My Dark Desires - Part 1

Story by Prince Seren on SoFurry

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A series of short stories of me and my master Scar.

It was late within the afternoon when the young wolf woke up groaning slightly. The beams of morning sunlight filtered through the half drawn curtains of his room. He sighed softly lying his head against his pillow. He had stayed up rather late last night, on his computer talking to a few friends online, one in particular that sparked his interest, one with a user named Scar Rea Lion. I knew that it wasn't legit, because Scar was only a fictional fantasy character, and a hansom one at that. I don't know why I found myself thinking these thoughts, the feline from the Lion King was a murderer and killed his brother, and tried to kill his nephew.

But for some reason my sexual mind kept observing his handsomely made body that was not to scrawny yet not to muscular. Scar had that personality that revealed him as a Dom and that was just perfect for a red wolf like myself, for I was very submissive, if Scar really was to come to my house and pin me to the bed I would obey his every command. Despite the fact like I had previously mentioned that Scar was a villain, I still believe that everyone has their good sides.

I began to get dressed, preparing myself for today's battle which consisted of school and homework mostly. I hear my phone vibrating in my pocket, quick as lightning my paw reaches into my jeans pocket to retrieve it. I observe the caller that was causing my phone to vibrate and the name Scar appeared . I looked at the phone once again to make sure that I wasn't dreaming. No, it couldn't be, I try to tell myself as I shrugged it off. The call dropped and my phone went silent.

When the phone didn't vibrate for the next five minutes I shoved it back into the pocket only to feel it vibrate yet again. I groaned and pulled it out, the caller was still Scar. I quickly slid my paw over the touch screen and the call was answered and I placed the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I asked afraid to hear a response.

"Why hello pup," Spoke the exact same voice of Scar, it was almost exact that my blood almost ran cold.

"Who is this?" I ask sitting at the edge of my bed.

"Oh I think you know who this is," Scar's sarcastic voice said with a slight chuckle.

"I see you all the time, pawing off to fan art of me," Scar said with another bit of laughter erupting from is throat.

"Stop playing around, if you are some sort of stalker I can call the police and have you arrested," I said growling slightly feeling a big aggravated that someone was toying with me. My first thoughts came to a High School that had always played pranks on me when I was a pup during Elementary days.

"Oh this is no prank my friend, I'm afraid that I'm actually standing right outside your door, freezing my tail off in this damned cold," Scar said through the other side of the phone.

Okay, now I was afraid to even pull back the curtain and gaze at my front door. Whether this guy was playing a really nasty trick to rape him, or he was legit.

"Look man, I warned you once, and I won't warn you again knock it off or I'll dial 911,' I growled my teeth now clenching.

"Alright, I'll just let myself in then," Scar said as then my ears perked up when I heard the door knob twist open and the door let out a groan as its hinges were forced open. I walk towards the door of my bedroom and slowly open it and I let out a yelp. It wasn't a joke, it wasn't a prank...for there stood Scar himself. He was tall, his body slim. His head was covered from head to shoulder in a pure black mane. His tail was long and swished back and forward slightly as his emerald green eyes scanned the premises of my house.

"Why hello little wolf," Scar said once he saw me peeking through my door, he began to approach me, my heart racing a hundred miles per hour in my chest. No, Scar wasn't real, he was just a fictional character who died when Simba took over Priderock. I tried to tell myself, but nothing was working. I backed away from my door when it swung open, there now standing at the threshold was the badass of all Disney villains, the hottest of them all.

"You going to invite me in?" Scar purrs slightly his green eyes narrow.

I gaze at his muzzle for a moment and then see the famous scar that was displayed upon his right eye.

"Y..yeah," I said stuttering slightly.

The lion then walked into my room closing the door behind him, locking the dead bolt.

"So you have been having fantasies about me hmm?" Scar questioned rising an eyebrow at me.

I take deep even breaths trying to figure things out. I must be dreaming, that had to be the only answer that I'm still lying in my bed probably with a hard on because I can feel it tight in my boxer shorts.

"And it seems that someone is very happy to see me," Scar lets out a chuckle noticing my erection. Fuck, why is this happening, fantasies were supposed to remain fictional, not reality.

"So, what are your deepest desires towards me, please do entice me," Scar said sitting at the edge of my bed, a paw slowly began to roam my legs. My eyes steadily watch the lion paw roam my legs, causing me to get even harder.

"Well, I have had a liking for your body for a long time..." I at last said. I realized that these were my first words to the lion since he came in, I am still trying to figure out how this was all happening.

A slight purr escaped the lions throat as he smiled his paw getting near my bulge.

I grabbed the lions arm and smirked softly. I decided to let go of the fact that Scar was there, and enjoy every minute of his presents. For this was in fact my darkest desire. My paw slowly begins to roam the lion's thigh, feeling the muscles as I began to murr. I got to my knees and then spread the lion's legs and then my paw reaches for the lion's sheath. My paw wraps around the shaft and gently began to stroke the lion's sheath, feeling him getting aroused.

To hear Scar purr just made me even more hard than usual, I grab the edge of my shorts and removed them, revealing my sheath that consisted of red fur, my cock slowly pocking out of the tip. I watch Scar's every movement as his eyes were now looking upon my sheath.

"Suck me," Scar demands grabbing the top of my forehead and pushing my head towards his cock that was now beginning to reveal itself. I open my muzzle eagerly taking in the cock and began to lick the now growing member. The taste of lion meat was wonderful, a bit salty but erotically amazing. My mouth opened wider taking the whole cock into my mouth, my warm breath breathing against it.

Scar lets out a loud moan, his body collapsing on my bed taking deep breaths as I endured the long awaited fantasy of sucking off the lion. My paws began to roam his thighs so slowly and elegantly that every inch of my own body shivered. My cock was now half way out of its sheath, my knot began to form around the base of my cock as I kept bobbing my head back and forward, tasting the now fully erect lion cock, feeling the barbs rub against my tongue.

"Oh fuck yeah," I hear Scar's voice say with a purr as he placed a paw on my head.

"Do you want me in your ass pup?" The lion asked his emerald eyes gazing at me as I looked up at him removing the hansom cock from my mouth.

"Yes sir," I said licking my lips precum dripping from my muzzle.

"Get on your knees boy," Scar demanded as he rose up to his own knees his cock now moving back and forward with his movements.

I take a deep breath; this was the exact moment that I have always been wanting. This moment was finally happening. My eyes observed the felines movements, watching him slowly as I got onto all fours, my tail lifts up revealing my tight tail hole.

Scar smirked softly and placed his muzzle into my tail hole, his large leather tongue began to lick the edges of my hole making it wet and slippery. I allow a gasp to escape my muzzle as I felt the sandpaper like feeling of Scar's tongue brush against my ass. My claws clench the covers of the bed as then the lion's tongue penetrates my tail hole. My eyes close as I moan loudly enjoying the wonderful feeling of lion tongue exploring the caverns of my tail hole.

"Hmm you're going to be a tight fit," Said Scar purring loudly as he then grabbed a hold of my hips and mounted me. I take deep even breaths feeling the weight of the lion against me I take a deep breath preparing myself to be inserted.

Scar smirked and slowly began pushing his huge throbbing lion cock inside my anus, my tail hole puckers as it was spread open allowing Scar's cock access to my prostate. I let out a loud moan falling over on my stomach as the lion mounted and began to lightly thrust into my ass. In and out, in and out the cock moved back and forward in a romantic motion. The feel of the lion's cock pressing against the walls of my tail hole felt wonderful, so serene and erotic.

The thrusting of the lion's thighs made me moan loudly, my eyes are closed as my paws grip the sheets of the bed as Scar kept fucking my ass. The feline's cock thrusting in and out, in and out. I slowly rise to my paws lifting the mounted lion a bit higher and reached for my own cock, my knot was now fully out and I began to stroke my now throbbing wolf cock pre seeping out of its tip like a sticky river soiling the sheets

"Fuck your so, you're so tight!" Scar growled as his body kept slamming against my own.

"You're so big," I said clenching my tail hole around the lion's cock taking deep breaths feeling myself getting ready to fire my load.

"Oh god I'm cuming, I'm cuming!" Scar said quickly dismounting and lying on his back. I took this moment to place my jaws around the throbbing lion's cock which still tasted like my tail hole and began to suck as hard as I could against the lion's cock. I moan as my paw kept stroking my own cock which then erupted sending strings of white seamen out of the tip like an erupting volcano and soiling the bed sheets. I can hear Scar moaning louder than ever, just then he took one deep breath and let out a roar.

My mouth is suddenly being filled with lion's seamen, the sweet salty taste that I have been longing to taste ever since I watched the Lion King. Scar's body rumored a bit as he moans louder, his load still leaking out. I remove my mouth as then a spurt of cum hits my face.

Scar looked up at me now glassy eyed as he smirked seeing my face painted with his cum.

"That was amazing pup," Scar said seductively .

A grin displays over my muzzle as then we both began to make out, our lips connecting together as my paw roamed the firm chest of the male lion. And that is but the first adventure I have had with my new master, Scar.