Slave Trade - The Hosting

Story by comidacomida on SoFurry

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Slave Trade Hosting

copyright 2013 comidacomida

Sidney followed obediently after Lord Talvin. The wolf knew far more than the fox when it came to the Hosting, and if Lord Talvin was an ally to Lord Hector then the Slave Master would best serve the elk by taking cues from the guest Lord. Behind Sidney the Gladiators trailed after him obediently, all except for Maern, who walked beside the fox. While they crossed the great distance between the stables and the front of the estate, Sidney took the time to steal glances at Maern out of the corner of his eye. Although the fox's first impressions of the stallion took in the harness and the lion cloth, he had missed many of the finer aspects of the gladiator's adornments for the sake of paying Lord Talvin extra attention. Since the wolf was now focused more on travel and less on pleasantries, it afforded Sidney a better view.

Unlike the other Gladiators who had a ring, chain, or loop of metal here-or-there, Maern was actually quite dressed up. Aside from only wearing a halter and having a split loincloth, the stallion was also wearing metal caps along the tops of his hooves, two precious metal bracers, and a jade torque on his left bicep. As Sidney's gaze continued upward, he was surprised that Maern's broad, metal collar was made of a whitish metal plate inset with many grand emeralds, aquamarines, and heliodors. The stallion's choker, Sidney noticed, looked like a middle-point between Olnyr's necklace and the other slaves' collars.

"Why does Maern get a gorget?" Choel asked quietly. Sidney could tell the question wasn't directed at him.

"Hmph..." Dorias responded with a casual grunt, "That's 'cause it's what Lord 'ector chose for 'im... now still ya muzzle..."

"What's a 'gor-shay'?" Sidney asked, glancing over his shoulder.

Choel's ears lowered slightly, tail curling beneath his loincloth when he realized that the Slave Master heard him, and he responded with a simple motioning of his finger at his own neck, "Metal collar." he answered simply and to-the-point.

"The guests know they will be meeting Lord Hector's champion." Lord Talvin spoke up, not bothering to look back at the slaves, nor slow his pace in the least, "I would say tis expected that he stand out... hence the gilded collar and other such accoutrements..." he took three steps as his tail flowed languidly from side to side, pausing for only a moment to add, "and I have no doubt that it will increase his price many fold." the wolf continued walking once more, chuckling quietly to himself.

The comment caused some more whispering from Choel, but Sidney was no longer paying attention since they were only a few strides from rounding the manor... and only then did their guide stop in earnest. "So..." the visiting Lord about-faced to address the slaves, "I am confident this is Sidney's first Hosting," he inclined his head politely to the fox in a courtly fashion, "And Maern has already explained that he is not familiar with the custom." he looked to the stallion and spoke a few words; Maern's "Iya" response confirmed whatever the wolf had said. "And what about the three of you?" he turned his eye on Choel, Dorias, and Olnyr.

Sidney could not help but admire Lord Talvin's subtle cues; the wolf's eyes focused on Choel and, without having to even say a word, it was readily apparent who was to answer the question first. "I've been to two, Lord Talvin." the tiger answered, "But never On Block."

"On Block?" the fox asked the slave, but Lord Talvin saw fit to answer instead.

"The term 'On Block', my dear Sidney means that he is up for rent." the wolf explained, resting a paw on the Slave Master's shoulder. The fox also didn't miss the way Lord Talvin's tail brushed across the back of his thighs, "The Lords and Ladies who hold Hostings provide other slave owners the opportunity to borrow slaves for a short period of time... or, in other cases..." he glanced for a moment toward Tharis before looking back to Sidney, "...they don't want the slave, but they want to see the source of the seed they're buying for breeding stock." The not-so-subtle gaze earned the Lord a snort from the bull, followed by a loud sigh.

Sidney looked to the despondent slave, "Have you ever been On Block, Tharis?"

"Yes, Slave Master. Two Hostings." the bull acknowledged, "Lord Hector had two."

The fox nodded, "And... in both cases..." he paused, figuring out the best way to word what he wanted to say, "You were On Block as..." he contemplated a moment longer, "one of the... seed purchases?"

Tharis flicked an ear, "Yes, Slave Master." the bull confirmed, "I do not leave the estate." the comment was, Sidney realized, completely factual and still let the breeding slave avoid having to discuss his lack of interest in females.

The fox looked back at Lord Talvin, who was watching the exchange without bothering to hide his interest, "And have you any inkling of thought as to how those bidding on the slaves may be able to tell which is for direct breeding purposes and which is for 'services rendered'?"

Sidney's ears went up at the not-so-subtle euphemism, but, rather than speak up, the fox returned his gaze to Tharis, and then looked to the others, "Choel, Dorias, and Baron have--"

"Baron?" Lord Tharis interrupted the Slave Master, "The most esteemed Lord Hector told that his name is Olnyr."

"Uh..." Sidney felt his ears flush and his tail curl, "Baron is what I call Olnyr, Lord Talvin."

"Ah..." the wolf's tail swayed languidly from side to side as he nodded thoughtfully, "I would not presume to tell you what you can or cannot do, but Lord Hector should be aware of this before it escalates without him knowing." Lord Talvin glanced sidelong at the bison, "You did not see fit to tell him... Olnyr?"

The big gladiator crossed his arms and snorted.

The wolf flicked an ear, "I am a Lord, and I asked you a question." he stated in a calm, almost casual tone.

"You are a Lord, but you are not MY Lord." Olnyr responded, arms still crossed.

"What didn't you tell me, Ba--" Sidney paused, "Olnyr?"

The bison looked to the fox, slowly unfolding his arms, "Lord Levid names his gladiator champion Baron... he probably has a new Baron now."

"...okay?" the fox noted, providing the bison the opportunity to continue-- which he did not. "So... when I decided to keep calling you Baron....?" again Sidney left Olnyr with a chance to explain, and, again, he said nothing. Sidney sighed, "Why is calling you Baron such a big problem?"

Olnyr leaned against the manor wall, "Baron is a title AND a name."

"That's silly." the fox flicked an ear, "That's like saying Sidney is a title and a name." he glanced back toward Lord Talvin, "...isn't it?"

"Oh, my dear, dear Sidney... you have much to learn yet... and no... I would dare say YOUR title is Bane." to which the wolf chuckled softly, "Regardless... I would propose that, for at least the duration of the Hosting, you consider calling this rather strong-willed bison by the name Lord Hector has chosen for him... is that not a reasonable request?" Sidney attempted to wrap his brain around everything Lord Talvin said, but, at the same time he realized there was plenty the wolf didn't say. "Yes, Lord Talvin." the fox acknowledged, "I will speak with Lord Hector before calling Olnyr anything but his name." and he flicked an ear, practically able to feel the bison's gaze on him; Sidney chose not to look toward Olnyr.

"Now..." the wolf grinned in a conspiratory manner, "Lord Hector has noted that YOU are learning critical thinking skills... is this true?"

"I don't know what that is, Lord Talvin." Sidney admitted.

"He tells me that you are becoming quite proficient at identifying slave's breed lineage by sight." the lord offered patiently.

"He is teaching me how to tell where a slave's blood line is from." the fox noted, "He says it's important for a Slave Master to know."

"Indeed... indeed." Lord Talvin chuckled, "and so you are learning to identify and process information."

"Yes, Lord Talvin." Sidney nodded, assuming that he understood what the wolf had meant.

"Then perhaps you can tell me something about the slaves in your stables, hmm?" Lord Talvin's ears went up with theatrical curiosity, his muzzle holding an overtly good-humored smile. The wolf watched him intently... expectantly. The fox felt comfortable enough talking to Lord Talvin, but he also realized that there were certain things expected of him, so he attempted to convey that to the wolf, "Lord Hector will be expecting the slaves at the Hosting."

Lord Talvin chuckled, "Of course he will... but not until the guests arrive."

"You are here, Lord Talvin." Sidney pointed out.

"You are an astute fox." the wolf smiled, touching the slave master's nose with a finger, "However it is customary for all of the guests to arrive before the slaves are put on display." he motioned to one of the many wooden benches in the small garden beside the manor, "Now... about these slaves..."

Sidney obediently took a seat on the indicated bench and motioned for the Gladiators to do the same; all did so, except Tharis, who remained standing behind the slave master. Once everyone was situated, the fox began providing the information he was aware of for each, starting with the nationality as he knew it... but the wolf interrupted him. "Thank you, Sidney... but I was hoping to put your critical thinking skills to use in another way."

The fox's ears went up as he glanced to the Lord, "I do not understand..."

Lord Talvin smiled patiently, "Tell me..." he leaned forward, "What slaves is Lord Hector presenting to his guests tonight?"

Sidney paused, looking around at the slaves from his stable, "All of them?"

The wolf chuckled, "All of those present?" he waited until the fox nodded, "Very good... yes... all of the slaves from your stable will be shown off tonight, along with several field slaves he has hand picked." he leaned forward, "And, of those, can you ascertain which are up for auction?" he motioned again to the five slaves surrounding the slave master.

The fox blinked, flicking one ear then the other, "...all of them?"

"Correct again." the wolf acknowledged, crossing his legs and resting his paws on his top knee, "Enough of the easy questions then." he grinned, showing some teeth, "Very well, Sidney... of the slaves, which have Lord Hector selected to be studded out?"

The question caught Sidney as odd, and he had trouble answering until he thought a moment longer, "All of them." he noted with confidence, "If they are up for auction then they will either be sold or studded, Lord Talvin. Since Lord Hector does not sell his slaves the only possibility is that the are going to be... ah..." he paused as he searched for the word he'd heard earlier, "...rented."

Lord Talvin smirked, "Yes, and no, my dear fox." The wolf stood, "You are quite correct that Lord Hector does not sell his slaves... but there are other possibilities as well. Tharis, for example," he motioned to the bull standing behind Sidney, "His seed will be sold, but he will not be rented out as a stud."

"Yes, Lord Talvin." the fox acknowledged.

"Thus, the possibilities are that Lord Hector will be studding some slaves, and presenting the others so Lords and Ladies can see the origin of the seed they may purchase for their breeding slaves." the wolf stood, "So... my question is... which of the slaves here will be sent out to stud?"

Sidney took a moment to digest the wolf's question and began to consider what clues he knew. The fox focused on the basic information, trying to make his mind work in the same way Lord Hector had taught him to do when figuring out a slave's origin. Looking down at the paws he had folded in his lap, his gaze settled on his loincloth. "I am not going to be studded... and neither will Tharis..."

"Correct." Lord Talvin nodded, "Lord Hector has no plans to stud either of you..."

The slave master glanced back to the bull. Since Thais was standing and the fox was sitting his gaze only came up to the slave's thigh, and that afforded him an excellent view of the bull's loincloth... and things suddenly came together, "Tharis, Maern, and I are not going to be studded-- we each have a full bolt for their loin cloth while Choel and Olnyr just have two-sheet loin cloths."

"Good... very good, Sidney." acknowledged the wolf, "But there is one piece of the puzzle left unexplained..."

The fox paused, cocking his head to the side as he attempted to analyze Lord Talvin's unspoken quandary, "Dorias isn't wearing a loin cloth... he has a waist wrap."

"Which means?" the wolf invited.

"I don't know, Lord Talvin." Sidney admitted.

"It means," Lord Talvin explained, "he won't be traveling, but the Lord or Lady that desires him as a stud will need to bring their female to Lord Hector's estate." the wolf stood once more, brushing some unnoticed dirt off of his fine slacks.

"Hey..." Choel spoke up, glancing over at Tharis, "Maybe Sidney can talk to Lord Hector and get something like that set up for you!" the tiger's tail lashed playfully. Tharis frowned noticeably, but said nothing.

"Now..." Lord Talvin spoke up, bringing the discussion to an end, "I believe we had best bring everyone to the staging area... I can be away from the pomp and circumstance of high society's siren call for only so long." and, without any further ado, the wolf started off toward the front of the manor. Sidney stood and ran to catch up, still holding the leads for each of the slaves; they followed without a word, but the fox could practically feel Tharis' still-present frown.

The 'staging area', as it turned out, was a small field behind a row of ten foot tall hedges. Although Sidney's stable was the first to arrive, it was not long before Ulric showed up with four of his slaves, each well-dressed compared to their usual loin cloth and harnesses, though nowhere near as adorned as Sidney's gladiators. Ulric wore a simple vest of Lord Hector's house colors, and a brown leather collar; he and his slaves each had a green waist wrap, not unlike Dorias', though they were pinned closed rather then held in place with a precious metal clasp like the yak's.

"Hmph." snorted one of Ulric's slaves, a shaggy-furred llama. He elbowed the donkey next to himself and spoke in a none-too-quiet voice, "Looks like Choel's found himself a new favorite job... he's preening more than a popinjay."

The tiger had no problem responding back, "Not my fault of Lord Hector chose me over the rest of you." he smoothed out his vest, "And stop being jealous, Vannik... I look way better in this than you would."

"Only cuz my cock wouldn't fit under that little tiny piece of cloth." the llama countered, and he shared a scornful laugh with the other slaves next to him... right until Ulric began to unwind the whip he had on his belt.

"Next one of my slaves that talks gets three lashes..." he gazed around at his slaves, "Anyone?" he slowly wrapped the length of leather around his forearm, keeping it at the ready, but not letting it hang free, "Thought so." he nodded, then glanced at Sidney, "You keeping your slaves in line today, runt?"

Sidney simply nodded, not bothering to meet the lion's gaze, "Enough, Choel..." he motioned to the hedge with the sound of talking and music beyond, "Lords and Ladies are on the other side of the brush and we don't want to disturb them."

"Yes, Slave Master." the tiger acknowledged, fur bristling as he stared down the llama, who stared right back.

"Vannik..." Ulric's voice was low, but growled with a blatant threat, "if your eyes don't behave I will tear one out to make an example of it for the other."

"Yes, Slave Master." the llama acknowledged, and looked straight forward toward the hedge, pointedly ignoring Choel.

"Aye... an' 'e'd do it too." Dorias spoke quietly, just loud enough for Sidney to hear.

The lion paid Sidney and his slaves no further attention, spending his time pacing in a large circle around his own slaves, assessing them, critiquing them, and, every now and again, adjusting a piece of their scant clothing or smoothing out a ruffle of fur. The fox couldn't help but find the nit-picking attention-to-detail odd for Ulric, especially since it made him look more like a concerned hen fretting over her new hatchlings, but he was not about to say so, and certainly not to the lion.

After watching Ulric for a time, Sidney decided he'd be best off doing the same with his slaves. While the fox was inspecting his stable a final Slave Master arrived: it was Gralz, Sidney's old Slave Master. The wolverine didn't so much as acknowledge him as he began arranging and preparing his own group of five slaves. Sidney saw that Gralz was dressed in a simple, open-necked, short-sleeved tunic and wore a loin cloth much like the fox's. The wolverine's slaves, however, all had open vests and two-leaf loincloths like Choel and Olnyr-- none of the group however was as finely dressed and they lacked the other adornments and jewelery of the gladiators.

Only once Gralz's slaves were settled did the wolverine glance toward Sidney, "Tail's not tuckin' today, huh?" the question was very matter-of-fact.

"Lord Hector told me to stop." Sidney responded, smoothing out a section of fur on Choel's abdomen; he ignored the resulting purr.

"Well... ya got some fine lookin' slaves, Sidney." Gralz acknowledged in a neutral tone, "Looks like you're doin good with em."

"Thank you, Gralz." the fox stated, turning to look at the wolverine and his slaves. Sidney recognized two of them, but they didn't bother looking his way; he was a Slave Master and they knew their place; something about that made him shiver... just a little.

"...which means ya gotta be ready when you're called, and then pay attention to where Finneas puts ya." the wolverine finished explaining. Only then did Sidney realize that he hadn't been paying enough attention to Gralz.

Having been the fox's Slave Master for quite some time, however, the wolverine recognized the signs of Sidney's error in focus. He summarized, "You're goin' in last. Finneas will get me, then Ulric, then you. He'll tell you where to go and where to put your slaves... do it, and you'll be fine."

"Thank you, Gralz." Sidney offered.

"I'm doin' it for Lord Hector and your slaves." the wolverine stated flatly, "when you're a Slave Master what you say and do has an effect on others." and he frowned, "I don't want your screw ups affecting others... so pay attention."

For a moment, Sidney felt the old sense of deferral to the wolverine taking over, and he almost tucked his tail... almost. In the end, he only nodded, "Then I won't mess up." he stated with more certainty than he felt.

In the end, however, his task was fairly easy. After an undetermined amount of time, Finneas came to collect the first set of slaves, which was Gralz's. The music and talking took on an entirely different feel a few minutes later. About two hours after that the mouse returned and collected Ulric and his collection of field workers. Once more, the slaves filed out and, after a few minutes, the discussions beyond the hedge turned once more to what sounded like all business-- a little too much like a slave auction at the pits for Sidney's comfort level.

It was nearly another hour, and well on its way toward dusk by the time the mouse returned again. "Th' Master's ready for yeh, Sidney." he glanced around to the fox's stable of slaves, "An' 'e said that 'e wants th' 'orse an' Tharis in th' back... th' yak in the middle, then the bison an' tiger up front."

"Lord Hector's making me stand next to him?" Choel snorted, motioning with his thumb toward the bison, who didn't bother responding to the comment.

Finneas' only response was to bring the tip of his walking-stick down on the tiger's toes. Choel cut off a snarl of pain, and the mouse answered, "Aye.", and started off immediately on the path that led around the shrub wall.

Sidney moved quickly to catch up, still holding the leads for each of the slaves. "What about me, Finneas?" the fox asked.

"Ye have a chair." the mouse answered simply, "Once th' slaves are in place, ye are t'sit an' don't move til Lord 'ector tells yeh."

"Alright." Sidney nodded, "I can do that."

"I 'ave doubts." Finneas noted flatly, "I still remember what 'appened that one time with Lady Evolde."

The fox's ears flushed red immediately, "That was an accident!"

"Hmph." the mouse nodded without conviction, "An' all it'd take is another 'accident' 'ere t'ruin things for th' master."

Sidney found himself for the second time that day stating, "Then I won't mess up.", but he couldn't help but feel a little less certain; he didn't have the best track record. Shaking his head and pushing his hesitation out of his mind, the fox was much more composed by the time they had rounded the hedge wall and the full force of the Hosting shocked him into focus.

Although the field between Lord Hector's manor and the wall's gates was plenty large, the sheer size of the gathering made it appear close to inadequate. Between the numerous tables, several stages, and what must have been a hundred or more guests, the large, open area seemed almost restrictive. As it was, the fox didn't have much time to survey the scene as Finneas' quick pace forced him to focus on keeping up.

The crowd fell silent as the mouse led Sidney to a stand. The stage was built in three layers, with the lowest only a few inches off the ground. The second layer was almost a foot higher, and accomodated travel to and from with a stair composed of two steps. The third layer was perched atop the second, and was almost a foot taller still. Sidney wasted no time with moving his slaves into position with Maern and Tharis at the top, Dorias on the second level, and, finally, Choel and Olnyr on the lowest portion.

Due to the sheer size of many of Sidney's slaves the stage creaked beneath their weight, but it held. Once the slaves were in place, Finneas made a quick retreat, disappearing from view, but not, thankfully, before providing Sidney the aforementioned chair. Only once he was seated did the fox take the opportunity to gaze around the gathering.

Lord, Ladies, servants, and slaves all meandered about through the festive atmosphere. Although many of those present were familiar to the fox they were, of course, far more interested in the slaves standing on their respective stages. An older buzzard wearing the smock of an auctioneer was standing by the field slaves; Sidney saw that the stand at the far end of the gathering was empty, and so he guessed that Gralz's slaves had already been viewed.

Although the crowd near Ulric's slaves was by far the thickest of the party grounds, it did not remain that way for long. Several Lords and Ladies continued doing business, offering up fees, payments, trades, and negotiating prices over one slave or another, but more and more of the guests began meandering closer to Sidney and his stable full of gladiators. At first, they approached one at a time, completely ignoring the fox as they circled the stand. Later, however, after an all-too-familiar lupine voice mumbled something amidst the guests about "Is that Sidney the Bane? It must be!", he too became a subject of inspection.

After a time, the buzzard running the price wars over the field slaves concluded the showing, and then things got even busier. Sidney remained where he was, seated and unresponsive. He maintained a polite smile and said nothing to the Lords and Ladies crowding around the stage. Although the fox could feel his heart rate increasing with every new Lord or Lady added to the throng, he continued keeping up a polite and professional smile-- he'd had to smile through far worse in his life, and he was dedicated to making a good showing for his Master.

"And now... Lords an' Ladies," Finneas' voice spoke up from behind the stage. The mouse hopped up into view, standing on the third level next to Tharis, "Th' final lot o' th' evenin'... Lord 'Ector Desanti provides for yeh a chance t'bid on th' fine collection of Gladiators." the mouse gave a theatrical motion with his arm to the collection, "As yeh' see, Lord 'Ector is generously offerin' up two o' 'is Gladiators fer studdin'... th' agreed-upon price gets yeh one o' these fine studs fer two days... transport two an' from an estate is included in th' cost."

Without another word, the crowd shifted and, one-by-one, the Lords and Ladies passed by the front of the stage, taking turns looking at Choel and Olnyr. Now and again a Lord or Lady would reach up and brush one of the slaves' loin cloths aside, taking time to inspect, fondle, or simply admire the contents beneath-- Sidney didn't have a good view, but he could have sworn he saw one fennec women even lean forward and give an experimental lick of Choel's sheath. She mentioned something along the lines of, "Oh... and this one even vibrates." to the other lady accompanying her; they both chuckled.

The bidding started once everyone in the crowd had a chance to give the slaves a once-over. Choel's studding was put up for auction first, and the price rose rapidly by twenty five coins per bid. In the end, the fennec woman and her friend secured his service for a cost of 1325. One of the Lords in the line mumbled something about a wasted bid, and accused the woman of wanting the service of the tiger for herself. She calmly smiled back at him, and offered only a wink, followed by a calm, "Why? Are you jealous, Lord Neubronal?"

Olnyr was introduced as a former gladiator champion, and a few words were mentioned about his lineage-- something that Sidney didn't hear, but realized it was an important fact for any breeding slave if they should have one. The price for the bison's service put Choel's to shame, and his fee was agreed upon at just shy of 2000; Olnyr seemed rather satisfied with what he was worth, the edge of his muzzle ticking up ever-so-slightly with pride. The Lord who secured the bison wandered off with his friends, commenting that he had three females for breeding and each calf would net him far more than the meager cost. Sidney didn't miss an even more pleased expression on Olnyr's face.

Dorias' service was provided next, at which point Finneas explained that the top three bids would be accepted, and that each winner would be permitted to have one female brought to Lord Hector's estate, again, at the stag's expense. If a Lord or Lady had more than one female then they would be permitted to bid more than once. Although the bids started low, they made slow and steady progress upward. Sidney began to pay more attention to the two Lords talking near the front row as they contemplated if certain breeds of yak would be able to impregnate one or more kinds of cows they had-- in the end, neither ended up bidding, and the two winners (one Lord purchased Dorias twice) collected some kind of papers from Finneas declaring their purchases.

The auction for Tharis and Maern went much the same. With rumors of the two slaves flowing through the crowd, Maern's recent win put him in high demand, and, apparently numerous members of the gathered Lords and Ladies knew of Tharis. Finneas declared that a maximum of five winners would be allowed, and, with that, the shouting became fierce. In the end, Tharis' seed would be sold for 2100, 2000, 1850, 1750, and 1700. The auction went smoothly, with more than one of the winners commenting about having purchased Tharis' seed before and being pleased with the resulting offspring.

Maern just barely beat him with 2050, 1950, 1880, 1800, and 1750. The stallion remained impassive throughout the whole thing, but Sidney saw that Tharis was at least pleased that he got the higher price, even though he didn't get the greatest overall income. A small argument sprang up, however, when one of the winners, a Lord Nadie, asked if he could double the value and take the stallion home to stud. He accepted the no, but only after multiple objections.

By the time Sidney's stable had been fully auctioned the sun had left the sky, and large torches, lanterns, and bonfires had been strategically lit throughout the celebration area. The Lords and Ladies began to move off to the various evening festivities, but a single voice called them back, "Wait!" it called, "The generous auctioneer has obviously saved the best for last, and has all but overlooked the gem in tonight's very exquisite setting!" Lord Talvin moved to the front of those remaining and turned to face them.

"Lords and Ladies, Ladies and Lords, in the event that you have been mesmerized by our fine host's collection of Gladiators, you may have inadvertently overlooked quite a treasure. I do not fault you for missing him, as the fine slave flesh presented to us tonight could easily misdirect even the keenest eye..."

"What are you going off about, Talvin?" called a gruff voice from the crowd.

"The Bane!" the wolf offered theatrically, motioning to Sidney, "You have all surely heard of him by now... and, doubtlessly, you may be wondering just how much of it is rumor... and how much is true!"

"Lord Talvin--" Finneas began, but the lupine Lord spoke right over him.

"It would not be like Lord Hector to present such a fine slave in such livery if he did not truly expect to have him auctioned tonight!"

"Lord Talvin--" the mouse spoke up again.

"Come! Come!" the wolf spoke up to the crowd, "Let us hear your voice if you agree that Lord Hector should consider Sidney a fine catch for any prospective bidder!"

"Lord Talvin!" Finneas objected, "Lord 'Ector 'as 'im in a full loin cloth fer a--" but his voice was quickly lost amidst the increasing volume of whispers, discussion, then shouts from the assembly. Sidney began to squirm on his seat, but made no attempt to move; he was told to stay put, and stay put he would. The shouts grew more insistent, questioning what Lord Hector had to hide, and calling for a chance to bid on the fox.

"Come!" Lord Talvin raised his coin purse, "I myself will start the bidding at a thousand coins!" and he jingled the cloth bag.

Sidney's jaw dropped at the audacity... not to mention the straight-forward track the wolf had used. Surely, the fox reasoned to himself, it could not possibly work. He continued to think that right until another Lord shouted "Eleven hundred!" The fox stood stock-still as the number only got higher. Two thousand... twenty two hundred... twenty five hundred... the number continued to rise until Lord Talvin exclaimed proudly, "THREE THOUSAND.", at which point things grew quiet.

"Five thousand." a voice rose up from within the ranks of the crowed. Respectfully the non-bidders stepped aside, but Sidney didn't have to see the hippo in order to recognize the sound of his voice. He remained seating, face drained of blood as he gaped in horror at Lord Bulhue, grinning sadistically, "I've owned him before and I'm sure I could find a use for him for a night or two."

The moment the hippo chimed in, however, his large bid did the exact opposite of stalling the auction. Amidst cries of "He was Bulhue's personal slave... the hippo knows something!" and "It's BANE... I HAVE to solve this mystery!" and "The rumors are true! No price is too high!", the numbers continued to climb. After ten minutes of furious arguments, complaints, and bidding, Lord Bulhue attempted anew to forestall any other bidders, "Ten thousand." and all fell silent once again. He grinned at that, "And not a copper more."

"I'll add a copper to your bid, Lord Bulhue." Lord Talvin offered from his place by the stage, "And another thousand gold."

*SLAM* the sound of the auctioneer's gavel striking wood resolved the bidding even as Lord Bulhue began cursing the wolf "Agreed." confirmed the auctioneer, but the voice speaking was not Finneas. Turning back to look over his shoulder, Sidney gaped when he saw Lord Hector standing at the podium with hammer in hand. To the fox's credit, he remained in the chair.. barely. The stag looked down at Sidney, though he spoke to Lord Talvin, "You may pick him up at week's end... and you have bought him for one day."

The wolf's smile was almost as wide as his head, "...or one night."