Soiled, Chapter One: Humble Beginnings

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#1 of Soiled

I believe this is my longest singular piece to-date, and it's definitely going to be my most controversial. Yes, there is bestiality and cub involved here. It is just a story. Additionally, there is quite a bit of NC and mind control going on, and immense amounts of forced homosexuality and corruption. If these things are not your cup of tea, then please proceed with caution, and don't say I didn't warn you. Otherwise, read on and enjoy!

The jet was subtle, nothing more than a gentle spritz into the empty glass, the clear fluid soon pooling in the bottom. Within minutes, especially within the dark confines of the cupboard, there didn't seem to be anything amiss, as though nothing had transpired. The pixie grinned; this neighborhood was too uptight, too yuppy. Soon that would change.


"I'm gonna get some Dew. You want anything?" Linus Cooper was a young dragon in his twenties, fresh out of art school. He'd moved into this neighborhood shortly after his graduation, hoping to turn the small 19th century flat into something of a studio for his sculpture work. He hadn't been there a month, but a friend from school, Josh Winters, had moved in down the street and the two were playing catch-up.

"Yeah, you have any, like, bottled tea or something?" Josh, a rat of roughly the same age, was an aspiring actor, though he'd modeled in school for the extra spending money. He liked the charm of this neighborhood; the streets were lined with overgrown Tree of Heaven like old Manhattan, most of the buildings were red brick, and the local park was a spectacular place to go and relax after a long day of work. He was an aspiring actor though, and in so much as there weren't too terribly many pieces being shot in this city anymore, he'd taken a job as a costumed mascot handing out pamphlets outside a chicken joint to make ends meet.

"Yeah, I've got some of that sweet tea; is that okay?" Linus shouted through the wall as he opened the cupboard and pulled out two mismatched cups, a plastic tumbler and a relatively large highball glass. He'd found the latter in a thrift store; he had no idea what "ADP" was short for, but honestly he'd bought it because it was cheap and had a decent look.

"That's fine; no ice though!"

Linus nodded and pulled out the beverages of choice, pouring the tea into the tumbler and the soda into the glass, dropping a single ice cube in his own for good measure; he didn't like warm soda, and though he'd just gotten it out of the fridge, he never knew how long he was going to continue drinking one glass. This was especially true in this instance, as the pair of friends was presently immersed in an old video game.

"When did you get the big-screen?" Josh asked as his friend came back with their drinks, the game - an older 16-bit competitive platformer - paused for the moment, between stages. The rat reached up nonchalantly and took the plastic cup from his friend's hand.

"Oh yeah, it was on Craigslist for really cheap because the previous owner didn't know how to take care of it and just replaced it with an HD system." Linus sat down on the couch next to the rat, picking up his controller with his free hand. "They thought there was something wrong with the projector, but the lenses were just dusty as hell." He took a large swig of his drink, then pulled his cup away from his face with a wince. Something didn't taste quite right about the soda; he was pretty sure he'd only bought the bottle the other day, but there was a strange aftertaste to it, like spoiled milk or something. As it traveled down his throat, he could feel his stomach grumble, almost in anticipation. It was strange, to say the least. He put the glass down and took the controller in both hands. "Alright, I'm ready; let's start this next level."

Josh started the game back up, And the two started getting into it again. As the level wore on though, Linus' maw started to feel dry. Really dry. Really, really, unbearably dry. His eyes darted between the screen and his glass. He was having a hard time concentrating; it was like he hadn't had anything to drink in days. Each hole his character came across, he considered throwing himself into it and forfeiting the level just so he could drink. How long had this level been going on now? Five minutes? An hour? It felt like forever.

"D'oh-ho! Looks like I win this round!" Josh turned to razz his friend, only to find him finishing his entire glass in one gulp. "Uh... thirsty much?"

The dragon gasped for air as the last droplets poured down his throat, slamming the glass on the end table beside him. "Gah, I'm sorry; I guess I didn't have a whole lot to drink before you came over." His stomach rumbled again as that aftertaste hit him, though this time he didn't find it nearly as revolting. Probably some milk residue or something he'd missed when cleaning it last time, he reasoned. He grabbed his controller again, then gasped as he very suddenly needed to pee. Badly. Very badly. "Guh, and it moved through me like a freight train! I'll be right back; gotta use the toilet."

As Linus moved down the hall to the bathroom, he could have sworn his pants felt like they were getting tighter, especially in the crotch. He could feel a tinge of arousal as well, and figured it was one of those random erections that happens every once in a while; he was a dragon, after all, and single at that. Still, for some reason it was causing him some embarrassment, especially with his friend over, and something about that embarrassment seemed to be making it worse. By the time he reached the bathroom door, his cheeks were flush and his pants were straining.

The dragon barely made sure the door was closed behind him before unfastening his drawers and letting them drop; his need to pee had only been getting stronger the entire time, and honestly he wasn't sure if he'd be able to make it to the toilet. As he tried to aim with his what was now clearly an intense hard-on, he realized that his organ felt... thicker. But it wasn't like the tool had just grown; besides, how would that even be possible? And as he pondered this question, he finally lost control of his bladder, letting a stream of piss strike the toilet tank.

"Shit!" He spread his legs, pushed his hips back, and pushed down on the top of his dick, trying to position it down more towards the bowl; however, almost in response to his motions, the erection surged and pressed back against his hand, continuing to release his stream against the tank, and now a bit on the wall as well as he struggled with its rigidity. "God dammit! Come on now..." He shoved down on his length until it was almost painful, barely managing to get the rest of the stream into the bowl.

As his bladder finally managed to approach empty, Linus let out a sigh of relief and began to examine himself more closely, still wondering about that question of size from earlier. His swelling hadn't gone down; if anything, all the pressure he'd been putting on it just to aim himself at the toilet had made it throb all the harder. He wrapped his thumb and foreclaw around the organ, squeezing at the base gently, purely for investigative reasons he told himself. Indeed, it seemed to be thicker, and that thickness carried through all the way to his swollen glans. There was something else about it though, like it had a sort of odd, almost oily sheen to it that he didn't recognize. It made the skin rather slick, and almost felt... dirty.

As he had that thought, with no warning at all, he started pissing again, hitting himself on the chin before he recoiled in surprise, getting the stuff all over the ceiling and opposing wall. "Gah! Jesus! What the hell?" Hadn't my bladder been empty?

He tried again to aim the seemingly stronger stream of urine at the toilet, positioning himself awkwardly over the bowl, ass jutting out behind him, tail craned up as a counterbalance. But something felt wrong about this; he couldn't quite put his finger on it, and not just because it was rubbing at the underside of his cock.

Wait, rubbing at his cock? He wasn't trying to masturbate! He was trying to piss! No, he hadn't been trying to piss though; he'd been trying to examine himself. The piss just happened! He was having difficulty thinking straight. Something wasn't right. His balls felt heavy, too.

His balls? What brought that up? Oh, his other hand was rubbing them, feeling them, cradling them. No wait, why? He definitely hadn't been doing that before! But why did they feel heavy? Full? Bigger, even? That was definitely something to ponder. His testes had been relatively large for his size, but what would cause them to get bigger? Heavier?

Linus shook his head. It was like his thoughts were muddying, like he was having trouble with them. Why was he in the bathroom again? Oh, right, still peeing. How was he still peeing? Didn't he finish? How long had he been in here holding his throbbing, aching penis--


What? What was that? Was someone there?

{You are to refer to me as a cock.}

He looked down at his erection. His cock? What on earth--

{No. Not your cock. A cock. I do not belong to you.}

What? This wasn't making sense. He was just trying to use the toilet! And maybe relieve some backed-up pressure in his balls. Was that right? He was certainly hard as a rock. What had brought that on again? Well, his friend was here; maybe he'd been fantasizing-- wait, no, he was straight! Linus struggled with his train of thought, trying to bring himself back to the task at hand.

{Why do you fight it? Give in. It would feel so good to give in.}

Shut up, shut up! Penises don't talk!

{I'm not a penis. To you, I'm a cock.}

Aren't they the same thing?

{To you, I'm a cock.}

"What is going on?" Linus whispered at his crotch. "You're my pe-- my pe--" He stuttered, trying to say the word. "My peeeeEEEEE-PEE! MY PEE-PEE!" He reached up and clamped his maw shut in embarrassment of what he'd just shouted, stumbling back and landing flat on his ass, piss-stream arcing all over the place and making quite a mess.

{Is that any better, hm? Would you rather refer to me as a child might?}

No, no, please no. Whatever was going on, this had to be a dream.

{No dream, boy.} His hands let go of his muzzle and drifted down to his still-pissing cock, groping at himself gently. {We're in charge now, and you're going to have a lot more fun for it.} The dragon whimpered softly, completely confused. Wait, we? Who else?

A knock on the door sent what blood wasn't pooling in his cock straight to his face. "Linus, buddy? You okay in there? I thought I heard shouting."

Oh, shit! Josh was still here! "Y-- Yeah, I'm fine! I just--" Think of a lie! Quick! "I, um, I just... A shelf fell over and now there's stuff all over the floor! It caught me by surprise, is all!"

"Are you sure you're okay? You've been in there kind of a long time for number one." A long time? Just how long had he been in here? Linus' stomach rumbled again, and even as he sat there stroking himself while coating himself and everything in reach with piss, a new urge hit him. He had to poop.

{Josh, hm? Who's he? Sounds sexy.}

"Iiiii'm fine, really!" No I'm not, but I don't want you to see me like this! "D-- Don't worry, I'll be out shortly. Sss-- Start the next stage without me!" He's not sexy; he's a dude! Please, make this stop!

{Oh, I know he's a dude. You've seen him naked too, haven't you.}

"Well... okay, I guess. Just, hurry up! It feels weird to be playing your games in your house without you."

What!? Well, yeah, okay, that one time he modeled for our class--

{He's not a bad-looking rat, if I do say so myself. Well-hung. I'll bet he'd look great all messy...}

No no no no no, stop! I'm not thinking about-- Wait, messy? His stomach grumbled again, and he could feel his gut lurching as his need to shit started mounting. Oh no, no no, why is this happening?

{Don't worry about the why. Just let us take over. You'll feel so much better once you stop worrying and fighting.}

Linus tried to respond, but he had to admit the pleasure radiating from his groin felt pretty amazing. He hadn't stopped playing with himself this whole time, and that combined with the intense, immense relief of the constant stream of piss was starting to feel almost euphoric.

No, no! This wasn't right! He had to stop pissing some time! And once he came, his erection would go down, right? What little sense he felt was left in his train of thought latched onto that. Yes, climax would end this, surely. He couldn't maintain rigidity after that. His cock--

{Not yours.}

--The Cock would go down and he could be free!


Well okay, maybe he'd take the time to poop too. Except that wasn't going to wait any longer. Linus whined and kicked his legs as he tried half-heartedly to hold it in or at least get to the toilet, but his rear unclenched entirely of its own accord, a thick, smelly, wet turd forcing its way out right there onto the tile floor.

The dragon shook his head rapidly, tears starting to form in the corners of his eyes. He'd just taken a massive nasty shit on his own bathroom floor, and he could feel another log beginning to force its way out. He shakily got up onto his knees, hands refusing to leave hi-- the pissing throbbing COCK between his legs; unable to maintain balance, he fell back, landing right on the steaming pile right as the second started pushing its way out, the incredible mess squishing against his ass and releasing a stench that would have made his eyes water anyway.

But as the incredible reek hit his nose, that Cock beamed in his hands, pulsing even harder, forcing his fingers apart as it very definitely swelled! The piss stream, having thoroughly ruined every piece of drywall and wood in that bathroom at this point, somehow managed to get even stronger, and Linus could feel his nuts swelling against the still-warm mess beneath him. He wanted to gag, to vomit, to run out of the room, to wake up from this nightmare, but instead his nostrils flared, his ass ground itself back down against the still-emerging heap, and his hands tugged even harder. It was like the Cock, his ass-- no, his entire body *loved* the smell!

{My body.}

What? What do you mean?

{It's not your body any more. It belongs to me.}

What? No! This is my--

{Oh, is it? Try to stop yourself from masturbating. Try to make it to the toilet to finish voiding your bowels. Try to stand, even. This body has chosen me as its new owner. It's revolting. In more ways than one.}

Linus strained against himself, struggling hard to do as he'd been challenged, but he couldn't even move his legs anymore.

{Didn't I tell you to stop worrying? I'm in charge now, and you're going to be a lot happier for it. Everything's going to feel so, so good from now on. Your body loves this filth. Your butt enjoys making such massive messes. I personally delight in pissing as much as possible. Your balls adore-- well, you're about to find out. But it all feels so GOOD, doesn't it?}

It did feel good, he had to admit. It was like he was constantly relieving his bladder, continuously emptying his intestines. The release was incredible; he certainly couldn't deny that. And as the stink of his own shit and piss overwhelmed the room, invading every ounce of his senses, it was quite clear that his body adored it. He was finding it awfully difficult to come up with a reason to be upset or concerned about his current state; it just all felt so wonderful, so right, so FILTHY.

{There you go! Now stand by; with this, your transformation will be complete...}

Stand by? Transformation? But as his sluggish thoughts momentarily struggled to catch up with what he was being told, he felt it: A familiar building pressure in his crotch, lower than his bladder, deeper than the Cock. A pressure he knew all too well. With a monumental, triumphant belch of a roar, Linus' body arched up, Cock surging forth as he climaxed. His orgasm was more powerful than any he could recall, painting the wall, toilet, sink, and mirror in spunk with just his first shot. The stuff was thick and goopy, like wet snot, and the smell emanating from it was like a mix of ammonia and an incredible, intense, masculine musk. It was a glorious funk, and it was only just getting started.

"Linus! Linus, I heard a roar! I'm coming in!" Josh threw open the door and Linus turned, just in time to smack his friend square in the chest with his second rope of cum, the force knocking him against the opposite wall. "Jesus, what-- What the hell..."

What the rat viewed on the bathroom floor was a grotesque, twisted form of what he could barely recognize as his former friend. Sure, the face looked right, but his body had a glossy sheen of brown sweat coating his blue scales, his armpits positively dripped with B.O., his hips and ass had swollen out obscenely, and the biggest change of all, that thigh-length monster of a shaft of his would have never fit in the pants he had been wearing. The organ looked unnaturally thick, and while it was definitely at full erection, it had an almost soft, pudgy appearance, as though it, too, had gained a layer of fat. His shirt was matted to his body with what appeared to be sweat and piss, and his lower half, while unclothed now, was largely coated with what looked like wet dragon crap, but smelled far worse. And as Josh watched those distant, glazed eyes focus on him, and that creepy thin sneer cross his face, he was suddenly a lot more scared than concerned.

The Cock in Linus' lap beamed, its stream of cum and piss sloughing off to a gentle but constant dribble as the dragon pushed himself up onto his hands and knees. God DAMN, Josh was a hottie. He just needed a bit of an... attitude adjustment. And as his thick, nasty wad started soaking through the fibers of that otherwise untainted shirt, something told him it was only a matter of time.

{This feels good, doesn't it?} Oh my, yes... {And Josh is pretty cute, isn't he? Hot and fuckable. You remember what that Cock looked like. Hung like a goddamn stallion.} Mmm, fuck yes... {We should share this blessing with him. Let him know what it really feels like to be... fucking FILTHY.} Yes... Feel good...

Linus stood up, Cock jutting obscenely in front of him. "Oh, hello Josh..."

The rat stammered as he watched his friend take a lurching step towards him, that fat dick bobbing and dribbling between his legs, the sound of piss leaking onto the tile floor echoing into the hallway. "Err, Linus? Wh-- What happened to you?" In spite of his incredible fear, he could feel his own cock beginning to lift and swell inside its confines. Why am I getting aroused? This is disgusting!

The dragon grinned a little wider, then flung himself against Josh, wrapping his arms around the rat and giving him a tight, messy hug, filth bubbling out from between them. He ground the thick Cock against his friend's groin and stomach, and Linus could *feel* that Cock between his own legs resonating with the one attached to Josh, almost like they were communicating. Conspiring. "Mmm, don't worry; you'll find out soon enough. It's already taking hold of you, yes? The Cock is asserting its control."

Josh winced and struggled against his friend's unnaturally strong arms, trying to get away from him, especially that fountaining length. Those words were having a strange effect on him, especially the word "Cock"; it was like that one had latched directly onto his growing arousal and was feeding it. "What? Look, Linus, buddy, if you're gay or bi or whatever that's cool, but I'm not. And you're really starting to creep me out! You look like you fuckin' shit yourself! Take a shower and put some fuckin' pants on!"

"But Josh, if I put pants on, how are we going to do any..." Hump hump. "... fuckin'?" The dragon grinned again, and suddenly it was like he was looming over his friend. "Besides, it's too late now. You've already started." His nostrils flared, and as he exhaled through his mouth, he added a belch to the mix, the rank cloud of gas descending over the rat. "Mmm, gawd, that STINK... Isn't it fucking marvelous? So FILTHY..."

Josh's cheeks lit up like a Christmas tree. "Linus, cut it out!" He shook his head, trying desperately to get himself out of this strange funk those words seemed to be putting him in. And there was another one, that "filthy", that just seemed to feed his strangely growing lusts. His own dick--



{Cock. And not yours.}

Linus saw the confusion and distraction beginning to take hold in his friend's eyes, and backed away from the rat slowly, Cock's stream of filth-release picked up a little bit, not quite strong enough to be hitting Josh, but getting awfully close to his feet; the dragon knew he didn't need to mess on his friend any more, that he'd be doing enough of that himself soon. Josh, meanwhile, groaned as he was struck by a sudden intense urge to join in the urination. His bladder seemed way too full all of a sudden, and very soon he was clutching his crotch, whining as he tried to hold it in. The fact that he was literally two steps from a restroom and three steps from a proper toilet didn't even enter his mind. All he could think about was how badly he had to go, and how hard his Cock was.

{Not your cock. A Cock, sure, but not yours.}

"Come on Josh, don't fight it. You need to pee, don't you? Just do it! Accept the changes! Gawd, they feel so good..." With a soft grunt, Linus lifted his tail as another thick turd started forcing its way out of him. Josh tried to back away even further from his friend in equal parts disgust and terror, but hi-- the Cock between his legs loved the sight! And while the rat's defenses were lowered by his bout of fear, he started pissing his pants.

"N-- No... No! S-- Stop! Why can't I stop!?" Josh grabbed at himself frantically, tears streaming down his face as he helplessly peed. As the warm, musky fluid poured down his legs, soaking through the fabric of his underwear, the rat noticed that something didn't seem right about this, aside from his helpless urination. As he grabbed at the wetting Cock through his pants, trying desperately to cut off the stream, something felt... thick. Too thick. And while the Cock in his hands definitely fit that bill, that wasn't what was concerning him. No, this was something else, like his underwear was wrong. His mind stopped being worried about the constant stream of piss forcing its way from his bladder and started processing what he was wearing. What had he put on that morning? It had been a normal pair of cotton briefs, right? So why did they feel so thick? It was like they'd become padded, somehow.

As he pulled his hands slowly away from his crotch, and they slowly pulled themselves back in, a faint crinkling sound hit his ears, and an intense blush crossed his cheeks. There was no way...

{It's most appropriate for you to be wearing diapers, isn't it? I mean, since you're clearly having trouble with pissing yourself. Your body loves this mess; it wants to be close to it.}

What? No! That couldn't be true! It didn't make any sense!

"Come on, Joshie-boy, don't worry about it! Just accept the changes. They're going to take over no matter what you do. Like now, you can't stop pleasing the Cock with your hands." Josh shivered at that word again. "Go ahead, try!"

The rat shook his head again, trying to make sense of what was happening to him. Indeed, his hands refused to leave his groin, intent on massaging that pissing Cock. Every gentle crinkle rang in his ears and sent fuel to his out-of-control libido, which in turn was making it even harder for him to think. What was happening to his body? Why couldn't he control himself anymore? Why was his tail lifting?

Wait, tail lifting? A strong gurgle ran through his abdomen, and very suddenly he felt something pushing out against his back door. "N-- No... No please no..."

Linus beamed happily as he saw his friend getting ready to shit, his own new load forming a wet, steaming pile on the hardwood floor beneath him. "Yes, yes! Josh, you want to poop! You need to poop! It'll feel so good to just do it, trust me! It'll feel so much better if you just give in..."

Josh groaned and danced against the wall, trying as hard as he could to clench his anus, to keep that building torrent of shit within him. There was no way he was going to crap himself, much less while wearing diapers!

{But you are. Because your body belongs to me now. And it really, really wants to shit. Just like I revel in pissing all over, your butt loves the idea of shitting everywhere. Of being covered in its own FILTH.}

The rat groaned, but he could feel those words affecting him even now; indeed, his rear seemed to be thrilled at the idea of being covered in mess. He didn't know how he could tell, but it was a strange feeling that definitely said that much. And that immense, growing log in his ass wasn't going to wait very much longer. Josh groaned, straining as hard as he could to clench his anus, but in spite of himself, the ring of muscle relaxed completely, a fat nasty load pushing its way out into his padding. He shuddered, whimpering as he began filling the back of his diaper, one of his hands reaching back to squish the warm, wet mess back up against his crack, filth leaking out the legholes of the plastic garment. He wanted to scream, to cry, to wake up, to run out of the house as fast as he could, but absolutely nothing in his body was responding to his commands.

{Mmm, come on, boy. Feel how wonderful that awful mess makes your ass feel. Didn't it feel great to push that shit out of your system?}

Y-- Yeah, I guess, kinda...

{And doesn't it feel positively glorious every moment you're pissing? Just feel that incredible relief!}

Mmpf, a bit, I suppose...

{Look at that boy on the floor there. He's positively FILTHY. Doesn't he look happy? Like he's having a great time?}

But, he-- he's not himself! Something's wrong with him!

{Nothing's wrong with him; he's just accepted this blessing. That's still your friend down there. Linus, was it? Look at that big, hard Cock. Mmm, damn he's a sexy boy, isn't he?}

What? Sexy? No! He's a guy! Guys aren't sexy!

{Oh, but they are. With their fine musk, those fat Cocks, those tight asses... Mmpf, I want to plow that boy so hard...}

No! No no no no! Please, I don't want to fuck my friend...

{Oh, don't worry; we won't do that for some time. But look at him! You know he finds you every bit as attractive?}

What? He... He does?

{Oh yes! Why, as soon as he saw you in the hallway there, he thought you were so sexy he wanted to share this blessing with you!}

Josh blushed deeply. He did feel really, really good, after all. And Linus wanted to share this with him, to make him feel this good. His ass was kinda cute. And he had to admit, the way his balls seemed so weighted with promise was kinda hot.

{There you go! See? He's totally fuckable!}

Mmm... Yeah, you're right. Just like you were right about this feeling so amazingly good...

{Mmm, definitely. Ohh... Brace yourself, boy. This release seals the deal.}

Brace... myself? Josh's mind was miles away, thinking about how much fun he and Linus were going to have together now; He barely realized that, as his own nuts lurched within their padded prison, that he was actually climaxing and not just imagining it. With a mighty bellow, interrupted by a wicked belch, the rat came himself, hips thrusting lewdly toward his companion in filth as the thick, wet sound of the scummy spunk slamming into the plastic diaper echoed down the hall.

Linus grinned cheerfully as he watched his friend finally come over. His stream of piss and cum strengthened again, starting to splash off the wall before he turned it towards Josh, immediately soaking his shirt with the stuff. The rat's pants seemed to have completely vanished, a thickly-padded diaper barely concealing what was clearly a monstrous erect Cock and starting to touch the floor with how much mess was already in it. His fur was matted and drenched with sweat, his entire body reeking of filth and musk. Linus had never been so turned on in his life.

"Oh, Josh! Mmm, you finally accepted the blessing! Gawd, you're such a FILTHY boy..." The dragon embraced his new companion in nast, Cock pressed in hard against that tented padding, both positively erupting with urine and tainted seed. He gazed into the rat's eyes, a slight browning formed at the edges of his irises, as his hands dipped down into the elastic waistband, smearing that filth directly against his friend's ass.

Josh, too, gazed lovingly into the dragon's eyes, embracing him with his filthy arms. "Fuck, I don't know why I resisted; this feels so amazing!" His own hands drifted down to the dragon's rump, fingers pressing their way into his shit-covered hole, teasing it, stretching it out. He and Linus closed their eyes and began kissing each other deeply, the nasty stream from the exposed Cock splattering them both on the chin. Their breath mingled between their maws, tasting absolutely foul, as though both of them were about to crap from their throats. Their tainted tongues adored the flavor, reveling in it with each other as their hips ground eagerly. Their bodies felt so wonderfully good, they never wanted to stop.

{Atta boy, Linus. You made him see the light!}

{Good boy, Josh. You took to the filth like a real champ!}

Mmm... Yeah, I sure did...

{But you know...}

Hmm? They stopped kissing for a moment, each looking down languidly at the Cock commanding him. What is it, Cock?

{You've got so much filth to spread, and the world outside is so plain, so clean. So... untainted.}

They both looked back up at each other, a wicked sneer plastered across their faces.

{Lots of sexy boys out there to play with. Plenty of opportunities to make things rancid.}

They both nodded slowly, not even really looking at each other anymore so much as through each other, both minds flooded with thoughts of what they might do. Yes, the world outside needed to feel this way. Needed to know this good feeling. Needed to be made...

"FILTHY..." the boys said in unison. They stepped away from each other, Cocks beaming at the thought of what they were about to do. Josh reached down and lowered the front of his diaper, just enough for the tip of the Cock inside to peek out, his own brand of piss and spunk beginning to drench his partner even as the dragon's did the same to him.

The pair turned in unison, making decidedly jerky movements, to face the living room. Their legs started marching in place, Cocks bouncing lewdly before them like a perverted field commander's baton, keeping their beat. They stayed in place for a few steps before lurching forward, those fat organs leading the way right out the door of Linus' flat and out onto the street. The fresh air outdoors seemed to dilute their filth at first, but in response both bodies exuded it with more veracity.

Marching down the stairs to the sidewalk, the two turned left, following the street. The first person they encountered was Linus' next-door neighbor, an older wolf gentleman who'd just stepped outside for a stroll of his own. He smelled the pair before registering their sight, nose wrinkling in disgust. "What on earth..." And that's when he saw the two marching in tandem: the dragon completely bottomless, balls bouncing back and forth between his legs as his massive exposed erection spewed a nasty stream of fluids that only served to make that stench worse; the rat beside him similarly filthy but diapered, his own monstrous dick still extending past the plastic waistband and similarly ejecting foul liquids all over the pavement.

The shock of seeing the two boys in such an indecent manner froze the older man in his tracks, which is exactly where the dragon Cock wanted him: Linus grinned, grasping the Cock and aiming it straight for the wolf, immediately splattering him in a hefty dose of urine and cum.

The wolf sputtered, taken aback by what had just happened. That young man had just... Was that piss!? All over his suit! But there was something else in it too, a thick goopy-- good lord, had he just been blasted with semen!? He went to wipe the muck off his front in disgust, but the moment that filth came in contact with his flesh, his own length sprang to life in his trousers. He struggled mentally, but his legs started marching him in place, and within moments he was joining the pair in their walk, hands playing with himself through those same pants.

Josh spotted a young otter on the opposite side of the street; it was a boy about their age, someone Josh had met at the restaurant. The otter certainly didn't recognize the rat any longer, but that stench coupled with the obscene display the now three of them were putting on made it impossible for him to ignore. Josh grinned and thrust his hips in the otter's direction, hitting him with his own stream clear across the road. The stuff hit him square in the face. He was helpless to resist its influence, his dick leaping to erection immediately within his nylon shorts. Hands diving past his waistband, that otter's legs carried him across the pavement to join the trio.

The wolf's mind was sluggish, and no matter how hard he tried he couldn't seem to shake that mental fog. He could feel a need to pee welling up in his groin, and he momentarily paused as he considered returning home to use his toilet. But, those boys up there were urinating just fine where they were! There was no need to go back. Besides, for some reason he really didn't want to leave those two; something about them, their... filthiness, beckoned him to continue on alongside them, to be a boy just like them. He sighed as he started pissing his trousers, the sound becoming decidedly like a fountain hitting a sheet of plastic as his legs blissfully carrying him back to where the two boys had gotten.

The otter, too, was fighting with his own body's urges. He could feel an intense need to poop coming on. He looked around, pondering ducking out to take care of this, but a part of him really didn't want to leave this strange procession. Besides, he could see the shit smeared on the dragon's rear, and judging from the fact that the rat's diaper was now dragging along the sidewalk, he'd probably been messing out here as well. What was wrong with that? Besides, he really, really had to go. His tail lifted behind him, and his body pushed out a fresh load into his shorts. The Cock jutting from his groin rewarded him with a powerful orgasm, soaking the front of the garment, legs marching the increasingly-smelly otter up to meet the other three.

Linus smiled as he saw how swiftly the blessing was taking out here. The Cock commanding him beamed, pleased with his work thus far. Like this, it would be easy to bring plenty of boys over to the filth. A fleeting thought crossed the dragon's mind, though: What about other things? He longed to bring filth to the world, to make anything and everything nasty. What would happen...

He remembered coming up was a little old lady's place where the little patch of soil she'd had out front, instead of sod or paving it over like others had done, she'd planted a bed of daffodils. As he saw it coming up on the left, he aimed his hips towards them, squeezing his nuts for emphasis as his stream hosed down the flowers and patch of earth. The dragon watched and grinned as the soil there became dank, rank, and downright gross, as though it had been replaced with shit. The flowers shuddered softly as their cups elongated, stretching out and coming together at the end, bulging and reshaping in all the right places until each resembled an erect phallus, complete with a fat dangling set of nuts. They each differed slightly, as though trying to approximate various different species' genitals. A thick, heady musk mingled with the stench of feces emanating from the patch of filth, and very soon each of those flowers was spurting a white fluid from their bloated tips.

Josh watched this experiment with interest, excited to see such amazing results. He'd never imagined the blessing could be used in that manner! He grinned and giggled softly as those flower-pricks started cumming, not even realizing he's struck another passer-by with his fluids.

A horned toad had been working on his vehicle, lying on his back with his legs up on the sidewalk when suddenly it felt like someone had dumped a bucket of wet mud on his shins! He looked down past himself to try and see what was going on, but from his vantage point all he could see was his belly. He could feel though, and what he felt was a warm, murky fluid seeping through his denim overalls, coming into contact with his legs directly. In spite of suffering ten years with erectile dysfunction, the male could feel himself getting hard as a rock. His legs started kicking abruptly on their own; they wanted to move him, to bring him somewhere. There were others he needed to be with! Other men-- No, other boys, like him, who just wanted to feel good. He felt a bubble rise from his stomach, and the lizard opened his mouth with a loud, reeking belch. Oh yeah, that was the stuff! He struggled to pull himself out from under the car, overalls quickly becoming drenched in his urine and semen as his legs ran him up to where the rest had gotten.

Linus watched as a stray mutt wandered out from between two of the buildings, the quadrupedal animal crossing the path of the marchers and lifting his leg on one of the fenced trees lining the street. The dragon smirked - yes, what would happen to the tree if he did the same thing? He aimed that powerful Cock and fired, hosing down the dog in the process. The beast's dick sprang from his sheath like it was spring-loaded, knot just barely popping free before it inflated to ridiculous size; his stream of piss gained in strength, splashing enough to soak his ballooned sac, which looked like he was smuggling a pair of fat, sagging grapefruit in it now. Urine swiftly began mingling with spunk, his eyes glazing over as his tail lifted, legs moving him towards the others with little care that his ass was dropping sloppy wet turds behind him.

The tree's transformation was truly a sight to behold. The small wrought-iron fence around it seemed to swell as the trunk filled out the space within; it very much resembled a rubber cockring stuck halfway on an immense erection. Knots in the tree's trunk where former branches had been pruned took on a puckered appearance, soon bellowing incredible gas and shit. Leaves withered and dropped from its branches as they, in turn, plumped up, throbbing eagerly and turning up as they too came to resemble oversized penises. The masculine yet filthy stench that rose from the plant signaled its completion, and it rained with that same milky gunk in celebration.

The two friends at the head of the entourage were delighting in the change they brought to things: Several fenceposts were suddenly oily and phallic; a mailbox suddenly started belching; many more trees joined the first in becoming a grotesque display of obscenity and filth. Meanwhile, the other boys in the brigade were starting to experiment in other ways. The otter, shorts lost to the mess exuding from his body, had begun exploring the wolf's body with his hands. The wolf, now garbed only in that ruined jacket, shirt, and a diaper that rivaled Josh's in content and stench, was delighting in playing with the otter's exposed balls and that fat Cock that controlled him, occasionally aiming the organ at some thing or other the two up front had missed. The horned toad, his overalls now conspicuously missing a large patch of fabric in the crotch, played eagerly with his chest; he'd never had nipples before, but now that they were present, he loved how amazing they felt! The dog, more than happy to tag along and contribute to the mess, was contentedly busying his muzzle with the back of the lizard-boy's fat, sloshing nuts. Not a thought was given to how they'd all been perfectly straight mere moments before; nary a nod passed to the fact that they were in public, Cocks hanging out and bodily functions formerly best saved for the bathroom were overwhelming their every need. No, every thought passing through those boys' minds was about how good they felt, how absolutely amazing their bodies felt now that they were no longer in control of themselves.

A young snow leopard, Spider-Man backpack in tow, and his cougar friend, donning a sack that displayed his preference for Scooby Doo, had just stepped off the school bus; the leopard had gotten a new video game for his birthday and the cougar was eager to play it with him. Their noses caught the whiff of something altogether unpleasant, but they weren't terribly concerned about it. Running towards the young boy's home, they encountered the perverse parade rounding the corner directly ahead of them. Both knew the thing jutting from the dragon's crotch was his pee-pee, but neither had known it could get all stiff like that, or like the otter's or the lizard's. Both giggled at the two grown men clearly wearing diapers. Still, while both boys had bathed with their fathers and thus seen a grown man's genitals, they'd never seen such a display before, and something about it unnerved them a bit, each taking a few steps back. Linus and Josh took one look at each other, grinning that wicked sneer, then took aim and baptized the two children with their streams.

Both boys shrieked at very suddenly being splashed with pee and the other, much less familiar fluid, trying to shake it off at first. Within moments however, both their pee-pees had become rock-hard and started swelling eagerly in their pants, assaulting their minds with a barrage of thoughts and feelings neither of them knew how to interpret. Thingies grew out into fine proper Cocks, straining the stitching in their pants to past their breaking points; testicles dropped and swelled out, spreading their legs apart with their new girth and rumbling with incredible speed of production; high-pitched groans filled the air as they started peeing in broad daylight, their little legs already beginning that marching cadence in time with the rest of the parade. Snow leopard and cougar looked at each other for a moment, faces quivering as the last of their will fought the alien desire before the pair flung themselves into each others' arms, kissing passionately and grinding those Cocks and fuzzy balls together between them. The twin organs conspired momentarily before throwing both boys into their very first orgasms, wracking their bodies with a kind of intense, incredible pleasure neither had ever experienced. They barely realized they'd caught up with the party in their moment of passion, both still reeling from the incredible continuous release as they furiously made out with each other.

Linus and Josh grinned at the young boys' transformations, watching as the two mindlessly explored their filthying bodies. Cocks pressing against each other, drawers drooping as they filled with mess, each exactly as they should be. The leaders turned back around to face front, immediately spotting something that made them halt. The procession marched in place as the pair eyed the building: It was the local gym. They knew there would be plenty of opportunity to make a mess in there; however, they also knew the park was just a little ways down this street, and with schools having just let out and families starting to get together, it, too, was a prime target. The dragon and the rat looked at each other, pondering.

"I really want to see those big strapping boys fall under the spell of the Cocks they try to conceal in their spandex shorts," Linus stated.

"And I'm looking forward to what kind of change we can make to the local wildlife," Josh chimed in.

It didn't take long from there to formulate a plan. "Let's split up, then. I'll take, let's see... The otter, the lizard, and the cougar, and hit the gym. You take the wolf, the dog, and the snow leopard and take down the park." The boys behind them groaned as their bodies quivered, breaking away from their current partners to play within their new assigned groups. Otter and horned toad made out and frotted, the cougar cub did his able best to lap at both those Cocks while his paws were a blur along the one in his lap. The wolf picked up the leopard youngster and started fingering him in his arms as the mutt humped his leg.

Josh looked back and smirked. "Looks like they're good with these plans. Shall we meet back here when we're finished?"

"Yes, that sounds good. We should be able to change our charges within roughly the same time."

The pair gave each other one final nod, then turned to their new missions. Cocks surged with eagerness, corruptive streams growing in strength in anticipation of what was to come. This, they knew, was going to be fun.

And it was going to feel so, so good.

My Secret

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Messy Boy: The Wettening

The moment my shoes hit the pavement, I pissed myself again. I tried to stop myself, but the urine just kept flowing. I fell to my knees, whimpering as I clenched everything I could, but my dinkie just kept on leaking. It was as though the diaper was...

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The Mushroomed Kingdom: A Lakitu's Friends

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