Half-Blood Chapter XXIII

Story by Artwolf5 on SoFurry

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#24 of Half-Blood

Here we Go! After such a long Haitus here we are... chapter 23! Hope you guys enjoy this! As always read fave and Review (I really want to know what you guys are thinking...) but here we go!

Here we Go! After such a long Haitus here we are... chapter 23! Hope you guys enjoy this! As always read fave and Review (I really want to know what you guys are thinking...) but here we go!

Chapter 23: Wake up!

Lucas just walked around the darkness in confusion. The vision from earlier had long since faded, and yet strangely it seemed that instead of waking up he just found himself in the darkness he was in now... it was starting to get a tad bit unnerving. 'Right, so what was that vision about? Who was that fox? And why does he look so much like Xander? Hell, why was the vision from his perspective anyway?' he thought to himself annoyed. He was drawing a total blank at the moment as to what it meant... Who was the fox? Chase was his name wasn't it? How did he know Jonah? They must have been lovers judging by the intimate situation those two were in.

Lucas blushed a bit at that... it wasn't the first time he had experienced it. He still remembered Xander's rape by the hands of the Bull. The memory sent shivers down his spine. But this time it had been different. This time it had been consensual. He just wondered what the fox meant by his failing health? Did that mean the boy was...?

"Yes, Lucas I died not long after that memory." A calm voice spoke out behind him causing Lucas to jump in surprise. He quickly turned around and saw someone standing behind him. A slim red fox with shining blue eyes stood there. He was smiling brightly at Lucas, "About two months after that moment to be exact moment," he said softly while Lucas just stared at him dumbly.

"Chase?" he asked the boy who just nodded. "So you and Jonah were...?"

"Lovers? Yes we were, those months were the happiest time of my short life," he said with a distant look in his eyes as if remembering those times, "He stood by me through all my ails. He's a good man Jonah, underneath his gruff exterior," he said softly.

"He seems okay I guess." Lucas muttered in a noncommittal tone. He had had only a few minutes interaction with the dingo to be honest, so he didn't know much about the other teen. What little he did know made him blush a little bit. It was going to be awkward around the Dingo for a while.

Noticing the awkwardness Chase just smiled, "He was very good in bed he wasn't he?" He asked. Lucas' face went bright red, and it was all he could do was look away in complete humiliation. Chase just sighed before speaking again. "It was not your fault Lucas, Marie was meant to die that day."

Lucas snarled at the other fox in anger, "What do you mean by that? How would you know that?" He yelled towards the other vulpine. "Can you see the future or something?"

"Actually yes, when I was alive I was what was called a seer."

Lucas just tilted his head sideways not knowing what that meant.

Noticing this Chase quickly began to explain. "I could see the past, present and future...you see all Mundane's have an innate gift born to them. However not all of them can access them without training. I was one of the few who manifested mine without going through the necessary training."

"So mean you really can see the future?" Lucas asked amazed.

"Yes, I can... as well as past and present. The past is the easiest to see since it's events that have already happened. The present is a bit more tricky but still relatively simple as it is events that are happening at that very moment. The future however is a whole different ballgame, as the future is events that have yet to happen and thus can almost always be changed. Very few things are constant in the future. Fate if you will, Marie's death was fated," he explained to Lucas in an attempt to comfort the other boy. "But I warn you Lucas, you have a hard future ahead of you. Not even I can see where it will end."

"What do you mean by that?" Lucas demanded tired of being confused.

Chase just sighed and waved his paw in an almost dismissive manner. "I do not have the time to explain. It is now time for you to wake up. And sadly you will not remember anything about this conversation. So I bid you adieu my friend..." Chase said as Lucas began to feel drowsy again before he went back asleep...


It had to have been the worst weekend of Ian's life! Lucas had still not woken up from his slumber. The doctors were stumped as to why. Thanks to Monet his condition was perfectly stable and his mental patterns were normal, and yet he still wasn't awake. It was Sunday now around 23:00... it was late and a school night but he refused to let himself fall asleep. He would be sure he would be the first thing Lucas saw when he woke up. He felt awful, he hadn't slept in two days and he was sure he had missed a few meals as well judging by the gnawing hunger in his stomach. Ian was just grateful that those doctors removed that damn ventilator... they also had removed the feeding-tube as well. Ian had definitely made sure he was the one who fed Lucas. Erin didn't seemed too happy about that, but she hadn't really said anything about it. She also hadn't been sleeping well and he could only imagine if it was Richard was here in place of Lucas. He shivered at that horrible thought and looked over to look at his baby brother. He was sleeping on one of the chairs near Monet. She had been meditating for over an hour now, and Ian was beginning to wonder if she was even awake.

The others were asleep as well... Erin had her head lying on Lucas' lap while Greg, Xander and Jonah (who had been in and out of the room over the last few days.) were asleep in the other chairs scattered across the room. His dad had been in and out as well but he had left for home about an hour ago. After a few tests the doctors had decided to take Lucas out of the ICU and into another part of the hospital, and his dad had managed to convince them to let Ian and the others stay.

Ian was just about to drift off to sleep himself when he heard Lucas shuffle around and groan. He was instantly on full alert. He saw Lucas slowly open his eyes and frowned in confusion. "Where am I?" he whispered tiredly.

Ian could only laugh as he wrapped his arms around the other boy in absolute joy. "You're awake!" Ian yelled waking everybody up in the process. Richard had fallen out his chair in shock from the voice and Xander gave a pretty impressive yelp as he jumped out his chair and looked around alarmed. Greg yawned and gave a very cat-like stretch before looking tiredly towards the commotion while Monet opened a single eye in irritation for the loud interruption. Erin was the last one to stir and when she saw Lucas awake her eyes went wide and she all but pushed Ian out of the way to grab onto her brother.

"Lucas! Oh thank god, you're awake!" She said while she was snuggled in the crook of Lucas' neck. Ian could vaguely see her shoulders shake a little bit and wondered if the girl was crying. Lucas just gave her a confused look and patted her back gently not really sure what to do. Ian could only smile in relief that Lucas had finally woken up. It felt as if a large weight had been lifted off of his chest at that moment. He was brought down to reality when Lucas spoke up once again.

"Where am I? What happened?" He sounded so confused.

Ian wasn't surprised really, he doubted Lucas had much memory of anything besides the fall if he even remembered that...

"You are in the hospital Mason," Monet spoke up aloof as ever. "You fell down the stairs. Do you remember anything about the incident? Or why you fell?" she asked him calmly.

Ian looked towards Lucas also interested in what the boy had to say. Lucas kept silent for a bit before he spoke as if debating what he should tell and what he shouldn't. Erin was also staring at him having long since let go of her brother. After several minutes he sighed and spoke.

"I saw mom," he told them softly. He looked like he was nearly in tears, "She blamed me for everything... she pushed me down the stairs and called me a worthless faggot..."he burst into tears at that moment alarming everybody, "She's right though, it is my fault..." he muttered in a bleak tone. "If I hadn't moved she wouldn't have been killed... I could have formed a barrier or something." He muttered the bleak tone continuing. "It's all my fault... if I had just listened to you guys and let the Guardian Core handle things she might have been alive! It's all my fault!"

Ian sighed and just hugged the boy tight and let him cry, "It's not your fault Lucas, trust me, it's not your fault. What's done is done, thinking of all the ifs and buts are pointless. So please stop blaming yourself okay?" He could feel Lucas' tears stain his shirt but Ian didn't really care. Lucas was awake and that was all that mattered.

"He's right Luc, it's not your fault, we've been through this already." Erin spoke up gently laying a paw on her brother's shaking shoulder. "So stop blaming yourself dumb-dumb."

"I saw her Erin!" Lucas cried out his blue eyes awash in tears. "I saw her face to face! She told me she blamed me! She's the one who pushed me down the stairs!" he repeated.

Everyone went silent at that.

Ian could only stare at the young fox in shock. "Your mom pushed you down the stairs...?" he asked softly. "You're absolutely sure right Lucas?"

Lucas just gave him a sour look before he spoke once again, "Yes, I remember it clearly...Why would I lie about my dead mother pushing me down the stairs?!" He hollered. "I know what I saw! It was her I know it was! She hates me!" His voice sounded so dim it broke Ian's heart hearing it. He went to hug Lucas again and tried to calm the fox down a bit.

"She doesn't hate you Lucas, trust me," he said softly into Lucas' black-tipped ear. Lucas was still shaking in his grasp and his tears were continuing to stain his shirt but he just held onto the young fox kit that he loved so much. Eventually Lucas stopped crying as if to drained to cry any further. "It's alright Lucas, I love you either way okay?" he told Lucas gently, "I'll love you no matter what."

"You don't think I'm a monster?" Lucas asked him shakily.

Ian just gave a strange look and a raised eyebrow. "Of course I don't silly, why would I?"

"I killed those people... I have their blood on my paws... you saw me kill those people and you still think I'm not a monster?"

Ian sighed and nuzzled Lucas' face and hugged him tightly. He held the kit a bit longer before he spoke again. "Yes, you did kill those people but they were bad people Lucas, they would have killed us all if they got the chance. You saved all our lives back there," he reassured the fox.

After a few moments of silence Erin spoke up again, "He's right you know, I told you the same thing but as for seeing mother... is that normal?" she asked looking towards Monet.

The coyote stayed silent for several minutes while everybody was looking like her she seemed to be thinking heavily on what she was going to say and Ian himself was very curious to hear what she had to say. Monet always seemed to have an unsettling amount of knowledge on things she really should not know.

"No, it should be impossible," she spoke her voice firm, "Mason is not a medium so he should not be able to speak with the deceased."

"Have you ever met a medium Monet?" Greg asked her curious. "I've heard of them of course we all have, but I don't think there's been a Scottish medium for a very long time."

"What's a medium?" Xander asked confused from his perch beside Greg.

Richard was the one to speak up on that, "A medium is a person; always Mundane for whatever reason... who can speak with the dead. Since you're a Mage you're pretty much disqualified from that... so you shouldn't have been able to see your mum, let alone be pushed by her Lucas..." He spoke in an even tone.

Lucas just snarled at him, "You say I just IMAGINED her pushing me down the stairs!?" He growled at the other Wolf.

Richard just looked away a bit as if uncomfortable to be put in his current situation. But after several minutes of silence he managed to find the will to continue speaking. "Well yes, I think it was a trick of the mind... firstly you aren't a medium, that I'm sure of... don't give me that look!" He cried out at the deadly glare Lucas was giving him. "I'm just saying! The whole event wasn't real, it was an illusion. I don't know much about the powers of a Dark Mage, but I think it might have been a manifestation of your guilt or something," he said with a small shrug. Noticing the funny looks everybody was giving he put his paws up in a defensive posture. "Hey! At least this theory doesn't involve his mum actually pushing him down the stairs!" He protested.

"So you think I'm crazy or something?" Lucas asked him coldly. Ian was also looking towards him, curious about his reasoning.

Richard jumped a bit in shook his head violently. "No! Of course not! I'm just saying that maybe it was your magic reacting to your guilt and creating an illusion that made you think you were pushed! Hey Monet back me up here will you?" he asked giving a pleading look towards the coyote girl.

"I agree with the younger Mansfield," she said calmly.

Everyone, even Richard gave her a surprised look at that. Lucas looked almost hurt at what she said but she continued as if not caring if what she said hurt his feelings. "It would make sense...Mason is very powerful despite his lack of knowledge or training. Nobody knows just what he is capable of. Not even Mason himself. He is definitely not a medium, I have met several and I would know if he was." She said looking calmly towards the young fox. Her pale green eyes showing very little emotion in them and it made Ian shiver a bit. "A manifestation of his negative emotions is highly possible and it does make sense..." She said

softly, "But it seems Dr. Azikiwe is coming in the room. Maybe we will be able to have Mason checked out and we can head home..." she said just as the gorilla doctor walked in the room.

He gave the occupants a nasty look before turning to Lucas, "Looks like you are awake Mr Mason, that is good. Now we can try a few tests and see if we can't get you checked out," he said. "Now, Mr Mansfield I pray you are willing to move aside so I can perform the said tasks?" he asked Ian coldly.

Ian just snarled, but moved aside eager to get out of this hellhole. After several tests the doctor approved Lucas' check-out and advised that the fox should stay home from school the next day.

Once Ian stepped outside he managed to make a quick call to his father. "Hello?" he heard his father's voice ask.

"It's me dad! Lucas' woke up... he just got checked out of the hospital do you think you can get a car to pick us up?" he asked.

"Yes, I'll send one of the agents to pick you up... I love you son," he said before hanging up.

Ian looked at the phone for a bit before sighing, "Love you to Dad," he mumbled as he put the phone up. He turned towards the rest of the group who seemed to be looking at him and he gave them a polite smile. "He's sending one of the agents to pick us up. Are you staying with us again tonight Monet?" he asked the coyote who only shook her head.

"That would not be good, I have been away from home for several days and I say my parents miss me greatly. Do you think the agent will be willing to drop me off near my house?" she asked and Ian shrugged.

"Sure, your house in on the way I think..." He told her before turning to Jonah who had stayed quite silent ever since Lucas had woken up. "You staying with us Jonah?" he asked the dingo who mainly just shrugged in an indifferent manner.

"I guess I will, like Princess said, I doubt her parents would let me stay in their house..." He said coolly, "Not like I'd try anything. I'm crazy but not that crazy..."

"He has a point; my parents have banned me from having boys in the house overnight. So it would be best if Higgins stayed with you Mansfield," she said calmly.

Ian nodded and turned back towards Jonah, "I guess you can still room with Richard man." He said to him, "IS that okay?" He quickly asked Jonah and Richard both.

Jonah just shrugged and Richard did as well. With that settled he turned towards Lucas who was standing near Erin and Xander looking off into space. He occasionally added to the conversation when he was spoken to, but otherwise he seemed like he had a lot on his mind. Ian just hoped he wasn't still blaming everything on himself. He was about to ask the boy what he was thinking before he heard Richard speak up again.

"Hey! It looks like our ride is here!" He yelled and Ian turned to see the Mercedes pulled into the parking-lot being driven by a very large grizzly. Agent Wallace was his name if Ian remembered correctly. He hadn't spoken to the man much but he seemed to be generally affable from little Ian saw of him. The car pulled up right beside him and the bear gave him a very wide smile.

"Hello Master Ian, I believe I'm here to take you and the others home," he said and Ian nodded, a bit annoyed at being called 'Master' but the agents seemed to continuously ignore his protests on the matter. He quickly directed the others into the car, thankful for the expanding charm that was put in so that they all could fit in comfortably. He made sure Lucas was seated on his left side so he could hold the fox close to him not really caring what the bear thought. He hadn't gotten to hold his love for over two days so he was making up for lost time. He had Lucas head against his chest while his muzzle sat on top of the fox's head. Lucas didn't say much he just snuggled right into Ian as close as possible. He looked pretty worn out for whatever reason.

The car ride continued in silence before Monet spoke up, "My house is coming up soon agent if you are willing to drop me off there," she told the grizzly.

Agent Wallace just nodded and looked towards the coyote, "Very well, I'll do that Ms Monet," he said as he pulled up beside a small house.

Monet quickly got out and looked towards the rest of the gang, "I will be seeing you at school, good-bye," she said softly before she closed the door and walked up the drive up to a tall coyote who could only be her father.

Ian could tell the man looked almost relieved when he saw the girl and quickly grabbed her into a tight embrace which seemed to shock the girl for a few moments before she hugged the man back. Ian could only smile she actually looked like a little girl in her daddy's arms. It was quite cute, he figured as they pulled away and after several more minutes of silence they eventually found themselves back at their own house. He looked down and saw that Lucas had fallen asleep, Ian just sighed and picked the smaller boy up careful not to wake him as he marched into the house where his father was waiting.

The elder wolf looked relieved to see his sons come home, "Is he...?" The man asked softly as Ian walked up to him. He looked worried about the young fox.

"He's fine, just tired I'd say. The doctor advised us to let him stay home from school tomorrow to rest some more. I don't want to leave him alone again... can I stay home as well?" he asked. Seeing the frown on his dad's face Ian quickly spoke up. "I don't want to leave him alone again dad, he needs me right now," he continued, giving his dad his best puppy-dog eyes.

The older wolf just sighed and shook his head in an almost exasperated manner. "I guess, but you're not going to miss anymore school Ian, but I can allow you to stay home and watch over Lucas," he said and Ian gave him a small smile.

"Thanks dad!" he replied as he walked to the stairs and began to walk down them as carefully as possible.

When he was about halfway down he felt Lucas shuffle a bit before waking up, "Where am I?" he asked in a disoriented manner. He looked so cute with that confused look on his face.

"You're home Lucas, I've got you, so go back to sleep love?" he told the yawning fox as he kissed his forehead.

Lucas just protested at being told what to do, "But I'm not sleepy!" he said while trying to hold back a yawn.

Ian only chuckled and snuggled his head against Lucas, "Yes you are, you can barely keep your head up. But please rest, you look very tired."

"You look tired yourself Ian," Lucas observed mildly. "Did you sleep any at the hospital?" The fox asked worried for the other boy's health.

Ian just shook his head and stayed silent. He did feel exhausted and really couldn't wait to fall asleep, but he wanted to make sure Lucas was safe before he did so. "Really Ian, did you sleep any? You look like your about to fall over!" Lucas said as they entered Ian's room.

"To be honest, no I didn't. I couldn't sleep even if I wanted to. You scared me Lucas, I thought I lost you for good on Friday."

Lucas' eyes softened a bit at that, "I'm sorry I worried you Ian." He said in a shy manner as Ian dropped him onto his bed and began to slowly undress him. Once he was completely nude Ian let him go and began to undress himself. Once he himself was nude, he lay down next to Lucas and snuggled against the smaller boy.

"It's okay Lucas, I'm just glad you're safe," he said before kissing the boy's head, "I love you Lucas," he said before falling asleep.


Xander groaned as he heard Greg's alarm-clock ring loudly into his ear. Greg had planned on staying home with Ian while Lucas while the rest of them went to school. Xander himself couldn't miss school since he had only attended about half a school day so far. He rubbed his stomach a bit and saw where the bruises had been. It turned out that Tyler Thorne was a novice healer. He was glad that none of the other saw the bruises he didn't need them hovering over him at school. He grabbed his uniform which Greg must have dry-cleaned last night and ran into the bathroom hoping he would be the first one in the shower, but of course he wound up running into Jonah who was just exiting it, his fur dripping wet and naked as the day he was born.

"Ouch, watch were you going runt!" He snarled at the fox, who just winced and scrambled up a bit away from the angry dingo.

"I'm so-sorry Jonah!" he said meekly averting his gaze so he wouldn't be staring into those cold golden eyes, "I just wanted to take a shower before school is all... I didn't know you were in there sorry..." Jonah continued to glare at the fox and Xander was starting to be afraid that he would set him on fire or something, but the dingo just shrugged and pushed the fox out of his way.

"Be more careful then dipshit," He muttered walking back into Richard's room still naked.

Xander blushed at the view and quickly rushed into the room and shut the door and locked it. His heart was still racing from his encounter with Jonah and he just wondered why the other boy hated him so much... He quickly undressed out of the clothes he slept in and got into the shower. It still felt a bit weird being free from Derrick's grasp. He wondered if the bull was looking for him? He shivered a bit at the thought. He was terrified that he would come here and hurt his friends... Derrick was a monster and Xander would not put anything past him. He sighed and soaped up his fur making sure it was extra clean and then rinsed himself off. Once he was finished with his shower he quickly used the fur-drying spell Jordan had showed him.

After he was dried he quickly got dressed in his uniform he walked out the door and went up the stairs and found himself in the kitchen. He winced when he saw Jonah sitting at the table by himself. He quietly went passed the dingo and sat at the opposite end of the table. He looked nice... he must have borrowed clothes of Richard since he was wearing a crisp blue sweater and tan slacks. He looked pretty attractive, it was a shame the dingo seemed to dislike him.

After they sat in silence for a bit Xander started growing anxious. "So," he started in a polite tone. "How long are you planning to stay in Vancouver Jonah?" he asked trying to start a conversation with the dingo.

The other boy just shifted his golden eyes to Xander's green and stared dead into them for several minutes making Xander very uncomfortable. Eventually Jonah just looked away and spoke in a gruff voice, "As long as it takes to find what I'm looking for."

"What are you looking for?" Xander asked in a curious manner.

Jonah just glared at him again and rendering the fox utterly silent, "None of your business twerp!" he snarled just as Greg and Erin walked in.

Greg was dressed in a green sweeter and blue jeans while Erin was in her uniform. Both of them looked at the two boys funnily, "What's going on here?" Greg asked as he sat down the breakfast food down on the table.

Jonah just looked away from Xander before he spoke, "Nothing is happening Stripes, nothing at all, just hungry!" Jonah said as he started digging into the pancake tray getting his share.

Erin sat down right next to Xander and grinned at him, "Second day huh? Hopefully you can stay a whole day am I right?" she said while winked at Xander.

He just nodded silently as he got his own share of pancakes and ate them. They were pretty good he thought to himself as he munched on them. Richard came in few minutes later also dressed in his uniform. He seemed oddly cheerful as he marched as he plopped down next to Jonah. Greg himself noticed Richard's apparent cheer as he sat down on Erin's other side who was currently grabbing her own share of the food.

"What's got you all happy?" he asked the wolf.

"I called Monet and asked her if she wanted us to pick her up from her house and she said yes!" he said in an enthusiastic manner.

Xander had to hide his snort. It was apparent that Richard seemed pretty fond of the coyote girl. Erin herself didn't bother to hide her giggle before she started to lightly tease him.

"Good job Romeo..." she said to him lightly.

Richard just ignored her as he got his own plate and began to eat.

"So where is Ian, Lucas and Mr Jordan?" Xander asked while he ate.

None of them seemed to be here and he was curious as to where they were. Greg was the one who answered Xander's question.

"Jordan had to speak with the head of the Parker Clan about the recent Cabal attack. Salvador Parker is the head of the BCGC he's been investigating the Cabal for quite a long time. Jordan was summoned to speak with him so he could fill Salvador in on what he knows about the attack. He took Agent Wilson with him and Agent Wallace will take you guys to school. As for Lucas and Ian, they're sleeping in. Since I'm staying home as well I'll just fix them something when they get up. Xander just nodded in silence as he continued to eat. Eventually after all of them ate they quickly headed to the car and got in. Agent Wilson then started it and drove them towards Monet's house.

After they picked her up, they then drove onto school and were dropped off. Xander then went onto homeroom by himself. The rest of the day seemed to pass on quietly until Xander was walking on to lunch until he was surrounded by several jocks. He recognized the boar Giles from Friday. He was flanked by a stocky rhino and a leering jaguar. He looked around the three nervously before speaking. "Can I get through? I want to get to lunch..." he asked them as kindly as he could, not really sure what he could do. He was out numbered and he didn't have any water around him to use to defend himself.

Giles just chuckled coldly, "You're going nowhere faggot, you don't have Thorne to save your faggoty ass this time! So I'll make sure you get what's coming to you! Mendez, you grab his arm! Gordon, keep an eye out so that 'fag lover Thorne' is at bay!"

The jaguar did as he was told and grabbed Xander and restrained his arms so the fox couldn't move. He tried to fight the jaguar off but he was far too big for the much smaller fox to handle. He cried out as he felt Giles' fist connect with his stomach.

"Gonna teach you a lesson! Oh, yes I am you filthy faggot!"

Xander just whimpered but took the beating. He had gotten much worse from Derrick. Giles was just about to land another punch before an icy voice spoke up.

"I would not do that Giles, or I might have to stop you... forcefully."

Xander recognized that voice! He looked up to see Monet standing behind Giles. Gordon was on the floor unconscious. Monet must have taken him out before she made her presence known. Xander felt the jaguar, Mendez tense up while Giles just glared at the much smaller coyote.

"Shove off Monet! This has nothing to do with you!" he told her in a dismissive manner.

She just smiled at him before she spoke her voice just as sweet as it was cold, "It does concern me, you are hurting another student Giles, do you want to get expelled? Thomson got suspended for a month, but you have a history of doing this... or I can take you down myself. We both know who would come out on top in a fight."

Giles continued to glare at her before he shrugged and looked towards the Jaguar, "Let the faggot go Mendez," he ordered and Mendez quickly did as he was told, throwing Xander aside. Giles looked away from Monet and started to walk away, while Mendez quickly grabbed the Rhino boy and followed him leaving Xander and Monet alone.

"Are you okay Rose?" She asked him calmly.

Xander quickly nodded...this was probably the first time they had been alone together since they met. Her ear then twitched and she sighed a bit, "You may come on out Thorne, I know you are there." Xander heard cursing and he saw Tyler step out from behind one of the lockers. "Now good to see you Thorne...How long were you watching the events?" she asked him calmly.

"I was planning on backing you up if they tried to fight you..." He told her softly.

Monet just shook her head gently in exasperation, "I have fought opponents far more dangerous than a bunch of high school bullies... it would have been a very easy fight... but thank you Throne," she told him politely before turning, "Now I will be heading for lunch as I am quite hungry. Please keep watch on Rose, Thorne I do not trust Giles and his ilk." she said before walking away.

Xander and Tyler sat in silence for several seconds before the giant wolf spoke up, "Sorry about that man, Giles is an asshole through and through... I'll be contacting the Principle about them after lunch... come-on you can eat with me and my buddies," he said helping the young fox up and dusting him off gently. Xander looked at him a bit nervous. Noticing the look Tyler sighed a bit. "Don't worry, none of my buds have anything against gays... hell Santiago is my best friend and he's gay. So you should fit right in!" He stated as they began to walk towards the cafeteria.

"If you say so..."

"Anyway, where are you from Xander? You sound American judging by your accent but can't be sure..."

He said gently. Xander just shrugged before he spoke. Tyler seemed like he could be trusted... "I'm originally from New York City, Brooklyn to be exact but I haven't been back there for a very long time..."

"Really, how come? And how did you come to live with the Mansfield's? I know Lucas and Erin are staying with them but why are you?"

"They saved my life... Listen, Tyler I don't want to talk about it okay? We just met..." Xander said looking away.

Tyler just smile and patted Xander's head, "That's alright little buddy, but come-on let's get something to eat!" he said.

Xander nodded and they quickly arrived at the cafeteria. He was surprised at how warmly he was welcomed by Tyler's friends. They were loud and a bit crude, but Xander almost felt like he belonged. He had chatted with the snow-leopard Santiago and it felt kinda cool that the star quarterback was gay as well. He seemed pretty nice, not the embodiment of all evil like Ian said he was... he wondered how much of Ian's opinion was influenced by the fact Santiago directly challenged his position as Lucas' beau? But most of all he got along with Tyler... he learned was very much into psychology and how the mind worked. That he wanted to become a therapist to help people.

"So what do you want to be when you graduate Xander?" Tyler asked him.

He froze at that... he had never really given it thought. Hell, he'd thought he would be Derrick's sex slave until he was to worn out to use... the thought of actually having an option to do what he wanted shook him a bit. "I honestly don't know..." he answered shyly, "I've never really given it much thought..." he said and Tyler laughed and slapped him on the back.

"Well, you got another year to figure it out eh?"

Xander just chuckled and nodded. It felt nice being accepted by other people outside the gang... for the first time for a very long time he actually felt like he belonged... he was free from Derrick he had friends and he was actually going to school again. It felt great! He just hoped it stayed that way...