Tequila Bunrise

Story by Tana Simensis on SoFurry

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This started as a title, and I just had to make a story to go along with it!

"No, we didn't get it running." The rabbit's white nose twitched out of more exasperation than anything as he spoke into his phone. "Why? Because this factory is a fucking joke, Dale!"

The cab driver turned his head at that outburst, but quickly went back to his driving duties.

"Dude, they don't even have a calibrated micrometer, what the fuck do you want me to do?" His long ears drooped a bit as he listened to the unrealistic demands from thousands of miles away.

The cab hit a bump, or pothole, which caused the passenger's head to hit the vehicle's ceiling. The jolt only furthered his frustrations, and for a moment he almost wanted to throw his phone onto the dirty floor of the taxi.

"I'm an engineer, I can't fix the fact you contracted to some bullshit factory. You got ripped off, cut your losses and find another supplier. These guys aren't going to get it done."

He sighed at the reply, and looked past the smudgy window at the rolling green hills in the distance. He just wanted to be back at his hotel and put the day behind him.

"Yeah...yeah, okay. I'll try." The rabbit pressed the end button on the screen as quickly as he was able and slumped back against the seat. The vibrant colors of the world outside drew his attention, though.

When he got past his anxiety it really was a lovely place. The food was great, the people were friendly, and the scenery was gorgeous. The cabs left a little to be desired, though. Maybe they were cleaner during tourist season, he thought.

He paid the driver, and tipped him fifty pesos. It wasn't his money, anyway, and frankly he didn't mind spending a little of his employer's cash after the way he'd been treated on the phone. The lemur in the front of the cab beamed and gave him a sincere, "Gracias, señor!"

The hotel room, and the hot shower it offered, was a nice comfort. The warm water and soap washed away the few dark spots of grease and grime that had marred the snow-white fur that completely covered his body. There was always something about a hot shower that made the rabbit feel renewed, as if the water was washing away the worries of the day.

Channel surfing while he waited for his fur to dry was a useless endeavor. He didn't speak Spanish well enough to have any clue what was being said on the various stations. After giving up on TV he resorted to the book he had brought along for the trip.

It wasn't working. There was too much on his mind for him to be able to disconnect from reality and get lost in some made up story.

"I need a drink." Or about ten, he thought silently. The rabbit put his wallet in the side pocket of his pants, a habit of his while traveling abroad. He fancied that it would make picking it a little more difficult, though whether that was true or not he had no idea.

His clothing selection was limited, containing only one shirt that was not a button-up: a teal polo. He slipped it over his slender form and headed out.

The air was cool outside, but not enough to warrant a jacket. He started down the sidewalk towards the ocean. The colorful buildings, and the murals strewn about their sides, seemed to lighten his step. Here and there were street vendors, eager at the sight of an obvious foreigner passing their stalls. With a smirk he ignored the shouts of the merchants. He already had enough knick-knacks from previous trips.

Before he could see the beach, he could smell it. The air pushing up towards him carried on it that mysterious but recognizable scent. It is a difficult smell to describe to someone who has never experienced it. Ancient, constant, and alluring, it drives people to seek it out when their nose catches wind of it.

Soon he crested the little hill that the road was leading to and got the first glimpse of his destination. Almost unnaturally aqua blue waves rolled onto the long strip of sand that stretched far into the distance either way he looked. Straight ahead was exactly what he was looking for, and his feet were already carrying him downhill towards it.

The bar was an open-air type, and in the Tiki fashion; a bit cliché and surely made to appeal to the tourists, but that was quite all right with the businessman. He pulled out a wooden chair and rested his white elbows on the bar while his green eyes scanned the liquor selection. His window-shopping was cut short by a baritone voice.

"Bienvenidos señor conejo! Que gustarias beber?"

The businessman looked up to the source, and was greeted by a jaguar.

The cat was well dressed, as though he belonged in a finer establishment. He had a black towel draped over his shoulder, and a sultry smile across his spotted maw.

"I'll take a tequila sunrise, por favor." The rabbit's Spanish wasn't that great, but he understood the question that had been asked of him. The bartender's black lips curled up into even more of a smile as he heard his customer speaking English.

"That's my favorite drink, that you order!" The barkeep's deep voice was already attractive, but the mild accent on it as he spoke in his non-native tongue only furthered the allure.

"Oh yeah? I've always liked it, myself." The rabbit watched the deft, and clearly for show, movements of the feline's paws as his drink was prepared.

The bartender stopped pouring for a moment as he turned a coy look back towards his customer. With a smirk, and flick of his slender tail, he added a generous amount of extra liquor. "You look like you could use a little extra ,how you say, 'punch', señor..."

"Ashton," the rabbit smiled and nodded at the nearly complete drink, "and yes, I could absolutely use some extra punch."

A spotty paw placed the liquid-filled glass on the bar and the jaguar moved on to another customer. Ashton was content to watch the grenadine slowly make its way up the class. The next few rounds wouldn't experience such patience, but this first drink was one to be savored. Finally he gave the concoction a stir with his straw, and took a long sip of the pink liquid. It was good. The copious helping of tequila came through at first, but soon faded in the sweet aftertaste.

"You are here on business, Ashton? You don't seem like a tourist."

"Si, I'm an engineer. What's your name, anyway?" Ashton asked as he adjusted his glasses.

The jaguar winked a yellow, feline eye and pointed a thumb at his chest. "I am Matteo. You need anything, you ask."

"Anything?" Ashton was not normally the forward type, but something about the man behind the bar was exciting every flirtatious bone in his body.

Matteo responded with a very low chuckle, or perhaps more of a purr. Ashton couldn't tell, but it was clearly an approving noise. From the other side of the bar a customer called, and the cat went to attend them.

Something new caught Ashton's attention. Hitherto unnoticed was a television to his right. It was muted, and the picture had static, but it looked as if there was a baseball game on. River City at his old hometown of Rockwood. Two teams with a great longstanding rivalry.

The volume in the glass went down steadily as its owner became entranced in the game. It was a good one, a no-hitter in the 6th. His peripheral vision registered someone next to him, and sure enough it was Matteo.

"Another drink?" Ashton nodded. "You like baseball, hm?" Matteo gestured towards the screen before grabbing the tequila.

"Love it. I'm from Rockwood, hoping my boy Sanchez here can do us proud." He was referring to the thus far lights-out pitcher.

That drew a chuckle. "You know, Roberto Sanchez is from here, yes? Hometown hero." He set finished cocktail in front of his customer.

Ashton had to admit to himself that that was pretty badass, but he was just loose enough from the stiff drink to turn the topic back around on the jaguar.

"You just want to get me talking about pitchers, catchers, and balls."

This time the cat's laugh was anything but subtle, and even drew the attention of the other two customers. He placed a meaty paw atop the rabbit's slender equivalent, and his claws extended just enough to be noticeable. He moved his lips near Ashton's ear, and the warm breath on them caused the bunny to shiver a bit. "Maybe I do. Though you need a few more drinks before you could handle this, bunny." He gestured to himself.

Ashton grinned, something he rarely did due to his self-consciousness over his two bucked teeth. So this was a big kitty, eh? Or at least he seemed to be claiming so.

"Is that a challenge? I've taken felines, before. It's not so bad."

"Drink up, little rabbit." Matteo patted the engineer on the head.

For his part, Ashton wasn't going to let either one of those challenges go unanswered. He raised the glass to his short muzzle and took several long, deep gulps; clearing half the contents out in seconds. The jaguar was looking at him, waiting. With a smirk the rabbit snatched the drink up and finished the second half off as quickly as he had the first. Ashton slammed the empty glass on the wood bar.

"Make me a real drink, Matteo."

The jaguar held up a single digit before turning back to the liquor bottles. He scratched his chin, in deep thought. "Hm." He disappeared to the other side of the bar.

Ashton looked out at the gentle motions of the ocean. The blue water was covered in a shimmering orange light from the setting sun. It stung the eyes, but he had a difficult time turning away. The thunk of a new beverage on the bar was enough to snap his distraction. As Ashton turned his head towards his bartender the realization that his equilibrium was off came suddenly to him. The first two drinks were strong, very strong. A third was really pushing it, especially if it was even stronger than the first pair.


He reached for it, after a moment of hesitation. It wouldn't do to make such a show and then pussy out. Surprisingly, it tasted quite fruity, and not at all of alcohol. Ashton didn't know whether that was a good or bad thing, but he was willing to roll with it. "It's really good, what is it?"

His question was answered with a wagging white finger, a shake of the head, and a 'tsk, tsk' sound. "Let me have my secrets," Matteo purred.

A whistle from the other side of the bar caused the pair to sigh together. Matteo padded off out of sight once again.

"Wish I could get him to myself for a bit," Ashton mused as he leaned back slightly in his chair; drink in paw. After a few generous sips he set it down and closed his eyes.

This night was the best one he'd had in longer than he could remember. Here he was, on a beautiful beach, with a strong drink, and a stunning foreign man flirting with him. His eyes shot open as he felt a heavy pair of paws on his shoulders. Before he panicked a familiar voice came from behind him.

"Relax, conejito."

Ashton did as he was told, and leaned back into the powerful feline paws that were starting to press harder into his bony shoulders. Already his tension was starting to leave his body. It was a sadly short affair, he knew it would have to be. Matteo wouldn't have time to give him a full massage while he had customers waiting, but the few minutes were pure heaven.

A rough feline tongue flicked across the back of his ear, which was filled with the soft rumblings of a purr. Ashton shivered at the touch, and then jumped a bit as he felt a playful tap on his behind as the cat abandoned him and headed back to his work station. His jump nearly knocked his glasses off his nose, and he fumbled to set them back where they belonged. That produced a purr-laden chuckle.

"Hey, my shift is ending anytime, now. As soon as Miguel gets here."

Oh god, Ashton thought. He was actually about to get a chance at this.

"So," Matteo continued, "if you want, I can give you a ride back to your hotel. You should not be walking the streets alone at night."

"I'll take you up on that." Even with his mind as fuzzy as it was, Ashton knew there was truth to that statement. Twilight had fallen, and the city was nowhere safe as it was beautiful.

Matteo grinned, and with a few finger presses on the register printed out a receipt. As he was handing the bill to his favorite customer that night another man slipped into the bar. The newcomer was a burro, in classic gray colors with a white tipped muzzle. He was dressed in the same garb as Matteo, and was clearly the late-night guy. The two bartenders began to converse in Spanish. The pace of the words was well beyond Ashton's ability to even try and comprehend, so he thought better of it, and clumsily grabbed at the bill.

The alcohol was starting to really hit him then. Even the numbers and words on the receipt blurred together. As his white paw slipped pocket he let out a gasp at what he discovered. Nothing.

There was nothing in his left pants pocket, where his wallet should have been. In a panic he tapped at his other three pockets. Still he felt nothing in them aside from his phone. Finally he stood up, though his footing was wobbly, and he struggled to keep his balance.

A second check produced the same results as the first, and his antics had drawn the attention of Matteo.

"Problem?" The jaguar was clacking his extended claws against the hard counter, expectantly.

"Uh..." Ashton flushed red in his ears at his complete embarrassment, or was he already rosy from the alcohol? "Uh," he repeated as he looked around desperately, but only found Matteo staring at him. "I can't find my wallet." He gulped, and the silence that followed seemed to last forever.

"Well, I suppose I'll make this bill go away." There was an implied 'if' at the end of his offer.

Ashton knew where it was headed, and he was quite okay with it. "I'll make it up to you."

It was only a few minutes until Matteo was off work, and he led Ashton to his small car. The drive back was a blur to the rabbit. He ended up closing his eyes rather than try to deal with the myriad of lights. Matteo didn't really say much, he pointed out a few places he knew, but soon realized that his passenger was a lot drunker than he had let on. The drive was only five minutes or so, and soon the car halted in the hotel parking lot and the pair got out.

Ashton led the visitor to his room. The fact that his hotel still used keys had amused him before, but that night he cursed it as it took several attempts to get his in the hole and unlock the door.

He sat on the edge of the bed and slipped his shoes off, and that simple act of sitting down was all it took for him to be pounced upon.

Matteo was atop him instantly, and Ashton felt suddenly like prey to the big cat. The jaguar was only in his room for one thing, and Ashton wanted nothing more than to give him exactly what he wanted.

Right above his head were those mesmerizing feline eyes, looking hungrily into his own. Normally he would associate eye contact with a good kiss, but this was not a normal encounter. The meaty paws that had been massaging his back earlier were undoing his pants now. He felt his arousal spring free, and his nose twitched as he picked up his own scent. That was soon joined by a much more pungent and undeniably masculine odor as Matteo slipped his own britches off.

He wanted to look down, and see what it was the cat was boasting about earlier, but he had no chance. A spotted maw took his slender neck in its grasp, and Ashton felt himself go limp in a complete state of submission. His sensitive ears picked up a slick noise, and he silently prayed that it he was hearing lube being applied.

Ashton's legs were lifted up in the arms of his Latin lover; the hold on his neck from the flexible feline never easing up. He felt the bed shift under them as the cat positioned himself, and got the first feel of the bartender's dick as the head smeared across the fur under his tail.

With a bit of adjusting, the massive head was soon pressing against his pucker. He felt a steadily building pressure there, and bit his lip a bit. His senses were dulled quite well from the drinks, but he knew it was going to hurt at first. The size boast earlier was clearly not a vain threat. Matteo's claws extended and pressed into his thighs, and then retracted again.

Finally, it happened. The jaguar's cock slipped inside him, and it didn't stop to give him a chance to become accustomed to it. He let out high pitched whine, initially in pain, but it warped into a lusty moan as he felt himself taken inch after inch. After just seconds he felt the other male's hips meet his. He wanted to speak, or grind back, but he was so overwhelmed by the aggressiveness of the dominant male that all he could do was squirm and mumble something incomprehensible.

Matteo was moving again already, drawing himself out and back in in a regular rhythm. No foreplay, no starting slow, just straight to a gasping, moaning, feral breeding. He was always the sort to be coy during sex, to tease things out, make the other guy work for it, that sort of thing. At that moment he was nothing but a gasping, writhing sex toy, and he loved it.

He wanted to push back, but was pinned so thoroughly that he couldn't even move. His ankles were pushed back to nearly his head as the thrusting jaguar vied for a better angle to bury himself.

That did the trick, and the muzzle around his neck suddenly clamped down harder. From around it came a fearsome growl that could only be described as primal as Matteo buried himself hard into the bunny several times as he reached his climax. Ashton let out a pitiful whimper as he felt the twitching cock deep within him.

Matteo's breathing was heavy, but his paws eased off of the rabbit's legs. As the breathing normalized, his neck was finally freed from the sharp teeth that had held him 'prisoner', and he finally snuck a kiss. Just a little peck on the jaguar's cheek, but it produced an out of breath chuckle.

With as little fanfare as things had started with, Matteo pulled himself out. Ashton felt suddenly empty, though just as equally turned on as a warm liquid trickled out of his hole.

Something landed on the bed near his head. He looked at it, stunned. It was his wallet.

"Figured you'd want this back," Matteo said as he was stepping back into his pants.

Ashton flushed, so it was all a ruse just to get his tail?

"You could have just asked."

Matteo's lips curled up and his tail flicked. "Yes, but then where's the fun?"


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