A Fox's Family (Part 5)

Story by Nester Delgado on SoFurry

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#5 of A Fox's Family: A Tale of the House Delgado

Heres' part 5. It's a start at my attempt to write action, but of course this is only the introduction to July's character. More will come soon as we see the fate of his unit.

Next time I should be cutting back to either Hym and Sabastion or I might just go right back to Jamie. Dennis will get some more time too coming up.

"In and out. We sweep the area. Blow the cache. Get the hell out. Got that?"

"Sir, yes sir!"

Flt. July "Jumper" Delgado sat up straight on a hard metal chair. Along with the rest of his unit, The 15th Black Calvary, he listened diligently to the old tiger at the front of the room. Cpt. Orkinnis, or "Frost" as he preferred to be called, had been leading the 15th within a small area of southern Burma. Their mission was to disrupt any and all activities dealing with anything involving potential weapons production. The small espionage unit consisting of only five members, including Frost and Jumper, had been immediately deployed for a six month deployment to the area after word got out from a 'reliable' source that a splinter group in Burma had been secretly purchasing plutonium and uranium from China. Though it was a peaceful country, there were still those that took advantage of the lush jungles and hidden trade routes. That was five months ago.

After a few 'smash' missions during their first month of deployment, the area had been rather silent though the 15th had to remain hidden and isolated to prevent exposure and to keep the enemy unaware of their activities.

Inside intelligence had just reported that a recent cache of North Korean weaponry had been found just 30 miles north of their location, the team was ready and able to go in, destroy the cache and hopefully see the end of their deployment with success.

The play by play had been called out. July would be running recon and recovery as per usual. His role would be to go in ahead via parachute and land on the far side of the enemy to watch for his team's approach while taking out targets silently as need be through the use of a long-range rifle. Well-built for speed and agility, July had been selected for recon at an early point in his military career. Now in his thirties, he could still run and jump just as fast as ever. A firm jaw with a light smattering of grizzled looks certainly did hurt either.

Getting up and heading to the staging area, the team would move swiftly to gather their well-maintained gear and equipment. As a special ops team, they were always ready to go at a moment's notice. The call had only come in an hour ago and it would only be another thirty minutes before they were ready for deployment.

"Hey Jumper," said a familiar sounding voice coming from behind the fox as he was staring down at his gear which was spread out on the table before him.

"Oh, hey Thumper," the fox replied only taking a brief second to gaze over his shoulder. Behind him stood a rather tall and muscular Rhino. His face scared with years of looking the wrong way into blasts of gunpowder and shrapnel, though Thumper considered it "cosmetic achievements." His favorite being the section of flesh missing along the right side of his face after a close blast took that part of his face including his ear.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" said the looming figure.

"Probably not, but what's up?" replied the fox. Packing his bag with routine precision.

"Doesn't it seem weird that we haven't seen any action at all for like, what?, three months and now this? I mean, didn't we get it all already and isn't this pretty fucking close?"

"It doesn't matter. We gotta take out the cache before it moves."

The rhino leaned in close and replied in a grumbled, hushed whisper "But I'm saying, what if there is no cache?"

A Fox' Family (Part 6)

Nester cleared coughed softly into his balled hand as he looked out at the couple before him with an awkward sense that he was a bit out of place and while Sebastian's intentions were good natured in inviting his host to meet his latest love interest,...

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A Fox's Family (Part 4)

"What the hell were you thinking!?" Jamie pleaded to his boyfriend as he stood there in front of him. In the locker room, the boys around them were changing without taking much notice to the pair despite the fox's hushed shouts at the lizard who seemed...

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A Fox's Family (Part 3)

"Hmm? What's this?" said the slender orange fox. His tight burnt umber vest, matching trousers and collared white shirt made him look even skinner and taller by contrast. The room he stood in was a large open hall. The cavernous feel of such a high...

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