Half-Blood Chapter XVI

Story by Artwolf5 on SoFurry

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#17 of Half-Blood

Here we go! Chapter 16! This is a Flashback chapter and will be split between chapter 16 and 17... we learn more about Xander here.. again thanks RuthofPern for editing the story and Chapter 17 will be marked Extreme so set your settings.. =)

Here we go! Chapter 16! This is a Flashback chapter and will be split between chapter 16 and 17... we learn more about Xander here.. again thanks Ruth of Pern for editing the story and Chapter 17 will be marked Extreme so set your settings.. =)

Chapter 16- Xander's Tale Pt. 1 (First Heartbreak)

Xander had fallen into a restless sleep. He kept on tossing and turning as his mind was wracked by nightmare after nightmare. He kept on thinking of that fateful night he met Derrick so many years ago... how foolish he was opening his heart to the much older man... He was so absorbed in his nightmare he hadn't heard the door open quietly and someone padding inside. When he felt someone's paw on his shoulder he was instantly jolted awake knocking the offender away. He heard a small bump the intruder must have fallen... He had been raped way too many times by one of Derrick's bouncers and it almost always started like this...

He had become a very light sleeper because of it... after he had woken up and found one of them fucking him while he was asleep. The man was a German Sheppard and he had just tied with Xander when he woke up.

Before Xander could yell the bastard to try and choke him out. After that he became very sensitive to the door in case someone would try and catch him off-guard. He opened his eyes and shot up and noticed Lucas was sitting on the floor confused.

"Oh, um... sorry Lucas, but don't do that please?" He said somewhat embarrassed. Lucas just shrugged it off and took the paw Xander had quickly offered. Once he had dusted himself off he sat down on the mattress Xander called his bed. He was still sleeping in Greg's room and Lucas was looking around with interest.

"Guess Greg isn't much for interior design..." He half joked and Xander snorted a bit into his paw. They just sat there for a bit both not sure what to saw... but eventually Xander grew desperate to break the oppressive silence.

"So, how was school?" he asked the Fox. He noticed Lucas had changed out of his uniform and into a pair of jeans and a black shirt. Even though Lucas was far too small for his tastes he was certainly cute... Lucas had the graceful dancers build. A bit more slender then he used to be, but not really his type... he liked the big brawny types like Greg, or well... Ian. Shame Ian was over the moon about Lucas... He was pretty sexy... but he wasn't going to try and break them up... he wasn't a slut...

"It was okay... I heard you passed the entrance and placement exams, congrats Xander..." Lucas gave a tiny smile which Xander returned... once you got past that icy exterior Lucas was actually pretty nice... well nicer then Monet at least... now she was scary.

"Thanks... I still can't believe I'm going to attend one of the best schools in the country... and the fact I'm free of Derrick... it feels too good to be true... I'm afraid that I'm going to wake up and find myself right back into that filthy apartment..."

He noticed Lucas shiver at that and remembered that Lucas had seen that very apartment, "How... how long had you been under that man's thumb? If you don't mind me asking... if you don't want to talk about it I won't bring it up again..."

Xander was about to tell him to shove off and get his nose out of his past, but the look in Lucas' eyes and the knowledge that he might wind up seeing it anyway in those damn vision made him pause. Those memories had been burning in him for years and trying to repress the only made it worse. Maybe he would sleep better if he let it all out, and something told him he could trust Lucas... He had only known the boy for not even a day really but he felt comfortable around the other fox.

"Sure... you'll be the first person I've ever opened up to anybody... I've always tried to hide the fact I was gay from everybody..." he started.

Lucas just chuckled at that, "Xander, I'm just about as gay as you get without being flaming... I know what it's like being gay... and being openly gay in high-school... it sucks... I'm just lucky I had Erin... my parents were okay with it... At least my mother was accepting... me and my dad got into a nasty argument though..."

"He wasn't happy his son was a queer?" Xander inquired gently.

"I think it was more about me not ever having kit's... Erin will have kits of her own one day but I'm the only person who will be able to continue my father's name... I don't know anything about my father's family back in Ireland... or if they are even Mages... for all I know the Mason line would end with me..."

"Couldn't you adopt? Or get a surrogate?" Xander asked but Lucas chuckled.

"Maybe... but right now I'm not ready for kids now though... and the one thing I want is someone who loves me..."

"You got Ian for that," Xander muttered, "He cares a lot about you..."

Even Lucas could sense the jealousy in his voice... "That he does and I hope one day I can deserve that love... but back to you... I know how your story started and how it ended... tell me the middle...."

Xander just sighed and nodded, "Okay, I will..." He said before he started his tale.


Xander was shaken awake by a police siren surging past the alleyway he had slept in. For a bit he wondered what he was doing there... but it all quickly came back to him. Being outed in school... the vicious taunts and jeers at school...his own mother had thrown him out... his heart broke at that... his own mother... 'No, I will not shed a tear about that bitch... she made her choice and chose that drunk over me...' He quickly got up and shook his head. He remembered he had about thirty bucks in his wallet and he wanted to save it.

"Guess I'm going without breakfast..." he muttered bitterly to himself. No way he was going back to school... he couldn't handle another day of taunting... so Xander just walked around the city... it was crowded as ever and even being a local he was awed by the massive spires of steel and concrete which dominated the skyline of New York. He did a bit of sightseeing trying to ignore his hunger and had wound up skipping lunch as well. He groaned the hunger biting at him but he kept on walking. Others had started giving him odd looks, some had even asked him why he wasn't in school but he quickly managed to come up with a lie and they stopped bothering him.

A few hours and the day turned to night. He was afraid of skipping dinner and began to walk through the dark chilly city. Being true to its moniker, the city was just as busy as it was during the day and just as crowded. He was careful to avoid the bad areas and the Furs staggering around drunk or high. During his walking he began to hear music coming from somewhere. Curious he followed the sound.

The night was dark and the music was faint but he was determined to find the noise. He kept on looking and was about ready to give up until he saw bright lights and ran as fast as he could towards them. He came up to a large building that looked like a converted warehouse. He noticed two young furs, a Cheetah and a Dalmatian were walking out the club. They were arm and arm blatantly making-out with each other no shame at all. The cheetah was groping at the Dalmatian's crotch while the dog was grabbing at the cheetah's cute ass.

He was amazed at how blatant they were and they had to be no older than sixteen or seventeen... maybe it was a gay club? His heart began to fill up with hope. He needed some fun and this seemed like a golden opportunity. He quickly ran up to the door and the bouncer gave him a wink and opened it. As he walked inside he was surprised at the loudness of the music and the sheer amount of people. Plenty of sexy young furs dancing and gyrating into each other and some even having full out make-out.

He eyed the dance-floor, he loved dancing and he was very good at it... maybe it would be great to just dance his troubles away for a while. He quickly ripped of his sweater and placed it back on his bag and ran to the floor. He noticed a few Furs grin lewdly at him and he smiled back. He could feel his troubles melting away from him. He just danced and gyrated his hips to the movement. He had a pretty good body he liked to think. He was certainly fit and had a sexy little six-pack he was proud of.

He just danced and danced feeling the joy of being free fill his heart. He even got up onto the table and danced which got himself some pretty loud cheers at that. After about an hour of dancing he decided it would be best to get something to eat. He was starving. He walked up towards the bar and noticed that the bartender a sexy Clydesdale Horse with mountains of bulging muscles which made Xander drool. Hey he had a thing for muscles.

The Clydesdale looked pretty young maybe early twenties at the most, and he was eyeing him with a smirk. "What yah smirking at?" he asked with a flirty lilt to his voice.

"Aww nothing, just enjoyed the show you put on top of that table was all."

'Bingo... gay!' Xander thought with a smirk. "Well I mean I just got into the moment is all, plus I wanted to attract the attention of a certain someone."

"And who might that be?" the Clydesdale asked smirking leaning more on the bar. Letting his muscles bulge even more.

"Just a certain sexy bartender I had my eyes on when I'd walk in," Xander flirted.

The horse just chuckled a bit at that, "Sorry kid, I'm straight. Plus you're a bit too young for me..."

'Well fuck my life... of course he's straight...'

"Ha, only hoping to get a free coke or something," Xander joked trying to hide how embarrassed he was at the moment. He didn't notice someone large walk up behind him.

"Hey Bo go ahead and ahead and get this kid a drink, on the house." A very deep voice rumbled behind him.

Xander quickly turned around to see the source of the voice and saw the biggest buffest bull he had ever seen! He was positively massive! Standing well over 6'7 and his muscles were bulging from under his designer suit.

"Thanks," Xander told the Bull with what he hoped was a seductive grin. "Since you're buying me a drink I should at least introduce myself, I'm Xander." He spoke out giving his paw out to shake; the bull just smiled and took the paw in his own massive one. It completely swallowed his.

"Names Derrick... nice to meet you," the massive bull replied with a smile. "And it's not much of buying the drink as giving it away for free; you see I own this place."

Xander just looked to him with wide eyes, "Wow, aren't you a bit too young to own a club?" Xander inquired.

The bull just gave him another smile and chuckled, "Nah, I'm older then I look..."

A small smile spread across Xander's muzzle as he accepted the challenge, "What? Twenty four?" he asked.

Derrick laughed, "Close, twenty seven... how about you kid?"

Xander swallowed at that.... He had to lie..."I'm eighteen..." he muttered.

"Hmm, you look a lot younger kid. Around thirteen would be my guess..."

They talked for a bit and it eventually turned into flirting. It wasn't the first time Xander had flirted he had done it plenty online but to do it in real life and with this sexy bull was amazing... he knew he probably shouldn't be doing this... the man was fully grown and he could get arrested... but Xander kept on going trying to avoid leaving as long as possible. "So you wanna dance kid?" The bull stated with a flirty smile. "Seen you out there earlier... you can shake your sexy tail."

"Yeah, I'd love to dance!" Xander said eagerly, letting himself be led onto the dance floor. The crowd split letting them in the two in the middle of it. They just danced enjoying themselves and each other. At one point Derrick had his paws on Xander's slender hips as Xander paws where on the bull's meaty thighs grinding at the massive bull. He could vaguely feel the man's hardness against his back. He himself was harder than he ever had been before. He felt like he was going to explode.

He gasped a bit as the Bull moved down a bit and grabbed his crotch and rubbed it. Thankfully before Xander could cum in his jeans he stopped rubbing him and moved back to his hips. Xander sighed in relief it would've been embarrassing to bust a load in his pants in front of so many people. Eventually it was nearing closing time and everybody was filling out of the building.

He just sighed he didn't want to leave, but it probably be best... he guessed he would spend another night on the streets, but before he could walk out he heard Derricks voice call out to him. "Hey Xander," the massive Bull bellowed from the bar, "I have a room upstairs come stay with me... we can continue our fun..."

Xander just went scarlet and was thankful for his already reddish fur, "Um... I don't know..." Xander managed trying not to look the bull in the eyes.

The bull just gave him a small chuckle, "Come-on Xander, I know you don't want to leave..."

That smirk was what got Xander... he was fully hard again and he was pretty sure his boxers were soaked in his pre-cum. 'Well,' he thought to himself wryly. _ 'This will be better than the streets...'_ "Sure," was all he said as he let himself be lead upstairs.

The room was very well furnished and beautiful. Derrick just led him to the bedroom and Xander turned around to face the man. It was now that Xander realized just how much bigger the Bull was then him. He barely came up to the bull's chest, but he stared deep into those light brown eyes. He had a feeling he knew what was going to happen.

He went on the tips of his toes and Derrick bent down and finally their lips met. It was Xander's first kiss and it was spectacular! They kissed for several more minutes until Derrick broke it and led Xander to the bed and let the tiny fox fall on top of him. They kissed some more and it eventually led to a full on make-out session. The bull was furiously devouring Xander's mouth and Xander could only moan in ecstasy. He eventually felt something very hard grind into his clothed backside and looked to see that Derrick's penis was fully hard which quickly brought him back to reality. 'What am I doing!?' He thought to himself he scrambled off the bull and almost fell of the bed.

"I'm sorry, I can't..." he said not looking towards the bull. Derrick just gave a small smile and put his hand on Xander's shoulder.

"Hey, it's fine."

Xander felt tears well up in his eyes and he tried to stop himself but it didn't work he began to sob, alarming the massive Bull.

"W-what's wrong? Did I do something wrong?" the Bull asked him but Xander only shook his head. Derrick had been nothing short of amazing to him.

"N-no... it isn't you...I lied to you... I'm not eighteen... I'm fifteen..." He turned expecting the Bull to be furious... he knew Derrick could be thrown in jail for this and expected the man to throw him out, but Derrick only had a small sad smile on his face.

"I kinda figured you weren't eighteen, you look way to young... I wasn't going to do anything serious anyway... so no need to flip out."

Xander just nodded and continued to sob letting all the pain and misery he had felt spill out of him. He told the Bull everything... how he got outed and how not only his parents but the people he thought were his friends turned their backs on him. He had left out what he did to Bill, not really sure went on there... but it felt good letting it all out. Derrick told him he could stay as long as he needed, for which Xander was very grateful for. He must have cried himself to sleep because Xander jerked awake in fright. He'd had a nightmare... but he couldn't remember what it was but it gave him a bad feeling.

He quickly realized he was alone and went off in search of the giant bull. He eventually found him sleeping on a pullout couch. Xander silently padded over and lay down next to the Bull. He must have woken him up because after only a bit of cuddling he felt Derrick grab him and pull him close allowing Xander to fall into a deep slumber.

Time had seemed to fly by as Xander got closer and closer. Derrick was so kind and loving towards him. He took Xander out to eat at nice restaurants got him some nice clothes and took him out to have fun. One day they went ice-skating, another they went sightseeing across the city and other days they just snuggled up and stayed in and watched some movies. Not even a month had passed and Xander was finding himself starting to fall deeply in love with Derrick. It was on a Friday a month had passed since that fateful day and Xander had found himself alone. Derrick had business in another of his clubs all the way across town and wouldn't be back to late so Xander just sat around and watched TV... he started to think about what had happened with Bill... how he had forced that massive man to float and nearly have his body ripped apart. He eventually managed to remember a long forgotten memory...

He was playing in the backyard he was only eight years old and he saw a dead flower... frowning he went up to the thing. Some force seemed to flow through him and his hands began to glow a greenish-blue. When it stopped he noticed the flower was alive again and looked amazingly beautiful. He was enjoying his handy-work when he heard his mother shrill voice screech at him.

_"No! Bad! How dare you!" she yelled at him and smacked him hard across the face several times. She then stomped on the flower making Xander cry. She only snarled and slapped the boy again. "If I ever catch you doing that horrible shit again you'll get the belt you hear me you little freak!"

"Yes Mommy! I understand!" The little him, cried._

His mother just nodded, "Good, now get cleaned up... mommy has another date tonight and I don't want the sitter think you're a filthy pig!" She told him and he quickly ran into the house...

"I wonder if I can still do that?" he asked himself quietly and looked out the window to see a small flowerpot. He went up to it and focused like he did that time so long ago and saw the same greenish-blue light as he did before, but he also felt a sharp pain in his eye. He quickly ran into the bathroom and looked in the mirror and was shock that his left eye had changed colour... what was once a bright forest green was now a pale silvery blue... he was confused and scared... eye colour didn't just change like that... once the change started to fade curiosity began to take hold and he went and looked out the window.

What was once an empty pot was now a beautiful flower... he had no idea what kind it was but he was damn sure that it wasn't there a few minutes ago... Xander's stomach began to fall... his mother was right.... He was a freak...

"What am I?" he asked himself just as he heard the door open.

"You still here Xander?" he heard Derrick's warm voice call for him. Xander just gave a noise of confirmation and Derrick walked in and beamed at him. "What'cha doing?" he asked the Fox who just shrugged.

"Nothing, I just thought I saw something outside..." He said as he walked up to the Bull and kissed him as he sat down on the couch. They kissed for a little bit before Derrick decided to get some dinner ready. The food was amazing and Xander really enjoyed it but he was a bit distracted.

Derrick seemed to notice this. "Something on your mind Xander?" he asked his voice soft and warm.

Xander fidgeted a bit but something ran through him. 'It's now or never...' he thought to himself before sighing... "Yes... you see... um... I love you Derrick...." he blurted out shyly. He looked away before he felt a warm paw on his face, looking up to see a look of pure joy in those warm brown eyes of Derrick.

"Well that's good, because I love you to kid..." he said as he bent down and kissed Xander. There was something in this kiss and Xander knew now was the time... he would give himself fully to this man... the man who had been so kind and loving towards him... the man he loved... the kiss became very heated and when they broke it off they knew what was going to happen. Both of them quickly finished their meal before coming together and ripping each other's clothes off.

Once they were fully naked they found themselves in the bedroom. They quickly found themselves on the bed fondling each other's penises. Unlike Xander, Derrick did not have a sheath and he was huge... at least fifteen inches long... Xander felt a bit nervous but Derrick knew what he was doing... He gasped as he felt Derrick's finger enter him, but that quickly turned into a moan. Derrick went in and out and eventually added another finger and then another. Eventually when he felt Xander was open enough for him Derrick let his fingers slide out of Xander's tail-hole causing Xander to whimper at the sudden feeling of emptiness.

"You ready for this Xander?" Derrick asked as he put his penis on the rim of Xander's tail hole. Xander just nodded and whimpered as the massive organ entered him for the first time. It was agonizing for the first few minutes as Derrick slowly let himself slide into the warm tight orifice.

"Damn Kid, I've never had an ass so tight..." Derrick gasped.

Xander was unable to answer completely lost in the feelings of ecstasy. Derrick thrust in and out and their matching moans filled the room. Xander was amazed how he could fit all of Derrick in him and how amazing it felt making love to this man... Derrick eventually increased his pace and Xander was a bit sad that the Bull didn't have a knot to tie with him... He thought it would have been so romantic to be tied to this man... speaking of knots he felt his own start to swell and as Derrick continued to thrust and assault his prostate Xander was lost to the world after more and more thrusts Xander's moaned loud and bit Derrick on the man's massive shoulder and shook as the biggest orgasm of his life shot through him.

His tiny body was shaking and he was moaning through his grip on Derrick's shoulder as his cum glued them together. He had no idea how much cum he had produced but the Bulls' normally dark brown fur had turned white with Xander's seed. Derrick's thrusts only became more and more erratic and he bellowed loud and Xander felt something molten hot spill in his guts. Feeling the Bull's seed spilling in him was too much for Xander and he climaxed again shooting even more cum between their naked bodies.

"That... that was amazing..." was all Xander could say once he came down from his orgasmic high. The Bull only nodded and kissed Xander deeply as both of them fell into a deep slumber. Xander had never felt so alive after making love to this amazing man...

A few hours later Xander was awoken by what seemed like a loud buzzing. He groggily woke up and saw he was snuggled up against Derrick his ass was a bit sore and he was amazed at how he took that massive member which was now completely flaccid. He managed to get out of Derrick's grip and got out of bed... he was a bit embarrassed when he felt a massive amount of cum spill out of his tail-hole but he shrugged it off and went outside the room. He found his boxers and went to the bathroom and cleaned himself out before putting the boxers on and found the ringing was coming from Derrick suitcase. He had never let Xander look in it before but since they had just made love he doubted Derrick would have minded.

He opened the suitcase and found a large amount of papers... ignoring them he saw the phone was ringing... he shrugged it off and closed the suitcase and decided to tell Derrick he had gotten a call before heading back to the room, but before he could leave the suitcase fell on the floor and paper were scattered everywhere.

"Dammit!" Xander roared franticly trying to get the papers together until... he saw what exactly on them... he saw numerous Furs, all boys and all around the same age as Xander... they were all nude many of them in comprising positions. Some were chained up and others were sucking on a dick while others were being fucked... almost all of them looked filthy and malnourished. Something in Xander began to drop... why did Derrick have these awful things...? He heard an icy chuckle and he turned around to see Derrick standing over him. He was still completely nude but he looked so much different than the man Xander had fallen in love with.

"Looks like I've been found out..." he said threateningly.

"Wha-what do you mean? Why do you have these things?" Xander asked suddenly scared for his own life.

Derrick just chuckled again but it was so different from the one he had grown so used to. He was shocked when the man grabbed his throat and tossed him across the room. Xander gasped in pain as he landed hard on his back. He was grabbed by the throat again and slammed into the wall and was forced to truly look in Derrick's eyes... all the warmth he had grown so accustomed to was replaced by an icy scare.

"Well you see little Kit, I run a business. These clubs I run... well I like to call them 'whore clubs.' I find little boys like yourself runaways nobody would miss and make them trust me fall in love with me... then I sell them at the highest bidder... I have plenty of clients who would love to meet you..."

"You mean you're a pimp!?" Xander asked his heart starting to break. The bull just gave him a curt nod. "Then... everything was just..."

"A full on lie... and you took it hook line and sinker... how stupid of you... I would normally sell you to someone else but you are far too good a fuck to let go... yes..." He threw Xander down on the ground. "Lucky for you I already got you a client... he's a rich man who was willing to play around with you... I want you to pretend that last night never happened... these men love the innocent act..."

"You mean you want me to..."

"I want you to go to this man and let him fuck your brains out then I want you to come back to me and give me the money..." the bull snarled. "You got a problem with that slut?" He asked coldly.

That broke Xander's heart... he was nothing towards this man... he'd never felt anything for him... part of Xander was disgusted at what the man wanted him to do but he knew he had no choice... he had to survive...

"No, there is no problem..." Xander mutter completely defeated. His spirit completely crushed as he realized he had been used in the worst way possible... he was nothing but a tool and he was so foolish to trust this man... the man he thought had loved him...