Ch.8 Outside Those Walls

Story by Cubone Gal on SoFurry

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#8 of A Serpent's Screams

"What is that place?" Zasz asked, still being carried by Jake. The three were overlooking the moderately sized town, bustling with activity. The steam-powered machinery blended inorganically with the fairly old buildings, like clockwork stuck into an animal. The murky weather added to the overall dismal appeal to the area.

"Bradford, the steam town." Char stated.

"This is the third town we've stumbled across this past friggin' month." Jake said. "Can we go to this one or not?"

"I'm not sure..." The falcon said, rubbing the bottom of his beak.

"Char, we really need a roof over our heads. We've been freezing out here for a month. We need clothes, or at least a blanket for Zasz or anything like that. Not to mention we need a decent place to rest."

"I'm quite aware of this, Jake." Char returned, "But the whole point of our escaping would be pointless if it's a town that supports the Eastern Civilization." Jake looked at the ground, knowing he was beaten. "But, if memory serves, it's not. I need to make sure, but I believe even as escaped slaves we will be safe here. Looked down upon, invariably, but not in danger."

"I can live with that. Right Zasz?" Jake asked her. She nodded tiredly. "Hope you're right again."

The three fugitives began making their way towards the city, gingerly. Char decided it was best to enter through the back allies, which were normally protected by the wall surrounding the city. However, it wasn't much of a barrier for the falcon and enhanced dragon's jumping abilities. They even managed to snag some clothes on the way through the allies, which were hanging out to dry. Mismatched as they were, they fit, save for Jake's. The dragon's eight foot frame was pretty snug inside the clothes he stole. Armed with simple garments that didn't draw too much attention, they hazarded a flight to the street.

Jake searched his pockets as they walked along, finding three gold coins. "Looks like they don't use credits here. That's a good sign, eh?" He asked, and was quickly shushed by Char. Zasz hugged herself and walked very close to her friends, afraid of the nasty folk that seemed to inhabit the town. All three of them, however, froze solid when they heard a voice cry out, "Are you Mr. Char?"

They spun around to face whoever was addressing the bird to find a young, ragged wolf running up behind them, lifting her dress slightly. Char nodded, "I am. Who are you?"

"Mooney, actually. Linda Mooney." The wolf responded in her thick, British accent. "I almost missed you lot, I did."

"Why are you looking for us?" Zasz asked.

"I was told to, of course. Big blue fella'. He said he had some pressing business to attend to and he didn't 'ave time to wait around for you all. He told me to look out for a bald bird, a big ol' dragon, and a pretty young snake. Char, Jake, and Zasz I believe." They all nodded in acceptance, realizing that Raynor had stopped by, knowing that this was the only real safe haven in the area. He probably had similar set-ups elsewhere."

"Well, what did he want us for?" Jake piped in.

"Dunno. He's a nice chap though. He said you all would be in trouble, and by the looks of those rags he was bloody right." She snickered, "Well, regardless, you lot can stay back at my inn. He prepaid for you all for a grand sum of 12 months. Come now, follow me."

The three followed, dumbstruck, to the nearby building, which was no doubt Linda's establishment. Like all of the buildings it was a quaint, village-like building tainted with mechanical implants and pipes. Gears jutted out of one wall in the lobby, which doubled as the dining area. It was occupying about five other guests. The door to the kitchen was obviously labeled and the bar was in plain sight next to the stairs. This also doubled as the check-in station. Up the stairs were the two stories of rooms, about a dozen in total. "Come on, I'll show all of you to your room. It's a three-bedder."

Up the flight of stairs Linda unlocked a door at the end of the second floor hallway. It opened up into a small, but comfortable room. The three friends practically melted at the sight of it, having roughed it for nearly a month. "Right then." Linda said, pushing her keys back into her apron. "I'll let you all get situated. You look bloody tired too, you poor things. I'm going to go get you some dinner stewin', and maybe figure a way to fetch you some decent clothes then, eh?" And with that the wolf scampered off.

Zasz hit her bed pretty quickly and pretty hard, exhausted. All of her sore muscles were practically yelling at her, and the comfy bed proved to be just what she needed. She let out a content sigh, curling up under the covers. Jake flopped down on his bed as well, causing Char to grin and slink off into the lobby. But Zasz continued to just lay there, relaxing. The uncomfortable, raggedy dress wasn't properly fitted for her and she rid herself of it, hiding her nudity under her blanket. It didn't really bother her anymore, seeing how much time she spent unclad. Jake looked at the collar still wrapping around her neck.

They had tried to get it off before, but with Zasz's sore muscles they couldn't do it without hurting her. At least Jake tore the rest of the chain from it. But Zasz just ignored it, and soon found herself fast asleep, and having a wonderful rest. She woke on and off the next few days, just talking with her friends from her bed. She also cuddled her blankets to her, thinking about Illia. She even found her fingers playing at the entrance of her slit a few times, but stopped herself, ashamed to even be thinking of it.

Several weeks passed, and Linda spent much of her time with the three escaped slaves. They shared their story with her, and she took an especially strong sympathy for the poor snake girl. They discovered that, despite her tough exterior, Linda was as sweet as could be, and became close friends with the cockney wolf very quickly. She even stitched them tailor-made clothes, as well as several store-bought outfits each. She had a fairly successful business, especially with Raynor's handsome military paycheck going into her pocket, and could thereby afford it.

Zasz's condition improved over the next month as well. While she still held on to her child-like, frightened personality, she had become much more relaxed and her rational-thinking process had returned to her, giving her at least that much of her old self. However, the swelling in her tummy had become quite noticeable with her small frame, especially after her fourth month of pregnancy. She did, however, pick up her old love of reading, and even spent most of her time thumbing through novels.

Linda nudged the door to the fugitives' room open, a tray of food in hand. "Zasz, sweetie, I got a bowl of stew for ya'." She said, entering the snakes' sanctuary. Zasz was just laying on her bed, rubbing her rounded belly. A distinct image of sadness lined her eyes when she looked up at the innkeeper. Linda set the tray down and sat next to her. "What's wrong, love?" She asked, compassionately.

"I just don't know what to do..." Zasz sobbed. With the tears flowing, Linda hugged Zasz.

"Sh, sh sh. You're worried about birth? I'm not sure about that. I don't have any children me'self. But I'm sure you'll make a great mum."

"No, it's not that... I just... I just want my old life back..." She said, sniffling.

"Whatever do you mean?" Linda asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't want to be a mother! I'm not even supposed to be a woman!" She cried, half angrily, half frightened. "I just want to go back to my own home, with my own lover... And she'll never take me like this..." Linda rocked her gently, trying to comfort her.

"Ya' never know, sweet. If she loves you as much as you love 'er, she'd probably be willin' to turn lesbian for ya'." Zasz looked up, slightly shocked by the response. The looked at each other for a moment before they started giggling to themselves.

"You really think so?" Zasz asked. Linda nodded in return. Zasz felt herself becoming wet with the thought of it. She had been playing with the thought of having a lesbian relationship with Illia for a long time, but she was never sure if it would ever really happen.

"I don't know..." Zasz said, dejectedly.

"Ya never know if ya don't try, love. I didn't know if this dump would ever be successful, and look at me now, eh? My life cheered up pretty good, sweet, and I think yours can to. But you gotta be willin' ta risk rejection for it. 'Kay?" Zasz nodded in return. "And who knows? Once Mr. Raynor gets back, he might be willin' ta send you to you're home. Just you wait, sweet." Linda got up and patted Zasz on her leg. The snake just daydreamed about how she'd meet up with Illia.

The next day Zasz got up, seemingly more energetic she'd been in a while. Jake's snoring was playing in the air, the dragon collapsed contently on his bed from a night of heavy drinking. Char, dressed in nothing save a pair of plain pants, was surprised. "Zasz, you seem to be feeling better. That's good."

"Linda and I talked last night." She said, smiling. She started slipping the dark green, loose-fitting shirt over herself. "I feel less depressed today, actually." Char chuckled at her.

"You know, Jake and I would be happy to listen to you, if you need us."

Zasz sighed, getting her pants on, "I know... I'm not sure what it is... But I feel more comfortable talking to her about this stuff. I guess it's because you guys knew the old Zasz..."

"Now, now..." Char said, getting up and patting her on the shoulder. "Male or female, you are still who you are. You are still our best friend, and we'll always be here for you." Zasz teared up slightly, and hugged Char to her.

"I know, Char... And thanks..." She said. Char smiled and patted her on the back, and she threw her long coat over herself as she made her way out of the inn.

Zasz's trips from the inn were few, but she was known to take them. Usually the only place she visited was the library, to feed her literature-starved eyes. Under her arm she carried the three novels she had recently finished, which she placed on the front desk upon entering. Mr. Donald, the librarian, greeted her warmly. "Ms. Zasz! I haven't seen you in a while. How'd you enjoy the books?" The old walrus asked.

"They were good, thank you." She responded, shyly, as she usually did. He laughed and she slunk off to the shelves to pick out a special book she had been thinking about. After finding it, she found a seat and cracked the pages of the book, whose central theme was pregnancy. She read for a good few hours before reaching the end, finishing the book slightly more worried than when she started. She read on the effects of pregnancy, and the process of childbirth. She also learned that it was a coin's toss whether reptilian species would give live birth, as of their human DNA, or lay a single egg, which was considered to be considerably more painful.

She left the library with another series of short books with one hand, and the other occupied with her tummy. She worriedly pushed and felt at her insides, trying to tell whether she had a shell inside or not. If she did the shell was probably still soft at that time, so she couldn't really tell anyway. She was so preoccupied she didn't notice that she was being tailed. She let out a sharp cry as she was grabbed, being dragged into another alley.

She was brought face-to-face with a grungy-looking hyena, grinning at her from ear to ear. The animals behind him were comprised of four men of various species. "Don't scream." He told her, whipping out a switchblade and brandishing it in her face. Zasz instantly began sobbing, knowing what was going on. The gangsters all laughed and cheered at her compliance as they cut the first layer of clothes from her body. One of them even cried, "Oh look, she's a run-away slave guys!"

"Not anymore, she's ours now!" Another answered. "And she's a preggo too." One said, grabbing at her swollen tummy "Look at this ugly stomache.". She whined in protest at that, but the held her down, one of them holding her by her collar. She cried as they pulled her panties down her legs, cutting them off of her halfway down her legs. She felt wet noses and tongues nuzzling at her private parts, while the hyena in front of her snipped her bra off.

They forced the crying snake to her knees, and the collective sound of zipper's coming undone sounded throughout the alley. A weasel squirmed under her and lifted her up slightly, bringing her back down on his erect member. She grimaced, ashamed, and the hyena laughed and sat down on a crate, scooting it in front of her. Another man kneeled down and plowed himself into her tail-hole the same time the hyena forced her to have breast-sex with him. The last one forced his cock into her hesitant mouth.

Her body reacted as it always had, simultaneously pleasuring all four men at the same time. "I can feel your baby!" The weasel underneath her shouted, excitedly. One by one they began cumming, pulling out and spraying her body with their seed. They all laughed at the re-broken mother-to-be. She wept hard, curling into a ball before they grabbed her up, groping at her body. "Let's take her home and have more fun, eh?" One of them hooted.

"No!" She wept, inciting a laugh from them all. How could this keep happening to her? She was starting to feel like she really was nothing but a sex toy again, and she could only be shattered and put back together so many times. Suddenly the sound of bootsteps from the alleyway entrance rang out. The four gangsters all panicked as a town guard charged after them, and the tossed the snake back to the ground and fled. The officer literally stepped over the abused snake in pursuit, leaving her there, violated.

It was a good fifteen minutes of crying before she picked herself up and slowly limped back to the inn, with nothing save her arms to cover herself. Linda, working the tables of the inn, instantly dropped a tray of dishes when Zasz limped in. "Oh, good God!" She cried, rushing to her friend's side.

"Th-they raped me..." Zasz whimpered.

"Oh, sweet... Let's get you cleaned up..."

Two hours later, Zasz was in bed in a comfy nightgown, having been bathed and dressed. Still she cried softly and whimpered, hugging at Linda who was sitting beside her. Together they waited for Char and Jake to get back from their own trip into town, where they were trying to find more information on their location on the map.

"I'm a whore..." Zasz cried.

"No, love, don't say that..." Linda said as she rocked her.

"Yeah I am... I'm just a fuck-toy... "

"Sweet, I know how it feels..." Linda said, sadly. Zasz looked up with her watery eyes. "I really was a whore for a while. I worked in brothel and everythin', just like me mum... but I moved on, sweet, and so can you. I've been raped before too. It'll get better... the hurt will go away..."

"But you're tougher than I am..." Zasz claimed. Linda just rocked her more.

"You just need ta stay strong. I know you are, sweet."

"I wanna go home... I wanna see Illia..." Zasz cried. Linda hesitated a moment, obviously distraught.

"We'll get you home, love... don't you worry..." Linda told her. The wolf smiled at her, and Zasz weakly returned it. Soon the snake was fast asleep in her arms, while Linda was left to think. Her current order was to keep Zasz there while Raynor finished his military duty and protect her. She already failed the second part, so she figured she could stand to lose the first one too. Zasz needed to see her home.