The World of Everlasting Summer

Story by TheNovelist on SoFurry

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#10 of Exploration

I woke with a start, looking at my watch. So I could keep to a reasonably human timetable, I had purchased a simple sports watch, capable of withstanding impact. The time said six. Draco and Simba were whispering in one corner. Obviously they had no idea I was awake, but I stretched and said good morning. Simba looked happy, Draco a little nervous. I asked what was wrong.

"Simba says he may have worked out the riddle."

"And why is that wrong?"

"You saw the elves yesterday. Some of them might be a little old fashioned about us opening the door, and I can't fight off three dozen armed elves, and certainly not one that can throw us across the corridor."

"That's true, but if we have the leader there, he can keep them in check."

"We can but hope." Draco replied, still looking worried."So Alduin, you're the least imposing," he managed a slight laugh at this," you can go tell the leader we may have an answer."

I went over to the door, and pushed. It was locked.

"Oh fer Christ's sake." I said, giving it a gentle shove.

"Did they lock it again?"

"I'm afraid so.Do you have a magnet or something?"

"Way ahead of you." Draco replied. He drew from his belt a ball magnet, and placed it against the lock of the door. Then he gently slid it along the door towards the pillar. From the other side I could hear the tiny sound of scraping. There was a click, and the door opened.

Draco sat back with satisfaction.

"O.K., Alduin, go ahead."

I walked out the door, turning down the corridor we had come down. The corridors were deserted, but whether it was too early for the elves of not I couldn't say. I went past the mystical door, and after a few more minutes came to a door. I knocked politely, waited fifteen seconds, and then opened.

Three dozen spear-men surrounded me.I sighed, and leaned against the pillar. Emmanuel was beside himself with annoyance. The leader was looking with interest.

"How did you get past a locked door?"

"With the answer to another." I replied.

"Did you work it out?" the leader replied, a larger tone of interest settling on the old man's face. I nodded, and added.

"Simba has an idea. Could you come down to the corridor, and we shall find out."

I headed back, only to meet Draco and Simba by the door. Emmanuel, the three girls, and ten men with spears arrived shortly after. The leader stepped from the magic circle, and Simba turned to the door.

"It's only a theory, but here we go.Spring!"

There was nothing. Simba looked dejected, but I had thought of something.

"Language may have changed over that time. Emmanuel, do you have any scholars of the old times, of the wars?"

The leader spoke.

"I am one who has."

"Good. Do you know the original words for the changing of the weather patterns?"

"Let's see. Hologi, Krisstal, Dagwe, ah look."

The door lit up briefly. Simba pronounced clearly.


The door's perimeter shined with an unnatural light. Many of the elves fell back in awe, but Emmanuel and the leader stayed forward with us three. Then the door opened, into another passage. The light winked out, and there was the dark passage.

The leader smiled.

"The legends are true.Well, shall we go?"

Emmanuel lunged forward.

"Sir, you cannot go! This is the passage to Death!"

"In which case, I am the most logical person.I have been waiting for many years for him, so why not pay him a visit?"

I laughed.

"Come on, old man. Let's see the light at the end of the tunnel."

With the aid of his stick, the leader led us into the passage. It was narrow, and we walked I single file. We walked slowly behind the old man, looking at the runes on the walls. Draco was running a commentary of what the runes meant.

"And the elves of summer could see the future, and it had death and misery, and war. They saw a great plague, and famine. We were told this, and wished them to be kept safe, for if they should pass into the next world, summer would end, forever.So this tunnel was built, and at the end, a room, with seven chambers, containing the seven ladies of summer. And so they went into the chambers, and I watched as they became frozen in time. I locked the door, and stayed here. I wrote this, and will stand guard over the entrance until the war finishes. I hope they will come soon with news of joy. All elfdom knows the password, but only three know that it is the password."

The leader then came to a stone, and on the stone was a body. Upright still in death, the young elf had a spear beside him, and had his hands together in prayer. Beside him, there was a scrawl of writing, the last words of an elf in despair.Draco looked at it.

"They are not coming!"

There was an uncomfortable silence. But then it happened. The leader hobbled towards the entrance, and the elf sprung up. Well, actually that's not true. The spirit of the elf sprung up, holding a phantom spear.

"Halt, who are you?"

His body was a transparent green, and he glowed brightly. The leader looked calmly at the spear pointed at him.

"The war is over, has been for many millennia. We are here to recover the women of summer."

The elf lifted his spear.

"How many years?"

"Nearly eight thousand." Draco spoke hoarsely. The elf saw us three.

"Who are these strangers?"

"They worked out the riddle to open the door.They worked out all the translations, which has become dim in the minds of elves."

The ghostly elf bowed at us, and I felt a shiver across my spine.

Then he turned, and we followed him through the entrance, into a dim room. The ghostly elf waited until we were in the centre of the room, and then shouted.


Lights flashed, and then filled the room. These lights were more like electronic lights, and we stood in the centre, blinking away the white. Then we saw the scene.

"Oh my deity." I gasped. Simba started coughing. Draco whistled in amazement. The leader was still looking calm, but slightly awestruck.

The room was plain and circular, but the walls were made of metal. Arranged equally around the room were capsules, plain metal pods, and beside them was a simple number pad. The elf instructed us three larger people to go to a pod.

"Such a long duration of suspended animation, they might be very weak." the ghost said solemnly."Now, press these four buttons in order. Top left, middle right, top right, centre."

I did so, and a green light flickered behind the panel. There was a pneumatic hiss, and the door began to open.I stood in front of the door, and to my great surprise, a figure slumped out of the door.I wrapped my hands around the figure as she fell, and then gently lay her down.

She was beautiful. She was about my height, and her face sparkled like the rays of summer. Her body was exotically coloured, and her frame was slim but strong looking.Her hair was long and silkily black.She was awake, and her eyes were like the blue of the sky.She managed to speak, and her voice was peals of bells, so wonderfully gentle.

"Where am I?"

"You've woken from suspended animation, after eight millennia of sleeping, my lady."

"Who are you?"

"That, my lady, would take a longer time to explain."

The ghost of the elf came over, and she managed a faint smile.

"Nicholai, you've watched over us all this time?"

"Through life and death, lady. You are recovered?"

"Not yet.What happened?"

Nicholai began explaining to the tall elf, while I started opening the next pod. I could see Draco and Simba were doing the same. The second pod also contained a beautiful elf, but her hair was like gold, and her body was lighter coloured. She was still asleep, and as Draco and Simba started opening the last two, I went back to Nicholai.The regal elf spoke, and her voice was stronger.

"What is your name, explorer?"

"My name is Alduin, lady. What is yours?"

"Kohana, Alduin. You have managed a miracle, you and your friends. Had it not been for you, we would have slept until the end of the world."

"You honour us, Kohana." I replied formally.

She smiled. Her teeth were pearly white and perfectly formed. In fact, dare I say it, she was perfect full stop. So were all the others lying around the room. One or two others were awake, but most were asleep.Our good friend, the elf leader, was still trying to catch up with events, but was standing in the centre, speaking with Nicholai, who had drifted over to him.

Nicholai was informed about those waiting outside, and he discussed with the elf goddess who appeared to be the highest.Her name was Sofiya. She clapped her hands, and all the sleeping elves awoke.

"Sisters, we have been freed from our imprisonment, although a few millennia late. We must reveal ourselves to our patient elven brothers, and then see what has happened to the world."

All the sisters stood, and we followed them out.One stayed briefly, and chanted over the elf leader, who immediately threw away his stick and walked after them. We looked at one another in astonishment.

"Wow." I said, feeling that wow was inadequate.

"I'm not going to miss this." Draco said, charging after the goddesses. We followed them, and heard cheering, as Nicholai announced what had happened. The goddesses didn't waste anytime with long speeches, and Sofiya simply said.

"Take us outside."

The small elves did so. We stuck near the sisters, because no matter how cold it was, it was comfortable around them.We went through the great hall, and into the snow tunnel. After a hundred metres, the goddesses formed a large circle, and then ordered us all to go inside it. Then we rose, as they began to chant. All of us, sisters included, rose through the roof, and settled level with the top of the snow. Everyone looked around.

"Oh dear." one goddess said.

"Has it been that long?" another commented.

"Huh, typical." Kohana added," go away for eight millennia and they change everything." I chuckled at this, and she gave me a secret smile.

They started incanting a new spell. As they chanted, the blizzard packed up, and the clouds vanished. Soon we were looking at a world of ice, under a soft, blue sky. Then they started a different chant, and the ice under us began to melt,although we didn't fall down with it. As we watched, the ice retreated rapidly, running across the rolling vistas and leaving, green fields of grass behind it. The sisters chanted for half an hour, and then they stopped.Everyone was utterly speechless.

"It is done."

There was a loud cheer, led by Emmanuel. Then the gods lowered us down onto the field, and we walked back to the door, which indeed had been built into the side of a large hill.As we walked, flowers burst into bloom around us, and trees erupted from the ground, trying to make one second do for a year's growth. Sofiya looked around.

"That's better." she nodded.

Simba started speaking into his mike quietly and very fast. Draco was led towards a cluster of trees by a goddess, her name I remembered easily, because it was Adelviess, like the jewel flower of the European hills. Kohana took me by the hand.

"Come with me."

She led me back inside.All the elves were cheering, and they rushed outside, past us, cheering like children. I felt immensely proud that our efforts had led to this. Kohana laughed with them all, like the best teacher at school, and then led me back to the now well lit passage. The roof was actually a window to the sky, and light shone in, brightening up the corridors by a hundred fold. It was magnificent. Then she led us into the chamber room, and we sat down beside her pod.

We spoke about many things. She was very interested to know about other worlds, and about my particular planet.She was quite impressed with our technology, and smiled when she heard how we worked out the story to the history.

"That's wonderful.That's quite wonderful how you managed that.You three have brought life back into this world.We are in your debt."

"Thank you." I stood and bowed to her." I can't express what to say, but I thank you for your kind words."

"Don't worry, I can express it for you." She stood up, and held me, pushing me hard into her pod.She followed, and shut the door. It was tight in there, we were practically forced against one another.Then she held me tight, and kissed me.

Goddess, what ever happened to fore play? Actually, scrap that.I wrapped my hands around her, and kissed back. We made out for a good five minutes, and then I felt her hands touching my bare skin around my chest.

By some magical spell, she had removed both our clothes, and they were lying neatly in one corner. She rubbed my cock, and it almost instantly became fully erect.She then asked me to crouch down, which I did.My legs were against the door of the pod, and my back was against the back of the pod, so I was solidly placed. Then she sat down on top of me.

The moment my cock entered her vagina, I felt a tremendous wave of energy surge through my body. I jerked, and Kohana laughed.

"Mortal man was not meant to have sex with a goddess." she rose and fell on my cock, and the power she emanated was past anything I could ever experience.It was as though someone had attached an electric fence to my member, charged it with pleasure instead, and then turned it on. I relaxed, and Kohana did something mean.

She went faster.She held my hands up, and conjured cuffs so I couldn't struggle, and then conjured some kind of chair, so I could sit down.Then she fucked with me at her speed. She leaned over and made out with me so I couldn't make a sound. My pleasure senses went into complete over ride, as her power took complete control of me.

I hung helpless in my cuffs as she toyed with me.

"You don't know how long I have waited for this." she replied, breathing fast. I didn't have any breath to reply to her.As I watched, she played with her breasts, rubbing her nipples and squeezing them gently.I swayed in my stupor. It was just uncanny. Her magic, her power, her, realism, all of it was completely washing away my senses, and leaving a sense of total obedience and pleasure. If she had ordered me to fight an army for her, I would have, unthinkingly, and probably I would win.

But enough of the senseless thinking, I felt myself coming to orgasm, more intensely than even before. I remembered thinking one thing before I did so, and that was I hope I don't get her pregnant. Then I thought,"Don't be stupid, she's a goddess, she could do anything."

Then it happened. Ten times more than anything I had experienced, I jerked my head back and howled. At the same time Kohana gave a cry of delight, and she had orgasmed.A blissful feeling covered my body, and I felt her juice and my cum run together inside her.Then I slumped, and Kohana stopped. She looked wild with passion, and her hair had come loose. She looked primal, but then she probably was.

After a while, she dispelled my cuffs and I lowered my sore wrists. She smiled.

"A small reward for such a generous deed." she whispered. I managed a weak reply.

"Slightly more than small."

She laughed.

"I have also given you a few, bonuses, although you might not be aware of them. One of them will be obviously apparent next time you get off with someone. A few others, well you'll just have to find out.Now rise."

I rose. That voice was nearly the life stream in my body.

We got dressed, and I felt her control of my body drain away.I managed a smile.

"Did you possess me?"

Kohana coughed, forcing back a laugh.

"You claim to be non-magical? That's a fairly accurate description, although it wasn't by spells. I am, in all respects, a goddess, and you are a mortal creature. The power of my mind flowed into yours during the sex, and took control."

"I thought so."

"Now, clever mortal, shall we see what has happened to the others? Doubtless you wish to leave our fair planet."

"Wish, no, have to, probably. We have to talk to our, bosses, at Central, explaining the habitat of this wonderful world."

We walked up the passage, and found Draco rushing towards our lodgings.He sprinted past us, and we stepped aside. Simba followed at a walking pace.

"So, what's been happening?"

"Draco had it off with Adelviess, and I think he's recovering."

"Well,Alduin got possessed as well." Kohana gave a mischievous smile. Simba sighed deeply.

"So, once I catch up with him, we're going to have to be going."

"I see.I'll go and get my gear together."

"I'll race you."


We took off simultaneously, and sprinted down the narrow corridor. I have a completely bizarre running style, but it was formed with speed in mind, and hang everything else. I've busted my ankle running full tilt, but this time I floored it, and got to our lodging first, although I overshot the door by several metres, because while my 0-60 is quick, my stopping leaves much to be desired.Draco looked considerably cooled down, and there was a chrysanthemum of carbon on the rock wall. We didn't comment on it, and we got our gear together. As I wheezed away, I got my bag on and my rifle over my shoulder.

We walked back out, and met all of the elves, and the sisters. They were explaining their history to the elves, trying to make them understand what had happened. They all turned as we walked out, and we looked at one another. Sofiya gave us a nod, which said a thousand words. Then we grasped Simba's hands, said goodbye, and then we vanished.

After another half minute, we arrived straight into another room. A glower appeared.

"Ah, punctual as always. I have no doubt that your story is going to be interesting, as it is usually."

Simba glanced across Draco, and looked at me. I put on a fake pose of thoughtfulness, and Simba chuckled. Draco went forward, ignoring our little antics.

"It is interesting to the highest value." he replied, clearly expressing his selective gift for the understatement. Simba nodded at me.

"Right, we'll leave you to it, Draco?"

"Go ahead."

We filed past the two, and Simba led me down some corridors to a room. In the room was Tufty.

"Hey, Tufty."Simba said."I've got the recording of observations."

"Ah good."Tufty looked up."Blizzard planet, was it?"

"Not any more." I said, emphasising all the words slowly. Tufty looked at me.

"Alright, what happened?"

"We freed a few goddesses, who had been imprisoned, causing everlasting winter, and they made the snow go away."

"It's always rush with you, isn't it." Tufty took the recording from Simba, and placed it into a another device. Simba then showed me out, leaving Tufty to work, and we went over to the food place.

It was busy, most of the tables were full, and everyone looked around as we entered. Simba spoke to the dragon who appeared in charge of the meals. Then a creature loomed over the table as we sat down.

It was tall. It was furry. It was, in fact, what appeared to be half a wolf, half an eagle, the rest eight foot tall monster.

"Simba, good to see you." the deep voice rumbled. The wolf's head focussed on the lion, who imperceptibly shuffled away.

"Er, hi Silverine."he stuttered.

"Is Alduin here going to be at the Scouter's ball?"

So this was what it was all about. I could now also see why Silverine had a reputation, he was very scary close up.He looked down at me, and I shrugged.

"Will do, Silverine." I said calmly.

"Excellent. I am due a good run."

"So you're going to head hunt me as well?" I said, leaning back.

"You sound, interesting." Silverine gave a roar of a laugh. I rubbed my moustache thoughtfully, and then spoke loudly.

"Simba, what are people going to say? Silverine, Draco and Devlin, all going for me."

It got the response I was after. A creature at the next table spluttered.

"What? The hellfire dragon's after him as well?"

I shot a sideways glance at Simba, I had no idea what Hellfire meant. Another customer muttered a reply in the sudden silence.

"Oi, Alduin, you got your will written out?"

I laughed.

"You'd be surprised."

Silverine smiled.

"Interesting. The hellfire dragon, Draco, and myself. Any bets who's going to get to you first, Alduin?"

"First to catch me? Well, if Draco and Devlin work together, it'll be them. Draco was suggesting it. If they don't, they'll never catch me, no matter how good Draco is. As to you, I'd warrant you're good, but I've only just seen you."

"Philosophical answer."

"So who else will be in the Hunt?"

"A few others." Silverine replied. Conversation started up at several tables as they realised that nothing was happening."So how good are you?"

"I don't know, I've never been hunted before." Silverine laughed at this.

"O.K.,let's test you."

"You against me?" I stopped smiling, and looked him up and down. Simba looked at Silverine in surprise.The Lupogriff seemed oblivious to the stir he had just caused between us.

"Yes, go on. From what I hear, you are pretty good. I like a challenge."

This coming from the most fearsome creature on Central, if rumour had it. That's like the school boxing champ walking into the junior's classroom, and challenging the scrawniest shrimp to twelve rounds.

I shouldered my rifle off.

"O.K." I said, slightly worried.

Wham. Silverine brought his hand around in an open handed slap, sending me spiralling over an empty table, and hitting the ground. Pain erupted over my body, but I rose, righteous anger unfolding. Everyone turned.

"Is that how it is?" my face contorted in fury.Silverine laughed.I charged forward, leaping onto a chair, then the table, and then leapt directly at Silverine, my foot coming down as a pile-driver. Silverine stepped at exactly the wrong moment, and caught it on his shoulder. He winced in pain, and then swung his fist at me as I fell. He missed by inches, and my own punch barely scraped his other shoulder.

Then he picked me up. Geez he was strong. I was picked up by the corners of my shirt, and I hit him solidly once or twice before he threw me. Sudden blur. Table, wolf creature, chair, another table, horse creature, two more chairs, wall. Stop. I hit my head hard against it, but leapt to my feet. I picked up a broken chair leg, and went straight back through the carnage, firing it at the Lupogriff. Silverine ducked the impromptu missile, and as he did I flung myself at him, catching him around the middle. We both went down into another table, and my momentum was such that I flipped straight over him, and slid to a halt.I turned, and saw Silverine flying at me.

As he swung a punch that would have knocked me unconscious, I ducked, grabbed his wrist, and did the same I had done to Simba.This time I was thrown to the floor, but Silverine was already flying into three tables. He landed badly, but rose to face me. As he charged he came forward with a flying kick, but I was already hurling myself backwards into a cartwheel. I landed roughly, but had saved my ribs.

Then Draco entered. His short bark of laughter echoed in the store.

"Now you are really trying your luck, Alduin."

"He started it." I said, turning to face him. As I did, Silverine charged forward with a tremendous punch. It caught me under the chin, and sent me to the deck. I felt blood in my mouth, and as I stood, I wiped my mouth. It was covered in red. I turned to face Silverine, who was waiting for me to charge.

"If there's one thing I hate," I hissed," it's someone who attacks when I'm not looking."

I picked up a chair in my right arm, and swung it directly at the Lupogriff. He blocked it with both forearms, and it shattered, but by then I had had enough. I was now Defcon 0, and swung forward with an unholy shriek.

"Whoa, he's psyched up now." Draco commented, as Silverine defended against several punches. Silverine replied, dodging.

"That's what I meant to find out. Is he as good as all suggested?"

As he came to block another punch, I turned it into a grab, catching him around the wrist. I spun around, until I wasn't facing him, and delivered my elbow into his ribs. As he doubled up, I threw him arm first forward. I fell forward at this last gigantic effort, but Silverine ended up on the ground, looking rather surprised.

He rose, but there was no way I was going to fight any longer. I dived backwards, avoiding a kick, brushed past my seat, and stood. My rifle was in my hand, and levelled at Silverine. Silverine laughed.

"I was wondering how long it would take." he dropped his guard, and I lowered my rifle. The red mist was vanishing, and I felt pain erupt over my body. But I calmly sat down, and Silverine sat beside me.

"You'll do."He clapped a hand on my shoulder. Draco came over, and sat down also. But as he did, I slumped forward, and went to sleep. I am told that Draco burst out laughing at this point.

"What was he fighting on?Empty?"

I woke about two hours later, in my bunk. Draco was at the desk, and Simba was beside him.

"Ah, he's up again."

"What happened?"

"You collapsed on the table.Full marks. Silverine commented drily about your spirit, and then I carried you back here." Draco smiled at me."Hey, you took on one of the best, and while you weren't hurting him, you gave him a run for his money."

"That makes it all better." I sat up, rubbing my mouth."Surely when I slammed him into the ground, it must have hurt."

"Oh it did, but not much.Silverine is resistant against pain."

"Now he tells me." I muttered.

"Oh,"Simba added," Silverine also said you should do fairly well at the Hunt."

"Would," Draco corrected," if it weren't for the fact Dev and myself will get you within half an hour."

I didn't rise to this.

"When is Devlin arriving, and why is he a Hellfire dragon?"

"A hellfire dragon tends to be larger and stronger. They are exceptionally hot as well, so all their, fluids are boiling hot. Their blood runs at a high temperature, and even their saliva and such are scalding."

"Their flame?"

"Impressive.Trust me, I know."

"So, let's get this straight. Silverine, who is resistant against pain, you, the most sexually dominant creature in Central, and Devlin, an immensely powerful dragon, plus a few dozen others, are all going to be chasing me through Central, for two hours?"

"Yep, that's why you are so caught."

"Who else is among the newbies?"

"Now that would be telling." Draco smiled."There's another eight or nine, that's all you need to know."

I was having serious misgivings about this hunt.

(Calling all Yiffstar members. This is a repeating message.

April the twenty first is, in fact, my birthday,I am turning nineteen, and as you may have noticed, that means it coincides with the Central New Year. Consequently, I would like to say thank you to all those who have taken an interest in my writing, and would like to dedicate the entirety of the Central New year to all my readers.

However, I wish to make this story a little bit more interesting. For all those who would like to be in a story, read on.

Central New Year is a time where all the stars in the solar system are arranged in a almost magical pattern, intensely increasing the sexual powers of all those in the system for three nights. Possibly as result of this, the Scouter's ball was placed on this first night, where all the scouts of Central get together and party. As the bell tolls nine fifty, all the new scouts come forward and are instructed about the hunt. They are then given a two minute head start on the stroke of ten, upon which they normally run about the city. After two minutes, those who wish to pursue the newcomers, which is most of them, are allowed to start.

Then the Hunt is on. The newcomers have to do all they can to evade capture for two hours. This is to prove that they have become a worthy scout, to survive as long as they can. If they get captured, however, then the captors have full permission to do what they want to the newcomer, within loose rules, until the original two hours is up, when the bells toll midnight. Then they must return to Central Hall, and be admitted into the fold officially. Then, to get into the swing of things, everything becomes chaotic.

Nothing is forbidden, the objective is sex, further enforcing the bonds of love and trust between each of the scouts. In fact it is encouraged that a newcomer has sex with as many as they can, so they develop a relationship with many people.This can be said for the old timers as well, ( although Draco probably can't get to know any one any more, because he's already fucked everyone else, or so the legend goes), and this goes on until the early hours of the morning.

This is the Scouter's Ball, and I need as many people as possible, for the population of Central is large. I request for volunteers to put forward their avatar's names, their species and gender, and who they wish to be, er, sexually active with. There are no more than ten creatures who can be newcomers, ie members of the Hunt, so please inform me quickly. I am looking for a wide variety of creatures to be newcomers.Also, no restrictions on species, except no sea animals,sorry,but there are no lakes in Central, and no humans, because I am the only one who has ever made contact.

To everyone else, either place your name, avatar name (if different), species, and who you want to get involved with in my comments at the bottom, or in my shout box on my user page. I want to make you all happy, the same way you made me happy with all the times people have seen my work. There is nothing more I like than feed back.Also, if you have friends who haven't read my work and might like to get involved, tell them. The more, the merrier!

I wish you all the best, and I hope to see you on Central!

Alduin Raptormaster (The Novelist) )