Working Crush

Story by DarkwolfALA on SoFurry

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#3 of Box of Chocolates

Ok. For this one, yes, there is yiff so if your not 18, SHOO!!

Chapter 3

Victor was lying uncomfortably in the hospital bed with his leg suspended in the air, when Daniel entered the room carrying his helmet under his arm.

"How are you feeling," asked Daniel, pulling up a seat next to the bed.

"My leg is broken in three places and I have a killer headache. How do you think I'm feeling?!"

Daniel only grinned. "I guess your well enough if your still bitching about it." He looked over the injured bat and could only smile to hide his sadness. "So how long until it heals?"

Victor looked over at the clock hanging on the wall. Its face seemed to laugh at him. "A good six months." Daniel held his friend's shoulder as an act of sympathy, but Victor shrugged it off. "It's no big deal. I'll still be able to take my classes and work on my cartoon. I'll just be doing it in a wheelchair for a while." He smiled and started laughing.

Just then there was a knock on the door. It wasn't a long stream of knocks, but for some reason it sent an ice cold chill down both Daniel's and Victor's spines. Daniel walked over and answered it and there in the doorway was Ned holding a box under his arm.

"Hey," he said and walked over to Victor.

Daniel closed the door again and stood on the other side of Victor, away from Ned. Ned brushed a few strands of his mane out of his eyes and just stared at the bat. Victor wanted to break the cold silence but Daniel beat him to the punch.

"Umm... Ned? How did you know where they took him?"

"Well any smart person would take an injured person to the nearest hospital." While he talked, he never once looked away from Victor. "So when you and Andrew took off I went to a phone booth and looked up 'hospitals'. Here I brought these for you." He handed the box he had to Victor. At first he was afraid to take it but he was even more afraid of what would happen if he didn't. He took the gift and on the box, in gold letter, were 'Box of Chocolates'. Daniels mouth dropped so fast it nearly fell off. Victor looked up at Ned and saw that he was halfway to the door.

"Wait a minute! Aren't you going to let me say thank you?"

Ned opened the door halfway and turned his head. He smiled but this smile was different somehow. It almost gave off a warm glow. The lion walked out without saying a word leaving the duo speechless as he always does.

"Well," said Daniel motivating Victor, "Try one and see how you like it."

Victor hesitantly opened the box to be sure nothing was out of place. Once satisfied he selected a small round piece with a thick wave design and began to chew it. Daniel watched closely, waiting for a reaction. Victor sprang forward, nearly knocking his foot out of its sling.

"These are pretty damn good. Best chocolate I've EVER had!" He threw another piece into his maw. Once the box was finished, Victor lied back down smiling. Daniel grabbed him a tissue from a near by table and handed it to him.

"You've got chocolate all over your face. Were they really that good?"

Victor licked around his face, trying to get the rest, not wanting it to go to waste. Once he was cleaned up he sat up again and stretched.

"Remind me later to thank Ned. Wait. Did I just say that?" Both he and Daniel began laughing.

"I should go call Andrew and tell him your okay. He'll definitely want to hear about Ned's short visit."

Victor yawned. "Okay. I'll wait here. As if I have a choice."

Daniel walked down to the waiting room and found that it was empty. He dialed Victor's cell, remembering that Andrew still had it.

"That you Daniel?" asked the drowsy canine.

"Yeah it's me. Did I wake you?"

"Don't worry about it. How's Victor? Is he okay?"

Daniel told him everything was fine. He then informed him of Ned's visitation.

"WHAT?! Are you serious? Now that seems a little out of character for him doesn't it?"

"Yeah. It surprised me too. By the way. Did you notice that Ned just seems to pop up wherever we are? It's almost like he's our shadows, only he's there in the darkness."

"I've noticed that but I felt it wasn't my place to say anything. You know? Didn't want to know." Daniel understood how Andrew felt and decided to change the subject.

"Can you do something for me and Victor? Could you go over to the store and bring the three of us something to eat? I'll pay you back when you get here."

Andrew looked over at his clock. It read 10:45 p.m., meaning most of the stores were closed. Then he had an idea.

"Sure, how are some snacks from the gym?" Daniel would usually object but he was too hungry to argue. "Okay, be there as soon as I can."

Daniel hung up and went back to wait with Victor. When he walked in, he found the bat asleep. He figured he'd wait till Andrew arrived to wake him. He sat down next to Victor and to help pass the time, pulled his CD player out of his pocket and listened to his Gackt CD.

Andrew grabbed his wallet and his backpack and put on his skates. The gym was only six blocks away but he wanted to get there fast. He looked at the clock one last time before exiting the house. He locked the door and headed down Lincoln Blvd going at a good speed, even in his weary state. He arrived in front of the gym doors in about twenty minutes. A personal best. He was out of breath but he was awake now. He rolled in and gave a friendly wave and smile to his boss Jason. The crocodile smiled a big toothy grin and walked over to Andrew.

"How've you been pup? Hope you're ready for a workout, cause you won't be leaving till your drowning in sweat." Andrew told him the situation and went over to the bar to buy the food stuffs with Jason following beside him. Normally Jason would have chewed his ass out for roaming around the gym with his skates on but given the circumstances he let it go just this once. "Since you're here and all I want you to meet the new staff member." The canine's curiosity was sparked and, as always, it got the best of him. He grabbed the food and Jason led him to the free weights room. "He's the otter over there in the far corner. Hey Matt! Come over real quick! There's someone I want you to meet!" The otter put the bar down and grabbed his towel before approaching them.

"Yeah boss? I was in the middle of a workout you know." Matt looked over at Andrew and gave him a warm smile. "Hello. You must be Andrew. I'm Matt. I'm a new trainer here." He offered his paw to Andrew but the canine just stared at him in awe.

Crap! This guy's cute, thought Andrew. He couldn't stop staring at Matt. He looked to be about 6'2" and had one hell of a body. Matt looked over at Jason who just shrugged.

"Um, if your afraid I'll crush your paw, don't worry. I actually have a gentle touch." Andrew shook with Matt and was surprised at how truthful he was about having a gentle touch. When Matt took his paw back and walked back to finish his workout Jason walked Andrew back to the front and said goodbye.

"Now don't forget to come by tomorrow for your session and work. Or ELSE...!"

Andrew nodded and headed to the hospital feeling a little sad. He would have liked to talk more with Matt to get to know him. But it was getting late and he didn't want to keep the others waiting. Besides, Matt would be there tomorrow. That made him happy and he skated faster.

He didn't know how long it took him, but he finally made it to the hospital. He phoned Daniel and told him he was there. Daniel told him the room number and to keep quiet. He replaced his skates with his shoes and put them in his backpack. He noticed a lot of people had the lights off in their rooms for sleep. He caught a quick glimpse at a passerby's watch and saw it was 11:30. He turned his walking into a quick jog and found Victor's room. He wandered inside and was met by the smiles on his friends faces. Victor opened his maw wide and let out a big yawn.

"I hope you brought something good," said Victor. "I'm somewhat hungry."

"As am I," said Daniel.

Andrew placed his pack on the table and took out bags of assorted snacks and drinks.

In no time at all, they devoured everything; leaving only wrappers and empty bags and bottles. Before they knew it, they fell fast asleep. Daniel in his chair and Andrew resting his head on the table. A smile stretched across the dog's muzzle...

...Andrew walked into the gym wearing green shorts that came up slightly above the knees and his white "workout" t-shirt. He walked into the employee locker room and greeted Jason. Jason waved hi.

"Why are you here so late," asked Jason. "It's 1:15 in the morning. No one is really here except some of the trainers, but they're getting ready to leave. I am too."

"I felt like getting a workout. You wouldn't mind would you? I promise to close up shop afterwards." Jason thought about it and teased him at the same time, jingling the keys in his claws.

"Okay. Just don't forget to put the weights back." He handed Andrew the keys and exited the locker room. Andrew placed his pack into his locker. He grabbed his towel and slipped on his gloves before heading to the free weights room. He dropped his towel over a bar-bell and went over to the stereo in the back. After rummaging through his CD's, he selected a song, 'WasurenaiKara' by Gackt. Daniel is always listening to J-Rock and now he couldn't stop listening to it himself. The song emenated from the speakers and he began to add weights to the bar for his bench press routine. He added two fifteen pounds on each side. Without anyone to spot for him, he had to make sure to not injure himself. He did some quick stretches and laid under the bar. Gripping it tight, he lifted it off its rest and brought it down slowly.

"One," he counted to himself. He continued his routine till he got to his tenth rep and placed the bar down gently. "Four more sets to go." He sat up and stretched his arms. He laid back under the bar and prepared to start his second set when he heard footsteps. Startled, he sat up, nearly hitting his head on the bar. Matt was walking towards him, still dressed in his uniform of dark blue short and gray shirt with the gym's logo. The words 'Burn It' engulfed in flames, labeled across his chest. Andrew was surprised to see someone still here. He thought everyone had left already. Andrew's face turned red under his fur. He turned and went over to the water fountain to try and avoid Matt seeing him blush. He heard the song end and a new song came on. Andrew looked over at the stereo and he saw Matt standing next to it.

'I guess he's just here to workout too,' thought Andrew. He walked back to finish his sets, trying to forget about Matt's attendance. Andrew started his second set and between reps he would look over at Matt over on a machine on the other side of the room. It was hard enough to focus as it was and Matt made it even harder for the canine when he peeled off his shirt, giving Andrew a full view of his rippling muscles. Not paying attention to what he was doing, Andrew's arms gave way and the bar fell on him. Andrew screamed and Matt rushed over to help him. He sat up and rubbed his shoulder to try and soothe the pain stricken muscles. Matt knelt beside him and asked if he was alright.

"Yeah...I'm fine. My shoulder hurts like hell though," groaned Andrew. Matt helped him to his feet and walked him to the locker room.

"That's enough for you tonight," said Matt. "What happened?" Andrew's face flushed again and Matt noticed. Matt grinned. "Was it that bad?" Andrew thought desperately for an explanation.

"A fly was bothering me and I lost my grip." He felt like smacking himself. Only a moron would fall for that lame excuse, but Matt just kept grinning. Matt sat Andrew on the bench and went over to his locker.

"Get undressed," ordered Matt. Andrew's face glowed a bright red.

"W-what?," stammered Andrew. "Why do I need to undress?" Matt took a small bottle out of his locker and tossed it to Andrew. "What's this for?"

"You take a shower and use it like it's a body wash. It helps soothe aching muscles. I carry it with me in case I injure myself. Aren't you lucky? Now off with your clothes." Andrew was hesitant, but he did as he was instructed. Matt smiled softly. "You're a little skinny but your shaping up nicely." Andrew only nodded. His face was still lit and he didn't want Matt to notice. Matt walked over, got two towels, and told Andrew to go turn on two of the showers. Andrew was slightly confused.

"Why two showers? And why did you get two towels?" Andrew already knew but he still wanted to ask. Matt kicked off his shoes and pulled off his shorts, leaving on only a black jockstrap.

"I'm going to give you a hand. I doubt you want to move that shoulder much. Besides, I need one. I didn't get a chance to take one earlier."

Andrew's face grew brighter. Both from the site of Matt and the thought of showering together. He rushed into the shower and turned on the two farthest shower heads. He yelped as he was struck by the cold water. He waited till it warmed up and moved back under. The water was somehow relaxing and helped calm him. It wasn't until he heard Matt calling to him did he return to his sense of awareness.

Andrew looked behind him and saw the otter with a towel wrapped around his waist and the other in his paw. He put both towels over a bar and walked under the shower Andrew had turned on for him. Andrew felt himself warming up again but not because of the water. Matt squirted the bottle in his paw's and gently massaged his co-workers neck and shoulders.

"See I told you I had a gentle touch," joked Matt.

Andrew enjoyed it immensely. The gentle touch of the otter made him melt inside and in turn, aroused him. Then he felt Matt's paws quickly pull away. Andrew feared that Matt noticed and lowered his head in shame. He bit his lower lip and struggled to hold back a tear.

"I think I should go now," said Andrew. He took no more then two steps when he felt Matt grab his good arm.

"You don't have to leave. It's okay. Really," said Matt. He turned the dog around and pulled him close to his body. Andrew's tail started wagging a bit. A sign he was happy with this turn around.

Matt held him for a good while. "I thought you were kind of cute." Andrew looked up and there it was. That smile. The one Matt always gave, but there was something different about it this time.

"I-I thought y-you were t-too," said Andrew, trying to find his words. Matt's smile grew. Andrew could still feel his cheeks were warm.

"Awww. What a cute blush you got there," said Matt. "If your blushing from this I wonder how much you'll blush if I did this." He brought Andrew's chin up and locked his lips with the canine's. Andrew's eyes widened. His tail fluffed out, although it was still pretty damp. He couldn't help but murr. A habit every canine shared.

Matt broke the kiss and pulled them back under the showers. "So would you like me to finish up?"

"I-if you want."

"Still that nervous around me?" chuckled Matt. "I'd be lying if I said it wasn't cute." He got the bottle again and applied the contents to the canine's back.

"Umm...thanks for the compliment, but I'm really not." Andrew leaned back into the massage subconsciously and felt his arousal returning.

"Would you mind turning around so I can get the front?" Andrew did as he was asked. Although he wasn't that much nervous, he was still wearing that shade of red that was glued on his face. "You do blush an awful lot. Does this always happen with you?"

"Yeah. It kind of does. Either when I'm embarrassed, nervous, or...well....excited."

"Really? So which are you feeling now?" asked Matt as me rubbed the lab's chest.

"A l-little of all t-three..." Andrew tried to cover his face with his paws but Matt pushed them away.

"There's no reason to hide it. It makes you look even cuter." Matt smiled.

Andrew smiled back and thanked him. He walked back to his shower and raised the temperature and went to finish cleaning himself. He tried to fix his tail but was bumped into from behind. "W-what is it Matt?" he asked without turning around.

Matt smiled and hugged him again. "I was hoping you'd let me shower with you. After all," he reached down and pulled softly at Andrew's sheath. "I wasn't done yet."

Andrew's ears shot up. "Matt..." His tail slipped from his paws and his face grew brighter than ever.

"It seems like you enjoyed that treatment." He gripped his sheath and pulled it down a little to show the lab's tip, causing him to whimper. He squeezed the tip a few times, each producing another moan from the canine.

Matt thought to himself as he played with his co-worker. He's cute and this is more fun than I thought, but something's a bit off. Than it hit him. "Hey Andrew. You're a virgin aren't you?" He moved his paw down and fondled the dark furred orbs.

Andrew was finding it hard to think straight. His mind was clouded and getting more hazy, but he still managed to answer. "Y-yes. I am." His knees were shaking a bit. He looked down at the red flesh pushing out from his sheath and Matt's large paw fondling his sac. The falling water drizzling the exposed flesh added to his pleasure.

Matt smiled from the enjoyment the lab was receiving and from the idea of being the pup's first time. He whispered into the dog's ear and asked, "Mind if I show you some of my other talents?"

At this point, Andrew had given in to the otter. "S-sure."

Matt asked Andrew to stand with his back against the wall. The pup's blush was just about gone but Matt kept his eye's on other things. Once he was where he was told to be, Matt came up to him and kissed him again. This time, Andrew kissed back.

As they kissed, Matt thought about what he should do. It's his first time and I don't want to go to far. He broke the kiss and knelt down and began to stroke the canine's sheath, lightly brushing against the tip. Andrew moaned each time his tip was touched.

This kid is really enjoying it. "So tell me. If you're a virgin, what do you do when you get that urge?" Matt thought if he could hold a conversation, the lab would be able to stay sober and learn more about him as well.

Andrew leaned more against the wall. Trying to keep himself up and listening to Matt but was having difficulties. "I-I paw off at some pics on my lap top...and some stories."

Matt kept a steady pace on Andrews' sheath, feeling it grow inside but not coming out of it's hiding place. He pulled on it softly and couldn't believe it. His sheath seemed to stretch more than normal. So that explains it! "That sounds exciting. Tell me more." Matt pulled down his sheath more and got his fingers coated in the canine's pre. Looks like he had been aroused for a good while and the water was washing away most of it.

Andrew moaned again and more pre drizzled down his sheath onto Matt's paw. Matt pawed him a bit faster, feeling more pre slick his paw and coat the underside. He's got a pretty good flow. "So when was the last time you pawed off?"

Andrew's mind was completely taken over but he still managed to answer. "A-about two weeks ago." He groaned and lost control of his body as his instincts began to take over and he pushed into Matt's paw. He reached down and played with his tip, bringing some of his pre up to his muzzle and licking it up.

Matt was amazed to see how much was being released and he didn't want to wait much longer. Soon, pre was starting to leak from his own sheath and he rubbed the bulge inside. He looked up at the dog and saw his eyes were glazed over. He grinned and took a long lick along the canine's throbbing member. Andrew moaned louder.

"You taste yummy." Matt teased him more by taking longer licks.

Andrew couldn't take the torture and his wolf instincts raised to the surface. He grabbed onto Matt's head, surprising him emensely, and forced his length into his muzzle, nearly choking him.

Matt looked up in shock at Andrew and saw a somewhat predatory grin, but he liked this turn around. He smiled with his eyes and let the dog have his way.

Andrew pushed Matt's head and began to buck wildly into the warm muzzle, enjoying the new sensation, growling in a low tone.

Matt laughed in his head at the dog's inexperience. To help him out, he cupped the dog's ass and steadied him. He sucked him off in time to his thrusts and found himself enjoying it more.

Water continued to fall on them. Running down the canine's chest and the otter's head and back.

Matt sensed that the dog was approaching his end by the heavy breathing he heard and decided to make it a good one for him. He tightened his grip on Andrew's ass and pulled him all the way into his maw and down his throat, feeling the knot pass his lips.

Andrew was sent over the edge and he shot his load with a loud howl, sounding of his mixed heritage.

Matt was surprised to see how quickly his muzzle was filled and had to take the dog out. Some cum landing on the top of his head and face fur.

There were strings of cum connecting the dog's tip to Matt's muzzle. Matt grinned and stood up, holding Andrew's cock in his paw. "Now I want you to cover my sheath." He aimed the dog's cock at his own sheath and pawed him off hard, squeezing the knot each time.

Andrew moaned loud, nearly losing his balance as he shot more, drenching Matt's sheath. Matt grinned, still some cum covering his muzzle and let go of Andrew, who fell to his knees and started pawing himself, completely enslaved to his lust.

Matt mirrored Andrew's pawing, using the pup's cum to slick himself up. "You sure surprised me there Andy. I didn't take you for a alpha type or think you'd shoot that much. It takes a lot to fill me like you did. You owe me a hell of a blowjob after that."

Andrew was lost in his state of pleasure. Pawing his sensitive flesh, his flow coming to a stop. "Hmmm? Blowjob? A-alright." He sat up on his knees and licked at Matt's sac before taking it into his maw. Tasting some of Matt's pre mixed in with his own seed.

Matt gasped out. He had meant it as a joke. "Andy..." Matt took his paw off his sheath and placed them up against the wall.

Andrew drooled over the sac before letting it slip from his maw. He licked up and down Matt's crotch. From the sheath's slit, to the edge of his balls.

Matt moaned softly and pushed against the dog's muzzle, spilling some pre onto the top of his muzzle. Matt's scent stirred him up again. He took more licks at the brown furred sheath, cleaning off more of his own seed. Matt's tip was soon visible and Andrew wasted no time getting to it. He wrapped his lips around it and tried to mimic what Matt had done.

Matt moaned loud and pet Andrew's head and played with his ears. "Your doing a great job," he was panting as he spoke. "...for a beginner."

Andrew sucked harder as more of the otter's length sprouted. He did his best to take in more and soon felt the tip hit the back of his throat.

"This feels so good," said Matt and shot a few globs of pre into his muzzle.

The taste stimulated Andrew more and he forced himself to take the rest in and ignored his gag reflex and deep throated for the first time. Matt looked down in surprise. Andrew rested there, his face red, trying to adjust to it's size. He growled in his throat and sent vibrations through the otter's cock and caused him to moan loud enough to echo off the walls.

Matt couldn't wait any longer. He held Andrew against his groin and started to pull out of his maw and shove his entire length back in, barely giving him any time to recover. He grunted and thrust harder.

Andrew couldn't believe how things turned out. Matt had felt the same way about him as felt for Matt. He closed his eyes and gave himself to the otter he loved.


The canine's ear's twitched a little. He opened his eyes and saw Daniel standing in front of him. He lifted his head off the table and yawned. "Damn it Daniel! I was having such a nice dream." It's true that it was a nice dream but he also felt sad. Something like that could never happen between us.

"Shush," said Daniel, keeping his voice low. "Come out here with me." They walked into the hall where they could talk normally. "I woke you up so you wouldn't be late for work at the gym."

"Oh crap!"

Lion's Karma

And here is chapter 2. Blah blah blah enjoy. Chapter 2 Later that day, (at school that is) things seemed to go astray. When the group arrived at school, Ned began his enrollment. He had the same core classes as Joey and Andrew,...

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A New Year

This is my first story and I hope you all like. Also, I want to say that a lot of this is because of my friend Kegladar. Thanks for helping when I was stuck and editing. ^^ Blah blah blah enjoy ^^ Chapter One Journal...

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Chpater 1

Chapter 1 Journal Entry Log: September 8, 2007 Another summer gone and it's back to college. I can't wait to see everyone again. I wonder how much they changed. I'm glad I have this picture of us or I probably won't recognize them when...

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