Trampling Chamber
A special trampling chamber is used as Azure Ebonwing tramples and crushes a microraptor beneath his feet.
At first glance, a casual observer might think the chamber was little more than a spartan terrarium. The space was entirely empty, after all, aside from a micro trapped within. It was much more elaborate than that though. The bottom was made of a translucent, absorbent sandstone, with lighting and heat built into the floor. The walls were made of lexan with an anti-glare coating. A few inches beyond that stood an outer wall made of two-way mirrors, allowing an outside observer to gaze inside, but a micro within could see nothing but its own reflection no matter which way it looked. Near the top were additional heat and lighting elements, as well as a ducting system that recirculated most of the air within despite the roof being open.
So why, then, was the ceiling left wide open, allowing for a possible escape if the creature within could fly? That was one clue to the true purpose of this structure. While it was indeed meant for containing a micro, it was not a place one would remain for long. The chamber was just large enough for both feet of a normal-sized fur to fit within. The desert-like heat would undoubtedly cause them to perspire. The floor would absorb that sweat, locking in the scent and keeping it close to the micro trapped within. The air circulation would serve the same purpose, transforming the previously arid breeze into a stifling rainforest of musk. The lights and mirrors would ensure that, even if underfoot, a victim would have a perfect view of their tormentor's sole, even as it pressed them slowly into the floor. If the victim tried to look away, all they would see is a view of themselves being soaked in sweat and compressed underfoot as they were broken beneath a paw like just another bug.
Within that chamber stood Skalavis, a anthropomorphic microraptor. He stood under six inches tall on this occasion, leaving him looking up at the edge of the container wistfully. A feral one might have been able to fly away rather easily, but his bipedal stature made flight too awkward for him to maneuver in the relatively limited space. He was already getting uncomfortably warm as the hot, dry air circulated around him; there wasn't a drop of water for him to drink. He knew, though, that soon enough he would have more moisture than he wanted.
A loud, sharp noise nearly made Skalavis jump out of his feathers. His captor was tapping the outside of the box. The giant outside gave a deep chuckle as his fingers danced this way and that. The sounds echoed in the double-walled chamber, causing the raptor within to cover his head in pain until, finally, it faded away into an uneasy silence. He wasn't alone. He knew that. But what was to come next? At least he wouldn't have long to wait.
Azure Ebonwing was big and absolutely loved making that point all too clear to his partners. He was particularly fond of micros as he could feel that much larger when he was tormenting one beneath his feet. That's not to imply the sapphire-scaled anthro-dragon lacked in size; at nearly twenty feet in height, he towered mightily even over a human-sized fur. To the micro within the chamber, Azure might as well have been Godzilla, or simply a god. No words were exchanged when Az sat down; there was no point in even talking to such a lowly creature such as Skalavis.
For all that Az wasn't saying, though, the micro certainly made plenty of noise. "Please, no..." he begged as a single, black-soled dragon foot lifted above his prison. Even now, it shimmered with a faint hint of sweat. The view became even more awe-inspiring and terrifying as the paw came lower, toes flexing in anticipation of having a feather duster underfoot. Every muscle on Az's sole was perfectly defined, flawlessly cared for... and aiming right for the dinosaur. The dragon shifted his left foot just slightly before stomping down violently, creating a shockwave that knocked Skalavis to the ground. The largest toe on the dragon's foot was just slightly larger than the frightened creature cowering next to it.
That single, massive foot nearly filled the chamber, leaving Skalavis little room to even recoil into a corner. Az simply chuckled malevolently as he watched the light-feathered toy make a futile effort to retreat from the darkly-scaled paw. He didn't need to do more to intimidate the micro; his mere presence was enough. That paw dominating Skalavis' vision was soon accompanied by an increasing scent as the dragon began to sweat. The scales glistened with the first hints of dampness, while the dragon's musk began to waft through the air. It was already strong, much like the dragon it came from, and it was only getting more potent with each passing moment.
After giving Skalavis a few moments to "adapt" to the smell of his foot - even though that powerful musk was as much as the micro could handle - Azure decided to put the feathery thing in his proper place again. He used a toeclaw to drag the dinosaur across the rough floor so he could be completely underfoot. Even though the dragon's paw had rested on the floor for scarcely half a minute, his foot had a faint, damp outline of where it once rested; the mark served as a guide for Az to trap the micro's torso under the ball of his foot, leaving Skalavis' head free between the two largest toes. The macro contemplated ordering his plaything to lick, but kept his silence and instead savored the tiny one's squirming. The paw was getting quite slick with sweat now, which Az was all too happy to grind into Skalavis' feathers. He smeared that powerful smelling fluid into the dinosaur's body by twisting his foot back and forth, working him over firmly, painfully, but he did not yet damage his plaything.
Beneath Az's foot it was difficult to breathe. The pressure on his chest and torso left Skalavis struggling to hold onto air, while every time he inhaled it was filled with the stench of that foot upon him. It only worsened when the dragon drummed his toes upon the floor; they slammed against the micro's head and wafted even more of that scent right into his already-burning nostrils. Thanks to the under floor lighting, Skalavis could see exactly how the black toesoles shimmered with sweat as they rose up, then came harshly down around his skull once more to seal him against the floor. It only got worse for the micro when the dragon's paw moved forward a few inches, leaving his entire body pinned beneath the ball of his foot. The weight was nearly unbearable as Az rolled the micro around beneath him, as if manipulating a rolling pin or a steamroller over his squirming form. The victim was left dizzied by all the movement, in part thanks to the occasional reflection of the paw above him. After several moments, Az stopped and lifted his foot slightly. Skalavis was left lying on his stomach and gasped desperately for air now that a bit of weight was lifted from his body, the only semi-merciful thing this dragon had done to him..
The teasing was starting to bore Azure, however, and the dragon thought it time to bring this torment to an end. He shifted his foot around to place Skalavis beneath the arch before he stomped violently upon the dinosaur, nearly deafening him from the sound. The heel nearly shattered the dino's feet; a pained squawk resonated through the chamber as the micro cried out in pain. Gradually, the dragon moved his foot down the micro's body, a fraction of an inch at a time. Skalavis head was closer and closer to the ball of the foot with each might stomp, until, finally, the paw came down upon it and crushed his skull like a ripe grape. Growling from high above, Azure ground the head into the floor like a discarded cigarette, moved his paw one last time, and swiftly crunched the rest of the micro's body near his toes. Several more impacts followed, each as intense as the last, until the dragon had fully satisfied his crushlust. As he got up to walk away, Azure scraped off his sole upon the top of the chamber, leaving only a small red stain upon his feet, while the remains of his victim simply fell back inside to be disposed of later.