The Moon need friends too part 2

Story by Sindragon on SoFurry

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#7 of The Moon need friends too

The Moon need friends too

Set after Season 2 of My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic, Princess Luna is still struggling to cope with the new world. Even though she made a few friends in the Mane 6 and some of the younger children. But she still had struggle to fit in to the new world.

When on Earth a Human is struggling as just as much as Luna. Shunned by most people,because he of his choice to be around animals his family raised. When a car crash kills his family leaving him alone,with only a wolf pup and a Cheetah cub.

Struggling to live the boy wish to god to help him,under the light of the moon. Before falling a sleep ,only to wake up somewhere different.

I don't own any of the MLP FIM charters ,they are own by Hasbro

I own Sin,Bri,Dragon and any Oc charters.

Parings OcxLuna OcxOc and others.

If you don't like Human/Pony parings don't read.

Chapter 2 Big and Small

Luna had stayed behind her bigger sister,scared of what the creature was. What problems would it cause,to them. She remember the old days which were filled with evil and fear,she shudder at the thought of it. Remembering the horrible past, that she and her sister life had been like.

Luna then felt a hoof touch her face,looking up to she it belong to Celestia . As she then saw her sister, giving her a reassuring look. As to say that everything,would be ok.

As the Royal Sisters were having their moment together. Celestia Royal Sun guards,a mixture of Earth ,Pegsi and Unicorn Pony's. Who were a mix of white and black Pony's,wearing the gold and blue body armour. Which had the Sun Goddess cutie mark,on their armour.

They had formed a circle around the new creature,who was covered in the fallen tiles. As well as dust,from the broken tiles. Also he had small cuts over his body,they were not deep. But they were deep enough that blood was dripping out,on to the marble floor. The guards had formed the circle so they could protect the sisters,if the creature were to attack them.

" Meeewww" said a voice by,Sin body.

" Huh? who said that show your self in the name of the of Royal Sisters, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna " Shouted one of the Royal guards.

The sisters turned around to find out ,what had made the noise to see. One of the smaller creatures had woken up, it look like a ball of fluff to the sisters. They had never seen something like it before.

It was Bri who had woken up first,as her small legs stumble on the marble floor. Filling a bit dizzy from what had happen to them,as well being confused on were they where. As she turned around to see her friend Dragon,black and red fur nuzzling their adopted father body.

She next smelt blood and she saw it, was coming from her father. Mewing in fear that he was hurt,or worst. She was going to look for help,when she then heard a loud strange scary voice . That seemed to be talking to her.

Turning her head to look what had spoken, only to see a much bigger creature than her on 4 legs. That also had a stick on it head and wore something like their father did. As she then looked around to see other creatures like him ,with sticks on their heads. Or none at all,or some had bird wings. This confused the poor young Cheetah cub. Daddy had not mention,about these kind of creatures before. Plus there was 2 ,much bigger and scarier creatures behind them.

They both to seem to have sticks on the heads and bird wings too. But the white one who was a lot bigger,was very intermediating to the small cub. When the blue one was less intermediating ,she reminder her of the night. That her, Dragon and their father slept under every night.

She the heard the voice of the creature, speak again more forcefully at her. As it was getting, more closer to her. Mewing in fear as she walk backwards, bumping into her father body. As she felt Dragon let out his best yip,as a warning .As to say,to stay away from them. But it kept on coming closer to them.

" Can you speak,hello who are you. An why are you doing here. Are you here to attack the Princess" The Royal Unicorn Pony asked her,in a tough tone to her.

"Bright Star that enough,they seem friendly. They are not going to attack, stand down that a order" Celestia Said in a loud ,tone for her.

She could see the fear in the creature eyes, from them. Also it seemed that the larger creature was out cold,plus it looked injured. She also could not fill any magic energy like,her or her sister or any Unicorn had.

Luna came out behind her sister, to look at new creatures. The 2 small ones ,look very cute. While the larger one filled her with fear and curiosity . Of what it was,would it want to be friends with them. Or would cause trouble like Discord had done.

Bright Star look at the leaders with worry,he didn't want to argue with the rulers. But he still saw these creatures as a threat. As he moved closer to Bri,who mew in fear as she rolled into ball shaking in fear.

" But my Lady they have sharp claws like dragons do, they could eat us. Plus bring chaos once again,they must be Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch" Bright Star was saying to the Princess,before letting out scream of pain.

As he look to see the black and red creature snaring, as he bit onto his tail. The weight it self was causing the pain ,then the bite. This cause a gasp of shock from Luna. While the other guards just, chuckled at Bright Star misfortune. As Celestia just glared at Bright Star, for braking the order she had given him.

" Get of my tail" Bright Star shouted at Dragon,who was swinging on the Pony tail.

As he held on for dear life,as the other Guard Pony's kept on laughing at Bright Star misfortune. Bri mew in fear for her friend,she thought he was very brave for protecting her. But she knew Dragon couldn't do much damage to the creature. For his size,she just hope he would be ok.

She then looked at Sin again,who she was still worried about. She saw a lot blood coming out of him,she knew that wasn't good. She just hope the bigger ones would help them.

Dragon closed his eyes in fear,as he was biting as hard as he could. So he could stay on the creature tail. As long as he could as he was yapping in fright, as he was flung about. On Bright Star tail,who just had enough of his tail being bitten.

" Get off me ,you creature" Bright Star shouted angrily ,as his horn light up red as he used his magic. To forcefully shot Dragon of his tail.

Bri mew with fear,for her friend. Seeing him flying high in the air and about to crash head first,into the cold marble floor. Seeing what was about to happen,Luna horn glow a dark blue. As she used a spell to,stop Dragon crashing. As he floated in mid air,with a blue glow around him.

Dragon look around after opening his eyes,seeing he was floating. Yapping in fright seeing a blue glow, around him. Luna grunting as she landed the wolf pup,down by her legs. As Celestia walk past her guards to Bright Star,who was shaking in fear. At what was about to happen to him.

" Princess Celestia I" Bright Star was trying to say,before getting silenced by the Sun Princess.

" Silence Bright Star,you have disobey ,a direct order. That I gave you,because of this you will be punished. Guards take Bright Star to my chamber,were I will talk to him latter." Celestia shouted,not fully using her Royal cation voice. But it still was loud enough,to tell she was piss.

The Guards nod the heads,knowing not to argue to the Princess. As they walked Bright Star out to, Celestia chamber. As Luna Night Guards walk in,to see if their Princess was ok.

" I am ok,my guards but I need thee. To take this large creature to Doctor Fast Heart. For treatment for his Injury's" Luna asked her guards.

" As you wish Princess" They said together ,in a dark tone to their voices.

The group of guards then walk over to the creature,tiny bit scared of it. But not trying to show it,in front of their Princess. As they then carried Sin out,to the first aid room. To get healed,from his injury's.

Both Dragon and Bri saw their, father being taken away from them. As they mewed and whimpered in a worry tone,as they tried to run after them. Only to be stop by the 2 Princess.

" Don't worry little ones,you friend is just going to be healed. You be able to see him soon" Celestia said to them,in a soft tone to them.

As she sat down ,to shorten her hight. So not to scare,them any more. Knowing she probably look scary to them.

" Thou are right my,sister we don't want to hurt you. Young ones,I guess you can't speak are languages" Luna asked them, in the same tone as her sister.

Both Bri and Dragon nod the heads. Not understand much,but they spoked like the farther did.

" We take this as a yes then. Can you friend speak like us?" Luna asked them

Once again Dragon and Bri nod the heads,as to say yes.

"Well that is good,I think we shall now go see you friend. To see if he ok,would you like that" Celestia asked them,as she was smiling at younger creatures.

Dragon gave a happy yip ,as he nuzzle Luna leg. As Bri did the same to Celestia . Both of the sisters smiled to each other,as they started to walk. Bri and Dragon to the Hospital. To see if Sin was ok.

End of chapter 2

Review and rate.

Im still looking for a Beta for this story.

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