Lonely Hearts Ranch Chapter Four: Healing Hearts

Story by Manveru on SoFurry

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#4 of Lonely Hearts Ranch


"Ufff! Oh, oh god! HUUUUUNNNNNNNHHH!!!" Buzz moaned as he shot his load deep into Christian's ass. Christian was lying on his back, gnawing on a pillow to keep himself from screaming in ecstasy. Buzz fell forward, his fur smooshing into the load that Christian had already shot onto his own stomach and chest. The pair were both panting heavily, and soon lost their breath again as their lips embraced in a tight kiss. Buzz waited for his knot to shrink and pulled out of the leopard's ass slowly.

Christian leaned in close to Buzz's ear and whispered, "I love you, Buzz."

Buzz gasped and looked at him; the leopard looked back, his eyes shining with the light of love. He looked away quickly.

"Buzz, is something wrong?"

"N-no, nothing. I...I have to go."

"What? Go where?"

"I...I need to write. I'll be back by tonight, I promise." The lab got up and hurriedly dressed, and rushed out of the room. Christian saw his writing notebook sitting on the desk, undisturbed.

Buzz ran to the lake and sat on the same hill that the pair had made love on the previous day. He buried his head in his hands and cried, letting all his pent-up emotions spill out of him. He howled with a painful mixture of love, sorrow, and anger. He tore the grass from the hill and flung it as far as he could. He fell to his knees and broke down, pounding the ground with his fists.

"Buzz?" He heard Christian yelling from near the lake. "Buzz, where are you?"

Buzz laid down on his stomach, hiding form the leopard's line of sight. He listened to his calls slowly fading as he walked off around the lake, still looking for him. Buzz got on his knees and looked out over the lake, and saw Christian reaching the crest of a hill across the lake. He ducked down again, hoping that he hadn't been spotted. But less than five minutes later, he felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Buzz? What are you doing?"

His heart jumped and he rolled over to see Christian standing over him.

"Christian? What do you want?"

The leopard dropped Buzz's notebook on the ground next to him.

"I figured you might need that if you're going to do any writing. You left it in the room."

Buzz looked up at him, his eyes brimming with tears. He broke down again, sobbing.

"Buzz!" The leopard cried out, surprised. He fell to his knees and put his arms around the lab, hugging him tightly.

"C-Christian, I'm s-s-sorry..."

"Buzz? What's wrong?!"

"I...I love you too!"

The leopard was shocked.

"Then why are you crying?"

"B-because we have to split up!"

"What? Why?"

"I-It's already Wednesday! We have to leave the ranch tomorrow, and we'll never see each other a-again!" The lab began to sob even harder.


The leopard held him for a while longer, his eyes now also streaming.

"Buzz, what city did you say you were from?"

"N-New York. Why?"

"I live in Newark. It's not all that far, we could still see each other on weekends..."

"N-no, Christian. I couldn't force you to live that way, holding yourself off for me..."

"Buzz, it's my decision! I'd be more than willing to-"

"NO! I won't let you ruin your life for me!" Buzz ran off, still crying, leaving Christian with a concerned look on his face.


Buzz was sitting on his bed, still crying. He loved Christian so much, and the fact that he'd never see him again after Thursday was just too much to bear.

*Knock knock*

Buzz didn't answer; he just sat there on the bed. He knew it was Christian trying to comfort him, and he felt that the less he saw of Christian right now, the better.

"Buzz, I know you're in there. I need to talk to you."

"Go away, Christian. I'm busy writing, I don't want any interruptions."

"Well, I need to make sure you don't write the wrong ending, Buzz. I'm as much a part of this story as you are."

Buzz paused, then finally slouched over to the door and opened it. Christian was standing there in an unbuttoned dress shirt and a pair of tight jeans. Buzz gaped at him and then invited him inside.

"Buzz, you need to talk to me about this. If we really both love each other, we can find a way to make this work."

"I do love you, Christian, but I don't want to make you change your life for me! That wouldn't be fair..."

"Buzz, you're assuming that I don't WANT to change! I've lived in the town I live in now my whole life, I think a change of scenery would be good for me."

"But where will you stay?"

"Didn't you say you have an apartment?"

"Well, yeah, but it's not all that big, there's only one bed..."

"Well, I don't see that being a problem," Christian responded, grinning slyly at him.

"Y-you want to move in with me? Really?"

"Yes Buzz, I do. That is, if you want me to..."

"Well..." He stared at Christian, looking deep into his eyes.

"Well?" Christian was smiling again.

"Well...of course! But what about your job? Where will you work?"

"I'm sure I'll find a place somewhere. Maybe this is the move I need to get my shop started. I've been stuck in a rut lately, Buzz, and I think this is going to help me get out of it."

"A-are you sure you want to do this? I need to know that you're not just doing this so you can stay with me; I can't be responsible for making you change your life this much."

"This is my decision, Buzz, and mine alone. I love you, and I want to be with you. I want to be there at all your book signings when you become a famous author."

Buzz smiled, tears coming to his eyes again; only this time they were tears of joy. He fell upon Christian, holding him close and weeping with joy. Christian hugged him back and struggled to hold the tears back from his own eyes. They had finally found love.


Christian returned to their new apartment to see Buzz sitting at his computer, his head in his hands. Christian could hardly tell if he was laughing or crying.

"Buzz? Is something wrong?"

Buzz leapt up and embraced him, laughing ecstatically.

"Buzz! What's going on?"

"They took it!"

"What? Who took what?"

"My book! They're going to publish it!"

"Wh-what?! Really? That's amazing, Buzz!"

"I know! I have a meeting with an editor tomorrow!"

"Well, I have some great news too!"


Christian handed Buzz a small pamphlet with the words 'CC Deli' on the front.

"What's this?"

"The menu! The shop opens next week!"

"It's ready? That's great!"

"I know! It went much faster than I expected, too!"

The pair embraced again, both overjoyed that they had finally found happiness with each other. Their lonely hearts had finally healed.