Duncan in Diapers Chap 3

Story by Leakypup on SoFurry

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#3 of Duncan in Diapers

Third chapter in my ongoing story.

"Puppy what did I tell you about asking permission? Bernhardt didn't look angry just stern. The look melted away any urge the pup had to flee. He couldn't bring himself to disappoint the bear further. "I see you took off your diaper too. What were you planning on doing? Get into a fresh diaper and hope Daddy didn't notice?"

Duncan's ears flattened as he tried to avoid the bear's glare. "I-I have to go to work today. He said trying to change the subject, avoiding his Daddy's question.

"It is only nine in the morning Duncan. You told us that the other night that you don't even work until after noon. Now tell me what you are doing puppy. After Daddy told you that you are not allowed to take off your diaper, or paw off without permission." The bear asked gruffly. Still fully clothed, it made him even more imposing to the naked pup. It left him feeling tiny and exposed.

"I just needed to potty and... I didn't-" The bear cut him off before he could finish.

"I said don't lie to me pup!" The bear growled starting to raise his voice. "Let me guess you got here early and my little puppy couldn't keep his paws where they belonged and started to paw off. You couldn't even behave for me, even after we rescued you from the bar the other night. When a certain pup wet themselves on the dance-floor."

Duncan just whimpered and shrank back, not denying anything. Bernhard continued.

"You probably got in here and got a good look at yourself in the mirror with that soggy thick diaper between your legs making you look like a little cub. It made your little puppy cock all stiff didn't it? So you figured you could paw off one more time before Daddy got here.

The collie pup couldn't remember the last time he was scolded like this. With his ears drooped, Duncan started to whimper. He tucked his tail between his legs, trying to cover his private parts. "I-I'm sorry D-Daddy!" Duncan caught himself calling the bear daddy again, the name just fit, like "puppy" fit him.

"You better be sorry pup. Now march!" The bar said pointing to the back corner where Duncan had left his things. "You have been a very naughty puppy and you deserve what you are about to get from Daddy" He waited for Duncan to stalk back to his corner before pulling out a paci and a fresh diaper from a bag he brought with him. He started a shower on his way over. Trying to make be enough white-noise to drown them out to anyone who might hear them in the gym.

Waiting nervously Duncan sulked sitting on the locker room bench. He brightened a bit when he saw his daddy round the corner with just a diaper. If he was going to get diapered again as punishment what wouldn't be so bad. His hopes were dashed though when the bear set the diaper aside and stuck the paci in Duncan's muzzle and bent the pup over the bench. Bernhardt brought a finger to his lips as he shushed the pup when Duncan started to whimper loudly. It was slow at the gym but not completely abandoned after all.

Lifting the pup's tail with one paw he began to rub Duncan's ass cheeks. He gave only one command. "Stay."

Duncan waited for an explanation, for Bernhardt to say anything else but the big bear popped him on the ass sharply much to the puppy's surprise.. The first few swats were relatively gentle; Bernhardt mostly just wanted to get the pup's attention. The border collie let out a few yips muffled by the pacifier. After gauging his new cub limits the big brown bear gave the upturned rump a harder swat and then another.

Duncan squirmed and whimpered into his paci but it did not good. The huge bear only needed one paw to hold him down on the bench and his other to spank him like a small child. The now very apologetic doggy tried not to yelp and cry as he was spanked. Not wanting anyone to walk on this scene.

When the spanking finally stopped a big bear paw stroked his warmed ass, then slowly slipped down between his legs and brushing his hanging nuts. Duncan squeaked out a small moan when Bernhardt wrapped his paw around his stiff shaft.

"What do we have here?" The bear asked teasingly.

The pup had not even realized that he was stiff. He knew that he was soft when he slunk back after his scolding. Spanking had never really done anything for him in the past. Now he was practically dripping and he had just come a few minutes before. He started to respond but he knew better than to spit out the pacifier.

"I think my little puppy liked getting spanked didn't he?" Bernhardt said petting the back of his pups head with is free paw. His other continued to tease him. He was so close now his hips were pressing up against Duncan's rump, grinding into his ass.

Duncan just nodded admitting defeat.

"If you had been a good boy and waited for Daddy I was going to let you out of your diaper after I put another load under your cute little tail. Is that was got you so hot you couldn't wait for me? Thinking about Daddy sliding up under your tail again?" The bear's voice was deceptively soothing. He wasn't mocking the pup; he was genuinely trying to get him worked up even more.

Again the border collie just whimpered and nodded as he sucked on the paci.

"Well that is for good puppies, and you have been very bad. I am going to let you up and when I do you are going to walk over to the shower I started and get cleaned up and then come right back. You are to keep the pacifier in your muzzle no matter what." The bear slowly released his grip on Duncan and took a step back.

Bernhardt watched with a sly grin as his puppy hesitantly peeked around the corner still hoping the locker room was empty. Duncan dashed across to the showers, very aware that they were all open in a shared alcove. If another fur stepped in he would have had almost no privacy.

When Duncan stepped into the water he yelped nearly dropping the pacifier. The water was ice cold. When he reached for the knob he heard Bernhardt clear his throat loudly. He was wagging his finger no, as a warning. The big bear watched long enough to make sure the pup wasn't going to turn up the heat, before ducking back around the corner.

The now chilled dog tried to wash himself as quickly as possible under the cold water. His erection was no match for the icy water and quickly deflated. In fact, the water worked so well by the time he finished Duncan could have sworn his pecker did belong to a little puppy.

As he dashed across the locker room with a towel around his waist he heard the outer doors opening. He was safely hidden by the time two men wandered in and started to undress. Bernhardt was waiting for him as he snuck back. The diaper was spread out on the bench with a light dusting of baby powder across it. The big bear just pointed down towards it.

Duncan tried to give him is best puppy eyes as he shook his head no. Given his breed he was even pretty convincing. Bernhard just shook his head no pointed to the diaper again. The frightened puppy could not believe what was happening. He couldn't really intend to diaper him with two other guys in the locker room did he?

Slowly the pup lowered himself down onto the diaper, hoping that it wouldn't make too much noise. Luckily the shower turned on providing lots of white noise, dampening the sound of diaper. Duncan could hear the two other men talking and laughing loudly in the shower as the bear gave him another once over with the powder. The pups uncut cock was still soft and floppy was the bear toyed with it a little. Nearly panting, Duncan lifted his legs when Bernhard gave him a pat on the butt. He was sure his Daddy was going to mount him right then and there. His heart raced thinking about getting pounded while two other furs were only feet away. He only got another quick dash of powder on his underside before getting taped up.

The pup didn't know if he should be relieved or disappointed. His daddy gave him a belly rub and a big smile as the showers stopped. Both of the furs were still laughing and chatting as the started to get dressed. Duncan's hear skipped a beat when the thought one of them was about to round the corner where they were hidden. The unknown fur stopped a few feet short and opened a locker.

Bernhardt allowed him to lay there silent while the two furs finished getting dressed and left. He grinned and patted his pup on the rump making it thud. "There we go puppy nice and snug. Now you were a very bad boy so you are going to stay in this until we come pick you up from work. You already know what is going to happen if you are not wearing it when we come get you."

"Y-you are going to come get me at work?" Duncan asked quietly, taking the paci out to talk. Instinctively he put it right back when he was done.

"Well most likely just Papa but Daddy will be waiting for you at home. Nav will know to check so no being sneaky." The big bear said with a grin.

Duncan just nodded as he got up off of the bench and started to get dressed. Making sure he had a pair of tight undies over his diaper. He looked at his self in the mirror after pulling on his jeans. If he wasn't looking for it he would barely be able to tell he was wearing something thicker than underwear. His daddy bear just watched with a smile.

Tugging the paci out of the puppy's mouth he patted the pup on the pup. "Now let's go get you breakfast then I will take you to work."

Walking out of the gym behind his Daddy in a poufy diaper was a bit surreal. Duncan had to keep telling himself that no one would know that he was diapered up and the large brown bear was his "Daddy". At least the diaper could barely be heard beneath his underwear and jeans, Duncan thought to himself.

When they got to Bernhardt's car he opened the door for his pup. Duncan was a bit relieved he was not going to have to ride in the back like a cub. It was a short trip to breakfast; the big brown bear pulled his car into the parking lot of a local diner not far from Mollies and the gym. It was funny Duncan had lived in the Downs for years and he thought he knew all the good haunts in the gay neighborhood. The Sunny Side Diner was small but clean and the smell from the kitchen was making the pup's stomach rumble.

As they went inside a Raccoon about Duncan's age was waiving eagerly to them from the back-corner. Next to him sat a rather large bull with his arm around the raccoon. The collie was not entirely sure what he was expecting to meet but the excitable raccoon was not it.

"Bernhardt" He called out getting out of the booth to give the bear a hug.

"How are you fuzzbutt?" Bernhardt said giving him a huge hug.

"Good! Who did you bring? Is Nav coming?" The raccoon finally took a breath as the big bull just chuckled.

"Benji meet Duncan, Duncan meet Benji." The bear said pushing his pup closer to the raccoon. Duncan had not even noticed he was practically hiding behind Bernhardt. "Nav is not coming today. Today so it is just us."

Benji stuck out his paw at the suddenly shy pup. "Nice to meet you."

Very aware he was wearing a diaper the border collie took the offered paw and shook it. He was a bit suddenly very afraid to be around other people like this. What if they noticed? "Nice to meet you too I'm Duncan. I'm a-um...friend of Bernhardt and Nav."

He didn't time to regret his hesitation before his daddy bear pushes him into the booth and sat down. "And this big slab here is Tucker but we just all call him Tuck."

The bull just grinned and reached across the table and ruffled Duncan's head-fur like Bernhardt did. "Nice to meet you pup. Don't worry about Benji here is just a bit excited." He said before giving the raccoon a kiss. "Four years together and it still amazes me."

Bernhardt smirked as he watched his pup squirm as Tuck called him pup. "They live in the same building as Nav and I. We have been friends a long time." The bear explained to his puppy. Turing to Tuck he said. "Duncan here is going to be staying with us for a while. I figured you guys should meet as we all hang out together a lot."

Duncan gulped a bit and looked up at his Daddy. "I'm going to be staying with you?" He said under his breath. It was as much of a surprise to him as it was Tuck and Benji.

The bear smiled and laughed like he was the only one in on the joke. "Of course you are. I am not going to let you couch surf when we have a perfectly nice guest room you can use for now."

It was Benji who spoke up next, clearly trying not to laugh. "I think you will like it a lot better. I have crashed there a lot."

"Um thanks I guess, you don't have to do this, I really appreciate it." The pup mumbled feeling a bit humbled at the offer.

Tuck laughed loudly at the collie's timid response. "Really what kind of Daddy would he be if he didn't let you stay with him when you need to."

Duncan froze and looked across the table at the couple. Benji was trying not to snicker. It looked Duncan was the only one not in on the joke after all. "Y-you know?" He stammered after a moment.

Tuck held out a paw reassuringly toward Duncan. "Don't worry; we understand it is kind of weird. We are quite familiar with what you are wearing. Bernie here once upon a time had me in one."

"You I mean you're....big." Duncan said truly surprised. The bull was the exact opposite of what he would have expected for one of Bernhardt's boys.

The bear was still chuckling as he put an arm around his pup and gave him a reassuring hug. "Big doesn't have much to do with it puppy."

Tuck nodded in agreement. "It isn't about being big or little. Even dom or sub. Some people like me even change. When I met Benji here I knew I wanted to be his Daddy, even though I was still Bernhardt's cub. He still gets me padded now and then if I am not careful."

Benji was nuzzling into Tucks side, it looked so loving and natural. They were mates and lovers but also Daddy and cub. Watching them together was starting to make Duncan stiffen up inside his diaper. "So are you still Bernhardt's cub?" He asked trying to ignore the image of the big chubby bull in a diaper his brain was conjuring up.

Tuck just shook his head. "Bernhardt and me were never really together like I am with Benji. He understood when I told him I wanted to be Benji's Daddy."

The raccoon just giggled softly. "I am wouldn't have minded a padded up daddy but Tuck is no fun."

Duncan wanted to ask more questions but the waiter arrived. He was a lynx Duncan I met before at one of the gay clubs. He obviously recognized the dog and waved to him. Duncan returned the wave but was far too self-conscious to say anything. He still was still just trying to be relaxed while diapered in public. He stared at the menu trying to pretend he was still deciding.

He just about jumped out of his skin when Bernhardt pulled the menu out of his paws and ordered for him. "The pup will be having the chocolate chip pancakes, and a glass of milk."

Duncan was quickly realizing it was the little things that made him feel small and cubby more than even the spanking or the diaper. Having his daddy take away even his decision on breakfast was a little humiliating but oddly freeing.

The lynx flashed a smile. "Never too old I guess."

Tuck and Bernhardt both got hearty breakfast while Benji also got his ordered for him as well. He seems a bit more exited for his cinnamon french toast than the blushing pup was for his meal.

When the waiter left, Duncan looked up at the big bear as if looking for an explanation. He just gave his puppy another squeeze. "I figured you deserved something good after we kind of left you in the dark."

Duncan lowered his ears and let out a little whine. "Only cubs eat stuff like that."

Bernhardt was about to respond but Benji was too quick. "Then it's perfect!" He blurted out with a giggle.

Duncan just tried to ignore the giggle and changed the subject. "So um...Are you wearing...you know." The pup stammered a little afraid to say the word where others might over hear.

It was Benji's turn to get a bit shy now. Tuck answered for his raccoon. "You will just have to find out puppy. Here come sit by Benji your Pop and I are just going to end up just talking about old times anyway." The big bull said getting out of the booth.

The pup gave Bernhardt a nervous look but the bear just patted him on the rump to get out. "Go on he doesn't bite."

The collie slowly switches spots and squeezed in with Benji. The tubby raccoon just laughed and clung onto him.

Their food came out faster than Duncan would have expected. After switching spots, Bernhardt and Tucker started talking about old times just like he had warned leaving the Duncan and Benji to themselves.

They chatted a bit trying to get to know each other in a slightly awkward position. It turned out that Benji really was just about Duncan's age and was going to the University. He had gotten to know Tucker through Nav and Bernhardt. He did admit that he was interested in diapers long before he met his Daddy bull.

Slowly Duncan started to realize that there were other people who found this sort of thing hot and he wasn't totally alone in getting excited at seeing himself in a diaper or being punished by his daddy. Benji was a relatively normal student who also just happened to like getting stuffed into a diaper.

They talked in hushed voices whenever the discussion turned a bit naughty. Talking someone else who was in a similar situation as he was in, helped relax the collie a lot and soon he was admitting things he could barely have put into words when he got up that morning.

The food seemed to appear out of nowhere as he chatted with his new raccoon friend. Benji chowed down with surprising enthusiasm. Duncan tried to be a bit more restrained but the chocolate ship pancakes were better than he remembered as a kid. Once all of their food was cleared and all their good-byes were said Benji and Tuck started to get up to go.

"Do we need to make a pit stop squirt?" The bull asked quietly.

Benji just fidgeted and shook his head no.

"Are you sure, because you are going to class after this?" Tuck questioned still hushed.

Again the raccoon just looked timid and shook his head no. Duncan couldn't take his eyes of the exchange. It was a game, roles they were taking and they both knew it.

"Then let's go just make sure ok. Last time you had an accident in the middle of class didn't you?" The bull said starting to direct his cub to the bathroom.

Bernhardt gave Duncan a swat on the ass making his diaper thump. The pup's heart jumped into his throat and he quickly glanced around the large diner hoping no one noticed. Of course no one had, the collie was just hypersensitive to his own situation. The diner was almost empty and the waiter was busy in the back.

"Go on pup, you too." The bear said with a grin. "March mister."

Duncan tucked his tail and followed the couple into the bathroom with Bernhardt right behind him. As they got inside Tucker made sure they were alone before the locked the door. Turning to Benji he had the raccoon drop his pants. Sure enough Benji was wearing some sort of diaper but unlike Duncan's own it looked like a pull-up.

"Look at you cub you are soaked. If you had gone to school like that you would have ended up leaking again. Did Daddy tell you that you could put on your pull-ups? No he didn't did he?" The bull softly chastised as he stripped the wet pull-up off of the coon's butt. Benji was completely erect and still dripping a little. Duncan tried not to stare; his daddy just put his arms around him and rubbed his belly.

"I want you to see this pup." Berhnardt whispers quietly in his ear.

"No Daddy, I am sorry Daddy. Dunky is here I don't want him too...." Benji whined hoping it would get him out of trouble or at least delay it.

Duncan was too timid to say anything he just stood there watching as the Bull continued. "Duncan's daddy already gave me permission for him to be in here. He knows how naughty of a cub you are." He bull said grabbing Benji's school bag and getting out a small baggy of wipes and starting to clean Benji as he bent over the bathroom counter.

Benji just whimpered and lowered his ears. Duncan knew that Benji must have been wetting while they were eating and that he would have known this would happen. Again the pup could see the couple playing their roles. Benji was getting in trouble because he wanted to be treated like a misbehaved little cub. Tuck was more than happy to help him with that. He instantly recognized it was how Bernhardt treated him.

Tuck pulled out another pull-up from Benji's bag. "You didn't even bring your diapers like you were told. That is very bad." He said putting the pull-up aside. "You are going to have to make it up to Daddy."

The raccoon just nodded and quickly flagged his tail stuck out his rump. He knew what his "punishment" was going to be well in advance. It was a strange mix of agreed role-play and spur of the moment sex.

Benji whimpered as the bull held his tail up and unbuckled his own pants. After unzipping he shoved his big hand into his underwear and pulled out an impressively large and thick cock. Even without a side by side comparison Duncan new it was quite a bit larger than his Daddy's. He squirted a bit of baby oil onto his paw and slicked up his cock. Benji whimpered softly and bit his lower lip as the bulls big belly pressed against his back.

With a rock of his hips the bull sunk his fat tip into the bent over raccoon's ass. When he started to moan softly Tuck shushed him pulled a plush from the backpack and gave it to his cub. Benji latched onto it, burying his face in its softness, trying to muffle his moans.

Duncan watched his new friend get stuffed by his daddy, while his own held him in his arms. The pup started to reach for his tenting diaper front but Bernhardt pulled his paw away.

"Watch puppy but no touching. You are still in trouble, remember?" The bear said still whispering. Duncan whined softly and squirmed uncomfortably.

The bull made quick work of his squirming cub, pinning him down to the counter and pounding away at his upturned rump. He buried his face into Benji's back as he came trying to muffle his climax. In long hard thrusts he emptied his nuts into Benji's ass making the cub squirm even more. He pulled back off of his cub letting his long cock flop out of his boy's ass dripping cum.

"Good boy." Tuck mumbled still flush and panting. "Very good boy for Daddy." He said as he cleaned himself up with a clean wipe. Duncan was a bit surprised the bull didn't clean up Benji and instead put in into the clean pull-up before throwing the dirty one away.

"Now apologize to Bernhardt and Duncan for making them have to see that." The bull said with mock seriousness. When he didn't respond at first, Tuck started to impatiently tap his foot.

"I'm sorry you had to see me get punished..." He responded eventually with a mumble.

Bernhardt reached out and rubbed the raccoons head fur. "Don't worry about that cubby it is ok." Turning he looked down at Duncan. "Ok pup your turn, drop your drawers. Can't have you all soggy at work now can we?'

Duncan gave him a looked a little shocked. He was totally hard from watching Benji get it from his Daddy. "Here? But I just got changed? I'm not wet."

The bear just glared. "I said now pup...Don't make me ask again."

The collie pup's ears drooped, flattening against his head from the warning. "Yes Daddy." He said definitely not wanting to get spanked again. He turned trying to hide his tented front from Benji and tuck but his Daddy manhandled him a bit as he checked the pup's diaper. Sure enough Duncan was still dry but his tented front stood out lewdly as the bear groped it a little.

"What is this puppy?" Bernhardt teased, making the diaper crinkle around the pup's cock.

Duncan didn't answer. He just fidgeted and shuffled his feet a little with his pants and underwear down around his ankles.

"Remember now pup. No pawing off while you are at work. Papa is going to check when he comes to pick you up. If he finds a sticky in your diaper you are going to be in a lot of trouble little mister. Now pull those up and let's get going." The brown bear said pointing at the pups pants.

Duncan scrambled to get dressed quickly. Even though it made him rock hard to be put on display like that in front of Benji and Tucker, he couldn't stop feeling totally embarrassed and exposed.

They all left together, the diner was still mostly empty and the waiter was somewhere in the back. Bernhardt and Tucker threw some cash on the table and grabbed their coats.

Outside the furs said their good-byes and Duncan got a big hug from Tuck. Benji damn near knocked him over hugging him good bye, giving his diapered rump a squeeze and a thump.

Tuck laughed as he pulled his raccoon off the shy pup. "Don't worry Benji I am sure you two will get to see each other again."

Reluctantly Benji got into the car and the two left. Duncan and Bernhardt headed out as well. It was getting close to his shift at work. Bernhardt chatted softly with the pup, treating him with very paternally. The pup still wasn't quite sure how to take it but it felt good. On their way to the department store where Duncan worked the collie suddenly realized he had no idea what his Daddy and Papa did for a living.

A bit shyly he asked. "Um I just realized that I don't know where you work or even that much about you."

The big daddy bear just smiled and ruffled his hair. "Well Bernhardt and I run a book store. I manage more of the business side of things and the rest of the building. Only reason we really stay afloat is we own the building and rent out to other businesses too. Papa manages the bookstore. "

Duncan perked up a bit. "Wait do you own that book store off of 56th with the rainbow sticker in the window?" The pup said trying not to thump his tail on the back of the car seat. He was in that store pretty frequently; he wondered why he didn't recognize them from there."

"Yup that is the one. I am usually in the back but Nav is out all the time. I thought you might have recognized him from there. "

The pup had been trying to place the tiger in the back of his mind ever since they met at the bar. "I-I thought I knew him from somewhere." Duncan struggled with feeling bad about not recognizing the bear and tiger, he was a regular customer at their book store. "Sorry Daddy I don't remember though. I-I was still hung over when a left the other day.

Bernhardt chuckled as they pulled into the parking lot. "Don't worry about it. You will have lot of time to catch up tonight. I am going to be working late so Papa will come pick you up but I should be home when you get back."

Duncan nodded, truthfully he felt very much like Bernhard's cub, and Nav was still kind of a question mark in his mind. "Yes Sir..."

"You behave for him puppy and do as you are told. No stickies in your diaper until I get home. Papa knows the rules too. Now I want you to be soggy when Papa comes to pick you up. I am going to trust you only to use the potty if you need to do more than wet."

The big puppy just nodded and lowered his ears a little. "Do I have to? What if I leak?"

"I got your diaper on nice and snug pup. Don't worry too much about that. If you manage to get really soggy and need to change you still have the spares in your backpack. You better be ready to explain to Papa though."

"Ok Daddy." He replied sounding a bit worried. The pup fidgeted a little and bit his lower lip before asking something that had been bothering him since he met Tuck and Benji. "What if I don't want to be a puppy anymore? Like Tuck did."

Bernhardt gave him a concerned look. "Oh Duncan you don't have to stay our puppy. You can do whatever you want sweetie. If you want to be a big pup you can. Nav and I love having you as a puppy but you don't have to do anything you don't like. Our offer to stay with us stands no matter what ok? I think you do still want to be our good little puppy though don't you?

The pup couldn't stop his tail from wagging; it thumped against the back of the car seat. "Thank you Daddy! You don't have to do that you know but, I would still like to be a good puppy for you and Papa. Does that mean we would get to have more fun like the other night?

The big bear just grinned. "Oh did my little pup enjoy all that attention under his tail?" He bear teased giving the pup's butt a squeeze. "For most big cubs like you and Benji getting attention like that from daddy is an important part of being little. Some big cubs some don't like being naughty when they are all diapered up. Just a guess, but judging from this morning though, you seem like a very naughty pup."

Duncan blushed and hoped that Bernhardt didn't notice his diaper was already bulging. "I want to be good though..." He said trying to sound innocent.

"You are a good boy, you might just need a spanking now and then; or would you prefer how Benji got punished?" The bear asked with a grin. "No no...I think you probably like both huh?" The big bear grinned. "There is nothing wrong with that Pup. Lots of cubs get a little stiff when they get spanked."

The collie nodded feeling a little ashamed admitting he enjoyed the spanking, secretly hoping that it wouldn't be his last.

"You do understand that cub sometimes have to get punished right? If you misbehave a Daddy might have to give you a spanking or some other punishment." The bear asked sounding serious.

Duncan nodded shyly in agreement. "Yes Daddy... I know... If I am naughty I pup's get punished."

"We can talk more about this later pup. Get your cute little butt in to work puppy before you are late." Bernhardt said giving him a kiss and a pat on the rump. The large bear patted him on the head and sent him on his way into work. The collie tried not to think about the soft sounds coming from his butt and his tented diaper front. He couldn't help but wonder if one of his co-workers would notice.

Duncan in Diapers Chap 2

"Puppy, what did I tell you about asking permission? Bernhardt didn't look angry, just stern. The look melted away any urge the pup had to flee. He couldn't bring himself to disappoint the bear further. "I see you took off your diaper too. What were...

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Duncan in Diapers Chap 4

He started his day like any other, stocking the shelves. Duncan was just a bit more aware of himself as he crouched or bent over. He quickly realized his diaper was poking out the back of his pants every time he stocked the lower shelves. He tucked his...

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Duncan in Diapers Chap 2

Duncan woke sometime in the early morning. He was still sandwiched between both the bear and the tiger. He squirmed awake suddenly very uncomfortable. The collie's groin was pressed up against Nav's rump, and he was hugging tightly on to the chubby...

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