It's Infection

Story by TiranMaster on SoFurry

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Tiran was out late at night after a party with some friends, his tail was dragging low on the ground due to exhaustion. He looked at his watch and saw that it was two in the morning, "Damn, that party last way later than I expected it to." As he walked he started to hear a strange slurping noise from the direction of an alley that he was passing by, normally he would just pin it to love sick teenagers but tonight he decided to go check what it was. As the wolf turned into the alley he found that the noises sounded less like slurping and more like chewing. "Hello?" Tiran slowly walked up through the alley; he was starting to expect that it was just a hobo eating from a trashcan. As he came closer to the sound he heard a splashing noise and looked down to see that he was standing a pool of something, "It hasn't rained for a while, what could this be?" He wondered out loud, as he bent down near the pool he caught the strong scent of iron coming from the pool. He strangely felt nervous as he dipped his finger into the pool, as he brought his finger towards his face he could see that it was red... blood red. As he started to realize what he was standing in the chewing noise from earlier stopped, a shuffling sound started up. Tiran started to panic as he looked over to see a tigerman was walking towards him, "Hey man are you alright?..." He slowly backed away from the man; he could see that something was wrong. The man's eyes were glazed over, "Urrrr." The moan that escaped from the man's throat didn't sound good. Tiran did a quick glance over the man and saw that pieces of his flesh were peeling off, "Oh man you don't look good." The tiger had blood dripping off of his lips and pieces of skin hanging off of his teeth, "Oh god..." The tiger suddenly lunged at Tiran, Tiran barely dodged the tiger but he fell on the ground as he did. Tiran scrambled away from the tiger who seemed to be struggling with getting up, "What is wrong with you?!" Tiran was yelling at the tiger who finally got to his ground, "Uhhh." Suddenly a noise came from behind Tiran, "What?!" He shouted out as he suddenly was bitten on his shoulder, "Fuck!" He shouted loudly as he lashed out at the person who had bitten him. As he stumbled forward he looked back to see the person who had bitten him. Tiran looked at the person who had bitten him, it was a lizard woman who seemed to be missing part of her head. "Oh my god..." Tiran suddenly felt extremely sick, the lizard woman and the tiger started converging on him. Tiran started to run away clutching his shoulder, as he looked behind him he saw that they didn't seem to be able to run. After running from the alley and down a few blocks he stopped to check out his shoulder, his fur was brushed with blood and the bite seemed to have a nasty tint of green to it. Tiran started to panic, "What the fuck was in that bite?!" Before Tiran could say another word a huge dizzy spell hit him, "Oh..." He collapsed to the ground with blood leaking from his shoulder. After a long period of darkness he opened his eyes to find himself in a sterile white room. "Where am I?" He asked to no one in particular but what surprised him was that someone answered him, "You're in quarantine." Tiran was shocked, what possible reason could they be holding him in quarantine. As he sat up from the bed he suddenly felt a pain from his shoulder and the prior night suddenly all came back to him. The wolf suddenly doubled over and retched, "As so the poison is starting to affect your stomach." The mechanical voice observed, "Wh... what poison?" Tiran was able to choke out, "You have been infected with a mysterious strain of disease, it slowly kills you then it brings you back to life." Tiran processed this for a moment, "You mean it makes me into a zombie?" He tried to ask as calmly as he could, "In layman's terms yes." The voice awnsered. Tiran put his head in his paws, "So what you're telling me is that I'm going to die and come back any minute now?" The voice didn't bother to answer, "Where did this poison come from?" The voice once again didn't answer, "Alright if you're not going to answer that then at least answer this, what are you going to do to me?" For a moment Tiran thought the voice wasn't going to answer but he was shocked to find that it did, "We're going to use you as a base for a vaccine for the infection." Tiran mulled this over, "Is that before or after I'm a zombie?" The voice dropped back into its silent act, "Alright, well I guess twenty questions is done then..." Tiran muttered to himself. Tiran decided that it would just be better for him to go back to sleep for now and then sank into a fitful sleep.

1 Week after Infection

Tiran woke up to find himself tied down and a needle in his arm, for the last week the same process had been administered. The first day that it had happened he had panicked but he found that if he panicked he was prodded with an electric prod. He let the scientist do his job, as Tiran waited for the man to finish up he looked over himself. The infection was starting to take effect, his fur was falling off in large clumps and the skin underneath was becoming different shades of a lifeless gray color. He felt the needle get tugged out of his arm and watched as the scientist walk out, after a minute the restraints that held him down suddenly popped off. Tiran stretched out and slowly sat up, his stomach growled very loudly. The scientists were apparently letting him starve to see how long he would last. The worst part about the hunger is that he wasn't craving normal food; he wanted a nice raw bite of flesh. His muzzle twisted in displeasure at the thought, as a human animal hybrid he had grown past the old primal urge of eating raw flesh. As he stood up to do some exercises he found himself scratching at his arm, as he scratched he suddenly felt an awful feeling of tearing. He forced himself to look at his arm and saw that the flesh on his arm had ripped off into his hand and the bone of his arm was showing. Tiran started to retch on the spot, but because of him being starved it was much dry heaves than anything. After throwing the skin away in disgust he tried to speak to the voice but found that his speech abilities were greatly diminished because of the infection. After a few attempts of speaking he gave up, he sat on his bed and held his head in his hands. The infection was slowly robbing him of his memories, he found that he couldn't remember a lot of his education and that he had forgotten his own parents faces and names. This thought greatly enraged the wolf and he screamed a long and inhuman wail. The sound echoed and he stopped quickly in horror, the scream that had escaped from his lips was the same howl that he had heard from the tiger. The voice suddenly started to speak after a moment of silence, "You are to go to sleep now." Tiran got angry at this command, he had just woken up why should he go to sleep. "You have screamed for approximately three hours, this is a clear sign that your mental condition is deteriorating." Tiran was shocked, for him it had only seemed like he had screamed for a few minutes. Suddenly a green gas came into the room, as Tiran breathed in the gas he felt a heaviness drag his eyelids down. "N.. no..." The words sloppily tumbled from his lips as he passed out.

3 Weeks after Infection

It couldn't remember its name; it couldn't remember what species it had been. It couldn't even remember its gender. All it could remember was a deep and growing hunger. It had been in this room for so long without food, what made it angry was that its prey came in and locked it up and poked it with sharp things. It tried to bite them but they just locked it up and continued to poke it with sharp things. It closed its eyes and listened for its siblings calls but it couldn't hear them. They had been silenced by the prey, this extremely angered it. They tried to talk to it but it didn't care, it just wanted food and freedom. It also wanted to have new siblings; the prey would make good siblings. At first it had blindly attacked the prey but now it had realized that they wouldn't let it go unless it pretended to become subservient. So after a while it had realized that if it gained their trust it would be able to trick the prey. It had pretended to become docile; it did whatever the prey showed it to do. It was biding its time until it was the right time, today it would make its move it could feel it. As it waited for the prey to come it caught a glimpse of itself in the reflective floor, it had a pair of sharp bony ears on top of its head. It had a muzzle that had shreds of flesh clinging to it, its ribs showed through what was left of its flesh. Suddenly the door opened and the prey walked inside, it sat down like it had every time they came in as if to say that it was the prey's pet. The prey smiled and walked up it and pulled out its sharp things. As the prey prepared to inject the sharp thing it finally acted, it jumped on top of the prey and took a bite out of the prey's neck. The prey screamed a hair rising scream and fell to the floor flopping in its own fluids. As the flesh went down its throat it savored the flavor of the flesh and red liquid. It realized that it didn't have much time before the prey came in to attack it, it bounded out of the room and stopped as a scientist passed by the hallway to see it coming out of the door, "Oh my go..." Before the prey could finish its sentence it pounced on the prey and took a bite out of the preys stomach, it could taste the food of the prey. It could see that the prey was coming with black shiny cylinders, the prey started to aim the cylinders at it but before they could use the shiny things it bolted down the hall. It ran into a few more fleeing scientists before finally reaching an exit, it grinned a bloody grin as it pushed the door open. It ran out into the world and howled a bloody savage howl that any humans heard instantly made them cower in fear. More of the howls raised from around the city and joined in, it grinned now finally having tasted the preys flesh. It would make a larger family and have as much flesh as it needed. Inside of the building the labrotories head man was sitting in a cushy chair and was eating his dinner as a knocking sound echoed in his room, "Come in." He answered, an extremely pale looking scientist rushed into the room. "Sir it's the experiement, it got out!" The man waited for a shocked expression but no such look appeared on the Head's face instead a pleased look came, "Ah, it accomplished it much faster than I expected it to." The scientist was confused, "Sir, you're telling me that you planed this?" The head nodded slyly, "Of course, why do you think that I was giving it all of those shots. You see the zombies that we made in the past could only stagger with a minimal intelligence, but with this one the shots that I gave to it made it stronger, faster, and smarter than any of them before." The scientist gaped in awe and in disgust, "You're telling me that not only did you make that... that monstrosity, but you made the original zombies as well?!" The head raised his hands in mock defeat, "Oh you caught me, now what will you do, call security?" The scientist seemed to try to think of an answer but nothing came, "Yes that's right, you can't can you? Why is that? Oh that's right, this company belongs to me, now will you quit or will you stay?" The scientist put on a hard face for a moment before a look of defeat crossed over his face and he slowly walked out of the room. The head looked at the little video in front of him that he had been watching before he had been interrupted, "Oh you beauty, I'm sure you will make sure that this city will be under my control soon enough." A freeze frame of the savage zombie wolf was splashed across the screen, "I'm very sure of that."

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