Reunion (yurikokinai commission, F/F)

Story by Raziel714 on SoFurry

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The finished version of the story commissioned by yurikokinai on FurAffinity!

The image was originally drawn by Vera on FurAffinity, and JurikoKinai asked me to base a story on it (or rather, gave me a few pics to choose from, and I picked this one)

It was quite fun to work on, seeing how I'm quite a fan of the Alien series and think Xenomorphs in general are among the awesomest movie-creatures I guess I also geeked out a bit on this one despite the material being otherwise new to me ;D

Reunion Story by Raziel Characters © Yurikokinai

The room was completely silent, still and dark like a sealed tomb. In the centre of the room was a set of 5 sarcophagi arranged in a star-like pattern. Four of them yawned open. A screen set at the foot-end of the chamber was the sole indicator of its current occupant - the glass being frosted over and only showing the faint outline of the form inside. The screen showed a set of vital signs, all stable but low. At the very top of the screen was a name; Yuriko Kinai. Suddenly, alarms sounded from somewhere beyond the room, an irritating whine just on the edge of hearing. There was stumbling, muffled screams. Something shook the base and gunshots echoed through hallways but even that sound lost all but its deep base-tones by the time that it reached the hypersleep-chamber. Eventually most of the sounds died down, except for something that seemed to scratch at the door for a while, followed by a loud thump. Then the tomb-like silence returned for a long time. A beeping sound broke the silence after an indeterminate amount of time. Then a beeping started in the room. The screen on the hypersleep-chamber switched over to something else, a countdown appearing in the top-right corner of the monochrome screen as the hypersleep-chamber was finally at the end of the countdown that had been set weeks, possibly months before. 3...2...1...

Nothing appeared to happen at first, but then the lights in the room came on by gradually increasing brightness instead of flashing on. The frost on the chamber started to melt and disappear, slowly revealing the recumbent shape inside. The chamber's occupant was as naked as the day she was born, no cloth covering her predominantly dark-grey and spotted fur. A mane of dark-red hair stood up defiantly from her scalp. The first thing that started to move was her nose, twitching slightly and sending a tremble through her whiskers. Her mouth opened almost imperceptibly as her breathing deepened, calling attention to the large, beautifully white canines extended out of her mouth. The clear-glass sarcophagus hissed as the seals were broken, followed by a low, pneumatic hum when the top was lifted away. The lithe form inside it stirred, faintly at first, but more clearly as consciousness was gained by degrees. Two earrings were pierced through the upper orbit of her left ear, glittering as they caught the lamplight when she moved. Her breasts, rising and falling more with each breath, were a match for her lithe form; perky and firm. Lower on her upper body, two more sets of nipples dotted her chest; in time they would also gain more definition on the journey through her teen years. Eyelids fluttered open, revealing a set of startlingly violet eyes. She breathed in and out heavily a few times, each gulp of air dragging her further into the waking world, followed by a surge of nausea. Dragging herself up on the side of the hypersleep-chamber, she leaned over the edge but fortunately the spell subsided before the nausea got worse. She took a deep breath to test if it was truly subsiding, and then let the air escape from her lips with a hiss. "God, I hate hypersleep."

She stepped out of the sarcophagus and almost immediately her legs nearly collapsed under her, making her fall awkwardly against the side with claws scraping on the floor. She shook her legs in an attempt to get them to awaken and slowly sensed how feeling returned to her sleep-numb limbs. She turned her head up to face the door. "Anyone there? Hello?" Yuriko blinked when there wasn't a response. She took a look around the room, realising that she was apparently the only person here; the other hypersleep-chambers having clearly not seen recent use. Her ears fluttered when she realised she could hear a distant whine of alarms. The realisation made the hairs on her back and neck stand on end and her heart started beating faster. She clenched her fists to push down the beginnings of panic and not give it a chance. The hypersleep had left her hazy, but memories started to come up from the mire again. She'd arrived here a while ago, receiving and invitation from the Company for people who'd like to try and spend their younger years off-world and learn.

Yuriko remembered the arrival with some others of similar age to her and how welcoming people on the station were. Station; she suddenly remembered that she wasn't on a planet but on a research station orbiting a gas-giant, designated LV-395. The ads promised lovely views and from what she started to remember of the cafeteria and leisure-time areas, they delivered. But how did she end up in hypersleep? "Brot..." Yuriko coughed when the full wakefulness made her feel just how dry her throat was, the barely-there sounds she just made scraping it like sand. She cleared her throat and swallowed a few times. "Brother?" There was a garbled response from the P.A. system. "System f...catastr...amage...ry ag...ater." She recognised the voice of Brother, the station's A.I. despite the fragmentation. Panic started to grip at her heart again; a damaged A.I. was a major problem for any station or ship, why wasn't he repaired? Yuriko once again fought the urge to curl back into the hypersleep-chamber and wait it out, instead resolving to find out what happened.

Yuriko stood up, still a bit wobbly in the knees but improving with every step, walking towards the door. The cold floor at her feet made her shiver. Her hand went to the control panel, and then hesitated, hovering bare inches above the switch. She eyed the panel carefully and noticed the green 'atmosphere' light; indicating that she at the very least wouldn't open a door exposed to hard vacuum. She pressed the button and the door slid open with a familiar hum.

The room beyond made her shiver more deeply, her arms folding themselves around her. It was abandoned. In the distance she could hear the alarms more clearly now, but this area looked like it was evacuated in a hurry. A dark stain, any liquid long since evaporated, was on the floor next to a mug emblazoned with the Weyland-Yutani symbol. Computers were still switched on, screens humming on standby but activity-lights blinking on-and-off. Abandoned on a table was a drinky-bird bobbing up-and-down into a glass of water. There were three other doors out of the room, one in each wall; she wouldn't have to bother with the one to the right since she could see the 'atmosphere' light blinking aggressive red from where she was standing. The door to her left was damaged and clearly jammed, bulging inwards from some kind of force slamming into it from the other side. She could hear that the faint alarms came from somewhere beyond that door. Next to the door on the other side of the room was a water-fountain and the thought of refreshment took control of her legs. Yuriko didn't hear the shifting in the ceiling; the source skilled on nigh-soundless movement. It looked down on her from above as she crossed the room, her thick, fluffy tail swaying behind her. More soundless movement as it followed, tailing Yuriko with more than sight alone. Lips parted slightly. Yuriko looked around when she heard a faint hiss, but dismissed it a sound that came from some machine in the room. For a moment, the hairs on the back of her neck stood up again and her tail poofed up when at that moment, when there was the clear feeling of being watched. Her violet eyes scanned the room carefully but found nothing. She slowly turned around to the water fountain again and prayed that it'd work. It did. She took a careful sip first, and then drank with abandon; the cool water the most delicious thing she had ever tasted. It reinvigorated her more than she could ever have expected.

She finally pulled away from it and sighed, her eyes scanning the room again. It was definitely a laboratory of sorts and she felt a pang of frustration when the research beds were all empty; not even a shred of fabric to cover herself. The lights above the beds suddenly stirred unpleasant memories of stinging pain. Masked faces looking down on her. Yuriko shuddered and didn't want to look at the metal slabs anymore, or the tools neatly spread out on the trays next to them. Then her eyes rested on an abandoned sandwich, still in its sealed, stay-fresh, Weyland-Yutani patented packaging. She felt silly for eying around the room again as if she was afraid of getting caught. She poked the bread and found it still fluffy. She opened the packaging and used a clawed finger to slowly raise the slice of bread and grunted. She hated Jamón Serrano, but at the same time felt she didn't have a choice. Her bodily functions were starting up in earnest, and her stomach growled voraciously. Yuriko took a big bite, her canines slicing through the robust ham with ease. From up above, she was still being observed. Then the presence above sensed more movement closing in with clear intent and made clear how it felt about that. There was a hiss again, clear as day and coming from somewhere above. Yuriko staggered back and moved to the only other door out of the room, unseen eyes still following her. She could sense something draw closer. The door she stood at had the colours of a security-door and hoped that whatever calamity had happened had overridden the locks. Her hand slammed on the panel and the door hissed open and she slipped out.

Yuriko froze hard when she entered the room, seeing the upright tubes with shapes flowing in them. Worse, she recognised them. It was her. She clamped her hands over her muzzle to stifle a scream but soon after a whisper escaped. "What have they done to me?" Her eyes were drawn to a few tubes at the far end of the room; both were broken, one apparently from the inside and one from outside. The screens read 'Subject 7 - conversion success' and 'Subject 1a - original' respectively. Close to these shattered tubes was a large hole in the floor that looked melted; Yuriko didn't question it as it offered her the only way out of this cabinet of curiosities. She lowered herself in and almost immediately found herself falling, sliding down something slick. Somewhere above, she heard a loud thump of metal, as if something else had dropped itself down.

Yuriko yelped when she fell into a chamber and came to a rolling halt against a strange, leathery object. She was pressed so close that she could see something shift inside. She crawled back slowly, realising that it looked like a large egg. Her feline eyes adapted to the darkness and revealed more eggs, a dozen or more. She wondered where the cave she was in came from, but then noticed bits of station peek through it; the cave was made of some kind of secreted resin. Her gaze went back to the egg. Secreted from what? The egg opened with a strange cracking noise, the top folding open in four and something like thin, slender finger-like appendages started to tiptoe around the edge. Finally her resolve faltered and she heaved in breath to scream. The hiss from behind her came from so close that it rustled the fur on her cheek and the spiderlike-creature let itself back in the egg in direct response. Yuriko whirled around to face what was behind her...only to realise it was herself.

Startling violet eyes looked down on her from behind a black-and-red coloured mane and even the long, arched canines were familiar from every time she'd looked in the mirror. Yuriko staggered back and half-fell half-sat against the egg. It was her face that was looking at her, her ears that swivelled towards her. The face looked older and her eyes travelled downwards, noticing the full sets of breasts down the front that clearly had their pubescent growth-spurt. The rest was so different that Yuriko couldn't imagine any way that could be more different without losing its similarity to her. Most of the body was covered with what looked like gleaming exoskeleton, with large ribs sticking out from the back and sharp spikes from the elbows. Ribbed surfaces dominated the sleek form, even extending along the cheeks of the familiar face. A long tail with a wicked blade on the tip extended behind the being, swaying and curling eagerly. The fingers were long claws and the hind feet were powerful digitigrades. And yet, something about the shape seemed oddly alluring.

A strange howl issued forth from somewhere deeper in the complex and the new arrival responded with an equally strange, howling hiss. Shapes moved in darkness, hesitating for a moment before pulling back in response to another howl from the depths. The creature leaned forward and opened its mouth. Yuriko closed her eyes. "Hello, sweetheart." Yuriko's eyes sprang open again; she wasn't sure why she was surprised that the voice sounded so like her own. "H...Hello?" Slender fingers touched her knees. "Don't be afraid. I wouldn't hurt family." Yuriko pressed her fingers against the egg in surprise. "Family?" The creature's tail kept swaying, but her smile had something welcoming, the fingers had a warm, even hot, touch that made her shiver as they ran through her fur. "I guess we like the same things..." Her semi-identical twin moved even closer, kneeling in front of her with the same welcoming smile. Yuriko felt herself blush. Something in the air made her head swim. One hand travelled up her thigh, carefully curving around it and moving upwards, rubbing her tummy. A pleasant shudder went through her. Yuriko bit her lip and managed a question. "Who...who are you? She smiled. "I'm you...or what they made of you. You could say a sister, I think." Her other hand reached out, and traced a finger along Yuriko's cheek softly. "They were busy little bees. But I got them. I made them pay for you with" Yuriko's 'sister' gestured behind her, and she turned. She noticed another creature clinging to the ceiling like an insect. It looked similar to her 'sister', but even more alien and insectoid. It's elongated head ended in a worryingly eyeless face. It was however clear where the other half of the 'family' in front of her came from.

Yuriko gasped as her sister settled between her legs with a sudden, fast movement and pressed against her. She heated up instantly when she felt the multiple breasts rub against her own nipples. A rough tongue shot out and traced her along the side of her neck and moved along to her ear. " familiar." Yuriko couldn't move and she didn't know why it felt so good. She took another deep breath and was overwhelmed by her sister's scent. She felt how her own arms slowly embraced her, feeling the strange, slick hardness of the exoskeleton on her palms. She knew her like she knew herself as slender fingers traced every single sensitive spot that she'd discovered herself by exploration. Her breathing became more like panting as a blush burned on her cheeks. She could feel the tail lovingly wind around her ankle, the bladed part carefully pointed away from her. Yuriko wanted to push her away but her resolve to do so faltered. "This...this is wrong." Her sister smiled at her. "Is it? As close as we are, people seldom get." Another wave of scent hit Yuriko, melting her defences. She felt herself heat up between her legs and her sister seemed to sniff the air. "And your body doesn't seem to agree. I can smell it on you." From her sister's point of view, Yuriko was bathed in an aura of scents; bright pink desire with only faint touches of yellow uncertainty and fear. A finger shot downward and teased her, the oddly warm, dark chitin being slicked with her fluids. Yuriko felt embarrassed but at the same time ached for it. Her own, older face looked down on her with the same gentle smile as she rubbed her below like a careful lover would; not so much as scratching her folds despite the lethally sharp claws. Her mouth moved closer to Yuriko's ear. "I won't betray you, not like the people here did with their promises of an adventurous life." Yuriko gasped as a finger gently rubbed her slit before touching her nub fleetingly, the sensation making hot flashes travel through her body. "How...How can you..." Her sister kissed her on the lips carefully. "A gift from the 'other side' of my union. I remember everything until the moment where they took the DNA I was made from out of your body. I remember the fear. I remember only wanting to return to Earth." Yuriko trembled when the slick finger finally slid inside her, moving smoothly to the sensitive spot inside. Another hand curled around her back, pressing and rubbing the spot where het tail met her lower back. Her legs started to tremble as she closed in on climax even faster than if she'd done it herself. "A shuttle remains. It's ready and it probably has the autopilot set for Gateway, but it is DNA-locked. You can open it...take us home. Please."

Yuriko yelped and came shudderingly, moaning into her sister's mouth, her body agreeing for her.


The radio came to life with a screech. "Welcome to gateway station, please identify yourself." She sighed. "Yuriko Kinai, inbound from LV-395." "395? We've had reports of lost contact." Yuriko shrugged despite the radio being sound-only. "I don't know, they were there when I left." There was a brief silence. "Alright. We'd still like to ask some questions when you arrive." Yuriko could hear beeping on the other end of the line. "We're detecting another lifesign on board, can you confirm?"

Yuriko looked over to the side of the bridge, noticing her half-twin resting quietly, curled-up and contently in a resin-like alcove she made for herself. Her face and chitinous skin reflected the blue light of planet Earth. She smiled in her sleep. Yuriko returned it. "I confirm, it's my sister. She's asleep."

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