The Hunted go to Loven World Part 3

Story by TheNovelist on SoFurry

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#24 of Exploration

There was in fact an inn nearby, and the proprietor quite happily gave us rooms for the night. Business had been bad since Esmeralda had taken over. The innkeeper poured us glasses of beer, well, for those who wanted it.The dwarf shouldered Dev aside in an effort to get hers, for Cheri had a love of beer almost equal to gold.I say almost equal, because otherwise she would kill me.

I drew Devlin and Thomas as my partners in the room upstairs, and as we removed all our kit, and lay down on the surprisingly comfy straw mattresses, Devlin spoke.

"Well, I think that couldn't have gone better, apart from the lady Esmeralda being immune to fire, and magical."

"Oh, the plan was genius."I agreed."coming from you and Draco, I expect nothing less."

He laughed from the top bunk. Thomas underneath put his pistols reverently underneath his clothes, and lay naked on the straw.

"Dev, if you don't mind me asking," the snow leopard asked," what do you think of Draca?"

"I think she's taken."the dragon chuckled."If not by Draco, then by the dark wizard. Besides, I don't think she likes me. When ever I get too close to her, she shuffles away."

"I think I have an explanation for that."I volunteered." She's an ice dragon, she dislikes all types of fire and heat, and you radiate heat.Not a match made in heaven."

"Pity, she seems like a nice type." Devlin rolled on the bunk. It creaked. Thomas spoke.

"Dev, do you mind me taking the top bunk? Every time you do that it sounds like it's about to collapse."

I laughed."I don't think it's likely, Thomas. By the way, how's your shoulder? Did Mabel fix it up."

"She did, Alduin." Thomas replied tonelessly.

"Nice to have a magical means of healing."I commented."Does Winslo have healing magic?"

"No, but the last time I checked, he was talking earnestly to her about the spell."

"Oh good." I replied. Winslo entered at this point, and I sat up on my bed.

"Hey, Winslo, speak of the devil!What did Mabel say?"

"She's going to teach me the basics of the spell tomorrow."

"So what are you doing here?"

"I believe that I need to talk to you."Winslo said, arms folded.

"If this is about the entire threatening a bunny with a knife thing, no one ever takes me seriously anyway."

"Alduin, the point is that you did it."

"I did, and not all the spells in the world can reverse it."

Devlin interrupted."I think Winslo wants to have it off with you."

Winslo lifted one of his hands, pointing it at Devlin. Devlin tried to speak, but Winslo had made him mute, completely silenced. Devlin's shoulders heaved in a sigh, and he went back to reading his book.

"So, Winslo, is that the case?" I grinned.

"Alduin, stop it. I'm supposed to be telling you off." Winslo was desperately trying to look annoyed, while I started laughing. Thomas chuckled as well, and Winslo burst out giggling.

"Damn it." he wheezed.

"Come with me, Winslo." I got my trousers on, Winslo already had his robe on, and we walked out of the inn, and down the street to the gate tower.

"Nice night tonight. It isn't actually that cold, but there's snow on the ground."

"I think tomorrow's going to fulfil your wish. O'eola mentioned something to Draco, about a little relaxation."

"Oh, I remember. I expect no one's going to hit Thomas, no one will hit Draca, and if you don't wear that robe, no one will hit you." I grinned, tugging gently at the robe.Winslo smiled.

"You're still an idiot."

"You mean you only worked that out?" I said, in mock surprise, and then laughed.I climbed up the ladder to the gate tower, and stood overlooking the landscape as it curled away. Winslo came up, and I looked at the results of the fireball on the causeway.

"He's quite powerful, that wizard."I commented.

"True. The dragon, the elf and the cleric are also really powerful magically."

I kicked the trapdoor to the ladder shut, and kicked the bolt across, Winslo was still looking at the causeway.

"Can you cast a spell like that?"

"Yes.Fireball is a fairly obvious spell. Now his Supernova spell, that's impressive.I think only one would have destroyed the main hall, but the other magic users cast the same spell. Mabel is a cleric, she can't cast many wizard spells, so she cast Holy Smite, as she calls it."

"And you cast Explosives." I added."All of you destroyed it, barely raising a sweat in doing so."

"There is that." he admitted.

"So, Winslo, are you going to fuck me, or are we going to sit here talking all night?"

"Either or."

"Well, to make it up to you and your race, I'll bottom this one."

I found some rope, and allowed Winslo to tie my hands around one of the columns holding up the roof.He removed my trousers, and his robe, and then thrust his cock hard into my ass.I winced in pain, and leaned back, enjoying the bunny's rhythm.

We worked quietly, aware that making large amounts of noise would disturb the slumbering city.It wasn't dead silent, for a lot of groups were celebrating the downfall of the tyrant queen, but we didn't want to wake those who were sleeping.

He fucked me roughly for about ten minutes, and finally ejaculated inside my ass, filling it with his semen. Then he got off me, got his robe back on, and spoke.

"Don't worry, Alduin, back in a few minutes."

Uh huh, sure. He opened the door, and went down the ladder. As he was out of sight, I stretched one foot out, and snagged my trousers.I brought them closer, and used my foot to rifle the pocket. I brought out my Swiss Army knife, and with infinite care, brought my foot up until it was next to my roped hands.I grasped at the knife, and took it my right hand. With some difficulty I flicked the blade, and then it was easy.

Winslo came back half an hour later, and saw I was nowhere to be seen.I was hiding behind the upturned table, and I saw him shut the trap door, and walk over to where I had been tied, and run his finger along the severed ropes. I leapt over the table silently, and grabbed his around the waist. He let out a cry of surprise, and as we fell to the deck, I heard him laugh.

"How'd you do that?"

"Magic."I grinned, whispering into his ears from behind. Winslo laughed again.

"Even when you're tied down, you always become dominating.Alright,you won." I landed on top of him.I didn't remove his robe, but pushed the folds of material to one side, and thrust my own cock into him.

This little scene went on for another ten minutes, and finally we lay down, in the guard tower, and slept. It wasn't the most comfortable place, but we were both explorers, and the trick is to find anything that works.

That morning, I woke up, and shivered. I put on my trousers, pocketing my army knife, and looked over the wall in the gate tower. As I did, a falcon flew down from the sky, and landed on the ledge beside me. It looked at me for a few seconds, and then spoke.

"Tell Lady Esmeralda that her servant is two hours away."

I looked at unintelligently, and spoke."I beg your pardon?"

"This is the town that the Lady Esmeralda has claimed for her own?"

I thought fast."She has claimed it for her own, yes."

"Then tell her that her servant is two hours from arrival."

I nodded, and the eagle flew off. Winslo stirred behind me.

"What did I miss?"

"Something very strange.Come on, we've got to find O'eola and Devlin, and fast."

I went into my room, there was no one there, nor no sign of them having been there. But my walkie talkie was, along with all my gear, and as I strapped up, I spoke into it.

"All Hunted and Devlin, this is Alduin. Where are you?"

Devlin spoke."We're standing in the wreckage of the hall, searching the underground floors for the Lady Esmeralda's servants. Apparently there were a few downstairs, and we're confirming it."

"That's a point I need to make. I was in the gate tower with Winslo this morning, and an eagle came down and said that Lady Esmeralda's servant is arriving in two hours."

"Can Winslo confirm this?"

"I was only just waking at the time. I saw the eagle, and saw Alduin's astonished look, but I believe him."the bunny replied.

O'eola spoke into Dev's communicator.

"You say two hours?"

"Correct, Master O'eola. They believe that she is still in control of the city."

"Good. We shall ambush them. We need to find how deep this goes. Is anyone good at hiding in snow in your party."

About five voices, mine included, spoke.

"Thomas." and I added."Winslo also."

"Right, Draca can make three. The cobbled road will be the road they use, so could we send them out to find hiding places in the snow?"

Thomas spoke quickly.

"Winslo, the road is now visible, such has been the weather. If I position myself about fifty yards from the gates on one side, and you on the other side. Where will Draca place herself?"

"Further back, so they have nowhere to run."the frosted reptilian growl of the dragon replied.

We sent them out fifteen minutes before the coach was due, and they walked along the road, and then cut into the snow. Ten seconds after doing so, only Doran knew where they were. Then I walked out of the gates, and they were shut behind me. I was to come forward and greet them, and I lay casually against the stone wall, my rifle over my shoulder. Everyone was either in the towers, or behind the portcullis and around the wall out of sight, ready to spring forward.

We waited for ten minutes, and the keen eyed spotted the coach. It was pulled by four horses, and was black. Four black plumes were on each corner, and a coachman sat on the front, a whip in his hands and the reins also. Devlin spoke to me.

"Make them welcome, but don't make any promises to open the gates, if they get nasty, then tell them the truth, Lady Esme is no longer in charge here."

The coach got nearer, and the coach man started to slow down the horses. They came to a halt thirty yards from me as I started walking forward. Perfectly done.

"Morning, sir. Can I help you?"

"Yes, you can tell the Lady Esmeralda that the lord is here, and be quick about opening those gates. He's not in a happy mood."

"Ah, well, there's a slight problem about that. The guards haven't got to their posts yet, the gates are shut as a result.I've been waiting here for a good half hour."

"Why aren't the guards at their station?"

"Ah well, rumour has it a bunch of people tried to attack the city yesterday evening, and several of the guards were wounded."

"Why did they attack?"the coachman looked slightly alarmed.

"I dunno. I'm just a wanderer who happened to hear some of it."

"What's your name, wanderer?"

"I was initialled,sir. N.V.I.P, or just N for short."

"Strange name."

"Well, my parents weren't into naming much." I could hear giggling in my earpiece.

A door opened, and a tall, blonde haired man stepped out of the coach. He looked entirely miffed, and the coachman looked uncomfortable.

"What is going on here? Spare me the natterings of lesser men. Why are the gates shut?"

"This fellow here was saying the guards aren't at their posts, because of fighting last night."

"What?" the man turned a dirty look at me.I gave a wide bodied shrug.

"Just the rumour mill, lord. I heard that a group of outlaws got into the city, and fought against the guards."

"And what happened to them?"

"Couldn't say. All I know is they haven't come out yet.Although the Lady's flag is still flying over the towers."

This was true, we hadn't taken them down. The lord grunted, and walked towards the gates, me in tow.He shouted.

"If someone doesn't let me in, I'm going to be very annoyed!This is Lord de Villiers, and I demand to see the Lady Esmeralda!"

His voice echoed down the streets, and completely failed to get a reaction. He stood there, getting more miffed.

"That's the last time I send a bleeding eagle to deliver a message." he muttered. I stood at his right hand.

"Is there a problem?"

He hauled off, and open handedly slapped my face. I went down like a stone, and rose quickly, blinking back the tears of pain and anger rising.

"Now, sir, there's no call for that.I was only trying to help."

"You can help by climbing this thing and opening the gates yourself." de Villiers said shortly, looking up.

"That's breaking and entering, my lord. I hear the Lady can get quite, ah, sarcastic, about it."

Lord de Villiers shivered.

"Tell me about it. There's a hag you don't want to cross in a hurry, but if you tell another soul, I will have your kidneys cut out."

"I didn't hear anything, sir."

"Good peasant."

He drew out an orb, and spoke into it.

"Lady." he waited."I am here."

There was a pause, and then her face appeared in the mirror.It was a mere shadow of herself, and she looked venomously at the Lord.

"It's no good. A group of adventurers blew up the main hall with many spells. He was involved." she pointed at me. As the Lord turned, I drew my pistol, and levelled it at him.

"Lady Esmeralda is no longer in control of this city. It has been captured and liberated by a bunch of adventurers, who shall remain nameless, and that's how it will stay."

The lord darkened.He looked at the weapon in my hand, and decided against moving.As my last word echoed, Winslo and Thomas stood up, right next to the coach, the portcullis rose, and the entire party of adventurers, minus O'eola, came around the corner, weapons drawn. From the tower above, the dragons and Valmeero jumped down, and landed behind de Villiers. The coachman spotted Thomas and Winslo, and put up his hands as they both drew their pistols.

"In short, you have walked into a trap. Remove your weapons, you are under arrest." James said, his rapier at the lord's throat.

"James the assassin, I have heard of you."

"Indeed, Villiers, as I have heard of you too. You graduated from the Assassin's maze yourself. So what are you doing here?"

"My, lady,I work for her, had taken control of this city, and had offered to make me a high ranking official."

"You're being paid by her?"

"It keeps the money rolling in, James, that much you should know. Assassins only ever work for money."

"Mostly true.My suggestion is to leave. Your, lady, has been thrown out, and I really don't want to have to hold prisoners in the cells. You have five minutes to get out of sight."

"You always were the noble one, James. As is O'eola, that's how he made friends with his dragon, oh don't look at me like that, it's old news." de Villiers smiled, bowed to James as the thief lowered his rapier, and turned around.He played with a ring on his finger, and vanished.

"I hate all Teleporting cowards." Cheri spoke gruffly.Thomas lowered his gun, as did Winslo, and the coachman turned the horses around, and rode along the cobble road. As he shot past Draca, the reptile erupted from the ground, and blew an ice flame at the coach. The entire coach disappeared in a wave of ice, and the coachman jumped forward onto one of the horses. The coach had been vaporised, and the horse broke, going in different directions. The coachman rode away on the one he was on, and then the three came back to the gates as those in the tower came down.

"That went well." I said, with a smile.

"O.K., N, what did those letters stand for?" Brendan asked, a wide smile on his face.

"Not very important person." I grinned widely, and got the laugh I was after.

"The look on the coachman's face was priceless."Devlin grinned.

It was at this point Draco picked up a handful of snow, and threw it at me. I ducked, and it hit Doran instead. Doran threw one back, and got the dragon fair and square on the chest. Devlin scooped up one, and I flung myself sideways as Time received the snowball with Devlin's displeasure. Time was equal to the task, and hurled one at the dragon. This one went astray, and struck Thomas.

This became popular. We all ran away from one another, firing snowballs with incredible accuracy and distance.The snow leopard, the dragon and the bunny melted into the snow filled landscape, and after five minutes of running, I practically stood on top of Draca. She burst out of the snow, dumping a large handful of snow across the back of my head. I managed to pelt her with one before she vanished into the snow, and then watched as Winslo appeared behind Grant. Grant got the snowball, but not before I had flung one across his shoulder, catching Winslo's arm.

The adventurers were finding this very fun. Erling, being a hobbit, hurled his with increasingly amazing precision.We fought for about half an hour, and no one knew who had won, but finally we sat down. I sat next to Devlin, for obvious reasons, and we talked about the adventures. As a few minutes passed I was aware that all the snow around the Hell fire dragon had melted away, and he was now sitting on green grass.

Then we realised we should probably be getting back to Silverine and the Glowers, and we stood up. O'eola came over to me, and gave me a fist sized ruby, very quietly.

"Come back to visit. It's nice having someone new to argue with."

"Likewise, master wizard. " I nodded, and we teleported.

Draco once again drew the short straw to tell the glowers, and me, Winslo, Valmeero and Time all teleported to my house. Time wanted to check for something on the internet, and the two boys wanted to play a game.

So we played Pirate's cove. Draco's sexual rule was reinstated, and as Gareth got involved, and Time played from the computer chair, it was quite fun.

Again,it was going to be interesting. Valmeero drew a parrot for his cannons, and I got myself a master craft. The battles raged, but after twelve turns, the length of a game, Winslo was naked, Gareth was also, Time had walked into Valmeero first turn, and so had ended with a game long disadvantage.I had lost my shirt, as a result of taking the Royal Navy and Blackbeard, and Valmeero was down to his underwear.

Skipping directly over the two some that followed, Time and Winslo, and as Valmeero herded Grant into the bathroom, I opened my drawer beside the fire place, and placed the ruby from the wizard beside the necklace.Then I turned, and joined in the fun.