What if... Chapter 1- Bad News

Story by wolftwins17 on SoFurry

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#1 of What If

A littel idea i got and i desided to write it down, tell me what you think , charaters belongs to Arlen Blacktiger.

Arlen was sitting in the dimly lit living-room, the TV and a few small lamps the only source of light in the otherwise dark room. He had enjoyed a great dinner whit Sato, and the few glasses of vine he had along the food made his whole body tingle pleasantly. It was actually so pleasant, the calm, almost floating felling in his body, that it made him quite sleepy. He gently closed his eyes, his tail bumped into the couch's leg as it lashed a bit.

He felt how he slowly sank deeper and deeper into a soft unconsciousness.

Just has he was about to fall asleep, right there on the black leather couch the phone rang.




Grumping and cursing he tried to reach for the phone, but even whit his almost perfect night vision was it still hard to find it. "Fucking hell, were is that motherfucking phone!" Arl cursed under a breathy growl. He finally found it; someone had placed it right beside the couch's back leg.

"Yeah Arl here..." he answered whit his rumbling baritone voice. Who could ring at such a time as this, on a Saturday?

"Hey....." the voice on the other end replied. Arls furry browns drew up in confusion. It was Tamra, but why was she calling now, and about what?

"Hey Tammy, how are you doing?" Arl plopped down onto the couch again, pointly ignoring it when his knees stung, he had this for about a week now, had not told anyone about it , and was not planning on doing it in the near future ether.

"Well....good....I guess..." her reply was slow and.... unsure, not at all like how she used to be, if she was her normal self, she would be sassy,teasing and talkative like hell, and most of all confident , she sounded like someone she knew had died. Arlen winched, he really hoped that was not the case.

He leaned into the couch more and rested his arm gently on the armrest. Sato has chagned the curtains to pretty sea blue color.

"So what are you doing on this... um...", he looked out onto the porch that faced the sea, it was a really good place to sit and watch the sunset on clear summer evenings, but it rained heavily today , all day long in fact.

"This rainy evening then?" he finished. She laughed, and it sounded horribly. Like she had been crying, scratchy and dry. Her laughter was normally beautiful and easy, like falling crystal shards.

"Did you wonder where I was, yesterday I mean?" she said into receiver, pointly ignoring his question.

He search his memory, had he seen her at all yesterday... no as a matter of fact, he had not seen her.

Arl scratched himself behind a twitching black tiger ear.

Tamara didn't wait for his reply.ยด

"Well... I-I was at the hospital that day and made an a-- abortion"

Her voice failed her in the end, she all but whispered the last word, almost as if it was a curse.

"Tam...I-I..." what was he going to say to her? His mind was a blank white surface. Was he going to say that he was sorry, but what was he sorry for ? Was he going to say that he understood. But how could he say that when he had no idea in hell what it was like?

"I just thought that you should know..." again she whispered, as if she knew that she was going to cry if she raised her voice even a little.

Arl heard something akin to a sob eco in his ear, a few seconds later...


The phone became silent.

Arlen let a sigh pass between his lips and sat the phone onto the glass table he was resting his feet on.

He dragged a heavy paw over his face. How in hell was he going to approach this dilemma when he knew just about nothing?

In his dark and gloomy mind, a small part of him realized that she had never told him whose cub it was. Had been.

But it couldn't be his right? Right.

Suddenly it was as if he had been hit at the top of his furry head whit the hammer of the god of Crazy ideas and Stupid ways of thinking.

He realized that she were at her home alone. Having to deal with her feelings all alone. Just like that was he sprinting for the hallway, grabbing his coat along the way, telling Sato a little lie that he had to buy something or he had to go and check on the non-existing chickens in the garage.

Before long was he starting the black ,not so shiny BMW and soon racing down the street, like a black speed devil. Making his way over the rainy roads, ignoring the bright, white flashes of lightning cleaving the dark heaven.

His destination: Tamra's house.

What If...Chapter 2 - The Truth.

The black car came to a screeching halt beside the pavment, and futher up there was a charming little white painted house. He turned the motor off, and opening the car door, he marched out into the pouring rain. He was completely drenched when he was...

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Everything Or Nothing capter 7 - Late for dinner

Sala drummed her finely manicured nails on the shiny,black tabel she and Cassandra sat at in the buzzling, full restaurant, waiting for Jorek. Like always. Waiters came in and out of the kitchens dubel swinging doors having big overgrown plates...

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Everything or Nothing chapter 6- Not home

The cell smelled of dirt and water... And for the little shivering figure in one of the corners it was cold too. Water ran along the grey walls and pooled onto the floor before being sucked into the drain opening carved into it. The prisoner...

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