Freshmen Year: Troubles Before The Holidays

Story by Ace Wolf on SoFurry

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#5 of Freshmen Year

Chapter 5... It's getting interesting!!!

Chapter 5




Was this some sort of dream? I mean, here I am with the crew, and Tyran pops up. I have a lot of problems in my life, all balanced on the crazy side, and the cause of all of my misery stood before me. Strangely, that's not the crazy part. The insane thing is the small Lion has not said two words to me in months, but he walks up and says...

"Well... I kinda came here to see Drake..."

Caleb, Brandon, and Max sat on either side of me, all staring at Tyran, shocked. The little Lion made it clear a few months ago that he wanted nothing to do with our crew, yet here he was asking to speak with me.

Tyran and I had a very disturbing past, neither willing to tell the tail. The exact thing that caused our past to be so dark and gloomy was the reason Tyran broke away from our group... Also the reason he hated me.

I looked up at my old friend. He stood straight up, as if he had something on his chest. His body screamed out for my attention, and I knew the importance of the matter. I stood up and placed my paws in pocket.

"Hey...ummm guys, I'll be back." I said, never looking at my friends. The glares would be to much, seeing how they all despised Tyran.

Tyran and I walked off, finding a nice, secluded spot near a tree and swing set. I leaned against the tree, my eyes focusing on the little lion, waitin in anticipation.

The night was cold and silent, besides the squeaks the swing set gave out. Nice cool breezes brushed past, signaling that the October night would be full of them.

"The party..." Tyran whispered.

I nodded and pushed myself from the tree, standing straight, and tall.

"What about the party?"


Tyran's mood went from calm to upset in under a second. He clenched his paws, digging his claws into his own flesh, and shut his eyes. A low growl escaped, his teeth clenched together.


I growled back, a little frustrated myself.

"You ungrateful little... Why the fuck do you act like this around me... To people who are trying to help you. I didn't ask for anything in return, you're just a really good friend..."

"Friend?" Tyran guffawed. "You're not my friend any more... And the only reason you protect me is for your own selfish reasons."

"I protect you because you're my friend!" I growled.

"You protect me because you're crazy!"

"I protect you because I'm the ONLY one who will!"




I flinched and fell back to the tree, now leaning against it as if someone had knocked me back. In all my years of boxing, that was the hardest lick I have ever taken, and it was dealt by someone so small.

My face was tight from frustration, but my mind was weak and full of emotions. I wanted to retaliate, I tried with all my might, but his words took every ounce of fight out of me, and at that moment I was lower than I have ever been.

I turned around, not able to face him. There was so much I wanted to say in that instance, but time, and life wouldn't allow me. It felt like I wanted to cry... I did want to cry, but I would not give no one the satisfaction of seeing that. I looked up at the spot where Caleb, Brandon, and Max stood, but when I looked they were not the only ones. Standing in front of my pals was a group of furs, unknown to myself. Once I spotted them I quickly jolted off. I had a bad feeling about this.

Once I came into view, I could make out the group. Standing abroad were seven furs: two cheetahs, a wolf, Dalmatian, a rhino, bear, and the Hyena everyone knows and loves, Shaun. Once I made it to the spot they were standing in, Shaun looked me in the eye and grinned, troubled marked on his face.

"Good... Just who I was looking for..." Shaun snickered and waved a paw. The furs behind him stepped forward, and the wary feeling in my gut was now even more noticeable.

"Looking for?" I asked, "You've been to my house a hundred times, it doesn't take much to find it..."

The only thing Shaun did was smile and walk forward. He was stopped by Brandon and Max, standing side-by-side, blocking his path. He looked at them, still holding that devilish grin.

"Get out of my way... Before shit gets serious..." The bear and rhino tool another step forward.

Max and Brandon looked at one another, than back at Shaun.

"What's your beef?" Brandon asked?

Shaun pointed directly at me. "Him"

I glared at him and the other six furs, knowing exactly what they planned to do. My teeth grind together and I flexed my paws. A little bit of excitement was present.

"Ok!" Brandon and Max pushed the hyena into the bear and rhino. "You fuck with one of us, you get the team!" Brandon said, snickering.

Shaun gained his balance.

"Fine! Have it your way!" Shaun waved an arm! "Destroy these bitches!"

The bear and the rhino was the first to take charge. They were heading straight for Brandon and Max, which would be a great fight, but the mood I was in caused me to think other-wise. I jumped in front of my two friends and landed two jabs to the bears muzzle, and a hook that sent the Rhino to the earth. I growled and shot for Shaun, but was quickly stopped. The Rhino grabbed my leg and brought me to the ground, as the bear jumped In and landed a few nice punches to my own muzzle.

Brandon and Maxed jumped in, pulling the two furs off of me and taking care of them. I glanced over to see Caleb and the wolf brawling it out. My cousin seemed to have everything under control, so I turned my attention back towards Shaun.

"Why are you hidin!?" I growled and went into my fighting stance, paws close to my muzzle, as I faced the other four furs.

Shaun snarled. "Shut the fuck up! I ain't h-"

"Bitches talk." I looked the hyena in his eyes, piercing his evil little soul. "Let's skip to the action."

Shaun tightened his fist, but still stayed at a distance, showing no signs of aggression, and no advances toward wanting to fight. I knew one thing at that moment: Shaun was all bark and no bite.

"Fuck him up..." Shaun said threw his teeth.

The other three furs charged after me, leaving the perfect opening. As a boxer, the most important thing is to catch your opponent when they are not in a fighting stance, and that was the case. Each fur, blindly, charged at me.

One of the Cheetahs were the first to get into striking range. He hurled a loose fist at my muzzle, but it was dodged and rewarded with a knee straight to the gut; he fell over in pain, crying out.

The Dalmatian was next, trying to wrap his arms around me, but he was to slow. I pushed his paws away and landed a hook straight to his muzzle, then a few body shots, causing him to whimper with each strike.

I turned around quickly and caught the other cheetah, pushing my fist deep into his stomach, and quickly stepping behind him to grab one of his legs, bringing him straight to the ground.

I returned to my normal posture and turned toward Shaun, who now stood their, shocked. Behind me, Caleb had taken care of the wolf, but had a few battle scars to show for it. Brandon and Max both had little damage, but in great condition.

"This shit... was a mistake..." The bear said, getting up with the other five furs, limping off.

Shaun remained, unscathed. We all looked him in his eye, all furious, and wanting the hyena punk to pay. I walked toward him, stopping a few feet in front of the Hyena. I raised my paws to eye level and stared at him.

"Now..." I whispered. "Stop being a bitch and fight me, straight up..."

Shaun took a step back... Then another, trying to put as much distance between the two of us as he could. I watched him, the fear pouring out of his body. It made me feel strong, in control over my life. The thought of second fearing me this much mixed in with my previous anger, all I could think of was making him regret ever living.

In the background, sirens could be heard, but it was all just a faint hum to me. I focused on Shaun, lost in thought. How would I attack him? Would I break a few bones? I took a step closer, driven by rage.

"St...d sti.. O.."

Someone was saying something, but my mind was focused on him. A select set of words played over and over in my head, blocking out everything else.


My laws tightened up, and a low growl escaped. Closer and closer, I stepped forward, never taking my eyes off of the goal. Blue lights illuminated the surroundings, but that didn't catch my interest. I wanted the hyena... I wanted him to feel how I felt... If that is even possible.

Finally, I stood before the hyena, paws up, and a smile on my muzzle.

"I hope you're re-"

All of a sudden something hit me, sending a jolt through my body. I fell to the ground and slowly... Slipping into darkness.




Halloween. It described itself. A night full of dark intentions and evil. The night was so dark and gloomy it gave everyone chills. A breeze here, and a breeze there kept everyone on their paw pads, awaiting an incident... Any incident.

The chill-bringing night did. It disappoint anyone. Me and a group of friends I had recently met in a club called the GSA were all sitting around, lost in a conversation. This particular conversation was started by a text, stating Caleb, Shaun, Drake, Brandon, and Max were all in Jail. We had no idea what had happened, but my guess would be they were caught with marijuana.

Samantha, Dozer, and Colby all sat around a large table, centered in the living room of Samantha's house. Everyone discussed the situation at paw, all in awe.

"I wonder what they did?" Dozer questioned, as he tapped his nose with a pencil. "Everyone seems like such good people, except that Shaun guy..."

The name "Shaun" rolled off his tongue in disgust. The entire group nodded in agreement. Shaun wasn't the most liked fur within the group. The hyena often caused trouble within our circle, so the hate we had for him was backed up by good reason.

Samantha shook her head.

"Those guys are always into something... Maybe they were caught for drug possession?"

I looked at Samantha, knowing that could be a possibility, but highly unlikely. The group always moved around with extreme cautious, and on top of that, the rumor states Drake was tazed.

"Highly unlikely, seeing that Drake was tazed." I added.

"You know Drake... He never goes down without a fight." Colby said, smiling and blushing. Obviously the Dalmatian had a thing for our hybrid friend.

I thought about the Hybrid and his attitude towards violence. Drake would always resolve everything with words, but if that did not work, his fist would do the talking.

I shrugged at the group. "I guess we will have to find out when we go back to school?"

Everyone gave off a groan, before becoming quiet. A few moments passed. Samantha turned on the television, showing an old-school horror movie. I stayed for a while, not enjoying the movie and it's quality, then decided to head home...




The night was filled with complete and utter destruction. Friends and family were taken to jail, leaving their lonely lion to walk home by himself.

Not to long ago, there I was, witnessing a what seemed to be a one-sided fight. Seven against four, they all stood in place, each anxious to have blood on their paws. One fur in particular stood out.


The image burned in my head. The hybrid was furious, in some sort of a rage. He attacked first, and attacked the biggest opponents first, without any hesitation. The fearless hybrid placed fear in everyone else, including the furs on his side.

The reason why he was in such a rage was because if me. The entire incident was actually started from the furs knowing me, so I guess everything began with a tiny lion.

Even though I was the center of attention, I was crouched behind a bush, watching. There was no reason for myself to jump in, because in a way I was against each side.

On one end, my brother Shaun was fighting, and on the other, my previous set of friends stood. Either way I was placed in a horrible situation; tough to make a decision, not like I wanted to make one.

Shaun was my brother, but then again not blood related. He always made my life a living hell. Secretly, I desired the chance to witness someone really put him in his place. The hyena was poorly trained and lacked discipline.

On the other side, my friends stood. I had nothing against any of them, except one -Drake. Drake and I had a misunderstood past, something I would like to bury, but hard to do so. The hybrid always came to my rescue. Of course bullies would often target me, seeing that I am so small, compared to the normal teenager. Drake fought off the attackers, keeping me safe, but there was a purpose behind his actions. That purpose made my blood boil...

Lost in thought, my destination became lost as well. Without noticing, I walked right back to the park. I looked around, seeing if anyone was here, yet it seemed dead.

Out of nowhere, a voice spoke up.


I spun around to see a familiar wolf. The light beamed down on this wolf, his fur glowing in the night, illuminating. I knew him, because Brandon introduced us a while ago. He would often let us use his apartment to hangout on those hot, summer days.

"H-hey... Ace... You scared the shit out of me."

The wolf smiled, a soft, warm smile. He stood before me, tall, with his paws in a jacket he wore.

"Heh... Well, I'm kinda sneaky." He said, continuing to smile. "Why are you out here by yourself and not with the others? Just went up to the police station to bail everyone out of jail."

I looked at the ground, kind of ashamed of my answer. When the question was asked, I could feel a sense of weakness... Or like I broke some sort of loyalty bond.

A large black paw was placed on my shoulder. I looked up, and my eyes met a dark, soul calming gaze.

"You seem a bit down... Mind sitting down and talking about it?"

I nodded and we made our way to the bench I found Drake earlier. We sat down, both at opposite ends of the seating.

"So what's bothering ya?"

At first I hesitated, not knowing rather or not I could trust him, or anyone with what I held in for so long, but looking at the black wolf made my mind feel at ease, and soon my entire body became relaxed. I took a long, deep breath.

"Wa- one of my friends, well a good friend are kind of growing apart... Crap happened a few months ago that tore up our friendship, and its not even my fault..."

Ace head tilt to the side.

"If it's not your fault, then let go?"

"But that's the problem..." I sighed. "For some reason I feel like it is my fault... Like I handled things wrong."

Ace nodded and sat up straight, now a little more serious.

"Mind if I ask what exactly broke up this friendship?"

The words "broke up" caused me to cringe up.

"Well... It's kinda complicatin', and embarrassing..."

The smile returned to his face, a more reassuring smile.

"Whatever is said here, stays here."

I returned the smile, still a bit unsure, and uneasy sharing such a personal matter with a stranger, yet a sense of comfort could be felt every time I looked up at his smile.

"O-ok... To keep it simple... Well, a while ago a friend and I were hanging out, and he sorta... Um..."

I looked around nervously, before letting it all flow out.

"He... He kissed me..."

My face turned a crimson red, and the eye contact broke, with my sight set for the ground. I was so embarrassed at my confession. Telling someone you were missed by a guy isn't easy, especially a stranger.

"Seems like this friend of yours has taking a liking to you?" Ace spoke, quietly. "But I have a question, and don't take offense, because I just curious..."

I returned my attention back toward the wolf and nodded.

"Are you gay... Bi... Or even confused?"

That was one question I dwelled on for months. What was I, because for some reason I kept this secret -for myself, and for Drake. Some where, deep down, I didn't want people to know anything, simply because I didn't know.

"Ye-.... No... Maybe..." I sighed and slammed my face into my two paws. "I don't know... But it's confusing, and lately I've been in hell thinking about it all! I just want life to go back to normal..."

Ace stood from the bench and placed a paw on my shoulder.

"Tyran, don't beat yourself up over this,"He started. "The guy who kissed you is very brave for taking that step, so don't distance yourself from him. Seeing that you are thinking so hard about it only means you have feelings for him as well, but don't know how to show it... My advice to you is to just talk it out, calm and collect, like adults. If I know one thing, it's you guys are very mature for your age."

By now I was tuned into Ace. He turned off, still smiling to leave me to myself. He walked away with his tail wagging; I expected it to be from his advice, which had my mind in a rage. Before reaching a distance where he couldn't be seen, he yelled out, his final words causing my jaws to drop.


Freshmen Year: After The Storm

\*\*\* Max \*\*\* Madison was slowly dying down. The excitement that sparked had shimmered down. Everything had gone back to normal; all of the decorations and monuments vanished. The halls of Madison High had also declined in spirit....

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Freshmen Year: Madison's Heroes

**_Chapter 3_** \*\*\* Tyran \*\*\* Friday was the day everyone awaited, so many things happened on this certain day of the week. Weekends started with this day; parties thrown; football games. Today all three would be partaken in...

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Freshmen Year: Just Friends

**_Chapter 2_** \*\*\* Caleb \*\*\* School sucks! Everyone knows this, and deep down, they all feel the same. Class after class, assignments being pilled... The best part of school is when the last bell ring! From the time I step into...

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