Crimson War Chapter 1

Story by Xello on SoFurry

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This is the first chapter of a novel i have completely handwritten and working on typing, slowly. I plan on posting probably the first 5 chapters or so online, then having the rest all published. I'm looking for comments on these chapters and seeing what issues others are seeing so i can adjust them and make sure for the final draft, its perfect.

Chapter 1

It was the start of a new day, and dew was heavy on the ground. A pair of wolves walked around the palace gardens, admiring the plants that were starting to bloom. The scent of several flowers hung in the air announcing the arrival of spring. A silver wolf, wearing a blue silk shirt with soft purple leggings and a matching purple scarf, stopped and smelled a yellow flower that appeared to be a rose. On the wolf's head was a small silver crown, indicating he was royalty. But he had a kind and soft demeanor as he turned to the black wolf. "Tir, we should go ask my father for permission to go outside the palace walls and enjoy the Lalli river. It would be nice after being cooped up in the palace all winter."

Tir, a black wolf wear a simple leather armor and pants, chuckled. He placed his paws on the silver hilt of his sword that he always carried with him. "Christan, the king is busy. Apparently a ambassador from the north is suppose to arrive today. We might be able to go into town for a little while, but the Lalli river is quite a ways away."

The silver wolf sighed. "He's ALWAYS busy." Christan rolled his eyes. "But, he will most likely let his son and adopted son travel out since we're both old enough now to do so. You remember all his stories growing up."

"Of course I do, your highness. He raised me as his own son. He left for his adventures when he was but our age." Tir chuckled. "We've only just turned sixteen my price." The black wolf swished his tail around lazily, watching his fellow wolf carefully.

"You know I HATE being called 'your highness' or 'my prince'. You and I are as good as brothers. You are in all but blood, and considered the best swordsman in our age, and your magic studies were among some of the most advanced." Christan snorted and smiled warmly at Tir. "Well, except healing magic. Only thing I excelled at."

Tir simply chuckled and looked at the azure sky. "Well, your healing magic is impressive. But, your considered our kingdom's best archer by a long shot." The black wolf let go of his hilt and crouched down. His emerald colored eyes, unusual by the standards of most wolves in the country always seemed to have an aloof look about them. "Besides, what did you plan on doing?"

The silver wolf looked at Tir with his amber colored eyes, more seriously than he probably should have. "Well, the Red Badge Tavern usually has good prices on its honey mead. We can get some of that, and some food. The head to Lalli River and have a small lunch together away from all the politics of the palace." Christan moved closer to the black wolf and sighed. "And don't remind me about using a bow. I despise fighting."

"And that's why I was raised to be your personal body guard. Hell, you can't even sleep at night if I'm not in the room with you. And what's worse is you make me share a bed with you." Tir said, sticking his tongue out at Christan. "Going to suck for me when you finally get a bitch for yourself. Don't know how she is going to take having to share a bed with your body guard."

Christan blushed bright red and looked at the ground. "Don't remind me of finding a mate right now Tir." he said, turning around and walking towards his favorite spot. He heard movement behind and knew that the black wolf was only a few steps behind him, as always. The prince sat down next to a patch of honey suckles. He then leaned back to look up at the black wolf staring at him. "You care to sit down?"

Tir smiled softly and flopped down lazily next to Christan. "As you wish." he said softly. He began to think deeply to himself. His tail wagged and kept brushing against the silver wolf softly. He looked up at the sky blankly. His entire life was spent near the price, since he was born.

As if reading Tir's mind, Christan looked at him. "You ever wonder... why you were choosen at birth to be raised as my personal guard?" The wolf asked softly, blushing a bit. "I mean, I love you deeply, don't be mistaken, and my father raised you as his own, but..."

"Of course I wonder Christan. Who knows how different our lives would have been if I wasn't used as an agreement to keep my people hidden..." Tir sighed softly and looked at the prince. "But, regardless of that, I'm happy. I have a father figure that is kind a gentle, who raised me well. I have someone whom I care about always near by. I can't have wished for more."

Christan blush a bit more and looked at the ground. "Well... let's go see if father will let us go out of the palace, and have lunch by the river." The prince looked up at Tir and smiled softly. "Be nice to sit out in the sun by the river and just relax"

The black wolf shook his head softly. "Just no swimming. I always get chewed out when you come home smelling of the muddy river." He swished his tail and stood up. "I'm sure your father should be free for a couple of minutes. We better go ask him now and get some food."

Christan nodded. "I like the smell of the river over the baths. Those baths are laced with things like roses, and it doesn't quite smell right to me." he wrinkled his nose as if annoyed.

Tir chuckled, muttering a few words under his breath. He summoned a ball of water and had it fly around the prince slowly. "Maybe you can just ask for non scented water. Ever thought of that my sweet prince?" he said, having the ball of water fly around idly.

Christan smiled and swatted at the ball of water. "Show off." he said softly standing up. He looked Tir in the eyes and wagged. "So, Tir... you ever going to find yourself a mate?" he asked.

Tir let the ball of water drop with a slight splash. He didn't say anything, as if lost in thought. He started to walk back towards the palace entrance. As they came up to a pair of heavy oak door elaborately craved with various symbols, some of wolves and of many family names of high nobles and the royal family. Tir opened his muzzle a couple of times, as if to say something, but remained silent as the pushed open the doors. He finally shook his head and stopped, facing Christan before they walked inside. "No, I will not ever look for or take on a mate. Anyone that I could become mates with would never be able to share a bed with me. I'm always in your room, and most of the time in your bed. No, it's best if I don't have a mate. You, on the other paw need to find yourself a nice noble bitch to wed. You have to produce an heir to the throne one day."

Christan sighed and walked into the palace in front of Tir. He thought for a second, and turned abruptly towards the black wolf. "I'm sorry Tir. I... I..." he closed his muzzle for a second and splayed his ears. "Umm, how about being my mate then?" he blurted out, blushing bright red.

Tir stopped dead in his tracks, his ear perked up listening intently. He then burst out laughing, swishing his tail. "Oh my... that's.. that's funny my prince." he continued laughing, a couple of tears running down his cheeks, as if he was sad. "I know your father said homosexual marriage is now allowed under the crown... but I'm not of noble blood, nor can I produce a heir. No my prince... as much as it pains me to say, I cannot be your mate."

Christan chuckled sadly. "I was only joking anyways. Who would want a male mate anyways? That just doesn't seem right." he said, looking at the ground. He continued walking, his tail drooping a bit.

Tir smiled softly, and nodded, following behind the prince to the throne room. Standing on either side of the throne room doors was two guards, one a black bear, the other a tiger. They glared at the pair as they approached. Tir stepped forward. "Prince Christan wishes to speak with his father, the crowned king of

Constan, King Arion."

Christan looked at the guards as they smiled at him, bowing. He then said, "Atleast let him know we wish to visit the river and town today. We shall be home at sundown."

The bear bowed again. "His highness is currently attending to diplomats from the northern country. We shall let him know where his highness, the crown prince Christan, and his guard has gone. Is there anything else we can do for you my prince?"

Christan rolled his eyes. He hated being called anything but Christan. He then looked at the guards. "Is there anyway I can speak to my father personally?" He thought about the last time they actually spoke to eachother, which was last fall at the harvest feast.

Tir took Christan's paw and smiled at the guards. "Thank you for letting the king know. Also let the king know we request a non-formal meeting with him tomorrow morning on behalf of the prince. We shall be on our way." The black wolf slowly led his fellow silver wolf out of the palace.

Christan yanked his paw away from Tir after they were away from the guards, and yelled at his guard. "Just because you never knew your parents, doesn't mean I can't demand to see mine!" he was on the verge of crying, and growled, still yelling, even louder now. "It's been four months since the last time my father even spoke to me! Despite your best efforts, the rumors have fallen upon my ears! What if we do go to war? I will be taken to the safe house and may not ever get to see him again! It's not fair that I can't see him. He's my father, not my king!" His cheeks were now stained with tears as his dug his claws into his paws. "Then... I'll have no choice but to find a noble bitch immediately. I'll have to accept the crown quickly, and become king. It's not time for that for me. It's too soon. I'm not ready, and shouldn't have to think about, or do any of this for a long time..." he was bawling now.

Tir looked at Christan and smiled warmly at him. He began to wipe away the tears the running down the prince's silver cheek fluff. "Listen Christan. There are just rumors that the Dragon Lord to the far north is gathering a mighty army, yes. He has sent diplomats to discuss a treaty with our king. He was been busy with the treaty for a few months now. Nothing is going to happen, so if I was you, I wouldn't worry about going to war. Besides, we've beaten them before, and we can beat them again. Our army is praised as the best in all the land."

Christan sobbed a bit more as the reached the palace gates and started walking into town. "But... what is I don't produce an heir? What if I don't want to marry a noble bitch? What then? The lines dies out and another noble claims the throne for his or herself. Our country would fall into civil war."

Tir sighed as he stopped in front of the Red Badge Pub. "Then you can name an heir. Listen, you shouldn't worry so much about things like this Christan. You have a long time before you are named the king. And then even longer before you pass into the afterlife. Let me go get some of the honey mead in here, and some warm food to take to the river. Just wait here and relax. Everything shall be okay my sweet prince."

Christan nodded and choked back his tears. He wiped his cheeks clear as he watch the black wolf disappear into the pub. Standing on the heels of his footpaws, he sighed. "But... what is my perfect mate I can't ever have." he muttered to himself. He looked around and saw several of the peasants staring at him in wonder. It wasn't common place for the prince to be in town without his father, or even alone for that matter. He looked at a young fox walking up to him and smiled warmly at him. "What's your name my young friend?"

The fox giggled and swished his tail. "Christopher." he said. He obviously had no idea who the silver wolf was. "I like your shirt. You look very rich."

Christan smiled and petted the young fox. The mother then ran up and picked up her son. "I'm so sorry my Prince. He is young and doesn't know any better, and hasn't learn the manners on how to speak to one of your stature."

The silver wolf chuckled, and run a claw gently under the young fox's muzzle. "It's quite okay my fair lady. He is young, and I don't like formality. It's nice to just be admired as nothing more than a good looking wolf, and not the prince of our fair country." He reached in his purse and pulled out a few gold coins and handed it to the vixen. "This is for you and your family. Buy your son something nice, and treat yourselves. That's an order my fair subject. And, I expect to see you both in the palace one week from now to let your son meet our king and enjoy a meal on me. May I ask your name?"

The vixen blushed and bowed humbly to the prince. "I cannot accept something like this my price. I wouldn't know how to behave, and my son is still to immature for the palace."

Christan shook his head. "Nonsense. My father would be delighted to meet you both. And I look forward to actually meeting subjects. Bring your entire family. That is an order for the prince. You are to come to the palace in one week and have a nice day amongst the royal family and the nobles. Now, what is your name my fair lady?"

The vixen, still in shock, finally blurted out her name. "L.. Lilly my prince."

"Well then Lilly. I am pleased to have met you and your cute son. Please, enjoy the rest of your day, and see you both, and your family in one week." He knew that this would bring a lot of fame to this family. He couldn't help but smile as she uttered a weak thanks and blushed, bowing again and skipping off with her son. "Ah, it's nice to see my subject happy. Always brings a smile to my face." he said quietly.

A black paw appeared on his shoulder and Tir whispered. "You know your father would be proud of how you acted just now. I'll make sure everything is ready for their visit next week and inform the king and guards. I'm sure it will do you and the king some good with a break from everything."

Christan blushed bright red and swished his tail. "Y.. you saw all of that?"

"No, just most of it, enough to hear you invite the vixen and her son to the palace. It'll be a wonderful day, and getting to know some of the peasants won't hurt your rule as a gentle and kind prince." He held a basket, the scent of stew and mead coming from it.

Christan smiled and wagged. "Well, the kit was too cute to pass up. By the way Tir, how did you afford this? I thought you didn't make very much." The prince looked down and stared walking towards the edge of town and to the river.

Tir chuckled. "I make plenty of money my prince."

"But... I thought you were a slave... given how you came to be my foster brother and bodyguard."

Tir burst out laughing again. "No, I'm not a slave. At the age of fifteen, I was given a choice of returning home or remaining here as your personal guard. I'm still here, so all my wages were paid in full. I have enough money to retire and live comfortably for the rest of my life if I choose. I prefer to be around you, and be your guard. You know since the age of nine, most of the mages in our country couldn't match my skill in the arcane arts, and at thirteen, I was able to best many of the best swordfurs in our country. No, I'm quite rich. But being near you and serving the royal family is more than most can ever ask."

Christan stuck out his tongue at Tir, and chuckled. "Show off." he sniffed the air, the scent of the river was hanging in the air now. Fresh lillies and honeysuckle wafted around in the air as the approached the river. "I'm hoping no one is at the river today. It gets tiring of hearing praises of me being the price, and the constant bowing. I'm just a young wolf, and don't want to be treated like some fragile jewel to worship."

Tir smiled and nodded, sniffing the air himself. "Well, I don't smell anyone else coming from the river. Probably still too cool for many of the peasants to be swimming." He looked around and found a nice open spot. "This looks like a good place to eat our lunch."

The prince smiled and sat down, looking out over the river. "I would love to go for a swim after lunch." he said softly.

Tir pulled out two bottles of mead and a couple of sealed bowls, filled to the brim with a thick stew. "So would I, but the maids with fuss at me if you come back smelling of mud."

"And? Would it be worth it to have real water soaked into our fur, and the cool breeze filled with the scent of fresh wild flowers wafting around? Its better than the water they use in the palace."

"I keep telling you to just say you want unscented water. Or you can ask for a different type of soap. They only use those because it's what your father likes." Tir opened up the bowls and sat next to the silver wolf.

"But, I prefer the scent of the river. It's more natural and pure in my opinion. The maids don't understand." Christan took one of the bottles of mead, taking a long drink of it the sweet, alcoholic mead. He felt warmth flow down his throat and into his stomach, causing him to murr softly.

Tir chuckled, and took a drink himself. "Its the same water, just not muddy Christan." He said, now digging into his stew.

Silence fell over the two as they started to eat. The sound of them slurping on the stew could be heard by anyone that happened by, which no one did come by. Christan finished his lunch and laid on the ground, looking up at the sky. "Say Tir... what do you really think of me?"

Tir gulped down the last bit of his own stew, and took a quick drink of the mead. "Hmm... Well, your a handsome wolf, smart, insightful when you want to be. You also don't let your royal blood go to your head, and you'll probably be one of the best king to ever rule this country. However, you do act childish often, and overreact to minor things, and you overreact all the time."

Christan nodded and wagged. "But... do you love me?" he ran his claws through the grass next to him, looking at Tir intently.

Tir blushed. "Oh... ummm... Yes, I do love you Christan. But, there can never be an us... We are like brothers... and I'm not of noble blood." He sighed and looked at the ground.

"But..." "No buts. Look, I do want to be with you... to be more than just...."

As Tir spoke, Chrisan pressed his muzzle to the black wolf's, kissing him softly. Nervously, the silver wolf wrapped his paw around Tir's neck, pulling and holding him close. He found that his guard offered no resistance at all.

The pair remained locked in their passion filled kiss for a few moments. They could taste the stew and mead on each other, amongst their own natural taste. Slowly they closed their eyes, embracing each other closely until Tir broke the kiss, splaying his ears flat against his head. "My prince... please... I will do anything for you... but please find another mate. No one will accept this, and your father will not approve of us becoming mates."

Christan sighed and looked deeply into Tir's emerald colored eyes. "Tir... I want you as my mate. I can make you a noble and adopt an heir once it's time to do so."

Tir looked at the ground, shaking his head. "I can't Christan. First, your father won't approve of it. Second, the nobles won't stand for it. Lastly, no of the furs in your country could accept it. I want to.. but I cannot. I'm sorry Christan, but we can never be together."

The silver wolf teared up a bit. "Please Tir... atleast think on this. Think about what I'm offering you!"

"I shall think on it... but I don't think I can or will change my mind." He reached into a pocket in his leather pants and pulled out a gold armband surrounded by emeralds. He slipped it onto the princes left arm and smiled. "If after six months... if our feelings don't change.... then, and only then can we discuss this further with your father... And this armband is a promise that I'll always be there for you. No matter what, I shall be there for you my sweet price."

Christan admired the armband for a few seconds and sighed. He considered ordering Tir to be his mate. After all, he couldn't refuse a direct order from the prince. No one dared to. He looked at the ground and sighed softly. "Thanks Tir... but my feelings will never change. I've already decided who I want as my mate. I know one day you will accept."

Tir shook his head and stood up. "Maybe oneday.But that day isn't today or anytime soon."

The pair remained silent for a long time, looking as the river flowed past, and the sun did its usual course across the sky. They held paws softly. But they didn't say anything. Nothing seemed to mattered as they sat there. Slowly Christan stood up and walked closer to the river. "So... I still can't go swimming?"

Tir shook his head. "No, you can't. Plus its starting to get late. We should head back to the palace soon." He swished his tail and watched the prince. "Plus, I don't feel like getting fussed at by all the maid on you coming back soaking wet and smelling of the muddy river. It's best to just admire the river and enjoy the cool breeze."

Chrisan stood at ht edge of the river for a few moment more, before sitting down, letting his footpaws go into the water. A cool rush flooded up his body, causing him to shiver a bit. "But, the water feels amazing. Can't I just go swimming for a minute?"

Tir chuckled. "Just like a little pup. No my prince. No swimming today. Maybe next week we can come out here and swim. Might even convince the king to come out as well. I bet he would enjoy a day out from the palace."

Christan stuck his tongue out at Tir. "I could just jump in and you couldn't stop me before I was in the water."

"True, but I could make your life a bit miserable for having me put up with being fussed at. And keep that tongue of yours in your muzzle before I bite it off."

"You wouldn't dare!"

"I would, and you know I would." Tir swishes his tail and stood up. "Come on prince. The sun is starting to set, and you know how the guards are about us showing up after sundown."

Christan stared up at the moon that was starting to rise. "A black moon tonight..." he muttered softly as the pair walked back to the palace. The prince slipped his paw into Tir's and held it firmly.