Kung Fu Panda: Just as Soft

Story by Tempo on SoFurry

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#2 of Kung Fu Panda

While Shifu and the rest of the Furious Five are away, Tigress spends a little quality time with the Dragon Warrior.

Kung Fu Panda: Just as Soft By Tempo

The muscular feline padded down the hall, slipping soundless into Po's bedroom. She closed the door after her--there could be no witnesses. Moonlight glinted off her claws as she reached toward his sleeping form.

"Hi-yah!" In a flash of monochromatic fur, he twisted her arm behind her back, trying to pin her.

The feline grunted, toe claws digging into the floorboards as she pivoted, flipping the potential assassin onto his back. Then she recognized the struggling panda. "Po!" She growled a whisper. "It's me!"

He wheezed.

She lifted her paw from his windpipe.

"Tigress?" He gasped, rubbing his throat. "What are you doing in my room?"

Breathing hard, she flexed the tension out of her paw. "I was..."

The panda kept his mouth shut, heaving himself from the floor and watching her as he sat on his bed mat.

She knelt before him, hands in her lap, tail flicking. "I was just wondering..." A deep breath steeled her, even as she stiffened and looked away. "Do you think you could--" Her gaze darted to him before she could stop it. "--hold me again?"

With only a pause to smile, Po's gentle arms enfolded her. His shoulder supported her chin, his stomach soft against her hard body. His muzzle brushed her cheek ruff. "Anytime."

"Do you mean that?" The mere thought seemed as extravagant as his soft fur.

He chuckled a little, then shrugged. "Of course."

Tigress had cried the night she realized Shifu hadn't sacrificed himself to delay Ti Lung; now, for the second time she could remember, she felt tears welling up. It felt better this time, with someone there to hold her. She squeezed him in return. "Thank you."

~ ~ ~

The trips to Po's room became nightly. At first, Tigress diligently woke at some point in the night and slunk back to her room. After a few days, her own bed felt too hard and uncomfortable without him. She felt disgusted with her own softness, but only for the few seconds it took to slip down the hall to his room.

By the second week, she found his fuzzy embrace just too good to leave. Besides, all she had to do was wait for a time when the rest of the Five weren't in the hallway. It felt strange to hide something from them, from Shifu, even if they had no business knowing.

So when Shifu left the two of them in charge of the Palace alone while he went with the others to pick up spare jade pillars, her natural paranoia whispered they all knew, that this had to be some kind of trap. She had no proof, just a simmering suspicion in her gut. It took Po almost two hours to talk her clothes off.

He started by touching her. Not anywhere impolite, just over one shoulder, then down her arm. Tigress stiffened, even her tail motionless as he took her paw in his. As they stood together on the steps of the Palace, he gave her a look of complete satisfaction. Careful not to crush his hand, she squeezed back. With just as much care, he took her other hand. Then, as a crisp breeze whispered over the mountain, he nuzzled her into a kiss.

A shiver of lightning puffed out her fur. Feeling exposed, she looked down at their paws. He stood, patient. When she worked up the nerve to look him in the eyes again, some incredible force pulled her nearer, until the only thing that felt right was kissing him again and again atop the Palace steps. His arms wrapped around her as she kissed him back against a wall. After a few seconds of relentless lip-locking, they stopped to breathe. The sense that someone might see climbed from the tip of her tail all the way up her spine. Without a single word, she dragged him into the Sacred Hall of Warriors, stealing each other's kisses with every step.

Backing up into the hall, he actually started licking her lips. Her eyes shot wide for a moment, but then her brain informed her just how good it felt. Gripping his back fur, she licked in return. The panda gasped as she tongued the silky contours of his lips, bumping into a pedestal. She managed to stop the vase atop it from toppling over--it wouldn't do to have Po break the Urn of Whispering Warriors a third time. Zeng could only glue it together so many times.

As they crossed the great hall, his paws had rubbed her shirt free from her pants. By the time they got to his bedroom door, his hand reached underneath, claws scratching through her fur to her naked skin. She growled with pleasure.

Her foot slid the door shut after them, just in time for them to half-fall onto the bed. He kept scratching under the fabric confines of her garments, working over her taut stomach. After a few wonderful moments, she noticed he looked to be thinking rather hard.

Heart racing, she panted: "Problem?"

"N-nothing really." He shrugged. "Clothes are kind of getting in the way, is all."

The notion of letting him scratch over her whole body gripped her. Her deft fingers fumbled down the buttons of her shirt. "Just don't tell anyone about this, alright?"

He smirked, wringing his paws. "I don't think anyone would believe me."

They got back to undressing. Her shirt fell first, then her sandals and belt, then her pants. Her undergarments endured as a bastion of modesty for some time, but the temptation for feeling that tender scratching spread across her whole body was too great. With a deep blush, she found herself laying on his bed mat, nude.

Po froze for a moment, trembling. "Whoa."

She crossed her arms over her modest breasts. "What?!"

"There's a really beautiful girl naked in my bed."

A blush burned under her fur. "J-just get back to scratching me, would you?" She sunk to her stomach, exposed in the dark, trusting herself to his wonderful paws. Her tail swayed on its own. "Please?"

His claws scattered magic down her body, then back up, stirring her fur in strange and amazing ways. In bed, face down, Tigress arched on all fours as Po's blunt claws combed down her back, biting her lip to stifle a happy moan. The claws followed the contour of her spine, barely beginning to curve over her rump before returning to her shoulders to start again. A shiver, her fur rising and falling in waves. She'd never imagined someone would take the time to learn what made her body respond, to find what brought her pleasure. She smiled at how wrong she'd been. "Mmm... I can see why someone would like this." Her ear flicked. "I don't know what you're supposed to get out of it, though."

"Hey, watching you go all melty is good enough for me." On the next pass he paused for a moment to knead her scruff, the way he knew she liked. "Can't say I mind the view, either."

Tigress glanced back and flushed. Po's attentions had given her tail a mind of its own--it stood raised and straight, tip twitching, lewdly presenting her to the Dragon Warrior. Her modesty managed to lower it, but his paws reacted like lightning; a caress of her lower back and it raised of its own accord again.

He smirked. "Ah-ah. I'm not done yet."

She buried her face in the pillow as the scritching continued.

His paw traced the curve of her inner thigh and provided a very thorough, very gentle scratching. Then, unsteady, he reached higher. He dared to stroke is fingertips across her outer lips, spreading moisture under his paw pads. He bit his lip, wondering if he just signed his own death warrant in sticky clear fluid.

A shuddered breath escaped the feline. One digit sunk into her, spreading delicate flesh with slow pressure. Anxiety gripped her. "Po?"

"Just relax and trust me." Finger still inside her entrance, he stroked her butt. "Okay?"


His finger slid in and out of her, unfamiliar sensations fluttering up her passage. His free hand traced her back, moving up to scratch her scruff. All the while, the activities under her tail continued unabated, escalating as a second digit followed the first.

She bit back a mewl as he bumped the front of her slit. Muscled legs crushed in on his hand until his knuckles popped.

The panda winced. "Umm, oww?"

"Sorry." She shifted, spreading her thighs again.

Flexing his paw, he nuzzled into her cheek ruff. "Get on your side for me?"

The striped feline rolled over, gasping at the feeling of rotating around his fingers. Hot, breathy kisses covered her shoulders and neck. The bed creaked as Po climbed beside her, a warm weight at her side. Her muzzle pressed to his shoulder, the tiger rocked her hips, bucking deeper onto his paw. Bliss clouded her mind, spiked with the crackle of pleasure whenever his thumb brushed her clitoris. Her heart thundered, paws on his shoulders as his kisses drifted down to her breasts. That smooth tongue circled one nipple, then the other.

Po watched her reactions with a focus he usually reserved for kung fu and the last dumpling. When she dug her claws into the blankets, he eased off on her clit, instead he thrust deeper inside her. When she clenched down on his fingers, he wiggled them, jolting delight up her passage.

Faster, faster his fingers plunged in her. Tigress moaned and blinked, bewildered as she went wild on his paw. Her crotch ground against his hand, digging her erect clit into his palm. The rough texture of his skin pushed back her hood, pitching her into a shivering arc of pleasure. Her muscles clenched and rippled, grasping at his digits, working pleasure into every slick tremble.

Eyes wide, she hugged him. Wonder bloomed, delicate and pure as a lotus blossom. Pleasure sent her soul soaring, frantic breaths feeding the sensations that crackled like fireworks up her nerves. Her fur stood on end. Her breath soaked heat into his pelt, tickling her nose.

As ecstasy ebbed to a perfect contentment, she nuzzled her way to a world of plush fur and gentle embraces. Moments passed like raindrops: in unhurried accord with their destiny. Cuddled against his soft belly, she found a peace so long denied her.

A snicker from the panda drew her from the pleasant stupor. She opened her mouth to speak, only to stifle a moan in his chest as his thumb caressed her outer lips. "What's...what's so funny?"

"Nothing." He eyed her nude form with astonishing nonchalance. "I just realized I found a spot where you're as soft as I am."

Tigress rolled her eyes, but disapproval fled as his fingers wiggled inside her. Her own scent mingled with his.

A round muzzle brushed her forehead as his breath found her ear. "Don't worry; your secret's safe with me."

Content with his closeness and still purring from her orgasm, she rested her paws between their chests, bashful ears tipped back. "Do you think the others suspect?"

"Nah! How could they?" He dismissed the thought with a stroke down her back fur. "We've totally been careful."

~ ~ ~

At the other end of the Valley of Peace, lanterns lit the dining hall of a modest inn. Four kung fu masters sat around a table. Watching Shifu retire to his room across the quiet common area, Crane poured himself another cup of tea. "Sooo, they totally know we know, right?"

"I'm sure they do." Viper coiled her tail around a teacup, lifting it and breathing the vapor with a smile. "I think it's sweet though, them being together."

"Yeah, you think they're going at it yet?" Monkey dangled by his tail from a rafter, crossing his arms with a shrug. "I think she is going to kill him. Have you seen those thighs? I have. She didn't know about it." He winked.

She shot him a venomous glance.

The bird raised a wing at her impending protests. "I admit it's kind of sweet." He nodded. "But she is totally going to kill him as soon as he makes a move."

Mantis stared into his noodles. "I just get the shivers thinking about a relationship where no one's head gets eaten." He perked up with a chirp. "Besides, Shifu's the one who's going to kill him."

Monkey laughed, trading a fist bump with the insect. Crane nodded, tossing a dumpling into the air and catching it whole in his beak.

"You guys are terrible." Viper rolled her eyes, taking another sip of tea. "I know Tigress is scary, but she's never even dated before. She's probably too nervous to do anything."

~ ~ ~

Tigress shifted in bed against Po's soft form. Well, most of it was soft. Steadying her nerves with pure willpower, she reached down to cup the stiff bulge in his pants.

The panda's eyes widened as he gave a small chuckle. "Yeah, don't mind that. I mean, mind it if you want to, but, ya know, you don't have to."

She yanked his pants down.

"Okay, so we're minding it." He breathed faster, but didn't scoot back. "Be gentle, okay?"

Throwing the blanket off their bodies, Tigress watched her paw slide over the bare, pulsing flesh. The softer she stroked, the deeper he moaned. After a few moments deciding if she wanted to, she prowled down the bed for a closer look. Her mind wandered to some of the more scandalous gossip she'd heard around the market. She stroked back the plush sheath, exposing more of Po's shaft. "Should I...put it in my mouth?"

The panda squeaked. "...That's one of several awesome things I can think of right now, yes."

She tilted it around, examining all sides. It didn't smell bad or anything. It mostly just smelled like Po. It throbbed along her palm, hot and insistent. Anxiety flushed cold through her veins.

He watched her over the curve of his belly. "It won't bite. I promise."

The feline paused with her paw around the base of his maleness, whiskers twitching as she arched an eyebrow back at him. "Don't give me ideas." She leaned in, hesitated, leaned in closer, closed her eyes, and pressed her lips to the underside of him, just below the head.

His gasp made her smile in the dim room.

She nuzzled along his length, brushing her whiskers from sac to head. Then, getting braver, she gave him a nice long lick across the tip.

Po jumped, poking her in the nose with his cock. "Hahahaooww! Wow!"

She sucked on her tongue, tasting his thin fluids. "Apologies." Without thinking, she licked her nose, collecting more of his flavor. "I didn't realize my tongue would be that rough on you."

"It's fine; just go easy on me, okay?"

Tigress nodded, that smile still on her lips. Her paws wrapped around his shaft, its warmth pulsing against her paw pads. Careful, she rolled her tongue around his cock, keeping the bottom to his sensitive head.

He moaned, sitting back to watch her. His paw stroked her head, scratching at her scruff. His eyes shone with happiness and trust.

Encouraged, she took him deeper, rubbing his tip on the roof of her mouth as she lapped at his underside. The head of Po's cock, plump and peach in color, throbbed juices against her tongue. Keeping him off her teeth asked more of her jaw muscles than most daily activities. Feeling saliva building up, she swallowed; Po trembled, whispering her name. His hot heartbeat heavy against her tongue, she suckled his length. A faint musky taste collected on the back of her tongue with every drop of his precum. A sore jaw forced her to stop, though she made amends with deep kisses over his tip.

The panda eased back against the wall in surrender, his hand smoothing her scruff. Tigress closed her eyes, nuzzling into his paw and cock. Her lips parted at the bottom of his ridge, allowing her to trace the back of her tongue down his shaft, then around the opening of his sheath. She kissed her way to his sac, where her nose explored the dark fur to jostle his heavy orbs.

All the while, she took care, having long since learned the weak points of male anatomy. How strange now to be learning to use them for their mutual pleasure. She'd heard, in conversations between some of the more gossipy merchants, that males enjoyed this sort of thing. She never thought it'd be her thing, however. But as her paw pushed his sheath down for a better lick, she had to admit some satisfaction in being able to elicit such a powerful, and positive, reaction.

Head resting on his thigh, her paws stroking him, she decided to risk using the rough of her tongue under the base of his shaft. As she scraped along the underside of his delicate flesh, she heard his breath catch, felt that paw grip her fur.

The panda let out a groan. He throbbed in her grasp. Thick heat splattered her nose.

Tigress winced. In a flash of orange fur, she blocked two additional spurts. She froze, ready to deflect more, but saw the white fluid instead dribbling from his tip.

Unsure what to do with her sticky paw, she met his eyes, a little bewildered.

Po panted. "Wow..."

His erection wilting in her paw, she squished the fluid between her fingertips. "I didn't realize your orgasm would be so..." Her gaze centered on the wad of white on her nose. "...forceful."

"Umm, it usually isn't." A gentle paw wiped the semen off her muzzle. "You're just really, really good at that."

Voice soft, she felt heat rush under her fur. "Really?"

The panda nodded. "C'mere." The warmth of his arms enfolded her.

Her body stiffened, unused to such intimate affection. Heavy paws traced her body, fur on naked fur. She moaned, thawing into him. The rich scent of Po's essence clung to her nose as she got lost in his plush fur. His round muzzle brushed hers, stirring up kisses. Her arms wrapped around him, fingers and toes buried in his pelt. She returned the kisses, shy, even with only the night sky as witness.

There, naked and embraced, the door to her heart creaked just a hairsbreadth further open.

The follow-up to my previous KFP story. Let me know how you like it! : )

Edits: Slatedragon, avatar?user=202306&character=0&clevel=2 Anakuro, T-kay, Carlminez Proofs: Thefunkyone, avatar?user=126820&character=0&clevel=2 Shadyweather, Archaesophilia
