A Favourite Situation Part 1

Story by Kendo Kawabata on SoFurry

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#1 of Favourite Situaion

This story was inspired by another story series on a different website. However, I intend to take it in a different direction as I personally didn't agree with how the author took it. Anway, comment, rate, enjoy, and I would like to hear suggestions on what can possibly happen in future chapters.

A favourite situation

Chapter 1

By Kendo Kawabata

"Hey Matt. Dad wants you in his study."

Matt looked up from his desk, the young flamedramon male decided not to yell at his younger brother for simply barging into his room once more. At sixteen, his younger brother never listened to a word he said anyways, so yelling again would have made no difference.

"Alright, I'm coming" Matt said as he pushed his chair back and stood up, stretching his arms over his head. He had been playing Skyrim for the last couple of hours and he had lost track of time. This was easy to do when you have your headphones on and the lights off.

Leaving his room and following his younger brother down the hall, Matt once again had to wonder about how different the two of them really were. Matt would be twenty one in a few months, he had finished his college days in the top ten of his students, just narrowly missing out on valedictorian.

He was very slender, softly defined muscles all over his body and, surprising for his species, very black hair that flowed back behind his head and down past his shoulders. He loved having long hair and it was probably the part of himself that he took the most care of. This would explain the reason it seemed to shine so much.

His younger brother, Timothy, however, was almost a polar opposite. Also a flamedramon, Timothy was already on his way to developing the build that most linebackers would dream of. Sixteen and built like a small brick shit house, he seemed to scream football player, from the tight athletic clothing he wore to the closely cropped hair on his head.

And if Matt had to guess, he had the stupidity that seemed to come with it. Matt had a rather solitary life, few friends and most of his time was kept in front of his pc or his Xbox, his TV set or curled up with a good book on his bed. Timothy was always going out to some football practice or meeting, or some local guys' party, or had a date with someone every weekend.

Plus, Matt was pretty sure his brother had to attend summer school for the past three years just to keep his GPA up enough to keep him on the football team.

"What does Dad want to see me for?" Matt asked as they walked through the halls.

"How should I know?" Timothy said with a shrug, his big round shoulders rolling in his sleeveless shirt that clung to his upper body.

Their fathers study was a rather large room, lined with various bookcases filled with books, office folders and other assorted knickknacks. Most of them were little souvenirs from various business trips their father had taken over the years. A few family pictures stood amongst the books, although Matt would never have thought of them as 'family' photos.

Their father was standing beside his large computer desk; a big ornate thing made of walnut and varnished a deep brown. Some antique he had picked up years ago. Thomas was a much older looking version of Timothy. Bigger then Matt, the only thing that Matt could bear a resemblance to was that his father had hair that reached his shoulders. Although while it reached his shoulders, his hair was pure white.

"Matt, I'd like you to meet Trent and Michael" Thomas said the moment his two sons had entered the room. "They've come here to see you" he said as he gestured to two others standing at the opposite side of the room.

Matt looked over and saw the two identically dressed men. Both were wearing smart looking suits, but that was where the resemblance ended. Trent was a large Dalmatian with closely cropped hair, and Michael was a large bull with several studs in his right ear.

"Gentlemen, this is Matt, my eldest" Thomas said as he indicated his eldest. The two men extended their hands and gave matt a couple of very firm handshakes. Matt felt the power in both of their grips and he felt a slight urge to take several large steps backwards.

"Nice to meet you matt" both of them said in the same even tone of voice. For some reason, it sent a shiver up Matt's spine. They didn't sound as though it was nice to meet him, or that they were pleased to be there at all.

"Dad, what's going on?" matt asked as Michael let go of his hand. His hand felt slightly sore from the way the big bull had squeezed it as he flexed his fingers a few times to get the feeling back.

"Matt, nothing's going on" his father responded. "These two are here from the state parole agency, and they wish to help you. That's all" he said as if that explained everything.

"Why?" matt asked, suddenly feeling nervous. Something about the way the two men were standing made Matt think they were there for an opposite reason.

"You're on probation, remember Matt? That is what you requested as opposed to a Juvenile Detention Centre. And you need help with it. You might think you're doing well, since I haven't had to reprimand you the last two months, but to be honest, I'm worried that you'll soon feel pressured to break the rules again" Thomas explained as he sat himself behind his desk.

"I haven't broken any rules yet" Matt protested. "I know what will happen if I did leave the house without your permission" he said. But his father was shaking his head in the familiar way that told Matt that nothing he would say was going to change his mind.

"Matt, you might think you're doing well, but most young men your age on probation start off well, and they simply can't handle all the rules set in place. Eventually, they all feel the need to break their curfew, and perhaps they get away with it the first time. But a first time is all they need before they become repeat offenders" he explained.

"Trent and Michael are both here to make sure that that doesn't happen" Thomas said as he booted up something on his computer. "So, I would like you to do as they say, and allow them to help you. The last thing I want is for you to end up in even more trouble then you are" he explained.

"Dad, I'm doing fine" matt said. "I don't need any extra help.

"No Matt, you're not, and you do" Thomas explained as Michael began to unfold what looked like a massage table next to Thomas' desk. It looked like a standard table with the hole in the front where you put your face, but it was the chains and leather straps on the legs that made Matt shiver.

"What are you talking about?" Matt asked, feeling confused. "I haven't left the house in two months without your permission. I haven't broken curfew, and you've got all my money cards locked up. I've done everything I'm supposed to and I've followed all your rules. What could I possibly be doing wrong?" he asked.

"Matt, trust me. This is for your own good" Thomas said as he sat back in his chair. The tone in his voice made it seem as though the discussion was over as he focused his attention on something on his computer screen. Michael snapped the legs on the table into position and secured it in place.

"Alright Matt, I need you to remove your clothes" said Trent as he picked up a large briefcase and set it on the desk. He spun the combination dials with ease before the snapped the lid open. Whatever was in there was beyond Matts view.

"Wait, why?" Matt said, suddenly not only confused but a little scared of what was going on. Behind him, Timothy gave a smirk and chuckled at his brothers' dilemma. There was a certain part of Matt that he loved to make fun of, and he was wondering if he was allowed to do it with the new men in the room.

"Because he said so Matt" Thomas said without looking up from his screen. "Now, it will make things worse if you struggle, so please do as they say and please stop questioning what's going on. It's for your own good"he repeated.

"Dad, what's going on? Why is ..." Matt said, but Trent gave him a look that silenced him. And it did. While Dalmatians were normally considered cute and adorable, Trent had a look in his eyes that told Matt he was the one in charge.

"Matt, if you don't take off your clothes, we'll do it for you" he said sternly as Michael stood up and brought his knuckles together, cracking them a bit. "And, if you struggle against us, we'll be forced to use the restraints. And trust me; it will make things worse for you in the long run."

Matt was suddenly aware that everyone in the room was looking at him, and he felt himself flushing, not only out of embarrassment, but out of a sincere concern on what was going on. A snigger behind him made him remember that his younger brother was in the room.

"Ok...But I don't want Timothy here" Matt said firmly. The thought of going naked in front of his younger brother and giving him an opportunity to tease him, which Timothy would have gladly taken, was something he didn't want to have happen.

The two other men looked at Thomas for a moment, as if waiting instructions, or permission. Thomas said nothing for a moment as he seemed to consider the option before he shook his head.

"No Matt. Timothy is going to help you as well, so he needs to know what's going on" Thomas said sternly. The look he gave his son over the top of his computer screen made Matt shiver a little as he cringed slightly.

"You heard dad. Get your clothes off. I want to see what's going on" timothy said with a big grin on his face. He felt rather eager to see what they would do to his older brother, and he was almost bouncing on his feet in anticipation.

Matt hesitated, unsure of himself as he looked from one male to the other. He apparently waited just a little longer then they would have liked as Michael and Trent moved towards him with their hands out ready to grab him.

"Ok, ok, I'll do it" matt said quickly as he took a back step, suddenly fearful of the much bigger men. Out of all of them in the room, Matt was the smallest, build wise. His brother could pin him into an arm lock easily and his father had the same build as his youngest son. And while the two men weren't exactly bodybuilders, they were several sizes up with the muscle department.

With his father watching him with a stern look in his eyes, Matt slowly began to undress himself, his face flushing with the embarrassment of the situation. His fingers were shaking slightly as he fumbled a bit at his clothing, but nobody seemed to pay attention to the fact he was embarrassed.

He slid his shirt off his chest and dropped it to the floor, feeling the eyes of everyone in the room on him. He undid his belt and his jeans, sliding them slowly down his legs as he bent over slightly. He heard a snigger from his bother as his underwear was exposed, and he felt himself blushing all the more.

"God, you still wear briefs?" Timothy said with a snigger as he caught sight of his brothers tightly clad backside. "What are you, still seven?" he smirked as he teased his older brother. Matt felt his face flush deeper as he looked over at his shoulder.

"Shut up Timmy" he said, knowing that Timothy hated to be called that. The snigger turned into a scowl, but it was only for a moment as the big bull addressed him.

"Underpants too kiddo. And no teasing your brother Mattie" Michael said with a pleasant enough sounding voice, like he was talking to a little kid. Blushing even harder, and feeling annoyed at being reprimanded when his brother was allowed to freely make fun of him, Matt hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his underpants and slide them down his legs as well.

Standing bare naked in the room, he hugged his arms against his stomach and kept his tail down behind him. Timothy let out a loud snigger at his elder brothers' naked form, seeing just how small he was compared to everyone else.

"Alright Matt. Good boy. Now up on the table. Face first please" Trent said as he busied himself with something in the briefcase. Obviously, from the sounds in the briefcase, there were a lot of things inside.

"Dad..." matt said meekly. He suddenly had the overwhelming urge to either start crying, or to run like hell from the room. But his father's voice cut through whatever fear he was feeling like a knife through butter.

"This is for your own good Matt" Thomas said calmly without turning his gaze from the computer, as if nothing was going on that was out of the ordinary. Matt felt himself tremble a bit.

"Upon the table kiddo" Michael said as he stepped up behind the flamedramon. "Or, do I need to help you?" he asked. His friendly sounding voice carried the hint that it was not a question. Feeling the larger size of the man behind him, Matt slowly climbed himself onto the table.

He slid his face into the open hole as he draped his arms over the sides. He felt very vulnerable as he was unable to see what anyone was about to do to him. All he could see was the dark carpet of the floor beneath him, and he was aware that he was completely exposed to everyone in the room.

"Well Matt, we're going to help you get your focus back" Trent said as he stepped up beside Matt. Matt got a look at the Dalmatians polished shoes as they stepped p beside the chain on the base of the beds leg.

"How?" matt asked meekly, unable to see anything but the floor. He saw another pair of shoes appear in his vision and he heard the snap of latex gloves being put into place.

"With this. You see Matt, there are several stages to this treatment, but trust me. You will come out of it better then you have gone into it" Trent said from somewhere above. "Now, the first thing you need to learn is to follow the rules, and learn to ask for permission" he continued.

"What...what are you going to do to me?" Matt asked. Timothy let out a loud smirking snigger as he apparently caught sight of whatever Trent was holding. Something like a cap being pulled off was heard.

"You can't see it, but it's special version of what we like to call a butt plug" Trent said with a calm tone of voice.

"A WHAT?" Matt said suddenly as he tried to get up, but he felt Michael pretty much hold him back down with a hand behind his neck. He lifted his arms to try to push the bull off him, but Michael was faster than he was. He grabbed both of Matt's arms and pressed them together on his back, pinning him in place.

"No...No you can't do that to me" matt protested as he continued to squirm. He let out a cry as his arm was seized and hauled upwards, twisting it up behind his back as he felt the internal pain spike through him. "No...No please...let go...it hurts" matt whimpered as the pain started to intensify.

"If you struggle, this goes in unlubed, got it?" Michael threatened in such a tone of voice that matt felt the blood freeze in his body. "Now, are you going to lie there and behave, or do I have to strap you down?" he ordered.

"I'll be good" Matt whimpered as he felt the bull relax the tight grip on his sore arms. But he didn't let go completely as he simply moved Matt's wrists down so that he was still pinned, but not in an arm lock.

"Now Matt" Trent said as if Matt did not just question him, or had to be held down. "This is a special plug, you see, because it's known as a movement stop. It does have other, well less likeable terms to call it, but that's effectively what it is."

"Normal butt plugs are to give the host a rather full and somewhat permanent feeling. Hence why they are designed to go in smoothly, but are held in place once put in properly. Sometimes, it's done by yourself, but sometimes you need help. However, most plugs are still able to be removed. This type is designed to be kept in."

Matt gasped as his tail was raised rather easily and he felt something cold and firm press against him. Matt was a virgin back there, and the feeling of something invading him was very foreign. And it was very uncomfortable to have thick fingers, what felt like three, push into him like some uncaring doctors visit.

"Wait..." matt meekly protested, but he heard his brother laugh and exclaim "this is so cool". Matt felt tears in his eyes as he was humiliated right in front of his father and his brother, and the two strangers. The Dalmatian pushed his fingers straight in, making Matt cry out as he was forcibly stretched.

"Now matt, this is a much smaller plug then normal standards, which is why it's easy to remove. But, once it's locked in place, it can't be removed until it's been unlocked. Timothy, you'll want to take note of this" Trent said as he beckoned Timothy over.

Watching his brother is manhandled so easily by the bigger men was, for a reason Timothy didn't understand, was turning him on. His own boxer briefs were starting to get rather tight as he walked up. And seeing his brother lay out bare with a Dalmatians fingers working his small backside, made Timothy all the harder.

"Once it's locked in place" Trent continued, as if it was a classroom lecture, "It expands around the base, and locks just being the orifice. It's to prevent you from using the bathroom" Trent continued to explain to Timothy as Michael held the whimpering boy down as he stretched the boys hole open.

"So how does that work?" Timothy asked as he watched the thick fingers slide into his brother. Matt was gasping in discomfort from the forced fingering, and each gasp was making Timothy hotter then he normally felt.

"I'll explain in just a bit" Trent said as he used his free hand to pick up the plug. Timothy got a good look at it. It looked like a rubber bullet; about as thick as a personal massager tube. It looked very unremarkable, except for the fact that it had what looked like a latch on the bottom.

Matt let out a cry as Michael's fingers were removed and something else was pressed against him. The narrow tip of something that felt freezing cold was pushed against his tight ring and it was pushed forward. Trent ignored the boys discomfort as he slowly slid the plug in rather forcibly.

Matt did cry out as the invading object was pushed forward. Since he wasn't doing it himself, he couldn't make it slow down or stop so he could get used to it. Trent obviously didn't care for Matts comfort as he slowly but firmly pushed it in.

"Stop...stop it hurts" matt whimpered as he felt the pain of being spread open as such. He had never had anything more than one of his own fingers up there before, and even then he had been somewhat hesitant to do it. "Please...please it hurts" Matt whimpered again, but he was silenced when a very hard and loud cracking 'SMACK' struck his naked ass.

"Quiet" Michael ordered and Matt whimpered as the movement stop was pushed ever forward into him. He had no idea how long or how it was exactly shaped, but it felt like it was taking forever. And the sting was hurting his backside, and he felt afraid to get another one.

He cried out in discomfort as the plug was suddenly pushed all the way in, the shaft thinning down against the base as it was suddenly lodged inside of him. Michael let go of Matt's tail and he removed his grip from the back of his neck.

"There we go. It's in. It can go in lubed or unlubed, depending on whether or not you think he deserves the comfort of lube or not. It's part of the procedure to help him follow orders" Trent explained as he removed the gloves from his hands.

"Ok tiger, up you get" Michael said in his friendly sounding voice as he gave Matt a pat on his backside. Realising that his arms were free, Matt slowly forced himself up, feeling the tears in his eyes threatening to spill over. His face was flushed a deep purple from his embarrassment as he looked over at his father.

His father wasn't even watching. He was studying something on the computer screen in front of him, and seemed to not even pay attention to what was happening to his eldest son.

"Hey matt, you feel constipated?" Timothy said with a sneering snicker. Matt turned away, not wanting to look at his brother as he stepped off the table. He was very aware of how close his brother was, and he just wanted to punch him. But he kept himself in check. He doubted he would even get his arm raised before he got stopped.

"Ok matt" said Michael as he put his hand on the boys shoulder once Matt had gotten down from the table. "Hold your arms up and keep them there for me" Michael said with a friendly smile down to the boy. When Matt didn't move, Michael spoke again, a bit more firmly. "Or I hold them up, like I did on the table."

Whimpering slightly, Matt lifted his arms up above his head as he looked down at the floor. Trent pulled something else out of the briefcase and approached the slightly shaking boy. There was a leather belt in one of his hands, and a short tube of some kind in the other.

"Ok tiger, hold still for me" he said pleasantly as he began to wrap the belt around Matt's waist. The leather belt was thin, but very sturdy. And the buckle was in the back, where Matt was unable to reach it. Trent beckoned Timothy over and showed him the tube.

"Now, this end goes into the plug first" he explained as he allowed Timothy to get a look. The base of the plug was lodged between Matt's cheeks, and it was very visible at that angle. Trent showed him, while Matt wanted to cry, how the end of the tube went into the plug with a clicking sound as it locked into place.

"Then you attach the other end to the belt, like this" Trent said as he slipped the other end of the tube into the underside of the buckle. Matt felt the short tube slide up his cheeks and lodge between them, making him feel like he was wearing some kind of perverted g-string.

"Now, they click into place, but they can still be removed, until you put the key in and lock them" Trent explained as he showed Timothy the key to the belt. It had a black handle and it was very small. Trent placed it into the lock on the buckle and turned it.

"AARGH" Matt gasped out as he felt the movement stop suddenly expand deep within him. It felt like a balloon had just inflated inside of him, and he felt himself tremble at how full he felt. He groaned out from the discomfort as he did feel quite constipated as the plug just seemed to fill him up more than anything else had.

"There we go. That wasn't so bad, now was it?" Michael said, but the way he was speaking made it seem like it wasn't a question. Matt said nothing as he lowered his arms and held them against his chest, feeling himself shake from the humiliation.

"Alright kiddo, we're done for this week" Trent said as he stood up and went to his briefcase, snapping the lid shut. Michael moved away from Matt and went over to his massage table and began to disassemble it. It clicked rather easily away and seemed to fold up quicker than it had folding out.

"The keys?" Thomas said, speaking for the first time as he brought his attention away from the computer screen. He didn't even look at Matt as Trent turned to the older flamedramon.

"Two of them" Trent said as he placed the two black handled keys on the desk. Thomas picked one up and slid it into his pocket right away. "One for you and one for Timothy."

"What?" Matt said as he looked up, holding his chest with his arms. "Why...why does timothy get one?"

"That's easy "Trent explained to him as he picked up his briefcase. "This is all part of helping young men on probation, like you, regain their focus when they go back to normal life. This is just part one of five parts. The next part will come next week.

"The first part is learning how to obey, and to follow the rules. This exercise is just showing you how to learn to do just that. The second part, will teach you about self control, and that will come next week. Now, speaking of, we'll see you same time next week" Trent said as he and Michael both shook Thomas' hand and then proceeded to leave the room.

"Ok matt, this is how this works" Thomas said, addressing his son for the first time as he stood up and crossed the room. Without looking at his shivering son, Thomas handed one of the keys to timothy. "Any time you need to use the bathroom, you need to ask either myself or Timothy. And since I have a hectic work schedule, I suggest you get used to asking Timothy."

"Dad...why do I have to do this?" Matt whimpered as Timothy accepted the key with what looked like a large dose of glee in his face. He handled the small black handled key like it was a priceless treasure, and he had a very twisted smile on his face as he examined the little object.

"Because it's good for you" Thomas said without looking at his son. "Now, please get dressed. You look stupid standing there hard" he pointed out.

For a moment Matt was confused about why his father would say something like that. But when his younger brother looked over and started to laugh, Matt looked down and realised for the first time that his four inch length was hard as a rock.

"Christ, I'm bigger then you, and you're the older brother" Timothy laughed as he doubled over from laughing so hard. Thomas allowed his younger son to laugh as he resumed his position behind the desk without saying a word.

With the tears finally breaking through, Matt grabbed his clothes from their pile on the floor and ran out of the room, not looking back. When he reached his room, he slammed the door shut and locked it, his brother's laughter ringing in his ears.

He stood there for a few moments, his heart pounding in his chest and his face burning with humiliation and shame. Unable to hold himself together, the teenager ran to his bed and flung himself on it, grabbing the nearest pillow and screaming into it.

With every day that passed, Matt was finding it harder and harder to stay calm and behave about the whole situation. The feeling of being full and unable to remove it was a constant reminder of his shame and his humiliation. And he still could not for the life of himself understand why this was happening to him.

His father was away for the majority of the week. Apparently he was constructing a new warehouse at the edge of the city for his business, and he was overseeing its operations and build. It was apparently nearing completion and would start up business in a few weeks. So the times his father was home, Matt didn't get to see much of him.

And it was getting hard for him to remain calm each time he asked his father to explain himself about why this was happening. And it was frustrating when his father repeated the same thing every time he asked.

"Nothing is going on, son. This is for your own good."

His younger brother found it obviously hilarious that Matt was being subjected to such humiliation. And he was using his father's absence to the fullest advantage, making sure that Matt was shamed and humiliated every time he had to come to his little brother to use the bathroom.

At first, he would dangle the key in front of Matt and order to him say 'Please'. Then, it progressed to 'Pretty Please'. Then, it progressed to 'Pretty please little brother, help me go potty.' Matt knew that his father would most likely make it worse on him if he punched his brother in the face, but it was harder to deal with it when his brother made him wanted him to say "Pwetty pwease widdle bwodder, let me go potty wike a big boy."

Unless Matt wanted to be in constant discomfort, he had no choice but to lower himself to his brothers standards and do as he was told. And every time he did it, he just wanted to curl up and cry.

He did go to his father once, but once was all he had been able to do. He had barely managed to tell his father that Timothy was being difficult before his father said "I don't want to hear it Matt. Don't be difficult about this" and made him leave the office.

Matt did try to pass the time not thinking about what was happening to him, but it was hard to when he had a constant reminder on what was inside of him. And with each day that passed, it was getting harder and harder to get used to it.

Finally, Sunday arrived. The day in which the second of what was going on around him was supposed to happen. He had decided to simply wait in his room and not talk to anyone until it was time. And when it came, he would demand answers. If he didn't get them, he wouldn't come out.

Around lunch time, there was a knock on the door, and his brother demanded to know why the door was locked.

"Go away Timothy. I'm not talking to you" Matt shouted through the door. His brother hammered on it, yelling about demanding entry, but Matt sat on his bed with his arms crossed and just waited. The hammering continued on for a few minutes until it stopped. With a sigh matt leaned back against his bed and just waited it out.

His waiting was short lived when his door was unlocked and Timothy walked in with a big shit eating grin on his face, followed by one of his friends. His friend was a rather burly looking mouse in jeans and a sweatshirt who was grinning from ear to ear. Matt recognised the 'dumb jock' look right away.

"Get the hell out of my room" Matt said as he stood up in anger. "How the hell did you unlock the door? Wait, I don't care. Get the hell out" Matt shouted at his brother.

"Dad gave me the key to your room" Timothy said with a smirk. "And he said that I can keep it, since he doesn't want you locked up in here when our guests arrive" he added, his grin plastered over his face. "Looks like I got two keys on you now." Timothy's friend sniggered, sounding like a series of watery squeaks.

"What the hell do you want?" Matt demanded as he refrained from hitting his brother in the face. So now his father had just handed the key to his privacy to his little brother. And with the way Timothy was acting, he'd probably lord that over him as well.

"I'm here to give you an enema" Timothy said as his mouse friend, Kevin, gave another squeaking giggle.

"A what?" Matt said in surprise as he looked at his sibling. He hadn't been expecting that to come out of his brothers' mouth.

"An enema Mattie" Timothy said with a grin. "You know. I have to pour water into your ass and then you clean yourself out."

"No" matt said firmly as he crossed his arms over his chest. He had already subjected himself to asking for permission to use the toilet. He was not going to give his brother the satisfaction on giving him that.

"Mattie, dad said you have to. For when Trent and Michael come" Timothy pointed out as he continued to twirl the keys on his fingers. "So come on. Get naked and beg me to give you an enema like a good boy" Timothy said with a grin.

"What's he doing here?" matt said as he looked over at Timothy's mouse friend. The big burly mouse grinned stupidly as he looked at Matt back.

"I'm here to watch brah" Kevin said with a toothy grin on his face. "So come on, hurry up. I wanna see you get an eenama brah" he said with a squeaking giggle.

"Fuck you both" Matt said as he glared at his brother. "Get out of my room and tell dad I said no."

"Matt, either you beg, or dad comes in here and gives your ass a tanning for misbehaving" timothy said, speaking as if he was holding all of the cards in his hand. "He already told me to tell him if you were being difficult" he said.

Matt felt the fury overwhelm the embarrassment of what was going on. If his father was going to tan his ass, then he'd give the bastard a very good reason to do it. And when his father asked why, he could tell him his brother was deliberately humiliating him. His father was not going to ignore that. He slowly crossed the room to his ever grinning younger brother and stared at him.

"Say 'please timothy, give me an enema for my dirty ass' "Timothy said with a grin on his face.

"Tim, if you don't give me the key, I'm going to remember everything you've done to me when I get out of this" matt threatened. "And then I'm going to make you pay for it" he growled. "Now give me the damn key, or I won't wait." Normally, he was not violent or threatening to his brother. In fact, as far as most brotherly relations went, matt stayed out of his brother's life and rarely intruded on it.

In Matt's eyes, Timothy was the favourite son out of the both of them. Over the last few years, Matt had noticed a very big difference in the level of affection and love their father gave the two of them. Timothy always seemed to get everything he wanted, while Matt was usually left empty handed. Matt had to work for what he wanted, while Timothy was simply handed everything the moment he asked.

But Matt had never once gone to his father crying about it. Their mother had died when Matt was four and his brother had just been born. After all their years together, matt had simply chalked it all up to the fact that timothy didn't have a mother, while matt had known her, even if he couldn't remember her anymore.

He had put up with a lot over the years, but he wasn't going to put up with this.

Timothy slowly stoped twirling the key as he saw the fury in his brothers' eyes. Obviously, he hadn't thought of the possible possibility that matt would not be like this for long. And the repercussions that came with this treatment ending. Without a word he handed the key to his brother and mumbled that the enema kit was in the bathroom.

Matt said nothing as he pushed past his brother and the dumb jock as he headed to the bathroom at the end of the hall. He stayed angry the whole time as he unlocked the belt and did what he had to do.

It was a few hours before the men had returned. Unable to lock his room anymore, Matt just waited with his door open for them to arrive. His plan to stay in his room and demand answers had backfired before it had even begun, and he just waited until he was called.

Finally, he ended up in his father's study once more, standing in the middle of the room with his brother nearby, surprisingly quiet, and his father behind the desk. It seemed as if it was the same scene from the previous week, and only the clothes that they were wearing noting that anything had changed at all.

Trent and Michael soon entered the room, Michael carrying the large massage table and Trent carrying the briefcase. Matt felt himself shiver when he saw those two walk in, dressed in their impeccable suites and looking as intimidating as ever.

"Gentlemen, welcome back" Thomas said as he nodded to them in greeting. They both nodded back to him, not even bothering with an introduction as they set about setting things up. Trent placed his briefcase on the desk and unsnapped the clasps as Michael unstrapped the massage table. It didn't take long for the table to be assembled, the hanging straps ever present.

"Hey, there's the tiger" Trent said with a pleasant smile as he saw matt standing nearby. "How are you doing sport? Everything alright?" he said.

"I'm fine" matt said as calmly as he could. He was still angry over what was going on and his weeklong humiliation, but he was trying hard not to show it. These two men seemed friendly enough, but he knew they were anything but.

"Good boy" Trent said as he opened his briefcase. "Now, any problems with the movement stop? Any pain or anything not working with it?" Trent asked as he looked over at matt. Matt said nothing as he looked back, so Trent shrugged, taking it as a no as he rummaged through his case.

"So, did you get yourself cleaned out like we asked?" Michael said as he finished setting up the table and stood up. "If not, you'll have to go and do it right now, but you'll need to do it quick. We don't like to wait" he said. The tone of his voice suggested that he may not have even thought of giving Matt the choice. Matt was about to answer when his brother interrupted.

"Yes, and he threatened me for the key" timothy said with a sneer at his brother. "After he locked himself in his room and said he wasn't going to come out" he added. Both Trent and Michael looked over at him the moment he had spoken.

"He did what?" Thomas asks in surprise. Obviously, Timothy hadn't told him and the two men looked over at Matt. Matt felt the colour drain in his face as he saw that the two bigger men had lost whatever friendly visage they had and were now glaring at him like he was a troubled teen.

"He threatened me" Timothy continued. He felt a smile creep over his face as he saw that his brother was now in bigger trouble then he was before. "He said he going to beat me up when all of this was over" he exclaimed.

"Wait, no I didn't" Matt said as he looked at the two bigger men. "He was humiliating me all week, making me beg and say stupid things to get the key. I told him I'd remember all of it once this is over with" he said. "I was sick of him humiliating me all week."

"Matt, did you threaten your brother like he said?" Thomas asked him as he looked at the boy.

"No, I didn't. I just told you" matt exclaimed. "He was humiliating me over all of this and I'm not putting up with it anymore. Dad, you have to tell me what's going on" he said. "I'm not going on with this until you tell me what's going on, and why you gave Timothy a key to my room."

"Timothy, did he threaten you for doing your job?" Thomas asked, ignoring his protesting son. Matt looked at his father, who didn't even glance his way as he addressed his younger brother.

"Yeah dad, he did. You can ask Kevin. He was there to help me with his enema and he totally threatened me. Kevin will tell you" timothy said as his grin spread over his face.

"Dad, this is stupid. He's lying" matt said. "Dad, tell them he's lying. He's lying" Matt said as he pointed at his brother. "He's been humiliating me all week and doing it on purpose."

"Well, I'm sorry tiger, but since your being troublesome, I'm afraid we have to take measures" Trent said as he unsnapped the briefcase. "Locking yourself in your room just proves that you aren't capable of doing as you're told and following the rules set in place."

"But...but I've done everything all week" Matt protested as Michael cracked his knuckles. The cracking was very loud and seemed to be louder then Matts voice.

"If Timothy said that you're threatening him and locking yourself in your room, then that just proves you're not following the rules" Trent said as he looked over at Michael. "You'll have to restrain him for this. We'll need to take measures on this" he repeated.

"I'm disappointed in you Matt" Thomas said with a shake of his head. "I did allow myself to believe that you could have gone through this week without any hiccups. But, since you obviously can't, that just proves that this is the best course of action for you. You're free to take your measures as you see fit" he said to Trent.

"Measures?" matt said as he felt the fear creep into his body. Obviously, the two men were not listening to a word he was saying, and they were listening instead to his lying brother. He was suddenly once again aware that he was physically the smallest in the room and he felt his knees quiver a little.

"Yes boy, measures" Trent said as he looked up. "You've misbehaved by locking yourself in your room, and you've proven you can't listen to the rules by threatening your brother. So, we're stepping up the schedule. We'll be doing two procedures today" he said. "Good thing I stocked up on the off chance" he added.

"Dad...what's going" Matt began to ask before his vision was suddenly filled by the big towering bull. Michael was faster then he appeared to be as he turned Matt around and wrapped a big beefy hand around his muzzle, clamping it shut. Matt struggled but his arm was grabbed and hoisted back up his back, sending a jolt of pain in his body.

Screaming into the hand that had silenced his muzzle, Matt was forced bent over on the table, the bull holding him down rather easily.

Struggling was futile as Michael slid Matt up onto the table, treating him like a sack of potatoes. Matts face was not forced into the hole as his head was kept lifted. His arms were moved by both Trent and Michael as the leather restraints were strapped against his wrists and ankles.

"Gag him" Michael said. "I don't want him biting my fingers by mistake, although I'm sure he'd do it on purpose." Trent nodded as he pulled a circular strap from the briefcase. Matt whimpered as his face was forced upwards. Trent guided the strap over Matts muzzle and when it was sitting on the bridge of his muzzle, he pulled on the side strap.

Matts jaw pressed upwards as his mouth was forced closed. He tried to cry out and make as much noise as he could, but Michael just shoved his face into the hole, pushing it in so far that Matt was almost looking at the underside of the table.

The straps were tightened up, forcing his arms over the sides of the table as his legs were forced apart. He struggled and cried out, but he was too well tied down to do anything more than squirm.

Timothy found himself panting as he watched his brother get restrained. Something about all of this, while sinister, was turning him on. Seeing two big suited men treat his brother like an animal was once again making his trousers tent out.

Michael grabbed the back of Matt's pants and pulled, the material ripping easily. Both the back of Matt's pants and his briefs were ripped open like it was tissue paper. His blue cheeks were exposed, the movement stop device clearly visible.

Matt tried to cry out for his father to make them stop, but his father wasn't listening. He was once again focusing on his computer screen and was ignoring the plight of his eldest son. He struggled and screamed against his closed muzzle as the belt was unlocked, feeling the movement stop suddenly deflate. One of the two men easily pulled it out and Matt felt the relief of being empty after staying plugged up for so long.

"Ok, punishment first. Then the next procedures" Trent said as he pulled out a heavy leather strap from the briefcase. "Bad boys get a spanking. Now, since you can't talk, Timothy, would you kindly provide a number?"

"Thirty" Timothy said with a smirk, moaning to himself as he saw Michael take the strap and rub it over Matts squirming backside. "Wait, make it ten for locking himself in his room, and forty for threatening me" he added.

"Fifty in all" Trent nodded in agreement as he let Michael take the reins. "Timothy, would you please count out each stroke? And try not to make a mistake. If you miss a stroke we'll have to start over again." Matt felt his heart stop for a moment in fear to that. "So, when you get to forty nine, make sure you count it, otherwise we'll go back to zero" Trent said casually.

The first crack made Matt scream loudly in his shut muzzle as the big bull didn't hold back. The big thick leather strap was repeatedly whacked overt his naked ass as he was spanked in front of his father and his brother. The only thing breaking the silence between each crack was Timothy counting and Matts muffled screams.

Timothy said nothing aside from counting as he watched the spanking of his brother. His brothers' ass was getting redder with each strike and he was held down too easily by both the bigger men. He glanced over at his father and saw that he wasn't paying attention.

He had been joking before when he suggested fifty spanks to his brother. But what surprised him was that it wasn't like a spanking he had seen before. He had been spanked once as a child by his father, but it was more of a humiliation act, something to embarrass him into behaving then something to actually hurt him.

But this, this was just intended to be painful. The bull didn't hold back and each hard strike cracked loudly in the room, making Timothy cringe a little from how hard it was. He had to focus to keep count, as he suddenly didn't want his brother to have to suffer anywhere between fifty to one hundred lashes. But, it was getting hard to focus.

Matt continued to scream as the belt whacked again and again over his ass, each strike sending spikes of pure pain through him. His ass was beginning to sting and ache as his backside was abused. He had never felt such pain before. He had been spanked several times when he was younger by his father, and every time he had been, it had hurt. He was always left sore after each spanking, but he wondered how he was going to stand after this.

Timothy felt himself panting as he suddenly realised he was incredibly turned on. His pants were stretched and bulged out as he found himself starting to sweat. Seeing his brothers ass turn a deep purple from the abuse that he was experiencing was making him hot and he felt his shirt start to feel slightly damp as he realised he was sweating from arousal.

Matt's backside was growing deeper in purple hue as the rain of blows continued. His screams were starting to die down as he was screaming himself hoarse and he was no longer struggling against the blows.

Crack. Whack. Kapow. The leather strap rained down again and again, the big bull grunting with each hard strike to the boys' small backside. He ignored the boys screams as he landed the blows again and again, striking over the boys backside without missing.

"Fif...fifty" Timothy managed to get out, but his voice was so small that he had to repeated himself a few times before he was heard. The moment that he was heard Michael stopped and tossed the strap onto the desk. He raised his arms up a few times to stretch out his cramped muscles.

"Haven't spanked someone that hard in a while" he admitted with a grunt as he worked his arm back and forth a few times. "Whew, now that's a workout" he added with a grin on his face,

Matt was vaguely aware of the tears streaming down his cheeks. His ass felt like it was on fire, and he could almost feel it glowing. He whimpered and groaned from the pain as he hung his head in the hole of the table, his tears slowly dripping onto the floor.

"Now then kiddo, are you going to give us any more trouble?" Trent said as he looked down at the quivering boy. "Or, do we have to ask your brother for another number?"

Matt weakly shook his head no as he felt the tears coarse down his cheeks. His arms were unstrapped from their bonds as Michael lifted him up by the back of his shirt. Matt felt like all the energy he had in his body had been sapped from the horrible spanking he had just received. He was held in place with his head hanging down.

"Are you going to be nice to your brother and your father?" Trent asked.

Matt nodded slowly as he felt his backside burn. His tail thumped over it and he cringed as the simple movement felt like he had just sat on hot coals.

"Are you going to listen to the rules and follow them?" Trent demanded. "Are you going to keep your room unlocked and not hide from any of us?"

Matt nodded with a feeble whimper as he couldn't look up at either of them. He didn't care if they saw him cry like this. They already did and he felt his cheeks burn almost as badly as his backside did.

"Good" Michael said, sounding pleased as if Matt had just done something very good indeed. He let the boy down slowly and let go of the back of his shirt, but he didn't need to restrain him as Matt didn't have the energy to even lift his arms up. They just dangled like they were dead weight over the sides of the table.

"Now tiger" Trent said as he picked up something from the briefcase. "You will still be using the movement stop for a while longer, but we have a new friend for you too" he said. "Two actually, since we have to perform two procedures today. Thomas, you may want to make a note that we're a week ahead now" he added.

"Duly noted" Thomas said without taking his eyes off the screen. With his face looking at the floor, it registered on Matt that his father had indeed been listening the whole time. He had just simply chosen to ignore him. He felt his heart sink as he felt himself go limp.

"Now, we're going to do the second procedure now" Trent said as he went back to his briefcase and pulled something out of it. "So, the movement stop is considered your first friend, so we'll introduce you to friend number two now" he said.

Matt heard the snap of rubber gloves as Michael's thick fingers pried his abused cheeks apart. They stung as they were moved and Matt felt something cold dribble onto his exposed hole. The Dalmatians thick fingers found his hole again and began to push in again.

The abused flamedramon groaned, but it was mostly from the intrusion and the pain in his as cheeks. After being blocked up by the movement stop for so long, it was surprisingly easy to penetrate him. He didn't have the energy to struggle, but he doubted he could have even if he did.

"The first procedure is to teach you to follow the rules and obey" Trent explained. Matt felt all three thick fingers pry him open, as if to test how stretchy his hole was. The fingers wiggled around and slowly spread out, spreading his ring open. Matt was openly crying now, the uncomfortable feeling of being probed and the pain in his ass was almost too much to bear.

Timothy was rubbing himself at this point. He felt his forehead damp with sweat and he could feel the rivers of body juice run down his back. He felt so turned on by how his brother was being manhandled, but he didn't want to draw attention to himself. He bit his lip to keep a moan from escaping his lips as he felt his cock throb in his pants.

"This second lesson is to teach you endurance" Trent explained as Matt felt his fingers be removed from his hole. He didn't even have the strength to sigh in relief as his hole was left alone, even if it was for a few moments. "This device is a bit special as well, as it can both enlarge and lengthen while locked to the belt. The movement stop can only expand to a certain diameter, but this once can almost triple in size, if need be" he added.

Matt cried out loudly as the much bigger plug was pushed into him. He had no idea how big it was, but it felt like he was getting raped by a horse. And the Dalmatian wasn't being gentle about putting it into him either. The thick foreign object was pushed into him as he found the energy to thrash.

"OH god, take it out, take it out" matt screamed loudly into his gag, but all that was heard was muffle screaming. But even if they could understand him, they chose to ignore him. Michael held the boys cheeks open as Trent continued to push. Matt could feel his ring stretch out further then it had before, and it was hurting him something chronic.

"You can take it boy" Trent said rather calmly as he continued to push the large plug into the struggling and crying boy. The plug was almost eight inches long, and it was bigger than a beer can near the base.

"It hurts, it hurts. Stop it, stopt it" matt screamed into his gag as loudly as he could as Trent continued to push the plug in. "Please dad, make them stop, make them stop" he screamed, but his muffled cries were ignored by his father.

"Either stop screaming or I paddle your ass while we put it in" Michael threatened."You're choice." Matt heard the threat and hung his head as he cried, letting his tears tell everyone how much it was hurting. The tears were forming an obvious damp patch under the table as he cried while being violated.

Timothy could literally hear the plug as it popped in finally, the large base spreading his brother forcibly. The pained cry and whimpering and the entire sinful but so erotic view of his brothers bright purple ass getting abused was too much for him to bear. He took a deep breath as he forced himself to keep watching, but he felt like he was going to blow in his pants.

"There we go. All in" Trent said with a friendly tone of voice as he gave Matt's backside a pat, getting a cry from the abused boy. "Now, Thomas and Timothy, the plug can be adjusted while it's still inside him, but not when it's locked in place. The belt tube will fit in like it does the movement stop, and keep it locked in whatever setting you leave it.

"There are two dials on the base, one for length and one for girth. They can go up to almost three times the current size, but I would advise doing the expanding slowly. They require a special ended Alan key to operate, which I will give you to keep with the keys to the belt" he explained as he placed two short sticks onto the desk. Thomas broke contact with his computer screen long enough to pick one up and slide it into his pocket.

It was too much for Timothy to bear. Hearing that he could make the object in his brother almost three times bigger made him almost ready to shoot. He was at the edge of his orgasm as he decided he had to get out of the room. He didn't feel like blowing his load in his pants right in front of his father and the two agents.

Timothy ran from the room and down the hall to his own room as quick as his feet was able to carry him. He slammed the door shut behind him and hurriedly undid his pants. He threw his pants and his briefs down his legs as he leant back against the door, panting hard. His hard seven incher was so hard it was aching and he quickly grabbed it.

"Oh god oh god oh god" Timothy moaned as he pictured the abuse his brother had just been through. The way the two men had dominated his older brother like he was nothing more than some animal or slave, it had been so hot he could almost not stand it.

"Oh god, please let me do that to him" He moaned as the two men in his visions were replaced by himself, himself spaning his brother until he screamed and violating his insides with a horse sized dildo.

Timothy barely had to stroke it more than a few times to that image before he felt himself blow. Ribbon after ribbon of pearly digimon cum flew over the carpet as timothy moaned loudly. The ropes flew across the room and left long white strings of seed lying over the carpet like some kind of trophy.

When his climax subsided, timothy leant against the door, panting hard as he felt his cock painfully and slowly begin to subside. He wiped the sweat from his brow as he pushed his cock back into his pants.

"Oh god, that was...that was so intense" Timothy panted as he pushed his cock back into his briefs. He had never cum so hard in his life, and surprisingly, it was the thought of dominating his older brother like a slave that had brought it on.

He grabbed one of his jumpers from his floor and wiped his face free of sweat as he dropped it back on the floor, making sure that his appearance looked good enough to be considered presentable. Making sure his crotch was flat enough, he opened his door and headed back to his father's study.

He returned back to the room to find Matt now lying on his stomach, his hands strapped back to the sides of the table and his legs spread. His pants had been ripped open at the front, and his briefs lay in tatters on the ground.

Timothy saw his brothers very hard four incher standing straight up in the air, hard and throbbing. Timothy had heard that some men and boys got hard from punishment and even from such extreme things as rape. He wondered briefly if his brother had actually enjoyed the punishment on some level.

Quietly, so he didn't disturb them, timothy stepped to the side as he watched what was going on. Trent was back at his briefcase, rummaging through whatever the box of tricks was holding and kept himself quiet so that he didn't miss a thing.

Michael was standing at the head of Matt, the thick leather strap back in his hand. But he was standing with his arms crossed over his chest, as if he was expecting more trouble from the abused boy that lay strapped before him.

"Ok tiger, here's friend number three" Trent said as he produced something from the briefcase. "Friend number one taught you obedience. Friend number two will teach you endurance. Friend number three, is going to teach you restraint" he said as he held the object in his outstretched hand.

Timothy had never seen something like that before. It looked like some kind of mesh sleeve and a couple of rings. And it looked completely unremarkable. He looked at the limp thing in the Dalmatians spotted hand.

"Now, friend number two teaches you endurance. A lot of boys your age quit things that they start, simply because they can't endure either what they're doing, or what's happening to them. They can't endure the stress of school or the responsibilities of a job, so they quit because they can't deal with it.

"Friend number two is going to teach you to face it and deal with it. You won't be able to back out of it, and you won't be able to negotiate it. Friend number two is going to make you accept what is happening and deal with it right there and then" he says. "Now, friend number three, will teach you restraint, but also focus."

"Now matt, this is a special device that's going to help you focus" Trent said as he held it out, giving all the men in the room a view of it. "Most boys on probation are very sexual and often masturbate quite a bit. Although how you could paw off with such a small cock, honestly. I'm surprised it even gets hard being that tiny" he said with a chuckle.

Matt cried from the humiliating words, but he didn't say anything. Michael was standing above him and looking down at him, almost daring him to give him an excuse to punish him. Unable to even voice how hurt he felt, Matt just let the tears flow from his eyes.

"So, imagine if you could focus all of that energy into something else? All those countless hours pawing with such a pitiful cock, probably making nothing more than a dribble at the end, could be used towards something better then senseless masturbating. Well, this device will help you" he said.

"And trust me Matt, it is pitiful you have something that small to masturbate with" he said with a smirk down at the boy. Michael let out a chuckle as he saw the boys face flush even further with embarrassment. But the boys cock was still hard as Trent grabbed a hold of it and began to slide the sleeve over.

Matt shivered as his aching cock was fondled, but it wasn't a pleasant feeling. The mesh was actually a very soft metal, and although it didn't hurt, it did feel cold. And it felt uncomfortable. It felt like a soft wire was being wrapped around his cock, but it didn't cut into him that badly.

The sleeve had a lot of excess mesh left over when the ring at the base of the mesh sleeve reached the base of Matts cock. It defiantly looked three sizes too big, and it made Trent chuckle.

"Just as I thought. It's too big. It was designed for a small cock, but honestly Matt, it's far too big for your little dick" he said with a laugh. Matt heard Timothy smirk as well and he closed his eyes, feeling his face heat further.

"Now, I need to make a few adjustments" Trent said as he adjusted the sleeve with a pair of snips that he produced from his pocket. A portion came off the end as he cut it down so that it rested just under the head of Matts cock. He produced another ring from his pocket and pressed it under the head of Matt's length.

With surprising precision he attached the end of the mesh sleeve to the ring and did it without pinching the sensitive flesh. Once the mesh was attached, he put the snips away and pulled a bottle of liquid from his pocket.

"This is going to be cold" Trent explained as he pulled the cap off. "But it is because this is a special lube that is cold enough to make an erection die. Thankfully I don't need enough for such a tiny cock" he said with a smirk.

Matt gasped out as something very cold was applied to his length and his cock began to shrink from the contact. Whatever was in the lube was effective, and his rock hard erection was limp in a matter of seconds. His four inches went down to just three soft inches of very small boy cock, adding to his humiliation. And the cold was so cold that he felt numb from the contact.

"Ok, almost done tiger" Trent said with a grin as he adjusted the device further. He produced a couple of very small and thin looking screw drivers and, with careful precision, began to adjust the length further.

Matt felt the sleeve begin to contract around his cock, pulling tight like a second skin over his soft length. About another half of the sleeve contracted as it pulled tight, but not uncomfortable tight. The ring at the base of his cock was tightened as well, digging into his base. The ring at the head of his cock was tightened as well, making the mesh sleeve hard to remove, even when it was soft.

Trent then looped the other two rings behind both of Matt's balls. One ring went behind each ball, both rings connected to the ring at the base of Matts cock. Trent then adjusted the two rings and they pulled tight, tighter than the other two rings. The skin on his sac was pulled tight over his two orbs, making his balls look like two large grapes. And they weren't hat much bigger than two big grapes. It felt uncomfortable, but it didn't hurt.

Even though Matt couldn't see the device, he could feel it. It felt like it wasn't going to come off anytime soon, and he knew that he wouldn't be able to. Trent stood up and rubbed his back after being bent over for several minutes in that position.

"Alright tiger, it's all on. That wasn't so bad now, was it?" he said with a cheerful tone of voice. "Although I didn't expect such a small cock to take so long to adjust" he admitted.

Matt said nothing as his hand straps were removed and he felt his ankle straps come loose. But he didn't move. He didn't have the strength to get up right away and he just lay there in his ruined clothes on the table.

Not only was he now plugged up, but he had some device on him. He was smart enough to figure out that it was some kind of chastity device. First his toilet privileges, then his privacy, and now he couldn't masturbate.

"Now then, here are the controls" Trent said as he handed a small remote like device to Thomas. "It's simple enough to understand, but I could explain it again, for Timothy's understanding?" he asked. "Since he is allowed to take part in all of this."

"Go right ahead" Thomas said with a nod. Michael then forcibly helped matt sit up, pulling the boy easily up into a sitting position. He expected Matt to do something, but seeing the boy was offering no resistance, he pulled him to his feet.

Michael pulled the last remaining pieces of Matt's clothes down, getting no resistance from matt as he wrapped his arms back around his body and held onto himself. It felt a bit comforting to know that, even if it was himself, someone was holding onto him. Michael clasped the belt back around Matt's waist and connected the cable to the plug and the belt, keeping it in place.

"Alright. Well, this device is a special chastity belt. Right now, even soft, it is near impossible to remove without causing some damage to Matt. The rings and mesh are made from a special metal alloy that is resistant to most cutting objects, and I doubt anyone would want to use a blowtorch on him to get them off.

"Now, the way it works, is that it prevents matt from getting a full erection. The mesh is tight at the moment, but it will not expand when he gets hard. The rings contain nano senses that monitor how hard the resistance in the mesh is, and how quick his blood is flowing in it. He can get aroused, but if he gets fully hard, as in masturbating hard, it begins to illuminate" Trent explained.

"Light up?" timothy asked, sounding curious. He had never heard of a chastity device doing such a thing.

"Yes. It will illuminate his cock. The mesh is able to illuminate depending on how close he is to orgasm. The closer that he gets, the brighter it is going to become. It will be bright enough to see even through pair of jeans. If it reaches a certain level of illumination, it will begin to mildly shock him" Trent continued as Michael began to pack down the table.

"Shock him? Like what, a tazer?" timothy asked, sounding surprised. Matt felt himself tremble as they were talking about him as if he wasn't even in the room. He looked down at his now trapped cock and felt a flicker of fear course through him. Even through his clothes.

"Oh god, what if I get hard in public?" he whimpered as he thought that to himself, hugging himself tighter around his chest.

"Like a constant buzz actually, but it will continue to buzz and increase in volume the longer he is hard" Trent continued to explain. "If the mesh senses his cock is throbbing due to close climax, it will double the dose of voltage and then it will hit him like a tazer. It will hurt, but it's not going to cause any permanent dame to him, either internally or externally. But it will be enough to kill his erection."

"Wow" timothy said as he found himself rubbing his rapidly retenting crotch. The thought of his brother getting shocked just for getting a boner was almost a big a turn on as seeing him beg paddled like a dog.

"Also, the remote can adjust the voltage and make it more painful or less painful. Consider it an incentive to make him behave. The dosage can be turned up that he can pass out from the shock, and that is enough to make any boy on parole or probation stand still and listen. Also, if you're feeling interested, it can change the colour of the lights" Trent said with a grin.

Matt whimpered as he saw how delighted his brother looked. His brother had the same look on his face as when he got his new bike the previous Christmas. Like he had just been handed the best toy on the market. His brother couldn't possibly be considering doing that to him, could he?

"Plus, as an extra feature, you can remotely shock him, but it can only be done if he's reached at least half mast" Trent explained.

"Can he take it off? Or, can I take it off?" timothy asked as he squeezes his arousal. The thought of shocking his brother at any time was a good turn on. If either Trent or Michael noticed, they didn't say anything to it.

"No, he can't. It can come unlocked, but only with a four digit pass code entered on the remote" Trent said as he placed the device in timothy's hand. "There are three codes, one to unlock, one to turn off and one to shock. The unlock code unlocks the rings and allows him to take it off. The code to turn it off is for when you're feeling generous and you can allow him to climax."

"Generous?" timothy asked in slight awe as Michael snapped the table closed. His father was sitting at his desk with his hands under his chin as he listened in on the conversation. They were all completely ignoring matt as he stood there, holding his arms against his naked body as tears streamed down his embarrassed face.

"If you turn it off, he can masturbate" Trent explained. "The metal is soft enough that it feels like extra stimulation. Heck, you can even keep the illumination on so he can play with his glowy dick if you want" he said with a grin.

"So, what's with the plug?" timothy asked.

"Well, that is to help him stretch his insides. To help with the endurance training. Now, you have to listen because this is important. Timothy, you are to make him wear it during the day, and put the movement stop back inside him at night time. If he gives you any more trouble, I'm sure a few numbers can see to that" he said.

Timothy nodded, feeling his cock throb in his pants once again, going hard in a matter of moments. He now had a lot of control over his older brother, over his bowel movements, his privacy, and now his ability to self pleasure. And the control he had just been given was delicious.

"We're done here" Michael said. "And we're a week ahead. We might be another week ahead next week, if Matt gives you any more trouble" he added to Timothy and to Thomas. Trent nodded as he went and picked up his briefcase.

"Thank you once again for doing this for Matt" Thomas said as he gave both men a shake of his hand over his desk. "I'm glad that I can count on you two for doing this for his best interests."

"We're happy to help" Trent said with a nod and a smile. "It's our pleasure to help young boys like yours get back on track."

"Very well. Hopefully, things on my end should be done within the next week, or two at the latest" Thomas said to them both. "And I will let you know if Matt is being unreasonable by next week. Either myself or Timothy will let you know' he said.

"Alright then. See you next week tiger" Trent said as he gave matt a firm slap on his shoulder. Matt cringed and shrunk away, wanting to put as much space between the two men as possible. They both just smiled as if Matt was a little child before they took their leave from the room.

"Dad, this is ...this is so cool" Timothy said as he looked over the remote. He cradled it in his hands like it was the remote for the television set. "I can't believe that they can make things like this. Go on matt. Get hard so I can test this thing out" Timothy ordered. "Go on. Get hard. I want to see how your tiny dick lights up.

"Dad...please" matt whimpered meekly as he sniffed a few times, more tears of humiliation streaming down his cheeks. He saw his father get up with concern on his face as he spoke. As his father got out from behind his desk, Matt actually thought that his father was going to come over to him and comfort him.

But rather then go over to his crying eldest, Thomas didn't even look at him as he walked over to Timothy and put his arm around him, the concern on his face not for the son that was crying.

"You ran out of the room before. Did it get too much for you to bear?" Thomas asked with fatherly concern in his voice. "I'd hate to think that this was too traumatic for you" he said as he gave his son a one sided hug.

"Oh, I'm fine dad" timothy said with a grin. "I just needed a few seconds to um...unload" timothy said with a grin. "But I'm alright now. I just want to test this thing out and see what it can do" he admitted.

"Alright. I was a bit worried about you back there. I'm just glad to know that you're alright" Thomas said as he pulled his son close. Timothy smiled from the concern of his father as he wrapped his arms around his father and returned the hug.

Matt watched the exchange as he felt his heart sink down a few inches and felt a cold feeling deep within his chest. His father had deliberately ignored him, and was hugging the son that had so blatantly and without hesitation, got Matt spanked, abused and had helped in his humiliation.

He still had no answers as to why this was happening to him, or even what was going to happen on the next treatment. All he knew was that for some reason, his father thought that this was good for him. But Matt didn't feel any better about all of his as he stood there, shaking and holding himself.

But as far as wondering if his father played favourites, it was getting a bit easier to admit that his father was favouring his younger brother. And the thoughts that it may have been true, was hitting Matt like a dagger to the heart.

As he watched his father and his brother hug and ignore him as he felt his ass and his insides burn, Matt promised himself that come next Sunday, he would have a way out of this. One they couldn't ignore.