In The Darkness

Story by TheVioletDarkness on SoFurry

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#1 of In The Darkness

A solo story by Delia!

This is not a pretty tale. This is a story that is dark, and twisted. This is a story of sacrifice and fear and magic. You have been warned.

Our story starts as such. Many years ago, in a vast forest, a town was built. It wasn't too large, but it wasn't too small. The humans that lived in the town prospered in their hunting, for the forest was filled with animals. The summers were long, but the winters were harsh, and snow piled high around the little village. After 10 years, the villagers started to notice something odd. On the full moon, every month, a couple animals would go missing. A pig and a chicken were taken, then a cow. It was a year before the first human was taken, and everyone remembered the night they heard the woman scream. When they rushed outside to save her, all the found was a splatter of blood and her handkerchief.

The villagers were scared, and every month, someone was taken by the monster. It got so bad that the towns people began to leave, but those who tried to leave didn't make it far. They could still hunt and live, but on the full moon, someone would die. It got to the point where they didn't want the monster coming near the village, and they began to take people out into the forest. Those that were taken as sacrifices were never seen again.

They took the old and sick first. Then they took the poor and beggars. Then it was done by lottery. Everyone had to put in their names, though children and mothers were spared. It was the harvest moon that Sasha and Alois's names were drawn. On the harvest moon, the beast took two, and so they were bound and taken out into the forest and dropped in the snow. The sun was setting when they got their bindings off, and all they could do was walk. They were well over three days walk from the village, and it was getting cold. They were dressed warmly though, since the beast wouldn't take something that was already dead.

They walked, hand in hand, through the night, just to keep warm, arms wrapped around each other. The two were just now 16, and with no parents and no other family, they had been deemed perfect as a sacrifice. When dawn came, they could walk no more, curling up in the snow together, sleeping fitfully for a time.

"Alois... are we going to die?" came Sasha's voice, low and trembling with cold, her lips blue from chill as she looked at her friend, her long auburn hair weighed down by snowflakes, frost in her hair from her breath.

"We are for the beast Sasha... if we don't outrun it... yes..." he said, frowning and hugging his friend close, shutting his green eyes, long brown hair having fallen out of his ponytail and into his face.

"We have to keep walking... we'll freeze if we stop for too long" he said, pulling her up to standing, wrapping his arm around her waist and helping her through the snow. They walked for hours, until the sun once again started to set in the west, and the harvest moon began to rise. They knew they were living on borrowed time now, for the beast would come for them, and then all would be lost. They staggered as night fell, through the snow and trees.

They stopped when the snow beneath their feet became stone, lifting their weary heads and looking forward, their eyes growing wide as they took in the sight before them. Standing on the face of the mountain was a castle, huge and regal; looking like it had been carved from the mountain itself. They walked and shuffled as fast as they could towards the building, drawn to its glow in the moonlight. They reached the gate, and with what little strength he had left, Alois beat on the door and yelled.

"Hello! Is anyone in there? We're lost and need a place to stay for the night..." he called, pushing on the door and stumbling as it swung in slowly. They stepped inside the massive castle, looking around at it. It was warm inside, with candles lit all over the place, but no one was to be seen. '

"Hello?" Sasha called, stomping the snow off her boots before she walked inside. "Is anyone here?" she yelled, looking around, rubbing her arms to try to warm herself up, her blue eyes scanning for any movement. It was then that a figure appeared on the top of the stairs, slowly and quietly making its way down.

"Hello travelers... what brings you to my home?" said a voice, soft and warm and inviting. The figure stepped into the light, and was revealed to be a woman of unrivaled beauty. Her long golden hair fell around her face in waves, eyes pale as the moonlight that illuminated the castle.

Alois was the first to speak at the sight of her, bowing his head. "We are lost... a beast attacks our village... and this month we were to be sacrificed to it..." he said, his arm still wrapped around Sasha as she stood beside him, shivering. An odd light flashed in the woman's eyes before she smiled imploringly. "Oh you poor dears... come with me... I'll get you fed and cleaned up and nice and warm." She said, putting her hands on their shoulders and smiling, turning and leading them through her massive castle.

The two followed her in wonder, letting her lead them to a pair of rooms side by side, joined by a cozy sitting room. Food was brought in moments later, and they fell upon it like starved wolves, tearing into the meat like they had never eaten before. They gorged themselves, so hungry it seemed like they could eat forever. Even when they had both eaten so much their stomachs bulged a bit, they didn't stop. They didn't stop until all the food was gone, then made their separate ways to their rooms and fell into the beds to sleep. They were so tired after all.

The woman stood in the corner, watching as they ate, smiling. Her magic was strong, and they couldn't resist stuffing themselves to the point where it would have killed them, had her magic not stopped that from happening. No, she needed them alive. Now that they were sleeping, her glamor fell away, and in her place was standing a tall golden leopardess with silky tresses the color of wheat. It had been so long since she had been graced with toys, and now she would have fun playing with them.

Sasha woke first, curled up in the massive bed, yawning and sitting up, rubbing her eyes and climbing out of bed, making her way into Alois's room, sitting on his bed and stroking his hair gently, watching him sleep. She'd always held a soft spot for him in her heart, since they were kids, and there was no one that she would rather have been dumped in the forest with than him. They'd been through everything together. He was there when her parents had died, and she had been there when his father had been taken by the beast. They were all that the other one had.

She smiled as he started to wake up, met with a smile and his sleepy eyes. She stroked his hair slowly and sighed. "Did you sleep well?" she asked, gazing at him, leaning down and kissing his forehead. He smiled and reached up and stroked her hair gently, nodding and sitting up. "I did... we're so lucky to have found this place... we would have died... she was so kind to us, giving us food and rooms..." he said, hugging Sasha and smiling at her. He climbed out of the bed and stretched, smiling at her, and rubbing his stomach, sighing.

"Mmm you think we might be able to get something for breakfast? Do you know where she is?" he asked, Sasha smiling at him. "No... I don't... I just woke up too..." she said, wrapping the borrowed dressing coat around her shoulders, walking with him into the sitting area. She gasped when the woman was there, the table set with breakfast for two. The blonde woman smiled and nodded her head to them.

"I see you've rested well... you were both too tired for a proper introduction last night. I am Sarafina... Queen Sarafina..." she said, the two teenagers looking at her, then each other, Alois bowing low and Sasha curtsying, holding up her tattered skirt. The Queen smiled and lifted her hand for them to rise, watching the two younglings.

"Please... you are my guests... I want you to simply call me Sarafina... now ring these bells if you need anything and my servants will attend you... I have work to be done...." she said, waving to them and sweeping out gracefully, leaving the two teens looking after her.

Alois turned to Sasha chewing his lip. "I guess we should have breakfast and make ourselves comfortable..." he said. They ate and rummaged through the closets, finding clothes fitted perfectly for them, not realizing how odd it was that everything was so picturesque. They had free reign of the castle, and spent their days wandering and exploring the castle. They found the library and the ball room, dancing alone in the massive hall to music only they could hear.

After a while, they couldn't remember how much time had passed. They had watched the snow thaw in the gardens, the flowers bloom, wilt, and snow fall again. By now they had grown, no longer two young scrawny teens, but young adults. Their birthdays had come and gone without notice, the pair too wrapped up in bliss to notice.

Over the months, their bodies had changed. Alois, always shorter and lithe had grown almost a foot, putting him at over 6 foot tall, his shoulders grown broad and strong, muscles on his arms and stomach. He had spent time lifting weights and running laps around the castle to put himself into good physical shape. He didn't look like a boy any more, he looked like a man. His hair was long now, and he let it fall loose around his face, his face having lost its baby fat, bringing out the masculine angles of his jaw and cheekbones.

Sasha had changed as well, spending her days painting and drawing, learning to play instruments, dancing for hours. Her body had filled out nicely, and she too had grown taller. She was a graceful 5 foot 7, with long legs and curves that any woman would envy. her hips were wide and her waist sloped gracefully to give her an hourglass figure. Her hair had grown down past her rear, the auburn locks silky and healthy now, her blue eyes sparkling with carefree light.

They didn't know that magic hummed in the castle. It was in the walls, in the food, in the air around them. It made them who they are, seeping slowly into their minds and bodies, erasing the children who had known hardship and turned them into being carefree and without worry. In just a year, Sarafina had created the perfect specimens for her magic.

They had ideal bodies; the only problem was their obvious humanity. Humans didn't take to magic like those of the beast blood did. She had been human hundreds of years before, before she had taken her strong, beautiful feline form. The magic had hummed in her veins and she had known true power. Now she would pass her gift on to those two.

She had their food drugged with a powerful sedative, waiting for them to fall asleep before they were moved. They were carried on stretchers down to the dungeons of the castle, chains attached to their ankles after they were stripped naked and left on the cold damp floor. It was hours before they woke; heads foggy and throbbing. Sasha looked around, holding her head, seeing Alois laying not but a few feet from her, naked and passed out. She crawled towards him, cradling his head in her hands, looking around the dark stone room, shivering. "What is this place..." she whispered, looking around.

Out of the shadows, Sarafina stepped, her golden eyes watching the humans, long blonde hair falling around her feline face. "This place... is where you will be reborn... this place is where your lives will begin..." she said, snapping her fingers, torches flaring to life, illuminating the long table at the back. On it, glowing bottles glittered, each filled with liquid, each for their own, wicked purpose. Her magic provided her with technology that humans could never dream of, the glass bottles pointed at the ends, ready to deliver an injection to her unlucky test subjects.

You could say that Sarafina was cruel. You could say that she was brutal, but she was a scientist, and everything that she did was in the name of learning.

Alois began to stir, looking around and up at Sasha, sitting up, embarrassed by his nakedness, blushing as he looked over his friends body, ashamed to love what he was seeing, longing to run his hands over her supple curves. The jaguar witch laughed, watching them, now on the other side of the room, two bottles in her hands, filled with glowing blue liquid. She stepped forward, the to humans shying away from her, though her needles found their marks. Stabbed into their legs, the blue liquid seeped into them, the bottles falling away, disintegrating into nothingness. Sarafina smirked, walking past them and opening the door. "Enjoy yourselves..." she murmured, closing the door behind her, not needing to watch to know what her magic serum would do to them.

Alois looked at Sasha in horror, seeing her scared face as well, watching her tremble. He scooted closer and pulled her into his arms, hugging her close. "It's going to be okay Sasha... it will be.... I know it...." he said, stroking her back, closing his eyes tightly. He gasped as a sudden pain overtook him, Sasha pulling out of his arms and scooting away, the chains clanking on the stone floor. "Alois..." she said, reaching out to him, gasping as she saw his eyes change, a snarl tearing from his throat as he looked at her. His eyes were feline now, with slits for pupils, huge and green, his whole body twitching. Slowly, his face began to change, his ears shifting and growing, migrating up his head, his face elongating into a muzzle, thick pads growing on his hands. He screamed in pain as his spine elongated and grew into a 5 foot tail, white and black fur sprouting all over his body, his legs popping and reshaping, his feet becoming paws.

Sasha could only watch in horror as he changed, the huge male panting hard as the change finished, claws having left gouges in the stone, thick tail lashing behind him as he panted. He flexed his muscles, the shackles on his ankles breaking, looking at the woman with a predatory gleam in his eyes. She whimpered as she pressed herself against the wall, pressing her legs together, panting hard, scared to death of the beast in front of her.

Alois breathed in deeply, smelling her fear, crawling towards her on his hands and knees, sniffing her and drawing close, making her squeak and press against the wall. "Please... please... Alois if you're in there somewhere, please... don't hurt me..." she moaned in sadness and fear, closing her eyes, having seen his wicked looking claws, just imagining them tearing into her, tears rolling down her face.

He looked at her, a dark smile curling over his face, watching her with half lidded green eyes. "I'm right here Sasha..." he growled, his voice low and husky, pupils dilated from the scent of a fertile female so close to him. "I'm not going to hurt you... I'm going to do the exact opposite... I'm going to please you..." he said, his large handpaws resting on her thighs, sliding up her bare skin, cupping her breasts his thumbs dragging over her nipples.

She gasped as he touched her, turning her head and looking at him, seeing his green eyes. Somewhere inside the beast was her friend, but she could see lust plainly displayed in the emerald depths there. "Alois... please...d-" she was cut short when his thumbs raked over her nipples, biting her lip and fighting a gasp, shame filling her when the action went straight to her pussy, making her start to grow slick.

"Shhhh dear one... I'll make sure you love this..." he purred, leaning forward and pinning her to the wall with his strong arms, bending his head and starting by licking across her neck, smirking to himself as he felt her let out a soft moan, starting to lick down her body with his rough tongue. His large hands grabbed at her hips, pulling her close as he licked down her chest, taking one of her nipples into his mouth, sucking on it gently, making her moan.

"Alois, please... I... I... Oh god..." Her protest died when he caressed her breast, licking at her nipple with his slightly rough tongue, her back arching off the stone. It was hard to think with his hands all over her body and his tongue licking at her skin. She'd only had tame fantasies of sex, and never in all her life had she imagined that it could feel so good. Her pussy grew slick with desire, the scent of her arousal filling the room, making the huge male feline smile.

"Mmm you want me, don't you sweeting... Don't worry; you'll have me, but not yet..." He purred, his hands grasping her breasts as he began to lick lower, prying her legs open despite her halfhearted protests, breathing in deeply and drawing in her scent. "Mmm you smell divine. I can't wait to taste you..." He purred.

He ignored her weak protests and moved lower, his hot breath fanning over her quivering sex. He pried her legs open and held them that way, giving her pussy a long lick, smirking as her moan and diving down, his tongue lapping at her, teasing and playing with her clit, one hand coming down to tease at her hole. He retraced his claw and pressed his thick finger into her tight pussy, smirking.

"You'll be a tight fit when I take you, but we'll manage..." He purred, wiggling the finger into her, feeling her hymen and pushing past it, feeling it stretch around his finger, hearing her groan in pain, though her hands curled into the thick fur atop his head as he licked at her, his purr making her swollen clit vibrate.

It wasn't long before he had her lying on the ground, her hands in his thick head fur, arching and moaning like a whore beneath him. He had been teasing her with his tongue and finger for twenty minutes, denying her release, just making the pleasure build. "Oh god... Alois... Please. I need you" she groaned, looking at the huge feline as he lifted his head from her juicy snatch, licking his lips and smiling.

"I thought you'd never ask sweeting..." He purred, pulling her closer and wrapping her legs around his hips. His massive leopard cock flopped onto her stomach, red and throbbing, the tip drooling precum onto her skin. He looked at her with lust and tenderness in his eyes, leaning down and kissing her, pulling his hips back and aligning himself with her dripping cunt. His cock was long, much longer than the average human man, thick around as a rolling pin and the top half was covered in little nodules that would run on the inside of his female and make her produce eggs for him.

She gasped and arched up, her hands curled into his thick fur, trembling as he pressed the head of his cock against her pussy. He grunted as he started to push into her, spreading her wide with just the head of him, making her gasp.

"you'll never fit!" she cried out, looking up at him with a bit of fear in her eyes, groaning as he pushed further into her, robbing her of her virginity and pushing into the back of her tunnel, only half of him sheathed within her. he growled and started thrusting into her slowly, his clawed hands on her hips, tail lashing behind him as he did his best to not be too rough with her. his cock belched precum into her, lubing her passage and soaking her cervix, the only thing between him and her womb, the magic that churned in her body reacting to his. her muscled relaxed and with one thrust he pushed past that final barrier and bottomed out in her womb, snarling as his furred sack slapped against her ass.

He panted as he looked down at his female, smiling a bit and bending, pressing his mouth to hers in a kiss. He might have been a leopard now, but his mind retained human features, and he wanted to kiss her. He growled and pulled out of her, flipping her onto her stomach with her ass raised in the air, plunging back into her, his claws pricking her hips as she screamed in pleasure. He fucked her hard and fast, his tail lashing behind him.

As they fucked, her screams became louder and louder, her hands pressing into the stone, her nails starting to lengthen and turn into claws, scraping the stone. Neither of them noticed when she really started to change, her ears shifting, screams changing into yowls of pleasure, her spine elongating and growing into a thick tail, silky white and grey fur sprouting all over her body. her feet changed into paws, and if anything, her pussy grew tighter around him, clamping around him as the rush of magic that finalized the change swept through her.

Sasha screamed as she came, her changes not having been painful, every change towards feline having spurned her pleasure higher. Her claws raked in the stone, the chains breaking off of her wrists and ankles as she pulled on them, Alois snarling and bending over, sinking his teeth into her shoulder and holding her tightly as he came, spurting his hot seed directly into her womb, still rocking his hips slowly as they panted, coming down from their combined high.

Sasha turned her head, smiling back at him, nuzzling her nose to his, her blue eyes on his green ones, her black hair falling around her face. No words were needed between the pair as he pulled out of her, lifting her into his arms and kissing her deeply, their rough feline tongues twining. He tucked her close against his chest, stroking her hair, nuzzling his mate gently, the soft sound of his purr filling the room.

With their transformation complete, the room changed, going from a dank dungeon to a clean cell, a bed over to one side, as well as a bathroom in the corner, a place to shower and relieve themselves. He lifted her gently, taking her to the bed, laying her down and curling himself around her, purring as their tails wrapped around each other. They fell into an easy sleep, their transformation having changed their minds, not only their bodies.

From her study, Sarafina watched them as they curled up to sleep, her orb going blank as she smiled wickedly to herself. She had many more tests to run, but the first was successful beyond her imagination. This was just the beginning.