Project Mitosis: Darwin Genesis

Story by Markus Snow on SoFurry

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#1 of Project Mitosis

Hello there, for those of you new to my work I started here by working on a series called Illian. If you haven't read it, don't worry, this has nothing to do with it. If you wish to read the Illian series, you can go through my profile page to read it. For those of you who have read my work before, know that I am still working to turn the Illian series into actual novels; and as to explain why I stopped the mini-series, I suppose I should say it was simply *too much* Illian for me to deal with. Anyhow, I'm rambling a bit. Basically just wanted to introduce this and as always, feel free to leave me feedback via comment or E-mail.

Entry# 401264A

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Loading April 5, 2128

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You may not know who I am, and you may never meet me in person, but what I am about to tell you is both a reminder of things that happened and the harbinger of things to come. My name is Derik Stone and currently I am 18 years old. My story was recorded through multiple television broadcasts, InterView web pages and even through direct memory retrieval. Therefore, everything you read after this entry will be put in a perspective beyond my own.

Before I can begin, the events that unfolded did so because of events that took place nearly a hundred years before this...and I owe it to those who find these records to explain what took place. In the year 2056, a Russian doctor named Leo Ivanek managed to successfully transplant animal genetics within a human cell. From there, the genes combined and formed a symbiotic relationship with the cell; creating the very first animal-human hybrid.

Within the next twenty years, Ivanek and his scientists not only managed to create hybrid limbs, but even created the very first perfect animal-human hybrid. Darwin's Genesis, as it was called, not only gave new media life to gene-splicing, but a government sanction to reproduce more of these hybrids, which were later renamed to "Anthropomorphics", a term once used only by the ever-growing number of furries throughout the world.

By the year 2100, over 70% of the human population was replaced by Anthros, the 29.9% that now make up our 99.9% being replaced by the year 2120 when the process evolved so Anthros could begin giving birth to infants already carrying the hybrid genes. To date, no human settlement has been seen in eight years.

As far as the politics of the world, the War on Terror, a world-scale conflict that had begun in the year 2001, ended up lasting till 2025 due to the constant belief that the countries would merely erupt in civil war if the United States of America left Iraq or Afghanistan. Becoming the longest conflict fought by the US since the Vietnam War, the general population demanded all troops be pulled out. When they were, Iraq unleashed at least 1 million tons of nuclear-grade missiles upon the rest of the Middle East in what was later called Omni-Jihad.

In retaliation to O-J, the United States annihilated Iraq with 3 Hydrogen bombs. This, in turn, caused all of the Middle East to be renamed the Plaguelands. When the rest of the world cried out for justice against the US for damning the rest of the former Middle East, the United States fought back by using the stranglehold of power it had slowly been gaining throughout the years to demand a complete and utter ban, disarmament or destruction of all nuclear-grade weapons. By 2040, the United States had completely purified the world of all traces of nuclear missiles and bombs.

In the year 2072, the first Anthro president was elected in Kenya, an elephant anthro by the name of Mwimbaji. When no other country dared claim the Plaguelands, Mwimbaji saw this as an opportunity to expand the reaches of Africa and through the Rightful Annex Act, he did just that. Now the second largest country in the entire world, Africa slowly began to advance its way into become the only other country to rival the United States in terms of power and authority.

From the beginning of the 22nd Century, the world as humans knew it was gone almost entirely.

Entry# 401264A now Complete...Syncing uploaded files...Merging All uploaded files...Wait Please

Files Uploaded...Playing all Memory Retrieval items...Now.


The small alarm setting in his neural implant blinking the numbers 6:45 AM underneath his eyelids, Derik Stone merely yawned and woozily prayed the numbers would soon go away; and when they suddenly vanished thirty seconds later, he thought he had succeeded. When ten volts of electricity was pumped into his neural-pathways, sending his body flying off of his bed and onto the floor with a loud thump, Derik decided it was time to get up.

Shaking his head as he slowly got up from the cream-colored carpeting covering his floor, Derik sighed and said to himself "I thought I changed that to two volts...ugh, mother's been tampering with my implant again." Half yawning-half mewing, the young man headed over to his automated dresser, but caught himself halfway as he saw his reflection in the mirror.

Derik Stone was a 6'2 panther with eyes as green as jade and fur as black slick and black as shadow. Still nude from just waking up, the panther smiled as he flexed his well-built abs and his tightly muscled arms and legs. His manhood full extended to its 9'' length, Derik softly laughed as he looked down at it, its small slit slightly opening and closing as the air touched its sensitive head. Wagging a finger at it, the panther scolded, "Don't you give me that puppy-eyes look; you took out Vanessa and still begged for more."

His ears twitching as he heard footsteps outside his door, Derik reached out for his dresser, waited for the top door to slide open automatically, pulled out a pair of blue underwear and put them on like he was storming the beaches of Normandy in nothing but his birthday suite. Just as he snapped the thin band around his waist, another panther that appeared to be in her early thirties entered the room. Her eyes as thick a green as Derik's and her fur just as black, the main difference between their outward appearances was the pair of CC cup breasts that begged for release from their short, cotton confines. Looking Derik up and down with a sly smile, the female panther let her hips sway slightly as she walked over to him, traced a finger over his chin and purred "You didn't have to get dressed for me honey...but the sentiment is wonderful."

His eyes shifting towards the floor under the pressure of her gaze, Derik couldn't stop his member from twitching under the soft touch of the beautiful panther. His words unstable, Derik finally managed to say "Mother...I've got to go to school today. Be...besides...I thought were going to be leaving early today."

Looking down at his underwear just as it twitched once, Trisha grabbed onto his manhood from outside its cloth barrier, squeezed it gently and replied " looks like little Derik's happy I didn't. Besides, it's the last day of high school for you...I'm sure they won't mind you missing first and second period."

Shivering as his mother's voice cooed his sexual hormones, Derik began to remember why waking up in the morning was such a pain in the ass. Ever since he turned 18 two weeks ago, every morning he awoke to his mother "accidentally" taking a shower with the door open and the curtain drawn back or her less than subtle hints at what she wanted from him. In truth, his mother was extremely gorgeous, in fact she was far better looking than many of the prissy, D-cup breasted cheerleaders running rampant in his high school; but she was his mother!

Thinking fast, the young panther recalled his mother's least favorite topic. Coughing suddenly as Trisha's hand began to touch the sensitive line of skin on the front of his manhood through the underwear, Derik managed to get out "Believe me Mom, this sounds like barrels of fun, but I'm exhausted from Vanessa's good night surprise before she left."

Her eyes narrowing and her ears flattening against her head, Trisha suddenly stopped massaging his nether regions and asked "You slept with that zebra whore?" Now in too much of a fit to remember what she was doing, she continued with "Derik, you're going to end up getting AIDS from all of these second-rate schoolgirls you bring home over the weekends."

Quickly pulling out a dark blue shirt and a pair of ragged jeans from the dresser and donning them before his mother came to her senses, Derik meagerly replied "Whats can I say, I likes me the ladies."

Finally realizing Derik was fully dressed, his mother pouted and exclaimed "Your mine this weekend, no matter how many zebras, bunnies or vixens you bring over, you hear me?!?"

Laughing softly, the panther nodded, headed out his bedroom door and got ready for school. When he arrived, Derik flowed through his ever-tedious schedule for one last time. First on his list was Neuro-Chemistry. His teacher, Mrs. Stein, was an arctic wolf in her late twenties with the most perfectly shaped ass and the cutest set of C-cups a guy could ask for. As he entered her room, Derik was received by a polite nod, then the most mischievous smile the wolf could make as she wondered "You going to be here after school?"

Shrugging, the panther questioned in turn "It's the last day of school Mrs. going to need help packing your things for the summer?"

Laughing devilishly, the wolf turned towards him, leaned forward, showing him her luscious hot pink push-up bra through her white dress shirt, and said "mmm, not quite. I was thinking one last advanced anatomy lesson, what'da say?"

Arching a brow with a smile, Derik answered "Just don't start without me." Just as Mrs. Stein was about to say something, the warning bell rang and students flooded the room with amazing agility.

While today he was going to be taking the exams for all four of his classes, the young panther wasn't too concerned about how they would end up. In his four years at William Clinton High School, the only classes he ever did poorly in was Cooking and any non-algebra class, though poorly to him was getting a C as a final grade.

The use of paper for anything besides books been completely removed from society nearly 50 years ago, Derik hit the final key on his laptop and used his school system e-mail account to send the test over to Mrs. Stein. Sniffing the air slightly, the young panther was nearly caught off guard when a faint musk wafted up towards his desk. Tilting his body away from his computer, Derik saw his teacher's eyes glued to her monitor as her body rocked gently and one paw was missing from sight...

Laughing to himself like a child, the panther immediately began searching the InterView and before long found what he was looking for. Then, using a random student's email account he found lying on the floor one day, Derik sent his present over to Mrs. Stein and waited for the fun to begin.

The musk in the air just becoming a tad less faint, the arctic wolf teacher was about to hit her climax when suddenly her panther porno was replaced with a titanic-sized hippopotamus in nothing but a size S two-piece bikini singing the old classic "Milkshake." Utterly horrified, Mrs. Stein's hand immediately resurfaced, covered in a thin cover of juice, and exclaimed "What the Fuck?!?"

No one, save Derik, quite sure what had just happened, the entire class began bawling with laughter; until their computer monitors were caught in the same abomination of a scene as well. As Herbert, a rabbit who was nicknamed Hurler, raced to a nearby garbage can and gave his nickname pride, it was only Derik who remained laughing.

The final bell ringing before Mrs. Stein could spot him, the arctic wolf merely got up and walked over to a nearby sink to wash her hands as she said "Have a wonderful summer and enjoy the rest of your exams!"

A large smirk riddling his muzzle, Derik waited for everyone else to leave before walking down to his teacher and remarked "I told you not to start without me."

Her hands stopping under the rushing water, Mrs. Stein nearly bit her tongue as she asked "That was you?" Huffing as she turned off the water, the wolf appeared as if she were about to beat him over the head when suddenly she grabbed him by his shirt collar and drew him into a long kiss.

Pushing him back to give him some air, the horny teacher merely continued with "Do that again and I'll make you appreciate the meaning of bondage slave." Unbuttoning her dress shirt, Mrs. Stein suddenly looked up at him and questioned "You don't plan on taking your next exam, do you?"

Walking over to her door and locking it as he also shut its metal window cover, Derik answered "Took them all in advance, save for yours of course."

Her musk suddenly airborne again, the wolf cleared her desk of everything she could and finished taking off her sweet little dress shirt. Working on the tight brown jeans she had been wearing, Mrs. Stein cooed " Pink Panther's always prepared isn't he?"

Smirking at the nickname she had given him when she first began giving him "anatomy lessons," Derik Stone made his way back to his lovely young teacher and began massaging her breasts from underneath the push-up as he asked "So what's the final lesson?"

Tilting her head back and nibbling at his tightly muscled neck, the wolf let out a small sigh and replied "No lesson...mmmhhh, class project is...get teacher to orgasm five times in a row within the hour...think you can do it?"

Rubbing the front of his jeans against her tight rump, the panther smiled and asked confidently "How about ten?"

Her eyes going wide, the wolf became clay in his attentive hands as she came back with "I'll give hour thirty if you...can do that."

Snapping her bra wide open with one of his nimble hands, Derik merely replied with a soft laugh as he worked his magic with his favorite teacher. As he learned many times before, the panther was going to have to let his hands have their way with the wolf if he wanted to survive an hour and thirty minutes. While his mind and now throbbing manhood believed they could do it all, Derik knew after ten positions, his body would be long gone.

Keeping a hand over her right breast, whose nipple was already peaking through the snow-white fur, Derik moved his left hand up and down her body gradually, hesitating every time it drew closer and closer to her sweet clitoris. When the tip of his index finger gently rubbed the small orb of sensitive flesh, Mrs. Stein received it with a small lust-filled growl and a quick movement of her entire body. Her sex already slick from her masturbation during class, Derik knew his teacher's first orgasm was going to be easy enough to accomplish. Sure enough, after only a full minute and a half of continual cunny-rubbing, the wolf spread the first wave of juices onto the floor.

Wrapping his left arm around Mrs. Stein's waist, Derik hopped into a seated position on her desk, the wolf defenseless in his lap, and began to probe the slick darkness that was her sex. Gently gnawing at the back of her neck, Derik's right hand continued to massage and knead the wolf's breasts as his left index and middle finger plunged her depths. Bouncing slightly at the initial entry of his fingers, the arctic wolf let out a long exhale of breath and muttered "You always knew just how to get me, didn't you Derik?"

Smiling warmly as his manhood pressed against his jeans, the panther replied "Believe me...this is just the beginning." Fighting the impulses to stick her right then and there with every ounce of his being, Derik Stone was forced to let pre slide down his manhood as his insatiable victim bounced, cooed and moaned to his ministrations. By the time his entire hand had went numb, the arctic wolf had hit climax at least four times.

Her body still shuddering from her last release, Mrs. Stein whimpered slightly and let her tongue hang out slightly as she begged "Derik...just fuck me already...I can't wait any longer."

Wishing he could, the panther merely shook his head and sat her on the desk as he lifted himself off and put his muzzle right next to begging sex. The heavy musk driving his manhood wild, Derik couldn't even respond to the wolf as his body forced his mouth against the flesh and his tongue burrowing into the sweet darkness. If there was any feeling in the world better than sleeping with someone, it would have to be giving a woman oral. The inner folds of skin, being as sensitive as they are, immediately press against the tongue, salivating it with honey-like juices and massaging it with tender care. When Mrs. Stein pressed his head in further, that divine experience grew tenfold. Within the next five minutes, the teacher finally hit orgasm number six.

Breathing heavily, the arctic wolf let go of the panther's head, and as he rose from her thighs to her face, she gave him the wickedest look he had ever seen in his life. Quicker than Derik could anticipate, Mrs. Stein pounced from the desk and used all of her weight to push him down to the ground. Removing the rest of the panther's clothing in a near bestial rage, the sex-driven teacher began kissing him deeply and passionately as one of her hands began guiding his manhood to her sex. Breaking her love throe as she rested Derik right at her front entrance, Mrs. Stein purred "Here comes the major points," before slamming herself down upon him.


Gathering all of his clothing, Derik heard his exhausted teacher moan gently and mumble "Twelve're an animal Derik Stone."

Laughing, though his manhood ached as its slimy skin throbbed, the panther simply stated "Bless Darwin's Genesis I suppose." With that, he slowly headed out the door to the locker rooms to take a long shower. When Derik decided he was finally fit to leave, he donned his clothing and headed out the front doors of the school.

His body still aching immensely, Derik pressed a finger against his temple, sending a small blue screen to appear in front of him. While invisible to everyone around him, the small translucent monitor was the key to everything held within his neural implants. Only wishing to see the time, the panther merely opened to the main menu to see the large digital clock state it was now 3:15 pm, which meant the huge graduation party wouldn't be taking place in another six hours. Sighing, Derik concluded it may be best if he headed home to welcome some much needed rest.

Sadly, when he turned the corner at the end of the street, Derik Stone found himself witnessing something that would change the rest of his life. About teen feet away from him, a large German Sheppard, one he recognized as Big C, a sophomore at the high school, pinning a poor bunny against a nearby wall with his unused hand beginning to unzip the front of his pants. On the street, a member of the Torn-ear gang pulled up in his '28 (2128 mind you) Ford Bullet with a small plasma knife ready in his hand.

His heart beating against his chest like a giant drum, Derik didn't know if he should try and save the bunny girl or if he should turn back and run. While the gangster seemed to be focused on Big C, how could he be sure he wouldn't just kill the witnesses afterwards?

Deciding to run for his life, Derik Stone only managed to take one step backwards when his entire world shattered into a thousand pieces.

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Total System Reboot required...Reboot commencing...Now.

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