Having Fun with a Friend

Story by neopuc on SoFurry

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It always amazed me at just how fast a building starts to look like a haunted house after it is abandoned. To think, that just under a year ago this place had been completely sterile. There used to be some research lab in this building, but it lost its funding and was shut down. At least that is what they told the public. I had heard some rumors that the government had come in and shut the place down after they had found out that there were some illegal experimentations going on. The authorities had pretty much emptied the place out, but I hoped that I could find something interesting left in the place.

When I caught movement out of the corner of my eye I nearly jumped right out of my fur. Then I caught sight of a gray furred wolf wearing a dark blue shirt and black pants. I recognized that fur because that fur was me. It was a good thing no one was around to see me get so scared by my own reflection in a dirty mirror. I walked closer to the mirror that was placed in a rather odd place to get a closer look at it. That was when I received my second surprise of the day. I tripped over something in the floor and nearly fell on my face.

When I regained my balance I looked around to see what I had tripped over. It was a little difficult to spot, but there was a small hole in the floor. Before I tripped over it the hole must have been even smaller than my paw, but now it was apparent that the hole was a secret panel. The police might have found the panel, but they might not have too. This was exactly the type of thing that I was looking for. I moved over to the panel and looked it over to try and see if there was anything dangerous around it. If there was anything that could harm me on the panel then I could not see it and I slowly moved the panel aside.

The panel was hiding a much larger compartment than I thought it had been hiding. There was something in the compartment too. It was covered in a blanket, but I could tell that whatever was under the blanket was about half as long as I was tall. When I moved the blanket aside I could see what appeared to be some sort of strange gun. The sleek metallic device had a very high tech look to it and I almost hesitated taking it. That thing did look sort of dangerous, but I could not help myself. I covered the thing back up in a blanket and tucked it under my arm. Before I left I looked back down in the compartment and I noticed something a little smaller than the palm of my hand. Since it was in the same compartment as the gun like device I figured that it had something to do with the gun and I tucked it in a pocket to see what it was for later.

I snuck back out of the building the same way I had snuck in. It was a good thing no one really kept an eye on the building anymore or things would have been much more difficult for me. The only thing I really had to be worried about was getting pulled over by the police with what looked like a weapon in my car. I made sure to be extra careful when driving home, but then I had a different idea. Since I lived in the city I was not going to be able to safely test out what looked like a gun at my own house, however, I had a friend that lived in one of the more rural areas outside of the city. He had plenty of land for testing things like this. It would only take half an hour to get to him, so I figured that was the best place to go.

My friend was a handsome young raccoon named Rob. Sometimes he was a bit more than a friend to me. We had shared more than one intimate moment together. I did wish that he was a little bit taller though. That was a little bit too much to ask for since I was close to seven feet tall and he was only an inch shorter than me. I just kind of liked the idea of having a mate taller than me, which had never happened as of yet. When I pulled up to Rob's house I was amazed, as always, that he had such a small house on such a large amount of land. It took a while for Rob to respond after I knocked on his front door. When he did open the door he looked and smelled like he had just finished getting dressed after washing up. The shirt he was wearing was unbuttoned, he liked showing off his abs, and he also had a pair of shorts on. That made it possible to make out his slightly muscular legs under his sleek coat of fur. Whenever he dressed like that he reminded me of the fun times we had had together.

"Hey Brandon, what's up?" Rob asked me.

"You have to come see what I've found," I said, leading him to my car.

After I showed him the gun that I had placed in the trunk of my car he said, "Cool, what does it do?"

I shrugged my shoulders and said, "I have no idea. That's what I came out here to find out."

"Alright, and I guess that I'll just forget about asking you where you got that thing from for now," said Rob. "Let's just test this thing away from my house."

Rob took me a short distance from the house and we found a dead tree that had fallen over to test the gun out on. We both made sure we were behind cover before I shot the gun. When I pulled the trigger nothing happened. There was no bullet, no explosion, and no beam of light, which I had really been hopping for. "Wow, looks like you found a broken laser," said Rob sarcastically.

"Yeah, that is a bit of a letdown," I sighed and then I remembered something. "Wait, I wonder if I'm supposed to use this." I fished the remote out of my pocket. It was a tiny thing with only a green and a red button on it.

Rob looked at it dubiously and asked, "What could that thing possibly do?"

"Don't know, but it can't hurt to find out," I said. I briefly pressed the green button on the remote and I heard a slight rustling from the direction of the dead tree, but I did not notice anything else. When I pressed the red button there was the same rustling noise but I still did not notice anything different about the tree. Next I tried pressing and holding the green button and that was how I received noticeable results. The tree was shrinking before my eyes and it did not stop shrinking until I let go of the button. By that time the tree, which had been around 20-feet long, looked like nothing more than a twig. When I pressed the red button it reversed the affect and grew the tree back to its original size.

"You have got to let me try that Brandon," said Rob. I absentmindedly handed over the weapon, the shrinking gun, as I stared at the tree. Rob tested to gun on another tree and shrank it partially before testing it on another tree and shrinking it partially. It looked like he was testing the gun out. The remote only worked on the most recent thing that the gun was shot at. Rob could not return the original tree he had shot at to its original size until he shot it with the gun again.

I saw a smile spread across his face and I asked, "What are you thinking about?"

Rob swung the gun around so that it was pointing at me and responded, "How you always wanted to be the shorter of the two of us."

As I realized what he planed I shouted, "Rob, no wait!" It was too late for me. Rob had already pulled the trigger and his finger was pressing the green button before I could get close to him. I was shrinking fast as I tried to cross the gap between the two of us. By the time I reached him I was only about thigh high compared to him. I tried to jump up to get the remote, but all he had to do was lift his hand above his head to thwart me. The only thing I could do was attempt to climb up his leg to get to the remote and he shook his leg to get me off. I ended up falling on my tail and looking up at the now towering form of Rob as I continued to shrink. By the time Rob let go of the button I was barely ankle height compared to him.

Rob put the remote in his pocket, tucked the gun under his arm, and then carefully picked me up with one hand. "I've always fantasized about this, but I never thought that it would happen," said Rob.

"Come on Rob, return me to normal," I said.

Rob cocked his head at me and smiled, saying, "Don't tell me you haven't had a few fantasies of your own Brandon. You've said you always wanted to be smaller than me and now you are. I'll bet you've dreamed of being this small, maybe even smaller. Look me in the eye and tell me you haven't and I'll return you to normal. If you can't then I'm going to make sure that we both have a good time."

I tried to look Rob in the eye to tell him to return me to normal, but I couldn't. He was right. All I could say was, "Alright, let's do it your way for now." Rob smiled in triumph, but he did not rub in the fact that he was right. Instead, he just walked home and dropped off the gun someplace safe. I noticed that he kept the remote in his pocket though. Before we left the house again Rob looked at me and said, "Behave yourself while I find us another partner." I wondered what he meant by that until I saw him unbutton his shorts, stretch out his underwear, and then dropped me inside.

As I fell I let out a little yelp before landing against Rob's sheath. His underwear snapped shut around me and my little prison instantly started to heat up. The warmth emanating from the musky furry sac created for a very humid, but not entirely unpleasant environment. When Rob buttoned up his shorts I was pressed tightly against his sheath and I realized just how tight his shorts were. The guy really liked to show off what he was gifted with. But, if he thought I was going to be a good little boy and not cause him any trouble at all he had another thing coming. I planned on enjoying this just as much as he did.

As Rob was going to where ever he was going, I started squirming against his sheath. The thick masculine scent within the underwear intensified dramatically. Rob obviously did not want to come in his pants, so he gave me a little squeeze to let me know not to be so vigorous, but I still squirmed a little bit. He obviously planned on traveling somewhere far away from home, because I could hear a car starting and the steady vibration of an engine from within my dark domain. It was all very relaxing, and very arousing. I had to fight back my own boner during the drive.

After the drive was over there was another short walk to somewhere else. I could hear quite a few voices through the walls of my prison. It was then that I had somewhat an idea about what Rob was doing. He was probably at some bar, picking up a partner for whatever he planned to do with me. If I knew Rob, then he would be picking up some shy submissive guy. I was not shy, but the way I was enjoying being stuck in Rob's underwear showed that I was a bit on the submissive side myself. Then a familiar scent filled the air and I could feel the sheath beneath me throbbing. Rob had found someone that turned him on.

That scent was turning me on as well. I could not help but try to get even more of a reaction out of Rob. As I massaged his nice furry sheath I detected that his shaft was finally making an appearance. When I tried to move up to his cock head Rob gave me a firm squeeze that kept me in place. I struggled to move, but Rob's grip was too powerful for me to overcome. Oddly, I found that pretty arousing as well. Being stuck against the sac of my best friend was not exactly the worst situation I could think of to be stuck in. I was stuck that way for a while too. If Rob was picking up a shy guy it was going to take some time for him to convince him to go someplace private to have some fun. It was a good thing that Rob was good with words when he wanted to be.

Eventually I felt Rob in motion again. I heard the voices die down and then I could only hear the muffled voice of Rob and some other fur. There was a kind of long drive to someplace; I assumed it was Rob's place because the drive felt about as long as the drive from Rob's place had been. It was not long before things started moving along either. I could feel Rob reach into his shorts, probably getting the remote out before he took his shorts off and discarded them. Then I could feel the underwear slowly coming off. I had to scramble on top of Rob's sheath to keep from falling down, but I had a good view when the underwear finally came off.

Rob's partner was a slim, but athletic looking German shepherd. He looked pretty tense at the moment, but Rob was sweet talking the canine into taking off his pants as I watched. As I had expected, the shepherd looked kind of submissive and he was about a foot shorter than Rob. As Rob was busy seducing the dog, he also paid a bit of attention to me. He still had the remote in his hand and he was pressing the green button again. I think my shrinking turned Rob on because his shaft was making an appearance, forcing me to cling to his cock head or risk falling off. The dog was starting to look pretty eager now that he was nude as well. By the time Rob stopped shrinking me that time I was smaller than any of Rob's toes. At most, I was half an inch tall.

Rob scooped me off his sheath in one hand while using the other to ease the dog onto the bed behind him. When the dog was down Rob kept me out of view by using me to help massage the dog's swelling sheath. Then, when the dog was not looking, Rob placed me on the dog's stomach, just above his sheath. My miniscule amount of weight went unnoticed to the dog. I did appreciate the view as the dog's cock made its appearance. To me that thing was absolutely enormous. It was like a small tower had decided to appear from within his sheath. I was so busy looking at that massive piece of flesh that I did not even notice Rob again until his mouth engulfed the dog's still emerging shaft.

What eventually followed looked like the world's biggest blow job. Rob's head pumped up and down the huge rod of dog flesh. The thing started to glisten from his saliva. I could feel the dog beginning to breathe far more rabidly as his stomach moved up and down with me on it. Rob merely winked at me while he continued having his fun. My own body was moved by the experience and I had to take hold of my own erect member and started pumping along to the rhythm that Rob was setting. Up and down Rob's head went and I could swear that the dog's cock looked larger each time Rob pumped.

Things seemed to go on like that for a few minutes and the dog was about to cum when Rob just stopped. He took his mouth off the dog cock, which had swelled to a colossal size. Then, before the dog could react, Rob grabbed me and stuffed me down the slit of the dog's huge member. It was already leaking pre and the stuff soaked into my fur. For his part, the dog did not even seem to notice that I was there. I licked a little bit of the pre up after I recovered from my shock. The taste of it seemed even better to me at my shrunken size than it did at my normal size. I did wonder what Rob had planned though. If he finished off the blow job there was a good chance he would end up swallowing me and I was not exactly interested in being digested by my best friend.

When Rob disappeared from my view within the dog's cock head I was a little surprised. It took a few seconds for the dog to swing his member around into a position where I could see Rob once more. He was on all fours looking back at the dog, tail in the air, presenting himself to the dog with a smirk on his face. The dog, who obviously wanted the job finished, pounced on Rob with startling speed. I found myself being pumped in and out of Rob's rear along with the dog's cock as he furiously humped away at my raccoon friend. With his member already fully erect and waiting to explode, it did not take the dog long to cum.

What seemed like countless gallons of cum blew me right out of the dog's member and into my friend's waiting behind. Shot after shot of cum pounded into my body, drenching me from head to toe. It was almost like the dog had an unlimited supply of cum to someone of my small stature. I was swimming in a small pool of cum before the dog finally stopped spurting. The scent of the dog's seed filled my nose, blocking out all other smells. A good deal of his cum had managed to force its way into my mouth, filling my little body to the brim. Then the dog's cock withdrew, leaving me stranded within Rob. I relaxed and tried to rest off the wonderful beating I had just received from the dog. It was not that peaceful a rest. Rob was probably back in the dominant roll now that he had me within him. The dog was on the receiving end of what felt like multiple mountings to me as I was jostled about in my new dank prison.

It was some time later when I think that we were alone when I heard Rob's voice reverberating through his body, talking to me. He said, "Don't worry, I'll get you out later. I think I just want to jack off a few times to the fact that I have a tiny you stuck in my body."

If I thought he would have heard me I might have responded. I doubted he could hear me through what was like countless tons of flesh to me. It did not matter how long it took him to extract me from his rear. I was enjoying marinating in the juices that had managed to stay within Rob instead of just leaking out. As long as I had the nice protein rich substance in there with me I felt like I could survive just fine. I would just have to remember to thank Rob for showing me such a good time today. Never in my life would I have thought a gun that shrinks stuff could be that much fun.

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