The Shemale's Sissy Slut

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A little novella length story (by my commission classifications) done for someone on FA. A dragon does many things for love.

Finrod's world revolved around one thing. It wasn't his job; he had a decent one, but it wasn't his passion in life. It wasn't his hobbies; they were few enough, and they paled compared to the real focus of his attention. It wasn't even his home or his possessions; he had a few things, and his home was nothing to sneeze at, but they were not something that he was focused on showing off or making better.

No, the real center of his world was the lioness that sat next to him on this roller coaster. He looked at her, barely feeling the movements of the roller coaster as they went over hills and then down them, and even the loop the loop barely got him to look away from her for a few seconds before turning his gaze back to her.

Her name was Camesha, and she was the one that he was in love with. She was just about as tall as him, and just as muscular, and considering that he was a dragon, that was saying something. Her body had many curves that drew his eyes, with plenty to look at in the chest and the hips. They teased him constantly, and she knew it, flaunting them in front of him and making sure that he had a chance to get a good look every time that they went out. Hell, she probably knew that he was looking at them right now instead of enjoying the ride.

Finrod shook his head as they started coasting towards the exit of the ride, pulling his eyes away from the lioness as she pulled her arms out of the air. He could feel her smirking a bit at him as the ride came to a halt and the restraints were lifted off. She got out first, her ass basically in his face, and he stared for a second before following her out.

She was silent as they walked past the other people waiting in line, but the moment they were out of earshot, she chuckled. "You were staring again, weren't you, Finrod?" she asked.

"Can't help it, Camesha, can't help it," the dragon said with a shake of his head. "You give me WAY too much to look at, you know."

"Oh, are you saying that I should cover up more?" she asked with a smile. "I mean, I do have quite a few things back at home to cover myself up more, but that would mean you don't get to look down my shirt at my breasts anymore, or keep looking back at my ass, or even look at -"

"Gah! No, no, don't you cover up!" he said, shaking his head rapidly even as she laughed at him. She always seemed to be able to get the upper hand without even trying, and it was ridiculous how easy it was for her to keep it.

It had always been that way, ever since they'd met. Finrod had met her a while back, and they had started dating right off the bat. The lioness had been full of surprises, and it hadn't taken long for her to assert her place as the one that wore the pants in the relationship, as it were. It was a new position for the dragon, considering that his species tended to be the ones that were on top in a relationship, but he had gotten used to it; being head over heels in love and lust for someone else tended to make things a lot easier to accept.

That didn't mean that it wasn't a little hard sometimes. Camesha liked to tease him, push him to go past his limits in many things, and so far, he hadn't found it in his heart to deny her anything. Every time she came up with something that was just too ridiculous at the time, she teased him and reminded him of all the fun that they'd had so far, and pushed his buttons, reminding him of his love and lust for her. And somehow, it always worked. It always got him to give up and go along with her ideas, no matter how weird and different they were.

Sometimes the ideas were like this, going off to a carnival. He didn't usually like going to places like this, not out of fear, but out of boredom. The rides didn't compare to most of the other big places that were open at other times of the year, and he had never really enjoyed going through the barns to see the animals in there. But when Camesha asked, he was helpless but to go along with it.

Other times, the requests were a little...different. And Camesha had added one of those when they had gotten into the parking lot of the carnival.

"So, how are my panties fitting you?" the lioness asked, her voice pointedly a little louder than usual.

Finrod blushed brightly, though thankfully the red color of his scales hid the worst of it. "Please! Not so loud!' he hissed. The people swirling around them in the carnival would have a hard time hearing it, he knew, but it was still something he didn't want to have bandied about like that. It was embarrassing to say the least, and the last thing that he needed was to have other people knowing -

"What's the matter, draggy?" Camesha asked, moving in a little closer, her face lit up by the little blue ball of light that constantly floated between his horns. Her breasts pressed against his arm as she wrapped an arm around him. "Afraid that some of them will realize just how whipped and obedient you are, to be wearing your girlfriend's panties? Afraid that they're going to find out just how much of a slave you are to your lioness?"

He blushed softly, feeling himself rising up a bit in his jeans. It was embarrassing just how easy she was getting a rise out of him, despite how humiliating this was. The soft silk of the panties under his jeans rubbed against his shaft as he started getting hard, and it was only by closing his eyes and thinking of the animals in the pens, thinking of them going about their day, that he was able to keep from getting a total erection at the moment.

It didn't help that Camesha giggled at his embarrassment, patting his back a few times. "Hehehe, almost got you that time, Finrod," she said with a smirk. "Next time, you're not going to be able to stop yourself in time."

The red dragon shook his head a few times, grunting softly as the lioness let go of him and started walking off, her hips swaying softly as she moved. His eyes drifted down below the waist unconsciously, and he groaned as he felt his cock continue trying to grow. Surreptitiously adjusting himself so that it wouldn't point forward quite so much, he followed her along.

He couldn't believe she had convinced him to wear her panties here at the carnival. Every move he made reminded him of the feminine underwear he wore instead of his own, feeling the softness of them rubbing up against his package, squeezing his cock and his balls lightly due to the tightness of being too small for him. It even rode up in his ass, rubbing between his cheeks and getting caught in the crack back there. If his pants had been off, it would have been scale-tight, showing off every detail. It was humiliating to think of, but he had told her that he would wear them for the day, and he would.

One of the few consolation prizes was that it meant that Camesha was going commando under her clothes. She was wearing jeans rather than a skirt today, so it wasn't quite as good a reward as it might be, but it did make her jeans a little more revealing than usual.

He shook his head as he felt the panties get a lot tighter all of a sudden, knowing that his cock was getting a little too hard. "Stop thinking about that," Finrod muttered to himself, shaking his head again, trying to get rid of those thoughts. "You're only going to make yourself more uncomfortable if you keep this up."

"Hehehe, having some trouble back there, draggy?" Camesha asked, looking over her shoulders with an innocent smile. It was completely ruined when her tail tuft rubbed between his legs in a way that would look accidental to any passerby, but Finrod knew that it was intentional. She grinned a little wider as her tail pushed lightly against his bulge, and giggled. "Hee hee, feels more like something is very right down there."

Stifling a growl of lust, Finrod shook his head. "Come on, isn't it bad enough that it's not going to go down?" he asked. "Let me at least calm down a bit before you keep teasing me, gimme a chance here."

"That's not fun for me, though," she said in a matter-of-fact tone, shrugging her shoulders. "But don't worry. We're heading to the parking lot now, in case you were too busy staring at my ass to realize it." Camesha pointed ahead, and Finrod lifted his head to look where she was pointing.

It was the front gate of the carnival, to his shock. He really must have been in his own little world if he hadn't noticed something like that sneaking up on him. The gate was only about a minute or two away, and he could already see the lioness's car on the other side of the gate, and he heard her getting her keys out of her pocket, the jingling clear and sweet to his ears. At least in the car he could let himself get hard without worrying about being seen by everybody.

The trip to the car wasn't free of embarrassment, however, as Camesha seemed fully intent on trying to tease him as much as she possibly could before they had to leave the carnival. She stopped outside of the turnstile, keeping him behind it as she 'dropped' her keys and had to bend over to get them. Her tight jeans stretched over her ass, the curves so big and clear that Finrod groaned, his hands twitching out in eagerness to grab her. He had to force himself to pull his hands back, but he couldn't do anything about his cock's reaction. He was sure that there was a wet spot in the panties now from how turned on he was getting, and the bulge was getting more and more evident as the lioness teased him more.

She smiled at him as she got up again, clearing the way for him to walk through the turnstile. The dragon clenched his teeth as he felt the metal bars rub up against his crotch, touching on his hard-on, and tried to ignore the way that they pulled on the panties a bit in that rub, which in turn rubbed against his cock.

The lioness found it funny, laughing softly. "Heh, at least we have a compass pointer, huh?" she said, wrapping an arm around him, giving a significant glance down to his groin. "Not very reliable, but VERY obvious."

"Please...please stop," Finrod whimpered softly, his face feeling like it was on fire. "This is driving me crazy."

"Heh, if this is driving you nuts, you'll go crazy when we get back to my apartment," she said.

That wasn't part of the day plan, but before Finrod could protest, Camesha leaned forward, her face less than an inch from his. "You don't want to disappoint your lioness, do you?" she whispered, pulling him in close, her breasts against his chest and her lips almost against his ears, whispering into it. "You don't want to leave your lioness sad, disappointed...or annoyed at him, do you?"

Annoyed. No, he most definitely didn't want her annoyed at him. The last time that had happened had not been pleasant, and had left him...well, it had been a few days until he could go back to work after that, and not just because he had needed recovery time. "No, no, we'll go along with your idea, Camesha," he whispered. "To your apartment we go, to your apartment we go." No way was he going to get her annoyed at him again if he could possibly avoid it.

"Good." She pulled back, and he almost fell over as he lost her support against his front. His cock throbbed hard, reminding him of how much he enjoyed it when she was that close, and he had to bite his lips to stifle a little moan that he wanted to let out. She giggled as she led him back to the car, and he stifled the grumbles that threatened to come out.

As soon as they were in the car and she had started the ignition, Finrod relaxed. His cock throbbed still, and he knew that he couldn't take it out and take care of it - that would be stupid, particularly if anyone saw - but now he didn't have to feel embarrassed about having a big bulge that showed off how eager he was. Camesha might like to see him all bulgy - though he wouldn't be surprised if his humiliation was at least part of her fun with making him hard in public - but he found it a lot more embarrassing. He closed his eyes, letting himself calm down.

Then jumped as Camesha grabbed his crotch with one hand as they pulled out of the parking lot. She squeezed his bulge, rubbing it, drawing a few whimpers from his lips. "Heh, don't let that go soft, Finrod. I want you to stay hard the whole way home. And I'll be keeping an eye on you to make sure you're doing it, so don't go soft on me now. Got it?"

"Got it," he muttered to himself.

She squeezed tighter for a second, almost causing him a little pain from the tightness of her grip. "Got it, what?"

"Got it...Mistress," Finrod gasped out, sighing in relief as she let go of his cock. He put his hand back on his bulge, rubbing it lightly and massaging it. It wasn't difficult to keep erect once he was, particularly when Camesha was acting like this and making sure that he did.

The thought of not going along with it barely entered into his head. Oh, sure, there was a part that was embarrassed of what he was doing in public where someone could see, but to disobey the lioness was anathema in his thoughts. She was the center of his world. He was utterly in love with her. And if doing this would make her happy, then there was no reason not to do it if he possibly could. So his hand kept moving up and down his bulge, teasing it, rubbing it, encouraging the slow flow of pre out of it.

That was the most embarrassing part of it, he thought to himself. It made the whole thing a good bit worse, feeling his underwear - her underwear, really - get wetter and wetter as he teased himself. The pre made it slicker inside, and against his will, he rubbed himself a little more eagerly, a little faster. Never enough to push himself too far, but the pre inside the underwear made it embarrassingly slick and fun to touch himself.

She looked over at him at the stoplights, and at some of the turns when there wasn't much traffic. Each time she did, she smirked a little bit at him, shaking her head with that cocky grin on her face. The dragon didn't know what she was thinking of, but she wasn't doing anything out of 'annoyance', so he must be doing something right.

The torture of touching himself and keeping himself hard continued for more than half an hour before they finally reached Camesha's apartment building, flanked on each side by plots of trees. It was a three story one, set in a collection of three story apartment buildings, each one equidistant from the others in the lot.

She parked in front of it in her assigned space, and gestured for him to stop rubbing himself. With relief, Finrod pulled his hand off of his cock. There was a very clear pre spot in his jeans now, not just in the panties, and he pulled his shirt down a bit, trying to hide it. It was only moderately successful as his shirt slid back up a second later, but at least part of the patch was hidden.

Camesha smiled at him as he joined her at the stairs. "Come on, slave," she said, using that word again. It was something that she played with pretty often, and it always made him blush and moan when she did, but Finrod didn't really consider himself the lioness's slave. More of a willing servant, someone that did things for her because he wanted to, not because he was forced to out of some role or something. That would have been interesting, but not really for him.

She led the way up the stairs, and this time she was deliberately swaying her ass back and forth, Finrod was sure of it. There was no way that she didn't know how much she was swaying at this point, no way that she didn't know how this was affecting him. It kept him completely hard, no stroking needed, and he thought that he might have felt a little harder with the visual stimulation than he had in the car just stroking at himself through his pants.

And it was embarrassing as hell when they passed by several other people that lived in the apartment. Finrod recognized a few faces that he had seen on other visits, but couldn't recall any names. Nevertheless, he stayed close to Camesha when they were around, trying to stay just behind her so that his bulge wasn't quite so visible. The dragon wasn't sure if he was so successful in that, considering that there were a few knowing looks on some of the female faces, and the males seemed to roll their eyes as they passed by. Whether they had seen things or they just knew Camesha, he didn't know, but either way, it made his face burn with humiliation.

They went all the way to the third floor before getting off of the staircase, heading down the hallway. There was a handrail that was connected to the floor, but even that didn't quite reach his waist, and his bulge was so hard, so big by this point that it stuck straight ahead. Anyone looking up from below could have seen it, and more than anything, Finrod wanted to run ahead to Camesha's apartment door.

But he didn't. He couldn't. No matter how embarrassing the situation was, he trusted Camesha. She wouldn't do anything that would really hurt him, or really cause problems. He loved her, and she loved him, even if she did drive him out of his mind more often than not.

Thankfully nothing happened on the way to her apartment. They turned into a hallway that led down to two doors, one for her apartment, one for her neighbor. Camesha unlocked the door and stepped inside, but before Finrod could follow her in, she turned and blocked the doorway. "There's a toll today, Finrod," the lioness said with a little smirk.

Toll. A toll. The dragon groaned softly, his hand meeting his forehead. "A toll?" he asked. "Today?"

"Yes, today," she said, her smirk growing a little bigger at his embarrassment. "And I think I know just the thing."

Finrod waited in silence for her to pronounce his fate. The tolls that Camesha demanded were one of the most embarrassing things about coming to her apartment. They tended to be something that pushed at his limits, pushing him to do things for her, to prove that he was worth going out with, to prove that he loved her as much as he said he did. They had never gone badly, and were sometimes pretty darn fun, but they always left him with a blush that took hours to go away.

"Today, you need to strip down to your panties here in the hallway," Camesha said. "And then you will wait until I lock your clothes into the safe in my apartment, with your cock stretching and soaking your panties, and you will only come in when I come back. Understand?"

The toll was just as bad as he had feared, and for a second, he almost turned and left. To be out in the open naked was one thing - and something she had done to him several times in the past - but it was completely different to be out in the open with panties on, and showing just how hard he was in them. The dragon didn't want to get a reputation as a sissy, or a crossdresser, or anything along those lines. He might play as one for Camesha, but that didn't mean that he WAS one.

But...but there was nothing he could do. He loved her too much to deny her anything, and he didn't want to give her a reason to shut him out. Slowly, he reached down to the bottom of his shirt, pulling it up and over his head. Black belly scales stood out against the red scales that covered the rest of him, and the light between his horns was momentarily blocked as he pulled his shirt over his head. He handed the shirt over to the lioness, and then hurriedly pulled his pants off, kicking his shoes off into her apartment, and then handing her his pants and socks.

She didn't take them away immediately, instead looking over him with a smile on her face. "Hehehe, looks like you're really enjoying wearing those panties, slave," Camesha said with a little chuckle.

The blush got worse as he looked down. The purple panties were almost soaked with his pre, making the part around his cock almost transparent, and making it cling to his shaft even more than his bulge would normally allow. It showed off his arousal all too well, and when he looked over his shoulder, he realized that the panties showed off his ass even more than he thought that they would. They clung to his cheeks, not wet like the front, but nevertheless clinging to his cheeks, making them look a little more curvy and - this making him most embarrassed of all - looking like he was inviting someone to fuck him and fuck him hard for hours.

"Well, I'll be right back. Don't move now!" Camesha said, stepping back from the door frame. She didn't even close the door, he saw, probably knowing that he wouldn't move, no matter how humiliating this was, no matter how likely he was to be seen.

Almost as soon as she disappeared, he heard the sound of footsteps down along the main walkway for this floor. They got louder and louder, regular footsteps that were getting closer and closer with each second. His face felt like it was going to burst in flames as he waited for Camesha to get back, but his cock throbbed harder in the panties. He looked down at it, begging it to go down, but instead it seemed to get harder, more eager. A little bit of liquid actually pushed through the panties, visible against the wet spot, having seemed through the cloth with how much he was leaking.

Just as the first person stepped into view of the hallway, the lioness approached the doorway again. "Okay, you can come i-"

Finrod didn't let her finish, running right into the apartment. He managed to avoid knocking her over, but it was a near thing. Shutting the door behind him, he leaned against the wall, gasping softly and panting loudly as he tried to recover from the near humiliation that had been about to happen. If Camesha had been one second slower getting back to the door...

Even now she was leaning against the wall beside him, chuckling and shaking her head at him. "You really were going crazy out there, weren't you?" she said with a grin. "I saw the boys coming down the walkway. Looked like a couple of jocks from the gym. Probably a couple of people that you know, for that matter; weren't you going to that gym down the road?"

"I was," Finrod admitted, shaking his head. If they were going there too, then he would never have been able to live it down if he had been seen. That would have killed all the reputation he had as a tough dragon, a strong one; they would have seen him as nothing more than a panty wearing sissy, and someone that liked being a panty wearing sissy, for that matter. His traitor cock would have given them all the evidence that they needed for that, pulsing in the lioness's panties the way that it was.

He was distracted as Camesha grabbed his cock through the panties, her fingers getting soaked in his pre the moment she touched it. She stroked it a few times, and he panted, moaning softly at the touches to his cock. "Hehehe, you really are a slave for me," she said softly, stroking him slowly, driving him towards his edge due to his pent-up arousal. "You would do anything for me, wouldn't you?"

Finrod nodded, panting softly as his cock throbbed under the lioness's touch.

"You'd do anything I asked, no matter how embarrassing, just because you love me so much, wouldn't you?"

He nodded again, resisting the urge to thrust forward against her hand, hard as that was to do.

"Heh...then cum in your panties, draggy," the lioness said, squeezing his cock through the panties, stroking him faster, quicker. "Cum in your panties, and show me just how much you love doing what I say. Show me just how obedient you are to my - oh wow!"

She broke off as he started cumming, his cock throbbing inside of the panties and shooting hard. Some white squirts managed to ooze through the panties, leaking down the outside along his bulge, but the majority of it remained on the inside, soaking the panties further and rolling down along his cock. He panted as he shot string after string of cum, splattering it around his shaft and the panties, his body shaking and trembling from the power of his orgasm. For a second, he forgot that he was wearing panties, that he was being humiliated by the lioness. All that existed was the sheer pleasure of his climax.

He remained against the wall as the orgasm subsided, the shooting slowing to an ooze, and he came back to reality as he realized that he had cum in her underwear. The blush came back as well, and he opened his mouth to apologize.

She just chuckled, stopping him with a finger to his lips as she stood up. He could taste his cum on her fingers, smell it, and he whimpered as he felt his cock stir slightly, enjoying the smell. "Heh, such a good boy for doing what you're told. But now you have to wear those things until you leave, just because you marked them with all that cum."

Groaning softly, Finrod slowly nodded his head. It was a reasonable enough request; ruin a pair of panties, wear them until they could be cleaned. At least there was no one around in the apartment to see him wearing them, he thought. There was that much to be thankful for, even if he had to wear something that stank of his seed and his musk the whole time.

She led him towards the living room, sitting him down on the couch, and then sitting next to him. "Little TV for a while sound good?" she asked with a smile on her face.

"Long as I get a bit of time with you, I'm happy," the dragon said. The lioness leaned against him, and he wrapped his hands around her, holding her close as he ignored the feeling of cum filled panties pressed against his crotch. It was a little reminder of just what had happened so far today, keeping him from taking his mind fully off of the situation, even though he enjoyed the warm feeling of the lioness in his arms.

He didn't pay much attention to the show, closing his eyes halfway as he reclined on the couch. His attention was more on Camesha, how she felt in his arms, how his heart felt so full when she was around. Being close to her like this was always the best part of his day, even though the other parts weren't bad either.

She wrapped her arms around his, her back against his chest, and Finrod smiled as he pulled her in closer. She nuzzled up against his chest, and he leaned down and kissed her softly.

"I'm glad you do all of this for me," she whispered up to him, and he blushed at her compliment. "It's good to have someone that loves me enough to do as much as you do, particularly with how much I humiliate you with everything I make you do." She chuckled a little bit. "But then again, you love it a lot, don't you?"

He blushed even more, but she pushed on before he could protest, turning her head up to look him right in the eyes. "Heh, don't deny it, Finrod. We both know that you get almost as much fun out of doing what I say as I do with making you do it. Don't just keep blaming it on love; I love you a lot too, but we both know that's not the only reason that you do all of this for me."

Finrod shook his head at her comment, but she had already turned back to the television. It was playing some action movie, starring this or that famous guy - he didn't keep up with the stars - and she loved those sorts of films.

His attention was more on what she'd said. He couldn't really like what they did all that much, could he? That would have to be impossible. There was so much that she did, so much that she put him through that he would have never chosen to do, but yet, whenever she asked, he did it anyway. It had to be something he did only out of love for her. He didn't like it...did he?

The dragon didn't know. He shook his head a few times, trying to dismiss it as nonsense, but it kept coming back into his head throughout the movie. Why did he do this? If he loved her, and she loved him, shouldn't there be a little more give and take rather than him doing all the giving and her doing all the demanding? That's what relationships were supposed to be about, or at least that's what he'd always thought. Yet, ever since that first date with Camesha, she had been the one in charge. She had been the one calling the shots, and she had been the one that pushed him to do all sorts of new things for her. That, combined with that surprise on her first night with him, should have sent him running for the hills in fear.

Yet, he was still here. Finrod hated to think of it, but perhaps there was something to what Camesha said. Perhaps. He was still going to think about this very hard; he didn't want to admit something like this when he could possibly still be completely normal, rather than this perverted slave that she seemed to have him pegged as.

The lioness didn't speak again until about halfway through the movie, and then it was only to ask him a favor. "Hey, why don't you go get us some snacks from the kitchen?" she asked.

"Why don't you go get them?" Finrod asked, even as he started disentangling himself from her. He barely realized that he had done it, and he was halfway to his feet when he realized he was moving. The dragon blushed, shaking his head a little bit as she smirked at him wordlessly. "Never mind, I'll be right back."

"Hurry back, Finrod," she said, wiggling her fingers in a mini wave at him before turning her attention back to the television, that smirk still wide on her face as he walked out of the living room.

He pulled down a couple of cups from the cabinets, getting a little soda out of the fridge to fill them up. He did it mechanically rather than by thought, his attention still on that conversation. Getting up the way that he did, moving to complete her orders after she'd said them without even thinking about it...what was that about? He thought that he was supposed to be a dragon, not a slave - though he had heard of some reptiles that had managed to be both - so why was he doing whatever she said like this? Was he really that obedient?

The panties he still wore seemed colder, wetter, tighter than he remembered. Yet, he still wore them, and though they were starting to get slightly uncomfortable, he didn't want to take them off. That would have annoyed Camesha, and he didn't want to annoy the lioness.

Yet, wasn't his comfort supposed to be part of the relationship as well? He would have thought that, but instead, it seemed that he was more concerned about Camesha's happiness, her needs, than he was his own. If he cared about his own needs, he would have kept his clothes and walked in, or left when she demanded that he strip.

Maybe he was something of a slave, he thought to himself. After all, he was acting like one. Finrod found that, when he really thought about it, he didn't really mind his current situation. Not that much, anyway. Oh, he would blush and moan and whimper about it, but when he came right down to it, the dragon really didn't mind the stuff that the lioness put him through.

Smacking himself in the back of the head, Finrod pulled down a couple of crackers from the cupboards. "I have to be going nuts," he muttered to himself. "I just want her to be happy. That's all. That doesn't mean that I am a slave, or anything even close to it."

He grabbed the tray that he'd put some crackers, meat, and soda on, and carried it back into the living room.

At first, things looked pretty normal. Camesha was just watching the television as a fight scene was winding down, and the movie was on its way towards its climax. She looked over her shoulder with a smile, and she sat up, and he walked around the couch to take his place on it again and get back to snuggling.

To his surprise, she had ditched her pants, and considering that he was wearing her panties, that meant that she was completely bare. And it also meant that Camesha had her cock pointed right up in the air.

The lioness was a shemale. He'd learned that on their first date, when she'd taken him back to her apartment with the intention of, as she put it, 'fucking the hell out of him'. He'd thought that meant that she would be riding him while he was tied down or something like that, but it had turned out that she had wanted to ram her cock up his ass. It had been a total surprise to him at the time, and it still shook him a little bit whenever she pulled it out of her pants, stroking it like one of the guys.

It helped that he was bi, and he had stuck around since that first night, but it was still so jarring. She had male equipment below the belt, but had a good set of breasts as well, along with all the curves of a full female. Even when she was wearing tight pants, he didn't get a chance to see a bulge very often, so it was very easy to forget about her being male below the belt. It tended to encourage him to think of her as a female more than a male, and now and then, he got thoughts of fucking a pussy that wasn't really there.

Not that he would ever get a chance to put his cock in her at all. She had made that quite clear from the outset. Her rules were that she was always on top, and she was never going to be penetrated. Considering his own endowment, and the fact that she only had her ass to be penetrated with, he could understand that; non-dragons were not always up to dragon cocks up the back door.

At least her shaft was a little more moderate in size than some of the shemales he'd seen in porn. Hers was seven, maybe eight inches on a good day, and it was not massively thick. It was average in thickness, with hints of feline ancestry in her cock, but more smooth than most of those would be, something that his ass was frequently thankful for when she decided to use it on him. Just the thought of that thing going up his ass with full barbs was enough to make him wince a little bit, his tail shifting around behind him.

Camesha smiled up at him, waving for him to come closer. He set the tray down on the table between the couch and the television, but before he could sit on the couch, she pushed him down to the floor, onto his knees. She put her legs around his shoulders, keeping him trapped there unless he wanted to heave her off of him, and possibly throw her to the floor as a result. "Heh, I thought of something better for you to eat than that food. Why don't you use that mouth to remind me why I keep bringing you back to bed with me?" she said with a smirk, pushing at her cock with one hand, dabbing it against his nose and making him blush hard.

The smell was quite strong, though it wasn't quite as harsh and brutal as it might have been with a full male. There was cock musk filling his nose, but not the smell of a rank male. There was a difference, he'd found out after a few nights with Camesha. The cock musk was a little fainter, and there was a lighter smell to the sweat behind it, a little more feminine, a little gentler to the nose. It was like a mixing of the two genders, and it was just a little bit weird. Arousing, but also just a little bit strange.

A little dot of pre landed on his nose, and he snorted softly, blowing it away. Camesha tightened her thighs around his head, pulling him in a little closer, so that his nose rubbed against the side of her shaft. "Come on, slave, show your mistress just what you can do with that mouth. I know you really want this. Don't you remember how eager you were just last night, when I had you pinned and - "

"Alright, alright!" the dragon said, blushing brightly at the way that she teased him, not wanting to be reminded of just how eager he was. It was one thing to be doing this and enjoying it, it was something else entirely to be reminded of just how much of a total slut he turned into sometimes. He turned his attention back to her cock head, pulling his head a little bit back so that he could line up better, before slowly sliding forward and pushing the tip past his lips.

She moaned above him, but he focused more on the shaft between his lips. It spread them apart a little bit, and he was careful to keep his teeth away from her shaft. It wasn't that hard, as his head was built with enough space that a cock twice as thick as hers could have fit between his lips with no worries of being scraped, but he still needed to pay attention to make sure that it was safe. There were certain things that Camesha didn't tolerate, and the one time that he had scraped her cock with his teeth had resulted in him spending the night with a vibrator up his ass and a chastity cage around his cock.

Strangely, the memory was a good bit more arousing than the experience, or at least his cock thought so, as it started to get hard in the cum soaked panties he wore. That deepened his blush, and left him wondering if it was possible for a blush to become permanent. Something to think about later, he told himself as he brought his attention back to the lioness's cock.

It was throbbing between his lips, and it didn't take long for his tongue be saturated with the flow of pre that came out of it. Finrod set to work, bobbing his head up and down along the first four inches of her cock, making sure it slid along his tongue. He turned his head slightly to the side, letting the head of her cock rub against the inside of his cheek, letting her feel the warmth and the wetness of the inside of his mouth.

He continued to alternate how he held his head, moving so that her cock could be rubbing against the inside of his cheeks, against the roof of his mouth, or just against his tongue at any time. Every time she seemed to be getting a little bit bored, he changed the direction, working to keep her stimulated in as many different ways that he could think of.

His tongue wasn't idle, either. Whenever her cock wasn't being rubbed directly against it, he lashed it against the sides of her shaft, and along the head when there was less in his mouth. The forked tongue was quite well suited for cock sucking, he had found out, and there were times when he played around with the very tip of her cock, teasing the little hole at the end. The forked tips were able to slide partway in, but he never went in further than a quarter of an inch, just enough to tease her with new stimulation. After all, that was technically penetration, and he didn't know if her rule about that extended all the way to her cock. He had a feeling it did, though.

She pretty much ignored him, save for a few moans and grunts. As he started taking in more than half of her length, she reached over him, pulling one of the drinks off of the table and starting to sip from it. She did that pretty often, so Finrod didn't really mind. Still, it only added to his humiliation and embarrassment - and worse, his libido - to have her drinking her soda as though he was sitting up on the couch with her, rather than between her legs and sucking her off.

She didn't ignore him completely, though. Now and then he felt her hand on the back of his head, forcing him down her cock and holding him in place. That usually was easy enough to take, considering that he had so much room in his mouth, but occasionally she caught him off guard, slamming his head all the way down her shaft, rather than only part way. When that happened, he felt it slide into his throat a bit, just enough to get him gagging but not enough for him to fully swallow around. He squirmed when she did that, but she had all the leverage, and could use her legs as well as her arm to keep him down there until she was ready for him to slide back.

For some reason, she was doing that a lot more than usual today, and every time she held him down a little bit longer, making him swallow her pre directly down his throat. He could feel the warmth in his throat, could feel the slick stuff sliding down his throat, but he couldn't quite taste it. All he could do was squirm and swallow, his hands against her thighs for leverage, but not enough to push her off.

She finished her soda quickly, but rather than relax and let him finish, she grabbed his head in both her hands. His eyes went wide as she started to fuck his face, rather than letting him suck her off. Both her hands held him tightly, and she dragged his head up and down her cock, her throbbing cock pulsing against his tongue as she rammed her cock all the way to the back of his mouth. It filled his mouth with the taste of her pre, and every thrust was a reminder that she was the boss, that she was the one in charge, that she was the one that wore the pants in this relationship.

Every thrust into his mouth sent a little pulse of excitement through his cock, and it didn't take him long to feel himself getting fully hard again in them, some fresh pre flowing into the cold cum that soaked them. His scales were a brighter red than ever as he was forced up and down her cock, almost to the point of turning pink from how humiliated, embarrassed, and sheerly turned on that he was. He panted around her cock, sucking and swallowing around it the best he could, hoping to get her to cum sooner than later so that he didn't have to think about how much he was enjoying this.

Thankfully it didn't take her all that long to finish up, cumming down his throat, forcing him to swallow just so that he wouldn't choke on it. The dragon swallowed as fast as he could, knowing that it prolonged her orgasm as a result, and waited for it to be done, trying to ignore the bulge that he got from being her little slut, her little cock sucking slave.

When she finally pulled her legs off of his shoulders and her cock out of his mouth, Finrod was almost afraid to stand up again. His cock was fully hard in the panties, and he could feel some of the juices leaking out of it, running down his thighs a little ways. His scales were slick with his pre, and it would be completely obvious when he stood up that he had enjoyed being used that way. So far, Camesha had never gotten a chance to see that sort of thing, but this time...

"Well, aren't you gonna get back up on the couch, you slut?" Camesha asked with a smile on her face and in her voice, shaking her head at him. "Or do you want to stay down there until I get hard again, just so you can get a second load down your throat?"

It took all of his willpower to stand up slowly, trying not to show the embarrassment that he felt all too keenly. The orb of light over his head worked against him, though, throwing light down on the lioness, and down on himself, showing just how hard he was in the panties he wore, and how soaked they were...and how the pre was running down his legs from the panties getting too much pre and cum in them to hold it all.

The grin that spread across the lioness's muzzle made him tremble in a mix of mild fear and moderate arousal, particularly as she reached out and patted him, her fingers curling under his package and fondling his balls. "It looks like you enjoy being a little sissy slave slut, doesn't it?"

"I...I guess you could say it looks like that," Finrod admitted, going still as her fingers remained close to his balls.

"I'd say that it looks like it," Camesha said, a few little chuckles slipping from her lips. "I mean, seriously, look at this. You're wearing a pair of panties so soaked that I can see right through them, and you're so hard that I can see your cock as if you were wearing nothing. And that's when I'm NOT looking down inside of it. You're pushing the waistband right off, slave, you can tell that right?"

"I can tell that," he said, his voice getting quieter as his cock got harder. Her teasing shouldn't be affecting him this way. Rather than making him get softer for submitting like a perverted little slave, he was getting harder, getting thicker, almost. The panties were pushed forward enough for him to look down at his cock, his cock throbbing hard enough to keep it out. Anyone could look down in at him, and Camesha took advantage of that, not just looking in but shoving one of her hands inside of the panties.

Her hand grabbed hold of his cock, stroking it a few times. He was so close to the edge that the stroking almost took him over it again, but she stopped just in time, pinching the base of his cock instead, holding him right at that point. "You really should admit that you like this sort of stuff, Finrod. When you're dressed up like a sissy, soaking a girl's underwear this much, and so close to cumming, there's really no way that anyone could believe that you're anything but a sissy slut."

God damn it, how was she doing this? What was wrong with him, for that matter?! He should have been protesting this, but instead, he was nodding his head slightly, the movements short, nearly unnoticeable, unless someone was watching for them.

Caamesha obviously was, because she chuckled a bit, pulling her hands free of the panties and giving him a little pat on the balls again, a pat that made him hiss at just how close it pushed him to the edge again. "My my, you are ready to admit that you're just as perverted as me? Just as eager to get into the kinky and humiliating stuff as I am to put you through it? Hmmm ?Are you, slave? Are you ready to admit that?"

Finrod fought against it. He really did. He wanted to say that he was only doing this for love of her, that he was doing this to indulge her, rather than for any need of his.

But he couldn't do it. It wouldn't have been the truth, and there was no way that he could lie to the lioness. "I...I am ready to admit that," Finrod muttered softly.

"Then tell me, slave," his mistress whispered, stroking a finger ever so slowly along the edge of his bulge, taking great care to keep him right on the edge, but ensuring that he could not cum no matter how badly he wanted to. "Admit just what you are...loudly, please."

Taking a deep breath, the dragon did just that. He even raised his voice, begging in his thoughts that nobody would hear what he was about to say.

"I am a slut...a slave...I'm a kinky, perverted....sissy dragon, that's been doing all sorts of things for his mistress because he loves being humiliated, and doing what he's told," Finrod said, his face getting a brighter and brighter shade of red with every word he said. "I am mistress's slave, and she can do whatever she wants to me, because I love it...and love her."

"Heh, and here I thought I'd need another month to get that out of you, slave," Camesha said, giving his crotch a few little pats. She pulled herself to her feet, smiling at him in the mischievous way that only felines could really pull off. "Get on all fours. I think that you're going to like this, but you need to stay right here. I'll be right back."

He got on all fours as she hurried out of the living room, running down the hall by the kitchen towards the back rooms of the apartment, near her bedroom. A small part of him wondered what she was getting, but the rest of his mind could hardly believe what he had just done, what he had just said.

Even as he tried to deny all that he had said to her, the honest part of himself had to admit that it was all true. He wanted all of this. He enjoyed all of this, no matter how humiliating it could get at times. The lioness pushed all sorts of buttons that he had never thought he had, and each one of them had turned out to be more fun the one that came before. If she was in charge, and he admitted it, then it could only get better, right? That seemed to be logical, even if it was hard to admit.

He realized that he was technically squatting rather than sitting, and he hoped that would be good enough for the lioness. His legs were spread, forcing his cock forward a bit, and his hands were pressed onto the ground between his legs. It was a little bit like how a lion or a dog would sit while they were staring at a door, waiting for their master to come home. The comparison sent a little throb through his cock, and he moaned as he felt a little more pre slide into his panties.

Her footsteps coming back pulled his attention off of his cock, and he looked up to see the bottomless lioness walk back in the room with her hands behind her back. She had a wide grin on her face, one that showed off all of her teeth, and despite himself, he couldn't quite hide a shiver at seeing her looking quite so predatory. "W-what's behind your back?" he asked, unable to keep his curiosity in check despite the situation.

"The only bit of clothing you're going to be wearing besides your panties for a while," Camesha said, pulling her hands out from behind her back.

In her hands was a black and red striped collar, with his name engraved on the tag in the front. The tag itself was pink, as pink as his cheeks were getting, and it was in the shape of a swishily pink bow. Despite the colors of the collar itself, the color of the tag seemed like it was designed to make him look just like the sissy that she was turning him into.

Finrod nevertheless remained still as she slid the collar around his neck, wrapping the leather around his scales before clicking the collar shut. It had a note of finality to it, something that told him that he couldn't take this back. He didn't know why it felt that way, but it did.

The lioness smiled at him, patting his neck as she pulled a leash out from behind her back as well, snapping it onto the d-ring at the front of his collar. He looked down at that, and then grunted as she gave him a little tug along with it. "Come on. I want to see just how well you can walk around on all fours when I'm leading you around," she said, pulling him along.

He was forced to look up at her ass as he followed her around, watching it shake back and forth in front of his face. It was even sexier from this angle than it had been when he had been following her on two legs, and he could see her balls and her hole far easier from this angle. The sight was more than enough to keep him hard in his panties, and he wondered if he was leaking dots of pre onto the floor. It was hard to tell, considering how wet the panties were already, but considering how turned on he was, he supposed that it was possible.

Shuddering, he followed her around, having to move a little faster than he really thought he would. She kept her pace up, just enough to force him to keep moving quickly, though not quite enough to push him to the point of falling over if he made a mistake. Despite keeping up, though, she did give the collar repeated tugs, each one pulling on his neck just enough to remind him that she was the one in charge.

She took him all the way around the apartment, from the living room to the kitchen, and then back out of the kitchen down towards the bedroom. For a second, he thought that they might go back there for a little more fun, but all she did was put his leash on one of the posts around her bed as she got dressed, pulling on a new pair of panties to replace the ones that she'd made him wear, and putting some pants on after that.

He whimpered as he watched her pull on the pants, and she looked at him with a little chuckle. "What, you were hoping that I'd stay naked?" she asked.

"I was hoping for at least a skirt," Finrod muttered, shaking his head a few times. "But you are the mistress, you get to choose what you wear, not me," he added hurriedly, not wanting to upset her or cause trouble for himself.

"That's right, I do, slave," the lioness said. She chuckled as she buttoned her jeans, pulling up the zipper. Even though she had been half hard when they'd gotten to the bedroom, she didn't have a bulge in her pants. Either she had made it go back down - and that would have required a lot of control that he would have been amazed if she had - or she was just an expert at making sure that nothing of her real gender showed. He suspected the latter, considering that he had never seen her with a bulge unless they were alone, and then only if she was down to her underwear.

Camesha grabbed the leash again, and then reached down to the hidden other side of the bed. She stood up with a laundry basket under one arm. The dragon's eyes went wide as he realized what she was thinking, and she smirked at him. "That's right, slave. Come on, you're coming with me to the laundry room."

He could only stare, and she needed to tug on the leash three times before he actually got moving again. The laundry room? That was half of the distance back to the stairs! There were so many ways for people to see him that he couldn't list them all. He would be humiliated, ruined if she took him out there. She couldn't be serious, she just -

She was. She had to almost physically pull him through the doorway, but she was completely serious, pulling the door shut behind them and taking out her keys, locking the door behind them so that he couldn't just go back inside if his will broke. He needed to stay with her, no matter how embarrassing or public this got, or he might not even be let back into her apartment.

Finrod blushed the entire time that he followed her, his eyes right at the level with her ass as he remained on all fours as they walked down the hallway, and then out onto the walkway. The slight breeze of air blew over his soaked panties, reminding him with every passing second what he must look like. A whipped, sissy dragon that was following his mistress along. Exactly what he was, honestly, but he didn't want other people to know that yet. He had only just admitted it to himself.

Thankfully they didn't run into anyone on the way to the laundry room, and Camesha shut the door behind her when they reached the machines. There were several along the walls, and all but one was in use already. She shook her head a bit, popping the lid of the one unused washing machine, and started loading her clothes into it.

The dragon squatted at her heels, just sitting down. His ears were on high alert, listening for anything that sounded like footsteps outside in the hall. Every few seconds, the washing machines made a sound a little bit like a crash, and he jumped, thinking that someone was coming. When he realized just what the sound had been, he blushed, and it was worse when Camesha laughed at him, as she inevitably did for being so paranoid about being caught.

She emptied the basket before long, but she didn't put the detergent in, or put in the quarters to get it running. Instead, she turned to him. "Take off the panties, slave," she said, gesturing down at the wet sissy underwear he wore. "Those need to be cleaned too, so I might as well put them in the machine now rather than wait until the next load."

Once more he could only stare at her, his mouth agape at the request. It was bad enough that he was only wearing underwear out here, and ladies underwear at that, but it still covered him up. And now she wanted him to take off the last of his protection, the last bit of modesty that he had left?

She held out her hand, snapping her fingers a couple of times. "Slave, the panties. Now," she said, her tone hardening and her eyes as well, the smile slipping a bit on her face. "Strip down, and give them to me."

Hardly believing he was doing it, the dragon reached down to the panties. He gripped the waistband and slowly started to pull them down. They slipped around his erection, leaving the feeling of slimy cum and pre around his shaft, and they almost dripped with it as he pulled them down his legs. He could feel the silk rubbing against him all the way down, and the feeling was enough to make his cock bob and jump in front of his mistress, which in turn made his face turn as pink as the tag on his collar.

Slowly he handed them over to her, whimpering softly as he was completely exposed. It should have been making him shrink, but apparently he truly loved this sort of thing. Being under her control, following her orders, had him harder than he had ever been before he met her. Even the thought of someone walking in wasn't enough to make his cock go down, not enough to make him run away.

Her hand tightened around the panties, and she smirked as she tossed them into the washing machine. He could see that the cum in the panties had soaked into her hand, and she held it down in front of his face. Her fingers were wet with cum and pre, shining softly in the light that came in through the laundry room window. "Clean off my fingers, slave," Camesha said, pressing her fingers against his lips. "I don't want to leave stains everywhere, now do I?"

" you don't, Mistress," the dragon whispered. He slowly pulled her fingers into his mouth, licking along the length of her digits. They were thin enough to fit in his mouth all at once, and he sealed his lips around them, much like he had with her cock earlier. He sucked on them, slowly pulling his head back along her fingers as he pulled the cum right off of them. Tasting himself wasn't new, but it was different to clean her fingers like this, almost like he was nothing more than a tool for her to get clean, to be used and enjoyed.

Why the heck did he enjoy that thought so much?

As he was licking the last of the cum out from between her fingers, the sound of footsteps caught his attention. A second later, Camesha heard it as well. She pulled her hand back, but she didn't let him off the collar or anything else. Instead, she just smiled, pointing towards the little corner on the other side of the washing machines. "Go, sit there," she said. "If you're quiet, and still, maybe you won't get seen by whoever is coming."

Finrod didn't have the time to argue, though this was one point where he thought that he might. He scurried along the floor, ducking behind the line of washers. It was scant cover, and if the new person walked too far in this direction, she would see him easily, but it was the only place he could hide other than by jumping through the window, and that was something that would be more likely to send him to the hospital than preserve any sense of dignity. He laid his hands down on the floor, lowering his rear almost to the floor as well. His cock throbbed between his arms, and he could feel pre dripping down on his fingers despite the situation.

The door opened with a click, and he heard a female voice start chatting with Camesha. With the thunder of the washing machines beside him, he couldn't tell what they were talking about, but it was clear that they were chatting each other up pretty happily.

He grumbled under his breath, keeping his head down. At least there was plenty of light in this room, something that would keep the orb over his head from giving away his location. After all, he was a rather big dragon, just like Camesha was a fairly tall lioness, and he was only barely under the line of the washing machines. Any shorter and his horns would have been seen, and any darker, and his ball of light between his horns would have given him away.

Footsteps got a little louder as they got a little closer, and he could see the shadow of their 'guest' in the laundry room. It looked like another feline, judging by the way that the tail danced around, and she was pretty close. Just a step or two further and she would be right next to him. Frankly, he was amazed that she hadn't noticed the leash yet; Camesha must have been doing a ridiculously good job at keeping the stranger distracted.

Still, there was only so long that would work, and he wouldn't be surprised if his smell was what gave him away. Despite the chance of being caught, his cock was sticking out and up, hard as a rock. The tip leaked with pre, and he could feel the little droplets running down his shaft, dripping off of his balls to the floor below. Soft musk, just barely detectable over the smell of detergent and clean clothes, was nevertheless growing stronger, and he knew that it would grow strong enough to be smelled by others before much longer, if it wasn't at that level already.

Trying to pull back in on himself, Finrod brushed up against a loose piece of machinery. It made a soft clang, and he froze. The sound of conversation a few feet away stopped as well, and he flinched, waiting to be caught.

Yet, there was no sound of footsteps, no gasp of surprise or laughter at his situation. There was only a bit of chuckling from Camesha.

A few seconds later, the chatter started again, leaving him to hiss in relief and wonder what had just happened, why he hadn't been caught out like that. It was a miracle, and he was happy for it, but he wondered how it had happened. And whether he could count on it happening again, if he had bad luck in the future.

The chatter only lasted for a few more minutes before the other female walked out of the room, leaving them alone again. As the door clicked shut, Camesha gave his leash a tug, and he hurried back out into the open, his cock throbbing against his belly as he did so. He came to a stop at her feet, squatting down again as he looked up at her in curiosity.

"That was a little close, slave," the lioness said with a shake of her head. "If you had been much louder, she would have figured out something was going on. But you were just quiet enough for me to pass it off as some rodent or another running around behind the machines. She'll probably call the exterminator or something now, but you'll be safe."

He sighed in relief, but that was cut off as the mistress tugged on the leash again, this one pulling him right up against her crotch. She held his nose there while forcing him to look up at her. "That doesn't mean that you're getting off the hook now. I was going to give you a little treat back at the apartment for going along with your commands so well, but considering that you just decided to nearly give yourself away, I think you need a little reminder of how to control yourself. Come slave, come," she said, turning and walking towards the door, pulling him along behind her.

The dragon followed behind her, all too conscious of the way walking on all fours showed off his ass. His tail was long enough that it needed to be kept raised to not let it drag on the floor, and that made it so that his cheeks and hole were on clear display. It took all of his willpower to keep his eyes forward rather than constantly looking behind him for people leaving their apartments, and even that was only another form of torture, considering it made him look up at Camesha's ass. That made him harder than ever, and he wouldn't be surprised if he was leaving a trail of pre spots all the way back to her apartment.

Whether she wanted to get the punishment going quickly or because she wanted to get him inside to spare him further embarrassment, Finrod didn't know, but he was thankful when she didn't fumble with her keys in unlocking the door. She pulled him inside before he could move on his own, and then shut and locked the door behind them. The lioness tugged him over to the living room, and pointed to the couch. "Up. Sit. Stay," she said, the three words clipped and emphasized enough to get him up on the couch without question, just sitting there.

She left, walking back to the bedroom again. He was almost afraid of what she was getting, particularly when she was mentioning self control. What kind of things could she have in mind for that? He didn't know much about this kind of lifestyle yet, only what she had put him through, and nothing she had done so far had seemed related to self control at all.

Before his imagination could run away from him, she came back with a few things in hand. A few he recognized, like the vibrating dildo in one hand, and the lube in the other. However, the clear tube dangling from one of her fingers was a new one, and he didn't know what that was for. He didn't ask her what it was, though; the look on her face made it clear that right now was not the time for questions, not if he wanted to keep himself in one piece.

She reached down and grabbed hold of his balls, and before he could stop her, she started squeezing. At first, it was almost pleasant, but then she squeezed harder, and harder, to the point where he shouted in pain, his cock wilting and going down as he screamed in pain.

While he screamed, she grabbed hold of his now flaccid shaft, shoving it into the tube all the way to the base. A few other attachments pulled his balls into contact with the tube, and she locked it shut with nothing less than a padlock. It was tight around his cock, holding it pointed down over his balls, and his balls were thrust forward, pushed into prominence by the straps that were around the base of the tube.

"What...what are you doing?" Finrod asked, panting softly as he caught his breath after shouting from the ball squeezing. "What is this thing?"

"It's a chastity cage," Camesha said. "It won't let you get hard, let alone cum. And you're going to keep it on for the rest of the day, and through the night." She looked at the clock. "That'll be at least fourteen hours, considering I usually get up at about six o'clock. And you'll have this vibrator up your ass for that entire time," she added, holding up the seven inch toy. It was already on, buzzing as she squirted lube onto it, rubbing it in.

He gaped as she pushed him down on the couch, shoving his tail off to the side. "Wait, wait, can't we - oof!" he grunted as she pushed the toy against his ass. The lube did enough to keep it from hurting on the way in, but it was still hard to take it as fast as she shoved it in. His hole flexed around the toy, squeezing as it tried to force it back out, but the vibrations buzzed and tickled his insides too much to keep a grip on it for long.

She angled the toy, pressing part of the buzzing length against his prostate, and he gasped at the pleasure, only to wince at the sudden discomfort that followed it. His cock had tried to get hard again at the stimulation, but the cage had stopped it. The attempted erection reversed itself, only to try to come up again at the continued prostate stimulation. Pleasure, then discomfort, pleasure, then discomfort; it slid back and forth, his cock trying to keep up, trying to harden only to be denied the opportunity.

The lioness teased his ass with the vibrator a few times before pushing it all the way in up to the bulb at the base. She did something, attaching something to the bottom of it and then around his ass, and then sat him back down on the couch. "There, now that'll stay in you until I'm ready to take it out," Camesha said with a nod of approval. "And that's not the last of it. I have two more parts of this little punishment for you."

"What...what are they?" Finrod gasped softly, clenching his teeth as his cock kept fighting to get hard in the tight tube. No matter how good the toy felt in his ass, buzzing away, the tube was too strong and stiff to allow him to get hard. Each time it tried to grow, the tube stopped it, not expanding with his cock and certainly not flexing with it as it tried to point upwards. "What other parts do you have?"

"First, you're going to be tied up. Arms behind your back, legs to the couch. You'll stay like that so you can't touch yourself or try and mess with the devices in you. I don't think you could get it off, but then again, you've surprised me before," Camesha said. She patted the cage around his cock. "This thing should keep you from getting hard, but try not to rely on it. You're supposed to be learning self control, after all, and if you need a cage to keep soft, then this whole thing is pointless."

He understood that, vaguely. This was going to be a very long night, but he supposed that with enough time, he could get used to the pleasure coming from his ass. It would take a while, but at least he would eventually get used to it. "And the other part?" Finrod asked, grunting and closing his eyes tight as his cock tried to get hard again, and failed again.

She didn't answer right away. Instead, she walked over to the little box beside the television, opening it up and pulling out a few DVD boxes. Finrod's eyes went wide at the sight of them, and he realized this was not going to be as easy as he thought it might have been. "When....when did you get those?" he asked.

"After I looked over your internet history," Camesha said with a little shrug. "It was part of what encouraged me to push you to take that collar and become my slave, actually." She fanned the DVDs out like a hand of cards, showing off various images of different males in submissive positions, forced into crossdressing, orgasm denial, and other such things that mistresses could put their slaves through. There were both straight and gay stuff in the video covers as well, including a few actors that he knew all too well from their material.

She smirked at his nervousness, and nodded towards the television. "These are going to be playing all night, showing scenes from the different films while that toy buzzes away in your ass. If you can manage to keep yourself soft by the morning, then I'll find something to reward you with. If you can't, well, we'll just keep up these nightly exercises until you can find a way to keep yourself from getting hard."

" is this supposed to teach me self control?" the dragon asked with a whimper, shaking in his scales. Just the thought of spending all night watching his favorite porn and kept in a cage like this had him quivering, though he wasn't sure if it was entirely fear. There was entirely too much strain going from his cock to the cage for it to be entirely fear. Damn it, if his body actually liked this, it was going to be completely impossible to keep soft for any length of time without the cage. "How is making me - OW! - try to stay soft for the night gonna teach me self control for stuff like what happened today?"

"You started out obeying me pretty well, Finrod. You did what you were told in here, and though you hesitated to strip down in the laundry room, you did what I said and handed over your panties - and yes, those will be yours from now on - and then went into hiding. But then, what did you do?" She shook her head. "I told you to stay still, but you moved. You moved. That's what you're here for. You need to learn to follow orders, and learn to have the self control to not go against those orders just because you're a little skittish or a little bit uncomfortable.

"Now, I'll be right back. I just need to get those straps to make sure that you're tied down, and then I'll leave you here for the night," she said, turning around and walking away, leaving Finrod alone with his thoughts.

They were jumbled, chaotic, and all messed up, not to mention colored by the massive discomfort that kept coming whenever his cock thought that it was safe to get hard and found out that it wasn't. He winced as his cock kept pushing against the strong plastic of the chastity cage, trying to get up and out, but failing each and every time. That didn't mean that it wasn't letting out a little pre - it seemed that even a bit of pain wasn't enough to stop his libido completely - but that was just puddling on his balls before sinking into the cushions of the couch. Somehow, the dragon knew that the lioness was going to find a way to 'punish' him for that as well, even if he managed by some miracle to fulfill her task.

A part of him wanted to run out of here. It would look utterly ridiculous, and there was no way that anyone that saw him would ever forget what he looked like, naked, locked up, with a dildo in his ass and a collar around his neck, but it would get him away from the nightmare that was approaching. A night like what Camesha was describing was one that he doubted he could get through with his sanity intact, and there was no way that she was going to back down on giving him a punishment now. If he didn't get up and leave, there was no way he was going to get out of it once it started. All logic pointed towards trying to leave, to making a run for it and hoping for the best in terms of humiliation and embarrassment.

But he stayed right where he was. Not out of fear, not out of worry, but not completely out of lust, either.

There was a part of him that was afraid, yes, but there was a bigger part of him that trusted and loved the lioness. For all the craziness that she put him through, he knew that she loved him back, though in a definitely different way than most people loved each other. She knew that he was scared, more than likely, and she was trusting him not to run away. She had to know that it was an option that he was considering, had to know it was something that he believed he could do, but she hadn't tied him down already, and she had only told him to wait for her, not threatened him with more punishment if he ran off. The lioness knew that he would stay...

And he would stay. Out of love, out of trust...and because there was some part of him that did love this. He did love being made to keep soft like this, to be kept in chastity and made to do what his mistress said. There was a part of him that liked the denial and even the bit of discomfort that the cage gave him, because his mistress wanted him to learn how to be a better slave for her. And if there was anything that he would do without question, it was something that Camesha told him would make her happy, and would prove that he did love her.

Was he crazy? Probably. Did it matter all that much in the grand scheme of things? No, not really.

Camesha came back a few minutes later, and she looked a little surprised. Not because he was still here, he thought, but probably more because he had both his arms behind his back, positioned like they were just waiting to be tied up, his head forward, and his legs slightly spread.

"Well, looks like you're already learning," the lioness said. She walked behind him, out of sight, and he felt some ropes tying his wrists together. It wasn't harshly tied, just enough to keep them back behind him. If there was an emergency, he was pretty sure that he could pull them apart, but it would need to be a pretty big one to make him burst free.

She walked around in front of him, and she took out some more ropes. Each one tied his ankle to one of the legs of the couch, again, just enough to keep his legs open while giving him the opportunity to pull them off if he really had an emergency come up. It forced his legs just a bit further apart, putting his caged cock more on display, and making him wince a bit as his cock tried to rise again, only to be denied, constricted until it went back down again.

Chuckling, the lioness patted his cock lightly, shaking her head. "It looks like it's just stubborn, isn't it?" Camesha stood up, giving him a little kiss on the cheek. "Well, if you can learn how to be obedient, I might be able to learn to deal with a disobedient cock. But let's just see how well you handle tonight, first, before we write off this punishment. After all, you did show that you can be disobedient if you get a little too scared."

She walked over to the television, putting the DVDs into the player one by one. It would cycle through them at different intervals, he remembered from experience; there were times that they wanted chaos with their movies, and they would put a few in, setting it to change DVDs every 'chapter' on the disk, so that they could make up their own story to go with the chaos of the movies being jumbled together. It was a fun little exercise, but it would drive him nuts with all this porn stuff.

The lioness hit the play button, and then turned to him, giving him a kiss on the cheek before patting him on the back. "Good luck tonight, slave. I'll see you in fourteen hours." She walked into the kitchen, grabbing some food from the fridge and the cupboards before disappearing down the hallway, leaving him alone with the television as it started the first piece of porn, opening with a fox in bondage, his tail up, and a toy being rammed in and out of it by a latex-clothed tigress.

He groaned softly, fighting the temptation to keep his eyes closed and cheat a little. Even though it hurt his cock this time, feeling it try and harden more than it had before, Finrod made himself watch the screen. It was so freaking hot, so very sexy to see the fox being used and 'trained' the way that he was, particularly when the scene shifted to him being up in the air, suspended over the ground and getting his prostate milked with a vibrator, but god DAMN it, watching it made his cock hurt, trying to get hard when the tube was forcing it to remain soft.

Groaning and panting in seconds, he was forced to remain still, not even able to bounce on the toy in his ass a bit the way that he had done in a few other bondage situations with Camesha. He panted and moaned, his cock throbbing despite being kept soft. A part of his mind wondered just who had made this tube, plotting revenge against the people that would come up with such an unspeakable torture, while another part of his mind wanted to send them thank-you cards for making something so secure and hard to break. His cock couldn't get the least bit hard, and it both infuriated and aroused him, which led to him becoming more infuriated and aroused as he was denied again and again.

His aroused musk rose to his nose as the minutes dragged on, the smell of his cock and his pre flowing out of the tube. It was painfully teasing, going along with the film on the screen. Now it was an orca female and a male wolf, the wolf getting his cock edged again and again, his knot squeezed, pushing him repeatedly to the edge of an orgasm before pulling back and leaving him whimpering in frustration. The dragon had never thought it could be that bad, but now he was getting a first hand experience at how orgasm denial felt.

Shift, another scene, showing a black dragon in a cock cage, his ass being rammed by a big stallion, the cage bouncing with his cock, but not allowing it hard. The black dragon's face was turned up in that same mix of arousal and frustration that he was sure was printed all over his face, but at least he was getting his ass rammed, getting some sort of satisfaction from getting fucked. Finrod was only getting a buzzing back there, and he had to adjust himself repeatedly to keep it rubbing against his prostate.

Slowly, the frustration started to turn into more arousal, and he whimpered as it kept climbing higher, higher, the climax getting moved up more and more steps on this staircase of libido, always just out of reach, no matter how turned on he got.


The first thing he noticed was that the porn music from the movies was gone. Finrod blinked in the silence, his tongue lolled out of his mouth as he panted, blurry shapes all he could see at first. As he blinked more, the shapes gradually coalesced into the familiar forms of the furniture, and his lioness mistress sitting on his lap.

The thought of her on his lap would have normally sent his cock rocketing up, but lucky for him, he was too exhausted for it to so much as twitch. It was completely soft in the tube, and rather than being embarrassed at not being able to get it up, he felt a weird sort of pride for it. He was a good slave, a good slave for mistress, a good sissy slut slave that would do whatever she said...because he loved her...and she deserved his love and his obedience.

She smiled down at him, cradling his snout in her hands as she kissed him lightly on the nose. "Hehehe, looks like my draggy slave has had a very long night," Camesha said with a little giggle. "If it wasn't for the smell of all that pre here, I'd wonder if you had had too much to drink last night. But looks like you learned some sort of lesson, even if it wasn't quite the one that I was thinking you needed when I put you here last night."

Her fingers stroked along his cheek as she pulled off of his lap, reaching down and slowly undoing the different restraints, starting with the ones around his ankles, and finishing with the one around his wrists.

Finrod watched as she undid the tube on his cock, sliding it off of him in a single smooth movement. The hated and yet loved thing was placed on the coffee table, dripping with a bit of his pre as well. She chuckled a bit at it before turning back to him, wrapping her hand around his shaft and giving the length a few testing strokes.

It was more exhaustion than willpower that kept it soft, but soft it stayed. Camesha nodded in approval. "Heh, that's good, that's very good." The lioness let go of him, and she grabbed hold of his head, bringing his snout down to her lips and giving him a good kiss. She was close enough that her breasts pushed against his chest, and he could feel something hard in her pants pressing against him too. She was obviously excited this morning, he thought to himself past the slowly fading fog of lust.

She grabbed him by his cock again, pulling him off of the couch. "Come on, I told you that I'd give you a little reward for managing to make it that long," Camesha said. He followed behind her, his soft cock slowly showing a few signs of life. She either didn't notice, or didn't mind, because she said nothing as she took him back to her bedroom.

Pushing him towards the bed, he flopped onto it on his belly. She giggled behind him, taking some of the pillows and putting it under his hips, lifting his ass off of the bed. The toy slid out of his hole with a soft slurp, making him blush just a bit from the sound as well as how it felt so...empty, without something in there after the whole night of having it inside.

Thankfully - he thought - it was replaced by something of similar size, though quite a bit more familiar. The dragon smiled and sighed in pleasure as he felt his hole being filled with the lioness's cock, pushing his hole open and sliding into him easily. It was almost embarrassing how quickly his hole accepted her cock into him, but he didn't complain. Better for it to go in easily rather than fighting him the whole time, and he moaned when she was fully inside him, her balls resting against his own.

She wrapped her arms around him, not around his hips but around his chest. Her soft fingers rubbed his chest softly, and she nibbled lightly against the back of his neck. "You're such a good draggy...such a well behaved little slave, doing everything that I tell you to," she whispered affectionately, her claws pushing out and dragging roughly along his scales, making him groan softly as he was reminded of her place. "Now, just lay there and relax, while I give you your reward of a good ass fucking, to make up for you being denied all night."

The dragon nodded with a moan as she started to move, her cock sliding along inside of him as she pulled back. He grunted as she slid back in, moaning into the bed as she started fucking him hard and fast right out of the gate. Her balls slapped hard against his, the impact making him grunt and moan with each thrust into his hole.

Beneath him, he could feel his cock coming to life again. With the powerful thrusts into his hole, it didn't take long for it to reach full erection, throbbing under his belly and leaking pre onto the bed. The sounds of the lioness behind him, ramming into his ass, and the smell of her musk on the sheets - she must have had some fun in here while he was being punished last night, he realized - combined to bring his libido back to full power. He groaned, tightening his hole around her cock as she pounded him, fucked him, and heard her moan in response.

With all of the denial he had gone through, it didn't take much for Finrod to be pushed all the way to his edge, and this time, there was nothing to stop him from going over it. In fact, Camesha actually pushed his hips up, grabbing his cock and stroking him hard and fast. "Cum....cum, draggy....cum for your mistress!" she whispered in his ears, growling in lust as she pushed her cock against his prostate, hitting it with every deep thrust in.

He came hard at her command, spurting streams of cum all over the bed. It hit the blankets, the sheets, the pillows, everything that could be reached normally and a few things that he would have thought would have been completely out of range. Entire body shaking, the dragon collapsed into the lioness's grip, trembling as his cock continued to shoot cum for twice the amount of time it normally would.

Camesha let him slump back down on the bed, chuckling softly at him. "You really needed that one, didn't you, draggy slave of mine?"

" have idea..." he panted in return.

"Well, later we'll need to pick up the laundry from the room, and since you were the one that messed up all this stuff, you can carry all of the blankets and sheets to the room to be cleaned. Naked, of course," she pointed out. She ground her cock against his prostate before he could complain, making him moan again. "But first, I want to finish what I started. Ass up, slave; mistress still needs her orgasm."

Moaning softly, Finrod lifted his ass up back up, his tail going up and over his back. As the lioness grabbed his hips and started fucking him for her pleasure, he wondered just where the shame and embarrassment from yesterday had gone, because he just felt willing to obey this morning.

Skyrim, Arga's Story: Chapter 3: Dragons!

He woke as he bounced into the air, coming down hard on a wooden surface. Shaking his head lightly and groaning under his breath, Arga blinked his eyes open. Things had changed for the worse since Darkwater Crossing, it seemed. His hands were bound...

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Ofsnart Industries: Latex DIL Boots (AKA, The Rubber Drider)

The door clicked shut behind the king cheetah, leaving the mailman on the other side staring at the wooden barrier before walking on. Sigma just chuckled a little bit to himself as he watched the mailman walk away, shaking his head in amusement....

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A C-Boi's Wet Heat

There were many things that were different about Sigma. The king cheetah enjoyed going out to clubs in clothes that women wore; he went to his therapist for hypno-therapy that never seemed to do anything but embarrass him; and he liked to go to the...

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