The Captain's Nephew - Chapter 1

Story by isthisagoodname on SoFurry

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#1 of The Captain's Nephew

I recall it was a fairly calm evening on the ship, the sky a deep red, the sun setting in the west. Boredom called me up to the deck.

I'd been on the ship for awhile, exactly how long I can't recall, many of the shipmates had been with me there for around the same length of time which I'm sure they couldn't recall either. They were restless, waiting for land to be seen on the horizon, let alone meet the bow.

I looked around on the ship, seeing some shipmates doing ANYTHING to kill time, some playfully fighting each other barehanded, others with their swords. Some just tried to lie down and nap, quietly hoping the more mischievous ones don't do anything to them.

There was one other shipmate on board, standing out from the rest, leaning on the ship's balcony, just blankly staring into the horizon, at the sunset.

He was the Captain's nephew, I had heard from a friend on board a few months before that day. A panda, very quiet, apparently mute. I'd not heard him utter one syllable since the ship set sail, actually. He was fairly young, maybe in his early twenties, around the same age as me. It appeared he had trouble getting along with the others on the ship. It was hard for me to understand why.

All he wore was a simple pair of breeches and boots. He had long, wavy brown hair, sometimes tied back on the windier days, probably as to not get in his face. He had been seen wearing a shirt before, a striped one with short sleeves, it was unknown to me why he hadn't worn it recently.

Of course, many others wore the same exact attire he did, but he was...different. His body was not like theirs, well toned, with strong muscles.

Instead, seen from the back, the middle of his body had a slight hourglass shape, more prevalent whenever he sat down. The top half was covered in black fur, while the bottom was white. The white section, seen from the front, was his big belly, and a navel that went far into it. The black section, also seen from the front, were, maybe embarrassingly, a pair of breasts. Though, not round like a woman's, but rather, they were a bit more angular, with bright pink nipples at their edges that were also kind of big. One could not help but stare as they slightly bounced whenever he walked, or sat down. He was never seen running, probably to save himself from laughter of many of the-

"Hey, panda! Maybe instead of just staring off the ship, you could try losing some weight for a change!"

...meaner shipmates. At that point it became clear to me why he didn't get along so well with them. He looked in their general direction for a minute, then looked back outward, not saying a word.

He towered over me and a few of the others, as he was also fairly tall as well as he was chubby. Being a raccoon, I've also got a bit of a gut, yet I'd been apparently immune from the same attacks on the Captain's nephew.

I walked up to the panda, and joined him in looking out at the horizon. My peripheral vision caught him glancing at me, so I turned my head to him, and gave a light smile, and looked back at the sunset.

"Nice view, huh?" I said quiet enough for only him to hear, hoping I could hear him speak. All he did was slightly nod his head.

"Of course, we've been seeing this same exact view for God knows how long."

He looked at me again, with a blank expression, which quickly turned into a slight smile. I smiled back, actually enjoying his silence.

"Heh, a smile. I don't think I've ever seen you with one on your face before."

The smile grew into a smirk, and he looked back at the sunset.

From the distance, we heard a similar voice as five minutes earlier, now booming "Hey look, guys! The coon's joined the fatass panda! They make such a great fag couple. I wonder who takes it in the arse!" along with some laughter from other shipmates.

The panda and I looked back at them, and then back at the sunset. The smile quickly left the panda's face after hearing another put down by his brawnier mates.

"Bastards. Wanna head back down? Any place is better than here right now," I said. He looked back at me and nodded. Then, he unexpectedly took my arm and went down the ladder to the lower level. I struggled to follow as he took me into his room on the ship.

The room wasn't very big, and was rather plain. There was a bed barely big enough to accomodate him, and a small desk by it with a candle which he lit as we entered. Next to the candle were a stack of sheets of parchment, a quill, and an ink well. Near the corner of the room was a stool which I decided to sit down on.

He sat down on his bed, looking a little hurt.

"You alright?" I asked. He looked at me and shook his head while frowning. He grabbed a sheet of parchment and the quill, which he dunked into the well and wrote onto the parchment. If he can't speak, maybe he might be literate, I thought. He raised the parchment up to my face.

He had the penmanship of a young child, though it was legible enough. He wrote with his left hand, and the adjacent breast slightly jiggled as he moved his quill. I tried to hide the smile I got from that when he raised the parchment.

"It's been a long time since anyone has talked to me nicely. You've been the only one to not poke fun at my weight. Even my uncle has made a shot or two at one point."

He saw the expression on my face quickly change to one of concern.

"That's terrible....but, why can't you speak?"

He turned the parchment around. He then put the paper back on his lap and wrote some more. A minute or two later and he raised it again.

"I....don't know. I never was able to. I stayed inside a lot, and my uncle forced me to come out on this ship with him so I could get more fresh air and exercise. My inability to talk is the reason I'm here."

I stayed silent for a minute, not knowing what to say. He then sat up, and moved down on his bed, patting the area next to him, beckoning me to sit with him. I got up, and sat down on the area he previously rested his rear on, which was still warm from it.

Again, he got another sheet of parchment and started writing on it. He wrote for a good while, shielding it from my view with his right arm. When he was done, he set it on my lap for me to pick up and read.

"I'm glad you decided to talk to me, I've been very lonely, I can't enjoy my uncle's company. Everyone including him is mean to me about my body, but I like it this way, and I'm not going to change it just for them. Do you like yours?"

I looked up at him when I finished.

"Well, I did think I could've stood to lose some weight, but in the friendly company of yours, I think it's just fine."

The panda sitting next to me smiled again. This was short-lived however, the expression on his face changed to a grave one. He took the paper from my hands and started to write on the other side, again shielding it from my view. A minute later he handed it back to me.

"The guys were right though.....I am a fag...and, I like you."

I looked at his face, and he started to blush a bit.

I didn't know what to say again. I was infatuated by this guy, but any homosexual activity that occured on board the ship was punishable, and I was always told by my parents that fags were disgusting people who'd burn in Hell for eternity.

But...why? They seemed no different from others, save the fact that they enjoy sexual activities with the same gender. Why're they disgusting?

As I thought about this, I was unaware that he wrote again, and handed me another sheet.

"Do you hate me, now? I'm sorry for bringing that up, but I feel I have to be honest about such a thing."

Why should I have hated him? He was such a friendly guy, quiet, always did what he was told by his uncle. I finally spoke again.

"No, I don't hate you. To be honest I always thought you were a nice guy, I don't care if you like other guys." I chuckled, and smiled at him.

His grave expression turned into one of relief, and he grabbed me and pressed me against his chest in an embrace.

I then heard the sound of sniffling. I looked up at his face, and saw him smiling, with tears starting to stream from his eyes. Feeling a little bad for this lonely guy, I freed my arms and put them around him.

His back was soft to the touch. It was...warm, and smooth...and...intoxicating. Not to mention the fact that my face was buried deep within the area where his breasts met his belly.

His body was like a huge plush toy children like to carry around.

I enjoyed this embrace. Very much.

A little later, I bid him adieu for the night, and I left his room to go into mine. As I laid on my bed, I thought about the embrace.

I enjoyed it....but did I enjoy it more than I should have? Was I too a fag? Would I burn in Hell like my parents once said?

...Well...Whatever the consequences, the panda made for an enjoyable evening, and I wanted to be with him more often.

I woke up to an overcast sky out my window. It looked pretty windy out, according to the waves the ocean was creating. I put on my jacket, breeches and boots and went to go up to the deck.

The panda was there, like I'd assumed. He wore the breeches like he did the day before, though this day, his hair was tied back, to prevent the wind from getting it in his face, no doubt. His chores were finished early (he was always good at finishing them before lunch, that and his uncle gave him less work to do than the other shipmates), so he looked out at the horizon again, waiting for lunch to come. He did not look too happy.

I went over to him again. "Hello again, panda. You alright today?"

He shook his head, and his lips were quivering. He started to cry again.

"What's wrong?"

The panda pointed over at the other shipmates, still doing their chores, yet in between work they threw insults, this time about his homosexuality. They seemed to hurt him much more than the cheap shots about his body.


"Hey, if you want us to stop, TELL US! Oh, wait. YOU CAN'T! Because YOU CAN'T TALK!"


This set me to my boiling point. I walked up to them.

"What the fuck are you guys doing?"

One shipmate replied.

"What's it to you, coon? We're trying to get the fat panda to talk."

"May I remind you that I'm your superior, and that HE has the Captain's duties while he's sick?"

Many of the shipmates stopped laughing after they heard that, and immediately went back to work as if nothing ever happened. One guy still had the gall to continue on.

"Doesn't matter if he DOES have his duties, he can't give orders if he can't speak."

I turned around to see that the panda looked on, still sniffling, yet with a look of realization on his face. He forgot that his uncle had been sick with the flu for over a week.

"That doesn't mean he's a baby, he's a grown man."

"Yeah, you could say he's grown alright."

I turned again to see now that the panda was getting pissed too. He started walking, and passed me, and was easily able to pick up the shipmate who blurted that last comment by his shirt. The shipmate definitely lost the smug look on his face as he was lifted off the deck floor. I came up next to the panda.

"Would you like to be thrown overboard? The way you're talking, it really looks like you've been wanting to for awhile."


"Do ALL of you have anything to say to your shipmate and temporary Captain?"

A pithy "sorry" came out of many of the shipmates' mouths in unison.

The panda smiled, and set down the shipmate he was holding by the shirt.

He then grabbed my arm and took me through the deck back to the ladder. He was doing this fast enough for his body to wobble as he ran. The insincere shipmates saw this and started laughing. The panda stopped short, turned around, and gave a menacing look at them.

Again, their laughter stopped abruptly as they stared back. The panda then yelled a loud, unintelligible roar that everyone definitely understood to be "GET BACK TO WORK". He then took me back down to his room.

As he closed the door to his room, he started onto me, and hugged me, like the other day. I was happy to hug back again.

"I don't think they'll be much of a problem for you anymore."

The panda nodded as he let me go from the hug. I went to go sit down at the stool in the corner of his room, like the other day.

When I looked back at him, I jumped back a bit, as while I was not looking he had removed his breeches and boots and was standing completely naked.

The panda must've seen the look of shock on my face, because the look of lust on his turned into one of immediate regret. He went over to his parchment and started writing again. He showed me it.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me. Seeing you up there made me want you."

He then started to cover his exposed penis in embarrassment. It wasn't very big, it sat on top of his white-furred scrotum in its flaccid state, the pink tip's opening glaring at me before his black-furred hand hid it from my view.

"It's fine, I'm's hard to explain. I like you a lot, and I enjoyed our time yesterday. I'm not...sure, though. I don't want to get in trouble..."

The naked panda looked relieved. He wrote on the other side of the paper, and flipped it over for me.

"Trouble? No. I'm the Captain for now, remember?"

He grinned at me, uncovering himself with his hand. I couldn't help but grin back, showing interest in him.

He went into a drawer, and took out a familiar item, the striped short-sleeved shirt he wore awhile ago. He put it on, walked to his bed and lied down on it, not caring to put on another stitch.

"I've not seen you wearing that in awhile. Why not?"

He grabbed another sheet and quickly wrote on it, and turned it around to show me.

"Too hot for it."

"Well, I guess it's been getting warmer recently...I liked seeing you up there without it anyway."

I couldn't help but stare at his cock. It took me awhile to notice the erection I was getting. He probably saw it before I did, because he started to get one, too.

I chuckled, and the grin on his face grew. Not being able to hold anything back anymore, I had hopped into his bed, facing his cock. I grabbed it with my hand, and started playing with it like an amused little boy.

He seemed to be just as curious, as when I started playing with his member, he removed my breeches and started to play with mine. I heard the sound of snickering coming from his mouth as he gripped it.

I noticed his cock got much bigger when it was erect. It was a good few inches longer, and pretty thick. I couldn't dwell on that thought much, though, as he stuffed my cock into his muzzle and started to go to town on it.

His tongue felt amazing on it. He started thrusting his cock into my face, beckoning me to follow suit. Seeing it'd only be fair, I put it in. It was very smooth in my muzzle, my tongue soaking up the sweet pre that was leaking out of its tip.

I lost myself there, enjoying what I was experiencing at that moment, two guy friends engaging in a forbidden act of love. Fuck what my parents had said. If it meant I was going to spend an eternity in Hell with the panda, so be it.

I was getting close to climaxing, the muscles in my private area tensing up tighter and tighter. Seeing his white-furred sack, I needed something to hold on to, so I grabbed it with my free hand, and played around with it, lightly squeezing it, feeling his balls inside it. At that same moment I felt his hand on one of my butt cheeks, caressing it like I was his sack. It appears I was doing something right, his hips started to buck, he seemed to be getting closer too. The pre became more frequent in my mouth. I savored it, enjoying its sweet taste.

My hand let go of the sack and explored some more. He had lifted his leg a bit, and I was able to move my head around slightly while still bobbing into him. I saw that where his legs started, so did black fur, his ass and area between his sack and anus were white. I moved one of his cheeks to find his hole, puckering, and pink, just like the tip of his penis and his nipples.

I could not hold it any longer. I let loose into the panda's muzzle, and he let every last drop of it go down. I got overwhelmed when he let loose in my mouth, the sweet taste became a bit saltier, though since he swallowed my love juice, I courteously swallowed his.

I moved a bit on his bed, now facing his face rather than his cock. I looked at him, and smiled. He smiled back.

We were content to just lay there for awhile. I then asked him:

"Hey, think you can remove your shirt?"

He said nothing, but removed his shirt and threw it over me onto the floor. I decided to follow suit and removed my jacket. I then hugged him, feeling more satisfied that our bare bellies squished against each other instead of with clothing on them.

He turned me around, and held me in his arms. His hand migrated down to my crotch, feeling my once-again flaccid penis.

"Heh heh heh. Hey!" I said.

He snickered again, and moved his hand back up to my chest.

The sound of the door knocking made us shoot straight up out of the bed.

"Lunch! Come get it before it's gone!" a voice through the door said.

"Well I'm glad they didn't open the door" I said, laughing. "You hungry?"

I looked at the panda, and he shook his head, with a big grin on his face.

The Captain's Nephew - Chapter 2

Any shipmate who opened the Captain's nephew's door to call him up for morning chores, lunch, or afternoon chores would find an empty room, save a small bed and stool in the corner. Since my cabin was fairly big, and, not to be smug, a bit more...

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