Chapter 1--=>Introduction

Story by Crispy on SoFurry

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#1 of Unusual Love


Disclaimer thing here blahblah characters copyrighted. Mine. This story is not for anyone under the age 18+ and contains scenes of nudity and sexuality blahblahblah.


"So whats for lunch?" Zythren asked the women across the counter serving him a big plate of vegetables. Zythren was like any other eighth grader, but there was nothing ordinary about him. He is slim, well built and was under average height for his age. About 5'4. Zythren was a vegetarian and always refused to eat anything that used to have a face, or was going to have one for that matter. Everyone in school had known the little snow leopard was gay, but his parents didn't.His parents always worried about him, they could never find out why he was so...different.The matter didn't bother him much and not too many kids ever gave him a hard time for it. Except one. His name was Daragon and he is a 6' tiger weighing in at around 200 pounds and only one year older than Zythren.Daragon would always push him around into the lockers and call him bad names, but for some reason never hit him, even when he threatened to.

It's been going on like this for several years now and never once anyone did anything, or even care for that matter.

"Um... thanks." Zythren gave the lunch lady a small smirk and ran off to sit at a table, by himself, on the other end of the cafeteria. Zythren always ate alone because he hasn't made a friend since he was in the first grade. When his friend moved away in grade four, he cried for three days.

Occasionally kids would say hi to him and keep walking, but that didn't make them friends.

"So how do you like eating shit, Dyke!" Daragon laughed and knocked his food to the ground. Zythren picked up his tray off the ground along with the vegetables and ran off to the upstairs boy's bathroom. It was the only place he could ever be alone, because the bathroom had been out of order since a boy put twenty fire crackers in a toilet last year.

"Why do you have to make my life such a living hell!" he yelled at nothing and smashed the mirror with the tray. He hadn't realized what happened until a sharp hit him across the face and knocked him out.

Zythren blinked a few times and opened his eyes to see himself lying in a bed in a big white room.

"Hay! he woke up!" someone in the room had said. Zythren's mom hugged him and asked if he was okay.

"I'm fine really, just, I don' remember what happened." There were more than just his parents in the room, including the principal, Daragon, and someone he had never seen before.

The principal spoke. "All the kids saw what happened. You should be glad that Jake found you in that bathroom by mistake, or you would have bled to death. Now Daragon has something to say, don't you?" Daragon didn't even bother to look at him.

"Sorry for calling you names and making you so angry, I guess." he muttered.

Jake was still standing at the back of the room, looking at the floor. He is what Zythren could make out, a dragon, and a tall on at that. He guessed around 6'5, but looked much older than he really was.

"Jake heard something when he was wandering around the school and went to find out out what it was, only to find you lying on the floor in a puddle of blood." the principal explained everything.

Zythren smiled to himself.

"Thanks for the details Mr. Hahr..."

Zythren was let out of the Open Heart Hospital later that day with only a bandaged head. It hurt but he was kinda happy too, due to the fact he didn't have to goto school for two days. His parents spoiled him for thinking it was their fault for not protecting him.

"Mum trust me, I'll be fine." It was his first day back since the accident and his mom didn't want him to leave.

"I know sweetie, I just wanna be sure you'll be okay." He hasn't seen his mom this worried since he broke his leg jumping out of a tree three years ago.

He usually took the bus to get to school, but this morning hid dad offered him a ride. After some terrifying turns and twists they arrived. His father wasn't very good at driving.

"How's the face?" Someone asked when he stepped in the doors to school.

"huh? oh, it's okay, I think. Thanks." Zythren turned to look and noticed the dragon from the hospital room standing in front of him.

"Oh, thats cool. I'm supposed to be helping you get around school for the week, to make sure you don't try and hurt yourself again... by the way are you emo?" Jake smiled.

"hah real funny make jokes about the cripple." Zythren couldn't help but smile too.

"Sorry, so whats your first class?" Zythren told him it was his sewing class and the headed off to E wing of the school. Zythren couldn't help but wonder.

"Don't you have your own classes to get to?"

"Well for the next week I don't." He giggled a bit but sopped when Daragon came up behind Zythren and was about to smack him upside the head.

Jake stopped it. Then picked him up and moved him away.

"hay! let me go you fagot freak!"

"fagot freak? wow that's it? that's the best the little bully could come up with? Loser." Daragon had never seen him before and decide not to push his luck and went to class. Come to think of it, Zythren had never seen him before either.

"Wait, I've never seen you around here before, how come?"

"well my parents and I just moved here from Seattle. I've been unpacking for a few days before i started school."

"The funny thing was that my first day at this school I was taking a tour around the school and then heard you smash the mirror." Zythren thought for a minute it was lucky he was found by such a handsome kid, and then shrugged it off.

When they got to class, most of the kids had already began to pull out the sewing machines from the cabinets. Mrs.Caber howled at them to sit down. It wasn't until just before class had ended that Zythren really got a good look at the muscled dragon when he asked him to try on a pair of pants he made.

They were a little small but still fit.

"So how are you liking it here in Vancouver, Jake?"

"well it's not very quiet I can tell you that much." Both laughed and headed out the door when the bell rang. A week had passed and Zythren got upset just thinking about the fact that they probably wont even talk to each other again. When they said their good-byes on Friday and went home, Zythren noticed the house next door wasn't for sale anymore.

He thought to himself for a minute, 'how did I not notice that for a week and a half?!' He was excited to think that maybe the dragon had moved next door but was too scared to go and find out. He waited until after dinner when he went to his room to look out his window and try to find out by spying through their windows. All he could see was a large red and green dragon sitting at a table eating what looked like broccoli and carrots only. But the dragon looked exactly like Jake! maybe it was his father... or mother? He couldn't tell.

He looked at the upstairs windows to find Jake staring right back at him. They were within arms reach of each other.

"how long have you been standing there looking at me?"

"Long enough to see you get excited when you saw my dad eating dinner."

"I've got to work on my spying skills." Zythren whispered to himself.

"A word of advice would be to not stick half your body out the window." Jake giggled.

"How did you hear what I said?"

"do your re-search, I have amazing hearing." Zythren grunted and Jake giggled a bit more.

"How old are you anyway Jake?"

"oh I'm only fourteen, but I'll be fifteen in a few weeks." Zythren spoke wide-eyed.

"are you serious?! you look at least seventeen!"

"Really? how old are you?"


"oh well then don't take it in a bad way but I though you were thirteen."

"That's okay, i get it a lot anyway." The two talked for another two hours before they realized it was ten o'clock and time to goto bed. Zythren tossed and turned all night wondering about him. What was his favorite sport, is he a vegetarian too, and some sexual questions also. Zythren noticed that just thinking about him he was going hard. A full ten inches and three inches wide. He must knew he liked him, but not as much as this. He was truly in love with him. Now he couldn't sleep at all with his rock hard cock bouncing against his chest.

He whispered to himself "Maybe tomorrow little guy I'll think about him some more for you, but for now I need some sleep.

The next morning when Jake woke up and roared a little, it woke Zythren too, at six. He didn't have to goto school for another three hours because his school starts at ten. Zythren looked out the window, in the buff, to see Jake looking back, also in the buff. Zyhtren immediately tried to cover his cock that's been standing at attention all night.

"Mornin' " said Jake.

"What?! Who?! Why are you starring at me?!"

"Well I thought if my roar didn't wake you it would definantly be the stare.

He was right. Zythren was completely wide awake now, thanks to the sexy dragon at his window.

"Don't worry it's not like I'm going to tell anyone how small it is." Jake winked and gave him a suspicious smile.

"What do you mean small mister 'I'm so naturally huge that I probably have a big wang" Jake laughed when Zythren made one of those 'hands on hips' poses leaving his cock out in the open.

"Hay I never said anything about mine being big, or even small for that matter. Oh, and your pole is showing."

"What pole... OH! oh I'm sorry!" Zythren threw a shirt over his member and hid behind the wall.

"It's okay it's not like I've never seen one before..." Zythren wondered what he meant by that when he realized it was already time for him to get ready. Zythren told Jake he had to get ready and went to his bathroom. When he got in the shower his member had subsided a bit, but not fully. He turned on the water to just the right temperature and relaxed letting his slim body take up the warmth. He put some hair and body shampoo his mom bought him that smelled like peaches all over, then washed it off. The smooth and slick feel of the shampoo running over his cock was enough to get him hard again.

He sat back and closed his eyes, thinking about the dragons smooth scales running over his body and the warm feel of his chest. He had never felt harder in his life. It was like a huge switch turned on in his head. Then something strange happened. He put his paw around his hard, barbed cock and touched the tip, to feel a long, snake like thing protruding from his cumslit. He opened his eyes and couldn't believe what he saw.


So this is my first story posted on here and I've finished chapter two and I'm working on the third.

if people like it ill post number two. suggestions and comments are welcome. please vote. thanks.