Gregorian Bar or just odd luck?

Story by steampunkstallion on SoFurry

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A revision to the original Gregorian story I did a while back, fixed grammar and pronouns so they would be correct and expanded a bit. Hope you all like it.

Tony made his way through the loud club, listening to the heavy techno music blared through the speakers. Between the sheer volume, and how the bass made his entire body shake with each thump he kept his ears folded down. Once he left the main dance floor area his ears perked up, his tail flicked side to side.

His muzzle twisted up into a bit of a grin, seeing what appeared to be another wolf in the club sitting by herself at the bar. The view from behind was rather nice for the moment, a stunning red dress hugging her curves tightly. Padding over his leaned in whispering into her ear so she could hear him.

"Hey there lovely lady, Can I buy you something to drink? Can't be too pleasant to be all alone at the bar." His tail wagged behind him a bit faster, nostrils flaring as he drank in that scent. She smelled sweet and there was a tinge of apples to her scent.

Tony's eyes went wide as he glanced at the wolf when she slowly spun around to face him on the barstool. For a girl she was a little thicker in the muzzle than he preferred or expected in a club like this. As she spoke to him, his eyes roamed slowly up and down her body. The wolf's breasts weren't terribly big, maybe an a-cup at best, though still overall fairly delicious looking.

"Well... maybe another Long Island Iced Tea. Mine seems to have become empty." She shook her glass slightly. Tony nodded, giving a wave to the bartender to get their attention and when they came over he spoke up.

"Two Please." He returned his attention to the wolf before him in the sleek red dress. "I'm Tony, what's your name?" His tail wagged a little faster, nostrils still flaring as he drank in that scent. He could feel his sheath swelling in his jeans, hoping she wouldn't notice in the dim lights of the club. It almost felt that with each breath of her scent that his sheath would twitch and swell in his pants but he dismissed it. He perked his ears trying to hear the best he could over the music in the background.

"I'm Jordan, like the country." With a nod of his head, Tony smiled and leaned forward to pay the bartender for the pair of drinks. He offered one to Jordan grinning a bit.

"Hey, want to go to the patio? It's quite a bit quieter and would be easier to chat." Not waiting for an answer, he reached out gently taking her paw in his own. Weaving his way through the club moving past the other patrons, she didn't pull her paw away. He took it as a good sign, showing her out to the patio and sitting down. The breeze in the night's air helped clear his head a little, the lump in his pants fading as he couldn't smell her scent anymore.

Tony spoke with the wolf girl for a while finding out a fairly wide variety of things, such as hobbies and preferences for movies. Several drinks later, they glanced upwards noticing that it closing time for the bar. Tony spoke up, trying to press his luck.

"Want to head back to my place?" His ears drooped when Jordan shook her head, grinning at the feeling his chin being lifted.

"How about we go back to my place Tony, I'm only about two blocks away." Nodding Tony eagerly followed her out of the club, letting her lead the way to a private house a few minute walk away. He was rather amazed at its appearance.

Once inside the household, he glanced around smiling. "Very nice place that you have here Jordan." His nostrils flared; there was an odd scent in the air filling his head. Coming up behind her, his paws gently rested on Jordan's hips. Nuzzling her neck, his voice was a quiet whisper. "Mmm you smell so good..." He panted, his sheath stiffening inside his pants, pressing firmly against her rump.

Tony rocked his hips slightly, watching as Jordan tapped a remote and some music started to play in the air of the room. The pair of them swayed to the music slowly, his paws starting to roam. He thought it was a little odd that Jordan stopped his paws each time they tried to slip under her dress, figuring that she must be shy about it. Granted, they had just met less than a few hours ago.

They danced for a bit longer, Tony giving a bit of oomph as he was pushed playfully into a big plush chair. He watched as Jordan knelt before him, smiling widely.

"Mmm I want a little taste... want to see what its like." She winked up at him; Tony eagerly complied tugging his pants open. Carefully he hefted them under his heavy balls, his musky smell wafting up into the air a bit of pink already exposed from his sheath. He closed his eyes when Jordan's thick tongue slowly ran up and down his sheath coaxing a bit more free. Her tongue felt wonderful against his balls, especially when she used that strong tongue of hers to heft them up and drop them down.

After a few minutes of teasing, Jordan glanced up at Tony gesturing upstairs. "Bedroom now?" Tony smirked and nodded, he licked his muzzle standing up. Kicking off his pants he lifted up his boxers tucking his cock into it slightly. That strange smell still lingered in the air, making him feel a little dizzy.

Tony let Jordan lead him upwards to a room, glancing around inside saw it was smooth tile on all the walls and floor. There was a drain near the center of the room, glancing around. "Hmm, very interesting. What's this room for?" He turned to looked at Jordan; his world went dark as he felt a fist hitting his muzzle square on.

Several hours later, Tony awoke slowly coming back to consciousness. He groaned slightly, looking around the bright white tiles making him squint at the sheer brightness. Giving out a growl, he looked over near the doorway seeing Jordan standing there. "What the hell Jordan?!"

He attempted to stand up, feeling something restraining him to the floor. There was a thick leather collar around his neck chained to the floor; his paws were also cuffed to the floor so he couldn't undo the collar.

"Aww. Seems the big bad wolf boy is awake." Her voice was deeper than it was at the club, and there was something off about the way it sounded. Tony watched as she began to undo that dress sliding down off her body. His eyes lingered on her breasts, squirming slightly as he bit his muzzle slightly. A few moments later, his eyes went wide as he started to struggle in his restraints, seeing her groin or rather it's groin.

"O... Oh fuck." Realizing suddenly what he had let lead him away from the club. Between those legs he could those dark skinned tentacles swaying slowly side to side. There was a bluish pink liquid dripping onto the tile, he gave a soft whimper. "What do you want... let me go." He couldn't help it, whining softly.

His nostrils flared, breathing in that scent as he groaned out quietly. It took a moment as he realized what that scent was now. The smells of the club hid the scent, he didn't think he'd ever see a Gregorian creature; always thought they were things of legend. Tony tried to recall anything he could remember anything about them. Supposedly they were creatures of lust and pleasure, almost like vampires. Their pheromones caused an intoxicating sensation amongst males making them more compliant. He also thought it was possible that allegedly coaxed females into heat. Shaking his head slightly, trying to clear the foggy haze in it.

"Come on... Let me go... I promise, I won't tell anyone about you." He groaned, feeling his sheath straining at the material of his boxers, precum starting to leak free. He whined struggling against the bindings, watching as Jordan stepped forward.

"Now that wouldn't be any fun little wolf pup. You were so eager to get with me in the club." He watched wide eyed as that paw stroked along her belly causing those tentacles to thicken and twitch. One of them flicked slowly, the thick fluids splashing against the ground. Tony shook his head slightly, those thick scents filling his nose. "I started out the same as you... Just a normal wolf until I was turned." He listened to that growl, seeing a thick wolf cock start to unsheathe from her, rather it's legs as the tentacles parted.

"What? Turned, I don't get it." He shivered a little panting and breathing in that scent. Groaning a little, his boxers felt terribly tight right now. He seemed more confused and wasn't focusing on keeping his head clear. His eyes stared watching that shift thicken and grew, looking at least a full twelve inches tentacles swaying around it much smaller than the shaft.

Jordan gave a nod, watching as it stroked that cock and the other toying with the tentacles in turn. Each one looked easily eight inches long still drooling. "Well I met a woman at a club; she was more than I knew of at the time." A little growl escaping Jordan's muzzle as he watched intently. "Then when I came, I felt something slip inside my cock transforming me." Tony whimpered softly, squirming as his cock twitched under his boxers leaking precum now. "Maybe a hundred or so years ago?" His eyes wide, blinking in confusion.

"You're over a hundred years old?" He shivered, trying to fight his instincts. Giving a soft growl, he lunged forward the best he could try to escape. "Let me go, I don't want this damnit!" Suddenly his ears pinned back, listening to that laugh that escaped Jordan's muzzle.

"Silly pup, you think you really get a choice in the matter?" Tony suddenly tried to pull away, a thick stream of urine spraying from Jordan's shaft. That musky smell flooded the air, so much more intense than anything he had ever smelled in his life. The only way he could describe it was pure arousal and sex, making it far more difficult to focus. He watched the fluid splash against the tile before Jordan stepped forward, the hot fluid soaking Tony's muzzle and chest. It made his clothing damp, squirming as he closed his eyes tightly. Against his better judgment, he opened his muzzle feeling that hot fluid splashing against his tongue.

"That's it Tony, taste it... swallow it." He felt that cock rub against his muzzle slightly, shuddering and began to suck on the shaft. The salty taste of the urine was more desirable than the sweetest wine that he'd ever savored. He swallowed what he could, but quite a bit of it did trickle out of the sides of his muzzle. Tony wasn't able to focus his mind anymore, smelling that intoxicating scent. Between the smell in the air and the taste of the urine all he knew was that he wanted no needed more. He didn't shy away when those large tentacles brushed against his cheek, staining his fur with their juices. Groaning softly around that thick wolf cock in his muzzle, he came inside his boxers. Tony felt that rush of hot seed adding to the other juices staining the fluids of his clothes. A few moments later the stream of fluid stopped flowing, heard the Gregorian wolf sighed.

"There will be more tomorrow, now rest Tony. You'll need your sleep. Such a good boy..." He shivered, slumping forward against the floor submitting to the sudden overwhelming urge for sleep. "This will be quite a bit of fun..." Those words echoed in his head, the world slowly growing dark.

During Tony's sleep, the Gregorian's urine and fluid from the tentacles started to do their work on his body. The room's design not just for hygiene, but was also a conduit of magical powers. The wolf's body began slowly at first, body fat shifting and burning off slowly. His rump slowly grew and filled out appearing much softer than a male's rear. At his chest, a pair of heavy supple breasts swelled out, dark nipples pressing out past the fur. Down below there was a far more startling change going on that Tony most likely would have tried to fight if he was awake.

The wolf's cock softened losing its stiffness, gently starting to shrink. Tony was proud of his nine inches of thick cock, but now that was becoming less and less. Once it retreated into his sheath, that swollen bit of furred tube became flat against his body hiding all traces of his manhood. His heavy orbs shrunk tight against his body, splitting slowly and becoming a pair of labia. Soon there was nothing between Tony's legs but a thick patch of fur covering his new pussy.

Stirring, Tony stirred and sighed softly feeling oddly different. Her head was pounding as she gave a slight whimper, still unaware of the newfound changes to her body. Trying to stand and finding herself chained to the floor, though her boxers were no longer covering her exposed form. Suddenly she began to panic as Tony realized what happened during the night changing him into a female. Growling and barking, she called out trying and praying to any deity that someone could hear her.

The heavy breathing was causing her nostrils to flare, smelling the mixed scents of dried urine and his old seed that was on the floor. Thankfully the scents were more muted than they were last night but the effect was the same. Slowly against her will, she found herself growing aroused. Tony's nipples jutted out past the soft fur on her breasts, the pink flesh now quite firm. Her body started to grow hot between her legs, her new pussy responding growing slick. Shaking her head, Tony whimpered wanting the sensations to stop happening. Ears perked up, listening as the door slowly opened and seeing Jordan standing there.

Tony's muzzle was closed when Jordan began to speak. Her eyes stared at those tentacles as they swayed side to side hypnotically. The big wolf cock that she saw last night was gone; the tentacles were now dropping some sort of whitish pink fluid. The smell was so overpowering, like the most potent male scent she'd ever smelled.

"Well now, this is quite unexpected. It's almost unheard of for our fluids to change one's gender. Means that you were a potent enough being to be compatible for bearing Gregorian Pups." Tony whimpered shaking her head side to side. "N... No I won't." Her voice was now very soft and feminine sounding, no longer the strong alpha she once was. Jordan was slowly bringing those tentacles closer to her muzzle. She wanted to growl, to try and bite them but couldn't bring herself to do it.

They smelled so good and wonderful, part of her wanted to taste them and lift her tail for Jordan. It was such a needy instinct, wanting to be bred like she had done to numerous bitches when she was male. Shaking her head slowly, Tony whined out.

"S... stop please... let me go. I'm begging you." She couldn't help it, whimpering softly over and over hoping it'd change her mind. Staring at the tentacles, Tony slowly licked her muzzle slightly not flinching when one of them moved forward brushing her lips. The fluid dribbled over her muzzle before it pulled back causing her to lick it clean from her lower lip. The taste was sweet and very male smelling, knowing it was definitely some sort of cum. Tony had tasted herself when she was male, knowing the taste a bit well but was richer and sweeter.

"Now Tony, if we stop... you'll just go out and try and get bred. Don't need any random male's seed filling that very special womb. We need to make use of it." Folding those ears back submissively as Jordan growling. She listened as Jordan continued to speak up. "Do you truly realize how rare it is for a pure breed Gregorian pup is to be born? It happens maybe once in every ten thousand years." Squirming in place, she only half listened to the story, her pussy starting to drool down her thighs. "I bet you want to be fucked don't you Tony? Feel a nice hard cock in your little cunt like you've done to all those girls when you had your own cock?" Tony gave a quiet relaxed sigh, feeling a paw stroking her rump making her thoughts grow hazy again. It wouldn't hurt to lift her tail just a little would it? Drawing in a breath, she slowly untucked her fluffy tail lifting it out of the way. The cool air blew soothingly her swollen sex lips.

"That cool air feels so good... my pussy feels so hot. Please Jordan... just let me go." Tony whimpered trying to earn her freedom wanting to be out of this room. Giving a little yelp as those tentacles slapped her soft rump, the sensation making each of those cheeks jiggle slightly. Her ears perked hearing a moan escaped Jordan's muzzle, her own moans joining it after a few moments when those tentacles began to brush and stroke her rear. A shudder ran down her spine when two of those tendrils moved down to spread her swollen folds, exposing her fertile body completely as she leaned forward. The feelings raced and spread through her body, shaking her head side to side to try and clear it. Against her control, she wiggled her hips slightly.

Tony tried to focus her thoughts, all the teasing and tingling sensations from those probing tentacles making her head so foggy and distant from clear thoughts. She could feel how swollen her sex was, body aching with a need to fill that emptiness between her legs. Now Tony understood how a girl felt when she was in heat and wanted to find a male to mount her, to soothe that need deep within. The things that were rubbing at her pussy lips felt wonderful but on some level, they were wrong. The fluids that oozed from them, mixed with her own dampening the soft black fur of her thighs. As the oddly colored fluid drooled down her thighs, changing the black fur into a rich snow white color making for interesting markings.

Lifting her head, she felt Jordan's paws fumbling with the restraints removing them. She sighed, letting her head slightly. When she lifted her head, she could see that the door was still open offering a possibility of escape. A little groan escaped her parted muzzle, a little feeling of something making circles against her fertile entrance. Launching a foot out behind her, she got lucky and struck Jordan in her groin, tentacles rapidly pulling away from her.

Tony ignored the pained growl of the wolf, sprinting out the door and slamming it closed behind her. Making her way downstairs, fumbling around in her new body her center of balance was off. Pausing at the door part of her wanted to go back to Jordan, beg for her forgiveness and let her breed her. She knew it wouldn't be too difficult, her pussy was aching for something to be planted within it and grow heavy with pups. Her paw rested on her belly for a moment before a breeze blew through the bottom floor of the house, helping to clear her mind slightly. She pulled the door open, stepping outside as more air helped clearing it. Deep growls from behind made her glance back at Jordan.

"No. Tony... you need to get back here. It's not safe." Tony felt her pussy flush with heat, seeing Jordan standing there in the doorway. Those tentacles curled around themselves glistening in the pale light, but the thing that caught her real attention wasn't the tentacles. Jordan's big wolf cock was unsheathed once more, the bulge of the knot swollen at the base drooling precum from the flared head of it's cock. Jordan's voice was so soothing, calling to her and slide down to grip the cock wiggling it. "Come back here Tony; let me soothe the ache between your legs..."

It would have worked except for a car swerving out of the darkness, horn blaring drawing Tony back to reality. The wolf girl screamed in fear, running away and jumping through some bushes in a hurried rush to escape. It was difficult for Tony to focus, making her way to her real home to try and figure out what to do. She heard the calls of the feral dogs off in the distance, almost as if they were calling her. The girl continued to head home, her tail held high and wagging quickly spreading that intoxicating fertile scent into the air signaling to all males she was ready to be bred.

Slumping down into a chair after using her hidden key on the porch, Tony sighed as she was worn out and so tired after the entire ordeal. Closing her eyes, she almost started to let darkness take her until a scratching noise at the door make her sit up. Quite nervously Tony made her way to the door; looking out the window she could see the neighbor's dog Brownie out there.

Not thinking, she opened the door allowing the dog inside, closing it and deciding she could let her neighbors know that their dog was out in the morning. Kneeling down, she patted him on the head between his ears.

"What are you doing out boy? How did you get over the fence?" She lightly ran her fingers through her fur, stroking the thick fur having never paid too much attention to him before this. Blushing Tony giggled when he licked her muzzle, starting to lick back. Oddly it didn't disgust her like it did when she was male; it was a rather nice feeling. Her tail wagged slowly behind her, held high as she stroked his muscled sides. Tony blushed brightly glancing down at Brownie's belly. Her eyes went wide, with the dog slowly moving to sit back on his rump looking at her with a tilted muzzle. A little shiver ran down her spine seeing his very heavy looking sheath. A little twitch made her whimper seeing that he was never neutered, a pair of heavy balls that made hers look small when she was male. It was clear he was aroused, the dog's sheath a rich black color against the white fur of the belly swollen looking.

"Oh god... fuck, you're a big natural dog aren't you? That's why you jumped the fence... you can smell my aching little pussy can't you?" She smirked, not thinking clearly turning and wiggling her rump at the dog. "You would like this wouldn't you? Getting a ta-" He words dissolving into loud moans; Brownie had pressed his muzzle between her legs and was now lapping greedily at her pussy.

The sensation flooded her body, feeling wonderful at the heat from her pussy spread throughout her body. Sighing silently, she slowly moved and turned her body so she could inspect his sheath. The smell that flooded her flared nostrils was different, it was rich and primal much different than Jordan's or her own when she was male. Her tongue washed out cleaning the dog's dirty sheath, she could taste the urine and cum in the fur. Tony blinked a little confused, feeling Brownie moving his muzzle away from her groin.

"W... what boy? What do you want?" Watching as Brownie moved behind her, she gave a little shiver and found she didn't want to move her body. All she did was spread her legs exposing her aching cunt to the air needing something. Tony gave a little growl as she felt that weight settling onto her back. Brownie's cock jabbed at her rump and thighs, missing her vulnerable swollen sex.

A little part of her knew this was a very bad position to be in, but that voice was ignored. Lowering herself she gave a loud yelp when Brownie's cock found its mark, sinking into her balls deep. He wasn't the biggest thing she'd seen, but it felt thicker than anyone she'd ever fooled around with as a male. A slight twitch of pain surged throughout her groin when her hymen was torn, but that pain was slowly being replaced with pleasure. This wasn't a slow motion like someone with their lover; this was a rough animal taking a bitch as his own. Slowly as the pleasure built up inside her body, she began to rock backwards meeting his strong thrusts. This was what she needed, a strong male on her back breeding her paws wrapped around her waist keeping her in place. That little voice got a bit louder, that she was male and this was some feral animal.

All those thoughts and worries were forgotten when that bulge of a knot began to slap against her pussy lips. Tony just couldn't fight her instincts anymore and just let the dog hammer her, the blunt claw tips raking against her belly. Gasping lightly she lowered her head when Brownie's muzzle clamped down on the back of her neck. It felt so incredible, so soothing and wonderful as she whimpered.

"Oh god... yes... get that knot inside me, give me puppies... fuck my aching cunt like a bitch!" She moaned out loudly, drool dripping from her muzzle as she gave in completely to lust. Bucking her hips lightly, relaxing herself to allow him to get that knot past her entrance with a loud slurp. As she realized that her fate was sealed, a climax unlike anything she'd ever felt raced through her body. The sensation was far more intense and pleasurable than anything she ever felt when she was male. All that Tony could focus on now was that knot swelling up to the size of softball making her walls ache. The dog's rough thrusts stopped as he stiffened on top of her, snarling out loudly. She didn't feel the first spurt as it hit her vulnerable cervix, but she was aware of that liquid warmth spreading throughout her recently deflowered sex. The ache that had been gnawing at her body slowly began to fade.

Her tail wagged slowly when Brownie finally dismounted from her sore body. It felt oddly good when she felt his tongue lapping at her bruised sex, cleaning up the little bit of cum that was dribbling free. Tony glanced out the window, seeing the pale orange light realizing that the sun was starting to come up. Wrapping herself in a robe, she grabbed Brownie's collar figuring it'd be a bad idea to allow him to stay with her any longer.

Tony was finally able to focus slightly now, her ears sagged at the realization of the depravity she had committed. Leading Brownie outside, she took him next door and pushed him back into the neighbor's yard, fixing the fence door so he wouldn't be able to escape anymore. Hurrying inside she could feel the after effects of her lover's seed oozing from her pussy. Breathing deeply, she gave a moan the entire living room reeked of sex and dog cum. Letting a paw wander down to her belly; maybe it wasn't all bad to be female. A little white lie, trying to comfort herself. Crawling into bed upstairs, she was going to call the cops when she was able to allowing herself to drift off to sleep.

-=The End?=-

Any donations would help, please direct them over on PayPal to Steampunk Stallion. It helps make my life a bit easier, and I can keep putting out more stories. Please don't mention anything about adult content. Thank you. [email protected]