Central New Year #3- The Hunt

Story by TheNovelist on SoFurry

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#14 of Exploration

So we stood, looking in hauteur, at our foes. I had made sure I was looking impassive, but that was quite hard with all of them looking back at me, grinning. Silverine spoke once more.

"These are your Hunted. The time is ten to ten, so they have ten minutes to prepare. Choose your target!"

As he did, several little circular balls came from behind him, and hovered above each of us. They were the drones that would record our progress.I quickly turned to Doran, and whispered.

"How did you know he was coming?"

He gave a faint smile, as we all turned and listened for his reply.

"I have empathic abilities, I just know where people are."

"Handy in a challenge like this." Grant commented

Winslo clasped his hands together, and started crackling with electricity. He was practising a lightning spell, I had heard enough. I sat down, my rifle over my shoulder, and my hands together. Search for infinite calm. The others I weren't watching, because I closed my eyes. The minutes ticked away, and through the hubbub I heard the drawing of plans. Nearest to me, I heard the voice of Draco, speaking to Devlin.

"It's all ready."

"So Silverine said it is fair?"

"Of course. A Hunted has to be prepared for any situation."

"What about Alduin's rifle?"

"I specially made it to withstand his rifle. Two shots in quick succession would work, but not one."


"His pistol is not high enough calibre."

I heard this, and smiled. So Draco had a cunning plan up his sleeve, well so did I. I opened my eyes, stood, and drew from my pocket a wrapped item. Reverently unfolding the soft paper from it, I lifted a single, silver bullet. I emptied the chamber of the rifle, and carefully slotted the new bullet in. Draco saw my little show, as did many, and as I cocked the rifle, and held it gently in front of me, they wondered what I was smiling about. Draco's own smile faded slightly when I looked at him.

Further expression was impossible, for at that moment, my watch beeped, as Silverine announced.

"The Hunt begins!"

All the Hunted ran towards the exit doors, save for me who walked forward.The crowd parted like the Red sea. No one would make me run at this point. After ten seconds, there was a shout of annoyance.

"The door's been barred!"

Oh, was that all? Right. I saw Winslo cast a spell on it, which didn't work.Grant delievered an astonishing kick, which had no luck. Thomas stood back, and emptied a full clip at the bar of metal,he didn't miss a round, with the same result. I stopped ten metres away from the door, and I I got into the kneeling position, spoke.Draco was right beside me.

"Armour piercing, Teflon coated, five dollars worth of steel. Out of the way!" I shouted at Thomas, who turned and then dived out of the way. I fired.

The bullet left the gun at an immense velocity, and in a hundredth of a second met the cast steel bar across the door.The metal was blown apart, and the bullet kept going. The wooden door was next, and the entire lock and handle mechanism was destroyed. The doors were flung open, and as they did, the Hunted charged forward, through the doors. I turned to Draco.

"Nice try."

Draco looked unemotional. "I'll see you in ten minutes."

I set my watch, pointing the crystal face at Draco. "I'll see you in two hours."

Parting shot delivered, I turned, and sprinted through the door.Skidding professionally across the floor, I bounced off the wall and hurtled forward, my boots thudding against the ground. I could see Time directly ahead, and ran a little harder to catch up. As I came along side, she spoke.

"What the devil was that?"

"It's a gun, a type of weapon we have on Earth."

"Was it supposed to do that?"

"It was a special type of shell."

"I see." she panted.

"Time, could I ask you something?"


"Well,"I gasped," I still don't know how to run around here, everything looks the same. How can I tell which direction I'm going?"

"You don't."Time Dancer replied." My suggestion is to keep running."

We reached a fork, and as she charged down the right one, I turned to the left. I heard a whistle being blown, and realised our two minutes was up. I surged forward. Left, right, down long passage, it was pointless trying to keep track of where I was going. But I noticed something interesting. Up along the roof of the corridors were a series of air vents, which meant that one could travel along them if they were big enough.Not enough to save my skin, but possibly a boost. I heard the hum as my drone kept pace with it's objective.

After ten minutes of running blindly through corridors, I saw my first Hunter. Oh joy, it was Tufty. I was charging down a corridor when he appeared directly in front of me, his legs together remembering my last trick. I charged directly at him, and saw him tense for the spring. As he leapt at me, I charged even faster, my shoulder pointed up. I caught him in the chest, and he was flung backwards.He landed well, but I was already past him, and he turned and raced after me.

I soon stopped that. I drew my bottle of Lift Plus, and, drinking the remainder, threw in onto the ground as hard as I could. It shattered, a terrible sound to my ears, and glass shards sprayed every where. My boots crunched across it, and as I looked back, I saw Tufty sliding to a halt. He wasn't going to run across broken glass in bare feet.

Alecto was watching all this, and he laughed.

"And it appears Tufty will have to find a new way around this detour. One to Alduin." he commented to Simba. Simba nodded.

Next corner, I almost ran straight into Winslo. He was breathing hard, and as I looked behind me, I saw a unicorn rampaging towards us.It's horn wasn't lowered, but it's silvery white flanks were heaving as it's hooves drummed against the ground.I looked in surprise, and then turned to Winslo as we ran.

"It's catching us, right?"

Winslo didn't waste excess energy looking at me.

"What do you think!?"

"Let it, slowly."

We slowed slightly, and I turned frequently. It was catching us, until it was only five metres behind us.I could tell it was wondering which one to go for. I drew my rifle, and gasped.

"Grab the barrel!"

He did so, as I held the stock. Then I shouted.

"Duck and stop!"

We hit the anchors, and at the same time got down really low. The unicorn tried to stop, and ran into the middle of my rifle. Metal beat bone, and the unicorn pitched forward, sliding on it's belly for about ten metres.It turned to look at me, and I held a hand in defence.

"Sorry for that!" I ducked down a corridor, and Winslo down another.Alecto rolled his eyes, watching my image charge down a path.

"Oh come on, what sort of move is that?"

"It worked." Simba acknowledged. Gareth laughed. There was a cheer from behind them, Time had given a dragon the slip in a very clever move, and Nagoya had managed a full length dive over a wolf. Doran had cunningly stop by a interesection, concentrated briefly, and headed down one. A lot of wolves got involved it the Hunt, mainly because it was to their nature, and I met one not five minutes later.

I ran past a corridor, and heard a growl, and as I turned, a metre high black wolf pointed it's head around the corner, observing what had run past him. He growled again and bared his fangs, charging after me. I pitched around another corridor, and I heard it's hot pursuit. For two minutes I sprinted across corridors, and making sharp turns, but the wolf kept it's balance, and my lead started to dwindle.

But what threw it off me wasn't one of my clever moves, it was a combination of Time Dancer and those chasing her. An elf, a stallion and a lizard like creature were after her. She turned into a corridor, only to see me turn into the same corridor. The Wolf skidded behind me, and burst forward. Between us was a corridor to the left.I lifted a hand, and mimicked pulling something as the distance between us shrunk. She nodded.

What happened next deserved a slow motion replay. I got to the corridor, and stopped as fast as I dared. Time Dancer ran right beside me, and I grabbed her arm tightly. I used her forward momentum, and swung her into the corridor. As I did, I leaned the opposite way as hard as could. I felt the wolves' paws brush my clothing, and saw the elf look in surprise as a wolf came flying over the bent backwards human. The wolf tried to change direction in mid air, and skittled the other three. As I straightened, the wolf had bowled all three over, and they were all lying in a heap of arms and legs.

I punched the air.

"Strike!" I shouted, and as Time Dancer had came to a halt, I jogged to her.

"Nice move, I think you've dislocated my shoulder." she said.

"I think I dislocated mine. But it worked." I shot back, a slight tone of injury crossing my complexion. She smiled.

"I can't wait to see the replay of that."

"Neither can I."I nodded, "but I suggest we make ourselves scarce."

We ran down the corridor together, and then split up at the first junction.

In the main hall, Alecto was laughing.

"That was the most incredible stunt I've seen.How the devil did he do that? That's six to his credit."

"He's fast, he's quick thinking. Where's Draco and Silverine?" Gareth replied.

Simba checked his locating device.

"They're following him. Silverine's coming from a different direction.Alduin's got his work cut out."

Actually, I saw no one or nothing for a good half an hour. My clock was bringing up the fifty minute mark when I saw Valmeero.He was jogging down a corridor at a leisurely rate, nothing seemed to be chasing him. He stopped, breathing deeply, and I stood beside him. We were at a four way intersection, and we looked each way as we spoke.

"How's it going?" I gasped, drawing in breath.

"Not bad. I had a few creatures chasing me, but I lost them."

"Yeah, same here. It's the nothing chasing me which worries me. For about twenty minutes I had three, but now, nothing."

"You're lucky. I had one chase me for twenty five minutes." he replied.

Further casual chat was soon dispelled. As I looked past his shoulder, I saw a figure, a tall slender figure pull around the corridor. Abigail had spotted Valmeero, and she drew her taser. I pushed him one way, and dived the other. There was a noise like the sound of a dart being fired, and saw the metal prongs zip past. Abby cursed.

"That's very rude language for a lady." I shouted.

Abby teleported right next to me, her taser reloaded. Her weapons instantly reset if she teleported, and she as she moved, I brought my hand up. I grabbed the barrel of the electric weapon, and felt it discharge, only just missing my shoulder.

Valmeero came from nowhere, bowling Abby off her feet. I got up, and as Valmeero stood, and Abby started getting up, we both sprinted away.Abby grabbed her taser from the ground, and I heard her teleport.

"Oh bugger." I whispered, but she appeared nowhere near me.

Simba nodded in appraisal.

"He's avoided her, this time. But she's after him."

"The dragon pack?"

"They know where he is, but they're keeping their distance.They want him to exhaust himself before they get to him."

At the same time, Brendan's camera winked out, the last image being of a quartet of wolves surrounded him.There was a cheer, and a moan, equally loud. He had been caught, the first one to do so, and at the fifty six minute mark. There was a collective ooh at the quality of the hunted, if the first got hit after the average. Time, Nagoya and Alduin were betted on to make to one hour forty, fifty, and even break the magical two hours. But no one bet on the two hour mark, just yet.Doran had met several creatures, because it was unavoidable, but each time he had cunningly given them the slip.His technique was to go to an intersection, send out a extra boost of detection, and see if anyone was hiding around a corner. It worked invariably well.

Winslo met a group of magic users, and their spells pinged off various walls after the novice. Time was sneaking down a maze of corridors, listening for the slightest movement. Valmeero was being chased down a series of corridors with Tufty and a lizard creature in tow. Thomas was being chased by Abigail, who had apparently switched targets, and Thomas was having to take into account Abby's uncanny teleport system. She was excellent with electronic systems, and her teleporter was highly advanced, as were her taser and her in general. The watchers in the hall knew this was going to be an interesting battle, technology on concealment, like a game of Command and Conquer.

Grant met me, and we ran slowly down the corridors, discussing what we had run into. He had come across Silverine, and had to make a dash for it. I told him about my waltz with Time Dancer, and he managed an exhausted laugh.

"It's called the Dodge the Baddies Two step. Take your partner, swing them to the side, and lean outwards. Then run like a lava floe's after you."

"Excellent."I managed to wheeze." I'll go get a violin.Tempo?"

"What would you suggest?"

"Allegro con brio, fast and lively."

"I like that."he nodded, and then we met a new surprise.

It was a silver rope, pulled tight across the entrance of the corridor, and only at the last second I noticed it. I warned Grant, although I couldn't stop, and did a flying dive over it, like Mr Smith in that movie.I rolled in a forward roll, got to my feet, and as I continued running, saw Grant. He had been caught badly, and there was a tall slim elf standing beside him.He was on the ground and in slight pain, and I stopped to help. As I did, the light on the side of the drone went out, he had been captured, and I turned and ran, leaving Grant to his fate.

There was a louder cheer, another moan, but more comments. Simba was wondering how I instinctively knew, but Gareth was cheering every move I made. At the same time, Winslo was hit by a confusion spell, and was taken capture by two magic users.The time was now one hour and five, and as I lurched around the corner, I realised that half my time had passed.

So, at the hour and ten minute mark, Brendan, Winslo and Grant were all captured. Time was being chased by a pair of black dragons, Thomas Nagoya had Abby on his tail, Valmeero had lost Tufty but now had Silverine after him again. Doran was now being followed by a pair of falcon like creatures. His empathic ability knew where they were, but they knew where he was, so it didn't make that much difference. They charged through the corridors.I was the only one not being chased at the moment.

I did meet a creature though. Arachno was walking along a corridor, his four pairs of 'hands' steepled in contemplation. I jogged up to him, and came to a halt.

"Hi Arachno."

He turned, looking surprised.

"Oh, Alduin. How are you?"

"Not caught, as yet. But I haven't seen Draco or Devlin yet, so I know they're after me." I smiled. We walked together down the corridor, although I kept twisting my head, making sure no one was watching me. My drone followed.

"Do they have sound?" I pointed at the drone. Arachno nodded.


"Oh joy.But I have a question of you."

"Go ahead."

"Tufty said you can perform several exceptionally tricky operations."

Arachno laughed."Be more specific."

I leaned over as we walked, and whispered something in his ear. He listened, and as I leaned away, nodded.At this moment, Doran was captured by the two bird hybrids, one had flown down a side corridor, and while he had dived as it came out of the corridor, he was knocked down by the other.

"Oh yes. I have done that on a few creatures. Hey, I've given creatures wings before, so that shouldn't be too hard."

"Wings?" The possibilities.

"All you need is the wings themselves, but you don't often find volunteers." he nodded." But yes, I can do that for you."

"Excellent, but not yet. Of course, you have full permission to road test it." We were coming to the end of the corridor.

"What?I can?" Arachno looked at me in a new light.

I nodded, as Draco and Devlin stepped in front of me.

"I'm about to have two dragons road test me!" I turned and sprinted. Arachno spotted the dragons, and sighed, walking past them. Draco charged after me, while Devlin disappeared back into the corridor.

Draco very quickly reduced my lead. I had to outsmart him, and that was going to take some doing.

It was Valmeero at his typical best who helped. As I came flying around a corner, sliding on the steel surface, I saw him, jogging slowly down the corridor. Above him was a grille, and I grabbed my rifle on the run, stopped briefly, and fired. One latch broke, and then the entire grille swung open. Valmeero knew Draco wasn't going for him, and lowered himself down. I ran straight at him, and at the last second, I jumped. Valmeero cupped his hands, and I stood on them briefly. Then he pushed up, and I jumped again. I was propelled straight into the air vent. Valmeero then sprinted past Draco, who was already coming to a halt. He flew gently up as I scrambled in the enclosed space, and grabbed on, folded his wings, and clambered in. As I crawled, I could hear him behind me, but I also knew he was losing ground, having more difficulty in the narrow space.I looked at my watch.It said one hour thirty.

In the main hall, things were progressing. Valmeero got a hundred yards before running into Tufty at full tilt, and they wrestled on the ground frantically. Time Dancer still had the black dragons after her, and Thomas thought he had lost Abby. He hadn't, but he eased up for a few minutes.

I came to a grate, and opened it, slipping down onto the ground. I was in yet another corridor. I was lost even more than normal, but I knew I should use my time wisely. In so doing, I ran down a few more corridors. One hour forty. Valmeero was captured, it was now down to the three of us.I then watched the demise of another of the hunted. I sprinted down a corridor, and spotted Time Dancer fall to the ground. One of the black dragons had managed to strike her, and while actual physical blows was being mean, it was legal. She rose quickly, but by then both black dragons, their black scales glistening in the eerie light, jumped on her. The drone filming her went out. One hour forty four.Finally I had had enough, and threw myself in a roon, shutting and locking the door behind me. All I needed was some time to catch my breath, but I noticed a grate directly in front of the door and three metres up, and I opened it with my rifle just before I did so.

The room was Arachno's. I seem to have a homing beacon on that room, but I hid behind the two foot long operating table, and sighed in relief. My drone hummed and whirred, and circled me.

Me and Thomas were the only two left, and as Thomas had thrown all his pursuers for the moment, I was drawing the most attention.My drone went and hid in the corner, and then the door was knocked down.

Draco knew I had come in here, I don't know how. He came forward slowly, and he spotted the drone.

"Ah, I thought so." He came forward and around the operating table. I dodged round the other side, and made for the wreckage of the door. I ran out and stopped in horror.

From the hall, although I couldn't hear them, there was a whistle and a comment of ouch. As the drone circled me, they saw that Silverine was on one side, and Devlin on the other. Draco had was behind me, effectively trapping me in.

Well, my rifle could be one last help. I drew it, placed it stock first on the ground, barrel upwards, and jumped onto it. I have superb balance, and I had two seconds to leapt again. I grabbed the sides of the vent, and heard the cursing of the Lupogriff. As I pulled myself up, I got my knees in, and then felt a tremendous weight on my shoes. I kicked them off, and felt my socks slide away also.

"Free!" I shouted, and started crawling. I was now minus rifle, minus shoes and socks,but I was still clear. My watch said 1:49, and if I could hold them off for another eleven minutes, it would be a miracle. I saw Silverine following me through the grate, and Draco behind him. I came to the grate back into Arachno's room, opened it, and fell through. The landing sent waves of pain through my body, but I ran barefoot across the room.

Devlin was hiding behind the table, and with one effortless move, stood and grabbed me in one scaly hand. I lashed out with my foot, catching him in the ribs, but he threw me into the wall. I felt the breath blown out of me, and I landed in a sore heap. Devlin knelt by me, and I saw my drone light flick off. Damn. I looked at my watch, and clicked it. Devlin spoke.

"You O.K, Alduin?"

"As good as anyone could be in this situation. Nine more minutes."I rolled over, and exhaled. Devlin smiled, and stood as Silverine entered the room through the vent.He looked at me, then at Devlin.

"So close. Well done, Devlin."

Draco gave a muffled cheer as he heard this.I rolled my eyes, and struggled to my feet .Silverine ran out of the room, to chase another Hunted. He wasn't to know that three minutes after I had been caught, Abby appeared directly in front of Thomas, taser aimed at him. He surrendered before she fired. And then there were none.The Hunt was over.

I sat down on the operating bench as Draco struggled out of the vent, covered in dust. He looked at me, and breathed.

"Almost, Alduin. You made us work, granted."

"Oh come on, Draco. Nine minutes, if that." I shot a look at him. I was somewhat annoyed. Dev drew several lengths of rope.

"Now, Alduin I guess you know what to do."

"Yes, and I know you have seven minutes to do it. But I'll co-operate."

I leaned back on the bench, my back on it, but my head and legs overhanging on either side. Devlin tied my right hand, forced it down and underneath the table, to my left leg. Draco did the same to my left hand and right leg, until I was secure.Draco wasted no time, he immediately went round to my legs, pushed them apart, and thrust his expectant cock into my anus. Oh joy, another bruising incoming. Devlin went around to my head, and I let my head fall, until I got an upside down view of Devlin and his surprisingly large member. I thought he was understating it when he said twenty, and he was. Try closer to two feet in length.It looked tantalisingly good, and I opened my mouth. Devlin laughed.

"You're keen."and then he thrust.My reply was no more than "Mmppph." under the pressure of Devlin's cock.Even without trying he got the tip of his cock into my throat.As he did, Draco started hammering me, and Devlin withdrew his cock all the way, and whispered.

"Shall I be rough?"

"Be my guest. Just when you fuck me later, I want to feel it." Meaning I wanted him to go slow then. His response was a slight nod, and he started fucking my mouth as hard as he dared. I closed my eyes under the pain and pleasure, and felt my own dick rise. No, that was Draco. He had my cock in one hand, and was stroking it between his own strokes.My mouth was becoming numb under the pain, but I was still enjoying it.

So they worked. Devlin, or what I could see of him, was enjoying it, although I could tell his natural speed was slower. Draco on the other hand, by the two-to-the-second rate, was working at his favourite rate, bash the living daylights out of the creature in question.I jerked under their efforts, the ropes holding me down.After several minutes of this, I heard an incessant beep begin, and they stopped. Devlin withdrew his cock, and I saw my watch was beeping two hours. Draco stopped, realising the hunt was over.

"Ha."I laughed,"I knew you wouldn't have time enough. But that's O.K. Dev, press the button on the left side."

The beeping stopped as he did.Devlin cut my bonds, and I stretched my hands out, and then spoke.

"It's hardly fair though. I made you work, and you can't finish off.What the hell.Come on Dev, let's get you off."

I rolled over on the table, resting on my chest. Dev cautiously came over, and I took my cock in my mouth, stroking the base, and sucking the tip. He sighed in pleasure, and Draco came up behind me.

I nodded at him, and he continued his ravaging of my ass.But, whether I was used to it or not, I managed to continue sucking Dev off under my own power.I stroked him at a fast speed, feeling every bump on his skin and fold. Draco finished into me, my anus filling with cum as he let go a violent roar. I saw his flame sear across the room, and saw Devlin become very sexual at this. I felt his cock tremble, and as I stroked, I ordered him.

"Dev, deep throat me!"

He deserved it.He took my head in his hands, and forced me all the way down his cock.My mouth was stretched to the limit, and my lips rubbed against his testicles. He did this three more times, and then ejaculated with a roar and a flame of his own.

Immediately, fire seared the interior of my mouth. It wasn't as bad as the acid of the plants, but I couldn't breathe, and my my throat was in serious pain. As soon as he stopped, I rolled off the table, and retched, coughing all the cum up.Dev looked slightly confused, and then it dawned on him.Draco suddenly realised, and knelt by me.

"Hey, Alduin, breathe."

I coughed, and made a rude symbol at Draco, which was lost on him.But the pain died quickly, and as I made deep breaths,Dev came over.

"Sorry, Alduin. Did no one ever mention I was a hell fire dragon?"

"They did." I coughed," I just didn't know your semen was burning hot."

After this little unplanned side show, we all got dressed. Draco led us back to the Great Hall, and we walked in. All of them were there, save for Nagoya, but he arrived with Abby not two minutes after us.Time Dancer had cum all over her face and her legs, the two dragons beside her looked like they had recently been serviced. Two plus two equals four.A pack of wolfmen were standing beside Brendan, and so on.There were cheers as we entered, led by Gareth. I acknowledged it all with a wave, and we came in front of Silverine, who was standing in front of the main table.He was in discussion with a stallion like creature, but as Thomas arrived with Abby, he finished his conversation, and turned to us.

"Well, it was close, but the Hunted all got caught. Hunters, give yourselves a rousing cheer!"

This they got. There were roars of appreciation, applause, stomping of feet. If they had done this before the Hunt, I would have been a lot more intimidated.

"Now, although we have a no competing rule, everyone wants to know their times. So here we go.

"Brendan, you were caught after fifty six minutes, a very good achievement, but unfortunately last in this bunch."There was applause for the dragon, who looked slightly deflated at being last, but still cheerful.

"Grant, Winslo, you were both caught at the one hour five minute mark, a good achievement, you should do well here."These two were given louder rounds of applause.

"Doran, with your empathic abilities you will be impossible to evade, but unfortunately it didn't help you lose your quarry. You were caught at one hour and seventeen minutes. Doran sighed in slight resignation, while the audience clapped loudly.

"Valmeero, you fought against Tufty, and lost, but you lasted for a good one and half hours, two minutes more. A very, very good piece of evasion, but only middle of the group." The wolf nodded under the words, and acknowledged the loud applause with a wave. Silverine turned to Time Dancer.

"Time Dancer, despite your superb work, the two dragons beside you got to you at one hour and forty one precisely. And yet, no one thought you would make an hour. We expect great things of you in times to come." Time blushed under his compliments, and the Silverine turned to me and Thomas.

"You two, on the other hand, every one rated highly, and you performed as all of us expected, and then some. Nevertheless, both of you were caught in the last ten minutes, showing your excellent skills. Thomas had his captor following him for a good part of an hour, and Alduin was picked at the start by Draco, Devlin and myself. Thomas, you now hold the unoffical record for the longest time a Hunted creature has gone, so the biggest reward is to you." The audience exploded in an outbreak of cheering and applause for both me and Thomas. Thomas seemed to be blushing at all the fawning he was getting.

"Now, to all here assembled, I now declare the Hunt over. Now enjoy among yourselves what you will."

Silverine bowed, and everyone started shuffling around.Devlin stayed by me, and I turned to him.

"Right, what happens now?"

"At this point, everyone just joins in what the Hunted started."

"You mean it's just a giant orgy?" I smiled. Devlin laughed.

"Yes, shall I give you your wish?"he looked encouragingly at me, but I shook my head.

"Not tonight, Dev. I need some time to recover from both of your efforts. Tomorrow morning, yes, but not tonight."

"That's fine."He replied graciously, and walked away. I walked to the corridor, and breathed out deeply, relieved that it was all over.

Central New Year 4 Part 4 The Impossibilities.

Silverine looked thoughtful, and then looked at the assembled, just as the tail from the dragon Cetacean was rubbing against curled completely around the dolphin's body. "The glowers have found out they can merge with these animatronic creatures they...

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Central New Year 4 Part 3 Things are revealed.

The Lupogriff paused while the echoes got everyone's attention, and then he continued. "When I call your name, please step forwards and line up next to me." he spoke, and looked around to the Hunted that he could see. "Emery." The little...

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Central New Year 4 Part 2 The Hunt Begins

Within a minute, I had it. The guards were legendary, and I only knew of one legend that had a hoard of treasure. I got up, and people looked at me as I strode forwards, smiling. I knocked on the door gently. "I'm still here, how can I help?" "This...

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