Vs. Arcanine and Charizard!

Story by Jette on SoFurry

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"And where do you think you're going?"

Charizard's gruff voice stole Fox's attention just as he managed his first step. He crossed his arms looking to Fox with a snide smirk while Arcanine sat next to him, sharing his expression.

"Anywhere..." Fox retched slightly wiping his mouth for the billionth time as he took a step away from the fiery duo. "but here..."

He still couldn't remember how he found himself...wherever he was, whose voice he heard, or why he'd actually agreed to suck a cock, but none of that was important. The only real important thing was being able to get away before Tyranitar would come back and demand more.

"Nope." Fox shook his head as he stood up tall, his mind still groggy and his face covered in cold cum. "I'm NOT letting THAT happen again..."

Charizard and Arcanine looked to each other before bursting into laughter, looking back to Fox as they took turns rolling their eyes. The two fire-types looked to each other somewhat expectantly, but Charizard was the first to move, holding his claws out in a polite manner. Arcanine chuckled before he lowered his head to the ground and raised his fluffy tail high into the air like a predator on the prowl. It wasn't long afterward that--


Arcanine pounced, slamming Fox into the ground, cleverly pressing one of his hind paws on Fox's shirt sleeve and a leg of his pants all at once. He stood over Fox with another foot far in front of Fox's head, another foot on Fox's other shirt sleeve, and his massive erection just above Fox's head, balls of precum forming at its tip.

"G-Get off of me...!" Fox blurted out as Charizard made his way to Arcanine's side. He tried to kick his legs, he struggled as hard as he could but to no avail. "D-Damn i--"

Before Fox could finish Charizard moved his tail in front of Fox's face. It didn't take a single word, but Fox understood the silent threat perfectly. He stopped his struggles.

"Heh..." Arcanine's cock drooled precum on the side of Fox's face. "That's more like it..."

D-Damn it...damn it...damn it...! It's about to happen again...and there's not a damn thing I can--

Arcanine's warm precum pooled on Fox's cheek and ran into his mouth, easily forcing him to spit out as much as he could despite the continuous flow. Once his senses had been fully tainted with the powerful, bitter taste of another powerful pokemon his mind flowed back to reality where Arcanine and Charizard were arguing above him. From the sounds of it, they were deciding whose cock he was going to suck first.


Fox retched at the thought, quickly catching the two pokemon's attention. Charizard looked to him, stroking his member, then he looked up to Arcanine. Moments later, Arcanine looked to Fox with a curious expression before looking up to Charizard with a smirk.

"We'll let him decide." Arcanine decided proudly, moving away from Fox to sit next to Charizard, spreading his front legs to give Fox a full view what he was in for, one way or another.

"Heh, sounds good..." Charizard agreed, looking to Fox with a continued smirk as he finally released his cock.

The moment Fox picked himself up from the ground he found himself face-to-face with not one cock, but two. He gulped hard to himself before coughing a few times, looking up to both Charizard and Arcanine with a reluctant expression. He hoped, he prayed they wouldn't ask him what he thought they would.

"Alright, Fox..." Arcanine spoke his name almost in a disbelieving manner. "We're going to let you pick which one you want to suck first...but choose wisely..."

Arcanine looked down to Fox with a demeaning stare, nearly forcing Fox to turn away. With the next moment, Fox turned back to look to Charizard's and Arcanine's cocks. If there was ever a place he thought he'd never be...it was in front of two thirsty pokemon, deciding on a cock he'd prefer to have in his mouth.

"B-blugh..." Fox retched to himself before looking back to each fleshy member, barely managing to take in their details without throwing up.

Charizard's cock was longer than Arcanine's, but not nearly as long as Tyranitar's. It looked rather plain, a few ridges on the bottom and bumps on the side just behind a rather average-looking, tapered head.

"Hurry up!" Arcanine snapped, drawing Fox's attention, meeting his scared eyes with a scowl. Even if he couldn't understand pokemon, he could clearly tell what Arcanine's stare meant. Pick him and I'll make you regret it.

Fox gulped hard once more before shifting his head to Arcanine's member. While shorter than Charizard, he seemed to compensate with thickness and a well-defined knot at the base of his member. Much like Charizard, he looked rather plain, but the LAST thing Fox wanted as for a knot to inflate in his mouth, that and for his nose to be filled with--Fox shuddered--pubic fur.

Just as Fox turned back to Charizard's cock, Arcanine released a vicious flamethrower just beside Fox, nearly singing his clothes and forcing him to fall over onto his side.

"Ack...!" Fox yelped as he slammed against the ground holding his arm as though he'd actually been burned.

"Well!?" Arcanine roared, lowering himself to the ground in preparation to pounce again, but Fox slowly sat up and looked away. It was almost apparent through sight, but he was about to hate himself for speaking almost as much as he'd hate himself for following through.

"A-alright..." Fox looked back up, falling to his hands and knees. Once more he was out of options, it didn't take another hyper beam to prove that...

For a long time Fox was silent, defeated and it didn't take long after that for Arcanine to realize that he'd won. He looked to Charizard with a hefty smirk before proudly marching forward, a single flame was more than enough.

Fox knew what was happening and what was coming, but he found his body and mind powerless to stop anything as Arcanine shoved his cock against the side of his face. A slight whimper was only second nature to him as he took a deep whiff of Arcanine's thick fur surrounding his member.

"So...?" Arcanine grinned as he forced Fox backward with another firm step forward, ensuring everr breath Fox would take would be in the midst of his moist crotch fur. "What are you waiting for?"

Hearing Arcanine talk down to Fox, Charizard couldn't help but roll his eyes and quietly huff in detest. He had his eyes set on Fox's mouth, but there was always a second prize. Perhaps it wasn't as warm or as wet as his mouth or that small, soft tongue of his, but his ass would suffice. As Fox garbled a response into Arcanine's cock, Charizard crept to Fox's rear and rubbed his hands together.

He'd always wanted to take a human from behind, drop their pants and watch them squirm as he overloaded whatever hole he'd be taking with his sticky, sweet seed. The sight of a perfect creampie was truly something to behold.

Fox stalled as long as he could, but it didn't take much time for Arcanine to grow weary of Fox's play, as amusing as it was.

"You must really enjoy it down there, don't you?" Arcanine took another two steps forward, forcing Fox to arch his back. He sat down moments later, giving Fox a full view of what would be serving him his next goopy meal. "By all means...go ahead...I won't stop you..."

Fox couldn't help but cringe at the second full sight of Arcanine's cock. His mouth was filled with the taste of Arcanine's sweaty groin and his nose was hopelessly filled with the scent. His predicament only ensured that it would be there would be a long time to come.

"Well!?" Arcanine partially growled before raising a paw and firmly grabbing the back of Fox's head. "I said go ahead!"

The next thing Fox knew he was back in Arcanine's pubic fur, his mouth filled with cock once more. He tried to pull his head back, but Arcanine only pushed down harder, quickly triggering a gag. With that, Arcanine eased up only long enough for Fox to get a quick breath, then down Fox went once more, being forced to choke down cock without a moment's break.

"Ulgh...!" Fox mumbled on Arcanine's cock, drool escaping the spaces between the sides of his mouth and Arcanine's fleshy member as he was quickly forced up and down, sucking dick without a single choice in the matter. It wasn't bad enough that he couldn't breathe, but the taste of Arcanine's dick was something horrifying, bitter and salty. He detested the taste almost as much as being forced down into a soggy patch of fur just around Arcanine's member, saturated with the continued, messy flow of saliva.

Arcanine wanted to speak, but it wasn't hard for him to understand why Charizard wanted the first blowjob; he was already near his peak. Meanwhile, with Fox being forced to suck a cock, Charizard took a moment to lean forward and gently take hold of Fox's pants. Fox's body tensed up and mildly trembled, but the sounds of messy slurping continued; he wouldn't be leaving Arcanine's grip for a long while.

Charizard reached around Fox's body, giving him a slow grope and running over his waist with his claws. It was truly a moment to savor, but his throbbing member couldn't wait forever. He managed to unbutton Fox's pants in record time, then he pulled up Fox's shirt and took hold of Fox's pants for the second time.

Fox managed a whimper behind a few gags as his pants flumped around his knees, giving Charizard the perfect view of his toned ass and his ballsack being forced to gently sway back and forth. Charizard only chuckled before leaning over Fox, prodding his asshole as he breathed his hot breath on the back of Fox's neck.

"Don't worry...I'll go in nice and slow..."

A slight chill ran through Fox's body, then a slight sting. He was still a little groggy, dizzy, and even more, but he could still feel it. He could feel his body being entered, his asshole and mouth had become nothing more than doorways to pleasure.

"Unnf...!" Charizard groanted as he pushed himself forward, desperately pushing into Fox's pucker. He clenched Fox's hips tight and took a firm step forward, using his whole body to spread Fox's legs. "Nnf! So...damn tight...!"

"A-Augh..." Fox whimpered as Arcanine started to throb hard in his mouth. He could feel it, it wasn't long before he'd be taking a hot, sticky-- ugh... --load to the throat.

Fox retched, but Arcanine didn't seem to mind much, he actually seemed to become more forceful, raising his other paw and forcing Fox to suck him off even faster than before. Meanwhile, Charizard was slowly and surely making his way into Fox's ass with just as many grunts as Fox's whimpers. Arcanine's cock had done a great deal in distracting Fox from the pain, but a million cocks wouldn't distract him from what was coming next.


Charizard had spent the last few minutes making his way into Fox, but he was finally starting to move back and forward, gently thrusting into Fox's rear with his tongue hanging out of his mouth. The next sound didn't come from Charizard, but from Fox's again, and it seemed to surprise them both.


A moan? Charizard grinned as he picked up speed, challenging Fox to make another as he slurped his tongue back into his mouth, speckling Fox's lower back with saliva. "So, you like this, do ya!?"

Fox couldn't have wanted anything more than to deny Charizard's words, but they had some truth to them. He couldn't remember when or where before, but he'd felt it before...the entwined pain and pleasure of being taken from behind. It made his body ache all over, almost insisting that he beg for more with each and every thrust.

"D-Damn it, Fox...!" Charizard grunted as he tried to hold back his release, but he could feel it coming, and so could Fox.

Suddenly, Arcanine growled out with a yelp as he forced Fox's head all the way down, spouting his seed directly into Fox's throat like a water gun. The moment Arcanine's thick, bitter, salty seed touched the back of his throat, Fox sputtered and muffled a roar in detest. Even so, despite his struggles, Arcanine continued to cum, letting his tongue roll out of his mouth.

Just as Arcanine started to finish up, Charizard took his turn, rumbling the ground and Fox's body with a heavy roar as he came deep inside Fox, still thrusting his hips much faster and more ferociously than before.

"G-Ack!" Fox sputtered as he managed to pull himself off of Arcanine's cock only to spew goopy white onto the ground in coughs, whimpers, and quiet moans. He could feel himself filling up with warm, heavy white. "Gu-Ah! A-Ack!"

Charizard continued to growl; he clenched his teeth and clenched Fox's hips tighter, lightly sinking his claws into Fox's body.

"G-Gah! S-Stop! It hurts...! It h-" Before Fox could finish, he felt a wave of pleasure wash over his entire body. He cursed himself for a moment before whimpering loud and pressing his forehead in the lush grass, soaking in Arcanine's puddle of white.

In a loud moan, Fox spattered the ground under him with a few powerful pumps of his watery, white seed, the strange sensation coursing through his body long after he was finished. Only moments later Charizard finished with the group's final roar, taking hold of his cock and slowly sliding it out of Fox's ass as he took a step back. He quietly huffed and puffed to himself as Fox let his upper body completely sink to the ground, too tired to move out of Arcanine's cumpool. For a while, Charizard started to think that giving Arcanine the first shot at Fox's mouth was all for naught, suddenly, there it was.

Fox groaned with a powerful whimper, his entire body trembling as Charizard's liquid domination seeped from his asshole in a perfectly shaped ball of sticky white. It rolled down onto his ballsack and left a trail down Fox's limp shaft until it dripped off his head and splashed into his own small pool of cum drop by drop.

"Ahh..." Charizard sighed, then he gave Fox's ass a light slap, allowing him to fully fall forward, his body aching and his lungs craving fresh of air. "Not bad...I'm almost glad that I ran into Tyranitar when I did."

Arcanine chuckled to himself before raising a paw and gently placing it on Fox's back, pinning him to the ground at the first sign of him getting up. "I agree. When Zoroark said that I was in for a fun time I was a little skeptical, but I didn't think it'd be anything like this."

Fox coughed and groaned as he tried to force himself up under the strength of Arcanine's paw. "Y-yeah...I'm glad that someone had fun here." Fox pressed a hand to his mouth as he retched before relaxing on the ground, almost accepting the fate that he probably wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. "As long as you've had it...can I go now? I have to go throw up somewhere..."

Both Arcanine and Charizard looked to each other for a moment, then down to Fox, then back to each other before bursting into laughter.

"Let you go? But that was only a warm-up..." Arcanine forcefully rolled Fox onto his back and pinned him to the ground with a paw on his chest. Just as he finished speaking, Charizard stepped forward, straddling Fox with a devious grin.

"That's right...now the real fun begins..."

Fox's Journey -Prologue

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