The Enchanted Talisman (story preview)

Story by FlurryOfFurry on SoFurry

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"THE ENCHANTED TALISMAN" continues in A FLURRY OF FURRY volume 1 along with NINE other tales of nonsense, humor, m/m erotica, sci-fi, poetry and more!Download the ebook at the SmashWords store!Download the book on iTunes!Download the ebook at Barnes and Noble's Nookstore!Download the ebook at the Kobo store!

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Jayden stared at his cock. The donkey loved playing with himself. Loved touching his donkey meat. He squeezed it at its tip. He tugged on it like he was making taffy (the old-fashioned way). He was milking it.

The drops of cum didn't so much shoot out as they oozed out. Spurt after spurt made a river down his fuzzy thumb, down his paw, and onto his tightly tensed tummy.

"Ohh yeah, that's the business," he moaned, growling in satisfaction to himself. Before he could change his mind, he shoved his fingers into his muzzle and licked his love-slime up. He cleaned himself methodically, like a Roomba hungry for dust and shit. He Roomba'd all of that jizz off of himself.

He barely noticed all of the sounds of the fair as he finally pulled up his shorts. Ding. Beep. Honk. Splat. And it smelled like popcorn, cotton candy, and camel farts.

Jayden sneaked off of the tilt-a-whirl before anybody could smell the remnants of his lovemaking session with his clenched digits.

"Mm, next time I'm gonna hump you hard," Jayden said to his paw. "Gonna dominate you while I talk like Sean Connery."

"Perhaps you would like your palms read?" a voice, like a pestering bird that's always flying into your face and annoying you and shit, meeped from behind Jayden.

"Honey, you are barking up the wrong forest," the donkey pirouetted around, staring at the fortune teller in the stoma. "I'm a gay."

"I know," she proclaimed. "I can read your shirt."

Jayden peered down at his super manly pecs. "I'm a gay," his shirt read, in 80s neon pipe letters.

"Perhaps you would like something a little..." she paused, "more in your paws then?"

"Perhaps you say 'perhaps' too much, perhaps?" Jayden bitch-slapped a passing nine-year-old and hee-hawed.

"Here, take this, she told him, forgetting to put quotation marks on the last part of her statement.

"It's a dick on a chain!" Jayden shuffled as LMFAO's Party Rock song spontaneously erupted from the groundspeakers.

"At the end of a good night's rest, it will grow your schlongwilly by four inches or more," the hussy informed the ba-donkey-donk.

"Four inches!?" his mouth gaped with astonishment. "That'll bring it up to..." he added the numbers silently to himself, tripping a passing nun, "nine inches! That's a-fucking-wesome!"

"You can't put 'fucking' just anywhere in a word," the llama fortune teller addressed the donkey's dumb talky talk. "Try 'awe-fucking-some' or even 'fucking-awesome'."

He punched her in her boob, took the cock talisman, and did the Souljaboy, scooting himself off-screen.

"But the cuuuuuurse!" the llama whinnied. "For every hour more that the amulet is worn, another inch of your thingie will be grown!"

"That doesn't even rhyme," the panda nun farted at the fortune teller.

* * *

"Yaaaawn!" the donkey rubbed his eyes, sat up in his bed, and then stretched his arms out as far as he could. He would have loved to sleep another ten minutes (or thirty, for that matter), but it just wasn't in the cards today. Today, Jayden had a math test to fail. He had done quite well the first half of the semester, but lately he just.... "Whaaaaaat!?" he derailed his own train of thought.

"Why, hello," Jayden whispered to himself, noticing the rather large lump resting between his legs where his usually non-impressive penis used to be. "There's no way..." he breathed out. He couldn't believe it.

He slowly reached down and gave it a little poke. He felt it! The lump twitched slightly under the sheet. Jayden was quivering, he was so excited. Slowly, curiously, he lowered the sheet; clenching it with both hands.

"Dear God," he gasped. "And it's not even hard yet!" He could only stare in amazement at his newly-enlarged dick. His paw made its way down to his now-ample balls and he felt their warmth. His suddenly-erect cock now poked him in the tummy, above his belly button. "No... way!" he repeated. The eager donkey tugged at his nearly-thick-as-his-wrist fat piece of meat, causing a clear pearl of pre-cum to dribble out of his tip.

"Awesome!" he quietly grinned to himself. As he stroked himself, his eyes met with the dreaded clock. "Aww man," he released his girthy manhood, "guess you'll have to wait."

Jayden hurried to his closet and pulled out the tightest pants that he could. Both in the mirror, and peering down at himself, he could see his big dick. Even Mr. Clean's Magic Eraser couldn't wipe off the donkey's smile.

"I must not think bad thoughts," the equine spoke, eyeing his package and chuckling. "I'd rip these jeans in half!" He laughed aloud as he slung his backpack across his shoulder and he trotted off to his car.

He thought about his cock the whole way to school. Fantasized about what he would do with it the moment he got home. But, he had to calm it down before he got to the parking lot. His heart was still in overdrive and his meat was still half-engorged when he parked. He had to take another few minutes of thinking about cheerleaders to get his erection to go away.

"I've just got to see it," Jayden thought, walking past the other students. "Gotta give it some room to breathe, heh heh." He made a quick detour at the boy's room, did a quick check for any other guys, and jerked his jeans down enough to release his monster cock. "It looks even bigger than it did this morning!" his thoughts drifted back to pawing off.

Rigo, a border collie from Jayden's math class, walked into the restroom; his fluffy tail swaying with each step. "Sup, Jay!" he arfed.

"Oh..." the donkey quickly and gently placed his dick back into his boxers before zipping up. "Hey, Rigo..."

"So, I was wondering," the collie started, "me and the guys are meeting back at my place to get some early studying in for Ms. McCollough's test Friday. You want to swing by?"

"To study?" Jayden didn't know what to say. He was caught off guard, going from erotic fantasy to being shocked back to reality.

"Well," Rigo leaned over close and rubbed his elbow into the donkey's chest, "that's the plan. I'm sure we'll just wind up playing games instead."

"Oh," Jayden hesitated, wanting nothing more than to go home and play with the new toy between his legs. "Well..."

"You in?" the athletic, and slightly taller, canine asked again; resting his elbow on Jayden's shoulder. At that moment, Jayden realized that Rigo's eyes were affixed as he spoke. He was staring the donkey right in the dick.

"I'm in," Jayden smirked. "I'll see you right after school." Rigo was cute, for sure. Jayden wasn't sure that he was gay, though. But the way his attention seemed lost on Jayden's crotch spoke volumes.

The rest of the jackass's day was a blur. Blood alternatively rushed to his face as his thoughts embarrassed him, and to his cock as his thoughts excited him.

Final bell seemed to take forever to ring, although Jayden couldn't focus on anything else. He almost tripped down the school's steps on the way to his car. He squeezed the upper half of his shaft as he drove, too eager to keep his hands off of it for more than a few minutes at a time.

"You made it!" Rigo patted Jayden on his lower back as he rushed him into the house.

"You almost grabbed my butt," the equine flashed a toothy grin to the collie.

"I'll have better aim next time," Rigo smiled back, wriggling and tickling Jayden's back with his fingers.

"Heh," Jayden sighed happily. He had been to Rigo's house before. There was the beginning of the year party, and the mid-term party. Nice townhouse just outside of campus. He didn't have any roommates, but it always seemed like there was a crowd of guys there playing videogames or cards or drinking.

"You know the guys," the canine pointed over to a fox, a tiger, an alligator and a lemur. They each had a controller in their paws.

"Oh," Jayden stammered, forgetting that they weren't going to be there alone, "yeah..." He waved.

"Looks like they're all set for now. Maybe you and I can join in next game," Rigo suggested. "But for now, d'you want a drink?"

"S-sure!" a cold chill washed over the donkey as he realized that he should have just went home after school to experiment. Instead, he was following a wagging tail attached to a cute butt into a spacious kitchen.

"Coffee?" Rigo offered. He pushed a button on one of those fancy one-cup coffeemakers that uses the pods to quickly brew a single mug's worth of aromatic yumminess.

"But," Jayden's shoulders relaxed a little. "I thought you were going to offer me a proper drink."

"It's not even dark outside, Jay!" the border collie casually brushed at the donkey's chest with his paw. It was a gentle touch, but Jayden felt the tingle from it for a few seconds after. "There will be time for drinking later. Besides, I was kinda hoping you'd be sober for..." He trailed off, a slight blush rushing over his cheeks.

"For what, Rigo?" Jayden's dick trembled at the thought of what the collie was about to say.

"Follow me upstairs," Rigo commanded softly. "To my bedroom."

The dog left his paw open and dangling behind him as he took the first step. He looked back, smiling goofily, until Jayden gripped his hand. In Rigo's bedroom, the collie led Jayden to the bed and then shuffled back to the door to close it.

"So, I noticed something today," the dog's tail was wagging so hard that Jayden could feel the breeze from it.

"Yeah?" the donkey tried to play it cool, although he was sure he knew what Rigo noticed.

"I saw an outline of a very big and plump cock through your jeans," the border collie started. "And when I followed you into the restroom, I swear I saw you admiring it."

"Heh, well..." Jayden lowered his face to hide his embarrassment.

"I want to see it," Rigo leaned in, his tail wagging faster than ever.

"Oh... oh, okay..." the donkey could barely get the words out. He unfastened his belt, unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans, and then dropped them to his knees. He was teasing the dog, and he loved how it was making the collie wag. He slowly tugged at his meat, trying to pull it through the hole in his boxers. "Oops, won't fit." He grinned widely and snickered. The dog's face showed pure excitement and his tongue started to loll out of his muzzle.

Jayden instead reached in through the top of his boxers and, finally, revealed his full floppy dick to the doggie. Even Jayden couldn't help but appear impressed at the sheer size of it.

"Here," Rigo slid open his dresser drawer and grabbed something. "Let's see how big it is." He handed the equine a ruler, holding his hand for a few extra moments before letting go.

Jayden rubbed his length a few times to harden it up, and then pressed the ruler up next to it. "Sorry, can't measure it. It won't even fit on the ruler," he laughed. "And it's not even all the way hard!"

"Heh, I thought that would happen," Rigo admitted. "Hey, I'm gonna let you in on a big secret."

"Okay," Jayden pumped his dick a few more times, urging his dick to its full size. He was sure that Rigo was going to come out of the closet to him. And he couldn't wait.

"So, me and the guys are all hung. Like, really hung," the dog began. Jayden liked where this story was going. "And I'm the biggest out of them all. We have what we call "cock wars". We all see how we size up; and third place gets to tell fourth place what to do, second place gets to boss around third and fourth place, and first place is everybody's master."

"Oh my..." Jayden's cock leaked a little pre-cum, and he blushed. "But won't the results be the same every time?"

"Kind of," Rigo explained. "You see, I'm the biggest, like I said. But a few months ago, this fortune teller gave us these enchanted talismans, and now we can grow our cocks. Just like I know you can, Jayden."

"I..." the donkey tried, but Rigo placed his paw over Jayden's muzzle.

"You've got until their game is over downstairs to beat me," Rigo challenged.

* * *

"THE ENCHANTED TALISMAN" continues in A FLURRY OF FURRY volume 1 along with NINE other tales of nonsense, humor, m/m erotica, sci-fi, poetry and more!

Buy the book here!

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