The Gift That Keeps on Giving

Story by Picklessauce69 on SoFurry

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#2 of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Fluffy Packages

The sequel to my first plushie story, another commission for -------fabulous21


**Light poured in from the open window. The soft sounds of bird awakening the neighborhood sliding into the dimly lit bedroom. The only light from the sun itself laying across Brooke's closed eyes. Her eyes slowly opening to look around the room. The curtains in front of the window fluttering slightly, letting in a soft breeze that ruffled the sheets that lay over the sleeping man next to her.

Slowly, Brooke's gaze fell to Mark's sleeping face. His mouth hung partway open in a cute, yet humorous manner. His head laid back against the pillow. With a smile growing on her lips she followed the line of his body, one arm up out of the blankets covering them to wrap around the tigress's furry waist. His fingers tangled into her soft fur. The rest of him disappearing down under the satin sheets that covered them. With her careful inspection something caught her eye, peeking the feline plush's curiosity as her head ducked down. Her eyes suddenly locked onto the human's massive morning wood. A huge smile spreading onto her face as her purr rumbled away as the only sound on the quiet Tuesday morning.

"Time to wake up, Marky" Brooke whispered out in a burst of a rumbly purr as her pink tongue began to curl out of her mouth. The pink felt like a snake the way it twisted, almost in slow motion till it touched to his skin, dragging up the length of his shaft as he slept. His slumber soon breaking as he woke with a gasp, looking down at the lump in the blankets where the tigress's head sat, starting to move up and down as she drug her tongue up his shaft in long, slow lick. The roughness of her tongue only teasing him all the more, making him throb against her.

"Mmm....morning.." He mumbled out softly, hand sliding down to pet over her ear slowly, caressing and massaging the furry appendage as her mouth opened slowly to push her hot mouth over his tip. The inside of her maw instantly getting a reaction from her human lover. Her tongue grinding him up against the soft roof of her mouth while her cheeks pulled in to milk on him, working to get a explosion of the cum she loved so much. Her mouth begging to be made a mess of.

"Mmmph morning" She grumbled back, the full mouth she had making her words slurred and barely understandable, though Mark was too lost in his pleasure to care. His head laid back and back arching a bit as she pushed himself up into her mouth, eagerly wanting to feel her tight mouth around him. Her steady suckles sending him closer and closer to ecstasy as she teased him with her luscious mouth.

"Mmph...yes, yes. More...harder.." He gasped out, panting softly as she took his words to heart. her mouth tightening and suckling harder. Her soft, rough felt tongue flicking and wriggling to his tip, the surface coated with pre that soaked up into the fabric making her licks wet as if he felt had been replaced with a true tongue, though they both know that hadn't happened. Her mouth filled with his taste and ready for more as she locked her mouth down tighter. Every inch constricting in to give one last rough suck, the sensation that ripped through his sensitive, pulsating shaft enough to send him flying over the edge. One last howl leaving the before groggy male before he spurted into her mouth. Thick cum exploding in her mouth, painting the fabric inside.

Pulling the sheets back to spy down onto her face Mark couldn't help but smile at the tigress. Her mouth was closed down, oozing with cum out of the corners and her lips part way painted. " beautiful tigress" He whispered, making her smile, the release of her tip-lipped seal letting the spunk drip out, leaking down onto her neck and the bedding under her. Her messy grin making the human chuckle as he reached down to scoop her up, carrying the furry girl to the bathroom to clean her up.

"Let's get you cleaned hm?" He whispered, nuzzling to the clean backside of her head as she purred and nodded. Her ears flicking about as he nuzzled her. His affection making her heart swell with happiness.

Reaching the bathroom he set Brooke down gently on the edge of the sink. Her legs shifting so she could sit up, her head held up high in a proud position. Her purr still rumbling in her chest, echoing in the small room. "Yes please."

He gave a curt nod, fetching the warm cloth they often used for this. His touch light and gentle as he began to clean her yet again. Often filling her mouth in this manner, though never having woken up to such treatment as this morning. The fabric of her tongue soaked through and taking plenty of attention as he cleaned her. All the while her paws roaming over his chest, touching and stroking along his naked body. Her soft, velvety paws so unlike any other set of hands that had touched him, pushing them all back to the very corners of his mind. No lover the young man had foolishly been with during high school or college stood up to the tigress he had now, her kisses drove him mad, her touch made him crazy, and her mouth pleased him like nothing else. He couldn't have been happier with her, or so he thought. Though the tigress had a plan for today to make him realize just how much better she was.

Once clean, Brooke leaned up. Her freshly washed mouth meeting to his in a soft kiss. Her felt tongue brushing up to his lips lightly urging him to part them for her to enter, which he did with the very first lick. Her tongue pushing its way past his lips and eagerly into his mouth. Rough felt meeting smooth skin in a taboo connection that lasted till Mark needed to breath.

Pulling back, he panted hard, looking at the tigress he loved so much and so suddenly. His feelings for her blossoming in only that one week while his aunt had kept him searching for his sanity, sanity he found in the sweet tigress he held before him. With her wide, dark eyes that seemed to understand every bit of him. That little nose that crinkled when she smiled wide. Her soft fur that was flawless in its texture especially when pressed to his naked body. Her long tail, that at the moment, was flicking up against the mirror with soft tap sounds each time. The little felt tongue she had hidden away for now in her maw, the source of so much pleasure for him. Most of all, her life, her animation was a gift to him and he intended to treasure it as long as he lived. While he stared at her, lost in thought, Brooke just smiled and waited for him to pay attention once more, content just sitting in his arms for now. Her paws idly kneading on his chest as she let him think. She didn't mind simply sitting with him, enjoying their peaceful moments together as much as the lust filled ones.

After another moment, Mark snapped back into reality, giving Brooke a dopey grin before hugging her in to him tighter. Her legs shifting to wrap around him slightly. "I need to eat some food, sweetheart" He whispered, giving the top of her head a little kiss before moving out of the bathroom. His lips lightly trail over the line or white fur on her cheek, spattering kisses all over her lovingly as he walked down the hall and stairs.

Over the past few weeks they had made a routine out of breakfast. Brooke didn't eat, so she sat nestled in Mark's lap while he did eat. Sometimes she would talk, whispering to him made up stories like a parent to a child at bedtime to tickle their imagination, other times she would sing soft, her voice smooth and soft giving it a quiet intimate feel Mark adored. Other days like today, she would spend breakfast nibbling, kissing, and licking along his exposed neck and chest.

As Mark tried to focus on the nibbling of his toast Brooke focused on her nibbling of his neck. Small teeth lightly nipping the skin, tugging just slightly on it, earning her a soft coo of pleasure. Though today was slightly different than most. Today, along with her mouth, her hips were moving, grinding to him though she got no pleasure from it, or so Mark thought.

Leaning into his ear, Brooke lightly licked up the side before whispering. "Touch me, Mark. I have a surprise for you"

Blinking in confusion, Mark's fingers slowly slid down her sides, caressing through that soft fur. His fingers sliding in between her legs slowly. His eyes going wide as he felt something new there.

Where before was simply fur, was now a small vaginal opening, her soft furry lips covered in the same fur that covered the rest of her only shorter. His fingers brushing her soft, pink clit making her gasp out softly, looking at him with slightly widened eyes at the alien feeling. Slowly his fingers inspected this new part of her, two fingers gently spreading her lips, letting his thumb get at her clit again, starting to tease the girl as she squirmed on his lap. Her tail swishing side to side behind them.

With a husky voice she whispered in his ear, "Love, take me back to bed. The kitchen is not the place for this"

He only grinned, scooping her up in his arms and hurrying up the stairs. A soft laugh leaving the tigress at his goofy grin. Soon enough, he tossed her onto the bed, gently. With her body stretched out on her back below him he could take in the sight of her all over again. Her eyes were barely open as she looked up at him, a small seductive smile on her face. His eyes dragging down, noting the new addition of small pink nubs down her chest, nipples just waiting to be teased, toyed with, bitten. With a soft whine she looked up at him, his eyes so hungrily looking at her sending chills down her spine.

Slowly, he lowered himself to the bed, his gaze moving up to meet her eyes as he leaned down. His tongue slowly moving over the soft, silky nub of her nipple. The loud purr that awarded him only urging him on. HIs tongue never speeding up though in its mission to tease her. With impossible slowness he worked his way down all the nipples on the left side, at each one licking till the tigress squealed happily. The sounds building up in a series of pants and purrs till that final sound that told him it was time to move to the next one. Each time he restarted on the next nipple the sounds started all over. Each squeal she let out making him both grin and for his cock to throb against the sheets.

Finally he reached the last untouched little nub, taking his time licking a slow circle around it. Brooke's breathing hard and labored as she panted and twisted slightly on the sheets, her soft fur sliding easily on the silky of the bedding. Her purr loud enough to be compared to an engine as it roared in her chest.

"M..Mark! Please....touch me...I c..can't take it anymore..." She panted out, each syllable locked within a gaspy breath. Her eyes opening just enough to meet his own as she pleaded with him. The smirk that rewarded her pleas making the tigress cry out softly, his teeth suddenly closing around her sensitive, throbbing nipple.

"Beg for me, kitty...I'll lick you if you beg for it." He cooed, his teeth tugging gently on that little, pink num. Another loud squeal leaving the plush as she writhed slightly on the bed, her hips shifting up as they tried to grind and press to him.

"P..P..Please! Mark! I need you to touch" She squealed out, voice tapering off with another gaspy howl and another tug on her nipple. Those teeth finally pulling back from the sensitive nub as his hands slide onto her thighs, spreading her legs slowly. His eyes flicking down to savor the look of her silky sex.

Deliberately, he drug his finger down the slit of her sex, a soft whine accenting the touch. His eyes flicking up to hers once more before he moved down between her legs, tongue sliding out to slowly follow his finger up her slit. The soft silk of her sex slipping under her tongue easily. The sensation of his tongue making the tigress cry out happily.

"Mmm that's it..I love your noises, Brooke" He praised, his words reinforcing the purr that resounded deep in her chest. The soft fur of her chest practically vibrating with a palpable show of her enjoyment. Her fingers curled into fists in the bedding, clinging to that sheet as he continued to lap at her slowly, his tongue never once delving into her sex, yet. Each teasing lick up the entire length of her slit and over his clit sending her further in absolute felicity. Another joyous wail leaving the tigress as Mark's tongue moved up to wrap around the sensitive bead of her clit, suckling hard on the little, throbbing bump. The sounds that rewarded him sending him into a land of his own bliss.

Excited for more of the noises, Mark continued suckling earning another loud squeal of pleasure from the tigress. Her body was by now practically trembling with the building sensations in her groin. Her fingers tugging up on the sheets, threatening to rip through the thin fabric. "Oh! F..F..Fucccchh..." She growled out, a huge tremble taking over her body before she tensed complete. A soft cry of absolute euphoria leaving the plush before she went still. The soft of her heavy breathing soon filling the air in place of her wail.

"" She said simply, her fingers slowly releasing the sheets as her eyes eased opened looking down at him with a wide eyed expression. Mark only smiled and moved up, kissing her softly, leaving her sensitive sex alone now, not wanting to cause any pain to his soft love.

His lips lightly touched to hers before she pulled away, shakilly moving to the other side of the bed. "I want to return the favor.."

He let out a soft exhale as he looked over at his eager, trembling tigress. "But you did that this morning...what I did was returning the favor..." He said softly, not complaining, only challenging slightly.

She grinned, "Fine then, I won't I'll explore instead.." She mumbled softly, her body shifting in closer to him as she kissed lightly at his lips, her paws already starting to rub, stroke, and caress their way down his chest, feelings every contour of his body beneath her soft paw pads. "Ill explore every inch..."

And she began to do just that, slowly her furry lips trailed down his neck, leaving soft pecks along the way in between long licks that left the human shivering pleasantly beneath her paws. Her soft felt tongue always working him up into a place of pure ravishment and now was no exception as it trailed down the side of his neck slowly, covering every inch on the way down with the lick then working her way back up to the top with those light, little kisses, an occasional nip eliciting a gasp from the man as he lay still letting her do as she pleased while he laid back to enjoy it.

Leisurely she made her way from his neck to his chest. Her paws beginning to knead and massage down on his chest, making him relax beneath her while her mouth did the opposite, working him up to the point of whining out softly. Her little teeth nibbling down to his nipple, giving it a teasing lick with her fabric tongue, the sensation drawing out a soft moan from the human.

"Mmm....Brooke.." He mumbled, looking at her with half-lidded eyes as she continued down with a smile. Her paws resting on his thighs now as her mouth scooted lower, starting to lick at his navel for a moment before nibbling her way down to his waist. His rock hard shaft bobbing and brushing against her neck and chest.

"Do you like this, Mark?" she crooned softly, her voice tinged with the husky tone that showed her own arousal. "Do you like the feel of my mouth on you?"

His words sent a chill down his spine, his eyes opening a bit more to look down at her with a shy smile forming on his lips as he nodded. "Y..yes, love, don't stop"

She gave a slight nod, smiling as she went back to it. Her tongue slowly moving out of her mouth again as she licked slowly down his shaft, reaching his tip she flicked that pink tongue against it, earning her a loud gasp from her lover. Mark's body reaching the point where he trembled each time she drug that rough tongue over his sensitive throbbing head. Her eyes locked on his as she did so only making the act seem more intimate and arousing him all the more.

Calmly, the tigress continued her teasing licking, her tongue now leaning further to lap over his balls slowly. Her tongue careful in its languid path down his shaft, making sure to hit different spots each time. Now, reaching the head once more she parted her lips, sliding him in and giving a hard suck as her tongue flicked against it.

That was it, the last bit he could take before he grabbed at her. His hands tugged her hips, rolling her over so he was over her. His shaft slipping free from her lips to line up with her delicate, satin sex. Her lips parting around his tip as he rested just outside her sleek tunnel. Her eyes meeting his in a mental embrace that soon became a real one.

Mark's arms pulled her up slightly, so he hunched over his plush lover to move into a long kiss as he thrusted up into her. Her hips jerked back slightly as his tip shoved into her tender sex, but once he was firmly planted inside her hips went nowhere but closer to his own. Though Mark was too lost in ecstasy to notice, her luxurious silky sex hugged around him, every fiber milking him for his orgasm. His pleasure nearly tripling with every big more he pushed into that glossy, plush sex.

Deliberately, he took his time, easing each inch slowly into her tight silken sex. Her lips never once leaving his during this. Her fabric tongue tangled with his in a passionate embrace of the mouth as their hips finally met together. Plush to skin and bones.

Once hilted inside his lover he paused, relishing for a moment in the way her delicate sex squeezed around his shaft. The fabric smooth and flawless as it tightened around him as she twitched with her own pleasure. Each silken strand of her twisting and holding him in a tight vice of pleasure. Only the urging of her own hips moving enough to get him shifting and moving again.

Slowly, he pulled back out, a moan escaping him into her mouth with the feel of her sleek ligature pressed in around his throbbing, leaking cock as if her single-minded goal was to get an orgasm from him. Though he fought to hold back as long as he could, wishing to pleasure her as much as he was pleasured by her.

With this in mind, one hand moved down teasing and tweaking her little, tortured clit. The touch instantly earning him a squeal of pleasure from his plushie tigress. Her body shuddering and clutching tighter around his length buried inside her. His hips working steadily now to ease in and out of that snatch. Each thrust back into her accented with a growl of pleasure from Brooke and a moan from Mark the two lovers sounds mixing and mingling, growing together as thrust by thrust they inched towards their own climaxes once more, this time going to be locked together as it happened, able to feel every quiver, shake, twitch, and wiggle their bodies made as the euphoria took over to send them riding the waves of the rollercoaster of an orgasm.

And with one last hard thrust into the silken sex it hit, Mark's fingers tightening on the little bead he was caressing, the sudden hold on her sensitive organ sending Brooke following him over the edge. Her howl ripping out of her fabric mouthed, pulling back from his kiss finally as he too moaned out. His sounds threatening to cover hers as he shuddered against her trembles. The two lovers locked as one as they experienced the pleasure they gifted to each other. The final sound a hiss from Brooke's lips.

Finally dying down the two were silent once more, the only sound their hard panting as they laid tangled together. Mark over Brooke's soft body as her tail coiled around his leg, arm draped over his shoulder, and leg stuck out between his thighs.

Eyes closed slowly, breathing regulated, and soft in unison they whispered.

"I love you, Mark"**

"I love you, Brooke"

Sometimes the Best Things Come In Fluffy Packages (Commish for fabolous21)

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