scream in pain.

"You have always been my slave, even though you were never aware of it. I've been manipulating you for ages to get you to this point... and now it's time to make your slave status official. You belong to me, Succubimon... and I have plans. BIG plans, but for now? Sleep. EVIL EYE!" Devidramon growled. As he shouted the last two words, all four of his eyes glowed incredibly bright... and Succubimon knew nothing more.

Digimon Defenders Chapter 4

Digimon Defenders Chapter 4: A Bug in the Garden In the month since the defeat of Succubimon and the destruction of the Black Collars, things had been turned upside-down in the File Island Defenders' base. Once the Defenders had recovered from...

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Pokemon Battle Kingdom Chapter 2

Pokémon Battle Kingdom Chapter 2 Arc moaned as he slowly awoke from deep, erotic dreams. The young Pikachu's eyes slowly opened as his consciousness slowly returned. Yet somehow, he was still asleep. He could not move, could not think... All he...

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Digimon Defenders Side Chapter 1

Digimon Defenders Side Chapter 1: Gabu's Memories "Mr. Gabumon, sir?" Lop asked, peeking into the baths curiously. The little rabbit cub walked inside, looking around curiously. "Over here, Lop. Call me Gabu, there's no need for formality," Gabu...

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