Long Road to the Council

Story by Asrayl on SoFurry

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#3 of Place Called Home

Morning had come, and with it, new troubles.

Heather was too wounded to travel on her own, and I volunteered to carry her. Diego didn't like it, but kept his silence when Rachel gave her approval.

Holly walked with us, the others forged on ahead.

"We ran into our own troubles yesterday." She said, hesitantly.

"Such as?" I inquired, walking barefoot through the forest. It hurt terribly, but my feet would have to wait. Heather needed me to be strong right now, so with a tightly clenched jaw I continued the long journey.

"A few ill contrived hunting traps were the least of our worries. We're being followed. That's why they're running ahead of us. They're trying to get to the council to fetch us help on the pretense of wounded." She replied tensely. "We could be there by tomorrow, but we could be dead sooner."

I nodded, wincing as yet another splinter of wood pierced me. I sighed, but continued, trying to hide the limp. I though on the nomadic peoples of the sahara. Their feet were so tough that they could put them in low fires and not be bothered. Surely I could survive a few thorns, if they could walk across burning sand.

Heather saw the wince on my face and spoke. "Liam, I'm so sorry, this is all my-" I interupted her, a gentle kiss to the tip of her nose.

"Don't start with that, love. Things happen, important thing is that we have to be strong enough to move on. I'm just glad you're alive. Back isn't an option, so we have to keep going. Trust me, I'll get us there." I said, cradling her in my arms. She was hard to carry as a wolf, but transforming with wounds is dangerous, for the strain it puts on your body to shift can make a simple cut a ragged tear. Erik was kind enough to explain that to me, at the very least.

The trip continued in silence. Holly was on edge. Heather, fortunately for her, had fallen asleep. I had to keep my mouth shut to stop the tears. Not just for the sake of my aching, blistered feet, but for knowing how hurt she was. Such a delicate, beautiful child didn't deserve such suffering.

"Better splinters and rocks than snow, for the sake of keeping your toes." Holly said, trying to put a better outlook on things. I smiled, though she missed the mark with her comment. "But we've a new problem. The blood is serving as a good trail marker. There's a stream up ahead, cold beyond measure, but it'll serve to hide us. We'll go down a ways, and then exit, hopefully it'll serve to help with your pains and disguise our exact location."

I nodded, stepping carefully through a patch of stones. "It'll be a welcome break from this discomfort." I stated simply, biting my tongue softly as an errant step tore open a blister on my heel. After a dozen more steps it went numb. A blessing, I suppose.

Holly shook her head, and I couldn't help but give pause to how human her movements felt, even in her graceful lupine body. "When we cross I'll shift and you can walk as a wolf for a while."

"Nonsense." I replied. "No sense in both of us being hurt and tired. One of us has to be ready for trouble. I'm the pack mule, you're the guard." Inwardly I prayed that it didn't come to that.

It wasn't much later that I'd regretted even thinking about it. Fate has a cruel way of dishing out a worse hand when you give pause to think about how it could get worse.

Holly stopped, growling. "Liam..." she said, motioning with her head towards our left. I looked, but didn't see. I felt like I was being watched, and trusted Holly's judgement.

"Heather, whatever happens, don't move unless I tell you to. You're too wounded to fight, let us handle this." I said, setting her down. I stood beside her, and looked around, her forepaw came to my ankle, her presence comforting me despite the tense situation.

Eyes, two sets, glowing slightly in the dappled sunlight. One turned, running around us, the rustle of brush marked it's passing. I shifted. "We see you, and we are capable of defending ourselves. I will give you but one chance. Identify yourselves or take your leave. This is the only way you will survive this encounter."

"You're wrong. This is Benny's territory." The snarl came back. "Too bad you picked the wrong pack to side with, boy. So young to get caught up in a feud like this..." The voice was feminine. I didn't have enough time to place it's location. From behind me, a rustling. I pivoted quickly, bringing my forepaws up to swat down an ambusher. My claws raked over the right side of her face and she tumbled to the earth, she was slow to rise, definately stunned from the landing, though I knew she wasn't hurt.

Holly stood over Heather, staring down a second, and then a third who advanced slowly. "When we're done with the male, we're going to take what is ours by right of conquest." One said laughing. The other giggled, an annoying high pitch. "Yeah, I bet the little girl'll be a nice, tight fuck!"

I snarled at the statment, and shifted to human, picking up a heavy branch that lay behind me. "Well, let's even the odds." I said, testing the weight with a deft spin around my back from my left hand to right. It was a showy move, not actually useful for anything, but they slowed their advance, as though re-evaluating their chances.

For a moment, time seemed to stop. I looked down at Heather, who met my eyes, shivering slightly. I heard her voice, crystal clear, as though she'd already given up. "I forgive you." Those three words stung my heart and made everything feel so sharp, so clear. I was focused in an instant.

They lept at me at the same time. I lashed out at one with the club, raising my left arm to shield myself from a more serious wound from the other. The third came in behind me, biting just behind my knee. But before she could sink her teeth home, crippling me, Holly bit her hind leg below the knee. Holly pulled her back, I heard the bone snap.

The wolf who bit my arm found himself pinned in a tight bearhug around his neck. His paws were facing away from me so he couldn't rake against me. His teeth were useless, my forearm was jammed so fiercely against his mouth that biting and tearing was out of the question. I'm sure his jaw ached terribly but I held him like that, one arm around his neck, the other pinned in his mouth. I positioned him between myself and the one I'd clubbed, who was rising slowly.

I sighed, watching. "If you make a move, this one dies, and the one Holly has pinned to the earth does as well." I gave a jerk of my arms, twisting firmly on the neck of the wolf I held, in confident demonstration.

The wolf staggered, but stood, watching. The female in the forest stepped forward then, shifting to human.

She was a beauty, to be sure, platinum blonde hair cascading down her back in an impressive silver veil. She was athletic, but was blessed with perfect curvature. I pointed the club in her direction. Holding the wolf up against me by his teeth, his body dangling freely. He didn't struggle, he just curled slightly, trying to support his weight in an easier manner. I doubt it helped.

"Impressive show, Liam, was it?" she asked, trying tact and diplomacy.

It was wasted on me. I was far too angered, and knew too well that I had the upper hand. Still, I rationalized reputation over slaughter and did not make the move to kill.

"Don't think for a second I won't kill you too. I am not a nice person, I am not the forgiving sort, and I gave you a chance to talk. Another step and I give the word." I stated flatly, unamused by her display.

She laughed. "Well go ahead, that's yours by right of conquest. I respect the strength of an alpha, and believe me..." She whispered seductively. "I know an alpha when I see one."

She played a dangerous gambit and I was simply out of patience.

I nodded at Holly, who didn't hesitate to bite down. I clicked my tongue and she stopped. She pierced, drawing more than a little blood, but not enough to be fatal. The female she held down whimpered, her raven fur losing it's shine beneath the crimson.

"This is your last warning. Leave, or I kill you all." I choked the wolf I held pinned, he didn't dare argue. Struggling only lightly as he looked pleadingly to his mistress as my arm cut off his circulation. He struggled weakly then, but again gave up, looking up at me, his eyes begging where his voice could not.

"Very well... we will meet again, on better terms." She shifted to wolf and nodded at the dazed male, they left and I released the one I held, holding the club at ready.

"Go on, before I change my mind. Next time, tell that bitch to fight her own battles." I said, as he looked up at me, panting, gasping. He whimpered, but I just gave him a pat on the side, patronizingly before letting him go.

He closed his eyes, regaining his composure, and sighed before running after them.

The only one remaning was the under-fed raven furred female, and she was in no shape to be running after them. Between her broken ankle, and the wound given to her neck, I was a little surprised she was even still concious. Life was not about to get any easier.

"Well, Holly, I want to know more about this whole 'right of conquest' thing. Sure, she's a little under-fed, but she might just make this trip a little more interesting." I said, glaring down at her. She shrank back slightly, afraid to make the wrong move, but afraid more of the heavy club I still held, slapping against my hand firmly.

Holly nodded, stepping around by my side. "Tradition's a bit on the old side, but in pack rivalries, victor of a fair fight dictates the status of the loser's life. Long story short, she's your slave if you want her, and a scavenger's food if you don't."

I laughed. "You don't object, Holly? Heather?" The dark haired wolf winced visibly as I knelt down in front of her, running my hand along her side slowly. She relaxed some, my touch gentle, consistant.

Heather growled fiercely. "I say kill her, one less to worry about attacking us at night." She stood slowly, but looked like she wanted to do the job herself. I'd never seen any woman so pissed off in my life, and to this day the mere memory of the look in her eyes gives me chills.

Holly sighed. "Liam, much as I don't want to reveal all the subtle cruelties of our way of life, tradition dictates that a decision must be made. A sign must be given to those who attacked us, we ought to make an example of her, here, and now."

The female didn't bother making a sound, she probably expected as much. I spoke after a long moment, allowing the harsh reality of her fate to sink in. She cried in silence as I stood up,

"The decision is mine, correct?"

Holly nodded. "I could argue it, and I know you understand that Rachel would side with me. But yes, I yield decision to you, this time."

I waited a moment, thinking back to darker days. I remembered my father, my mother, and a childhood that wasn't. I smiled, and then sneered, looking down at the terrified eyes of the girl awaiting her fate.

"Well..." I said, staring down at the frail looking female who didn't meet my eyes. "Isn't a sacrifice supposed to be the best of the best? The coward bitch would make a much better one. We'll sort that out later. You, bitch, are mine. Disobey me, and I'll gladly carry out the alternative decision. Do you understand me?"

"Yes..." She whispered softly, still looking away.

Holly bit her then, a firm nip along the hip that made her cry.

"You'd better damn well call him master, and speak up so he doesn't have to strain to hear you." Holly said, smiling up at me. Something in her eyes told me what I needed to know. I felt good, strong. I felt the adrenaline catching up to me again.

"Yes, master." the frail bitch repeated, her eyes at my feet, properly submissive.

"Now, bitch, I want you to yell that out, I want you to scream it. The whole damnable forest will know your fate." I said, glaring down at her. "And you'd better sound damn grateful, or by god and sunny Jesus, I'll rip your head off and pull your stomach through your neck."

She whimpered before screaming aloud. The birds took flight from their trees. Heather giggled, wincing in pain, and Holly seemed almost shocked. The word "Master" echoed off distant mountains, coming back to us. To me, in tribute.

I picked Heather up, gentle as could be, and continued, looking back and shouting. "Stay by my side, and don't you dare say a word unless I tell you to. Holly, much as I don't want to ruin the momentary fun, we do need to keep moving."

Holly smiled, and walked along at my right side, a bit of a bounce in her step. She looked up to me and laughed. "You know, Liam, you sounded pretty convincing back there. Almost disturbingly perfect. I think maybe death was the kinder choice for the poor bitch."

Heather giggled at that. "Like two sides of a coin, Liam. I swear. What happened, anyway? Where'd you learn those awesome threats?" She put a paw on my chest as I held her close in my arms. I was glad that I could distract her from her pain if only for a little while. Somewhere in my mind that thought nagged at me.

I snickered at the commentary. "Well, ladies, you've finally seen me angry. I grew up in a dark place, bound to know a few secrets of those shadows. Anyway, this bitch better not slow us down, I wouldn't want to have to kill her. Say, Holly, what does the council say about right of conquest?"

Holly laughed. "They don't interfere in clan fighting, save for that they do not allow attacks in the valley. They will allow disputes to be settled in a one on one fight, with the terms of victory and defeat agreed upon mutually before hand."

I grinned at that. "Well, bitch, you're a sanctioned slave. A right proper negotiating chit, too, once I train you and feed you some. Skinny little...." I trailed off, muttering a few causal insults.

It was a long walk to the river, but uneventful. The female didn't say a word the entire trip, favoring her broken ankle. She kept her eyes downcast, and listened to the casual gossip about all the possible uses for her. Holly and Heather were having a good laugh, I was too distracted by the realities to join in. She was mine now, and so far I had only shown her how to be afraid, and how to feel worthless.

We reached the river and I smiled, looking down at the slave. "Best know your name in case you don't make it across."

"Amy, Master..." She whispered, staring out over the river.

"Unless you want to find out how quickly I can remove your tongue, you'll speak up." I stated flatly.

"Amy, Master!" She replied swiftly.

"Amy, Do you know how to swim?" I asked, glaring down at her.

"Yes, Master!" She answered, averting her gaze.

I gently set Heather down, running my hand over her head gently as she looked up at me, smiling softly as she leaned against the caress. I took a moment to gather my thoughts, and enjoy the silky texture of her fur before standing up.

"Fur takes too long to dry, shift, and stay in front of me so I can keep an eye on you. Heather, wait here. Holly I'm carrying you. Keep a close eye on my bitch, will you? I think she might want to run." I said, glaring at Amy, who shifted swiftly, revealing an awkwardly thin girl, some five foot five in height. Age wasn't easy to tell but I'd have guessed sixteen at the time. Her hair reached low on her back. I grinned inwardly. If she got wet, she'd probably sink like a stone.

"She won't if she knows what's good for her." Holly said, leaning into me as I picked her up. She nipped playfully at my shoulder as I stepped into the cold water.

Amy, obeying my command perfectly, stayed close to me, not too close, but close, and didn't stray for a moment, straight across the river, as though there were an inch wide path for her. She stood on the other side, shivering, tears streaking her face as she held her broken leg off the ground. Despite her obvious starvation, the curve of her breast was still full and evident as she stood, watching me.

I set Holly down, and sighed at Amy. "Shift, and don't say a word." When she did I pulled her close in my arms, running my hand along her side. I whispered into her ear. "I know it doesn't seem like it... but I'm doing the best I can. We need to keep pressing forward now, even though it hurts. I'll make sure you get the care you need, hold on a little longer, please."

Holly watched, quizzically, but didn't voice a complaint as I rose and made my way back to the stream.

I walked back across, the cold water slipping over my feet and ankles, soothing them, washing away dirt, grime and blood. Halfway through it met my hips, and tugged at me, beckoning me downstream. I exited, and picked up Heather, making the final trip across.

I shifted after exiting, and sat for a few long moments. "Yeah, that's cold." I whispered, my fur damp from the water that was on my skin when I shifted. I realized how much easier it was to shift, just the simple back and forth shifting made it all just click.

We continued our trek until early evening when Holly called us over to a small cave in a hillside. I made the hike carefully, the path was strewn with gravel and branches, and a slip would hurt not just myself, but Heather as well.

I was careless, too focused on what was ahead of me to give much thought to what was behind me. A shout of warning from Amy was all that I got before I was struck.

Pain lanced through my back, from my right shoulder to my left hip. I set Heather down and shouted at her to get up to Holly. She moved quickly and I worried for her wounds but didn't have time to think on it.

I was bleeding, badly. I felt the ragged wound across my back. I turned around, and saw a rust brown wolf, bigger than I was as a wolf by easily half my size. His fangs were pearly white, and fit his frame in size. He glared, snarling at me. Amy looked terrified.

"B-Benny..." She whispered, bowing her head.

"Get back down that hill, bitch. You're lucky I don't tear your throat out for warning him." His voice was deep, a bass that almost purred.

"Don't you dare. Right of conquest, you follow my lead. Get up that hill to safety, and protect Heather with your life." I said in answer.

She ran behind me, following Heather up the hill.

"Oooh, so the young one wants to make claims of power? I see I'll have to teach you a lesson before I kill you."

I laughed, shaking my head. I felt myself getting dizzy but I wasn't about to let on. "A sucker punch like that's supposed to teach me something? Come on, old-timer, you must be getting weak in your antiquity."

He laughed, leaping towards me. "Cocky, but let's see what strength supports it."

In any kind of fight there are two paths. He pushed.

I bent.

I grabbed his face, and rolled backwards, throwing him over me in a sick, twisted mockery of a Judo throw. I was grateful for all the times I didn't back away from playing rough with my friends.

He landed hard, a dull crunch from the branches and debris beneath him. It took him a long moment to get up.

I shifted.

The wound on my back felt smaller, insignificant. It ran long, but it didn't feel as deep or threatening.

Shifting back wasn't an option now.

He circled me. I counterstepped. He stepped forward, I stepped back. He stepped right, I stepped left.

He charged at me, I drew tight, I felt his teeth glance over my neck but thrust forward then, springing against him, knocking him over.

He kicked at me, I bit the side of his head. His claws raked my belly, I tore at his ear.

I was hit from the side, and he stood up, bleeding heavily from his ear. I must not have been much better but I didn't feel any pain. Just anger.

The silver wolfess who lead the ambush earlier stood next to him.

"I told you he was trouble, master." She whispered.

"Do not interfere in an alpha fight. He is mine to kill!" Benny snarled, leaping at me once more.

I sidestepped before rolling beneath him. He landed on top of me and I pushed with my broad paws, shoving him over. He raked across my face, but missed my eyes. I swatted at him, taking a chunk out of his nose.

I heard yelling and lept away, wary of a second ambush.

Benny rolled to his feet as a wave of recognition washed across his features. He laughed before running off into the woods.

Rachel reached me first, and I whispered... I don't remember just what. Darkness found me swiftly.


Somewhere between dream and wake


"Is he going to be..."

"This is..."

"No, he chose..."

"I had no idea he was so..."

"He had no... "

"It was either that or..."

"Sorry I didn't..."

"Don't worry, they're safe in..."

"I'm sorry, but we can't..."

"Yes, it is..."

"Even if it wasn't, Liam would..."

I awoke, and couldn't move. I was bound, head and foot. The surface I was on was level, padded. I groaned and felt two fingers across my mouth in traditional symbol of silence.

"Peace, Liam. The others are sleeping. I will get you water."

The voice was unfamiliar, an alto that didn't aid to identifying gender or age.

I felt lips press against mine and I opened my mouth as a trickle of cold water flowed in. I swallowed gratefully.

"I'm sorry for that inconvenience, but we can't let you move just yet. You're hurt more than you know and we can't take chances this far away from more help."

"It's fine, cold water and a gentle touch isn't a bad way to wake up." I said in answer, feeling slightly dizzy. I closed my eyes to it, and felt long fingers run through the fur on my head, comforting me.

"If you hurt or feel sick, let me know. I'll do what I can to help." The voice said again. It was too dark to see, we must have been in the cave, or under clouds. I saw no stars.

I slipped through the aethereal mist of sleep without so much as a ripple to mark my passing. And peace found me, secure in the knowledge that I had protected my pack. That we were safe.

Playful Packmates

I awoke the next morning blanketed in snow, courtesy of Diego, accompanied by the laughter of Erik. "Wake up! I swear, new pups just laying around all day. Shameful!" Erik said teasingly as I shook the snow from my fur. It was about that...

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A Place Called Home

My name is Liam, and I want to tell you my story. I can't promise it will be clean, I can't promise it will be pretty. In the end, I still think it's worth telling. I remember the circumstances of my departure. I was seventeen, and...

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