Spirit Bound: Chapter Ninety-Three

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#95 of Spirit Bound

This chapter was edited by Lycanthromancer

It is now late at night in Ireland and three of the four friends are preparing to go to bed; Liam had retired early since his cold medication had tired him out. The day had been very long and tiring, with many stressful events piling up on them, but Nathanial had promised Geoff some 'alone time', time they were both eagerly anticipating.

Chapter 93: Irish Night

Nathanial grunted quietly when he landed on Faelen's bed. Geoff had tossed the naked Akita over his shoulder to carry him into the cubical containing Faelen's bed and just now dropped him onto the plastic-covered mattress. It crinkled and made a very odd 'foomph' sound as the air trapped in the plastic was displaced. Nathanial didn't have time to laugh or make any sort of comment on it before Geoff landed on top of him, bit into the side of his neck, and began gnawing at all his favourite spots. The white Wolf's paws quickly moved the Akita's legs up to rest on his pale shoulders.

Nathanial gasped and moaned as he felt Geoff's slick member tease over his opening. Both of them were very worked up, and Nathanial knew the first one would be fast, rough, and over very soon. Geoff did exercise enough control to push in with a slow and steady motion, growling loudly as he did. The rumbling noise seemed to transmit itself through Geoff's chest and dick into Nathanial, and right down to his prostate. The Akita shivered in delight and wrapped his arms around his lover, dragging his claws down the muscular back.

"Oh, Geoff! Please!" Nathanial whimpered, pushing his hips upward trying to get all of Geoff into him.

He was answered with a snarl. Geoff released his hold on Nathanial's neck and bit lightly onto Nathanial's muzzle. The Wolf pulled partway out and slammed back in as hard as he could, the growls resuming, while his tongue lashed the sealed muzzle in his mouth.

Nathanial whined in delight and tried to lick at Geoff. He could barely get any of his own tongue out, but he enjoyed the effort-though not nearly as much as he enjoyed the heavy pounding in his rump. That oh-so-familiar protrusion of flesh already pushed against him, trying to gain entrance, even as the rest of Geoff's member smoothly glided in and out with machine gun speed.

Geoff surprised him by pulling all the way out and flipping Nathanial over onto his stomach before hauling the Dog onto his paws and knees by his hips and tail. Nathanial quickly moved into position once he knew what his aggressive Wolf wanted and was rewarded by having that aching emptiness filled again. Geoff held tightly onto Nathanial's waist and resumed thrusting roughly.

Nathanial could feel the slight squishing inside him caused by all of the pre Geoff was leaking, even as his own body quivered, building up to a powerful orgasm. He whimpered and began pushing back harder into Geoff, desperate to get that knot into him first.

A heavy weight landed onto his back and sharp teeth dug into the scruff of his neck. Geoff growled into the fur and drove his knot in, grunting as he tried not to howl. Nathanial had to bite his own arm in an attempt to stop from howling too as he came. He relished in the waves of pleasure coursing through his body and the waves of warmth pouring into him. His arms gave out and he fell onto the mattress, dragging Geoff down on top of him. He could feel his own cum soaking into his fur from chest to groin.

Geoff hadn't stopped growling, nor released his bite, but shook a few more times as he shot thick jets of cum into the eager pup. Nathanial panted happily, grateful to get as much of Geoff as he could. After a few more seconds, Geoff let go and nuzzled Nathanial's ear.

"Thank you, Geoff," Nathanial said before turning to lick submissively at Geoff's muzzle. "I love you." Despite all of Geoff's words and actions, that small, nagging doubt continued to haunt him. He needed to hear his words returned.

The Wolf grumbled tiredly and licked back at him. "I love you, too, Nats." He began slowly rocking his hips. "Fuck, that was intense." He nipped at Nathanial's ear. "I always find it funny when you thank me after sex. I'm the one shoving my dick into you." He groaned quietly but with a lot of feeling. "Gods, you feel so good."

Nathanial laughed softly. "I always find it funny when you say I feel good. I'm the one that has your big dick massaging every pleasure point inside of me." He sighed in contentment. "I love lying here like this, with you on top of me. You're so warm and comfortable. Heheh, you even warm me up from the inside-out." He still couldn't shake that worry, despite everything Geoff had said and done. "Y-You love me, despite all my flaws? And, and h-how poorly I compare to Faelen?"

Geoff froze, even his hips, though they quickly resumed their slow rocking motion. "What do I have to do to prove it to you? I've done everything I possibly can! I. Love. You." He nipped Nathanial's muzzle. "You-Nathanial Arth... No, that's Nicholas... Um... Nathanial Marks."

"Cheiron." Nathanial smiled wanly. "Dad didn't want M... Lily to get away with giving me a Christian name. I guess they compromised with Nick--Nicholas and Arthur aren't strictly Hellenic or Christian--and, um, he probably didn't give a damn about Micah." He sighed sadly. Even though Dad was back, the abandonment still hurt.

Geoff's breath tickled his ear. "I love you, Nathanial Cheiron Marks. I need you. I want you. I crave you. All of you, from your perfect ass to your adorable face. Your shyness, your brains, your humour. The way you tilt your head down when you get embarrassed and look up through your lashes. Your strong points and the things you think are flaws. Everything that's you, Nathanial, I love. I want to keep you with me, from now to forever. Da said I can't ask you to marry me till next school year, but I'll ask you to bear with me until I can. Please. Trust me. Believe in yourself, sweet pup, and believe that you're mine even before I ask, 'Will you marry me'."

The soft motion in his rump continued to send pleasurable waves through him, but they paled in comparison to the pleasure those words caused. He sniffled through his tears. "Yes, Geoff. I will. I do." Nathanial wasn't sure what he was saying 'I do' to, anymore. It was probably to Geoff's request that the Akita trust him, but talk of marriage kind of added a different spin to it. Geoff seemed to think so too and it made the two of them smile and start kissing.

He could see Lily shaking her head in angry disapproval, but Geoff was a prince. 'How can I argue with a prince?' he thought with a smile. He mentally turned his back on his mother and focused entirely on what Geoff was doing to him...and on the Wolf's words of love.

Faelen heard the shower stop, signalling that Geoff and Nathanial were finally done. Their first round took mere minutes, maybe even less than two, but it wasn't long before they started up again. Over the next few hours it seemed like they were trying to prove that Nathanial could keep up with Micah in terms of taking cock before they made their way to the shower.

He didn't really mind. After they started on round two he finished checking on Liam and went back downstairs to ensure everything was cleaned up, then came back into Geoff's room, sat on the bed, and worked on his homework in between just watching Liam while he slept. Liam was just so...adorable. Faelen felt guilty about dating him whenever he watched the pup sleep. He seemed so...small. So young. But all he had to do was picture Liam's eyes and he knew that it wasn't the Rottie that was the young one here. Those eyes also said there was no cause for guilt; Faelen's love was returned with as much strength as it was given.

He glanced down at his math homework and sighed. There wasn't much 'in between' watching Liam, it seemed. He began putting his homework away when the door clicked open and Geoff walked in.

Geoff closed the door behind him and dropped his towel. "How's he doing?"

There must have been a bit of teasing going on in the shower because Geoff was still half-erect. It looked nice; Geoff really did have a good body and his penis was well-shaped. Faelen would be quite happy if Liam grew up to have a dick like that.

"His lungs have cleared out a bit; he's not wheezing or bubbling as much, but his sinuses are still congested and his temperature is higher. He's also twitching more than normal. I hope he's not getting a fever, too."

Geoff shook his head and went to the far side of the bed. "Poor guy." He looked at Faelen's textbook. "Do you have any questions about that? I was going to start mine or maybe practice using my powers."

Faelen sighed, chagrined. "No, no questions. I...didn't actually get much done. I spent too much time watching Liam."

Geoff laughed quietly. "Heh, yeah, I know what that's like. I did the same thing the first night Nathanial slept in my bed. You know, the night he had all those nightmares?"

"The night Micah watched you have sex? No... The night before that, right?" It'd have to have been the night before, the night Faelen first had sex with Liam. Liam and the echo of his Conor Quinn life, it turned out.

Geoff just nodded and slipped under the covers on the far side of Liam. "Nathanial will probably fall asleep soon." He grinned wolfishly as he said, "It seems like something wore him out. We can work on our homework tomorrow, after the funeral." He smiled down at Liam when the Rottie murmured in his sleep and rolled over to curl against Geoff. The Wolf gently reached down to pull Liam closer. "He's so cute when he's asleep. I'm glad you found him, Faelen."

"So am I, Geoff." Faelen leaned over Liam to rub his muzzle against Geoff's. "Sleep well, sir." He kissed Liam's forehead. "Get better soon, Liam." Liam grumbled softly and rubbed his cheek on Geoff's chest, his leg twitching momentarily. Both Wolves stifled an 'aww' and grinned at each other.

Geoff rubbed Liam's back and said, "Good night, Faelen. And stop with the 'sir.'"

Faelen clicked the light off as he left the room and went to his own.

Nathanial was scrubbing off the mattress while his and Geoff's clothes folded themselves up. He moved as if his rump was a little tender, but he was smiling broadly.

Faelen stripped his clothes off and put them away in his travel bag. He wanted these clothes with him once they got back to Canada, so he'd have to bring them to Nova Scotia and wash them there. He paused to admire Nathanial's rump as the Dog bent over to reach the far side of the mattress, but quickly stopped to ask, "Can you turn the lamp on, Nathanial? I'm going to switch the overhead light off."

The light clicked on as Nathanial kept scrubbing. The Akita glanced over his shoulder. "Sorry. We, um, made a bit of a mess. I'm just cleaning it up. Oh, and would you mind if we didn't use the humidifiers? The noise bothers me, so I'll just fill the room up with my fog. I can get it thicker than the humidifiers can, anyway."

Faelen's tail began wagging. "Works for me. I've gotten used to the noise, sort of, but I prefer quiet while I sleep." He stepped into the cubicle but left the door open to let the smell of the bleach out. "I'm turning the fan on for a bit." He suited action to words.

Nathanial's tail curled down. "Sorry."

Faelen stepped behind Nathanial and pulled him up into a hug. The rag continued scrubbing on its own as Nathanial leaned back into Faelen's arms. "Don't be, pup. It's not like I've never gotten cum all over the place. Liam and I already baptized the bed last night."

That made Nathanial smile. "I guess you're right."

The rag dropped into a bucket while a waterlogged one began wiping the mattress down, with a dry cloth following behind it. Faelen guessed the dry cloth was to catch any bleach that may be left on the plastic, even if it was diluted; the Akita did have his Drying spell, after all. In less than a minute Nathanial seemed satisfied with his job and the bucket left the room.

With the rags gone and bed washed off, the bleach smell was no worse than when he had to clean the room up, so Faelen closed the door. In less than a second the cubicle was full of impenetrable fog. Faelen sighed happily, rubbing his head against Nathanial's. "You make the best fog, Nathanial." He manifested and let the mist roll around him, filling him with power. He did take a moment to gather all of the chlorine-tainted water vapour together and push it out through the fan vents, then click the fan off.

Nathanial held Faelen's arms against his white belly with one paw while he carefully climbed onto the bed, dragging the compliant Wolf along with him. The pup lay on his stomach and kept Faelen lying atop him. Nathanial must've really enjoyed his time with Geoff to be this relaxed and affectionate, not that Faelen minded in the slightest. He knew he certainly enjoyed cuddling after sex and Geoff's pup always seemed to, too. He moved his arms underneath Nathanial to put them in a more comfortable position, but kept the Akita in a close embrace. Feeling that ass beneath his groin was tempting him, though.

"Um, so, what new stuff have you figured out about your powers? You can make shapes in the fog and you can teleport inside it; you can even phase into it. What else?"

The Mist Spirit sighed. "That's it." Liam had tried to make him feel better about the paw he'd been dealt, but his powers sucked.

Nathanial kissed the side of Faelen's muzzle. "That's it, or that's all you know? There's a big difference. You fought Gordon and survived. Won, even. I've fought him too, and I know he's tough. There has to have been more than 'just' that."

Faelen was ashamed at how badly he did and horrified by everything Gordon had done, so he'd spent a lot of time trying not to think about the fight. However, he did as Nathanial asked and mentally reviewed the fight. "I...could use the fog to deflect some of his magic--mostly the fire stuff. I could slow him down, physically; I could probably catch someone in fog if they were falling. The shapes I made out of the fog seemed to look almost real to him, like he heard the illusions I made of you laugh." He snorted. "Still, it was just minor stuff: diversions and minimally defensive magic."

Nathanial was smiling underneath him. "I like diversions. They can change everything if you know how to time them right. Besides, like I tell Geoff, it gives you somewhere to work from. Let's see something... Um, well, the fog is a bit too thick for that." He stifled a yawn. "And Geoff wore me out, not that there was much energy left after yesterday and today. I think you shouldn't write off your powers, but instead work out what you actually can do and make strategies around that. Water is a great conductor of both heat and electricity. Can you do anything with electricity? Block it or direct it to where you want it to go? You've also dampened sound with it, too. Can you make sound? It's just vibrations in the air. You could try to make a single note, to start."

Faelen looked at the Dog underneath him in shocked awe. He'd never thought along those lines before; he'd always thought fog was just...fog. Something he could push around, something merely there to amplify his physical abilities, not a...tool. Nothing like Nathanial was suggesting. Water and air could transmit energy and absorb energy. Maybe he could use it to stop more than just sight, but sound...or mechanical senses; they relied on electricity. Maybe he could figure out how to trick them.

The other Spirits referred to him as a 'scout' type. Scouts used stealth, misdirection, and traps, not just keen senses and fleet hindpaws. Sure, the 'types' people referred to weren't real things or strict categories, just something to make a sort of class system in the clan, but it was something to think about.

Liam said Nathanial was someone to look at in terms of how someone can fight without knowing offensive magic, and that Liam didn't consider himself to be a front line fighter, either.

His train of thought was interrupted when Nathanial twisted his head to look up at Faelen, which he found odd, since the Akita couldn't see anything through the fog. Nathanial sounded concerned. "Are you okay? I didn't upset you, did I?"

"No, no. I was just thinking. If the four of us were a party in a video game or something, we'd be in trouble. Not one of us is a warrior. Liam is a healer and you have some magic, but all four of us seem to be geared toward sneaking around over fighting."

Nathanial smiled again. "'In trouble' or 'in luck'? Have you ever thought how annoying it'd be to be the rogue with your friends always clanking around giving your position away? It's all a matter of game play, Faelen. If you take your time and play as a party of rogues, then you can always get the drop on your enemies and beat them before they know you're there. You just have to know your abilities and plan accordingly. The key is the first part: know your abilities."

Faelen smiled back and licked Nathanial's muzzle. "Then I'll say goodnight, because I hear another lecture about how we Spirits have been doing ourselves a disservice by not teaching each other how to use what we have. We both agree on that point."

Nathanial blushed and tried to duck his head, but he was thoroughly pinned. "Yeah, sorry. I get worked up about stuff like that." The lamp clicked off. "Goodnight, Faelen. Thank you for being my friend."

"Goodnight, Nathanial. Thank you in return; you've turned our world on its head, and I think it's better for it." He chuckled. "It's just a bit chaotic as things settle into their new places." He slid off Nathanial's back and spooned him, but the Akita shivered slightly in the cool fog now that he'd lost his Wolf blanket.

'In physics class we learned that heat is just active atoms...ones that vibrate more. Can I shake them and warm the air up?' He focused and tried to make the fog vibrate in place. He could sense the droplets dancing back and forth, shaking themselves apart into smaller droplets. 'It's not localized enough. I need to shake them more deeply.' He tried to focus even more finely, make the vibrations faster and tighter. The air in the cubicle began humming. It was a deep, steady, and loud drone, with barely any perceptible vibration. The air wasn't any warmer, though.

Nathanial's voice was dry. "Yes, you can make noise, but I don't think this is the time for it. You woke everyone up, including the alpha next door."

Faelen burned with embarrassment. He felt very warm, now. "I, uh, was trying to make the molecules vibrate to warm them up, not make noise. It...didn't work."

Nathanial laughed. "Nope! You could make a nice air raid siren if you modulated the tone and made it a higher pitch. I told everyone what it was, so don't worry. You'll probably hear about it in the morning, though. Geoff thought it was hilarious; the, um, alpha didn't."

Faelen sighed. It could've been worse; if Nathanial wasn't here he'd probably have freaked everyone out and had them charging in. Then he would've heard about it now, while they were still mad. Then again, if Nathanial wasn't here he wouldn't have thought about it. It wasn't Nathanial's fault, though; the pup was right about not experimenting or trying to test his limits.

The fog was still chilly. "Can you warm the fog up at all, Nathanial?"

"Nope. I suck at anything related to Fire. I'd been practicing daily for ten years and I still have trouble lighting a candle. I actually couldn't the last few times I tried. Drying is the closest thing I know to a Fire-aligned spell and that isn't easy. But..." The Akita trailed off.

Faelen noticed Nathanial suddenly felt a little warmer where he pressed against him. His fur smelt... The Wolf really had no idea how to describe it. It smelt clean without being soapy, warm without the scent of smoke or an electric heater, and maybe even...holy, if holiness had a smell. The mist in the cubicle suddenly sparkled; each droplet shone like morning dew catching the rising sun. The room warmed up a few degrees, becoming a very comfortable temperature, though the fog did thin a little. It was worth it.

Nathanial panted as he spoke. "Oof. I need to practice drawing on Light energy more; that was far too difficult for such a simple task. My chi was probably, is probably, really yin-aligned. Liam may tell me to, um, get your help tomorrow."

Faelen could smell Nathanial's embarrassment. "Thanks for doing that for me. I don't mind helping balance you out at all; I enjoy it. Goodnight, Nathanial."


Nathanial slowly woke up in the early afternoon and smiled into the fog. Faelen was still curled into his back, and his morning erection pressed against Nathanial's hole. It felt really nice, and Nathanial was tempted to press back onto it, but he didn't have Geoff's permission...heh, let alone Faelen's. He cast his mind out to check on everyone, particularly Liam.

The Rottie wasn't in bed with Geoff, who still slept, but was actually in Conor's office talking to the Water Elemental. Liam said, "Thank you, Conor. You still have not officially heard anything from the police? It has been a month and it took you a mere half-hour to dig this information up." He looked to be better and wore the suit he'd brought over. His nose still looked a bit raw and his eyes glassy, but his breathing was barely laboured.

Conor shook his head in disgust. "Nothing. They probably don't think this is high priority, but I've been pressuring them to move a bit quicker. We may need to call on some additional people if we want results."

Liam looked down at the sheaf of papers in his paw and smiled grimly. "I may take matters into my own paws. This is sufficient evidence to make life most...unpleasant. I prefer to do things--" He suddenly changed what he was going to say. "Faelen has just woken. Nathanial may also be awake, so we should discuss this later when we are assured of privacy." Liam's ears twitched. "I do trust you are not spying, Nathanial."

Nathanial blushed furiously.

The Mist Spirit seemed to think he was responsible for Nathanial's embarrassment and let him go, rolling away so his erection wasn't poking into the Akita. Faelen stammered, "U-Um, s-sorry, Nathanial. It happens when I'm waking up. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

Nathanial ducked his head. "It, um, wasn't you. I was checking on Liam and I, ah, well, he caught me listening in on him talking to Conor." Though he wasn't sure how, or if, Liam knew Nathanial was watching them. He cast his mind out to Liam. *Sorry, Liam. I just woke up and was worried about you. You look and sound a lot better. How do you feel?*

Faelen rolled back into Nathanial and pulled him in close. Faelen's erection had subsided some but still rubbed and poked pleasurably. "If you're talking to Liam ask him to come see me. I want to get some exercise if he's up to it." His erection went from deflating to rising and a small squirt of pre soaked Nathanial's rump.

Liam spoke at the same time. "I am somewhat improved, Nathanial, thank you for asking. Good afternoon, by the by. I trust you are well?"

Nathanial smiled. *I'm fine, thanks. Faelen says hi and really wants to get some exercise. Could you come over and help him? I need to get checked, too. I think my chi is getting too far out of balance; I feel a little...off.*

Liam smiled at Conor. "My friends are rather frisky. I wonder if they recall we have a funeral starting in forty minutes?" Conor rolled his eyes, amused.

Nathanial jumped. "Dang!" He scrambled off the bed, sending Faelen into high alert. *Why didn't you wake us up?!* He turned to Faelen. "The funeral is in forty minutes!"

Faelen shook his head, calming down. "We have time, pup. Not a lot and certainly not enough time to have sex, but we won't be late." He walked to his wall and banged on it, shouting, "Wake up, Geoff! It's time to get ready!"

Geoff groaned. "It's Sunday! We don't have school!"

Nathanial pulled his mind back into himself, mostly, leaving Liam and Conor alone. He opened a portal and stepped into Geoff's room, then crawled onto the bed and over Geoff. The Wolf's eyes snapped open and he smiled, his tail wagging eagerly under the covers. Nathanial gave him a quick kiss. "Down boy. We need to get ready for Muireann's funeral."

Geoff sighed and turned his head to look for Liam. "Where's Liam? How is he?" He pulled Nathanial down on top of him, taking the Akita by surprise. "How much time do we have? Can you give me a quick blowjob? I can return the favour." He nibbled Nathanial's neck for a few seconds before trying to possess his boyfriend's mouth.

Nathanial pulled his head back a bit. "Not enough time." Nathanial moved his head farther away as Geoff chased him. "We have enough time to shower and either eat or have sex. I'm really hungry."

Geoff whimpered and pleaded. "We showered last night; we just need to fix our fur, not actually wash it. I probably won't take long. Please?"

Faelen poked his head through the portal Nathanial had left open. "Get up, Geoff. You don't have time. Besides, Liam needs to check Nathanial's chi; he's likely very yin at the moment. You could end up hurting him by adding more to what's already in him."

Geoff immediately looked contrite. "Sorry, Nathanial. I don't want to hurt you."

Nathanial rolled off of his boyfriend and gave him a quick kiss. "Don't be sorry. I love having sex with you, and I'd gladly give you my muzzle or rump, but Liam needs us. We need to be there for him at the funeral."

Geoff climbed out of bed and looked down at the bed covers, chuckling. They had a huge wet spot where Nathanial was laying. "Your fur is soaked. I guess you don't need to shower, you just need to brush your fur and dry off."

The Mage shook his head and laughed, too. He cast Drying on the bed before waving at Geoff. "Go shower. I'll get Faelen to brush my fur while I brush his. I'll do you when you're done."

Geoff nodded and went to soak his fur.