New Start: A Twokinds Fanfiction

Story by inuyashasg1 on SoFurry

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#6 of Revelation: A Twokinds Fanfic

Eric finally learns how Kathrin feels about him.

*Disclaimer *

All characters belong to Tom Fischbach from his webcomic Two Kinds ( ). If you haven't read it before I highly suggest that you do.

Eric stood on the ship's deck, a book in one hand, a quill in the other. The late morning sun beat down on his head. He scribbled down several notes as the last of his crew came aboard, carrying a large wooden barrel. Their delay on the island, brief as it may have been, had put an undo drain on their supplies. They had enough food to last for quite a while, but somehow they had gone through their water supply much faster than expected. It took him a while, but he finally figured out why. A certain dog, shirking his duties, had miss identified Eric's personal supply of Basitin ale for water. Fortunately the island they were berthed at had a natural fresh water spring. Unfortunately for those collecting the water, it was quite a hike from the ship.

"Why do we even have to do this?" Eval grumbled more to himself than anyone else. "I thought we were free now."

Without looking from his book Eric responded. "Because it's your fault that we need water in the first place. If you had done your job right to begin with, you wouldn't have to be doing this now."

"So why," Mike grunted, "am I being punished as well?"

Eric looked up from his book towards the fox. "Uh well..." He trailed off trying to think of a reason.

"You don't actually have any reason do you?" Mike said dryly.

"You're always together, either working, talking, or whatever else it is you do. I just put you together without thinking about it." Eric said slightly embarrassed.

Mike looked at Eval, then looked back at the human. "So does that mean I can stop?"

"Yeah, that's the last barrel anyway. He should be able to handle it by himself the rest of the way down to the hold." Eric said without giving it a second thought.

"It's all you buddy." Mike said as he pushed the heavy barrel deeper into the dog's arms before he could even protest.

A couple levels below the top deck, Kathrin was still lying in her bed. She had been exhausted from the prior day's encounter with the tentacles and had spent the last 13 hours sleeping. Presently, she was experiencing the most vivid and erotic dream she had ever had. No doubt it was spurred on by the residual effects of the tentacles excretions. In it she was lying face down on a bed. She could feel the soft white sheets under her. Her supple furry breasts smashed against the mattress as she raised her tail, giving the man behind her easy access to her pleasure center. With her head smushed against the pillow she felt his hands rub down her back and over soft tail. They were smooth hands, human hands. Next she felt the tip of the male's engorged head rubbing up against her needy nether lips as he prepared to enter. As she readied herself everything stopped.

Eric, or rather who Kathrin assumed was Eric, disappeared along with the room she was in. She opened her eyes and saw the unfamiliar warped ceiling planks that were above her bed. Her right hand was between her legs, two of her fingers working in and out of her wet pussy. It took her a second to work out where she was and what had just happened. She continued to finger herself and could feel that she was getting close to an orgasm. She closed her eyes again, trying to recapture the dream as she speed up her hand. Imagining that it was Eric's manhood and not her fingers that was penetrating her. Alas, a knock at her door startled her, and broke her concentration.

"Yes, who is it?" Kat asked in an irritated voice.

"It's me," came Eric's voice. "I wanted to make sure you were alright. You almost never sleep in your own room"

Kat could hear the concern in his voice as he spoke, making her smile. It almost made up from being interrupted. "I'm fine. I was just really tired last night and feeling a bit under the weather. I didn't want to risk giving you something, that's all." She lied to the human, not wanting to explain what really happened.

"Good," Eric said then quickly corrected himself. "I don't mean good that you were feeling sick, but good that you're feeling better now. You are feeling better right, because I need to talk to you about something. Can I come in?" He asked reaching for the door handle.

"No!" Kathrin yelled at Eric more harshly then she had intended it to sound. "I'm... naked." Kat said before closing her eyes and grimacing a bit as she quickly realized how stupid of an excuse that was.

"And that's new because?" Eric asked amused at her statement.

Kat sighed to herself, making sure it was quiet enough that Eric couldn't hear it. She quickly though up a better excuse and hoped he wouldn't push the issue. She didn't want to risk him seeing her like this. "I'm just a mess, and dirty, and I would rather you didn't see me until I have a chance to take a bath. If you want, you could tell me what you need to say through the door? I can hear you just fine."

Eric looked down the narrow hallway to make sure no one was around before he began. "Kathrin, I know I haven't always been the best at showing it, but you're very important to me. I've known you for over half my life. You've always been loyal and understanding. You're much more to me than a mere slave."

Kat's heart fluttered as a huge blush came across her furry cheeks. She waited with bated breath for his next words. The words that would change everything.

"I love you Kat. You're like a sister to me. I realize by keeping you here with me, I'm keeping you from living your own life. I want you to be happy, so I've finally worked up the nerve to free you. I'm just sorry it took me so long to do it. When we reach shore, you can leave with Trace and the others. You'll finally get to be with your own people." With that Eric left her door, a sad look on his face.

Kat was shocked. This wasn't what she had expected. This isn't what was supposed to happen. He was going to realize he loved her, and take her as his mate. He's wasn't supposed to love her as a sister. She wanted to be free but not if it was without him. She continued to sit on her bed for the better part of the next hour, just staring at the door. Finally she snapped back to reality. She quickly threw on a pair of sackcloth trousers and a green T-shirt before heading out of her room. Normally she wouldn't have bothered with clothes, but they had a clean soapy smell that would cover up her earlier arousal. She was in no mood to have to explain away the unusual scent to some random crew member.


"Damn it" Natani cursed as she stuck her finger with the sharp needle. "Why didn't I get a couple more robes while we were still on the Basitin islands?" She stuck the finger in her mouth and sucked on it for a second until the pain lessened. She was about to continue when a knock came at the rooms door. She sat down the needle and cloth she was working on and walked towards the door. She took hold of the handle and cracked it open just enough so she could look out and see who was there. "Oh, it's you."

Kathrin nodded her head before somberly adding, "can we talk?"

Natani was kind of surprised, aside from their encounter with the tentacles; the two of them hadn't interacted very much. Despite this, it was clear to the wolf that whatever Kat needed to speak about was serious. "Yeah, sure." Natani opened the door more, letting the spotted feline enter the room."

"I don't mean to inconvenience you but..." Kathrin started as she looked around the room, spotting the robe Natani had been working on. "Is that you're bed's sheet?"

The wolf looked over to where the feline was pointing. "Um... maybe, she replied with embracement."

"Why are you sowing your sheet together?" Kat asked momentarily distracted from her own plight.

Natani sighed, sitting down on her bed. "Not all of us can walk around naked. Thanks to yesterday, my robe is nothing but scraps lost on the island. Making a robe out of this was the only option I could think of."

"I could make you a new robe if you would like. I just need to take a few measurements." Kat offered, defaulting back to her helpful self before remembering the true reason she came. "Which I can take while we talk."

"That would be great." Natani exclaimed at the idea of getting a new robe without having to sew it together herself. She was an exceptional assassin, but certainly no tailor. "So what did you need to talk about?"

Kathrin opened her mouth to start explaining about Eric, but then stopped. "First things first, do you have more of that cloth you use to wrap your chest with. I don't have my measuring ribbon, so I'll need to use the strips of cloth and cut them to your measurements. That way I can measure them when I get back to my room."

"That makes sense." Natani said as she leaned over and pulled a bundle of clean strips of white cloth from the drawer beside her bed.

Kat took the cloth from Natani and began to run it through her fingers, looking for the end. As she worked on the cloth she began to speak. "I'm not sure how comfortable you'll be with this subject, but I just need someone to speak with. Someone who is in a relationship and can give me some kind of advice."

"Hold up a second. What uh, what makes you think that I'm in a relationship?" Natani asked, completely flustered.

Kat finally found the end of the cloth and moved to the wolf's shoulders to measure how wide they were. "Well for one, I'm fairly certain I can smell Keith's scent all over your room. But there could be any number of innocent reasons for that, since I can also smell Laura's scent. However, the fact that you have a pair of his boxers under your bed kind of gives it away."

"How do you know those aren't mine? I happen to find boxers quite comfortable you know" Natani said defensively.

Kathrin tilted her head slightly and frowned at the wolf. "I do the Laundry." She said, emphasizing every syllable.

"Well, shit. What did you want to talk about?" Natani asked, realizing there was no point in trying to deny the truth.

Kat reached up and stretched the cloth rapping across the wolf's shoulder, snipping it off once she had the length. "It's about Eric."

"Not to sound rude, or ungrateful, especially considering that you're going to make me a new robe, but I don't really think I'm the best person to be asking relationship advice from. Especially about a relationship with a human." Natani said as gingerly as possible.

The feline smiled as she prepared another piece of cloth to measure Natani's generous bust. "Well no offense to you either, but you weren't my first choice. I tried to go see Flora but from what I could tell, she was preoccupied."'


Sunlight poured through the porthole, illuminating and warming the room. Trace pulled out a container of wooden matches and quickly struck it across the side of the box. The tip of the wooden stick burst into a small flame which he carefully moved to a candle that sat on the small wooden desk near the entrance to Flora and his cabin. With the candle lit he opened his black leather bound journal and reached for his quill pen sitting in a jar of ink. He tapped the pen a couple times on the edge of the glass container to remove any excess ink then began to quickly write down recent events. He only managed to get down a few sentences when he felt a pair of furry, orange and black striped arms draped over his shoulders.

Flora purred as she gave Trace's ear a little nibble. "What are you writing about?" She asked him as she continued to play with his soft ear.

"Just jotting down some of what's happened over the last few days as well as some of my thoughts. I'm trying to figure out where we should go from here. We finally convinced Eric to free Mike and Eval, but what does that really mean. Are the two of them going to want to travel with us once we get back to the mainland, or are they going to go there separate ways. Plus we still need to figure out a way to pay Eric since it isn't like either of us is rolling in coins." Trace finished with a sigh.

Flora had stopped nibbling on his ear and had been listening to what he said. After he sighed, she piped in. "I wanted to talk to you about that."

"You know some way we could pay Eric?" Trace asked her inquisitively.

Flora shook her head. "No, I wasn't talking about that. I wanted to say thank you for helping me keep my word. You could have just made some cursory effort to convince him to free Eval and Mike, but you stuck with it until he finally gave in. I just needed you to know how much that means to me."

"They didn't have to wait for any of us, but they chose to take the risk and hope for the best. You made a promise to them, and they deserved to be rewarded for their faith." Trace said in earnest as he turned around in the chair he was sitting in so he could look at the tigress.

Flora gave him a toothy smile, showing off her fangs. "That's something I love about you Trace. Now how about I give you something else to write about in that journal of yours?"

"Oh, does that mean you're going to finally let me do "that" with you?" Trace asked with an eyebrow raised in anticipation.

Flora was less than amused with his suggestion. "Keep on dreaming."

Trace grinned and reached behind him, sitting the pen down on the desk and closing his journal. He stood up from his chair and gave the tigress a quick kiss. Then he took her hand in his own and led her over to their bed "So, what exactly will I be writing about first?"

The tigress crawled up onto the bed and pulled Trace towards her. Together the two rolled onto the center of the bed, ending up with Flora above the human. "I get to be on top." She said before leaning down to give his cheek a lick then added, "at least for the first round." Flora quickly pulled her pink pajama shirt over her head and dropped it next to the bed. After that she slipped off her pajama bottom so that she was completely nude. She straddled his hips, sitting herself down on top of his clothed crotch. She moved her hands down to his belly and slipped them under his black shirt. Slowly she inched her paws up his toned, but smooth chest. She loved the feel of his smooth skin under her hands. It felt so different then her own fur. As she moved her hands towards his head, the shirt bunched up until finally there was just a large lump of cloth around his neck and shoulders. He raised his arms and leaned up a little, allowing her to pull the black material off his body. All the while, she could feel his cock stirring in his trousers. She could feel it straining against the cloth, wanting to break through so that they could get started.

She leaned down and gave him a kiss on the lips, slipping her rough tongue into his mouth. The two kissed for a few seconds before she pulled away and began to lick her way down his chest. She started at his clavicle, licking her way between his pectoral muscles, over his belly, and finally stopping at his cloth covered crotch. She worked the belt buckle open and pulled free the leather band that held his pants tight. Then she undid his pants button. She moved down towards his feet, pulling his pants as she went until they were down around his knees. She didn't bother to pull them completely off, she was too eager to pounce on her willing prey to take the few extra seconds that would require. She reached up and gripped his shaft with her right paw, barely able to touch her thumb to her middle finger. She could feel the heat radiating off him as she wrapped her hand around his cock. She licked her lips subconsciously as she began to slowly pump his dick. She didn't want to get him too aroused yet, just wanted to make sure he was completely ready. When she saw a bead of precum starting to form, she quickly moved back on top of him and began to carefully lower herself onto his cock. The smooth head of his shaft spread her neither lips apart as she lowered herself on to him. Soon half his thick shaft was inside her, spreading her pussy in such a pleasant way. Finally she felt herself sitting on top of him, taking nearly all six inches of his shaft.

The two of them sat there for a moment, savoring the feeling. Still, it didn't last long. Both of them wanted to feel more. Flora pulled herself off of him, much faster than she had first lowered herself. When they had first started having sex, they had to go slow until she could get use to his girth, but by now they both knew their limits. She nearly pulled off him then lowered herself again, forcing his dick into her moistening pussy in one swift motion. Over and over again she moved her hips up and down, savoring the feel of his dick sliding in and out. Trace too was enjoying Flora's quick movements. Not only did he love the way her tight cunt milked his dick, but he also enjoyed watching her work. Her small white furred breasts gently bounced up and down. Her mouth hung open as she panted for air. Her face contorted into a look of pure happiness as she worked her way up and down his shaft. The tigress leaned forward, putting her hands on his shoulders, shifting some of her weight onto her arms. Trace began to thrust his hips up as she slid herself onto him, burying himself all the way up to his testicles. The two continued at a fever pitch for as long as they could, but all too soon they came. Trace was first, flooding her with his human sperm. She came almost immediately afterwards, soaking his dick with her juices.

Flora savored the feeling for a brief moment, and then practically jumped off Trace. She quickly repositioned herself lower on the bed so that his deflating cock was level with her muzzle. She gave his shrinking dick a lick, tasting his delicious cum on it as well as her own juices. She quickly started bathing his cock with her tongue, collecting all his precious seed. Once she was sure she had thoroughly cleaned him off, she raised her head up so that they could see each other's eyes more easily. "Just give me a minute and I'll have you ready for round two." She said, then opened her mouth and took his cock into her it.

Natani stared at Kathrin, her eyes wide and her mouth agape. "How long did you listen in on them for?" The wolf asked slightly disturbed.

"Well, I may have embellished some of the details a little and inferred certain acts." Kat said with a blush on her face.

"Yeah, let's just get back to you and Eric. That way I can replace one disturbing cross species mating with another." Natani said while she rubbed her temple with her right hand. "So what is it that you think I can help with?"

The feline put down the piece of cloth she had just measured the wolf's hips with and took a deep breath. "I want Eric to see how I feel about him, that I'm not just a friend or a..." she paused for a second and lowered her voice to a near whisper. "A sister."

Natani saw the pain on the felines face, and heard the sorrow in her voice. "I understand what you're saying, even if I don't understand why you feel that way about him." Natani said as comfortingly as she could. "I've tried to hide my identity my whole life, so I may not know what I'm talking about, but I think the only way he'll know how you feel is if you tell him."

"How did you tell Keith?" Kathrin asked the wolf, her eyes pleading for some sort of insight.

Natani made a half snarl as she scratched her head. This wasn't something she really was comfortable talking about. "It's sort of complicated. He was an emotional wreak, I went to talk to him and try to snap him out of his depression. Somehow we kissed, and things just escalated from there. We both had a lot of pent up sexual frustration, and I mean A LOT."

"Then, you didn't tell Keith how you felt." Kathrin said, making it sound like an accusation.

Natani shook her head. "Not is so many words, but he had suspected for a little while how I felt. There were a few, less than subtle hints." She sighed as she thought about how she wanted to phrase what she needed to say next. "I think you're going to have to be blunt with him. Eric is either completely clueless to your feelings, or he knows and doesn't feel the same way. You won't know which until you tell him. Even if it is the former, there's a good chance he still won't. I'm sorry."

Kathrin slowly gathered the strips of cloth she had cut into her hands. She paused for a moment before looking up at Natani. "No easy answers huh." The feline said then stood up and silently left the room.

After Kat was out the door, Natani whispered to herself. "There never are."

Later that day Kathrin stood at the door outside of Eric's private bath. In her hand she held one of two bronze keys that could unlock the door. This was a place where Eric went to relax and unwind, to get away from the day to day troubles. He didn't like to be disturbed, but never minded if she came in, as she often did. She inserted the key into the door, and prepared herself for what she needed to do. She carefully twisted the key, releasing the bolt as quietly as she could and entered the steam filled room. After shutting the door behind her, she silently crept across the wooden floor so that she was standing at the edge of the large bath tub. Eric was lying in it, hot water coming almost up to his shoulders. His eyes were closed and he was oblivious to her presence.

Kat moved around so that she was behind him and leaned down puttying herself only inches from his ear. "Eric," she whispered. His eyes opened and he craned his head back so he could see her standing above him.

"I didn't expect to see you here; I figured you'd be busy planning where you wanted to go once we get back to port." Eric said in an overly jovial manner.

Kathrin ignored what he said, trying not to think about what she would do if she had to leave him. "Do you mind if I join you?" She asked with a smile.

"Of course not." Eric responded as he sat up in the tub and made room for the Keidran.

Kathrin purred as she dipped her foot into the water. "Ooh, the water feels nice." Kat said as she slowly submerged her body into the hot water, trying to make some small talk. Eric just nodded his head then reclined back again and resumed relaxing. They both sat there in silence for a few minutes. This wasn't as easy as Kathrin had hoped it would be. Still, she was determined. "Would you like me to wash your back?" She asked the human all of a sudden."

"Sure," Eric said, thinking nothing of the act that they had done countless times before. He turned around and presented his back to the spotted feline. She reached out and ran her hands down his bare back, feeling the smooth skin beneath them. She always looked forward to helping him bathe. It was the one time she could caress his nude body without him realizing what she was thinking. She grabbed a wash cloth and dipped it into the water then began to rub it on his back, scrubbing away the dirt and sweat.

She stopped after a few seconds. "It's not fair." She mumbled in a barely audible voice.

"Hmm," Eric grunted out as a question, unable to determine what she had said.

"It's not fair." Kat repeated, louder and more firmly this time.

"What are you talking about?" Eric asked, worried about Kathrin.

Kat lowered her head, resting her temple against the human's back. "You say you think of me as a sister, then tell me to leave. To go be with my own species, but I don't know anything about my own species. All I've ever know is here."

Eric turned around so he could face the Keidran. He took her hand in his own as he spoke. "I don't know what to say. I'm sorry; I didn't know you would feel this way about leaving, but I know you want to be free and that means you have to.

"Exactly!" She yelled at the human ripping her hand from his. "You don't know how I feel. You never asked. You just made the decision for me. Did it ever even occur to you that I might not want to leave everything I know? That I might not want to leave... you?"

Eric closed his eyes as he tried to think of what to say. Finally he responded. "Your right. I didn't ask you what you wanted, but you shouldn't be afraid of change. Change is part of growing up, and you deserve to be able to live your own life."

Tears were rolling down Kathrin's face as Eric spoke. "You still don't get it! I'm not afraid of change! I don't want to leave because I love you." She sobbed out, now crying unabashedly. Eric just stared at her with a blank expression on his face, saying nothing. It was too much for the Keidran to handle. She quickly got out of the tub and ran from the room. The door slammed behind her as she left.

Eric was frozen in place for a good couple minutes after her confession. Finally he slouched back into the water and took a deep breath. "That makes things more complicated."


A knock came at the door to Keith's room. The Basitin was surprised; it was an unusual time for a visitor. Most of the crew were in the mess hall, getting something to eat after a hard day's work. He quickly walked over to it, expecting to see either Natani or Laura. Instead, he was greeted by the sight of a blond haired, glasses wearing human holding a bottle of Basitin Ale. "Hey Keith, you know in all the time we've been on this ship, I can't recall us ever having a real conversation." The human said with an overly large and frankly insincere looking smile.

"Yeah, that's because we have barely anything in common. Why are you here?" Keith asked in an annoyed tone.

Eric sucked the air in through his teeth. "I need some advice. Can I come in?"

Keith moved out of the door way, and motioned the human in with his hand. "What'd you want to talk about?" Keith asked as the human took a seat on the small wooden chair in the room.

"It's about Kat. I granted her freedom along with Mike and Eval?" Eric told Keith, who nodded in acknowledgment. "Well, I just found out something, and it can't leave this room understand." Keith again nodded his head. "Kathrin doesn't want to leave; she says she's in love with me."

Keith stared at the serious faced Eric for a few seconds, before he couldn't hold back anymore and burst out laughing. The human gave him a scowl. "Eric, everyone on the ship already knows that." Keith said as he tried to stop laughing. He noticed that Eric's expression didn't change. The Basitin quickly stopped laughing, and cleared his throat. "Well, I'm guessing everyone but you."

"I guess so." Eric said dryly. "As I said, I need some advice."

"Why not go to Trace then. Surely he would have a better understanding of what you're going through." Keith asked, with genuine curiosity.

Eric found a clean glass in the room and uncorked the bottle of ale, pouring himself a glass. "I would have, but when I arrived... Well let's just say from the sounds of things he was very busy with a certain lovely tiger, and if I were him, I would be very cross if interrupted. Besides, you still have some experience with interspecies relationships, don't you?"

"What... Laura, yes with Laura." Keith said trying to sound as normal as possible.

"Yes, that would be who I'm referring to." Eric said, confused at Keith's strange statement. He took the swig of the ale, then when back to taking. "I'm not sure I'm attracted to her."

Now it was Keith's turn to be confused. "Laura?" He asked.

"No not Laura, I'm talking about Kathrin." Eric said, then quickly added. "Not that I don't find Ms. Laura quite alluring. In fact I would be quite..."

Keith cut the human off. "You can shut up now." Eric smiled and nodded his head in understanding. "Eric, I don't buy that you're not attracted to her. You flirt with any, no sorry, every fur covered female you come across. Not to mention that Kat is particularly attractive. I certainly wouldn't turn down her advances. I mean if I weren't already in a relationship, and she wasn't clearly infatuated with you." Keith said trying to save his reputation.

Eric shook his head and poured another glass of ale, which he gave to the Basitin. "You're right, attraction is the problem. I told her that she's like a sister to me, which she is. Kind of. I mean I've known her since we were both kids for gods' sake. I want her to end with someone good enough for her."

Keith drank the ale and held out the glass for a refill. "So that's the problem, you don't think you're good enough for her?

"Maybe..." Eric said in a soft voice.

Keith drank down the glass of ale before he started up. "Well that's stupid. Yeah, you're a perverted bastard who probably tries to sleep with every female Keidran he comes across, but it isn't like she doesn't know that. She does know that doesn't she?" Keith asked, wanting to make sure he didn't make another stupid assumption. Eric nodded his head, admitting that she knew all about his practices. "Then you're lucky, because I doubt there's another woman on the planet, Keidran or otherwise, that could deal with that." Keith said with a laugh. "All joking aside. Do you have any romantic feelings toward Kathrin, because if you don't, then she deserves to know?"

Eric rolled the glass between his hands as he sat there thinking. Finally he stopped and looked up to the Basitin. "I do, but what if it doesn't work out. She could be sacrificing her future for the sake of a childhood crush. Even if it does, what would happen if someone finds out? I couldn't bear it if something happened to her."

Keith nodded his understanding as he thought about nearly loosing Laura. "What you're saying makes sense, but it doesn't matter who you're with. There is always a chance something terrible could happen. Love is risk. You're the one who has to decide if it's worth taking. Kathrin's certainly already made her choice."

Eric gave Keith the bottle of ale, then left the Basitin's quarters, wandering around the ship for the next hour trying to figure out what to do. Eventually he found himself standing outside of Kathrin's door, trying to work up the courage to knock on it. Finally he tapped his knuckles on the wooden door three times, and then stopped. He waited there for what seemed an eternity for an answer. Slowly she cracked the door open and peaked out, seeing it was him. "What do you want?" She asked in an angry tone.

"I don't know." Eric answered honestly. Kat started to shut the door on him, but he put his hand out and stopped her. "Wait! We need to talk."

Kat walked away from the door, letting him push into the room. "Is there anything left to talk about?" She asked, apathy filling her voice.

"I didn't know!" He yelled at her, making her turn back and look at him. "I didn't know how you felt about me. Maybe I didn't let myself know."

"Because I'm your sister?" Kathrin asked not even bothering to hide her contempt.

Eric turned around and shut the door before he responded. "No, it's because I care about you."

"Pfft," she grunted not believing his excuse.

"No it's true. That's why I've always tried to give you as much freedom as I could get away with, and why I taught you to read. I didn't want to see you, I don't know, as a target for my desires. I wanted to keep you pure. Because of that, I didn't think about what you might want, and I'm sorry." The human said to her with sincerity.

Kathrin's expression softened and gave him a small smile. She wasn't angry anymore, but neither was she happy though. "But does it change anything."

"Any relationship between us would be very dangerous. If it was ever discovered you would be killed. Plus, we would have to hide it all the time." Eric stated, trying to dodge the question.

"Are you saying you love me?" Kat asked him, taking a step towards him.

"If we had a relationship and the other Keidran onboard found out about us, you'd be shunned as a pariah." He said as she took another step towards him.

"Do you love me?" She asked standing inches from him. The human started to open his mouth to say something. Before he could, she leaned in and pressed her lips against his. His body moved on its own, and he returned the kiss.

After a brief moment the two separated. "You know the type of man I am, are you sure can love me?" He asked as she wrapped her arms around the back of his neck and pulled her towards him.

Kathrin smiled. "You're a better man than you know." She whispered to him, and then added. "Plus, I don't mind your little kinks. In fact, some of them could actually be quite fun."

"Is that so?" Eric said, suddenly perking up, acting a little more like his usual self.

The Keidran nodded her head. "You're not the only one who enjoys reading those books you like to keep hidden, you know."

"Are you sure this is really what you want?" Eric asked her, one last time.

Kathrin smiled at him. "This is everything I want."

Eric leaned forward and kissed her again. The two stood there for a minute, trading ever intending kisses. Eventually they stopped. "So what now?" Eric asked, unsure where she wanted to go from here.

"Now it's time for your favorite activity." She said with a sly grin.

Eric smirked and asked, "and how would you like to begin?" Without a word she led him over to the bed, stopping with both of them next to it. Much to his surprise, she pushed him, making him fall backwards onto the bed. Before he could so much as bat an eye she was on top of him. Her hands tore at his trousers. She ripped off the buttons holding his fly shut and tugged the material down around his hips. Then she moved on to his boxers. She quickly undid the tie, holding them tight, and pulled them down to free Eric's soft dick. She reached out and brushed her hand against him. She felt him jump at her touch. With her other hand she gently took hold of his clean shaven testicles, feeling them for the first time. She leaned down and started to slather his balls with her tongue, slowly working her way up his now hardening shaft. She watched as the head of his cock, slowly emerged from his foreskin, waiting for her attention. When she made it to his tip she gave it a kiss then took it between her lips. Her rough tongue traveled along the underside of his dick as she sucked him deeper into her mouth. She stopped after about the first four inches. For right now, this was all the further she wished to take him. She wanted to feel his head running over her tongue again and again; to taste the precum already emerging from his slit. Eric watched as Kat bobbed her head up and down the end of his cock. Her brown hair bounced as she went, covering her eyes. He reached down and brushed it back behind her head, making her glance her eyes up at his. His mouth hung open; as he took ragged breaths. He noticed her looking and his mouth contorted into a smile. "I see you really have been studding those books." He said with a grunt.

Kathrin pulled off of him, kissing the tip of his dick as she went. "Want to see what else I learned?" She asked him, then gave the tip of his cock another lick.

"Gods yes." He said with a shudder. She winked at him then drove herself back onto his shaft, taking his length to the back of her throat. She paused for a moment, mentally preparing herself. She pushed forward, feeling his head spread her throat as he entered her. She continued forward slowly feeling more of his shaft run over her tongue as his head traveled further down. Finally she felt her nose hit his stomach. She held him there for a moment, stretching her tongue out beneath his length so that she could lick at his balls. Sadly, she couldn't do it for very long. She quickly pulled off him, much faster than she should of. She coughed as he cleared her maw. He reached down to try and help her but she stopped him.

"I'm alright, don't worry. I just over estimated what I could do." She said with a smile to comfort the concerned human. "I guess I just need some more practice." She added as she leaned back in towards the human's cock. Once again she slowly inhaled the human's dick, taking his length into her throat. This time however, she didn't tarry, and began to pull herself off of him at a more controlled speed. She still had to fight the gag reflex as she went, but at least this time she wasn't coughing. She pulled back so that she only had a couple inches still inside her mouth, then took a breath through her nose. Afterwards she took him inside her throat again, this time a little faster. She repeated this over and over again as she got use to the feeling and to the breathing. She was concentrating so hard on it she failed to realize she was getting faster or to notice Eric's look. His eyes were filled with lust as he watched her move down and up his cock. Never with any of his previous partners had he seen such unbridled desire or commitment. His mouth was agape as he panted for air. He was so close, but didn't want to cum. He wanted this to last forever, even though he knew it couldn't.

"Kat, I'm cumming!" He finally yelled through gritted teeth, unable to hold back his release any longer. She felt him twitch in her throat, then felt something warm, and gooey splash against it. She pulled back as quickly as she could, till only his tip were inside her lips. His cum flooded her mouth, washing over her tongue. She purred as she finally got to taste his seed, holding as much of it as she could in her mouth. He shot several wads into her mouth before finishing. She let him slip from her lips, being careful to keep suction so that none of his essence could escape. She looked up at him, making sure he was watching as she swallowed his cum down.

"Mmmm." Kathrin purred to him. "That was tasty."

"Kat, that was amazing!" He said his eyes wide as he watched her lean down and start to lick his cock clean.

The Keidran stopped and looked up at him. "Oh, and how do I compare to the others you've been with?"

"You just set the bar." He said as she started to lick him again. He put his hands on her shoulders and pushed her back so that he could stand up. She was going to ask what he was doing when he leaned down and reached out for her. With one arm under her legs and the other supporting her back, he picked her up and laid her down on the bed. He kicked off his pants and boxers, sending them who knows where, then pulled off his shirt, throwing it in an equally haphazard manner. He crawled on to the bed, and began to kiss his way up her stomach, feeling the soft white fur that covered her front tickle his face. When he reached her ample breasts he began to kiss his way around the firm mounds. He took one of her nipples into his mouth, sucking on it, while he gently squeezed her breasts with his hands. He pulled off her nipple, giving it one last kiss before he started to speak. "I'm ready, are you?" He asked her. She nodded her head eagerly. "Good," he said reaching down and taking hold of his cock. He guided it to her entrance and began to slowly insert himself. He wanted to make sure she was ready when he broke her Hymn, only thing was, he never seemed to hit it. She purred as he seated his entire cock into her body, much to his surprise. "Uhh... Kat, do you mind if I ask you a personal question?"

"Of course not" she purred out, enjoying the sensation of being filled by his penis.

"Have you had sex with someone else?" Eric asked the Keidran as delicately as he could.

Kathrin's eyes shot open, realizing why he was asking. "No, but when I was reading those books of yours I got an idea from them. In a lot of them you had women making love to other women with fake cocks. I managed to get my hand onto one of them and sometimes I used it, imagining it was you. Are you angry?" She asked the human with the most innocent face she could manage.

"I couldn't be angry with you Kat. However I will have to make sure you never have need of 'imaginary me's' services again." With that, Eric pulled out of the Keidran and thrust himself back in. He wasn't being rough, but he wasn't being overly gentle either. He was willing to bet she had considerable experience with her toy, and wasn't to concerned about hurting her now. He rammed himself in and out of her moist pussy, making her purr and moan. She watched him as he worked, hypnotized by the movement of his hips. She could feel his balls slapping against her ass as he plowed into her. He leaned down and took hold of one of her nipples in his teeth, gently pulling on it as he pounded her pussy. She noted how different he felt then the faux penis she had used before, or the tentacles from the prior day. He was warm and so alive. He let go of her nipple and pulled out of her. Quickly he flipped them both over, so that she was on top of him. He reinserted himself all at once with a hard thrust, making her moan out his name. He resumed his rapid pounding into her body from the new angle, this time hitting her gspot with every thrust. It quickly became too much for Kat.

"Eric!" She screamed as she shuttered in orgasm. He felt her pussy clamp down onto his dick, milking it, begging for him to cum. He fought off the feeling, wanting to last as long as he could. As his cock was soaked in her juices he got a dirty idea. He gave her a couple more thrusts then again pulled out of her pussy, flipping them both back over as he went.

Eric crawled up on top of Kathrin and placed his shaft right in front of her face. "Taste yourself." He ordered her as his hard dick dangled within reach. She did as he asked, darting her tongue out. She licked his cock, tasting her own juices on it. She quickly managed to clean his dick and was about to start sucking on him, when he pulled away. He lowered his hips onto her chest, supporting most of his weight on his own folded legs. His cock slipped in between her C cup breasts and he squeezed them together. He started to thrust between them, using the furry mounds to pleasure himself. She watched as the head of his dick disappeared and reappeared between her breasts, each time getting a little further. He leaned down towards her, putting his arms on both sides of her head. It took the feline a moment, but quickly realized what Eric wanted. She grabbed hold of her breasts, and smashed them together. She leaned her head down, and opened her mouth as his cock drove towards her. She was careful of her teeth as he effortlessly entered her moist maw. He didn't get very deep, with just his head entering her mouth, but that was enough. She could taste the precum rolling off his dick. He wouldn't be long. In the new position he began to rapidly thrust his shaft between her breasts as her mouth kissed his head. Within a couple of minutes he hit his limit. He grunted out her name as he started to spray his seed. He continued to thrust himself between her breasts as he came, soiling her furry chest and face with his cum. Finally she stopped, and let go of her breasts. She used her hands to clean the jizz off her face, collecting it onto her fingers. She stuck the digits into her mouth, once again enjoying his delightful taste as she cleaned up.

Eric dismounted the Keidran, and sprawled himself out next to her. "Would you like to fuck my ass now?" She asked the human, who's eyes widened at the innocent way she said it.

"You want me too?" He asked, surprised at her question. None of the other Keidran he'd been with seemed to enjoy anal that much.

Kathrin just nodded her head. "It's in all your favorite books. Plus I want to experience you every way I can." She said smiling at him.

The human could feel himself already starting to get hard again at the thought of fucking Kathrin's supple white furred ass. Truth be told, he was never going to ask her to do this. Now though, he was starting to realize that she might be a lot more open to extreme acts then he had thought. "Alright then. I'll try to be gentle. Roll over on your stomach and hang your rear off the side of the bed."

The Keidran quickly did as he instructed, then she raised her tail, giving easy access without even needing to be told. Eric got off the bed and walked around her, admiring the feline. She had a beautiful brownish grey coat with black spots on her back and most of her face. The white fur that covered her muzzle extended down her chest, around her groin, and ended in a heart shape on her rear. Eric stuck a couple fingers into her still wet pussy, and began to play with her. She moaned at the stimulation, but it didn't last long. He pulled them out, then almost immediately she felt something at her rear. One of his fingers pushed past her sphincter. Using her love juices as a lubricant, his finger piston in and out of her. When he was satisfied she was used to it, he added a second. He used his fingers to play with her ass, getting her ready for his cock. Finally, whether she was ready or not, he couldn't wait any more. He pulled his fingers out of her rear, and pressed the head of his dick against it. The head of his shaft entered her anus without much issue, spreading her apart. Slowly he drove himself into her, enjoying how impossibly tight she was. Her warm rear, pulled at him as he drove himself onward. Finally he got most of his length into her. He pulled out a little faster, until only his head remained in her rear. "Are you okay?" He asked her.

"Yes, but could you go a little faster?" Came Kathrin's reply. He was stunned. He couldn't believe she was allowing him to do this, let alone asking for more. Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, he ramped up the speed of his thrusts to a moderate pace. Kathrin moaned with each thrust. "More!" She screamed at the human, who offered no protest. Eric began to increase his speed until he was savagely ramming himself into Kat's ass without remorse. Her tightness pulled at his cock, making it a challenge to keep up his speed. More than that though, at this speed he didn't know how long he could last. He didn't want to cum without satisfying Kathrin first, but he hadn't ever succeeded in making another Keidran orgasm from anal sex before. Fortunately, there was a first time for everything. Kat suddenly screamed out, louder than he had ever heard her scream before. He felt her ass convulse around him, as she came. His wish had been granted. He grunted out an expletive as he let himself go, painting the inside of Kat's rear white. He pulled out a minute later, cum dripping from her ass down to her pussy. He wiped his dick off on her ass, then picked her up and placed her on the bed.

The two laid there for several minutes recovering. He felt Kathrin roll over and snuggle up against him. Her hand explored his chest as Eric started to run his hand through her hair, petting her head. "Kat, do you mind if I ask you something perverted?"

Kathrin purred. "Not at all."

Eric actually blushed a little as he thought about how he wanted to phrase his question. He knew Kat pretty well, and he had a good idea how she would respond, but there was always a chance he was wrong. After all, he had been completely oblivious to her feelings towards him. "Would you mind if I kept painting women?"

Kathrin stopped stroking his chest and looked up to his face. "No, but I hope that wasn't your perverted question. I expect a lot better from you." She said, egging him on.

Eric chuckled. "I'll try harder then. Would you help convince other women to sleep with me, like say Flora or maybe even Laura?"

"I'd love to, provided of course that you would share them with me." Kathrin said with an evil glint in her eye. He rigorously nodded his head in agreement. "Good, now it's my turn to ask you a question. Would you mind sharing me with another male?"

Eric laid there for a moment. He hadn't ever really thought about it before. Sure he had enjoyed the act in his books but he had never tried it before. As he thought about it, he felt his dick starting to stir. It would certainly be a different experience, and it could even be the key to opening otherwise locked doors. "I could live with that, provided of course you took precautions." Kathrin gave him a smile and nodded her head. She snuggled up closer to him and the two fell asleep within minutes, content in each other's arms.

*A couple brief notes*

If you liked the story please leave a comment and tell me what you thought. I love getting feedback.

To anyone who read this and was confused why certain characters were alive, or why something happened differently from the web comic, that's because this is an ongoing series. If you enjoyed this, you can find links to the previous chapters on the left hand side near the top of the page.