Paying Homage

Story by Nalz on SoFurry

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#6 of Short Practice Pieces

A long day at work, to an arduous journey through rush hour traffic that segues into a short interruption in Nalz's daily routine in the kitchen. Only through quick thinking and a firm hand can he overcome such trifling matters getting between his stomach and dinner.

Author Note: I did this as a gift for a good friend of mine. He can be found on his FA:

Paying Homage

Eyrich yawned and shuffled into the kitchen while scratching an annoying itch on his side. His stomach growled in post-nap displeasure and was the reason he was in the kitchen instead of still sleeping to begin with. The fluffy dragon frowned at the refrigerator, reluctant to open it because he didn't want to find disappointment in the lack of easy to make, microwaveable things. He closed his eyes as the door opened with a wheeze of chilly fog. First he opened one eye and then the other when he caught sight of a plastic case with last night's leftovers. With a sigh of relief he snatched the container up and kicked the door closed as he turned to the microwave.

The cover loosened easily and he set the Tupperware inside the off white contraption, setting the timer and hitting the start button. He was rewarded with a beep and the familiar, signature him he associated with lazy cooking; his preferred method over all others. Eyrich yawned again and bent over the counter, elbows down with his head resting in his palms. His stomach grumbled at the two minutes left on the excruciatingly slow timer.

A reflection of movement in the microwave's window caught his eye. He started to turn when four strong arms wrapped around him with enough weight behind them to pin his body against the cabinets and counter top. If the reflection hadn't caught his attention he might have jumped but he could tell exactly who it was just by the way he breathed softly into his ear. Still, he couldn't help the light blush that warmed his face. "You're back late." He huffed and tried to squirm free.

"I know, traffic sucked. Didn't you get my text?" Of course he hadn't, he'd been busy sleeping. "Hmm, all signs point to 'no'."

"I'm sorry, Nalzy."

"Of course you are. I'm sure you were sleeping anyway." Eyrich's cheeks burned hotter and his tail drooped, it wasn't his fault he was tired all the time, or so he liked to think. "What are you cooking me, I'm fuckin' starving." The dragon's ears perked.

"Cooking for you! This is for me. I need it more than you anyway."

"Whatever! I need fuel for this ego and muscles you so enjoy." He flexed and squeezed until Eyrich made a strangled gasping noise.

"I reaffirm my last statement," coughing he pushed back off the counter until he was standing, "the food is for me, fatty." Just as he finished speaking the microwave chimed loudly. "Finally!"

"Call me fat again, bitch." Eyrich leaned forward to open the microwave.

"Fat fat, fatty fat-" a fit of whining laughter broke his string of insults as Nalz's claws dug into his sides, torturing his ticklish ribs. Eyrich tried to grab the reptile's hands but the extra pair would simply step in to take up the slack in a struggle that would never end with his two arm disadvantage. "S-stop!" He pleaded, squirming against the bigger male. The counter kept him from going anywhere else.

"Say you're sorry." Nalz said calmly as he assaulted the smaller male.

"But that would be lying!" He knew the tickling would worsen but he couldn't help but goad the lizard. One more minute of struggling was all he could handle. He was starting to get a boner and it was getting uncomfortably crushed against a cabinet door handle. "I'm sorry!"

The attack stopped instantly. Eyrich sighed in relief and slouched back against Nalz. His hesitancy ebbed when Nalz slid two smooth scaled hands under his shirt and started rubbing his belly. "Can I have my food now?" He asked and reached out to open the microwave door. Nalz grabbed his wrist and turned him around abruptly. He leaned back over the counter as the tall reptile loomed over him menacingly.

"Of course you may, but your dinner isn't in the microwave." The reptile's broad, mischievous grin should have alerted him to his salacious intent, however, his brain was never fully functional after a nap.

"It's not?" He asked curiously, brow furrowing in confusion, positive that was where he last saw it.

"Nope." Nalz said simply and swiftly kissed the perplexed dragon, catching him off guard, making him easy to push down to his knees. When Eyrich looked up at him like he was crazy he knew the dragon still didn't get it, so he unbuckled his belt with his lower hands to emphasize his intent. Nalz supported his weight against the counter with his upper hands and grinned down at his prey.

"Your dick is definitely not dinner." Eyrich glared back in consternation with arms crossed.

"You say that now." Nalz muttered as he let his pants drop revealing blue, scale tight underarmour. The dragon glanced down and couldn't help the blush that crept into his face, or his boner getting a little bit harder. He couldn't let Nalz get what he wanted without a fight though.

"I'll say it later too! I need something more filling than a slimjim." Eyrich snorted and turned his snout up. Nalz rewarded his insolence by shoving the dragon's snout into his crotch, utilizing another hand underneath to grind his nose into the cleft of his slit through his boxer briefs. He grunted and blushed furiously, trying to escape Nalz's firm hold. Several deep inhales of the bigger male's heavy, earthy musk made part of him want to give up resisting right then and there. Before his will could completely erode he maintained the fight.

"Ready to comply, boy?" Nalz growled and released the fluff dragon's head. Eyrich harrumphed and pushed at the lizard's thighs, trying to get him to back up. There was no moving him.

Nalz dropped down onto his haunches and glared at the disobedient dragon who looked away abashedly under the scrutiny. He planted his upper hands firmly against the cabinet on either side of Eyrich's head and quickly regained his attention. He looked into the lizard's clear emerald eyes and all remaining defiance melted away.

Aware that he now had the upper hand Nalz dipped his head and locked his jaws around the dragon's shoulder, sending a jolt down his spine that left his nerves tingling. Each sharp tooth was a pinprick of heady pain and rendered him powerless, willing to do whatever the lizard demanded of him.

The lizard loosed his jaws and sat back, smiling at Eyrich's glassy eyed, slack jawed expression. He stood up and put his hands back on the edge of the counter, sliding his feet slightly apart and leaned forward to close the dragon in. Nalz didn't get a chance to think about commanding the eager dragon before he was up and peeling off the reptile's scandalously tight underwear.

Eyrich purred his pleasure as the article slipped to the floor and was swiftly kicked aside to the realm of great unimportance. He took a moment for himself to appreciate the lizard's naked lower half. His upper half retained its button-up casual business shirt; a very visually appealing half-and-half combination.

Lubricious scales stretched taut over thick muscled thighs drew his appreciation. Unable to keep his hands to himself any longer he sat up on his knees. His hands slid effortlessly over Nalz's perfect, gray scales. An amorous smile spread across his lips as he imagined what the reptile could do to him if he only unleashed his strength.

Nalz could have easily physically overpowered him and forced himself into Eyrich's mouth - something the dragon wouldn't be completely opposed to - but he was more aroused by Nalz's assertion of dominance than outright action; proving how much he was excitedly anticipating serving the reptile to the best of his ability.

His hands slid up Nalz's thighs and around to his firm rump - which received several gropes to test its solidity. When he was satisfied with his improvised test he moved onto his tail, running his hands over the top and along the sensitive underside. Growled encouragement came from overhead so he repositioned one hand between his legs and rubbed along his taint.

The head of Nalz's dick emerged from its hiding place in short order to greet him. He rubbed his head against the lizard's solid abs while looking down at his slowly emerging endowment. "Looks like somebody is happy to see me." Eyrich grinned.

"You have no idea. I've been looking forward to this all day. Sitting in traffic was hell."

"Mm, I can imagine. Poor little guy was cooped up all day." Eyrich purred, rubbing between the reptile's legs and venturing further to rub the tight dimple at the base of his tail; smiling as muscles flexed in response.

"Quit messing around down there, it isn't going to suck itself." Nalz pushed his head down until his nose bumped into his growing erection.

Eyrich opted to inhale the male's intoxicating scent instead of wasting his breath with a snide retort. He moved his hand from Nalz's tail to his slit, gently probing into it with a digit. At the base he found the raised bumps that marked the lizard's hidden testicles and rubbed his finger against them. His cock bobbed in response and left a wet smudge on the dragon's nose, but he didn't mind.

A stud at the top of his slit caught the dragon's attention with its insistent shine. Dark orange and red swirled together mesmerizingly in the metal, appearing to shift and twirl when he moved his head. Eyrich's split tongue snaked out and lapped at it and the surrounding flesh. Gasps overhead urged him to continue the dual ministrations until Nalz's cock stood at rigid attention for him.

Ignoring the wet spot he could feel forming where his underwear restricted his straining boner he slid his tongue into Nalz's slit, nosing his cock up to get deep enough to taste his balls. The lizard groaned and rubbed between the dragon's ears with his lower pair of hands.

Eyrich pulled his tongue free and nuzzled under Nalz's slick length. An idea tickled one of his particular fancies and he couldn't resist it. He turned around and sat, scooting back between the lizard's legs and pushed his tail up before Nalz could figure out what was happening.

"What are you doing - oh." Nalz moaned when Eyrich nosed along his tail, stopping to drag his tongue across his tail hole. He shivered when the dragon's interestingly textured tongue forced its way inside him. Eyrich nosed at his tail and pushed his tongue as deep as he could manage. When the tongue pulled out of him he rubbed his, now wet, tail against the dragon's nose receiving several more enthusiastic licks in response.

The dragon spent a couple more minutes kneading Nalz's rump and giving his butt a tongue bath before shifting back to his previous, subservient kneeling position. A liberal amount of pre had dribbled out and beaded at the tip of the lizard's salubrious dick. He wrapped his hand around the base of Nalz's shaft and tugged on it, milking more of the slick fluid from him.

Starting from the top of his hand he ran his tongue up the underside of his length to the tip, collecting all of the tasty fluid on his tongue before closing his lips around the head of his cock. "Aah, that's a good dragon. Now, take it all in." Nalz snarled lecherously and utilized a heavy hand to push Eyrich's head down until his nose ground against his piercing.

Eyrich panted through his nose and moaned around the flesh stuffing his maw. Nalz's musk flooded his nostrils in waves and he salivated profusely around the lizard. There was nothing he would change about what was happening. Except for one thing: the tightness in his pants had become unbearable. He quickly undid his pants and pulled his underwear down beneath his balls. Blushing and whining with embarrassment when he heard Nalz chuckle above him after he started jerking himself off.

The dragon couldn't help how perversely the situation was turning him on.

Nalz scratched behind Eyrich's ears with his lower hands when he started to move his head, bobbing and tilting his snout at a steady pace. He didn't want the reptile to cum too fast - intending to take his time and enjoy himself. Two fingers slipped easily into Nalz's moist slit and rubbed down against the lumps he felt. Nalz bucked into his mouth in response and more pre leaked onto the back of his tongue.

The noisy arrival of a car came through the cracked kitchen window and caught his attention. He had completely forgotten about checking to see if any of his roommates were lurking about the house or soon to be coming home. Not that he had had any reason to know he should have checked. Nalz's groans and authoritative suggestions to take more of his cock probably meant there was nothing to worry about. He did have a view of the small window since he was standing, after all.

Eyrich pulled back, let go of his own dick, and wrapped his fingers around Nalz's saliva coated shaft; tugging at his flesh to try and procure more of his sweet pre. All he managed was one measly drop and abandoned the effort, returning to stroking himself and fellating him.

"Mm, you're loving this aren't you. Naughty boy, can't even go without touching yourself." Nalz growled, drunk on pleasure and imperium while the dragon blushed hotly. Eyrich felt the lizard's hands tighten their grip on his head; one under his snout and the other on the back of his head. He quickly realized what Nalz was planning when he started to gently hump his face.

Having your face fucked and used might be demeaning to some but, he didn't mind at all as long as it was Nalz. If anything his erection felt harder as he worked himself a little faster. Nalz panted and moaned in a fashion Eyrich found endearing.

Nalz kept up his pace for a couple more minutes before Eyrich noticed hiccups entering into his rhythm; eccentricities that tipped him off to the lizard's quickly approaching orgasm. He pulled his head back, meeting no resistance from Nalz, and started alternating between stroking and sucking the head of the lizard's dick. It was patently obvious the lizard was about to cum and he was not far behind himself.

Eyrich could feel Nalz's muscles tightening with the fingers in his slit. He glanced up and smiled to himself; he was the catalyst of Nalz's clenched jaw, flexed muscles and bated breath. Nalz opened one eye, saw the dragon looking expectantly up at him and smirked. "Hope you're ready." He said, short of breath. The dragon nodded excitedly in response.

"Yup!" Nalz thought his joyous outburst a little extreme for somebody worshiping his cock, but he found it cute, in an erotic sort of way. He watched Eyrich through eyes half lidded with elation. The dragon sat back so only his tongue still teased the tip of his length and opened his maw wide enough that Nalz could still see his own cock.

He knew what Eyrich was doing. He wanted him bear witness to the claiming of his muzzle. The dragon was going to get no complaints from him. In fact, Nalz decided, he was going to get a reward for being such an obedient disciple later.

Despite his best efforts the pressure growing quickly in his loins could no longer be contained. His abdominal muscles tensed with the effort before suddenly relaxing as he painted the roof of Eyrich's mouth with the first, powerful ejaculations. Eyrich held his tongue against the underside of Nalz's tip to ensure he missed absolutely none of lizard's offering.

In the moment of ecstasy Nalz added some insurance to Eyrich's plan by pushing the dragon's head onto his meat and bucked into his deliciously moist warmth. He could feel his tongue slithering against his length and the muscles in his throat working to swallow the copious lizard spunk.

Coming down from his high Nalz heard Eyrich whine through his nose and looked down. Eyrich's brow was furrowed as if all his concentration was being put into milking everything he could out of Nalz's dick. Further investigation revealed he had just been watching the dragon getting himself off on sucking his dick. Nalz growled happily, brimming with self satisfaction at the thought and patiently waited for the dragon to look up at him, eyes heavy with afterglow and panting.

Nalz crouched when Eyrich finally came off his softening length and smiled at him once at eye level. Eyrich wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and swallowed nervously, blushing heavily as he adjusted his glasses and caught his breath. The lizard leaned forward and pressed his lips to Eyrich's, caressing his cheeks with his thumbs. He loved dominating the smaller male, but he didn't think any less of him as a person.

The kiss lasted for a solid minute before Nalz broke it and rested back on his haunches. He glanced down between his legs and back at Eyrich who quickly looked down at his hands in embarrassment. "Did Eyri enjoy himself? Sure looks like he did with this mess he made."

"Uh hu," Eyrich nodded meekly.

"You love worshiping the big lizard's cock, don't you?" Nalz cooed as he scratched Eyrich's snout. He looked away from the lizard's smiling eyes and said nothing. His fidgeting and blushing giving the truth away.

When Eyrich refused to meet his gaze he stood up and glanced out the kitchen window. "You should get yourself and this mess cleaned up before anybody gets home."

"Too fucking late for that." A new, highly agitated voice announced. Eyrich and Nalz both froze and quickly turned their heads to meet the intruder: the other roommate. Schism frowned at them, glancing down at Eyrich and back up at Nalz before turning around and leaving. "You'd better bleach the floor and anything else you perverts touched. Hurry up, I'm fucking starving!"

Eyrich's stomach grumbled loudly and he smirked up at Nalz playfully. "I told you I was going to need something more filling."

"Give me thirty minutes and I'll teach your ass a new definition for the word 'stuffed', faggot." Nalz threatened as he picked up his discarded pants and underwear. Eyrich stood up nonchalantly and stretched his legs.

"Not with that pencil you call a penis." He sang in response and started humming cheerfully as he grabbed a roll of paper towels.

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