Testing jay

Story by omega_dark_child on SoFurry

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#1 of pokemon training and other evolutions

The test was surprisingly easy almost as if I didn't have to study at all to pass I spent 2 week doing nothing but studying.. I got one of the highest scores ever of the exam.. I couldn't wait to get home and show my folks..

"Hi honey how did your test go.." my mother said as I entered the living room..

I looked about the living room noting my fathers coat and briefcase missing "mom where did dad go"

She just smiled at me "he had to do some thing at the radio tower"

My dad is a repair man under contract with sylph co. so he gets some pretty odd jobs in out of the way places, so he constantly rushes off when ever he gets a call from his boss..

I let out a disappointed sigh.. "I think I should have studied more... I only made a 91%" I looked up at her to as she started to console me..

Then as it registered "honey that's great... I mean you can go on your journey"

I blinked at her reaction my moms great an all but I thought it a bit strange that she would be that happy to be left alone in a large house all by her self.. I shook my head, she is just happy for me... I laughed and headed up the stairs to tell Julia and Narnra

They were asleep out of there pokeball in my dirty laundry basket "hey girls.. Guess what.. I passed that means we get to leave at the end of the week as planed"

Julia was the first to raise her head giving me a smug look.. Then Narnra ever the ball full of energy ran up to me and started sniffing at my book bag to search of any thing edible, if I didn't know better I would think she was a munchlex instead of an eevee I gave her the rest of my lasagna and sat down on the bed.. Since the day I caught Narnra I hadn't heard a peep out of Julia.. I know it wasn't a dream I mean the every starving eevee was proof enough my vulpix speaks to me but its seems only when she feels like it.. She hopes up into me lap and nuzzles against my waist to get me to pet her I laugh and oblige her, I open my pokedex to read through the info on my to pokemon my eevee seems only to have a tackle attack but Julia has ember, tackle, and quick attack.. I think back on the battle at what I saw then and smiled while stroking Julia's tail "she never stood a chance did she you little vixen"

Suddenly I head that unmistakable voice in my head and only one word "twit"

I blinked at her and shook my head setting her to the side and moves to my closet to start packing I 'borrowed' my dads old army bag I could pack a lot in it and was easy to carry and held a lot, and a pop up tent that folded open and easily fit 2 or 3 people I laid out my clothing 4 pair of jean 3 sweat pants 7 tee shirts and 4 sweeter.. I paused as I looked through my draws "mom" I yelled "have you seen my boxers"

"no honey didn't you wash any" she yelled back

I blinked "I wonder where they all went" I shrugged ever since that erotic dream I had about the two girls my boxers had steadily vanished I've had to start sleeping nude.. I shook my head thinking they probably just got mixed in with my dads I stuffed my clothing into the bag then added my swim trunks and sleeping bags.. The poke' centers had wash rooms and laundries so I wasn't to worried about clean clothing it was only the trip between towns that I would need my extras "ok girls what do you say want to sleep out side to night?"

Julia yip excitedly and ran to the door Narnra followed suit there after I just laughed and open the door "mom were going to be camping out to night" I said as I ran down the stairs I didn't really hear her reply as I ran out the door but I am sure she didn't mind

That night after setting up camp on a rough hill over looking scrub town, Knowing that soon I will walk away from it I could never go home the old metallicia song pops into my head "and the road becomes my bride" I start to sing only to see Julia looking up at me strangely "its only a song"

I shook my head and set about making a fire and some stew.. Me and my pokemon eat our fill that night an I was glad mom made me take home ec. As I would have starved with out it.. Our hunger sated we laid down in the tent and slept well I on my sleeping bag covered only in a sheet.. I had another erotic dream that night only it didn't involve my pokemon this time it was two red head busty women licking my cock.. It was so real I could feel there tongues lapping at my cock..

The next 3 days passed uneventful we slept, ate, and practiced from dawn tell well after dark I seemed my dreams were pleasant enough I didn't soil my sheets.. So that Friday I went back to town for the last time did my laundry and told my mom far well and set off for Pewter city with nothing but good feelings.

Julia's view

The next 2 weeks crawled by the twit almost refused to read his books and if he didn't pass his test we wouldn't be able to get out of this house.. So I took matters into my own paws even though I cant read I simply pawed through the books and sent what I saw into the twits sleeping mind.. If I didn't have to struggle to keep his mind focused and off mating it would have been a lot easier.. It made me almost wish he was a female.. But then he wouldn't have those interesting parts...

He came home after the test so proud of him self like he did any work.. But I let it go and settled for letting him scratch and pet me.. Then he remark on the battle with that every hungry eevee like I would lose to her, I had to call him a "twit". then he started packing for the trip this time with out me nudging him.. I smiled in my way and thought 'perhaps he can be taught' then looking down to Narnra stuffing her face with his left over I heard him call out "mom, have you seen my boxers" I paws on my muzzle to keep from laughing as me and Narnra had been smuggling them out and burring them under a large tree in the back yard.. It made it easier to watch his parts.. For some reason they fascinated me and make my back end feel funny..

After he got every thing to gather he asked us if you wanted to go out side with him to sleep out side.. My heart raced so much so that I jumped from the bed and bolted for the door.. He was as slow as always.. I lead the way to a nice hill side over looking the town it looked so peace full.. When my stomach growled Narnra came up beside me and asked "sister is hungry to time for dinner.." and made a lap around the camp jay set up..

I couldn't argue with her so I nudged the twit to cook something.. He actually did a good job.. I ate my fill but left room for desert... I didn't has to wait long as he called us to bed leaving us out of our balls... I pretended to fall fast a sleep until I heard jay start to snore I knew that I he wouldn't wake up.. I padded over to Narnra and nudged her awake..

She looked up at me sleepily a asked "what sister, it morning" yawing widely "all ready"

I shook my head "no Narnra.. I just wanted to know if you were still hungry" knowing full well she always was..

She blinked at me and sniffed around "I don't smell any food what we gona eat"

I smiled back "you remember that white stuff from master" she nodded as I continued "I know how to get some more.. You want to share?"

She rose to her feet tail wagging happily and almost barked in joy.. Almost if I hadn't put my paw on her nose and sead "we have to be quite thought" she kept quite and behind me as I pulled jays covers form his waist unveiling his most interesting member it was soft, It looked like a long thick sausage. I let out a disappointed sigh and it twitched I ran my tongue against it and it started to stiffen almost immediately "come sister help me lick" I told Narnra

Wagging her tail she almost pounced at the chance licking at the quickly hardening fleshy rod jay started groaning in his sleep he must have been having a really good dream... looking to Narnra a told her "enough the flesh rod is mind now" I showed my teeth to make the point clear..

Narnra laid her ears flat and whimpered "but I want to help"

After a moments thought I told her "lick the fleshy sack.. But no teeth" I then set to work licking the flesh on the tip back to show the inner meat.. my heart jumped into my throat when I saw it nude.. I couldn't decide on where I wanted to lick my self then with out really thinking I opened my maw wide and tried to swallow it and started to suckle at it like I was a pup and it was my mothers tit, it pulsed in my maw and I started to taste that salty sweet stuff.. I pulled off it looking to Narnra "its almost ready"

Here ear perked up and she look down the long shaft at me "I can have the white stuff?" she asked in a submissive voice..

I nodded my head and continued to lick my flesh pole pausing to just long enough to make it clear "the white stuff is your but the fleshy rod is all mine from now on.. Got it?" she nodded and waited licking her lips.. I enclosed the shaft in my mouth again and started sucking.. The longer I sucked the hotter my pussy got until the tip of the flesh rod seemed to explodes in the taste white stuff.. I pulled back letting it fill my mouth as I licked it much of it flowing from the sides of my maws.. Which Narnra was quick to lick up like the good beta she is.. When the white stuffed stop flowing I told the eevee to go back to sleep then lick my flesh rod cleaned "looking up to jays face I though when we get far enough from town I would let him know of my new toy, if he was lucky I might let him play with it.. Then a curled up and gave my pussy a good hard licking until I fell asleep from pleasure..

jay’s training/threw julia's eyes

My name is jay... I'm a pokemon breeder... At least I was, there are some things they don't tell you when they give you your pokedex, like it keeps track of not only the pokemon you come in contact with but reports the information directly back to the...

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