The Journey North (2)

Story by WolfSlaveCly on SoFurry

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#2 of Monoshifter's Saga

By evening, Wolfy was tired. Anubis had made her walk behind his suit. When he finally stopped for the night, she dropped to the ground, breathing hard. Her paws ached and one of her pads was split open. She was very thirsty and hungry. Each and every muscle ached.

Anubis hopped out of his suit and came over to stand over her, grinning down at her. "Poor pup. With you in such a weak state I guess I made you work too hard. But the night is young and there is still yet more work to do." She glared at him, but he turned and went into the brush in search of food and wood. He knew she was too tired to try and escape.

She didn't know how long she'd slept, but she woke to the sound of a crackling fire and the smell of roasting meat. She opened her eyes and looked around. Anubis was no where to be seen, yet again. Struggling to sit up, Wolfy clambered stiffly to her feet, favoring the one with the torn pad, and limped to the bushes. She needed to relieve herself and she'd never felt comfortable doing it in the open, unlike her male teammates. Burying it, she limped back and crumpled to the ground, too tired to care about anything else. She knew better than to run, especially in this state.

It wasn't long before she felt a hand on her shoulder. She'd been dozing and hadn't noticed Anubis' return. She peered up at him, drowsily and defiant. But he untied her muzzle and offered her food and water. With her belly full, she lay on her side, the only thing on her mind was to go back to sleep, but Anubis wouldn't let her.

"Tsk, tsk," he waved a finger at her once he'd muzzled her again. "I told you there was more work to be done. And I'm not done with you!" He grinned, and she cringed, whimpering and laying back her ears. She tucked her tail between her legs, using her legs to push herself away from him. But he reached out and grabbed her leash, pulling her to him. She whimpered, her eyes and her posture begging him to leave her alone. She squeezed her legs together tightly, her long fluffy tail laying flat against her cream colored belly. But she knew she would lose. She was still in heat, and Anubis had been made to endure it all day. Now he wanted her and he wasn't going to stop until he got what he wanted.

He laughed, moving closer to her. "Sweeting, don't be coy. And don't act like you don't want it. You aren't fooling me." Wolfy whimpered helplessly. She felt so used, like she was a toy that meant little. As if reading her mind, Anubis grabbed her hair and drew her closer still, rumbling harshly in her ear, "You are my pet, my toy, my slut. I can do with you as I please, how I please, and when I please. And right now, I intend to use you." His hand slid down over her soft belly and slipped under her tail. She whimpered desperately, squirming away from him. But she only got a little ways before hitting a tree. Now she was cornered.

She felt the rough pads on his fingers touch her intimately, and she gave a low moan. She knew she wouldn't be able to fight him. All of her was so sensitive to his touch right now, and he knew it very well. Squeezing her eyes shut, she fought hard to resist the pleasure that fed the flame of her heat. She felt her body growing warm, felt her hip make small, involuntary movements toward Anubis. He grinned, chuckling cruelly when he felt the small jerks of her hips. "You see, my pet, I know what you want. I can see right through your act."

He put his other hand on one of her knees and pulled her legs open. She didn't have the strength to fight him, and once he had her legs apart, he plunged his fingers deep inside of her. She would have cried out had she not been muzzled, and she whimpered and moaned and squirmed as he pounded her with three fingers, using his thumb to stimulate her clit. By now she had lost nearly all control, the fire inside of her burning away any resistance.

He stopped suddenly, feeling her draw close to bliss. She whimpered and grinded her hips, her movements begging him to continue. But he pulled out his fingers, and turned her over. In this position, she felt so helpless and vulnerable. With her ass in the air, she felt completely powerless, completely at Anubis' mercy. This was how animals did it, and it made her feel even more humiliated, like she was nothing but his dog, his bitch. Burning with as much humiliation as lust, Wolfy whined in need. But Anubis was going to do things entirely his way.

He got up and looked down on her, grinning that cruel wicked grin of his that showed all of his razor teeth. Wolfy, confused, was about to drop her butt when Anubis jerked her leash. "I did not tell you you could move!" His voice was sweet, but the underlying tone sent a shudder down her spine. She stayed as she was, whining and wriggling in shame. After a moment, he knelt down to her and held her face in his hands, bringing her up slightly to look into his eyes. They shone from within, reflecting the light of the fire. She trembled in his grasp, knowing that the glow had to do with more than just a reflection.

She feared him greatly, feared what he was doing to her, what he was turning her into. All she wanted was to be loved and cared for. She wanted someone who would cherish her and treat her with respect and dignity, listen to her needs and wants, and provide the emotional support that she craved. But he had changed her, turned her into a... a... slut; HIS slut. At least that's how she felt at the moment as her clit throbbed and her nipples tightened and ached for his touch. She wanted him right now, despite how he humiliated her, and despite how he hurt her.

Thinking of him when he was angry, only this morning, frightened her more. She squeezed her eyes shut, afraid he would see everything she was feeling at that moment. But he whispered gently in her ear, one hand holding her up while the other stroked her muzzle softly. "Wolfy. Dear sweet Wolfy. Look at the affect you have on me." She opened her eyes and saw his cock slide out of its sheath, hardening for her, because of her. It suddenly made her realize that she did have power, she had power over him, and when he tousled her ears in a playful, intimate way, she realized that what he did to her was to please her, pleasure her because he cared about her.

As sudden as that strange moment of bonding had occurred, it ended, and Anubis released Wolfy back to the ground. He raked his claws through her fur, scratching her skin but not breaking through. Wolfy tried to bark in surprise when she felt his hand slap her across her ass. It stung, but didn't hurt that bad. She still had her tail tucked between her legs in her last effort to defy him. However, that seemed to help rather than hinder this particular action. "How do you like that, my pet? You know why I can do this to you?" He slapped her again and she whimpered, ashamed that it made her wetter. "Because I own you. You are my toy, and I can do whatever I want to you." She felt the stinging blow yet again and she wriggled in need, all of her body wanting him. The memory of him hardening for her, and only her made her slit throb harder and grow wetter, until her tail was soaked with it.

After enduring a few more spankings, Anubis finally knelt behind her, leaning over her and burying his fingers in her fur, finding her small, tight nipples and toying with them, making her whine in all the more need. Finally, her scent was driving him nuts and he backed off a bit, grinning at her feeble last resort of preventing him from using her. "Well, how am I suppose to relieve your needs if you keep me out? Surely I can't go through your self made chastity belt! Why not remove it, and I can stop that fire that is going to burn you alive from the inside."

Despite herself, despite what she knew she should do, and completely against her usual (or rather former) self, she slowly lifted her tail and held it to the side in submission and invitation. Anubis laughed, making her burn with shame at herself. He touched her, rubbing and tapping her clit until it throbbed so hard she almost couldn't take it anymore. She kept pushing herself closer to him, wanting him desperately. "My, what a little slut you've turned into. I knew it from the start, you just like to play hard to get and tease and taunt until you finally get what you want. You should never have taunted me, sweeting. I always get revenge."

And then she wanted to scream as he slid into her, almost effortlessly. She sobbed and moaned and whimpered, writhing under him as he pounded her, taking her completely as he wanted, how fast, and how hard. She felt him deep inside, moving in ways she had not experienced before. When he bent over her, slowing, she wanted to beg him to keep going. "You like having my cock so deep inside you, don't you, bitch?" He thrust hard, making her moan. "You want more, don't you? You want all of it, every last centimeter, until you feel like you're going to rip in half. Beg for it, bitch!"

Wolfy whimpered desperately, squirming, grinding her hips, moving against him, everything she could think of. She didn't know what he was looking for, but after she tried everything, she sobbed, whimpering helplessly. She wanted the release, but she didn't know what he wanted. When he felt her tremble, he grinned, stroking her back and moving enough to torment her. "Oh, silly me, I forgot you were still muzzled. My, though, what an effort you made for something you didn't want just a few minutes ago!"

Wolfy whined in shame and in relief. He had only been taunting her! He continued until he felt her tighten, her body moving entirely of its own accord, and she sobbed in absolute pleasure as she felt like she was leaving her body, like the cosmos had opened up and swallowed her into itself. The fire inside her made her feel like she was going to explode into flames and melt into a puddle of ecstasy.

It was nearly dawn before Anubis finished with her. He held her close and stroked her fur. It was so soft compared to his own, but that was the way it usually was. It was thick and lushous, and he envied her. He breathed in her scent and reveled in it. It had rubbed all over him and he liked that. In her sleep, Wolfy whimpered softly, cuddling closer to him. He had removed the bonds on her arms and muzzle. They were no longer needed. He owned her now, and not just in body. She buried her nose in his chest fur and mumbled sexy things without realizing it. "I hope you remember to say those things when you wake up," he whispered so softly in her ear, he doubt she would have heard it in her dream. Burying his nose in her hair, he fell asleep, a small smile on his face.


The morning came too fast. Wolfy whimpered as she felt Anubis' hands upon her. She heard something ominous, something that made her hackles rise. She felt Anubis hold her tightly and a growl tore through his body making her shudder and not want to open her eyes. She heard the cocking of a gun and looked up. They were surrounded by rogues, werewolves that took no side, none but their own.

Anubis snarled but couldn't move as there were three guns pointed at his head. Two other wolves were checking the suit, and two others were waiting, at the ready should anything happen.

Wolfy whimpered in fear. Where the hell did they come from? She looked up into Anubis' eyes and he glanced at her, his hold on her tightening. Over his shoulder she saw the obvious leader. He was a huge wolf, taller and far bulkier than any of them. He had a brutal scar over his face and through his left eye. It pulled his lip up into an eternal smirk and that canine tooth was broken. He did not look friendly or willing to compromise. Wolfy gave a low whine and Anubis turned to face the huge black and silver male.

"Well, well, well. I never thought I'd be seeing you again. You disgrace the god you were named after, Anubis." He spat his name as if it were a curse. Anubis bared his fangs.

"At least I still have both my eyes, Scarface."

The big male growled. "Don't use that name."

Anubis released Wolfy and stood slowly, knowing his position would do no good should things get ugly. Wolfy sat up and leaned against his leg in fear. She did not like how things were looking. Obviously these two knew each other, but did not like each other.

The wolves holding the guns backed off a bit and let him stand. They were eyeing Wolfy both in curiosity and in lust. She realized she still had the collar and leash on, so it must look strange.

Anubis had to look up at the scarred wolf, but he didn't back down. Obviously they knew each other very well. "Well, Jordan, what do you want? Were you hired to find me because I've been gone for so long?"

"No. Is there a bounty on your head that I should know about, though? Knowing you, I wouldn't be surprised." Jordan grinned, but it was without humor.

Anubis grunted. "Then why do you hold guns to me? I am unarmed and taken by complete surprise."

Jordan scratched at the long shaggy fur that grew on his chin before waving to his comrades. They lowered their weapons. Then Jordan looked down at Wolfy and she cringed. She did not like what she saw in his remaining eye. It was as if she were looking into the fiery depth of hell. How Anubis could know someone like him, she didn't know. But she certainly did not feel very comfortable. She knew she was giving off a heavy scent and it affected all the males.

"Looks like you snared yourself a cute little bitch. Hope you stay flealess." She glared at him. He actually thought she was some kind of feral wolf, the kind that lived in the woods and alone like in the old days. She snored, and was about to respond when she felt Anubis' hand land heavily on her head.

"She is mine. And you will leave her out of it. Now I'd suggest that you leave me be if you're not here for any specific reason." He faced the big wolf, staring Jordan straight in his eye. Jordan glowered for a bit.

One of the younger wolves was a bit too impatient. He must have been quite young and didn't know his place. He snuck close and reached out for Wolfy. She jumped and growled at him, but the young one didn't get the chance to back off. Anubis whipped around and grabbed him by the throat, bringing him close. The little one gave out a yelp before blood poured down his white chest, his throat torn open by Anubis' fangs. Once he had stopped squirming, Anubis dropped him and glared at the others.

Jordan didn't move. He looked down at the young wolf's body and shrugged. "You still have that temper. Well, I suppose there is no reason to be holding you hostage. C'mon boys, let's move out. Nothing important here."

The other wolves grumbled but did as they were told. Obviously Jordan had respect for Anubis. As they climbed back into their suits, Jordan turned and, using his middle finger, traced the scar that had taken out his eye and laughed before closing the cockpit and heading off into the brush.

Anubis turned and knelt down to Wolfy. She looked up at him and buried her face into his chest. He held her close and stayed watchful.

"Who were they?" Wolfy felt unsettled and scared. If Anubis hadn't known the leader, what would have happened?

"Jordan. I've known him since we were in the academy. We hated each other from the start, but we respected each other. At one point, in training, he had been attacked by a Sky Stalker. It lifted him off the ground and I reached out to help him, but instead I missed and clawed out his eye. I followed that beast all the way back to its nest and killed it and carried Jordan back to base. After that, he's owed me one. I suppose we're even. And he even left us a suit!"

Anubis got up and approached it cautiously. He knew that the rogues often trapped their suits. But when he determined it was safe, he turned to Wolfy. "Well, look at our luck!" Wolfy looked at what he was pointing at and had to giggle. It was the symbol from her side. Now they could get through the border without fear.


Evening approached quickly and the two suits stopped and crouched, letting out their occupants. Wolfy wanted to sleep; she was very tired and sore. Anubis had wrapped her paw, but it still hurt. He left to find food while she made a fire. Once it was finished, she pulled out a blanket that she had found in the suit and wrapped herself in it and fell asleep.

When she awoke not too long later, Anubis was waving the meat under her nose. She sat up drowsily, and reached out for it, but he snapped it back from her. He then grabbed her leash and jerked her close to him. As soon as she felt the pull, she felt her heart quicken and her heat flare up again, despite how tired she was. Anubis grinned as he smelt the change. "You need to beg for it." He looked at the meat and looked like he was going to eat it.

"Please!" Wolfy yelped. She was hungry and afraid he really was going to eat it. Anubis stopped and looked at her with a raised brow.

"Please what?"

Wolfy felt her face flush, but her silvery fur hid her blush. "Can I please have the meat?" She reached out for it, but he pulled it away again.

"There's something missing from that sentence..."

Wolfy blinked in confusion. She didn't understand at first, but when he grinned at her and tugged on her leash in a hint, her eyes widened. She bared her teeth. "I am not calling you that!"

"Very well." He got up and pulled a piece of the meat off its stick and put it in his mouth. Chewing loudly, he blocked her view so she didn't know there was more. Wolfy whimpered and lowered her ears, looking to the ground. She mumbled incoherently, but Anubis flicked his ears and turned to her. "What was that?"

Wolfy whimpered again and repeated louder, "Can I please have the meat... master?" Anubis grinned and came back to her. "That's better." As she reached out for it, he suddenly grabbed her by her hair and pulled her head back and looked her in her eyes. "Who owns you?"

Wolfy's jaw dropped and she couldn't believe such a question. But when his eyes narrowed dangerously and she felt his fingers find their way through her fur and find a nipple, she gasped and whimpered as he made her squirm and grind her hips in need. Finally, he whispered in her ear, gripping her hair even harder and pulling her head back further. "Who owns you?"

Wolfy blushed brightly and squirmed uncomfortably. She couldn't understand why admitting that he owned her made her so wet. When she finally said what he wanted, he let go and handed her the food, petting her between her ears. "Good girl," he said and got up to put more wood on the fire. She then noticed there was still more food. She lowered her eyes and ears in shame that she had said those things for it.

When she had finished what he had given her, she looked over at him from across the fire. He raised a brow in question. She looked down and despite herself, she got onto her knees and crawled over to him. She then laid her head onto his lap and lowered her ears, her tail tucked tightly between her legs, though not to keep him out, simply from her embarrassment. Anubis grinned and stroked her between her ears. "My, don't you learn fast, sweeting."

Wolfy looked up at him, the fire reflecting off her eyes. Anubis' eyes narrowed as he realized what was going on. Despite what he did to her, despite she had admitted he owned her, it was she who owned him. Growling, he grabbed her hair and bent her head back even as he pulled her to her knees. She whimpered a bit but didn't resist. He looked her straight in the eye, and twitched. He felt himself harden simply from the look she gave him. He then felt her smaller hands on his hardening cock and he sneered.

"You are insatiable, slave." He let her go and leaned back a bit on the log he was sitting on. He grinned at her and pointed at his manhood. "If you want it so much, why not help it along. He needs some encouragement." Wolfy's ears seemed to nearly fall off the sides of her head they went so far down. She was so ashamed at what she was doing and what was happening to her. She never would have dreamed of doing these things. For a moment, she sat back and whimpered, afraid of her own emotions.

Anubis realized her posture and could guess how she was feeling. He grabbed her hair and pulled her head back to look into her eyes. He then smiled and touched her wet nose. "What's the matter, my sweet slut? Don't you want to please your master?"

Wolfy couldn't look at him and she turned her eyes away. "I... I... I'm so... ashamed.... I... I've never done any of this...."

Anubis jerked her hair and she looked at him again in surprise. "You're new to servitude, so I'll allow a little misbehavior. But your job is to please your master, no matter how you feel, do you understand?" Wolfy's eyes were wide in fear and disbelief. She didn't quite understand. She couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or not.

Sighing, Anubis pulled her close to him and allowed her a few moments to relax. It was all just too much for her. When she calmed down, he slid his hand down and touched her. She whined in need and moved her hips against his fingers. He chuckled and refused her until she reached out to him. Her hands were timid and unsure. She wanted to please him, but she wasn't sure how.

Anubis put his hands over Wolfy's and helped her, taught her what he wanted, and how he wanted it. After a while, she built up enough courage to do it on her own. He then whispered gently in her ear. "Your tongue would do a good job, sweeting...." Fearfully, timidly, Wolfy licked Anubis' cock. She whimpered, not sure if she was doing it right. But his gentle hand on her head reassured her and she did it again, slowly, provocatively, and after a bit started teasing him, pretending to be about to take him into her mouth, then changing her mind and stopping.

Anubis growled, grabbing her hair. "You little bitch! You love to taunt, do you? Well, I'll have to teach you not to make promises you don't intend to keep, you cock tease!" He pulled out the Were Gem from his belt pouch and held it up to her. She whimpered, remembering the pleasure from the last time he had made her human. He laughed, his hand moving down. "My goodness, you have turned into quite the slut. And you are all mine...."

His fingers plunged into her and she cried out. She felt its affect immediately. It took only a few seconds for her to change. It wasn't painful, it was simply uncomfortable. A few seconds later, Anubis tore her old pelt open and threw it to the side. Wolfy then realized how chilly it was. Her nipples tightened as Anubis grabbed her hair and pulled her head back. She squirmed as she felt his large tongue move over her breast, the pads of his hand moving over the nipple, rubbing it and rolling it. Wolfy moaned, her hands reaching out to him, wanting him terribly.

Anubis growled and pulled Wolfy onto his lap, forcing her legs apart. Wolfy grinded her hips and as Anubis pulled her down onto his cock, she helped guide it in. He stretched her and she cried out as he slipped completely into her. For a moment, Anubis groaned and lost himself in her sweet warmth. Then, slowly, he grabbed her hips and began to move her up and down his shaft, teaching her the rhythm. She clutched him tightly, her arms around his neck, her screams muffled in his fur. She soon learned she could tease him even more in this position, and she slowed, moving a little at a time until he growled and glared at her. She grinned playfully at him. He smirked and grabbed her long, black, curly hair in his hand, pulling her head back and nipping her throat. Using his other hand, he forced her hips down onto him, plunging entirely into her until she felt as if she would rip in half. She shuddered and tightened and felt her heat lick into her mind again until she couldn't stand it any longer and plunged into the dark sea of pleasure.

When her orgasm passed, Anubis turned her and pushed her to the ground, taking her like an animal, like his animal. Her hands clenched the loose leaves on the ground as he pounded her violently, taking her as he chose. The leaves rubbed against her tight nipples, causing even more pleasure, and she felt as if she were looking up at a great wave of ecstasy that was about to wash her away any moment. When Anubis' hand found its way under her to play with her clit, she felt the wave break and she screamed and writhed under him until he too lost all thought and reason and growled and moaned in an instinctual way.

Anubis was panting by the time he's senses returned. Unlike humans, werewolves can't sweat. Wolfy's skin was slick with sweat and she panted as well, feeling her own senses return slowly. Anubis ran his hand over her back and she shuddered, whimpering. "Who owns you?"

Wolfy squirmed, feeling turned on simply by the question. He had already proved his ownership of her, but it was another thing for her to admit it. "You do, master," she mumbled. She felt a stinging slap on her rump and she yelped in surprise. "I didn't hear you, slave."

"You own me, master," Wolfy said louder, squirming. Anubis grinned and pulled out of her slowly. She could feel his warm fluids pour out of her much smaller body. As a werewolf, she didn't have to worry about that, but now she felt it run down her legs and she whimpered both in disgust and in pleasure. They were his fluids, he had put them in her, he owned her.

Anubis chuckled, running a finger over her still throbbing clit. She moaned, and moved closer to him. He then put his fingers into her and moved them quickly until she felt as if she would die and go to heaven. Finally, he pulled his fingers out and with it the Gem. Wolfy felt the change as her human skin cracked and fell off, her new skin growing and changing, her teeth falling out and new ones taking their place, her bones elongating and her muscles growing and wrapping themselves around her limbs. Even though she was weaker than a male wolf, she could easy overpower any normal human. At last, she was in her usual form.

Before she got the chance to move, she felt Anubis click the collar around her neck and pulled her against him. He then buried his nose in her hair and pulled the blanket around them as the night grew ever colder.

The Journey North 3

They continued slowly toward the North, knowing that at some point they would hit the border. The day went by with little distraction. Their machines, called M.A.S. for short, moved quietly through the brush for their size. They moved with speed, but...

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Teacher's Pet (1)

Ivy knelt to pick some berries off a bush along the trail she was walking. She was headed home after going to the city, a massive jungle of concrete and steel, filled with almost all werewolves. There were a few badgers and a leopard, an otter, and...

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The Journey North

Wolfy knew she was in enemy territory. She'd seen the flags, the dead bodies and twisted machine suits. Mobile Armor Suits they were called. She was inside her own. And she was in danger. Her suit wasn't much bulkier than her in her werewolf form...

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