Richard and Craig

Story by Reikhan Tealdoby on SoFurry

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This writing features two random characters that just might become new characters for me to feature in future drawing or stories.

I wrote this in the back of my sketch book during one of my overnight shifts at work at about 3am. I was semi out of my mind and tired as hell so I'm pretty sure a good chunk of this may not make any sense, but i figured I'd edit it as i typed it up for you all to read.

The story rewrite also ran a bit too long for my comfort so I decided to split it up into two parts. Enjoy!


"...and Richard, you are paired with Craig," my professor said. I honestly feel that he did this to me on purpose; knowing full well that I hated group work of any sort but it apparently fell on deaf ears. I flashed a quick glance at the fox who appeared to have this asinine grin on his face. He waved over to me but my reply was not as pleasant as I adjusted my glasses looking back at the black board. "You are to discuss what you wish to center the project on during the free period. As for now we are reviewing..." I sat attempting to be attentive to the lesson, feverishly taking down any notes I thought I would need. My mind wandered exactly to what kind of project I could possibly do with that annoying fox.

After school Craig then stopped me, calling out my name

"Hey Richie! When do ya want to come over and work?" I sighed an irritated sigh as I shook my head, accompanied by a dark growl. I hated being called `Richie' more than anything. At that moment, I wanted more than anything to really tear into Craig, but there were too many witnesses around.

"Hrr...," I adjusted my glasses slightly turning to face the fox. "I will arrive promptly at five in the evening. I'm going home right now to gather up any materials I may have missed. Please be ready to work. I do not wish to be partnered up with -you- longer than I need to be." To those around me I may have sounded a bit cruel but I didn't care. I just wanted to get this done.

"Alright Richie," he replied. I'll see ya later tiger! " He then smiled this toothy grin as he walked off. Before I realized it, my right hand started to close up into a fist then commenced to tremble some. Why do I feel such anger against this fox? I took a deep breath shaking my head a bit before walking to the road towards my residence. I peered up to the blue sky noting that some rough looking clouds seemed to be drawing near. Continuing my walk, I soon reached my apartment and proceeded to enter it. I let out a relived sigh, enjoying the silence as I walked to my computer desk, gathering the various papers and writing items needed. The I looked towards my chair and decided to sit down for a few minutes.

"I'm stuck with that dunce for a week. I need to bring my other books too just in case." I stood up and began to check the cabinets over my desk, removing a text book along with my pencil case. I then glanced at this red notebook. It was rather worn around the edges along with several pages dulling in color due to age. I took a quick glance through it finding countless old notes and crudely drawn pictures. I soon found a picture of what apparently was supposed to be a tiger and a fox together. Looking at this made an unintentional smirk grow across my face. My eyes shifted over to the analog clock on the wall. "Shoot! I need to get going," I said . Putting the remainder of my things into my bag, I departed from my home and began to walk back down the sidewalk. The sky had turned to a soft blue gray as I approached an apartment complex.

"Okay...," I then reached into my pocket taking out a slip of paper. "Let's see... 1555 Plyt street, room E7." I repeated the address to myself as I started to search the building. Walking up the stairs, I found the row of rooms labeled with E's and started to walk down the hall until I approached the door labeled -E7- "Hmm...this must be the place." I knocked on the door three times and stood for a sec looking around . "Craig lives alone huh..." There was no answer at the door. Curiously, I reached for the and oddly enough, the door was unlocked. "Well he knows I'm coming over so I guess it's okay." I opened the door and stepped inside. The first thing I noticed was that the apartment itself was rather warm. Adjusting my collar a bit to cool myself off, I continued to look around. Craig had several posters of these popular characters from the animated television shows that he obsessed over and talked to me non-stop about. I shook my head with some annoyance as I continued to search for him. I peeked around the corner, seeing what appeared to be the common room. The room had a small futon in it's couch shape currently along with a small television . In the middle of the room was this table . Around the edges there was a blue cloth hanging from it. I shrugged as I set my things onto it, looking around for a chair. This table was quite low to the table, and upon closer inspection there seemed to only be enough vertical space for my legs. I then sat down, moving the fabric aside a soft wave of heat radiated from under the table.

"What the hell?" I have never seen such a thing in my life. Adding onto the confusion, this red and white fluff fell from behind the table cloth. I adjusted my glasses a bit as the form of a red fox laid under the heated table. I then looked around the corner, where I saw Craig. I rolled my eyes, shaking my head a bit as I then reached over. He snored loudly as I started to rock him a bit to wake him. He rolled over on to his back, mumbling some unintelligible words. I stopped shaking him, getting down on my knees. "He knew I was coming yet he falls asleep." The fox continued to sleep, his muzzle opening slightly. I narrowed my eyes some looking Craig over. He was younger than me by about a few months, but he looked rather refined for his age. The ceiling lights shone upon his pelt, lighting up the red hue of his face. I watched him sleep for a while, staring him down a bit. Looking his body up and down, I gulped air a bit seeing his bare chest. Lower down his body, it looked as if he were only wearing his boxer shorts, loosely at that.

"I love...shurem..." I tensed up a bit seeing him mumble to himself, subconsciously reaching down his front scratching himself a bit before his eyes slowly opened. He yawned a bit , reaching up to scratch his stomach, looking over to me. " He yawned once again, rolling onto his front, crawling over tome with this sultry look. "Well I see you've found my house..."

"I-I..." I was silenced by a finger on my lips as the fox anxiously slid his way up onto my lap. "Hey hey! Quit it Craig!"

"Why Richie? Don't you like what you see? You don't want this from me Richie?" His hand now was now finding it's way into my pants, the look in his eyes having this begging look to them as he leaned his face up against mine. My heart started to beat really fast as he looked into my eyes. "Richie...."

"S-stop...I-I can't..." this heat started to build up in me. This unexpected attention just wasn't helping it. I let out a slight cry as his hand found my crotch.


"Huh?!" My body jolted as the scene before me faded away. I was sitting at Craig's electric table with my head down. I sat up to see Craig sitting across from me, pencil in hand as it tapped rapidly on the table. He had this smirk on his face. "W-what's so funny?!" He then stood u walking over to my side, reaching down to peel a sheet of paper that was stuck on my face. "Hrrrrrrrr.. You could have just told me it was there you idiot!" I snatched the paper from him. The sheet was very moist, majority of whatever I had written down was blurred and illegible.

"Here," the fox was holding his notes out towards me. I wiped my face some , shaking my head as I took his notes. "Remember, we were going over the schematics of..."

"Yes yes, I see it." I said quickly, scribbling down everything the fox had written. My face ran hot with embarrassment as my mind ran back to that dream I had. How could I allow myself to fall asleep; here of all places?

"Sure you're not having an off day tiger?" My pencil lead broke as my hand trembled with this fury. I slammed my pen on the table.

"NO I AM NOT HAVING A FUCKING OFF DAY!!!!" I snapped. I glared at the fox who sat there. He then smiled at me his tail curling around him, holding it in his arms as if it were a person. He looked down a bit before lifting his head up looking at me with a smile. If he wasn't the least bit intimidated by that outburst, why the hell do I even bother socializing with him?

"Okay Richie," he replied. His voice had this slight tremor to it. I tried to focus on my work again while random thoughts and questions flew through my mind. How could I let myself fall asleep? I scribbled down some notes but soon came to a standstill looking at Craig's notes. That dream I had...why of him? What does this mean? I my tail jerked on end as my body jerked as a large crash could be heard in the air outside. "Oh look," the fox said pointing out the window. The gray clouds that were out before have grown dark with a low rumble. He looked at me with this look of glee.

"Hrr...What is your problem?" Craig rocked a bit holding his tail against himself.

"Well...Richie is stuck here with me for a while..." he replied. "It gets really lonely here without anyone here to talk to..."

"Well be that as it may, I need to get going." I said, beginning to pack up up my things. Craig let go of his tail standing up to get another look outside the window.

"I-I don't think you should Richie," Craig said. It's already pouring down..."

"If I hurry home I'll be fine!" I hastily replied. I stood up making my way for the door. "I'll contact you soon so we can resume this but for now, good bye." I opened the door and stepped out of it. I almost made my way down the stairs before Craig called out to me .

"Richie! At least take my umbrella with you!" I looked back at him impatiently. He stood at the top of the stairs holding a blue umbrella.

"I don't have the time and I don't need -your- help!" I turned to face the downpour, slowly walking out into it. The water soaked through my clothes in an instant. I shielded my face with my hand as I tried to focus on the path ahead. The rain was coming down harder than before, blurring my vision. I could barely make out the road before me as I tried to move faster. I didn't see the curb before me, my right foot came down on the open road hard. A sharp, popping pain shot through my leg as my foot slid on the soaked road at an awkward angle, making me cry out with agony. My teeth bared a bit as I crawled a bit to the sidewalk, climbing back onto it slowly. Gasping some quick breaths, I then tried toget back on my feet. My eyes snapped wide open with this burning pain, causing me to fall back to the ground. My vision grew blurry as I sat in the rain.

"Richie!!!" A familiar voice could be heard through the thumping rain. I glanced back to see that fox running over with that umbrella. He reached down with his hand towards me. I was hesitant although I didn't have a choice. I grabbed it, pulling myself up with him. He got on my right side,taking my arm and placing it over his shoulder. "Alright tiger, let's go back." I remained silent during the hobble backto the apartment complex. I don't get it. Why is he helping me?

"Arg! Hey!" I shouted out as Craig took my shirt off. "You don't have to strip me!!!" He folded the shirt over his arm a bit, shaking his head.

"You can't just sit there in wet clothes Richie," he said unbuttoning his own wet shirt, revealing his chest, which was white and fluffy, just like in the dream I had earlier. I huffed a bit as he looked at me with this smile. My face ran hot as he walked over to me again. "Alright give me your pants and underwear so I can get them dry Richie." I gasped a bit gripping my pants defensively.

"N-no, I don't need your help," I said. I then pressed myself up against the wall, using it as a brace. "Now give me my shirt. I'll make my way home." I took one step towards the door, my swollen foot touched the ground for a second. The sharp pain returned, shooting up my leg again. My face grimaced as I cried out. Craig rushed over to me grabbing my side.

"Alright tiger. You're staying here tonight," he said, walking me over to the futon. "Sit down." He gripped my shoulders, pushing them down , forcing me to sit on it. I sighed a bit as he walked away for a couple minutes. I contemplated leaving again, but glancing out the window, I saw that the rain was still coming down, the darkness of night already making itself seen.

"Well...I guess I'm stuck here," I said closing my eyes. "How could I let this happen?" I looked back towards the hallway as I heard steps approaching. Craig came back holding a blanket and another pair of boxers.

"Alright Richie." He tossed the blanket and shorts to me. "I won't look." The fox then turned around facing the wall. My eyes narrowed a bit slightly skeptical. A minute later, his tail flicked some.

"Are you done yet?" he asked, but he didn't turn around to check. I huffed a bit, removing my soaked pants and boxers, replacing them with the pair Craig gave me. I then wrapped myself up in the blanket, trying to settle down into it.

"Alright Alright here," I answered. He turned and took my clothes and walked off again, but soon came back. He sat down at the table, continuing our project. I sat for a moment before sifting my weight to my left side.

"Hey.. let me help..." I said. Craig scribbled a few more things down before closing his notebook. "Hey don't stop. We could get this done tonight...ah?" He walked over sitting next to me. "What are you doing?" He sat there silent, looking down at his hands, which were folded together. His leg started to bounce a bit as he began to snicker. " What's so funny???"

"You're here," Craig replied. He didn't look up. "You're actually here in my house..." I began to worry about what he met about that. "I never thought my plan would work but it did."

"What are you going on about???" I interrupted. " I only came here because the" my voice trailed off a bit. "You asked to be paired up with me?!" The fox nodded some. "B-But why would you---" In a flash, Craig was over me, planting his hands on both sides of me, looking me in the eyes with this pained look. What was this vibe I was getting from him? I didn't know how to interpret it.

"Richie..." his voice was fluttering with this odd tone. "With my obsessions, I know I can be annoying and I know that I tend to hang around you when you don't want to..." Why is he spilling his guts to me? He looked at me as if he were about to cry. His face got really close to mine. I tried to push him off but his hands were holding the blanket down. With a bad foot I couldn't push him off .

"C-Craig, wh-what are you doing???"

"Richie..." he started. He crawled over me, laying himself down on top of me, holding me down even more so. "I-I've been holding these feelings for a long while." My heart started to beat faster and faster. Why am I feeling this...this heat? What power does this fox have over me? I tried to wriggle out of his hold but I couldn't do anything. He held the blanket down, his eyes still staring mine down. " do you feel about me?"

"Nrgh..." I grunted a bit as this cold shiver ran up my spine hearing him ask me this. His eyes seemed to see right into my mind. What was this conflicting vibe I was feeling? Furthermore, why haven't I gotten serious and pushed him off? Was that dream I had about him really affecting my over judgment of this situation?

"For someone who hates me, you sure talk to me a lot," he said.

"A-ah!!!!" His hand had wormed it's way into the blanket, loosening up the grip had. I tried to squirm away. With a slight hobble backward, my back bounced against the backrest of the futon, utterly stopping me. Craig reached further up the blanket, this time , his hand brushed against my lower stomach. My face ran hot as he reached back with his free hand, gently moving my bad leg to the side. His grip was so soft and gentle that it didn't agitate my ankle. I tried to lean away, to some how get away from him, but to no avail. Between him, the back of the futon and the side rail, I was stuck.

"Answer...the question," he commanded. I then let out a small yelp as his hand found the crotch of my boxers, beginning to squeeze it. My body began to tingle with this heat as his face got really close to mine.

"C-Craig, ah, d-don't!" My self control was failing me as I felt my sheath start to thicken up to his touch. I found myself panting as it became more and more difficult to maintain eye contact. His eyes remained focused on mine as he leaned down, his tongue a slight wave from touching the underside. My eyes watched him. Was he really...

" haven't finished Richie," he said. He then nuzzled against my member, making me moan out. The fox smiled coyly, looking at me with this -look- . His tongue then started to lick against my sensitive mass. I gasped out, this wave of pleasure starting to burn through my body. I held my hand over my muzzle trying my best not to let myself be overturned by such attention.

"Hrrg...I-I...what I meant to say is...that," The words were right there, but I couldn't focus. It was like my mind was refusing to let me say them. "In time I-I...did grow f-fond of you....Craig." My face felt like it was burning as the fox stopped what he was doing. I looked away from him, feeling really embarrassed. "There are lots of times when I do...well...think together." My eyes shut tightly as I covered my face. There, I said it; but why do I feel this shame? My hands started to tremble slightly while my nose felt a little tight, causing me to sniffle. Was...was I going to cry? A tear started to run down my face as Craig placed his hand on my head, rubbing it slowly. My eyes began to stream tears as he sat me up, pulling me into a hug. The blanket fell to the floor as he settled down in my lap, holding me in his arms. I started to sob quietly as he reached behind me giving my back a gentle pat. My body felt lighter, as if some hold on me had been lifted while Craig continued to console me. In a moment a slight burst of rage rushed through me, but I couldn't act the way I wanted to act. I raised my fist and started to hit the fox's shoulder. It did no more than a gentle tap.

"Why," I said. "Why...why...why?!" I struck him every time I said the word. The conflicting feelings I had towards Craig were all turning to affection. Just what power does this fox have?

~to be continued~

A Boy and His Dog [Chapter 5]

Can't Wait... "....leading to the overall symbolism of Greg Hearter's earlier works." The gorilla English instructor's voice had no tone to it as he continued with his lecture. Shugo sighed softly , resting his head against his left wrist while his...

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Avie's Run [Ch.3]

"Avie, play with us some more!" Reikhan said as he jumped on the dragon's back. Ichtoro stood back a bit watching the scene unfold. "Can we go flying again? Please Please?" Avie pranced in a circular motion, not feeling too enthusiastic. These pups...

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A Boy and His Dog [Chapter 4]

The long awaited (for some furs) 4th chapter of my rewritten "Reikhan and Shugo" series. It's been a while since i submitted a writing. For those who are curious about the series you can read the previous chapters: Chapter 1:...

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